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luigi isn't a coward you are oh i'm sorry i'm not wearing the hat how are you supposed to recognize me without the stupid duck hat this everybody you might know him as luigi you also might know him as loogie you also might know him as luigi i know him that's a stab victim that's really messed up is that is that messed up i don't even know this channel you know i'm sorry i run a channel i know that there are kids that watch this channel i know that there are non-kids that watch this channel i know that there's probably elderly people that watch this channel i'm so sorry for your final moments if you're watching a failboat video but um don't play around with knives unless you're recording it on youtube for like thousands of views in that case you don't watch failboat for the safety tips pretty much um the lego company was like man people are buying lego mario that's a shocker uh we should just do uh that but a green luigi's happy she's happy he's a little too happy but it's luigi so i understand the joy this is how nintendo expects you to play with lego luigi nintendo will not expect how i play with lego luigi it's a little weird that they have like teletubby like tvs isn't it are you a blood relative of tinky winky where does the teletubbies stop and the mushroom kingdom begin like at what point do the teletubbies get together and make the mario brothers where is there luigi in here does luigi come in the set or do i just get his pants i think i found him [Music] oh i felt resistance how old am i supposed to know gotta check for him did i just break it oh my god i actually took off his arm i think nope nope nope i actually injured his hair a little bit does his arm just come off hopefully mushroom kingdom doesn't have any surgically trained doctors see you can see right here where the knife hit i runs in the blood the demonic entity i can see it within their eyes you can just tell that there's nothing bopping about in that head let's open him up and see what makes him kick the steps to making lego luigi include drilling a hole into his spine and putting on his pants incredible if they want me to stop stabbing these stupid lego parts just make them easier to open you know i'm only just realizing i think i'm an idiot why did i put out a green screen for the green character you know in my head i was like oh you know we could when i build with the funny little lego man i could like green screen them out so i can put them like haha it's in a different background or something but like that doesn't work because he's also green just might be an idiot that's not an ear put on his ear is that a coin well i can hear the sweet sounds of capitalism mario what i'm looking at when i see luigi is three things number one he can jump really high number two he's the bravest character in the mario universe luigi is out there on the front lines constantly fighting against the forces that he despises he just wants to relax mario gets like a castle mario gets like a galaxy what does luigi get he gets a house he gets a cursed house and you know what he makes the most of it and the third thing the third thing that separates luigi is his suction powers gonna clear the table it's gonna clear the table real quick just gonna gonna clean up this met he's gonna clean up this mess i probably should have sanitized that vacuum cleaner before i you know did that but yeah that would have been a smart thing to do lego luigi lego lego like like lagoon like weenie that's not funny anyway turn on please did i hit the button oh the battery the batteries oh god do i have batteries well first let's open them up real quick in order to take a peek you know these they use a phillips head screwdriver but they also say you should pay attention in your social studies class but that didn't happen now i don't know where new mexico is here we go good good good good that worked that way i think outside the box sometimes or just use a knife while thinking within the box i don't know if i just turn him on like this he just wakes up screaming i actually think i can i see little buttons in the back with which course it's the bottom one not so literally don't do this don't don't look at me i'm sorry you don't want to be awake for this i'm sorry luigi the anesthesia wore off see i heard what you guys said about the last video you're like filboa where's the night failboat you only use the knife like twice you know where why aren't you using it more well don't worry problem's been solved also no one said that i was the one who commented that on the last few videos don't worry that that was all me lego luigi i love the little spare these guys dude you heard me they're always looking at you from every angle it's so nice so actually creepy right now if i were to over light everything you can see he's looking in two directions right now he's looking at both cameras [Music] oh that's right isn't there like a mobile app with all this let's see don't move lego mario when boo is looking don't have any ghosts nearby start don't have any do i have any ghosts nearby i don't know don't moan what why did you moan is that like a dog barking when they sense a spirit like i don't have any ghosts nearby i don't know if i do luigi's just like oh they have like a little video thing defeat bone goomba all right how's this work that might be a little too advanced for me isn't there like a yoshi in this set too is it isn't he isn't he bopping around in here somewhere yo i think i found him i think i think i found like yoshi part a this is yoshi when he falls into water in mario's sunshine he just disintegrates into various parts is there any way i could just like insert a yoshi arm into his ear oh oh my god yo mario go mario how you doing you look so peaceful sleeping maybe i shouldn't disturb him and turn him on for the entertainment of thousands it's time to meet your brother mario oh god what's he gonna do to us wait wait can i put the cat thing on luigi omo stop moaning yeah what's up yo what don't don't look away don't look away you think you're some hot stuff you want to be like your brother you want to be like your brother huh yeah luigi ah oh that that's what i thought you know what for a long time i always saw sid as the villain of toy story and i just didn't realize i am sid oh no oh no oh no i did the worst thing that a lego builder could do i put on the stupid little thin piece onto something else i used the stupid like one by two and now that will never never come apart until the heat death of this universe all right mario let's operate what you don't you don't like this giant magnifying glass i picked up at the store oh oh wow what do i what do i see oh what do i see do i see a nerd i think i see a nerd through these oh yeah yikes yikes oh wait this is a mirror i feel like this does it like oh oh does it work it looks like one of those like like war dock moments where like someone wakes up from like being like flash bangs oh over here over here we found we found a survivor are you okay are you okay oh my god you survived why didn't we didn't think anyone anyone survived we didn't see anyone made it out of that alive oh what what happened no no no like nothing bad happened you just you just stubbed your toe on like a door and passed out from the pain i just wanted to laugh at you and you know make you feel bad anyway i don't know how i i don't know how to build yoshi but like what if i just you know didn't care what if and hear me out what if i wasn't smart i know improbable okay so here's our yoshi so far so i won't lie the lips i built wrong on purpose the rest ah that that was god's will i don't think this is yoshi well you never see you never seen yoshi before you're aware he carries a 9-volt battery backpack on the top of his scalp not not a tune to the yoshi lore new from the super mario line comes the upgraded yoshi figurine when you look at yoshi what do you think that's right you think he looks like yoshi and being yoshi is cool but it means you don't have a giant lips so we fixed that by taking out his nose and giving him giant lips but then we realized something really important he was too big in the rear and we had to fix the ballast issue somehow so we built two giant black cannons that will rest upon yoshi's head the mushrooms might be able to take a foot maybe even a fireball but can they take the hellfire of concentrated 40 millimeter bullets directly to the chest no no they could not thanks to this attachment lego yoshi will be able to decimate any and everyone who disagree with their cause so now swamp pants is a friend you know before we had swamp pants the wonderful creature that they are and now we have yoshi with two giant rail guns protruding at their skull tag yourself which are you the abomination against god or the abomination who will kill god oh this is actually beautiful dude i'm so glad i paid for this like how much i pay like 15 for this in a war tattered world where war tatters the world only two have the ability to kill yet there are three in the scenario because i counted wrong will my camera be able to focus on the stupid subject without me breaking it in half only time will tell all right i forgot boom boom exists we just i i'm sorry boom boom to be fair i just normally forget you exist that isn't even an issue of like the lego counterpart i just forget boom boom is like a thing you know what look look i have built mario i have built luigi both required like about five pieces and i've built yoshi on the instruction manual i think i can figure out how to make boom boom without looking up hey guys this is like a three long i mean i could just ah where did it go where actually did the piece go i like watched the piece fall it hit the floor and then it just went away oh no now he'll never be able to see how horrific he is what's the point boom boom sets his sight is a skewed sight on the enemy before him the industrial civilization he may only have ah he may only have one arm but the other arm has been equipped with a bunch of green lego bricks because i ran out of pieces for the other arm in various for i don't know why i ran out of pieces an arm grown out of grass so that he can touch it whenever he likes i swear they didn't give me all the pieces in this box and i promise i'm not inept oh he's the mad lad uh-huh and now he's mad and sad what are you gonna do about it ah god wait everything i touch falls hey there lego lego luigi it's been a while since i messed with you after messing with everything else you okay you're running you're running low on bet should i turn you off for a minute he just sounds sad bye bye i'll miss being awake and in the end i'm the real coward because i still can't scare these things in the eyes
Channel: Failboat
Views: 421,148
Rating: 4.9464273 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Lego Luigi, Lego Mario, new, LEGO, Luigi, Mario, lego mario 2021
Id: m5r1nfK8rj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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