NEVER Rely on NINE LIVES!!! - The Binding Of Random Streak

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welcome back bd1p fan to the random streak today is going to be tainted characters win number 70 is gonna be free today i feel it funny number on the screen right there anyways question of the day put your answer in the comments down below is a bit of a longer one what i wanted to know was once we hit win 100 do you want me to continue doing the random streak or do you want to see me do like uh 34 characters in a row so we're playing like you know everybody on a different run it's up to you guys i just want to know what you guys think whether it be random eden a certain character a certain trope whether it be tainted or normal whatever that may be anyways see it is going to be kofa k0fa 8xv 0. i guess in my opinion like the random streak is always going to be fun because every run is going to be a different character and mechanic mostly however i think the idea of doing a 34 character i know i know magical i did is like 34 character iron man thing i think the idea of doing um that kind of like iron man thing on a streak file i'm already at 100 would be kind of cool going from you know playing at one of every character randomly to playing them all in order i think that'll be pretty fun and we can handle that i mean we haven't played tandem boss on the streak yet we did play tandem jacob twice we did play tangent last three times um we played the lost a multitude of times on my own volition i became the loss of multiple runs just for fun so we've definitely shown our prowess and i think i want to flex that more by doing some forced tainted lost runs and i think too that gives us even more variety than the random streak does what we've seen in the random streak recently has been actually i wouldn't say recently but overall we've seen a lot of like tainted maggie and a lot of regular sampson a lot of regular eve you know i want to make sure we're getting everybody in there like i don't think we've ever naturally rolled the lost or naturally rolled tainted lost um have we i don't remember to be honest with you we may have randomly rolled the lost at some point and we would have won because the lost is not a hard character at all but we've been missing out on like a like a wow a very like like small chunk of characters i know we've only played tainted eve once and handed samson like twice so i want to get more guys out there played forgotten i think zero times in this entire streak it's weird very weird spread but i don't know i don't want to like make anybody mad by switching up the streaks whole kind of thing but i think that playing one of every character is still in theme with the random streak in a sense but that's kind of just my two cents whatever whatever you guys think honestly i mean i will do whatever the viewers want i'm here for you guys mostly so uh i think i will try to buy this this um red card there we have the bombs to find a pretty much guaranteed secret room right here please don't prove me wrong thank you so much okay well one more bomb means we can open up that we actually have our full card i'm gonna walk in here and see what's up please nothing any bombs for thank you yo yo this floor it is two soul hearts next floor is two bombs and two keys whatever man get the hp i normally carrying that down is better but i don't know pandora's box used to be interesting then they added items like death cert and moving box and r keys like i don't know when i see pandora's box i kind of just like pop it whenever i think is most necessary now i don't have an active item right now true but i also want to stay alive and we were kind of low on hp there what i would what i would want here is a matchbook or a pageant boy for that red card in the shop also popping that means we're gonna be able to take a devil deal next story if we have redheart hp i'll be i'll feel safer too at least but today we played a couple of games we played one game on the stream but we played it for like literally five hours i don't know why terraria is so goddamn addicting i'm going to say this right here and it's going to piss some people off but i think it's the truth playing terraria with kielven has made me realize how actually boring minecraft survival is alright i'm not saying minecraft itself is boring because no game has as much money like you know mini game or mod support that minecraft does but man is minecraft for survival just like directionless you know terraria has so much more [ __ ] going on despite it being a limited world and all that it is a much more i guess what's the word it's a much more full game it literally has like maybe three times the content that minecraft does i don't know it's it's crazy how much that game i think uh it's overshadowed by minecraft which i'm finding now as a single player experience would be much worse than terraria oh yeah and look no items stayed this time all right i know i missed the last ones but no items stayed that time you see me you see me nothing's there i don't know why my brain just turns off after i pick up an item i don't understand what that what that is but whatever ma'am yeah terraria like the first day we played it how they hit this guy into the bombs probably not huh the first stream we played terraria i was like okay i like this game a lot second stream i liked the game insanely a lot i was obsessed with it this stream is only going higher we beat quite a few bosses this stream we fought king slime five times aya cthulhu two or three times and then we fought um skeletron on accident and won without being prepared for it basically i don't want to spoil the video for you guys but basically what happened is we went to that temple and kilburn was i was gonna make a bed for us so we could respawn at the boss fight and killman goes up to huge honestly devil deal run here we go but caitlin walks up to that guy in the temple and killman asks him about his curse which if you don't know at night if you ask him about that he turns into the boss which i was like midway through building up our house and that happened it was it was honestly the scariest thing in existence like i don't know what happened because all of a sudden the giant-ass skeleton below us it was nuts but we did that we actually went to hell today as well in the game which uh could not have gone any worse we maybe got like 30 60 30 to 60 like uh hellstone and that was it and we died a lot i probably lost like three grand just by going to hell and dying over and over help how do we not get hit there that's not true that's not too late there we go we're fine spirit heart drop is lovely dude very lovely all right a lot of hp for a deal here huh is that a two parts guppy i see right there i believe that is the second floor two parts guppy wouldn't you [ __ ] believe it dude all right uh i guess you try to buy a bomb and go for a secret room this floor i mean you don't have the money for one but you never know what could happen in your shop right actually no just save it save it save it save it keys i've been noticing are really hard to come by under patents for some reason but yeah terraria is stealing my heart right now that game is insane literally insane we went to hell we're gonna our next stream plan so next wednesday uh we're planning to go to the sky world we also want we got some like weird attorney a ship i found some shopkeeper and he was like yo man like i'm gonna sell you this huge ass crystal in this huge ass crystal stand and it'll bring you to like an alternate dimension and i'm like all right i'm going to buy that 100 who wouldn't buy that it sounds cool as hell we're going to do the sky dimension next and we're going to do the uh um eternia [ __ ] as well what are these coin drops here my lord you can't oh you can go down there but you can't pick anything up for me you piece of [ __ ] that's all right that's all right we're gonna do a lot of stuff next episode i think what we also want to do is fully explore that dungeon we went in because we we died on the skeletor on dungeon a lot we also got to find keys for the chests down in hell we have a lot of stuff to do make some potions we can actually mine some hellstone and stuff go to the jungle fight the beehive boss there's tons of [ __ ] we got to do still and i'm loving literally every second of it i honestly think at its core terraria is a more fun game than minecraft you just gotta like as a single-player game as like a game and like overall like for if you're including everything the game has to offer i would still choose minecraft i know they're pretty incomparable obviously they're very different games but when it comes to having an online community and like being able to play multiplayer games and stuff i definitely would rather play minecraft for like you know bed wars and you know hunger games and like hide and seek and stuff like that but as a single-player game experience i think terraria is like 20 times better than minecraft is 100 it's crazy it's literally insane but i'm having a great time with it i hope you guys are like watching the videos i mean yesterday's video did pretty good for a non-isaac video i was impressed and all the feedback was positive 100 like ratio tons of great comments you guys seem to like it a lot and i want to keep doing it oh help me so guillotine is an interesting item i think it's one of my favorite items what do we have last for a card the full card um we can make this work if we get a devil deal here we can walk into our boss trap room with one heart and a full card out that'd be nice i'm glad you guys are enjoying it i'm enjoying it immensely as well where you at dawg there you are plato please yeah 18th century philosophers be like plato please but no i think that the next game we're gonna play on stream that's not gonna be a terraria playthrough well i don't know what it's gonna be i need more game suggestions for like for like longer term games right now i i've been playing pretty much like i beat phantom abyss i beat the inferno uh two days ago which was a blast and then we're beating terraria right now i need to beat hades still but hayes is kind of like oh this is big for us oh we could die doing this well you know where is life with no risk am i right uh all sequitas like we buy this i mean if we get this red heart we can buy it while that door is literally staying open huh i thought it was anemia for some reason it's not anemia it's way better than sister maggie so i don't know why i grabbed sister maggie person that door was very forgiving with us so now we have um is that i thought we had incubators i was freaking out for a minute now we have sister maggie bloody lust guillotine and two guppy items this one's doing pretty well i would say what we're gonna do here is gonna walk in here pick this up oh that was oh we use pandora's box ah i did not know you did that i'll be honest i did not know you did thank you so for the shield there i thought i only copied your card slot what am i on that's the thing man is is late after birth plus stuff and early repentance stuff i guess any repentance stuff i don't know very well still i don't know also i saw you guys wanted me to install external items in the comments i'm still on the fence about it because it does feel a little bit cheap at the end of the day uh just it's a very tiny bit cheap wow okay um it's hard for me to make that choice right some of you want it some of you think it's like sacrilege to have it installed i gotta think about it more i gotta think about it more i i think overall it's it's probably the right choice at the end of the day it's we have nine lives for our mere dimension that's pretty good at the end of the day i think it's the right choice to have it installed but i don't want to like undermine my own isaac ability or is it to the left top left i don't want to undermine my own isaac ability with a crutch like that i guess it's a hard choice for me to make because i mean at this point in end time i think that i've uh proven myself to be fairly game knowledgeable about isaac that's probably fair to say yeah i know my ship so it's more for the newer viewers i don't people coming in and like you know being like this guy cheats and isaac look at him because i have no issue with mods it's just that people's perception of them is you either like here's the thing people who hate mods are the reason i don't want to install it because they're so like purists about the game like mods are bad you should play the vanilla game it's so much better and all this stuff when in actuality mods are one of the only reasons that isaac stayed alive for as long as it did but it's just so oh we have bloody gusts and bloody lust i i didn't even notice that until just now we have an amazing damage oh my god our tier rate dude holy [ __ ] imagine lost soul right or found soul right now what i need is like face reward would be crazy incubus obviously i want to have actual tears back again if that makes sense but we're getting no drops here huh yeah i don't know i'm mostly going to turn for the backlash if like new viewers come in and are like this guy uses mods he's probably just cheating the entire streak because well i don't care what a random ass person on the internet thinks about my binding of isaac's streak it's more for like i just don't want to deal with it because there was one person those who are a long time stream viewers probably know this but there was a guy who came into our stream uh during the 30 character no it was a maybe our 24 hour live stream they came in this was months ago and they were saying how i'm the best isaac youtuber i don't use mods and they were like well hudson alexa and nl and student all use external auto descriptions on stream and i'm like that's their choice to single player game and he's like you're the only one who's being honest to their fans and this dude basically said because they're using mods they're probably also cheating in their drops and their items on their runs and i'm the only honest isaac player and i was like all right you're an [ __ ] for one you don't accuse somebody of cheating at a game because they use a singular mod especially when that game is their job second of all just because i use that don't use mods that make me better than anybody else i just i just like the vanilla game more i like i like just having to rely on my own brain that's a personal thing and then the dude had the audacity to dm me on twitch and say that uh you know i'm like i know you believe i know you're on the same page as me just didn't want to say it on stream right and i was like you gotta shut the [ __ ] up you're putting words in like literally everybody's mouth right now about their you know liking of isaac mods like no i don't agree with you i think you're an [ __ ] person and i think you're kind of a dick like a huge one at that so i was like this dude just is just the worst kind of guy hey that's pretty big for a stat upgrade for a uh spirit heart that helps for next floor a lot but i was like man you were just kind of like the worst kind of person like if you don't if you don't like mods that's your opinion if you don't like people use mods don't watch their videos you don't come into somebody else's stream and say like and [ __ ] talk other creators which some of them are my friends like alexa and i we talk we're friends like hilvin and i we talk we're friends preach tonight obviously we talk and we're friends you come into my stream when you're talking [ __ ] on any of them i'm not going to respond kindly to it and i don't care if you think i'm a dick because of that because like they're not just my co-workers they're also my actual friends the people that i confide in for advice and just hanging out with and talking and having a good time it's just a very strange thing and strange behavior for someone to do stuff like that i don't know if that sounds overly negative or what but it shouldn't be a hot take for me to say like hey don't [ __ ] talk somebody because they don't like using isaac mark because because they like using isaac mods that should be a pretty cold take what you got for me huh kid not great i want to play him out but we're spending forever on this floor right now but it could the thing is it could be very very worth it and worth my time so i'll give it one more one more pass by through we also have so much goddamn damage what i really want to do is uh keep for an arcade next floor and get iv back with bloody lost and gus that would be pretty crazy i will say uh nothing spawns in your boss trap rooms right no actually why don't we just pay this guy out on this floor it's the same thing the different different what oh yeah i'm [ __ ] lost my brain did not process that [ __ ] my brain was so lost there i was like what you took but oh i'm so [ __ ] stupid sometime i [ __ ] lost all right well i am now stuck as the loss for a room luckily we have nine lives so i'm not too concerned i'm gonna buy this i'm not too concerned but might have been the worst play on the entire streak down right might have been our worst place let's go let's go do we have a good setup go to go to the [ __ ] minds nothing is stopping you right now absolutely nothing into the rock crawl space perhaps nothing do nothing all right head on down head on down but even like the creators who aren't my friends like you know i don't obviously know synvicta oh i also i obviously don't know like hot just from a personal level at all [ __ ] talking it is it's not you know any better or worse than my actual friends because they're still people this is their job like as dumb as it sounds you know it is isaac is just at the end of the day a video game but it is also a video game that pays all of our bills all the people that i mentioned and myself it pays all of our bills so you can't claim illegitimacy to someone's play style and have it go unpunished because that [ __ ] will spread real fast like for example when synvicta you know i'm not gonna say if he did or didn't because i personally think he did but it's not really confirmed or denied at any point when he quote unquote cheated his streak that [ __ ] was big for like a week and that had a toll on his reputation he had to make a couple couple posts about a couple videos about it and stuff like you know as much of this seems irrelevant people who don't do youtube or creation as their job it does have an impact and a very severe one at that you have phil hell yeah do a useless okay my favorite like as much as you think it doesn't really matter that much to you it may not but if someone does it for their job like if someone was to accuse me of you know cheating in my streak or you know setting my seats and [ __ ] like that i wouldn't be too [ __ ] happy and i'm sure a lot of you like people who don't like me already on youtube will just clown on it over and over again and then going forward that's my reputation and that's not that that stuff stays with you for a while you know like going into someone's chat and making absurd like accusations like that is childish and ridiculous that's just my two cents though who am i to judge this is just due to place isaac for a living i played video games for a living man what what what does my opinion matter at all to be to be completely serious with you there it should not that's the thing you guys gotta realize series like oh yeah i couldn't walk down there for a minute a lot you gotta realize is that i try to give advice you know on this streak and in my videos but at the end of the day i'm playing video games for rent money so like i'm not the smartest person to listen to and i won't ever be but everything that i say take it with a very very large grain of salt you know don't don't you know my word is not law nothing i say is obviously going to be a confirmed like a fact or a way you should live your life it probably should be a way not to live your life don't listen to me do not listen to me final final offer there but i don't know i don't think you should like just not be a dick i don't know that's like a very hot take to say but you just shouldn't say that if you have nothing to back it up or no proof to back it up like why even bother like what are you gonna get out of it you're just being a dick on the internet for sick of being a dick i get that can be fun sometimes but not to everybody sure hey you know what not too shabby not too shabby i kind of like that yeah i don't know i don't want to get too deep into it just because like it's you know it's one person saying that but i've seen it said a couple times in the comments about you know when i mention external item descriptions like people just say not vanilla is the only true way to play and it's like that's the car that i don't want to end up pissing off is the ones who are super isaac purist not keyboard [ __ ] that hey that's all right actually it dude more irons that reward if we were playing tan and maggie right now we would be in the greatest run of all time currently oh look a nice luck upgrade there as well jesus yeah i just want to piss off that crowd and just have that [ __ ] happen to me what's happening in my own stream that one day it's just kind of like a personal preference there i guess but i don't know i'll probably end up doing it eventually anyways because i am getting a lot of new viewers from variety i probably want to watch these videos and learn about the game but i think a good compromise is me just explaining every item that i pick up you know that's what i want to do i think because i think on a streak like i do agree to some extent that on a streak mods make it a little bit unfair a tiny bit so i don't know it's occasionally you'll see occasionally like i will be in the middle of a run and realize oh i have a mod on now normally it is just the like the hot toggle mod where it's like oh i just i can show you guys the model is at the end of this video because i leave some on occasionally the annoying thing is when you um have a mod installed and the creator of that mod updates it i had a heart here please the mod automatically turns on without your consent it just turns the mod back on mods by default should be turned off dude i can't grab a single goddamn party kidding me mods by default should be turned off there was a mod i had called uh it was like a half-life you know uh item based mod and i like the mods items a lot but the problem was the creator no offense the creator i'm sure like you know he's doing his best but every single day that all these hearts are there as one every single day the mod got updated and i had to keep every single day opening up my mods folder and turning it off and that got really annoying so i just uninstalled it the same thing goes for mods on this streak none of the mods i have will affect my item drop unnecessarily and if they do then like you know oh well if i'm not seeing the modern item i'm not intentionally ruining my games you know intelligence obviously the runs are like i've had some difficult ass runs and i've worked through them there's no question about that but it's just a lot of mods turn on by themselves because they automatically update and the other thing being i use some mods for videos like when i try to get screenshots for like videos i have a a hud toggle mod that turns off the hearts and the map and all that so i get a clear screenshot usually that's just on by default it doesn't change my game at all just literally adds a toggle to your mod so people just get a little bit in over their heads about the model thing i mean it's not that deep at the end of the day people are watching the video for me not the numbers so it i doubt anyone truly cares enough but i was gonna try my best to explain items you know as i go i if there becomes a really high demand for it i will install external item descriptions but it as it is now like i've only ever seen one person ask for it out of context and that's it whoa where were you lost soul oh were you up here you silly goose you silly goose you yeah i don't know it's very straight i installed mods today like i installed a couple for i'm gonna do some mod reviews on like the first person mod and um the what's it called the rift item mod oh that's really good so those might be on right now and i just wouldn't know doesn't change my game at all it's the same game maybe like occasionally different items will spawn on place for different items on the normal run seed but no one's gonna know unless you guys gonna play the seat along with me no one's really going to figure it out nor are they gonna care enough to try to figure it out like for example right now if there are mods turned on it doesn't matter because i have literally i have bloody lust and lusty blood in one go that's a winning combo by itself not now i have a nema solo as well like it's crazy it's crazy yeah i can't like show my models end of this video and even just show that like hey you know none of the mods i have installed are even remotely close to a mod that allowed me to cheat and the ones that are might be turned on um aren't ones that affect the game at all it's just they're either aesthetic or they're just you know extra items on by accident either way it doesn't matter it's still going to be a hundred wins in a row regardless if one item changes the course of my entire run then that's that's you know a different story if i had like a one let's say i have the rift the ripped mod on right now and it changed like what could have been a blind mark or a blind ibs into itself then i understand okay that was a little cheap but the chance of that happening is next to zero and i'll make a promise too if i ever accidentally find a modded item on the streak i just will simply skip the item room or that boss item and not take him at that point i'm only hurting myself it's only a detriment to myself at that point so i don't understand even in games like um like minecraft or other games that have a huge modding community there's always that small group of people that are just super into the vanilla game not only that vanilla is the only way to play this game if you use mods you're cheating or use mods it's trashy vanilla's fine like i would i would say 100 mods make minecraft like up to 10 times better easily it's 100 easy so much more fun more content all that stuff now some of those mods might not necessarily fit into the game style but if you find them fun it doesn't have to fit into the game style you know like people just try their hardest to not have fun sometimes so it's kind of annoying like if sure if a mod might look you know crappy and it might you know be stupid or the sprites might look ugly or something anything like that it really does not matter if you're having fun with the mod that's the point of the mod is to add more fun to a game you know i don't understand the whole like mods ruin the experience the experience is up to you whatever you want to play you play gaming is very subjective much like the same way that music or art is all subjective you do it the way you want to do it that's all you got to do ain't nothing wrong with that also big eternal hearts here love to see it maybe just in time for a two heart devil deal here maybe a mom's knife you never know anything all great anything can happen just wanted to do it all right leave me alone i wanted to see if it would work the most useless anemosola in the game hello goodbye um what's alive oh there we go i was like nothing here is happening is he stuck frozen no he's not beautiful beautiful just lovely just lovely yeah i don't know i i actually i used to not like isaac mod i still like isaac mods a lot i think most of the isaac mods are just like they're just memes that aren't funny in the first place i don't know i think the isaac community has some really weak memes and jokes like i don't i never really got into isaac mods now revelations and fiend folio amazing literally some of the most amazing mods to any game ever made they're crazy anti-birth as well but a lot of the repentance mods i've seen are just like the most boring like here's the loss but he looks sad this this character now dances when they see a good item i don't know i don't find those mods to be super interesting i think it kind of just makes the modded scene feel bloated and like just not creative anymore so i want to do more mod reviews to change my own opinion on that because i want to appreciate the uh the isaac mods now because i've heard there's some really good ones out there no devil deal oh the humanity what do you have for me i'm excited speed down health down oh look at that guys health up now [ __ ] there goes the eternal heart and now we are very slightly faster oh this game sometimes i'm gonna install a mod that makes all of my pills always a tears upgrade how's that sound chap that's unfair to you guys it should it should i'm gonna go for a magic mushroom i'm feeling a magic mush where's my hp back up come on baby come on baby it's all in the cards gulp hey gulps real good now they get a lot of bombs out of this [ __ ] no magic mush you're joking you're joking mr j that's all right we don't even need it bro we're too good freeze them yeah i don't know once we get mods that are of revelations or fiend folio or anti-births like prowess then i can say firmly i'll be back into the modding scene but as a standard pettins has the worst mods out of any of the isaac updates in my opinion and i'm not saying every mods in repentance sucks there's some really good mods out there the secret room mod for example is a really really good example of a mod that changes the game enough where it feels extra but it doesn't feel not vanilla it feels like isaac still you know i would say that like there's there's certain things in repentance that don't feel isaac to me still and that's fine i'll get used to them eventually you know there's part of the game i gotta get used to it sorry excuse me yeah it's just it's strange i i think the isaac modding community like needs another one of those really big mods to come out so that other modders step up their game a little bit but what i from what i've seen like i have my own discord like they're working on a bd1p isaac mod right now and um what i've seen of it it looks [ __ ] incredible character mod is so far in repentance have been very very good it's just the ones that like how do i explain this not so like an [ __ ] because there's so many like useless pointless meme mods out there that none of the actual mods that i want to play interest me because like oh it probably is another [ __ ] meme mod isn't it oh here's here's isaac but he does the pog face when he sees a decent item it's like i don't know i get those are funny and they're fun sometimes i want to choose the mods that are actually game changing again i want to see some more fiend folios in this [ __ ] that'll be crazy goodbye goodbye idiot for you the cage huh more like uh more like uh the dead oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i got his ass i got his ass help me we dodged our head is actually the best orbital in the game oh it was a hit there well i get hit no i have a nema solo ready for this there we go frieza's ass goodbye kid we would like some more like base damage here we don't do an a lot for having an eight damage brimstone we're not doing a ton of damage here it's fine though jesus juice definitely helped for that i would i might take negative this run actually if you want to do you want a sun card here and take the wild card wild card is actually probably gonna end up activating your anemosola anyways just pop it there and waste it who cares we've seen two wild cards in this room that's pretty crazy to me that's wild watch yourself watch yourself mr j yeah i don't know a lot of the isaac mods that i've seen have just been memes and although i haven't played a ton of them like twitter loaded is very very good obviously and massdema and job all these characters they just the character mods are insanely talented and i'm not gonna diss those at all i i just say that the community is giving more credit to a lot of like the meme mods to the point where like people who want to make content fills mods aren't able to fulfill what they want to do because the front page is always like today's front page is peter griffin i don't know it feels kind of like insulting to people who are you know putting a lot of time into conduct they want to put in the game it's just it's over saturated now of course meme mods still stake still take time excuse me to code in and all that stuff but when it overshadows the actual good and unique content it just kind of annoys me i want everyone to you know be able to um where's our secret how did i miss that [ __ ] what about two greed fights in a row you're joking huh there we go and a steam stuff before we even see our shop hell yeah uh make this shop member card and make my freaking day game another orbital makes our head move slower actually oh that's actually not that bad at all that might be kind of nice for us but we're very well defended right now believe it or not we are very well defended can i kill you before your spiders come out no you it happens anyways okay what a shame what a shame yeah there's just a few mods that kind of just tickle my fancy and a lot that don't and i i i i'm trying out a bunch of like single item mods now because i realize like when i wanted to do mod reviews a while ago there wasn't a lot of mods in repentance yet now that i realize i can do single item reviews and only use that item the entire run it opens up a whole new world i was like previously man i want to review this one item but i can't because i you know your runs build off of not just one item but oh i see oh i see yeah um well that's pretty nice why don't we just do one of these here huh why don't we erase somebody who are we going to erase you get out of my face oh ouch hurt a little bit there we can now buy nuns habit we just ended up turning one sh two shop items into multiple that also have startups for us that's a pretty damn good job i do say so myself mister uh by that what's next huh not even that good don't even waste your time with that one dog move on those two greed fights and that steam cell made my day just so much better okay joker card now i do want that book i do really want that book because that book is very fun oh [ __ ] dude i don't know anima solo guarantees the win our hp is not a good place right now but god is that book so fun oh what's the move dude i don't know chat what do you think tell me what i'm supposed to get quickly here comment down below you want video me to take and see if you're right in the comments down below also subscribe and like my videos i need the validation i'm just joking by the way i'm just joking yeah i don't i just hope that the modding scene gets back on his feet i think that you know mods generally just disinterested me for a while i've only ever found the character mods to be very content oriented in isaac right now but that's kind of like a lexus thing i don't want to steal alexis like jib by doing all the character mods before he does he's kind of rude to me so uh i will just stick with my single item and mods that my friends make that's just that seems more fair to me than trying to steal lex's whole whole cut of his jib right there excuse me alright believe it or not we have a lot of good things going for us on this run hp is the biggest drawback we never actually found an arcade on this run which hurt us a lot an arcade would have made this run you do full heart damage don't you don't know my hp i do not know my hp or my lives right now god damn it i was too busy talking about isaac to actually play my isaac run ah blackhearts thank you so much all right boneheart first then the black cart no bad trip great that's hilarious that's that's fine bomb all of these for maybe more blackhearts or hierophant cards or dry babies or spectral babies look at that black cart right there all right wow another black card our hp is actually back in a oh a formidable state yara the guys we cleared our curse okay that was like literally the most important room in the entire game for us all right look at that we're actually able to win the run now would you look at that once you once you know how to play out isaac man every run becomes your [ __ ] look at this stuff now our hp went from from literally two lives and one heart to a red heart boneheart three black hearts and a blue heart and also two lives okay freezer get it down there heads in there all the head does so much damage the head oh you piece of [ __ ] all right did we go to beast last time and before that i believe went delirium and before that delirium and before that delirium and then before that it was the lamb so i think we'll go this polaroid and we'll just skip cathedral with the emperor card works for me works for me all right beautiful ship and i 100 deal chance here because he used a joke joker card last floor to get a deal lovely stuff i would have probably at this point in the run taken the ligament book or taina bethany's book the limigaton but it's fine i'll leave it there because anima sola is also what your ass you are a one that's cursed that is cursed as hell i i think anema solo is a more guaranteed win it'll literally freeze any like blue baby and isaac donzo no chance for those two bosses we can literally like quite literally freeze them put our head inside of him and then we're good this one's gonna be a free numbers number win number 70 victory jesus christ that is a big ass number man how did we ever make it this far i still think the iron man the 34 characters in a row is like the way to go for the next stream i'm going to stay on the 100 file i want to get the wins as high as i can but i want to change the theme every 100 wins you know i want to do 100 of a random streak i want to do 100 of a 34 character iron man i wanna do a hundred of um not eden that's for sure 100 tanted only you know things like that i i would never do normal only because normal characters are all very samey and to be honest with you quite [ __ ] boring most of the time aside from a very select few such as keeper and uh forgotten but i would definitely do a random tanning streak because tanic characters oh boy those are some fun guys very fun guys oh oh yeah goodbye kid okay freeze them oh only freeze is one that's right i don't know if throughout the freeze two and you are a goner all right bidding item to find right there and you are an interesting devil deal that i am probably not going to take any of because we don't need to uh if he would have gotten you know gone to shoal and then gotten weaned i would have skipped next floor immediately but don't think it's extremely worth it at the moment look at the dead's pretty good we could just take both and get potentially a book worm off the bet no we won't we would not get bookworm actually we only have two books we'd be touching i think it is not worth it just leave just leave beat mom's heart emperor on cathedral go to the chest and get your free four items actually i don't know my hp still very much scares me because we could literally die like any moment i think oh lost soul places ba or found soul also places bombs down right because i mean my thought process right now is if we decide oh hold on if we decided to go and emperor this floor we could use the blue fires next floor um to get more swords if we need it but i think cathedral is overall harder than moon is we'll just play out womb normally the arcade is great for getting vengeful spirit and all our every oh wow it's a very short flooring thank god no emperor here but the yeah yeah we can get vengeful spirits and damage ups and all that stuff there however the force already over don't worry about this just beat your boss and get out of here oh wow uh that was a little quick wasn't it wasn't that a little bit quick huh that was the easiest boss fight i think it literally ever made all right well oh hell yeah hell yeah buy that very good dps upgrade there goes all our red hearts we don't need them anyways we'll go down to the next floor emperor immediately is your first step very first step and then have a freak oh yeah curse the maze as well prime floor to skip right here prime floor oh my god all right freeze them put your head in there okay he's already almost like oh wow that actually got me huh take off okay freeze him stay there i don't even care bro anyone saw broke already oh you oh no run is uh taking a little bit of a hit right now it looks like that's fine we won the fight it's all that really matters right i think we're going to be fine here's my call rosary cancer and the way for next floor watch this watch this rosary cancer [ __ ] um okay gamer stance i am a little scared now i'll be honest with you actually i'm quite scared there's a there's a spider right there from downtown are you joking where is he there he is curse of darkness my ass dude oh no they're both blood why didn't it do any damage and they hold the blood effect on them oh my god how did that not do any damage to either of them we literally had the blood effect on them hello hey juani is getting frozen want to use dying right now you're dead you are dead too okay game i need some hp harry i had a dream last night oh yeah freeze beautiful no what is wrong with you hey one of you is frozen i can't see [ __ ] on this floor how did he not die you're still alive over there excuse me [Music] you're frozen okay keep your eyes on them four hearts no we could have had it all oh no let's revert to dying for sure [ __ ] are you doing damn it god damn it sorry i can't talk right now i'm a little focused i got a stuffy nose to top that all off [Music] bro thank god for anema solo on this run i thank god every day for a nema solo please hp here both drop hp please lard heart lard lard the lard drop oh i love lard oh i love lard and it's the wrong goddamn way whatever honestly beneficial for us we actually gained going this way but for some reason the way that has literally uh three one by twos touching each other was not the right way i'm not gonna complain though i will not complain aside from that one moment where i just complain a little bit there's no way really there's no secret rooms here at all what was the point of this path then oh boy oh boy okay i am no less scared than i was five minutes ago i'm still pretty scared azazel's right like rage though with plato is actually crushing this run there is no way we can lose anymore the hp situation is fine i'm still really scared i know we're not going to lose it it doesn't it still terrifies me if we could beat the blighted over room the monstro room and like every other room down there not yet then there's no way we lose this run as a whole we're going to be fine we beat the most bs rooms aside from that one closet like eight monster room on this floor we're going to be okay beautiful right there that helps you more than you even freaking know dude freeze the head beautiful yeah attack him sick him boy he's he's already dead leave him alone keeper's eye is the unsung hero look at this you're frozen get out of here no you tried you definitely tried a little bit there was it was all in vain pretty much but still hey goodbye famine you've been like you've been a good boss for as long as you were now you're out of here boss fight oh please okay oh okay one of them is dead he killed his friend honestly good for me no way they could you i thought you were dead like she's like a little like dying animation didn't you oh my god get in it froze the goddamn flies anima solo should freeze the most powerful enemy in the room change my goddamn mind change my goddamn mind okay we're here and i have a plan now i think no matter what we win the blue baby fight so i'm gonna go back down here and spend a heart opening this chest for damage [Music] first tier rate for speed and for vengeful spirit and then also for polaroid invincibility now i believe we are in a unlosable situation car battery anemosola is the [ __ ] jam dude the song okay okay okay we're not but hey oil chat you're not invincible yet yeah wait what does he froze the god damn the fly it froze the [ __ ] fly okay yeah that's cool either way he's dead if you enjoyed the episode that we're gonna die you're wrong but other than that sub comment and like for the algorithm commenting helps out more than you guys understand it makes me feel pretty good in their positive comments at least aside from that my twitch twitter and discord and tick tock and second channel are all linked down below give them all a check i swear the kind of the tick tock content is straight gold aside from that guys i'll see you tomorrow peace out and goodbye
Channel: bd1p
Views: 1,537
Rating: 4.8775511 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, eden streak, eden, win, winstreak, random, random character, isaac, tainted, Bloody Lust, bloody gust, keeper's sack, lose
Id: PzOSzUALwx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 35sec (2855 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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