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welcome back bd1p fans to our second mod review on this channel today is the rift item mod what this mod does is it adds a new item into the game called the rift my top left is my active item right up there and what the rift does is it's like a void familiar when you use it for example i'll use it right now it'll suck up whatever is on the ground and give you a familiar now as you use rift item more and more it makes that same familiar more powerful and more powerful so what i'm going to do here i have a blindfold on in the game not in real life i'm gonna play through the entire game with just the rift as my tears now i've tried a couple of times this these stats right here are worse than the co-op ghost stats so i'm gonna give myself like we're gonna spawn like three extra collectibles and we're gonna give myself a debug eight for a minute here and we're gonna suck these up that's a little better and we can we can deal with this we'll so we'll turn debug eight off for right now let's just test it out and see what happens here item right here is gonna give us another power up we have a bouncing oh we have rubber cement rippling okay so the more you get the more powerful your rift becomes it's actually a pretty cool idea for a mod so this mod is a bit different than what we reviewed last time on the channel about last week this time we reviewed the uh bonus secret rooms model the extra secret rooms mod and actually because of all you guys who rated the mod and got it for yourself it actually hit the front page of steam's workshop for isaac that's pretty insane so you guys should do the same for this mod as well every week we give every week i want to do a new mod review and i want to get that mod of the front page show that creator that is mod is definitely worth checking out because this mod is actually quite fun this kind of idea for a familiar is utilized in abyss but not very well because the base just gives you extra extra flies this builds upon which you already have going on your run i think it's super cool now my plan here is picked to clearly pick up like zero items i want to maybe get hp but i want to get majority of my items going to the rift familiar here and so far it's not going too bad now we are still below base stats but we will get there eventually luckily enough the tears down does not actually affect the sucker you tried ed mindy's tried real well there so we'll fight the boss here we'll get one extra item at the end and we'll see what that becomes little horn is not bad at all so this one should be a pretty relatively easy fight we're not actually doing like that little of damage we're actually doing quite a bit of damage for only having a familiar doing our shots for us not bad dude not bad at all all right getting to the end here get into the there we go okay blue cap goodbye oh a tears up very very nice for us i'm gonna go to the downpour here so i'm not sure if this item works like voidware only sucks up one of the two choices but on the off chance that it sucks up two choices of items it gives us two benefits we're gonna be in a way better place so i'm gonna get the spirit heart here and hopefully i will not well we can do one of these though can't we no we cannot do it god damn it oh no please no please no i need all my charges please you're already yellow you son of a oh my god damn all right not that bad of an item to get i can't pick it up remember gotta get our void charge here the problem with those flies sucking up our charges now we're not gonna have enough you know charge to actually suck up the boss and the item room item which really sucks unless our shop has a battery in it perhaps that'd be real nice for us on this run okay riffling damage okay our damage is getting up there too good to know oh yes okay what we can do here actually is um by the eraser and potentially rift that up as well and get two items on this floor we're gonna need some pretty lucky battery drops to make that happen and it probably won't happen but a man can dream right a man can most definitely dream i think our base stats are still maybe slightly better but all things considered by only having a familiar with less than base damage we do a lot of dps this is not that bad this feeling is pretty pretty powerful man i'm liking this guy new favorite familiar and all of isaac question mark hold on yo no way the damage might just look weak weaker than it is okay you can't pick that up don't worry about it uh you're right now what you're praying for is either combat in both your secret rooms or a battery drop interesting interesting let's uh buy this well we can we can what we can do is give money to our blood bank and maybe use that instead to buy the bomb buy the sack get a bomb and then find our secret room oh wait we just got a charged key okay hold on all right all right this shit's working out actually not bad at all rippling damage up hell yeah dude go for greed or go home baby damn well for one spend two cents on this right here if things go bad you can always just buy your spirit heart and move on from there and the pill as well and get a full heal maybe come on baby nickels all i want to see is a nickel right now all right more damage honestly i'm gonna void that up that is speed and damage i kind of want to just go blindfold only this run i want to show how powerful this familiar can actually be for us all right buy that let's see what our tears do against these leeches here huh get in there get in there oh they okay there are actually our tears are kind of cracked right now we may not even need any other item but the rift and the blindfold there were two shotting of the the mula ghouls yo what the heck this dude is powerful wouldn't you know it all right praying for an angel deal here you'd love to see like a sacred heart that you can't pick up and just be funny about it right bombs are great for combat do not get me wrong rainmaker little blob no we actually do like considerably quite a bit of damage this is nice this feels this feels real nice there we go little blub is now dead and we got our angel deal walk in hey damage up again love to see it you want to go into your white fire go to the mirror dimension come back and void up both your boss and your uh item room items there all right we're gonna look for a charge now then come back to this room and void up our knife piece that's the plan right now dog that's the plan right now there we go all right avoid that damage up oh our tears are actually kind of massive now if the rift does 3.5 damage at base then right now we're getting a load of damage dumb shoot we're not gonna get that charge are we we're gonna need a battery in our shop to make this work yo this is a rare ass shop you will never see the shop anymore in this game it has become almost non-existent sadly no battery no battery there i'm sorry chap it just didn't work out the way we wanted it to that's okay we can leave this floor no mr dolly for us very sad i know very very sad literally one shot look at those are tanky enemies right there wow well they got our tears are good right it's like they home in and they keep bouncing off the enemy doing like double damage every tier that's nuts this thing is so cool man oh we found our boss fight up here let's go dude who's it gonna be who's it going to be oh yeah you're gone you are literally gone you have no hope look at look how much damage we're doing this is one of the tankiest bosses in the caves my lord there we go goodbye goodbye bye bye angel deal what the heck two in a row that was quite the level up there that was quite the level up there okay yeah also i just realized if we picked up butt bombs that is my mistake oops my bad we won't use we only use it once we'll never use bombs again i promise you we'll never use combat bombs again that is my bad as we can now see where our secret room is and it's next to our boss trap which means an extra free item we can get out of our boss trap room charge if my math serves me right we won't be able to get everything on this floor this is a hard one because we're going to have enough to either avoid the the boss and the item room but not also the boss trap room or the shop items but there's a battery in here it's across the freaking gap there is a battery in here though so hold on clear out this room right here we get a charge like that and then you go to your boss trap room you void up that and hopefully it triggers the waves to start ah it did not trigger the waves to start man i was praying for enemies in here but wait wait we can actually do this we can actually hold on you guys are i'm gonna blow your mind right now you guys ready for this i'm gonna blow your freaking mind okay so in this shop oh wow okay well that exists oh that's nice oh my plan's kind of useless now i was gonna d1 the battery uh however we don't really need to anymore you're gonna pick this up you're gonna then pick up this first you're gonna walk back to your boss room you're gonna avoid that and get more damage lovely you're gonna walk back into your shop pick up this battery come back to this room pick up this and then void that you'll love to see it and uh well down we go let's see how powerful our tears really are now oh oh god we just killed the boss and like wow i gotta avoid that as well we just killed the boss in like four seconds that was pretty nice well well well goodbye alabaster box more damage oh my god now we're stacked now we're quite a bit stacked let's see how fast this item melts this boss this is uh a little i'd say it's pretty good it's just barely good you know it's not too op right it's not super op oh my god sister fizz just died in like 10 seconds and we get a spectral riffling oh my god this is getting better and better and better for us my lord oh a library that might make this rift do oh my god two books goodbye tears upgrade could we actually fire like so fast right now this is insane here i would love to have that but game i'm sorry i gotta go for the rift is that a chaos card that's to be nice for the final boss isn't it damage up look at that oh yeah yeah this this guy is this guy is terrifyingly strong extra shop to void this we can void we can avoid this for sure i know i'm gushing but oh my god this thing shreds okay more damage again we saw that one coming right who saw that one coming and there's our boss fight here we go it's the mom fight first story boss okay i know it's not like this is the craziest run ever but having one item do this much to mother or to mom excuse me is still really good mom is not an easy boss by any means all right grab your polaroid and get out of here [Music] all right triac then here we go oh boy oh boy oh boy we're cool we're cool we're cool we're cool he's one of my most hated bosses in this game and he was dead in like literally 14 seconds okay i'm gonna bomb this guy fight him and avoid all three of these items at once this is like the joy of afterbirth plus void being able to like dupe double items or like sorry not dude but like suck up double items with the power behind just like extremely good tears look at that look at that the thing is this seems really op but it almost still feels like actually kind of balanced because i'm i've given up like literally every item except for butt bombs and polaroid on my run my hp i'll admit have been kind of lucky this this feels like a you see items you got to find the item first the thing is you're not going to start with this item you're not going to start you know if your first floor item room has this your run is already won well that's going to be a rare occasion you're going to find this like maybe case 2.1 it's going to be helpful for you but it's not going to make your runs like obviously this insane but even if it does this is like even if it's a little op little unbalanced it's still like super super fun at the end of the day it's the fun that matters let's find mom's heart and see how we do look at that it's good but it's not like interesting killing bosses you know this is a nice balance of like very good fun but you're still you know readily available to lose if that makes sense i guess we'll walk in well we actually can uh uh rift something here if we decide to buy this put it back down we're gonna be at three hearts i know but like also more damage please and we'll go on up well we already found our boss fight that quick huh that quick i'm surprised i am truly all right three hearts onto isaac with only one item let's see how it goes do we have piercing crickets body homing rubber cement this is like this is like a synergy that you you you know would kill somebody for in a regular run and it's just here as one goddamn super fun item we just we just two cycled isaac what do you want me to say there it's not op it's op but it's super fun too two three four goodbye oh that's hot oh that's hot all right let's test out once and for all how much damage this does to a normal game boss unbelievable actually unbelievable we just killed two chubs like back to back literally this is just a singular item we have base stats but might add we have literal base stats oh my god i can't say anything else like sorry that i'm just saying oh my god but like literally i can't say anything else this is just oh my god this item is so much fun oh wait we can avoid this for free though this is best case scenario goodbye shot oh now we have electric tears huh oh lord forgive you for what i'm about to do what this is my run now this is just my run now all right well you know yep literally zero shame let's go find isaac or blue baby and see what happens yeah i mean what did you expect well if you enjoyed the mod the link to the mod and its creator are both down below remember these videos take a while to make into edits if you enjoyed this content give me a like and a sub it does mean a lot to me more than you would actually know aside from that guys peace out goodbye what an amazing mod
Channel: bd1p
Views: 3,376
Rating: 4.9043827 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, win, random, isaac, challenge, mod, rift, void, crazy, blindfold, blind, review, modded
Id: hKWV1zCP0m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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