60 DAMAGE GODHEAD VS MEGA SATAN - The Binding of Random Streaks #68

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welcome back bd1p fans i am here with the random streak today's tainted characters win number 68 going to be in the books anyways question of the day is going to be where you draw the line between something being a sweater or a jacket like what's your sweater jacket difference there someone in the comments asked yesterday or two days ago from the sandwich video oh fast runs fast runs let's go and at first i thought that's a pretty easy question to answer you know for me it's just does it have to have like a [ __ ] zipper or not i think if it's a zipper it's a jacket if it's uh you know a pull over it's a sweater right that would be the obvious answer but then i sort of think to myself where do sweatshirts fit in if it has a hood is it and it's made of cloth is it like a sweatshirt because there are certain kinds of jackets such as like um windbreakers you got you got windbreakers you got um jumpers you got what else do you have there's so many types of like zip up jackets obviously because it's a it's a common clothing piece that's what i think like when i think of a sweater my mental archetype is like literally that'd be really good to have it's literally just like ah a sweater has no hood it's like a really thick shirt it's like i'm i'm a midwest kid right so like i grew up wearing sweaters my whole life because it's very cold in wisconsin so when i think of a sweater i think of like a a college you know icon like it's just a regular like cloth pull over when i think of jacket i think of um like a windbreaker like some kind of like thing that you can you can go for a run in that's my first thought but then i thought some more and i was like where the [ __ ] is the sweatshirt fit in there because a sweatshirt to me is a sweater with a hood that is what a sweatshirt is but some sweatshirts have zippers does that make it a jacket this question got so [ __ ] in my own head about it that i was like i was just confused i was like where do i draw the line here ah you son of a [ __ ] where's my line going to be drawn and i think my final qualifications are this there is not just sweater versus jacket it's sweater versus jacket versus sweatshirt a sweatshirt is like a mary between like a jacket and a sweater that that's his own beast in my opinion a a sweatshirt is its own [ __ ] beast there's nowhere to quantify that what's it gonna be huh oh you know i love me some eden's blessings on these runs huh tears up is great and also next run is going to be pretty fun we hopefully we we get eaten and get like three god tier items at the start there but i'm not gonna try to force anything let's bomb our shopkeeper and machine so we can buy this this dang old battery item for ourselves right right here works yeah i think that there's gotta be like three qualifications for it just because a sweatshirt both fits in the sweater it can be a pullover category and a jacket it can also have a zipper and a hood so i think you really can't just say a sweatshirt one or the other i swear it's its own beast it's its own mixture of the two you can't really separate those you know but i mean maybe i'm wrong i want to know what that guy thinks about that conversation and my answer because i thought it was gonna be like a simple answer you're just being like you're just being goo for the sake of being goofy right but no he actually was onto something there this actually is quite the difficult conundrum to answer and i think i think i'm doing it justice by saying that a like a sweater is a pullover that has no hood a jacket is a zip up that is primarily not made out of cloth it's it's usually like uh like a windbreaker or like a like a mesh material that you can like you know go for a run in it's like what you would wear in like a high school track meet right that would be a jacket or like an outside like you know winter coat would be a jacket yeah it's it's the heaviness i think count well no the heavy doesn't oh my god this question is so goddamn hard to answer because like uh the heaviness usually would factor in you can have like light jackets like a running jacket versus like a a winter coat that is also it's just ah shut the [ __ ] up stop telling me these things i get two in my own head about it ah anyways runs going great right now i'm gonna be streaming in about like uh oh i don't know an hour now and i have no idea i'm gonna play today i might have ideas uh terraria is like a wednesday exclusive pretty much i wouldn't mind playing on on mondays but it's kind of short notice to wake up kielvan and be like yo kilvin i gotta we gotta play some terraria today man i swear but i i'm at a loss for the first time in my uh feeble existence oh well i can hit there either way it looks like pop some pills right no okay those were okay those were fine pills but i would like to play terraria today i'm really into the game but i don't want to like have to force kievan to wake up now just to play some [ __ ] terraria with bd1p i'm sure he's sleeping or resting i don't really want to bother the man however oh i walked through the freaking poop that was so cool i'm the best diagonal walker in this game's history but yeah i don't want to play today i think the easy fallback is like phantom abyss but like i want to beat that game once and then just never play it again because i played it for probably around like i don't know 30 hours at this point i haven't even beaten this thing i've beaten like the easy runs i haven't gone down to like inferno or um well i i haven't beaten inferno i've eaten caves and i've beaten like the the first ruined stage but i haven't been anything else and then friday is gonna be the scratch game day so if you're new to the channel um i asked the wasp fitting i asked a while ago on the community post um for you guys to make me like scratch games and i'll play them on stream and friday is that day so if you got any scratch games you want to submit join our discord it's down below and i'll be playing them on friday and going for uh you know just just a good like a good experience you know and the winner like the person makes the funniest or like the best game is going to be put into the isaac mod so pretty pretty high honor there i will say pretty high honor is this worth a bomb no it's not worth two bombs that's for sure but we got in there anyways we'll leave the floor we're fine we can leave the floor uh we can go to let's go downpour why not ma'am i should have gone for a secret room there but i'm a little bit of an idiot i figured i'd rather have the guaranteed money and potential arcade in the future then uh a chance to whiff both my why why i'm gonna take it you know i'm going to be taking that that hit me oh my god for for one reason only mama ain't raised no [ __ ] but how do i get it uh i gotta choose i gotta choose hold on i gotta put this right here and we're gonna get the whiz normally i would not take this item at all okay the whiz is acquired we can get a key up here too if we'd like just be very good to have you know the extra consumables for our run but that right there oh yeah we can't shoot normally now that's funny that's funny why did i take this [ __ ] item i literally lost two characters in another life because of this [ __ ] item so why do i take it i don't know man i'm a risky [ __ ] for no reason i just like playing this game just to prove that like you can make any run work [Music] well speaking about making any run work that is our second time in a row two runs in a row getting polyphemus on this exact floor in the same kind of item room as well um sorry i don't know what to say oh you [ __ ] i don't know what to say i mean like i didn't mean for this to happen oh a dime look at that it just kind of did it just kind of did and you know i'm not going to complain too much because i i you know i deserve i think happiness in life so this is a well-deserved uh polyphemus for myself but i do feel kind of bad that i'm getting more i'm getting luckier on these streaks again back up back up now i will say having the wiz now i'm kind of upset because i wanted to have a you know i could have had a polyphemus like a regular good polyphemus run now i got this boom like hank hill there now i got this [ __ ] in my in my [ __ ] grill hey but you know what you know what i'm known for making things worse that's what i'm gonna do get out of there you almost got hit by that [ __ ] beep okay okay okay oh okay okay watch out that was a little risky i don't know why that didn't work the way i thought it would it almost did it almost did there we go you i hate you angel deal though with flight flight's pretty good a bomb back here we can fight the statue yeah we can fight oh it's the red one huh uh use that to call the attacks out call the attacks out with your uh dark arts i miss that guy how did i miss you oh ah not good that was not good that was a perhaps a dumb hit okay be careful be careful there you go see you're figuring it out all you got to do is stay frosty all you got to do is stay frosty get in there hell yeah dude key piece 2 acquired it's our first key piece but it is not key piece one oh oh okay i had a small feeling i gotta give you a teleport card right now drop it on the ground for me damn uh i'm putting a bomb here i'm doing it there's no reason not to we have the bombs for it and they get a turn on investment there alright leave you just got a poly famous flight and an arrow room all in one floor not bad not bad at all i think today we'll probably end up doing a stream is just playing phantom abyss i mean i do want to beat the game and i have nothing better to do with the ice machines going off i got nothing better to do so why not it's a fun game it's a very good game it's just that what i mean when i say variety i want to be doing you know new released games that like aren't well known yet i wanna i wanna like be the reason a game takes off you know i wanna be like the reason that an indie game gets a following i wanna be that kind of guy i want to give a game like a big boost in uh sales and stuff like that but as you guys will see the next week or so when that new video comes out uh i'm not too happy with the state of the indie game industry right now so i don't know i don't know i guess we'll see i guess we'll see that's our boss fight already let's just go ahead and fight you got this get to it for one he spawned a second one on me this guy's got he's calling me out oh he's still turning even when he's frozen that's the weird thing about dark cars doesn't actually freeze the enemy it just freezes their movement they can still like if they're shooting a brimstone beam it still has a timer on it it's very odd maybe we'll go downpour this run i mean not downpour sorry mine's this run we do have a great build right now like i don't i don't see a reason why we shouldn't and that's what i wanted to see is our item room right there all we need now is a singular key game give me a singular key no not a key get in there hell yeah dude we can go into our cursed room for double free right now you love to see it yeah i think honestly we might just not go to downpour or not [ __ ] mind sorry because uh i'm on a bit of a schedule for stream right now and i'd rather just get to stream on time but i mean mine just technically can be faster they are overall smaller floors so maybe we do and there's our keith by the way we have for our item room now you love it you'll love it but i don't know i'm scrambled this morning i had a really weird morning uh i woke up no jesus i went for a run as i normally do but here's a fun little thing is is last night i went shopping at you know as i always do the goddamn aldi the aldi is the best store ever made aldi is so [ __ ] good but anyways um my uncle is uh visiting and i haven't seen my uncle since i was like one years old and i got i i didn't even like know the guy right and i he like my when my aunt was like hey we just got you some groceries if you want to come down to help us bring them up i'm like oh sure i'll help you bring the groceries up and i walk down and there's like a dude down there and i'm like this dude looks like so [ __ ] familiar but i couldn't tell who he was i'm thinking i'm like that's not my uncle is it and i'm like holy [ __ ] it's my [ __ ] uncle i hadn't seen the guy in forever it was crazy i i have a pretty bad potty mouth today i'm sorry but it's what i do when i can't talk normally because i'm uh scrambled and also just like still pretty tired from waking up i woke up pretty late today as well but yes but it was a crazy morning i just had a crazy night i just had not seen my uncle and got 17 years so it was it was nice to see him again you know nice to see him again but i made tacos last night as most of you who are long-time channel viewers know wow sci fly oh my god as long time channel viewers know from like our very first subathon i am a huge [ __ ] for tacos to put it lightly nice card so when i moved out i used to live with thomas and alex tg and al dog from the four player file and tg is a bigger taco fan than i am so we'd have tacos like two or three times a week it was expensive meat but i think it was it was worth it and uh i decided to make our recipe yesterday we made our own taco seasoning recipe but we lived together and it's really [ __ ] good something i'll make some taco seasoning and so i mix it like as you do with seasoning excuse me i mixed it all up i got everything ready and i browned the meat i put the seasoning in and it was so goddamn salty ooh nice and i don't know why because i used the same exact recipe i even double checked my measurements because did i use a teaspoon of a tablespoon stuff like that but no i use all the right stuff it just tasted so goddamn salty it was almost inedible what i'm planning to do now is make a second batch of seasoning like in that because i i make i make about two batches per like mix of seasoning i plan to make another batch of seasoning but include like a quarter of the salt in there what oh i shot you idiot so that that's kind of like how you would fix seasoning right is you would just add more of everything that isn't salt i think part of the reason it was so salty is i uh i also salted the meat as well as i put some steak seasoning in there which is is known for being pretty salty but maybe i just bought a different brand of like oh nice different brand of um like salt or like the regular seasonings that time and it just didn't mix well i don't know what it was it was very you know curious because i you know i've never had that happen before i've always had like pretty like i've never really messed up taco seasoning before it was a wow i'm so bad at this game it was a it was a first for me i've always been pretty uh cautious with myself because i knew that salt is a very delicate ingredient to put into some salt can make or ruin a dish i was always very like cautious with my salt but didn't work out i guess okay we have a soul of cane right now so what i'm gonna do here i'm gonna pop my death card because there were a decent amount of enemies in this room yeah well they're being all why are they being so weird right now what was that [ __ ] soul of kane the problem with soul of cain is i could either be like right on the money with it or i could be super far off so would i rather use it to open up a red room or look for a secret room and i think the answer may surprise you or not because it's gonna be the obvious you know look for the ultra secret room and i think it's going to be it can't be right here so this must be our secret room yeah right right against this wall because there's no red room here yeah yeah yeah got some pills of phd amazing relax is okay and rage up great okay so the red room couldn't be here it could be up right here hmm use your brain bd1p if you were a red room where would you be well i know exactly where i would be i'd be not there because there's a [ __ ] shop up here ooh although it could know it can't even be off of the shop because the shop where it goes down it's in a there's a room like right there like up in the top left by the shop right it could be it could have been below it but because that corner room to what's left is out there the red room can't be bordering that so it can't be there oh this is great what this shop is amazing for are you seeing this [ __ ] yo two speed ups amazing we got uh a range upgrade again nice and we got relax and you're relaxing your range up do we have so much goddamn range right now amazing we're like [ __ ] brendon yuri out here let's see ah it's just it's so i mean okay okay if this room down here does not go anywhere it's gonna be next to our boss trap room below it if this room does not go anywhere we found our red room i'm pretty sure no because it can't be dude what is this [ __ ] gonna be right here okay i'm gonna take a guess and say it's in this room it's off of here somewhere is my guess we'll find out though right okay right here let's go dude we're so smart oh also all the damn okay we have a lot of damage now oh my god this this run is just working in my favor in every regard and okay tears up though it's not bad tears up and also it's not actually not a bad item at all because that's going to give us a chance to get angel deals after we take our first uh devil deal so that's very very good for us what i would have killed for that was a red key i'm just sitting in there like it's a very ironic red key i would have loved to see that on this run but we're fine but we need more of we have enough t-rate and damage right now what we need more of is hp desperately need hp because dark guards pretty much solves our damage crisis ah a lot but this does not taking h does not solve it the the the hp hp part of our run right now excuse me is what's going to end up killing us because we don't have any we have two hearts that's two champion hits and we're [ __ ] dead now i don't like this i don't like the sound of that man next run is win number [ __ ] 69 how can we how can we avoid win 69 what's oh euro i can't even see [ __ ] darkness curse is kicking my ass right now i'm so bad at this goddamn game dude i'm so bad okay run through went through and through why am i so bad at this game today okay i'm not playing at a good level but you know what you gotta make exceptions sometimes right even the world's best isaac player makes mistakes guys don't worry about me all right i just missed that guy entirely four times excuse me okay uh last wave here okay oh okay that was a little bit of almost a [ __ ] hit there i think and you're gone you're what's oh my god the the spiders are killing me these fighters are actually gonna kill me okay please yes it's so good for us please balls of steel please black ops is not bad at hematemesis okay another telepills huh can i go to a free mausoleum with this yeah i can cool cool let's go to mausoleum we have a free access point now we might die to this but i think it's worth the risk we have polyphemus if we die with polly we don't deserve to live at all anyways that's my that's my final saying that wow amazing you know what [ __ ] telepills what you got oh nothing good amazing wow get in there oh yeah the best thing is though polly oh wow we already found a boss room to excuse me the best thing is is that uh highly dark arts means it's at least going to be a base of like a 16 damage hit with every dark cards and it scales upwards with the enemies that you hit which is really [ __ ] good please shout out soul hearts in it please no greed let's go so many good items in here actually wait these are incredible items for us wait a minute wait a minute that's not that good that's a health upgrade for us and that's going to be a moon card pop that immediately uh that's not what i want to see that's his red hearts who cares okay okay i don't know where we are anymore but i think we played that pretty well i'm gonna take this over the flies well am i though the flies do like 30 damage and they recharge uh these choices man these choices would we rather have the flies or the hp i mean i mean the better pills like because we can get tears ups and telepills and like puberties and stuff over and over again for example like that but i just um i think the safe choice is the pill bottle for us the flies are higher damaging and they're cooler but the safer choice is to make sure we're running with the pills man okay here's what you do take the flies take the flies [ __ ] being safe we're too cool for that in the game obviously not not in real life be safe in real life but in the game dude just say [ __ ] it we could have had like guaranteed we define our item room still guaranteed hp i would have in the pill bottle i think i'd rather have the recharging damaging flies why is does bloody recharge block the the only when you're in a room does it recharge i forgot about that little quirk about this item here okay left maybe there is there's our boss trap or our mob trap room go for it okay was probably not worth it honestly okay pop that one two do bloody recharge okay never mind the flies was the right choice look at this build right now the flies recharge we killed enemies sometimes oh this is amazing and that too for invincibility for walking out of curse rooms and spike chests and stuff we already have dark arts true but still it's not bad to see at all and for this room right here we can actually play this guy a little bit get a couple of uh hits out here okay free card no spider that's all right we don't even need that though the shell or the hellbegger is honestly not that good devil to a diamond just pop that and grab your devil card mid-maxing right now is not my priority all i want to do is find my items and continue on we could have taken broken padlock and gone for a free mother but at the same time like do i want that on this run do i want to fight mother on this run i don't think i do i think this run is good i don't know but dark guards against mother is like one of the just best items ever you can solo mother with just dark guards nice money drops i'm gonna go left hand for the guppy chance we do already have one guppy item for us i'm pretty excited about that our map was stuck open that was weird uh we'll go empress here i think it's a better damage up for us walk in please nope i think if the chance that we get a guppy item out of the red chest or a devil deal is much better than the chance of us seeing any amount of like poop in this room's gonna actually make a difference we'll go for headless baby very good item there if you watch my creep video you'll know why but i think that like petrified poop is fine but at this point in the game we're not gonna see a lot i hate my life a lot of poop anymore so i don't really see a need in having him i think that having just the the chance for soul hearts devil deals and guppy items on occasion is going to be better because the main reason you want chess like normal like stone chests or golden chest is because they drop keys and coins and bombs and boss items for you but we already have a lot of keys and bombs and coins we don't need those and devil items are better than boss items when you're not paying for them so there that i mean that's pretty pretty straightforward i feel like for you to understand is that that's gonna be better for us as current state now if we didn't have any bombs or keys and stuff i would probably take um petrified poop just so i wouldn't have left hand anymore but yeah we have the ability to win the run without it i think we're okay nice right that was beautiful right there get in there get in there hell yeah how are you not dead yet kid come on come on come on go in go deep there we go and an angel deal again with godhead that's what you want to see boys all righty dude we gotten godhead just so much let's go fight mega satan this run dude honestly [ __ ] it we have the power we have the freaking powers walk in goodbye kid pick it up all right well it's mega satan time boys let's go down to uh mausoleum hopefully mausoleum nakahana it's not the ganga thank god it's not the ganga god i love angel deals dude god i love angel deals all right well this runs are pretty much a guaranteed win at this point if you enjoyed watching me oh he's right behind me huh kid if you enjoyed watching this run i mean at this point then you know i'm gonna win this [ __ ] stick around but you know i'm gonna win this [ __ ] but uh make sure you guys are are still supporting no oh god i'm glad you guys are still supporting the channel up to this date but if you want us why not support it even more a comment always helps more than you realize the algorithm loves comments and interaction so if you think i deserve it personally i think i do but it's up to you guys in the end but no more adult transformations huh i thought six pills gave you another hp who knows who knows but if you want to support it even more comments always help the interaction boosts you more than you even realize man i've been looking at my analytics recently they've been [ __ ] fantastic again thank you guys a lot for that no agreed yo one floor too late but still nice all right just start buying [ __ ] and give some money back to ye olde donation machine buy the pill though that's why you buy pills dude i couldn't imagine a better run than this eden's blessing godhead polyphemus dark arch like are you joking are you yanking my chain right now this is honestly incredible what do i want now and obviously you want sacred heart now but what i would kill for is uh try sagion oh that's the wrong card back up back up back up what i would kill for is like a form of piercing shots with this because we already have homing homing trisagion is one of the most op like combinations in this game because it perpetually does take damage like that you get a homing shot that stays on an enemy you could kill a boss with one [ __ ] tier if you had the range for it obviously it's it's pretty insane it's pretty [ __ ] insane get in there get in there also we're one-shotting bosses with our darkhearts right now which is a a nice sight to see i will say it's a fresh sight to see now last run the same thing happened polly oh my god with the fires dude i'm too cocky calm down you can still lose you're not invincible man relax relax but poly theme is brimstone is crushing last rum now they got polly godhead i mean look what's back chat look what's back book of shadows with uh another bloody recharge item oddly familiar run the seeds of this game are not really uh that random are they edmund you're sucking me off again aren't you dog i don't i don't mind i don't mind i like getting sucked off by admin nothing there we can go for a secret room here we have the time there we go arky ham you can hope you know you could still hope for one all right well go fight uh your boss and then i guess you're going down to the floor yeah get in there look at that damage on their [ __ ] foot that was like literally one like cycle of her foot and it did that much damage runs insane goodbye goodbye um i guess you could go negative because you didn't go negative last run because you're a coward and maybe you can get like a brimstone out of the red chests in there so why not and then yeah go on down and go fight your uh your little red mom heart huh no curse of loss please thank you i appreciate that one oh yeah this is a field day for me okay that was not a that was the opposite of a field day that was actually quite awful we repaid though pretty quickly there so i'm okay with that so we have um stores no we have quicker charge which means we have a two charge on this item so we can fire some money here because you find money equals power on the on the uh in in the devil pool or lock upgrades right there as you can see shield is shaking okay back off back off back off not bad at all so to charge on that faster charge on on my uh dark guards and my guppy's head this run is just made for winning i mean if i lose this [ __ ] to mega satan i'll be livid i will i will quit isaac forever at that point i took confidence i won't lose this run this is like we've been handed two free wins on a silver ass platter no chance literally no chance there you go buddy we could just stand here for hours also there's the hp i wanted there is the hp that i so desperately needed right there hello hello watch out watch out okay beautiful attempted rock right small rock would be huge right now small rock nah hp though see now we're already back at full hp like what's the risk of this run it's not even funny anymore we're just we're just winning for free we're getting to see cool ending bosses but still i could have gone for beast i could have gone for mother on the throne if i would have kept broken goddamn padlock man imagine the run we'd have right now going to corpse oh i envy myself in the past i envy broken padlock bd1p from like 20 minutes ago you son of a [ __ ] you had it all and you threw it all away what was your point what was your plan idiot i don't need a store key anymore i'll be honest i don't need a store key anymore great trick but you know it's just not for me in the current state of things all right just walk in yeah all right here we go yep yep oh we got hit there for once look at that look how cool you are now we could go fight hush again i guess we could go but i already i thought i'm last run dude ah whatever just [ __ ] do it i'll get y'all that if i don't by the comments you could have fought hash that run i know i know i could have fought hodges angel deal please the pills are so nice though you know what gulp it yeah puberty what are you relax uh we can hold that for next floor i guess we'll take that all right cool um that's better than ghost baby for sure we're also one way for conjoined right now and that's not conjoined so i'm not gonna take it we'll take this for the freezing effect we have one last shop here oh we stop watching it okay even a more guaranteed win um what else we want what else we want buy this oh isaac isaac isaac you were just full of irony today aren't you i love it oh i love it all right bomb for your crawl space here i really would like to join on this run for even more shots because oh please conjoined oh sorry guys no hush today oh calm yourself down there calm yourself down there beautiful just a [ __ ] like i cannot envision a better run than this this is just my kind of run i've waited so long for an error room on the hush floor that finally get one just feels it just feels right you know it just feels right i deserve this is a me day i deserve this i desperately ah you son of a [ __ ] i i i deserved this today you know i haven't had a rough time but i've been having a i could have always been having a better time this is my better time this is edmond's apology letter for all my my past uh no no this said this this is the game repaying me for playing the lost on purpose for like two runs in a row as well as fight i fought delirium in the past two weeks like six times this is this is that repayment there the game's okay i can't give you an r key you asked too much for it so i'm just gonna give you you know your favorite thing ever which is just skipping an entire [ __ ] floor you know what isaac i i thank you to an insane degree i thank you watch out be careful still remember you're not you you are not unkillable you are not unkillable but you're pretty damn close to it i will say we could also sack like to get more angel stuff this floor if we wanted to go that route and maybe get like better items of some degree but it could also kill us and we're already going to dark room next floor anyway so why would i even consider that just go fight the run is the run is one don't even worry about it stop watch timing i i got poison in there i got poison in there we're fine all right watch this yeah yeah you can't you can't win that [ __ ] the dude is just guaranteed to die his doom has been sealed by yours truly okay get the knife in there and yeah that was just perfect just perfect all right well mega stay in the maybe a second or a a seventh potential delirium run this run [ __ ] delirium streak right now oh my god mark i'll probably take no i don't need that um i'll take this and i will take this for sure that's big extra dammy for us um we could play the floor out for maybe getting like a devil deal with like brother bobby in it but eh but the thing is we go up the left hand so we can't even drop it to get other items anyways there's no point in playing the floor out for like you know spiders and troll bombs is probably what it'll end up being because i mean that's my that's my luck with chest this run it looks like it's just spiders and troll bombs but from a stone beam no regular ass tears to give me uh oh no we're still going hold on that much damage we can do it again if you want mega satan but you can get me up to like 100 damage maybe this run that would be nice just kill just kill him no one cares just kill godhead plus uh a million damage is fine get out of here thank you all right well it's slowly going down we can get it back up in a minute i think if we just keep our damage on him oh we can do it on envy right here get some more damage off there we didn't get anything what the hell that was like nothing man all right pop this pop this remember just all you gotta do is stay frosty and you will be fine okay yeah mom's contact freezing his ass is so good for us oh this is beautiful for us okay not so beautiful anymore not so beautiful anymore there's one angel or one archangel excuse me in the next one and it's fine for the final phase of living mega satan they're going to stomp it on him riverstone yeah there's the brimstone we all know and love okay the homing with shots are making this run actually so good the wiz was actually a good pickup believe it or not who would have [ __ ] guessed who would have guessed the wiz was kind of a carry on this run just just a little bit again like an assistance carry give me some tears dog give me some tears to do this too there we go that's what i want to see i'm stuck in a bad place right now we're out of there we're out of there remember don't lose that you're just not unkillable you know or you are not unkillable okay there you go remember above all else just make sure you're gonna win the run don't do anything super stupid that that i would do basically be don't be yourself be somebody else be beast invicta be cobalt right now you're gonna win though right now this is your winning card there you go get in there more flies for your ass huh huh are you not dead yet there we go delirium portal maybe would i do it i would do it i would do it [Music] oh my god we gotta do it don't we all right is this what like three or four runs in a row now here we go delirium once again weird starting room right there by the way when we have book of shadows and dark arts we should be fine to fight him now there is a chance we do still die because like that's just who i am but i think overall we got this in the freaking bag i think there's a higher chance we win than we lose even though it is one of the most bs bosses in the game what we need a lot of is hp right now because our hp only have four hearts four taps on that boss which could happen realistically and we're goners forever okay three taps on that boss and we are goners forever please hp nope that's the opposite of hp i could have killed me it could have done a lot of damage to me above all else remember to stay safe just just stay safe get 11 bombs for looking for secret rooms here don't forget about your secret could have an arkey in it come make your run and pop the hell off stay back just stay back oh you have stop watch though that's pretty good as well stopwatch is not bad to have let's make the fight a little bit more manageable at least okay pop this is going yeah yeah all right hp two parts guppy oh a red chest three parts guppy okay wait immaculate conception is not bad hold on is that did that even work though with uh soul heart hp i'm not sure but now we're two parts guppy we have a higher chance for chest drops and those chests will be red chests which means there's gonna be a higher chance for soul hard drops as well pretty nice pretty nice okay above all else stay safe rehearse is not a good place to be him so you might be asking yourself bd1p why do you go to delirium so much and the answer is simple i've been getting good runs i have to pay that forward i believe in a certain amount of karma in life you know not that much though i believe in a certain amount of karma in life and i think if you're gifted a good start or a good run you should take that run as far as you can go as a player test yourself you know because there are there are enough things out there where like you know you could play isaac normally you can play isaac and just go to like blue baby every run with you know whether it be a bad or good build or you can play your run forward to delirium when the game says hey here's a good run i think in that degree in some cosmic way the universe is like when we give him good stuff he goes all the way with them give him more good stuff it makes every run much more fun because that way too you guys the viewers will also know like hmm at least we know if bd1p goes gets op this run he'll go all the way to delirium at least we know that when bd1p gets you know polyphemus brimstone he'll go as far as he can to make the run entertaining that's what i want you guys to know at home and here we are again all the way down here there's a half soul heart for daddy come to papa hell yeah what i love to see immensely all right let's get i still gotta stay safe though because like now we do have six hitch till we die you're just gonna keep showing up whenever whenever you're here is that what's gonna happen because you know what [ __ ] i'll grab two of you [ __ ] it i'm not i'm not afraid i'm like eminem i'm not afraid to take a stand hey everybody come take my hand flies are inconsequential soul hearts though mommy but dude i wanted to hit this one god damn it dude schoolbags screwing me over now okay go grab your second curse of the tower because you can i wonder if they cancel out in some weird way there you go double the troll bombs now are you happy edmund you have to be twice you get twice the effect where the hell are our boss fights by the way is there only gonna be one fight on this entire floor dude where where are these boss fights at hold on excuse me where are you dog where are you soul hearts please we already were here but i can put some bombs down now i walked into the oh [ __ ] wait oh we got our key piece back now amazing okay you are throwing you are currently throwing the game is uh not treating you very well you're also playing like garbage so it's mostly your fault though be safe thank you where are these boss fights why is this map so right side centered right now oh hey hey hey let's not do that okay buddy next time warn me first hills okay not great pills not even good pills i would say very neutral pills all right there's one boss fight and the lyrium cannot be here so i'm safe to go in and fight it i'm safe oh it's blue baby but in isaac's room makes sense i guess there's some damage for your boy and he's out of here all right what you got for me yo hp and damage and a speed down we're at max speed excuse me unstoppable ungovernable amazing incredible look at this stuff dude this is what dreams i'm made of okay you can't be either of these rooms either so we're safe to walk into these range up is amazing for homing shots and that's okay i guess okay get that out there get that out there and you're gone what you got for me the bible that bookworm it is bookworm for us that's that's one positive there potentially two shots coming out now gotta love it dude the runners keep getting better and better every single floor we play it just gets better and better hi orphan all right we're at max hp now uh things will no longer go bad for me i'm manifesting that at least wow we are now at literally max hp more you know do the more you know um he could be here i guess but at this point just do it he's not it's not even him don't worry about it it's not even him what you got for me the compass where are the boss fights at wow this is such a really weirdly balanced map it's like every fight's on the right and then most of them are like down below i guess you know a lot of them are up ish i don't know dude i don't even know anymore pop that this fight can be a little bs sometimes yep goodbye never mind it was very easy never mind another oh hey tears upgrade very good for polyphemus we shoot actually extremely fast we're having poly right now that was too hematimus pills not worth it my lord dude my lord you can't make this [ __ ] up the run's just going as the run does i am merely a vessel for edmond to project himself through at this point bye bye bye bye okay he could be here this could also be him i believe it was not though we're so lucky with this [ __ ] man goodbye uh cluster or scatter bombs but wasn't this used to be called cluster bombs do they change that or was it always scatter bombs i thought it used to be called cluster bombs or is that just a me thing i used to say that this is like a bd1p vernacular right there is that like an actual thing wasn't it called cluster bumps no i'm making this [ __ ] up it was totally scatter bombs i don't even know i'm too i'm too brain dead for this right now i just want to beat the leader i mean to run over with okay he could be here he put it where he can be is this one he cannot be down here we'll fight this first and hopefully we guess right so we can get the max amount of items for this fight hopefully we guess right here wow for amazing actually incredible okay i'm gonna guess it's not this one but it very well could be wow it was not this one okay well you know i guess i'm always right and for the fight we now have a million [ __ ] flies okay well you know that was a fun run so that was a pretty a pretty uh nice run i would say myself wait small rock though right here small rock though right here damn we could have had it all spider-man all right well here you go empress card beautiful where you at there you are we do so much damage oh my god he has no chance to win this he has no chance to win this getting his forgiveness face getting his face yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah where are you our shield is gonna be worn off here i'm pretty sure yeah i think it's all gone now get in there more freezing effects dude what is this is my fastest kill in like forever why is this so good i guess it is like a 40 damage like you know god had a run but still still that's still pretty impressive to me oh my god and more of this more flies and more invincibility huh huh you understand a [ __ ] chance dude you're gone oh i gotta get hit again oh wait curse the tower finish it off there's so many bombs out here double curse the tower just that easy it's just that easy well if you enjoy like our third or fourth blue delirium run in a row there like comment and subscribe for the algorithm it may not mean much to you but to me it means the whole world it makes my day a lot better aside from that all my stuff is down below twitch twitter discord tic tac my second channel my link tree all is that this is just down in the description go check it out but hey guys that's it for today i'll see you guys tomorrow peace out and goodbye
Channel: bd1p
Views: 3,146
Rating: 4.8863635 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, eden streak, eden, win, winstreak, random, random character, isaac, tainted, godhead, polyphemus, dark arts, the wiz, mega satan, crazy
Id: uuLW8Am0vFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 54sec (2874 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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