How Fast Can You Beat "Backasswards"?

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welcome back bd1p fans to another speedrunning video today is the back asswords challenge now if you don't know this challenge takes place where you start off mega satan's room and work your way backwards through every floor fighting you know through every room and every boss again the interesting quirk about this challenge is you start with 10 random items and two key pieces so my strategy here to get out of the mega state and fight fast was one of two things one i needed to start with cursed eye and like forcibly teleport out or two start with you know starter deck or booster pack and find a teleport card and get me out of there as fast as i can i tested it a lot and respawn items like nine lives or one up do not actually work it puts you back in this same room here so that was kind of out of the question so i knew my only options were pretty much like cursed eye you know cursed penny um teleport cards like the stars the hermit or whatever but the run should start pretty soon here uh this is about maybe two hours of resetting to get a good run because you understand fighting mega satan you know with any build takes about two minutes you have your first phase you got all your mini bosses to fight and then you got your second phase it takes no matter what your build is gonna take about two minutes to fight the dude so that's like a no-go you need to have a teleport card and there i got the hermit card this is the run right here you'll notice i actually have uh the fastest item in the game you're curious and i also get incubused here now me right now i have um hemolacria i didn't know that at first i shoot right there i'm like oh shoot i have hemolycra and tech zero or jacob's ladder whatever it's called no that's no sorry that's that's fruitcake my bad but that's crazy then i look at my items i'm like okay well i'm gonna lose hemolacria in two floors every floor in this challenge you lose one heart container and you lose uh the bottom most item so for example going into room 2 here when i finish this boss fight off i'm actually going to uh end up losing um echo dem or whatever it's called then after room 2 i'm gonna lose hemolacria but luckily for me mercurius is pretty far back in there to the point where i'm not gonna lose that until i think around cage two maybe depths one but i'm pretty confident i can swing this out here so this is probably not my strongest run i did have a spiritual run that actually was a little bit faster but because the spirit sword had to play very close to enemies and when you only have nine items you're going to fight satan it's not a fun time it obviously it's still full heart damage and stuff like that but this run ended up actually doing pretty well my pathing was pretty okay for once in my life i know god forbid but it's actually just a pretty standard run i just run through every single room here only fight the bosses there are some times where i kind of screw up and just start fighting rooms for no reason it's just hard right under my brain that want to fight rooms and isaac i guess but hey that's everybody's brain i'm pretty sure yeah also the biggest thing here too probably the most important item i have that's not mercurius is glyph of balance the reason that's so important is because when i get low on hp when i'm down a heart whenever i clear a room or a boss fight a heart is guaranteed to spawn glyph of balance is an item that drops consumables to your need so if i'm at like two hp or two red hearts i'm going to get a red heart drop after literally every single room which actually comes into play on i believe the matriarch fight next floor no maybe like the mom fight it was somewhere in depth where i just took a ton of damage for no reason and goof of balance like saved my ass so hard but yeah this is a you know your average mom's heart fight uh kill it i'm good i start to move on here uh i was thinking to myself like the the biggest thought in my head in this run was managing my hp because every floor you lose a heart container as i'm mathinging out in my head right now i'm going to be dead by the time i reach basement one so okay i need to get spirit hearts i need so because those don't go away spirit hearts always stay there they don't get messed up by the game at all this path was bad this was a bad path i think i don't know but i needed to make sure i kept my hp decently high and so i told myself no devil deals don't even think about it because if you grab one of those deals you're going to be in a place where you are most certainly going to die and this run is not unbeatable by any standard but resetting to look for one certain item is a and also fun fact if you start with the bethlehem star it actually crashes your game immediately so i had to restart my game like i would say over 20 times um just to get this run to work because i kept crashing and it was super super annoying but being an after with plus player and matriarch being added so late into the update or whatever i didn't actually know how to learn this boss's patterns i was just this entire fight i was winging it because what time you usually hit womb you would definitely have more than like you know eight items you have some more damage than a 3.5 which is where the big bottleneck in this run comes in is my damage because you only get a choice of how many items there is a high chance none of those are going to be damaged i mean i had to fight this challenge on the nuzlocke stream and i had to fight mega satan with literally less than base stats luckily i had i had cancer and full red hearts but that's besides the point that's slow this is trying to go fast this is actually great for me though because um the matriarch is it has a bug where when you kill each of its forms whether it be like the the outer shell or chub they all drop hb so i can you can pretty much just stack up like soul hearts and everything else in that fight and it's it's it's a charm it's literally just a charm i walk into that room to dodge that shot right there because i'm still worried about my hp and then i walk in there to get a car i'm thinking if i get a full card in there it'll make my run like exponentially faster did not pan out for me right there looking for some spirit hearts or maybe even small rock a little extra dps but didn't work out now is the mom fight this fight takes me a while again fruitcake's a great item incubus fantastic item 3.5 damage and uh like two and a half tier rate no thank you no thank you not fun and if i could change it i would have rather had i think i would have traded in like a balanced glyph for like any kind of damage at this point in the run because now i'm realizing at this point like it's only gonna get easier as we go on the bosses get less health and i don't have any more damage to lose right like i'm i'm the lowest i can get so i don't think it's easier from here but having mother b or sorry not mother mom be a story boss and having that you know a little bit of extra hp a little bit of beefier fight it makes this floor feel so slow and it really really burns but we'll finish it off here pretty easily um i also am going to lose mercurius on yeah caves too is what i said earlier case two and to be honest with you and why i walked in here i had an emperor card luckily though luckily huh you see see bd1p's actually planning for once but funny thing in my head i didn't actually notice that i lost mercurius it didn't even click with me until literally basement one that's my brain was like hey you're not you're never curious anymore you gotta fight rooms it was super weird how my brain is adjusted that fast just having to fight regular rooms but this will be this will be depth one up here believe the boss was yeah so these guys sucked i only have two bombs and they dodged my first one with like near perfect accuracy and again sister viz they're not the tankiest but having just two hitboxes and both of them having their own attacks is pretty difficult i'm not a full heart damage anymore it's a half heart damage because we're on the non hard floors of the game but doesn't make it any more fun i if if anything here like i would have killed for a box of friends because i'm really only fighting boss rooms in half of this run now this is a very interesting choice right here by the way i want you guys to to realize this i walked in here and i skipped genesis for one reason you might be thinking that's literally an entire floor skip if you hold on to that and you save it all the way down to basement two and pop it you basically get a free basement one and that's true but in the heat of the moment my brain told me don't pick that up you're going to lose all your items you're going to lose mercurius which you'd still have for this floor to finish it off and you could potentially the the item pools when it comes to starting with regular items is very odd for example if you start with pentagram on this challenge and reroll it will not be a devil item it'll be an item room item i'm pretty sure or like a normal room pool item so i was going to be stuck with potentially again no dps upgrades no nothing and it would take time to get more items back if i would have popped genesis uh like on that floor it would have just wasted more time now yes i could have carried it down and i should have carried it down but my brain's first thought was just take the other item and go i don't care what it is this here is a big difference as well if i would have had genesis i would have dropped it for this either way either way because soul of earns whatever the hell it's called soul earn earns sorry earn of souls is what it's called actually bd1p you idiot um has a unique property which i don't use too much into the later like i guess more like the earlier floors in the game but um much like mega blast it actually gives you speed when you're walking against the flow of it and a lot of these roof doesn't doesn't work too well on but it actually makes you significantly faster if you pop it once it's a small burst and walk backwards with it it makes you significantly faster small little speed tech there but also is like just like look at this damage on this boss right here there should be caves one boss yeah so carrying queen has one hitbox on her that took down like so like much more than you would think of her hp this fight is scary by the way i go down to one hit i walk into my own bomb explosion and she does a full one heart of damage so i'm thinking oh i might be dead here and you can see why i'd like to have old like earn a souls oh my god earn of souls charged up here because i would like to have this you know pierced her with that but we're fine now again my hp is my worry i'm looking at it and i'm like oh my god i'm going to lose all my hearts when i reach basement one the spirit heart better stay with me and of course because i'm bd1p and i blunder a lot i think i lose it like pretty soon into this which is just ah not fun but you know the run actually went pretty well it's a little bit of a longer one you know i would think this challenge because you get 10 items to start out with would be faster but because i lost hemolacria i lost mercurius thank god thank the lord that uh i got a soul of earnest i'm gonna kill myself earn of souls here because losing him alacria earlier on on the run big dps downgrade losing mercurius big speed downgrade this literally gave me back speed and damage the two things that i was missing and here's the gurgling fight now again i could die literally right here they have troll bombs and i believe they also do a full heart of contact damage very very like close to death there i walk in just for the random item i pick it up because i'm like okay i just gotta go at this point um i was hoping for like just anything that i would have killed for flight because flight would have made navigating a lot of the rock rooms easier and it's two seconds of my time to potentially get a game-changing item but we're getting close to the end of the run here uh we have one more floor you'll see here i start to actually use the boost on urn of souls because i said it right oh my god i've learned um i this is where i realized like oh i can i gotta use my boost more because it actually does make me way faster i use it here to push out of the room very small time improvements but overall they they add up the small time saves and i believe this i forget little horn yeah little horn uh who dodges most of my fire i want to use a death card here but i'll just kill her like outright what we find i skipped the boss item because we're at the light like the last floor was no point taking it and i just start boosting the entire way down i'm don't i don't boost there because i'm an idiot or there i guess but then i find this and i walk into and that is time right there if you enjoyed the run let me know leave a comment down below that's what i should speak around next whether it be unlocking a talented character or different challenges but aside from that guys it's been bd1p peace out and good bye
Channel: bd1p
Views: 12,702
Rating: 4.976789 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, win, isaac, tainted, speedrun, world record, mercurious, haemolacria, speed, fast, fastest, challenge
Id: AwPRsndOt8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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