Twisted Pair, but HOMING?! - The Binding Of Isaac Random Streak 54

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what is going on bd1p fans it's your boy bd1p back with the random streak today's episode is tainted characters going for win 54 in a row here i'm pretty excited it is like 8 00 p.m right now so way later than i usually remember like a 10 a.m recorder so this is a bit later than i usually do it so hopefully i can still play decently well but question of the day today is going to be what is your favorite fruit what is your favorite fruit that will end up with that for me personally i gotta say like i've always been since i was a kid a huge i'm gonna leave the microsoft on my face by the way huge oh hey great character huge strawberry fan um i have a thing with red fruits i just like red fruits a lot anyway seed of the day is m i almost had seven m x z c c three d seven c three these nuts dog but yeah ever since i was a kid i've always been like i had a huge thing for like just red fruits i mean here's here's like my age like graph right from fruit it was like when i was i would say ages like two to like 14. i was a large large large uh strawberry fan like i would eat strawberries like every with every single meal if i could then when i had about like 15 i i started eating a lot more raspberries and i got real into watch this though crawl space crawl space no it could have happened though it could have happened i got really into raspberries for some weird reason and ever since then i eat a lot of raspberries but i'm kind of getting sick of them a little bit so i think i'm gonna go back to the uh the strawberry gang but obviously grapes are great bananas are incredible uh deltarune spoilers obviously bananas are incredible um man what i guess a better question too if you're still watching this far in is like do you prefer green grapes or or red grapes i guess they're more purple than me but they're called red grapes because everyone always says like green grapes right i gotta disagree man i i think they're too like acidic or too bitter i really really love like how red grapes taste i think they're really good also i apologize there's like a weird shadow behind me uh because it's later in the day my green screen is not accustomed to this kind of light it usually has a little bit of natural light kind of like backlighting it i have like a really weak fan going right now so that's kind of it's gonna have like a little bit of a weird uh shadow to it why did i not go to my item what the hell am i doing planetarium i guess gamers let's do it oh i told you crawl space i freaking told you item item item item item oh serpents kiss do not mind if i do some poison shots for your boy off the bat here lovely yeah it's been a nice day despite never recording any isaac yet i did play a lot of isaac today i actually uh if you guys are gonna stick around for today's like later video you're gonna freaking love it dude i'll go for e coli it's more situational i guess but i beat the entirety of isaac with only two button presses i'm not gonna tell you which ones i'm not gonna spoil the video and this is not some kind of like a old dev4 joke or like i didn't use co-op or sacrificing at all i pressed two buttons the entire like run and i beat the game uh so if you're if that sounds like interesting to you 10 a.m upload baby so three hours after this video comes out go check that one out oh you charged four times right you're a champion it's it was a fun video to make but that run was painful dude it was like five hours of me really resetting until i got a good seed and another like three hours of me running the seed so i figured it out um now it was crazy it was crazy but we also recorded me and script some uh co-op for a video wow you're four or four dashes um it's gonna be a background footage for the video that i'm making is how to fight every boss in the game i wanna make that video so when console releases i killed close i can uh get some console viewers to watch that one you feel me oh i'm going booster pack free watch this reverse moon car drop right now damn joker though and ace of hearts perfect for us empress high priestess let's go joker first [Music] oh okay okay okay so you first want to buy this um and then if you can oh you oh i hate this game sometimes dude okay nine lads are gonna keep for a while here we're gonna keep that for a long time here high priestess okay we probably should use ace of hearts on whoa i have an idea i have an idea wait wait what car do we want to keep i'm gonna say hi priestess for next floor's boss fight that's not the priestess card dude i have an idea for this ace of hearts card i'm gonna break all the poops out of the flies out and i'm gonna pop the ace of hearts in that room turning our cards and flies into into uh what we need a penny on the ground for the heart as well hoping for a soul heart or a bone heart here would be very very nice okay ace of hearts oh we don't even need hearts we have nine lives you dingus i'm not in my game today sorry guys i'm really not in my game today okay let's uh walk into our cursed room for sure oh it was a tinted rock i didn't even see that earlier this is this is not what i usually record isaac and for good reason i am a bit dumb in in the night time a bit dumb i also haven't eaten anything for dinner yet the reason being hold on whoa we get the thing now oh if we would have got the hearts first we could have gotten the thing you might as well no there's no point in buying the shadow there's no point okay pick these up walk out go break your tinty rock and then move on good first floor a little bit of planning involved but still pretty good first floor but yeah it's been a wild day been a wild day um i gotta go back to it's i guess so this is what i realized like my subathon is not really a subathon it's kind of just like me clickbaiting it for subs but um i gotta get back to that soon great find that's cool by me um i just i can't play isaac for that long i get too salty when i play isaac for that long so i'm taking like today and then um tuesday off or stream usually i wouldn't usually i would stream mondays no matter what but wednesday we're starting terraria on on stream so i wanted to be ready for that and not like super super you know zoned out because i'm playing with kielvin and uh uh a terraria youtuber named uh obelisk something like i always forget his name and i feel bad because we're gonna be collabing soon but very very polite man i i've you know texted him a few times about the collab and he seems very very polite and cool i'm excited to start that off also play a new game on stream well i'm gonna be really really happy with that i just want to you know branch out some more okay come here come here break it open for me let's go golden bomb as well where else is going this garden's pretty nice so far booster packs a great item to set back down and you know forget about it give us some stagnant cards very very very good run watch the you escaped almost escaped wow that golden bomb him up dude holy i'm i'm liking this realm tayden isaac is one of those characters this is what alexa described him to me as he's a character who better utilize because i just doesn't have a lot of like utilization of the of dropping items no it's not a very like it doesn't use the idea of dropping items very well oh yeah oh yeah baby it doesn't utilize dropping items very well so having a character that utilizes the mechanic of putting items down is very very cool and i agree with them on that i think i think we need more more you know like like reverse full cards reverse stars cards things that drop items back on the ground for you things like that are very very unique and can lead to some very power you you your very powerful runs i i like him what i plan to do here uh i want to get like a per a pair throw or a d6 and i want to drop items in my curse room or my sorry my secret and get an r key that would be very ideal for me taking a lot of hits we do have nine lives i'm not too worried but i should not be you know throwing away hp just for fun i was not in my zone man i played uh what 23 hours of of isaac in the past like two days no sorry 20 like 20 maybe if you were 30 hours of isaac in two days now because i recorded a bunch today for that that video coming out today so i've played a lot of isaac i've the thing is practice always helps yeah true truth which are true but too much of it when you too much bad practice makes you know bad plays it's what my track coach always told me back in high school practice does not make perfect perfect practice makes perfect and that's true that's true i will stand by that lodge the day i freaking die oh watch this okay land now do it naga go yeah baby free synthol off the bat don't worry about anything else down there act first you get two soles and then you buy sin robes and you get three soles holy dude what a run okay use your gold bombs find the secret room and then forget me now out of here so so good dude such a good run so far holy confessionals we could play that with our nine lives and get potentially an angel item there but i'm not going to worry about it i've never had one of those pay out for me in all my hours of repentance not one is ever paid out for me you know what maybe maybe that's how it's supposed to be i'm not going to complain too much about it but i kind of wish we had a little bit more use out of those things that they take way too long to pay out and yes like it is an angel item but you see them also very rarely and because angel items are much harder to come by in this game than devil items i think it'd be nice to have them pan a little bit earlier that's just me that's just me though just me just miss me okay maybe some coins here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay this floor i would say is pretty much what done what i'm gonna do is walk into our boss trap room open up the chest and then dip the hell out of here okay free money and goodbye okay forget me now on dross this is good no more curses as well 13 bombs amazing it'd be kind of cool if when you forget me out of like golden bombs or golden keys they stayed it is the same floor technically it'd be cool to quit those of those state you could work around that quite a bit i think with strategy as well but you know again golden bombs and stuff like that are already very good so there's no need to buff those i feel like they're already pretty good but having synrobes in the packs right now is pretty crazy all we got to do now is get guppy man if we can get guppy devil is weird it's weird because untanded isaac runs if you take for angel precedence instead or angel like you know try trying to get angel deals you're pretty likely to see either stairway which leads you to get godhead or sacred heart or a raw sacred heart godhead you know try saggion or chris again whatever you want to call it stuff like that so it is it is a weird choice to do this here but i think wow i probably missed it honestly but we'll do this we're going a little tower card it up oh you're i hate you so much already phase two let's go all right beautiful beautiful beautiful again occasionally he has weird iframes uh when he spawns in second phase but not this time it looks like getting kind of lucky with him ain't devil deal oh we got it let's go boys okay pick that up or of babylon as well big damage up for us here big big big damage up okay we walk out of this room we already have the eight that's pretty good man this is a pretty good run so far i would feel fine going to dark room with this build honestly this is really good we fought dark room on the worst one emperor carter we changed the game forever lads holy i mean it's in our item room yet we have a sacrifice room too why might i play that might i play that let's let's think about it first we need keys obviously we need keys um we haven't sorry i didn't make a deposit we have enough bombs to get a secret room here that could be a free curse room for us let's try it out no probably shop adjacent then huh we'll walk straight up here and place one down probably shop with jason yeah hey give us a fool a was okay um weird because i don't really want to ever skip floors but we could use this as a crawl space potentially nah no crawl space sadly okay let's uh hmm we buy a key in here yeah we can i don't know i didn't look for a key at first let's see what our item room is i might honestly consider sacrificing on this floor we we we're not at a point where we need to really have a ton of hp i'd feel comfortable doing it i think i'm gonna go blind okay um it gave us bombs i guess we could put down our hp up for it to give us some extra scatter bombs at first here okay you know what you know what you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna sack here we have the hearts to do it like also with nine live and a soul right in our shop to back us up when we leave the floor let's try it let's try it here sacrificing usually ends up to be losing my runs but i feel confident today for some reason i feel like a good presence here for this okay let's keep dying over and over again it'll work out eventually it'll work out eventually hey another you feel blessed we don't really need that right now we're not gonna ever use all nine lives you know and of course we're probably gonna put it down eventually so what i might as well use them while we have them right it's it's a good idea in my opinion what's gonna spawn there's from trollbot oh soul heart okay so we missed our angel deal chance we'll die right now pro bombs will spawn and then once those detonate we'll stand here let's detonate we will go for our first angel statue here which will die instead of beating so we have to leave the room anyways and then maybe seven soles here or 20 cents yo seven just look at this worked out dude this worked out we could also i mean we could go to the dark room right now i'd only go if i had an emperor car i'd only go with an emperor card okay get some stuff here i think glitter rock is still broken we grabbed that we're so good okay yeah you leave honest to god man i'm i'm happy with that because now we can drop nine lives guilt-free so we already use all our lives on it that's pretty good that is very very nice good plays beauty 1p good plays all right grab whatever cards devil versus we'll take homing shots why not damage is nice but homing is something a bit more versatile for us and we'll move on here to honestly our uh third floor of the room is technically our fourth floor of the run let's do it let's do it how are you guys doing today i want to ask you know if you're still watching man how are you doing let me know i i got to carry my fans sometimes we just uh we're planning some big things right now me and me and the homies for for isaac related events and uh i'm feeling really good views have been pretty nice recently like this chord's been severely popping off like okay uh what are you putting down honestly honestly honestly oh no get no give me e coli heck bumbo dude uh eco is like our next one to go i think we don't really need turry to touch unless we have like midas touch there's not much it's going to do for us if we had petrified stuff like that i would use it but eco is kind of just like our early pick there just for maybe like a a clutch petrified or mighty touch later on on the run but it's not super worth it anymore we'll go to our shop for sure though oh yeah oh yeah okay hold on this is big keeper's sack and member card is a great synergy oh soul of lil that's definitely worth the buy nickel let's go okay you have to buy keeper sack first i'm willing to bomb the hell out of this machine this could be a crazy ass run make it worth your time here yeah yeah yeah 15 cents right there um why don't you drop nine lives now you don't need it anymore you don't you just don't need it okay now pick this back up bomb this you want to go buy his little soul down there because that is a free item that will not be taken away by um handed isaac i believe i believe i believe let's find out though yeah okay free extra item there nice i will walk up we could buy um like wooden cross but i don't think we're gonna need wooden cross or it's not gonna be worth our while here we could oh you know what we could do though is wouldn't cross to have an extra holy mantle for our knife piece section and get our knife piece ah now you're thinking i think i'm gonna save my money from the next fourth member card this one's got a lot going for it got a lot going for it look at that down there here's the thing is that keeper's sack is like the perfect handed isaac item because it has multiple stats in one item you can get you can win a run just keep your sack and money so i think honestly keepers sack is the best item we could have gotten plus member card having like an insanely wide item pool is going to be fantastic i would kill for a tm trainer or a sacred heart down there man just imagine just imagine and no deal makes sense we'll get an hp up into tears up and we'll probably end up dropping serpents kiss the reason being is we want cluster bombs for more money drops uh from our what's it called our donation machine so honestly i'm just gonna dip i'm just gonna dip i'm gonna go to the mines no no no yeah yeah yeah we're gonna go to the mines here we have the bombs for it and it's free opening with one bomb there perfect we're gonna go into mine just because i think i think we can manage it even if it's ash we can manage it honestly i just put water on myself i always do something on the court i feel water when i drink water why do you always get the ash pit dude where's the darkness no less oh that's gonna blow i feel like we never see mines you only see ash but i feel like or a babylon proc let's go okay big moves here sacrifice room again game don't tempt me you know i'm gonna lose all my hp on this right i'm an idiot you know i'm gonna do it right no i probably won't do this for it's not worth it we played a co-op delete this on stream with ambrose a couple days ago for the subathon and uh we got it i made it all the way to blue baby but the run was lost all i kept doing is sacking my hp we had a sacrifice i i swore like it's gonna pay off and watch this it never paid off like a freaking poser dude it felt i felt awful but you know what she's willing to lost the run at the end so it's not my fault sorry em i'll blame this all on you my personal choice obviously you touch this oh yeah we can talk to that dude we might actually sack on this floor holy we got the hp to make this work help me gamers where are you there you are i just um i already talked about delta room 2 but still that game wasn't on my mind for like the past couple days like it's just incredible i'm not going to talk anywhere about it because i know some of my fans aren't the big on undertale delta room but so let me know if you're watching this video and you haven't played delta in chapter 2 yet go give that a try it's free on steam it is the best experience of my entire life so far best game ever made and what i want to do here i want to get my member card acting up real fast gold maybe his only friend is kind of crushing okay you're going to hit a lot here back it up back it up kind of worship like an incubate or twist the pair out of it but hey it's an extra item i'm not going to complain because tayden and isaac can only hold eight items without birthright so honestly having anything extra is just a little bit of a treat you know i'm a big fan of it oh boy i don't know if you guys knew this but uh you know a new dream manhunt just dropped i know dreams i'm not the best individual you know fame wise but i'd be lying if i said i was going to watch it i'm going to watch that again rather than recording here it's it's manhunt time boys i'm hyped there's such fun videos to watch i know it's like a dream's crazy makes music like okay whatever like all you guys are cringe anyways too calling somebody cringes cringe then just this just you know just in i don't they want king baby to be honest with you you got for me ah i gotta i gotta i gotta you know have some kind of uh pushback here not what i wanted to see the best thing about member card though is there's always gonna be a shop on our floors so even if you get ultra great or greed you can still go to your member card shop but i'll say this man manhunt dreams man most entertaining stuff on youtube hands down huge huge fan of the whole magic mush ah i see i see what have we given up you know what i kind of like the tears up though from blue cap um at this point at this point goodbye cluster bombs don't even need you anymore bro all right go to your blood bank pay that out get some of babylon back you're gonna have insane damage on this run dude god do i love t isaac what a fun character definitely i think like top five for me in this game for sure definitely top five i guess we could have sacked now that we had this build and like gotten maybe some angel items there but life goes on you know hindsight is always 20 20. four sided is always like zero zero for me so we're gonna we're gonna still make it work but i've i've been loving the support recently on like twitch and youtube side of things it's been crazy you guys have been like just blowing me away it's been one of the best weeks of my life recent times i feel like it's been it's been a very fun time so thank you all so much for all the uh the pleasantries recently all you coming by stream from the random streak videos like that's making my day so much it's about i'm living the dream right now of course making videos is still like a tedious difficult task when isaac is just down in the dumps but you guys make it worth it you guys make it worth it but the daily comment streaks and all that definitely a fun time and if that guy always does the uh playing as the enemies thing i did miss it you were an hour late i'm sorry i missed you though i i recognize you in our lakes usually what i see that will open up my videos but hey is that guy commented yet and normally you have it you were an hour late yesterday gotta say disappointed in you man i'm just kidding obviously it's all a joke but yeah we'll just a card here oh it looks so cool i forgot a cool curse the darkness plus a magician or i have the occult looks it looks really cool one of the coolest looking effects in the game is purple lighting dude very very mausoleum ass energy wow watch yourself there kid we're still live oh this frails i thought the wave was like still going on this like wave two there that was weird where are you there you are wave three now i can see we got lighting boys the rest of this room help i was looking at the blue baby's only friend there my my fault entirely you got it for me yeah hardee's you guys are easy you guys are ridiculous oh boy oh boy can i watch yourself don't get hit we gotta follow on twitch just now look at that sound effect there the funniest thing though was uh when playing delta room because i don't feel like undertale anymore on a stream because you know if the games ran its course but while playing deltarune on stream like the hit sound effect plays and i always think it's like uh me getting a follow and there's one time in the game where it plays like 80 times in a row like back to back really fast and it was so disorienting man okay what do you want here do you even want any of these how big of a downgrade is dropping synrobes for uh this it's sizable but you know what the hungry soul is a bit more interesting well there's like hungry soul here it's a bit more interesting and voila is this like a tears up for us naturally it's the same thing with with shots speed up we'll take this instead uh yeah i guess you just move on i'm not gonna grab it it's not gonna be hard for it's going to be red hearts for us that kind of it's going to kind of suck so we'll just uh we'll just leave we'll just leave and go down please give me a good memory card keepers sack bonus next floor game i've been praying for this yes mines as well let's go please please please good member card i would kill got him boys oh this is interesting um inner eye is really good inner eye is actually quite good what do we drop though for him thin oil maybe maybe this hungry soul maybe just hungry soul ah that's bad i forget what all the soul is hungry so the one who killed an enemy it goes out it might be pretty good for us okay definitely picking up this would lock up great off the bat pick this up put it back down i think honestly honestly [Music] we're losing a lot of damage here but i think hungry so let's test it out for a minute here it's the hardest of those characters picking your item builds it truly is difficult okay can we get a combat room though please thank you thank you thank you thank you we get a full healer right here out of this guy come on don't do this to me good stuff all right bomb why did my arm i thought i got a bug in my armpit there that was kind of a scary feeling for me i was freaking out dude i was like holy how did that get in there okay you know what we'll take hungry soul it it does over time probably more damage than those gonna give us i respect the grind i respect the grind here that's pretty good to see so we can get our babylon state you know permanent with that with that blood bank over there you'll love it you love it you love it god i love magic mush it's so good okay don't don't be too hasty here please no green oh we need a key still dog go find a key go find the key you got this i will prioritize my my member cards over my item rooms right now 100 100 there's your key by the way make it worth your time please no greed okay blue candle mr mean are they interested oh isaac's tomb ah yeah we're gonna have to do that game we're gonna have to do that let's get some of the money here and let's play our blood bank out later on on the floor we're gonna have to buy isaac's tomb that's really good i would give up probably inner eye for that i was hoping for like a a birth right in there but not gonna happen it seems no come oh i don't know in her eye kind of dude in her eye is kind of right now say my friend stay on my butt my all my fly is doing nasty damn me out there dodging beautiful okay third phase here waldash waldash the shadows beautiful stuff walk up over the spiders here hey big brim big brim big broom okay we're cool we're cool we're cool get in there good stuff moldy bread or stem cells i mean they're both going down anyway pick it up now let's put this back down okay let us go play our blood bank we need to get 83 cents for isaac's tomb which is a very fun item to use it it can sometimes like not pay out for you but i think it's more fun than having inner eyes we don't really see it proc too often with one luck here we'll play this guy out for a little bit of money here our babylon's back wonderful wonderful i've oh oh my god still that's really good jesus christ this run is kind of going off right now oh what are you gonna do man you have so many choices a petrified is your first choice pick that up all just feels wonderful more poops on the ground please i need to get some money here game there's some oh we need keys again though too oh man ah man this is a hard choice infestation two is i think i just i just see it like every single t isaac run though but it's still really good hello mother's kiss what are you gonna do i'm so torn right now man like every item we're getting is like almost asked here petrified pay out here money in here not really joker though did we see a devil do this floor we did not i don't think nickels so good we did not see our deal this floor did we no we did not let's pop it lusty blood or brim bombs i would probably put lusty blood at this point over of babylon dude because uh it's more reliable damage we don't gotta worry about keeping our hp at a certain level i think it's a worth it play i think i made the right play there okay what are you gonna do here what are you gonna do ghostbusters you're gonna call so we can guarantee get it if we just bomb our machine a little bit but i kind of want to explore our little extra avenues here great great yeah let's see what's to give us more damage than horror babylon will i think in the long run for rooms not good not good all right all right all right my baby don't mess around money in here though nah okay you're out of keys you're out of keys go look for your ultra secret room first or play that thing down there if you really need keys beautiful key please ah let's buy isaac's tomb real fast though and a key in here i know we're wasting money in our machine but god damn is it gonna be so worth it okay we need six cents here one two three four five ah or one cent away dude isaac's tomb you you right here are getting replaced for lusty blood okay [Music] this runs going well we need one cent i have an idea no i don't i lie i don't have any any ideas let's uh one more bomb here the machine's taking so many hits today i feel kind of bad but not often you get one of these runs here because like look at this already i mean keeper's sack gave us so much damage there it's not even funny anymore it's not even a joke anymore lead pencil dude god um i wouldn't take lead pencil over anything we have right now so i would just do one of these yeah i know okay item was a boss a big bust let's walk out of here get isaac's room to proc next floor maybe a really rare item can drop like death cert possibly oh dodge those intense game wanna give me a death start right now all right all right all right all right all right all right my b dip don't mess around because he messed around big drops big drops come on baby we need keys for it no dumbass dude big dumb will i go to beast on this run that is an interesting question probably yes at this point this run is going real well for us 20 damage against beast is is very easy beast already is a pretty fairly easy boss what i would like though to go to beast is like a a different kind of like tier modifier whether it be piercing homing um anything interesting like that i'd prefer there's a tears upgrade look at that love to see that here although i mean we do have killer stuff right now i don't even know if we even need anything else this might just be straight up beast good enough uh no thank you on that front i gotta get another key for isaac's tomb anyways here we'll we'll focus on that right now more keys please uh shop over key though maybe get like a cool drop down there we can try to farm for anything there we go no key so far these are they're hard to come by right now we've gone to beast and mother and you know everything else in recent times with these runs we've been doing some some crazy paths here i think though it's it's it's still more fun than normal path i have more fun with beasts than i do with any other path in the game i know what we need though is a good active item that's what we need in this run right now it's a great active item so please if please if you can now we petrified though petrified would be better for money for us if we need to also it gives us another shop next floor to mess around with so i think beast is the way oh what is this room what is this room okay okay okay a lot of hungry souls oh hungry soul for beast that'll be really nice too that'd be really really nice for like the pestilence waves and the famine waves yo there's our isaac's tomb key i'm gonna prioritize isaac's tomb over the shop do you have any money to make our shop worth it right now anyways let's do it trinkets huh okay you know it's not doing the most for us right now we did spend 80 cents on this i'm gonna try to make it worth my time if i can i didn't pay 80 bucks for that item for nothing dude i think we'll go to beast ascension plus the uh isaac's tomb will be really really nice for us i think it works on ascension anyway i'd be surprised if it didn't i mean like other things do stairway works on us why wouldn't you know anything else please though more keys for next floor i need feet i'll go into my cursed room as well just for fun we can't make boss first took too long on our first couple floors it looks like that's fine though we got it for me hey net positive baby i could have hangman in there but i'm a lazy ass person the right bumper is too far away for me to press honestly let's go to our let's go get our tinted skull right here and then we'll go to fight beast this rom i feel like a good beast running coming man i do feel it i do feel it okay the keith have been really lackluster though like the keys have been kind of killing us man i won't lie i will not lie all right no champion mom please regular mom let's go infestation 2 also is killer against beast because the spiders stay in the lava while you're fighting the horsemen you know when beast pops up they just kill him they just kill him it's real nice to have that more damage please thank you no foot no foot no foot all right there's the foot okay does not matter what you grab you're gonna lose that anyways you'll walk in here twist a pair okay okay what are you gonna twist the pair though you know what goodbye member card goodbye you don't need it anymore you have no money to make your shop even worth its member card you did us so well in this run for isaac's tomb but goodbye goodbye the machine our donation machine paid dearly for that but you know what man it's okay it's beast time boys it is beast time what you got oh we need keys still please with this key luck man please oh my gosh there we go off the bat here um petrified is not super good how does friend at least work with twisted pair uh you know it's fine we'll hold on to it for now we'll see what happens but we can do better than that maybe some more trinkets on the ascension or maybe like a cool you know rare item can archie appear in the old chess pool i think it can i feel like a secret room pool isn't it for items i could be 100 wrong here but i feel like it is okay there's your shop you can go in there later maybe get a cool item out of it oh thank god justice cards big big big big big also flies from the the right house it's gonna be really nice passive isaac's head or uh head guppy's had rent man dude what a kill for a member card right now huh my own fault my own my own demons come back to fight me here that's all right let's talk about this all right i'm feeling good i'm feeling good this run this run is like it's a guarantee win in my book there's no way we lose this run at all ooh dodging because we're good dodging because we're good we get one more item room here it could be very good tears up is so good passive stats are exactly what you want to see on these kind of runs man there are buttons up here so why don't we just go for these actually bomb these first oh is it worth it what's this card temperance is pretty nice okay could be it could be a randomly great item here let's find out nah not what i needed to see not what i wanted to see there first up line sucks for this last four's item room here in fact we'll wait to open that up so we can come back on ascension and see what it is that will be probably better for us that would be way better for us honestly okay the money for you know whatever purpose and maybe a beggar on the ascension path hey what's up man walk into the spikes please i'm in the middle of it all right now this is not a good place to be standing now we're cool ah we're cool okay yeah one more key please game all i'm asking for is one last key here you're kind of cheating us out here go joker card ace of hearts all right okay no key no key so far we can get one honest tension i guess i don't want to risk that that low percent chance of an ascension key though we'll go to our last room here and see what happens big last room come on you know what you got to do here you know what you got to do here ah you suck dude you're awful get out of here i'm going back for my cursor there's got to be a key in here somehow right hey black rune is not bad oh there is a key i told you guys i told you guys hey give me that give me that we're gonna black ruin the gemini here to make it actually like a worth it item for us to spend four bombs for watch this you walk in black rune for a speed upgrade not bad and we'll wait on that we'll wait on that for ascension okay i feel good i feel bad good bro i feel good man i know i was real lyrics by the it way gone just get over it just get over it heartbreaking ascension is not bad man essentially is not that bad if i've been thinking recently ma'am the variety's gonna be flowing on this channel i i want to do some smash some mario kart for sure with the homies especially script and myrm on my top two right now to get like the videos that with but you know merm's in college so you gotta you gotta you know respect the the cow old tomb does actually work by the way yeah you know you're not really doing anything for me any of those items in there sorry sorry sorry i just farmed for some keys here please i want to lose a tomb please key bro these drops are crazy bad man i feel good all right please key i'm praying for a key give me a miracle right here need me a miracle the tomb can be so good man we could potentially get an arc make this run like twice as long we can go to beast and i'm like you know who even cares after that mother maybe i don't even know i just want to get some oh [Music] uh it was a one it was a one-time golden pill are you for real gaming gaming oh i gamed though i was gaming uh [Music] didn't recognize the flow the game does not recognize true gamers isaac is a bad game okay we're losing a lot of hp we gotta be hella careful here we are not in a good hp situation for beast right now little scary a little scary nope no no no no no no no key bro why i want to open my old chests if i missed like arky and death sir by this point oh you suck oh you suck destructive and disturbed just like his oh what is his room this is cool as hold on oh a tinty rock as well look at that at before it was in there okay we have a key we have a key not a drill not a drill we have an actual key right now and more hp where we win do we win three w's all around oh big mole man goodbye goodbye big mole man nice guy he's gonna get on a dumpy on him let's agree better watch out this guy's got more ass than he does uh range down baby bender baby bender we're gonna go for a key here so we have a key for next floor guaranteed not gonna say it's gonna happen for sure but it definitely could be better hey better to try not to try right oh what the are you i have never seen before my entire life oh my god you scare me what the you're like a tainted like headless man crazy also high chance to see curved horn or cancer soon because we are seeing a lot of trinkets goodbye and goodbye oh a golden trinket speaking of seeing a lot of trinkets my lord and there's our key boys gg that's conquest right the colors conquest yeah damn bro baby bender is still better though imo i'll say it for twisted pair men that's like three it's two homing shots and one non-homing shot that's pretty good and there's our soul heart for us by the way i planned ahead i planned ahead look at me go i'm good i'm gaming extra key as well i feel even better what's next huh our key in this come on please i've been dying for an r key run recently man we haven't gotten a single r key in years it's been too long game you owe me you magic we already have magic mush you silly you silly goof goodbye oh i got hit i'm so bad actually garbage trash at this game it's alright that's fine man they're the low percent the low drop there but you know that's okay that's okay we'll pay it out we can get some soul hearts here some trinkets for us might take the time to do it right you know it's twitch has been popping off recently man also sorry if the game is super loud it smells like it's really loud hold on we'll turn it down it seems like it's very loud and recording i had to change my audio around today because i had a weird glitch with obs but no twitch has been doing so good we had we had like almost god i don't even know 64 subs oh that could be oh this is interesting trinket drops right here very interesting drops we're getting right now if we get a like a pair throw i would definitely fool card the pair throw in a secret room throw the entire run away for just an arky chance man would be worth in my eyes would be worth it in my eyes hard is hey more trinket drops and put a bomb down right gear get the fires in there beautiful hey hangman for flight is not terrible i guess reverse fool is more fun though in the future keep on going here keep on going saw that room already who cares what's in it i don't i do not care okay the chest soul heart drop is big ah bumbo you're not in bumble you stay there man you're like oh you have no pass to go with me here you worst item in the game no no no joke on that i think bumble is the worst item in the game oh i hate him so much i hate him so much he killed murmur the 30 character run almost lost the run because of him that's an actor that gives us more trinkets and doubles our trinkets power okay speaking of doubling power uh that might be even better for us but i kind of like the homing shots though it's pretty nice you know we'll hold off if i get a curved horn or a cancer i'll take that but i'm not gonna give away free homing for uh whatever the hell that was down there there's a little baphomet it's really good but we don't really need iframes we're kind of gonna win anyways i feel like not really needed that could activate plan c and kill us though that's my fear that's my big fear but it could be pretty fun to use blind rage real nice justice hello oh if we use the reverse fool card do all of our items cycle between two items that could be fun we can't really get in a secret room anymore but that could have been nice to know earlier or have the card earlier what about a cool little synergy there ah polti's my favorite polti's might over a a blue baby respawn right there huh hey we can get more items that way i guess we if we die with that and respawn we can get more items that way it's a 50 50-50 shot because we have the mama's box so it could be worth it you never know it doubles the percentage chance of that drop happening lucky rock would have been good to have member card a lot of late trinkets here huh game a lot of late trinkets okay careful yo let's go swallowed everyone's so good earlier as well dude hey goodbye goodbye damn we're getting some really late drops here y'all's big okay leave leave you have five keys gonna be fine now okay i think we're gonna reverse fool just for fun on the uh the um home floor see what happens if it cycles between two we can get potentially even a better build or the same build you never know now if it rerolls us on accident like if it rerolls like all of our items and different items i'm gonna be real upset if we get like really bad but oh come on you're just trolling at this point isaac you're just trolling kind of a lame old chest honestly not gonna lie yeah wasn't doing much for me here let's move on reverse fool next floor and see what happens kind of hurts though we'll do it in this room why not wow it didn't drop any of our items interesting okay pick this back up i guess that's all right you know one of the rare effects of it not dropping items and only consumables that's okay though we capable of stuff we're still gonna win the run anyways we got a free win on our hands gamers let's go fight the beast with uh nine items or ten items here let's do it ooh um get rid of uh isaac's tomb we don't need it anymore goodbye freeze effect is super good against beast and dogma as well i'm fee i feel good again okay here we go yeah homing shots going on uh help me help me help me there we go there we go you're crushing it you're doing a lot of damning why i should always go to beast this fight is so easy man walk back fast and walk fast back and forth not walk back fast and forth that sounds cooler though for some reason but i'm not gonna it's not the right phrase to use there ah hi you're bendy you're really bendy today aren't you okay phase two get an early bomb in here right at that perfect timing on that freeze effect as well oh he's doing his easy too i'm out of bombs i'm not about no i'm not i didn't play style that was weird okay bombs are always good to get in no oh damage list let's go two damages beast fight and dogma fights in a row watch this watch this oh it's the attack still goes when he's frozen that's not good please please please please please no hits on dogma no hits on dogma okay cool you're cool you're fine oh free easy hitless dogma can we do a hitless beast as well let's find out here ah this run is cracked this run is actually cracked even more damage from the dogma item right now is is real nice to have real nice freeze them again please damn you're close i sensed you were close there we go i told you we were close tears in the air that come back down him later up in the air there we go no hit so far no hits so far frozen again phase two should be happening very very soon here right now beautiful stuff you're gonna bomb in there why not joel was boss boys oh you're done you're you're creamed you're creamed you're cream there we go hit look at hitler's famine we're going for it again bring it drop bible track not what i'm interested in i will take a curved horn right now as well as a cancer for sure it'd be very nice to have those oh look at all the spiders we're getting though too all the spiders oh they're gonna wait we hit him down into the lava maybe and get some uh six fighter kills down there maybe watch this oh he's froze we can't even hit him down now that's definitely a lot of spiders as well you're yeah you're done actually done there oh so many hungry souls as well oh they're gonna die because the guy's not here yet oh they're dead rip man hello hello hello all right here we go time for war i'm gonna get hit in a second face you're not gonna lie probably the hardest horseman to do for phase two death is also pretty bad but i mean we have a build to kill his uh his size pretty easily so i'm not too worried about that into the end of the spider into the spiders come on come on come on yeah down there you go or fire somebody yeah watch out for the fire right there should be dead here should be there we go maybe our second hitless beast in a row that's gonna be pretty nice ooh nah there's no point it might make it might be good with hungry soul but i'm not going to bet on that you know i'm not going to bet on that okay so the size oh it almost did not kill that scythe right there you do it you're doing god's work you're doing some good damn this is going to be an easy ass beast fight as like no we got hit okay still hitler's kind of we lost our holy mantle that's it still kind of hitless still kind of hitless please just die soon here good bomb in there oh we got hit okay that's that's lame we did get hit gamers i'm sorry rip these hungry souls out here they're not going to last too long are they yeah okay here comes the damn spider damage here we go wow very easy right off the bat an instant freeze there anderson well it's gonna be hey you know what thank you all for watching this video if you really enjoyed it all my socials are down below twitch twitter and discord are all linked down there uh well that's a weird tier coming at me if you wanna support me on stream twitch has been doing great recently and doing some very fun and diverse games so come on bye join those up you know if you tell me from the random show i'll give you a shout out we have a lot of viewers from the random street come on by and they i guess hey cut off this guy from the random streak today man it's great you guys uh make those streams worthwhile but also don't forget you know my twitter is down there as well guys i'm a hilarious tweeter believe me trust me i am i have the best arch on twitter uh what else can i plug right now discord's been going crazy tons of active members and great discussions in there a lot of uh 30 30 character run theory crafting going on currently for um tm trainer and stuff there's sneak peeks at videos and thumbnails too as well as as some bd 1p behind the scenes stuff so if that interests you to stop on by ma'am it's all down below it's all done but anyways thank you all for watching hope you have a great rest of your day morning check out the uh uh minimum button press isaac run coming out at 10 a.m today and you know what yeah see you guys later have a good one peace out and goodbye
Channel: bd1p
Views: 4,775
Rating: 4.9653678 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, eden streak, eden, win, winstreak, random, random character, isaac, tainted, magic mushroom, twisted pair, keeper's sack, member card, the pact, crazy, beast, dogma, ascension
Id: h7abwh9v82s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 59sec (2999 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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