I LITERALLY CANNOT DIE- The Binding of Random Streaks #67

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welcome back everyone to the bd1p random streak today's normal characters are going for win 67. this one means a lot to me personally this is desi's favorite number so i have to do this this run some justice right here anyways again this is the easier character side than you know these uh mf's over here so we are i would say in general we are guaranteed to win on the a side side we beat blue baby we beat you know jacob and esau we beat a lost run or plenty of lost runs actually so i think honestly here we're fine anyways question of the day is going to be oh wait a minute kane let's go what is your favorite western genre film anyway seed is going to be b y m n v 9 1 r i would say my favorite western it's a hard choice right because i have a soft spot for a stage coach uh but that was like like 18 it was like 18 something it was a very it's an older movie but i also have a big affinity for um the good the bad and the ugly because little known fact uh aldog from the four player file one of my one of my real life homies uh he was really into movies uh not who like i would say he probably still is but he was really into like cinema when we lived together back in uh the chicago days and we'd watch a new movie every night pretty much we watched um you know matrix together we watched uh you know uh inception and then one day he goes yo ben we gotta watch the good the bad and the other guy alright we'll watch him now it's a very long movie and at points it is a little boring however you just gotta love the characters in it like every character in there is is just very very well written and the movie says allow that like the movie doesn't have like almost it has a lot of dialogue but it's not like a ton of impactful dialogue it just does a lot by not saying a lot i respect movies that can show their their plot and all that stuff without actually you know having to oh my god okay having to actually you know physically say i'm going to do this you have to figure it out for yourself and i think it's really cool and also the bonds that these characters make you know like the good and the ugly those two the bond that those two characters make over time is pretty priceless i mean oh it's an xl floor ah [ __ ] i didn't even notice i was like i'll take that i don't get it who cares i'll get hearts into the store anyways nope uh not true actually fake oops um but the bonds that those two characters have like in the end they're not actually friends but because they have to work together like they form like a very uneasy alliance and it really really works in the movies context i think that was pretty brilliant but that is one of the first like major um mainstream westerns out there and i think honestly it's one of the very like slim ones that that did the movie entirely right and i i i respect it a lot but there's some good westerns out there i mean to an extent star wars is a western genre film um it has a lot of the same tropes a lot a lot of adventure movies that are like you know pick after the odyssey or the iliad are westerns in a way because i don't know that's not really true i shouldn't say that but you know the the star wars obviously is based off the odyssey i mean it's just as close to the odysseys are going to get i mean it takes place in media res it you know follows the same standard i was in a greek mythology class back in um college my first semester and wow i'm so bad at this game and one of the first things uh oh please dude that was so good holy [ __ ] damage tears and like big boss damage it got anterior again holy [ __ ] ah that's so nice that's so nice dude that's like girls with some great [ __ ] drops holy [ __ ] um but i took a greek mythos class my first semester of college as my english credit and it was a very i had a very very good professor and uh although i had some rough moments in that class i'll talk about that in a minute but i i overall i loved that class i love my professor i love the projects and i loved the uh just the general feel of it because i did my the final was like you to take a modern piece of media and apply it in comparison to the odyssey in any way that you could and i chose star wars new hope and i got a 100 of my assignment my final which i was really happy with so you know hey park and joined as well as an angel item if you get like a reroll in the future here although that'll count for an item room item though won't it because we're we got it from an item room and who cares but anyways so the class was very good obviously i enjoyed it oh my god a library too hello i enjoyed the class quite a bit um there were however whole wow what are we taking here huh i mean oh good pills let's go i'm gonna say probably this um i think it does us more justice also free curse through access boys magic mush not quite but still look at these first floor items right here are you joking get out of there hell yeah dude oh my god we actually got a mushroom item out of that and it wasn't magic mush one in three billion chance oh my god but so i went to class one day and i had a presentation and i the he chose the presentation dates at random when it came to that because just to make sure everyone's prepared because you couldn't do like because we there were like 50 of us in that class you couldn't do like 50 presentations in one day so he randomized it right and the day before that class started this is this is if you're if you're under the age of 21 or the legal smoking age in your state close your ears right now you don't have to listen my semantics here but um the night before i had gotten extremely baked and i was still kind of baked into the day because i took like 75 to 80 milligrams so it was a lot and i was like i'm not going to get called my presentation today and i was obviously as you can tell with a story happening right now i was called for my presentation that day and the funny thing being uh i did all by myself my partner didn't contribute it was it was a duo like you know kind of project but i never my partner never texted me back or emailed me back so i did it literally all by myself uh the planning the the slides and and you know the talking part so i was up there alone by myself pretty much high off my ass still and i somehow got a 100 on that as well i remember it pretty clearly because i was i was like trying to act super normal and i did my presentation on the uh story of arachnid and athena or yeah i think i think her name was arachnid but she or uh arachne sorry she was a weaver who challenged the gods if they say i'm the best weaver you'll ever see and then athena's like hey don't boast to the gods and then basically they did a competition oh my god all right they hold the competition and you know uh hmm yeah take it why not it's damage for you right now and basically arachne beat athena but athena got mad so athena uh turned her into a spider and in eminem's music video for the song rap god there's a picture of arachne the weaver on his wall because it's an allusion to not challenging the rap god i remember my presentation i stopped it halfway through and just told the class by the way eminem loves his story and didn't elaborate at all so that might have gotten me my age for being like a [ __ ] idiot and trying to be funny but i i think either way i did it pretty well but don't do drugs kids it's not good especially when you're in college not not a good idea that was a poor decision on my part i i should have not taken that much but here we are today holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude what is this run qriket's head in the poly famous brimstone we have 38 damage on floor [ __ ] i guess what three now what the [ __ ] is this seed somebody give me your doctor cuz i'm [ __ ] sick dude holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] anyways uh kids do drugs i guess it makes your isaac runs really really nice but nah it was just a very interesting uh turn of events in that class but i loved it honestly college is a very good place for taking the weird classes don't like going into college and just take english 101 math 101 branch out a little bit because there is some really really really like you know oh hey back to here i guess some really really really interesting and fun and diverse classes in college i mean especially for because where i grew up was a very boring town like we had just under 10 000 people there and i was in the very outskirts of it so i you know basically lived like i don't have any kids in my neighborhood at all it was just me and my siblings my entire childhood pretty much so going to college where there were like a lot more people and um just just a lot more options to do stuff for fun even though kovid was rampant at my school we didn't do anything but just having the option to be there in the future it was really cool also why is our tier rate like actually so good with poly brim is it because of mr dolly you devilish item you devilish item this is one of my favorite runs in the street because this is [ __ ] good i never i barely ever get like powerful runs anymore i'm super happy to see it watch this proptosis that's a free win it's just a free [ __ ] win right there i mean i i literally can't lose the round i just stand still with an orbital now what the what isaac this is the best day of my life the thing is though i'm kind of pissed off now because uh whenever i ask for a fast run i get slow runs when i don't ask my runs are polyphemus brimstone qriket's head mr dolly heartbreak as well like i just don't get it at this point like if i offended you edmund in any way just like [ __ ] with me i'm sorry i'm sorry um we'll go with the book it's more guaranteed to probability for us and also box of friends is not really good in any character unless you have like incubus or like twisted pair it's not the best to have i mean there are situations where if you can like remember your rune bag drops you can like get double drops i think in in your rooms potentially um oh well i'm way too speedy for my own good jesus christ but that one might have just been an after with plus signals i know in a b plus if you had box of friends and the relic if you just counted out your rooms you would just get the drops that you need that was so smart and watch this do it again and so fast so i don't know if they nerfed that in this update of the game i'm hoping they did because that was pretty op for a while but then again it is only like you know two very certain items you have to have that combination work but you know we can also do here though i'm realizing now is uh we have a bobby we have a very good reason to go to this arcade because this guy exists and also i have book of shadows which is a very good utility item this item honestly i think evan made this in the game watch this ah kind of lame i think eddie boy was like hey i want to put put like an invincibility book in the game but i don't want to be that i wanted to be more good for like blood banks than it is for combat because it only lasts like 10 seconds but that 10 seconds can get you like you know 12 cents it's pretty nutty i think honestly this book is better for just using an arcade than it is for actual boss fights mark my goddamn words adam i see through your plans right now i see through it yeah i'm having a good day uh the final deltarune video for the playthrough is finally posted so that arc is done it's terraria next up on the channel which i am very excited for let's just buy whatever we can i'll buy both [ __ ] you [ __ ] you okay brimstone bombs now huh good stuff man good stuff but terraria's next it's all we have uh one edited video ready i'm gonna wait till we have two to put some probably you know twice a week on terraria content i'm looking at um as well as a four player file coming back pretty soon i'm gonna try to record some four player file after stream tomorrow because excuse me uh because i talked to merm today you know the uh staple of the series i think honestly the main like the chorus squad going forward is going to be like merm script desi and i but obviously i'm going to have elle dog as much as possible whenever like desi or script can't i'm going to have ambrose on there as well whenever somebody else can't but i want to focus on you know the people that i think that i you know commentate the best with that being obviously my literal you know girlfriend my childhood friend and probably one of my best friends on the platform right now script because being script we just we just understand each other i think i think like we both had the same ideas about content and the same kind of way of approaching it and i think that that shows in our in our commentating and our collaboration so i also think that me script and merman desi is like just such a funny combination because like merman i and script have the same kind of humor and desi is just naturally super [ __ ] funny so like it just works so well but i plan to bring that series back uh i wanted to wait till console came out because i do want to get it i want to post it when the next like wave of viewers is coming in but i think it's best to wait because i can just like make a big backlog of videos and posts when the time is right i know you guys are tired of waiting for it but at this point like i gotta make sure it takes off well because it's a big commitment for all all four of us to to get in there and record videos like that just because that's like dedicating you know two hours of everyone's day once a week i guess twice a week to record for youtube where no one aside from me like is getting a benefit out of i guess desi as well getting a benefit because our money is pretty much pulled together but you know no one on that file ever asked me for money we just do it for fun so i gotta look at it more of a hobby than a job because the random streak to me is both but it's more on the like the the commercial side for me because it's easy to record and i like to talk to you guys but it also is good to have daily videos going out the four player file is 100 just for fun like just all for fun so i want to make sure that when i'm you know doing that i'm not losing out on that that main focus of me just doing it to have fun with my friends syringe number one is a damage down but a tears up honestly i'll take it i'll take it um you're going mausoleum this run because this run is [ __ ] insane we could go beast i guess though no we can go hush this troll we'll go hush for our special boss we'll go hush i'm fine going to hush not delirium though we've had some pretty close calls recently i'm not too happy with delirium's uh mechanics as of recent i mean more just the void floor [ __ ] me over that one time that hurt quite a bit quite a bit but we have the hearts over here we have the damage for that mausoleum here and i haven't gone to mausoleum and god knows how long so i'm happy to be here i'm happy to be here yeah four player file will come back we also have a um a bit of a surprise for this like the season two relaunch of it actually people who are behind the bd1p mod um that being uh channel fans nash vanilla ooh please this could be our r key chance every run has a chance for it to be that this could be the one baby um nash vanilla bone reaper xyrt squeeb all these these these wonderful people um i don't know the way to reveal what it is yet but they they put together a pretty nice surprise and they've been working pretty hard on it so i'm very thankful for all their hard work thank you for watching i know i know nash watches all these thank you nash for uh putting all the hard work into this [ __ ] but um it's gonna come back with a big surprise for all of you because you're gonna see some stuff that's gonna make it it's just gonna be easier to watch i'll put i'll leave it at that i don't want to spoil anything i don't know if they'll make a spoiler or not but they haven't like posted anything public about it it's been only in dm so i don't want to like you know leak a big surprise they're planning so i'll just keep it at that for now but it's going to be a very fun relaunch of the series and i'm happy that they're going to be there with me to help me work on it and just make it better overall um i'm excited man content's been going great although views have been down because hey i'm doing variety content i'm still i'm having a much better time with youtube now because i'm taking more time off of isaac and i'm just enjoying myself and it's oh nice it's been a very good time two sun cards and wow the floor with no mapping we have three mapping cards in the ground that's hilarious you wanna give me more more more jokes edmund how about this [ __ ] game god damn but i also made a cool-looking thumbnail for um the big undertale video coming out in a couple weeks here i'm not going to make a set date on that yet for room ah it's still pretty good for our mapping cards in the ground or is it no it's only good for oh i want that trinket though come on that was shitty that was shitty i missed oh [ __ ] uh time yourself a little better here there we go that's an a tier trinket baby reroll a penny don't mind if i do yeah uh i think i've just been enjoying myself more which makes my content feel a lot more natural and those of you who watch the variety content you know think if you don't want to watch it i get that i know a lot of you are just here for isaac and i understand it that's fine there's no shame in that at all because isaac is obviously a very good game but those of you who are here for the uh the you know the uh variety stuff i appreciate that so much it makes uh doing it wow i just went holy [ __ ] i'm so fast i go through machines now oh it's just oh right now this run is like everything going on right now is literally perfect okay just grab your sun card and leave you're fine you're fine you're fine what i need to find now is the secret room please i knew it arky no it's not our key please it's not our key no that's fine though cuz i'm okay with that just run as good as it is right now we don't have to mim max it too much here but ah [ __ ] dog go back for your book and then uh blow this up right here google it your book and then go down make sure you don't you don't miss the hush timer you'll be fine it's a half an hour you'll be a-okay but just keep an eye on your timer you're only on mausoleum one but you will skip wound one i guess it is a slower floor overall okay keep your head in the game champ head in the game but yeah i do terraria honestly is it coming wow you're a dick you're actually a dick period is like one of my like new favorite games it's honestly it sucks me in i'm part of the terraria fanboy uh pipeline now i'm sorry i don't know what that means exactly but there's your confirmation that bd1p is a fanboy i guess hey without what you will all you are you clippers out there i've seen some uh we'll go blind yo actually huge i've been noticing on youtube recently uh for some of the the the stream watchers that i'm getting like clips made of my streams and they're getting posted to youtube i just want to say i am okay with that it's just funny because i never expected myself being a person who gets like videos of them made but i'm okay with it just just so you guys are aware if you want to make it i can make it make a bd1p like you know out of context clip that's fine i have no issue with it there's no i'm not going to like you know take down your video for you know false use or whatever i'm okay with that stuff but i've just been seeing a lot of like like bd1p and kilvin stuff because like we did the the terraria together but oh man i'm having a i'm having a good time it's been a very nice golden age for me on content mostly in my own enjoyment mostly my own enjoyment here you got you guys make it you guys are the ones that make it like enjoyable to do youtube so it's all it's all you guys pretty much making this a fun thing to do for myself so much appreciated and don't worry we're gonna be having some video essays coming out i know the minecraft one i put like literally 40 hours of work into that thing in like a three day period and it didn't do well at all but guess what i don't give a [ __ ] anymore i'm proud of that [ __ ] video so you're going to see a lot more video essays because i think i got a lot of good [ __ ] to say goodbye goodbye yeah bomb me i [ __ ] dare you dude you can't kill me i'm ungovernable goodbye another devil deal dude oh what's in here now ooh sacrificial cross hey [ __ ] it you go for multi baby you're close to conjoin now with this build pretty nice i say you stick with double moon card for the arky chance you know crossing my goddamn fingers for it but it could happen all right boys here we go this is the last floor we have an item room mom so and a shop so i guess we have a shopping oh i guess we have items and shops on the hush floor huh i lied to you all just now that's great for hush pop this now then see both your secret rooms and your mini boss fight go to your item room first though okay this better be one hell of an item you better you better carry through game okay both were very subpar items that that's all right though we have poly brim i'm not going to complain and parasitoid also which is very [ __ ] good i don't know if it works with brim but i'm i'm okay with having it either way no i'm okay with book of shadows for boss fights what would i like to see in my shops right now 4.5 volt uh omega penny uh what else would i want to see what else would i want to see here that's pretty much it though i think blanket will be nice for future boss fights um that's it i just want to see some some it's like some defense as well as some uh crooked penny action i guess we get both our secret rooms in this room right now gotta love it whatever that's that's heads over there okay goodbye one here no no no there we go there you go get back in there all right nothing in this one for shame and pretty much nothing in this one either damn damn damn damn now i know that heartbreak has a bad rep heartbreak is one of those items where it's like when you pick it up you feel fine when you when you need it to not work you're like oh [ __ ] i'm gonna die because of heartbreak so maybe it was the wrong call to pick it up on a hush run but i think that overall like it's going to be a net positive for us ah oh my god he wasted a charge and we took damage getting out of there i'm the worst player alive i think though heartbreak for fights like hush it's going to make the actual fight if we get that low on hp like winnable but the rest of the run after that was going to be difficult just honestly though just don't get hit you're going to be fine just don't get hit it's the golden rule of isaac tears up is amazing oh we fire so fast now oh mapping i love that as well um save your money for the hush shop and then if you don't want to spend anything you can give your money to the machine there go with strength for uh extra damage for hush as well all right i can't complain this runs going fantastic for us we have the hard mom fight next which is a little scary but we can deal with it we're gonna kill him like four shots anyways there's no there's no reason to worry about it hilarious world card right there all right go fight go fight your boss i can't go fight your boss hey get a status effect in there we just didn't do anything we just lost it [ __ ] oh [ __ ] void portal already huh um go negative you don't go negative enough anymore you're you've changed bd1p none of that either thank you all right head on down i guess yeah go here uh look for both your secret rooms and go fight your hush now i would go to if we weren't planning to go to hush i would have probably gone on that portal but i am a different person now and i think that the lyrium scares me too much after that ibs run we did like i think we did like in the last week like four delirium runs so we gotta we gotta tone it back a little bit if you wanna win the streak actually cause right now we're getting very close to a hundred wins and i don't wanna squander that this far in like we're gonna be at um we're gonna be like pretty much one month more videos and we're gonna get our 100th 100th [ __ ] win that's pretty exciting man pretty exciting is it right here no it's not okay no r key here again sad but it's it's a it's a welcome truth i guess i think what i gotta do is just let go i gotta be more zen about it because here's the thing i'm realizing now when i ask for you know fast runs i get slow runs when i ask for our key i get no r key maybe i gotta just not ask for our key let's test that out edmund edmund if you're listening i no longer want the r key if it happens so be it but i will no longer beg for it because as santa claus taught me beggars cannot be choosers all right i hope you're listening out there hope you're listening because i do not want archie don't don't no nobody tell them chat nobody tell them i get a curse from here for what it's going to be freeing us but we got our charge out first we get a free curse from there i'm okay with that dodger bullets do we are this run is insane like the first three items being like prickett's head brimstone the polyphemus is just how do you process that as a as a as a man how do you process that [ __ ] free bomb let's go okay walk out uh our last room is probably gonna be like off of here somewhere i'm guessing we pretty much one shot wait wait we pretty much one shot envy which which is a very good feeling uh my best friend are you here no you're not there huh are you next to you can't be there though off of that room over there maybe it's next to our bigger i don't even know where the second room is going to be we have one though for sure that's okay we have one for sure that's how the item works if we get two secret rooms so it's gotta be you know one of these places uh it can it be here i i don't know if the doors can spawn here i'm not sure oh they can let's go but again nobody came all right big damage flies we have 40 [ __ ] damage like how do you compete with this [ __ ] we one shot the cohort you get your tier we need we need more tier right though bad i don't know what the the brimstone poly famous cap for t rate is but it's probably pretty low we may have already actually hit the cat that i think about it let's just just bomb this guy just bomb him and then waste one bomb potentially right here yeah oh we got four bound look at that four bombs on investment return there gotta love it all right do not use your book you wanna use it on a hush instead you're a little [ __ ] you're a little [ __ ] you know that get back down here coward fight me you're so done you're so fried get out of here all right another deal dude that's conjoined that is uh conjoined right there now we have a three 40 damage brim shots and good pills as well perks i've been great for the hush fight honestly okay walk around this our second void portal too what is this runs chance of happening holly theme is brimstone qriket's head right back to back to avoid portals and like infinite devil deals what is going on ah curse the blind hurts i got black candle in here though i asked for black candle this [ __ ] is rigged oh my god what the [ __ ] okay well you know i said i was scared for delirium we're gonna go i'll fight delirium again on this streak for our fifth time this week not seated by the way you see this b y m n v nine one freaking r dude holy [ __ ] huh and the crawl space gives us an error room watch this could be bad oh my god it's not bad it's not bad trust me on that one oh okay get your money give a little sugar back to this thing please take all i don't say all of it but i guess you can't take all because you're a little [ __ ] uh chariot card honestly maybe you save strength well you have 4.5 what you can't die now you literally can't die actually let's test our theory out here you can't die you literally cannot die save your strength for delirious you can like use it there and get some a little bit of a faster fight in that regard yeah pop it again oh my god okay i'm missing my damage pretty bad right now there we go yeah i don't know if we can like like actually die here we just get up in his face pop three like tears at once it charges up so [ __ ] fast what and lucas horn's also existing as a big props watch this call oh my god that's actually insane the damage off of this [ __ ] is crazy use all of your bombs who gives a [ __ ] dude get up get up get up stand up [ __ ] stand up come on come on there's another charge right there beautiful lovely dude we can't lose this literally we cannot get hit even we are invincible we are invincible pop up son pop up charge off please charge fast charge fast thank you another bomb in there one of my fastest hush fights in recent memory here this this was pretty good oh this is a pretty good run if i had to say so myself oh manual dodging okay we got hit like every tier but we dodge it because we're god gamers save you save your energy and now you use it because harsh tears are coming back don't go down don't go down don't go down don't go down let's go okay delirium time here we go man i mean how do you compete i don't know if you can we we just can't die i mean we went to the lyrium two runs ago from before that as well and before that as well aye aye all right well we're here we have mapping delirium uh well already at the bat huh cannot be any of these two he can't be the bottom left we'll check let's explore explore a guppy item is that two guppy adders this is one guppy item that's just one i believe we can maybe get three on this floor watch our devil deal happen and could just be [ __ ] insane for us you know don't don't ever write it off this run is crazy as it is right nothing off oh so we can get go he's headed wait wait we can get guppy's head from the golden chest pool i think or maybe it's a stone chest now i don't know how they change it or not we have two secrets for an r key here if we get our key on this run i will lose my gourd i will literally just be like the happiest man in existence i don't know i would dance i would dance on camera i would fortnight dance with an archie right now but i don't want it right i mean i don't want it at all man you're up there in the in the clouds for some reason oh my god how do you even compete golden key as well for all these chests we would have loved to have lockpick here and then boom golden key like [ __ ] what not there huh big sad goodbye goodbye goodbye what's my what what what am i wants now i mean i don't really i mean i would love a soy milk right now for this that will make brim even more powerful for us but i don't want to ask because like we just have too much i don't want to say i'm being greedy you stupid little [ __ ] i'm gonna spill you in the soup oh dude two statics already that's pretty rare as well you barely even see one sometimes oh watch this watch this watch this five spirit hearts okay well not that but whatever um does this give us wisps for beating a boss that'd be very good if it was the case right doesn't it do that for us i don't i don't like you i don't think i like you i don't know what you do but i don't like you i think oh also i had a q if you're still watching this for another video um someone last video mentioned that uh they wanted me to install external item descriptions so they know what's going on more and i agree i would install it for you guys if the majority wants it but what is the consensus on that do you guys want to see that or no like would you guys be okay with me having that installers that seem a little cheap for the streak to you because i mean like you guys already know 60 parts into this series that i know what all the items do if it's just to help out you guys like i don't have an issue with it i just i don't like mods that much i think base game is as pretty much as fun it's going to get for a while oh nice get out of here but if you if you guys wanna i have no issue installing it i just don't want to be like seeing us like the guy who uses mods on his random streak you know i wanted to be as fair as possible but if you guys wanted for entertainment purposes wow i'm an idiot i have i have no issue look at all these drops by the way these golden chests hello 15 bombs for our boy delirium oh my lord i had another charge right there look at that okay very weird map for boss fights right now actually very strange crawl space damn if i would have called that would have been a [ __ ] psychic honestly uh where could our secret room pretend it could be right here where there's one of them okay no r key there um it could be in a lot of places honestly we should do our full or full map clear first for like an eye can see forever appeal something like that you missed kid first don't bounce just stop pushing just stop pushing each other oh a super ultra mega tinted rock oh lord got all of our bombs back plus hp don't you know it don't you know it son um it could be no it can't be right here even and this floor is odd this is a very weirdly made like delirium floor here we'll do our full clear though either way because i mean you want to get every avenue of success you can make to make these runs really pop off i say i skip like every early game secret room that's besides the [ __ ] point don't judge me i'm my own person i'm my own person hey watch out oh a full oh look at that dodger that the freeze frame on that tier dodge crazy yo i don't know how many of you guys play phantom abyss but that new update came out recently and i've i played it on a stream and there is a new mechanic where if you dodge a hammer like by pixels it slows the screen down it is the coolest looking [ __ ] like ever oh satan fight these two by the way cannot be the lyrium because they don't have enough space to generate it's a two by two uh that's one of your towels that's one of your towels i say i say every episode but when you're trying to find the man himself like he can't be either these two rooms if you look at the way they're laid out in any way they form if there tries to be a two by two on either side of it mr meeseeks my chorus is my chord stuck sorry it'll touch another wall so it can't generate an extra door there three statics what the [ __ ] so yeah that's your fun little fact there uh it cannot be spawned the more you know right the more you know oh blastoise the pokemon you just die like oh bookworm well we finally got our bookworm after like five that was first floor and last floor bookworm right there my lord yo where's my other secret room though gamers not there not there you also cannot be here which is what you know the more you know again because it can't generate because there'd be a two bite they'll be touching a wall anywhere in here it's gish beautiful and then he cannot he can be down there oh big that's what i wanted to see exactly that's very convenient actually look at that he could be down here um although the map is it already 13 by 13 i can't tell i gotta do some numbers uh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten please actually he probably is right here he's either right here or in the uppermost one because maps can only be 13 by 13 max so yeah he can't he can be in one of those two but nowhere else watch out so explode on you stay frosty dude you are so close touching that [ __ ] barrel all right man's dead hp up love to see it chariot card chariot card good pill infested pill is a-okay get your strength card back and uh continue on here okay first things first i'm the realist second thing second get your archie it's gonna be straight up no other other way you dumbass other way uh i'm gonna just start doing boss fights for the win because we have we're gonna win the run there's no question about it we we have won this run we can't die it is the thing but i want to just hold it hope for one last chance for an arkey and it's not going to happen all right we'll start doing some boss fights here then he could be right here or he could not be right here i'm kind of hoping he isn't he's not okay beautiful archy drop please hey that's more it's more like shields for us i guess i'm not going to complain an insane amount about that so now my thought is he's going to be down so i'm going to go clear off the rest of our floor to our top left and then we'll go fight the actual man himself but what a run this was what an actual run if you're still watching this far in uh comment down below uh what's a weird like confusing thing just say bd1p lay off those guatemalans all right that's all i want you to say lay off those guatemalans just put it down there let them know what's up he can't he can be here too can he no we can't mama gertie goodbye goodbye sack head is great it's not gonna do anything for us anymore all right potentially one more boss fight to go and then actual delirium or just like he could be right here i guess either way oh two right wait there's two fights up here oh [ __ ] okay three right here you can't be here and there is a lesser chance he's up here than down there wow to make my run even better huh yeah all of our boss fights done would you look at that goodbye arky mom's [ __ ] pad all right well every room here is pretty much cleared i guess just uh my [ __ ] god what is what are these items i can't even like explain myself anymore can i talk now game thank you let's go find our final boss and end this run off with our invincible [ __ ] synergy here yeah here we go all right well dude look at our charges right there oh my god disgusting this is [ __ ] disgusting our bombs are almost all gone like we're using every every resource we have to kill this [ __ ] he's still alive how are you okay honestly though just give up just literally just put throw the towel you're not gonna win this you can't win this goodbye goodbye hey you're wearing out oh we killed a part of him cool and we'll do one of these we'll do one of these the char drop you are having a [ __ ] seizure right there killed some more parts of him you gotta love it hey get a brimstone bomb in there for extra dammy fights a [ __ ] joke this fight's a joke because this combo is a joke is what it actually is get back here you can't run from me you can't run from me huh i'm the one who knocks where are you there you are right into my right into my trap bye bye well if you enjoyed that run leave a like and a comment and a sub for the algorithm you know it may mean nothing to you but it means a lot to me it shows that i'm doing some good work still aside from that all my socials and channels linked down below from my twitch twitter and discord to my tick tock to my second channel to my link tree they're all on my channel somewhere go look around if you want to really follow me and see what i'm doing but aside from that gamers great run but fun peace out and goodbye [Music] it didn't end the recording i hit the wrong button i'm so sorry
Channel: bd1p
Views: 6,935
Rating: 4.9448276 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, eden streak, eden, win, winstreak, random, random character, isaac, tainted, brimstone, polyphemus, cricket's head, conjoined, hush, delirium
Id: lNejpd_X-C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 54sec (2394 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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