IT'S ALL OR NOTHING NOW - The Binding of Random Streaks #69

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[Music] welcome back everybody to the most important episode of this streak today is going to be win number 69 it's normal characters for today's wrong because yesterday was tainted almost here right here we're gonna get into it hopefully we do not lose on the magical number anyways question of the day put your answer in the comments down below is going to be i think i might have already asked like a month ago but like what is the weirdest thing you've eaten oh boy all right well we gotta maybe focus a little bit on on this run oh we have eden's blessing last time all right all right rkcps67c yeah i think i might have already asked that question like a couple months back but i i'm genuinely curious like what is the weirdest thing you as a person has eaten whether it be like you've made it for yourself or you know a guilty pleasure food or restaurant food whatever um i've eaten i don't know i don't really have that that big of a palette i eat the same thing normally like every single day i don't really branch out too much but i went to uh australia no elf down please hey you know what we can live with that i went to australia not too long or like it was at this point i was 15. so four years ago i went to australia and singapore for a vacation and uh while in um singapore i had octopus i've also had octopus when i was like 14 uh at a japanese restaurant next to like where i used to live so i think probably the weirdest thing was octopus i i don't know what else i've had this weird because i like it like i said i'd pretty much eat the same thing like literally every single day watch poly famous three runs in a row right here okay it was not poly but it is at least not just hp this shot speed one of the like the most least important stats but i think it still makes a difference for us but i don't know it octopus like as as a a food was really not that bad get in there oh i'm so good at this game i'm actually cracked it was not that bad it tasted like well like what most meats taste like is comparably chicken but the texture of it was the weird thing because like the suction cups on it they make for some really weird like just feelings i guess i don't know how to explain it just did not taste right but overall like i actually would say i i definitely enjoyed it i mean it wasn't like it was bad i'm not i'm not a big seafood person i don't like fish that much i'm not a big fan of sushi as a whole but i i think if i went to a restaurant i definitely would eat octopus again if it was on i like it more than i like like california rolls you know i just have never really been to the idea of seafood uh weirdly enough though one of when when i was in like eighth grade we had to do a project for our health class that was like us making some kind of healthy dish um with with a partner and recording us making that dish and sending to the teacher for like our you know final project grade and we decided to make uh smoked salmon with like some kind of like greens with it i don't know if it was like i don't know what the hell we put on that salmon but basically my friend's dad made it for us we just ate it we didn't do for it we just like washed oh no we had lemon on it too watch out please we had a lemon like zest uh baked salmon i think it might have been like asparagus or some but we our friend's dad got so frustrated watching us try to make it they just said it i'll make it myself and then we just ate it and faked the entire video but even back then like i just didn't like fish even when my palate was still being developed just like a very young child i just didn't like fish i'm just not i'm not a seafood kind of guy and you know that's all right i think that's very alright also holy light by the way is an amazing item to start because this does crazy damage look at that look at that now it used to be better i'm aware but just because i haven't gotten nerfed because i mean it's bad now people get so mad about brimstone being nerfed like dude the item is still like insanely good just just relax it's a video game it's not that deep but yeah pretty interesting morning for me today um i saw i was like i'm gonna wake up and go for a run because i knew to myself like hey i am definitely going to miss the direct i'm going to be sleeping until like nine as it stands i watched logan last night that's why i watched a very long movie logan was like i don't even know how long it was but it was it was like maybe like two hours long but i watched logan and i'm like all right i'm going to bed at like 1am i'm going to miss the nintendo direct that's fine though i don't really care who much it's got to be right here can it be i want to get a key for the downpour right now it's what i'm looking for is we need to get a key and i think it's going to be end up being right here yeah there we go amnesia baby all right just money did we even see her we saw our shop there was oh there was a good battery item in our shop for this this build so i'm gonna go back for that as well but so i ended up waking up at eight and i was like oh it's eight o'clock i can actually watch this um this direct now so i open up twitch and i go to my my boy script jcr's channel to check out because he streams it live because he's a nintendo and he's a smash fan to a big extreme something all right oh this keys right here i'm an idiot i'm actually so stupid but i'm watching it right and the trailer starts not this is a spoiler for the character but i'm sure you've already seen it by now it's been out for like over 24 hours but i'm watching this direct and i'm thinking okay the trailer opens up and they're in the big dark room from the beginning of smash ultimate where the inklings were first revealed and like link and mario were there and stuff and the fire from the smash ball burns out and one stray piece of like ash floats down into a fireball and sits there and mario walks up no sorry before mario walks up the camera pans back over and they're all like statues like like their statues from like you know the brawl melee days so then you start thinking oh this is gonna be some kind of like maybe taboo maybe like master hand it would be fitting for a final smash character to be a smash brothers rep whether it be the minister from brawl taboo from brawl i know ministers rob but bear with me there um i would have even even taken like the world of light bosses at that point but then then i started thinking like okay there's a fireball on the ground maybe it's just cinder race because cinder os i'm buying blue map 100 because cinder race is like you know a pokemon rep that's been pretty pretty hypothesized to be in the game recently so i'm thinking okay cinder race to mario walks up to this ball and he picks up the fireball and i'm thinking they're gonna add fire mario into smash what he throws the fighter ball and the fighter transforms into a keyblade and reveals that the final character is sora i do not hate kingdom hearts i i never played it i don't hate sorry in the game but like i don't know man i don't want to be negative but like as a final addition like i i was hoping for first party or just some kind of like all-around smash celebration sora obviously is a huge huge addition to the game like people wanted him from day one but from looking at it from a perspective of just just being a smash player i was like i don't know like the dlc i i got excited for one character oh god oh god and that character was uh steve that was the one guy i was like actually excited for i i don't know i'm not upset because i'm not like super super into smash i like the game a lot but i'm not like you know the biggest smash fan on the planet i just was kind of hoping for a little bit more out of it and i also think that the trailer like just just the trailer from an aesthetic standpoint was one of their weakest reveals there was no build up for the character it was just mario throws fire fire is keyblade sora there was no like like for example when you know banjo-kazooie got announced it was this big thing where it was like oh a jiggy's in in donkey kong's house look at that and it was a gag it was funny there was there was meaning to it sorry i was just kind of like they don't have to do with them i feel like they can't show disney characters because that's that's you know a big no-no ooh okay okay yeah we're gonna take lost soul once we have fully completed this floor because i mean it's gonna give us potentially an angel item next floor or a bunch of flies either way that's all right okay focus on this guy if none of if he has no guys alive he can't do his whirlwind but he can do that still and i hate the whirlwind so much we're gonna get extra money here though hopefully from our uh okay we're gonna get whirlwind in here aren't we oh yeah we're gonna whirlwind hold on boys everyone's strapping oh wait you're safe because this game sucks hold on get in there get in there hear some tears just stand back a little bit where's my charjack game excuse me taking five years get this charge off there we go all right keep the damie on him don't stop don't stop dude and get back down there all right he's cool you're cool you've won the fight gg no damage taken and you know what because i'm getting angel items from lost soul potential let's walk into our devil deal hearing or something here huh oh well that's actually really really good to get off the bed here that's one of my favorite first items to see in a devil deal with you look at that duality duality much loved the duality but yeah i i just uh didn't find sora's trailer that exciting now watching on the way he plays i'm gonna kill myself he is he looks like a combination of if roy and kirby had a child that's terrifying i'm gonna love playing him playing against him though i'm gonna hate because fighting any floaty character is really annoying you want to fight the heavies who can't do back to you fighting literally any light character in smash is a death wish well he's not only is he light he has pretty strong smash attacks in a maze amazing aerial game uh and insane like he might have one of the best recovery games in all of smash at this point like he's got that sideways jump he's got his you know huge ass floaty jump that covers like literally probably half the vertical screen it's just insane what were they they were on crack when they made sora and i get it he's the final guy make him fun but i wanna i wanna have fun playing as him and have fun playing against him i'm only gonna have one of those things at a time oh god both blind items huh hey we'll go right right oh we have tauros floor it looks like because we have other speed down there i don't like zodiac i the reason being is i hate leo i hate the item leo to death why did i pop that there you fool um if the game just and tauros being a speed down might be worse for lost soul than i realized although yeah it is toro so it is tauros you know that for sure for sure because we have the uh the constant speed building there but still ah boy i just don't like not being control of my items you know if for some reason i get a really bad combo with the zodiac it could be very very detrimental for us but hey i'm here to win these runs and play them out god lost soul everybody lost soul all right you know what let's bomb into our uh curse room here god that's annoying that is really annoying get out of here succubus oh i wanted to see the angel deal though not krampus we can't get an angel deal now can we duality's gonna force us into a devil deal oh my god hey on the bright side though at least we can uh use tauros those floors we don't have to worry about lost soul anymore i guess oh that item you know is it even worth it anymore is lost soul even worth it like i feel like he pays off the floor you buy him okay we can work with this and that's pretty much it let's uh look get up get ours like our ultra secret our super secret room here and then mine every rock for like a crawl space maybe you bought knox ash off of a whim there still make it worth your time the reason being we're not going to be able to get a devil deal to pay for this floor sorry in angels once you see one of the deals you cannot get the other one so a bit of a a letdown from that red chest there but oh well okay walk out walk back in what you got for me chariot card great for boss fight that's pretty all right uh that's that's not great hp up okay carry that with you use your chariot card in the boss pipe but carry the uh other thing with you that's very very good and look for a crawl space here i'm not scared about this run but i want to make sure that in case we do get scared in the future we have a way to still carry on whether it be through air rooms or crawl space items secret rooms i just want to make sure this character can still thrive because it's a little scary sometimes also also last charge here oh we got one more charge huh so there's no crawl space on this floor if there is one that's in the other dimension but it's not going to have anything in it worth my time so we'll just head out here we will just oh watch out get your wooden penny back at your wooden penny back um don't bomb that guy you want to have your bombs for your guaranteed secrets you have blue map now make sure you're using that accordingly anyways it's boss time oh great for a chariot card here great for a chariot card come on come on come on oh no oh no kill kill fast kill fast there we go all right we're cool no angel dill here sadly yeah oh well i think spending our money on notched axe was a dumb play but i think it it it had a high potential to work out giving us you know 4.5 volt you know jumper cables other battery items like storage charge and stuff i think in the end it could have done a lot for us and for a small price to pay of like 15 easily renewable cents it wasn't that bad of a choice but yeah i watched logan last night i had never seen that movie before and i gotta say it's very good as most of you know if you're if you're a stream watcher for a while or whatever oh this is great piercing shots here though um my favorite like movie trope is like really disgruntled sad and angry old men and that's all that logan is he's a very disgruntled sad lonely old man like nicholas cage's pig um uh what else listen to this criteria here pretty much anything where there's like no dialogue in the entire movie and it's all just like a dude getting revenge or some i wouldn't even say john wick fits in that category i just think that that kind of the kind of movie vibe is pretty badass but i i obviously like you know there are your gripes with the movie for example the girl being able to just like fight at an insanely high level combatively is pretty out of the question but i i think it still worked with the general movie like i think that that kind of just still made sense to an extent so i was okay with it i really was and i think uh overall like i mean the thing i gotta look at like this every x-men movie before logan like any kind of x-men newton movie before that was bad i'm not trying to you know you know dunk on marvel like oh look at this toy boy dunking on marvel i don't like marvel but i think that you can everyone can agree that all the you know x-men movies are pretty garbo don't die lost soul everyone everyone can stand by that i think and uh logan broke the mold there man i will say logan uh really definitely pulled through and i'm surprised because when you look at him like wolverine's a very cool character he said he doesn't want to be a hero he was forced into it but he's taking his duty in stride that's really admirable and a very a really great trait for a hero to have is just oh lost soul just you know kind of getting over it and uh oh look at this money drop the general plot of the movie is pretty straightforward it's it's um it's almost like it's like a mcguffin kind of plot they're basically going just just to this one place to find these people that's pretty much the entire point of the movie very simple it's not overdone it doesn't try to like you know pull any crazy twists on you it's down to earth it's intelligent and i liked it a lot i think out of any marvel movie it's probably honestly don't hate me but i think it's like maybe in my like top five marvel movies and i'm not the thing i'm not a big marvel it's not a big deal because i'm not a big marvel fan i'm more on the dc side of things but not not from obviously dc movies are garbage most of the time but this new batman's looking like it's going to be pretty nice though but i'm not a huge superhero movie fan i guess anymore i like i like the animated so much better than the live action stuff like any animated dc movie beats out like any marvel movie ever made the tv shows as well like daredevil was really good and jessica jones is pretty good like iron fist awful luke cage awful like things like it's like the runaway is awful dc might have fallen off hard at their shows but they started out a lot better than than marvel did i'll tell you that much no damage please keep your deal i guess it doesn't matter take damage here huh your deal chance will always stay alive and we get our angel deal here okay okay you know what flight is not bad at all the hp i can live without but flight's not bad flight's not bad actually i believe bombing this gives you a higher deal chance overall anyways why don't you just vomit please don't be ready or not red amazing this should be a pretty straightforward fight then and the the health up is for dire situations if you get to one heart you pop your health up and you're cool just keep keep your fire on him and yeah look at that piercing holy light damage does that raise our chance it does not oh well we can fight mega state in this run maybe go to delirium for our sixth run in a row right i don't know what's gotten into me man i've been kind of digging the void path recently like i've been really feeling it damn no keys oh we can fly so we can do this now and get a key here nope did not drop okay hilarious um our arcade can give us a key i guess maybe if we try hard enough for it but yeah i've gotten to lyrium a lot recently i'm not opposed to it the lyrium i believe is like actually the void floor is actually pretty fun like every floor in this game is is the same thing you find your boss you fight your boss you win you can go for your secret rooms potentially your item rooms and special rooms and stuff like that but generally it's going to be a one-way path avoid having the multiple boss fights and you can kind of like control where uh you can kind of predict what lyrium is going to be makes the floor a lot more fun especially having the chaos item pools can you give me a key please for the boss fights genius idea what are you i'll take you i'll take you oh we know a good pill now at least in a rotation here lovely two bombs is not what i wanted i guess you're not what i wanted come on buddy oh my god i have an idea here all right hey that's not bad i guess uh my idea is literally just this we are going to walk into our curse room i have a penny here thank you we're gonna walk into our curse room um get onto one heart leaving go into our boss trap and please just give me a key oh my god paralysis i'm gonna walk out of here hop that i mean we're getting hp back and it could end up dropping a key for us let's pray and hope for a key here die die die thank you please give me a key when i finish off this room why is our tier rage so good oh i guess we have blue cap and we have uh mr dolly now huh not bad not bad key let's go all right now you're going to get shop yeah item room huh kid are you gonna go i'm probably gonna go shop first the shop can have a key in it and because not on a blind floor we can actually buy shop items now make it worth our time either way i think shop has the highest yield and we get no extra keys again gotta hate it sometimes you gotta hate it let's grab our wooden nickel let's go to our shop and just pray selling a key in there if now we're gonna play our machine out so we're out of money because i need to see my item rooms bad now we could go for planetarium that's very very true but what's what's the point of going planetarium like there's literally zero point in it it's it's we're already you know four floors into the game i don't know like we're not gonna we're probably gonna oh why did we drop money there what drops money oh greed drops money right okay on the bright side here steam still is very good as his character on the not so bright side we are now again missing our key and i do want to see what's in there man i i think we deserve it all i ask for is the dollar or one key either of those outcomes are very fine hey pretty flies no oh that bad fly a money back is never the worst honestly pretty flies made this whole exchange worth it and five cents back we're going to get a key eventually it has to happen it will and it will happen i i believe in myself more than you guys think the greed fight there hurt it stings a little bit but the steam sale definitely made up for i think if i went to my shop and i had no key and steam sale you i would have been okay yeah we're still of options huh damn damn damn damn what are you again not a key giving pill that's for sure um yeah well planetarium next floor hopefully because i'm not going to skip any more than just wait a minute tinted rock in here could save us tinted rock in here could save us no way literally zero shot well you know it was a good try it was a good try i think we had the right idea there for sure okay mine's okay you are here are we gonna lose lost soul probably in this first room here honest to god i would not be surprised there's our first secret room archie even with blue map our luck still shines out as being bad for the r key huh that's all right uh devil do might happen here it's okay no just just some spiders all right if i can keep lost soul alive i will be pleasantly surprised it's not going to happen though do we get two we got piercing again oh man all right that's that's good luck that's very good luck okay buddy kill him kill his ass the best thing is too we only have to do one mine's floor and it's not the ash pit because we're already on mines too because we went down from catacombs or yeah from catacombs too so that's very very good beautiful shot right there piercing shots coming in clutch okay key please are we ever going to find any keys this entire rod we just got to be keyless in the entire i mean if we're going to be keyless fine that's that's cool man i'll i'll live with it but still god damn man god damn i go in thank you yo tears up let's go and easy fights the game is spoiling me again here all right back it up back it up keep you keep lost alive keep lost soul alive oh we're fine and you should be fairly simple to take down here there we go there's one maybe more shots in there please there's another one all right send them off no lost soul stay alive buddy stay alive buddy there we go i'm working to serve a lot sold in my own life right now there's a key dude shop first always shop first this is a pretty sex shop for us something's wrong this scares me this scares me and i don't know why i'm so terrified of it the pills are already gone so thank god we don't worry about you know grinding that out for a while but oh what's this yo two syringes let's go we're almost spun okay watch out for those though um yeah the golden pills i'm kind of starting to hate recently i won't lie to you i think wood and nickels still better than the fly jar for this character this will skip that but yeah i don't know golden pills have not been not particularly my fancy recently i will say a petrified poop though giving us the money drops for hp i think is way better than pestilence fly or mysterious paper so i think from this whole entire run like what we've been going through this entire run we have probably the optimal setup here barring like maybe skipping floor one item room in this and like you know the last item room for a planetarium because we they're they're a bad item but you know what we know what they say right hindsight is 20 20. so we can't even predict it's gonna happen i honestly i'm satisfied that this run has satisfied me what i would love to see is some kind of i want a permanent piercing form because right now once we lose we can actually make this work for us can't we oh that didn't that was an easy one but once we lose piercing we're going to be in a really really not fun place right now piercing is kind of carrying the entire run in my opinion at least yeah we'll play the confessional stand a lot so i heard it i heard from my comment section these things can drop items it is just extremely rare very very rare we can give flies from from the uh um dang ol what's it called uh the the spirit heart drops from it but i want to see an angel item i know what can happen i'm just like i don't want to you know lose a bunch of hp trying to grind this out we're getting some pretty faithful drops here though i will say the drops are not bad at all but make sure you're staying alive above everything else don't don't risk your entire run for a potential payout just item you know it doesn't matter anymore whatever who cares who cares get that and get go fight go fight go fight all right get up there and then get get stomped on son i don't like you i already fought you once i'm not i don't want to fight you again you're a pretty unfun boss watch out for the rocks and you're cool angel deal please yo we got a devil deal because the door can't spawn here that's fine no that's fine like i don't care i'm okay with that i guess i mean it definitely is not bad and we have duality so might as well just buy it right that's gonna make our tier tier rate and i believe our speed go up when we get hit on a floor which with uh uh if iv bags still worked imagine that the fun would have with that all right you know what play it out now that you feel blessed todd but no angel though still interesting game interesting on mechanic though you're not going to give me my goddamn angel deal whatever bloody gloss blood bloody glossed bloody gust is still fine bomb this and what do you got for me a lot of money okay play the machine uh four more times i guess you just leave the floor pray for an out play for like a drop here but if nothing happens so be it so be it okay nothing there yeah our speed look look how fast we fire we have we bro we've broken the tier cap at this point very cool edmund very cool any item that breaks tear cap is a friend of mine let's go let's go back down here give it two more plays two more touches last try okay we got flies uh i wouldn't say it was worth it but you know we gave it our best our best effort i'm thinking about going to see the new dune movie in theaters it's a it's a david lynch directed joint and as you as most of you already of course know big david lynch fan thanks to uh four player files very own al dog oh nice doesn't do anything for us here but nice i i am my favorite show and like i think my favorite media of all time is twin peaks so whenever lynch is like i'm working on a new film i'm like that's a great impression by the way i'm gonna check it out let's see what's going on here water by the way i loved i watched recently as i said enough about a week ago in the episodes i watched muhammad drive and that was a fantastic experience okay we're not gonna make the uh hush timer here to go to delirium which is it's keepers fault and this this character is slow also no more piercing big rip but i'm thinking we might be able to uh we have leo this floor hilarious maybe go to beast this run i mean we have great money like to to get out of the fight this is pretty big this is pretty big for us hold on give it one more play here huh a card could be a strength card yo hop the world all right the reason i want to play him so bad is we do have bloody gust so now playing him has an actual incentive for us that's pretty nice get him out of here don't even don't even fight it just get him out of here the broken also broken modem against beast is oh interesting broken modem versus beast is a classically really good combo do i want to go beast this run do i want to go beast this run i don't know i don't want to lose the streak on run number 69 dude you know not really my cup of tea right there however we'd be pretty lame to not go to beast on a run that has holy light and broken modem wouldn't we like that that would make us kind of kind of like right also we have the the maggies or yeah maggie's bow now right which is also very good but no i i think ah this is hard i'm gonna say probably not for for the main reason being that we have blue map and secret rooms can't appear on those floors and if i really want to grind out for arky it's not the right way to go however on the contrary there are more shops down there okay we're going to beast now we're going to beast now um the runner has changed up quite a bit here hp in here nah but hey tears upgrades nice we're gonna go to beast now if we can find a way to farm for damage on the dogma floor we will have no problem and look at this build as long as we get more luck upgrades and more hp we really cannot lose to beast nine lives makes beasts like now we have nine times the hp against beast as long as we can make it down there with all of our lives intact we will be a-okay also i just stopped playing occasionally here because i have a mosquito bite on my toe and it is the most infuriating in the world i know mosquitoes are important for our environment whatever the people want to tell me about it but i don't give a i'd rather have a worse ecosystem than be bitten on my foot every goddamn time i walk a dog it's the worst thing in the world the worst thing is too so i never get mosquito bites there's this one house that i dog sit for a little bit extra cash because youtube doesn't pay all the bills uh and outside like you there's no visible bugs out there it's a very clean house and lawn but for some reason whenever i come back i get mosquito bites literally only on my ankles and toes and that work oh i already died for good and i wear goddamn shoes where is the logic in that do we keep this hp i don't think we do now we do not all right that's fine i just don't know what the logic is in that you know i don't get it i don't get it like why only why am i told when it's already covered by my shoes and socks really really let's go fight let's go fight please don't die against mother you have you had you you're fine so you you do a lot of damage don't even worry about it you do almost like like too much damage angel deal as well for our choice right here doesn't matter what we're going to beat we're going to be doesn't somebody pick up here a jar of wisps huh that's pretty lame i'll be honest with you actually i don't know i don't know actually no don't even don't even think about that this is way better uh break these for a crawl space in here maybe and full card out drop off your polaroid and go to your shop so i was only considering it there because i realized that wait we have quicker charge will it make the the jar of whisk is better and also do we even need the wooden nickel anymore because we really don't have any hp to keep filling up however the money is still nice four items like um one equals power for our shops here how do you work with lost soul you don't ah sucks i i kind of wish you did all right bomb this fool get some money back and then uh go down to your beast fight i know a lot of you people in the comments are asking like wow i've gone on delirium like like a lot recently and the reason being is that i think it's more entertaining to watch me go to different boss fights and if you really go to blue baby or lamb every single run when it comes to me watching isaac you'd if when i used to watch isaac videos it got really boring seeing oh my god seeing everybody go to like blue baby blue baby i wanted to spice it up a little bit and although it puts the streak at risk i i think overall this is this is a definite um it it's more fun and i think i would do this trick to obviously get the number high because number i mean i'm a good player obviously but i think number high plus always going to the harder floors when you can this show shows a special kind of you know commitment to the game that i have and i think that that's going to make me uh get a little bit of recognition in the future huh the guy who will literally go to beast on a one hard keeper run you know i make this work [Music] speaking of that lost soul actually popped for once oh of library wouldn't you believe it also believe we have tauros again always alive there's more buttons careful careful okay not the floor i wanted to see but we're going to live with it i don't like the ganga i don't know i hate the ganga honestly get out of here no lost soul killing please ah yeah this is uh it's a tough one i will say uh we're gonna go with book of shadows here [Music] book uh you know wouldn't you wouldn't nickel was a great did a great job for us i think it made the run pop off for sure however i don't see us getting a lot more hp on this run and i'd rather have invincibility for beast than oh is that conjoined right there we're one away it looks like his king baby plus that i help me no lost soul don't die also lost souls would be great on ascension for us hopefully but if we don't get any hp wooden nickel is essentially useless for us kai please oh god oh no we lost lost soul my life is over but i think i'd rather have the the invincibility for beast that's gonna charge up every single wave then having an item doesn't even do anything for us you know what i think i think it's honestly like it it's a fair assumption there now if we see hp i just do this on this floor i will sacrifice not down a dark room but enough to get us some benefit out of the angel rooms or what else we can get down there help nice nice uh wow three troll bombs one of them being golden actually all different kinds of troll bombs there amazing admin great great item you made up there great item for us we only have two bombs left over so i would say this point rip the r key dream it's fine we'll live with it i'm praying for greed's gutlet in this shop if that's even possible anymore i don't think it is a shopify i think it's a secret item actually any kind of hp up here anything up basically means we can sacrifice on this floor and uh get a lot of benefit whether it be through angel items angel rooms whatever what have you your trash your trash your dog water i'm better than you great very good devil card is uh what what's this thing bomb those immediately some oh watch out yeah i mean save your money you may maybe you'll need it in the future for like uh money equals power drops somewhere but the thing is normally i would give it away right donut but i think we're going to need a lot of advantages because dogma is going to be a hard fight if the money comes in and if we get magic fingers the money comes in clutch in any other way i'm gonna thank myself a lot also at this point in the road we can also grab blind rage now which would be very very nice for us okay please hp in here damn uh i found pills with nothing for us we had a stompy for this room another another amazing uh find here honestly zodiac you think you did good buddy it did good i know i talked on you but i think overall you made the run a lot better and uh at this point go fight your mini boss for maybe gluttony aside from that like the floor is pretty much done i would say do a full clear to make sure that you're gonna have every benefit here but still i think you're just about done on the floor i'm nervous i'm nervous this fight could go very badly because dog why do you not you don't get to respawn in the dogma fight if you die in dogma you're dead you're dead for good you gotta restart the fight entirely but dogma right now is my biggest fear we have the hp to 100 percent beat beast no problems ass it's getting the beast through dogma and ascension that worries me and nothing here all right cool cool cool they got a bomb back that's not nothing i guess all right it's just going the beast of this kind of me man okay you know what you know what pop your book and get into it here don't worry about using your charges using nowhere else to fight on this floor anyways pretty much get some extra bombs here i'm nervous man i'm nervous that devil card i'm honestly gonna be using on dogma instead of using it on beast we have to zero hit dog but to make that work for us now that is not a good feeling careful no there are bomb rocks there do not fall for that do not fall for that all right strength card right here damn yeah floor is over all right do your worst do your worst game throw all your at me honestly if we can keep lost solo alive through most of ascension here my ideal goal would be after first floor ascension lost soul drops a stairway gives us like a you know some kind of hp up whether it be where we got holy grail i guess we can get revelations maybe stuff like that anything of that degree here we it's go be careful be careful oh my god dude i'm already freaking out like i'm already like trying to like you know watch for lost soul and okay honestly leave the floor right away don't worry about it lost soul please it's only been flies the entire run you bastard you absolute bastard keep them alive keep them alive swing them all the way around away from the tear is my son away from them oh boy this one could go very badly very quickly here if you're watching this far into the video still i go down a comment down below uh i can't believe lost soul gave you scott head and sacred heart on your last floor that's insane oh are we guppy no we're one away though and guppy's eye is amazing it's okay keep lost all the love keep lost so let him take taking all your time and money keep your soul alive i have some queen for you right there all right beautiful lost soul what you got for me no more flies please okay an item an item and honestly an extra life for the beast fight and dogma fight give it to me i don't know when it procs but it could save our ass on the uh get them alive on the dogma fight so i believe inner child is a same room respawn if i'm not mistaken so that could honestly save our ass it definitely could please just give me more just give me more flies not what i want to see dude not what i want to see careful this guy's a a grade a there we go um start playing them out trinkets maybe or some kind of you know hp uphill here maybe i don't know literally at this point anything man anything okay there's a key in that chest you can pop it open for free uh what you got for me all right sorry just flies for us i'm pretty sure we get uh nothing there dunk all your money into it dunk all your money beautiful that's really good for us it's gonna make this guy play out until we get like the dollar or some right that's a lot of money this don't burn out super fast please don't burn out hail hp up i recognize that pill damn just just flies again this whole run is goddamn flies man oh one heart keeper to beast baby will we do it will we do it it runs about 40 minutes long at this point ah man could it be a longer one it is but i'm doing it for you the people at home for kids like you pbs style nothing here no interesting drops no no like okay well you know i don't know what i expected to be honest with you nothing great can come out of this i feel like but it's always worth a try i think oh what did i say my maximum money baby who would a guest me of all people a goddamn millionaire huh careful be very careful here don't do not lose lost soul if you can manage that no okay you're fine wait we can go to our item room now what was in here i forgot about this we didn't even go to this item room oh watch me the hard carry item right now honestly honestly tears and damage up not bad not bad at all okay that was that was very good for us beast was the right cause please stay away please stare more away more flies yeah dude you know but i wanted all along how did you know edmund that all i wanted in my life was fly after fly huh so many lost soul plays here man and just not a single cigar grab what's gonna determine our fate honestly is if we do if we get either tauros or piercing shots against dogma that might honestly determine our fate on this run so zodiac if you're out there give me a call man okay you're dead purgatory get out there yeah keep lost soul alive i'm still really scared for fighting beast on this run because we uh have no hp thank you everybody great great parody there that's awful that's real bad now if we get tauros we might die on the fight we have no speed to actually beat the boss low speed dogma is one of the only bosses that does not like scale with your speed if you have low speed and you're doing the beyblade attack you can't dodge that shift you literally cannot dodge that it is impossible dude are we gonna go every wrong way here i mean focus aren't bad for we got we have a lot of you know h we have a lot of lives still but my god there we go leave lost soul please of all it could have given me it gave me my my least favorite item in all of isaac not even joking my least favorite item in all of isaac oh oh oh bombo you want coin buddy i'm feeling in a good mood today bumbo you want some coin you want some coin feast beast my my my stupid ass friend get in there buddy wow an algae's ruined huh uncaged right there my lord well we're gonna use alges on dogma and save our our first book of shadows pop for the famine fight so we can we can get hit like six times on the beast fight before we die while you still here buddy all right oh is it is this item bad on beast guys is this item like really bad on beast was it really good i forget which one it is i'm pretty sure it might be very bad [Music] i just didn't want to lose lost soul there broken mode oh we have broken modem too that's everything's a lot more manageable for us all right careful still the run's not over yet the run is not over yet careful careful careful play as safe as you can as safe as you can we go thank you purgatory okay bumbo you want coin buddy oh all right hey calm down there calm down there bumble get that thank you not the hopper room dude not the hopper room not the freaking hopper room we're safe we're actually safe for once in our goddamn life we're safe bro i am so terrified aquarius is so nice to have it i might my pain is still here that's not alleviated yet there we go easy broken modem room there hilarious so funny honestly a a genius of his agent in comedy it's just the funniest bumbo beef yourself there we go that's what i'm talking about a beefy bumbo okay was this the right choice at this point it's still too early to tell i don't know if we're gonna win this run i'll be completely honest with you this is probably that's the closest we've been to death on this streak and it was a poor choice i'll admit it was a poor choice coming down to this floor and going to beast a very bad choice but you know what i'm gonna stand by it i make my bed i lie in it all right waste no more time you got a chance to get potentially two items on this floor one is here it's not an item it's all right ease and coins for me is fine i guess and coins for bumbo okay you get one more item on this you get one more item i am praying it's going to be freezing tears or a tears up it's a range upgrade all right lost soul immediately dies on this fight excuse me i'm outraging right now dogma is our biggest threat dogma is our literal biggest threat okay go faster go faster please watch your shield watch your shield okay we had beaten dogma i had to focus there for a minute sorry that was that was a scary pattern we have no speed against beyblade okay yeah this sucks against beast doesn't it well it's not terrible i guess we have a holy mantle too for now at least that's nice when do you die when do you die there we go okay honestly we might actually be fine now hey there goes your holy mantle first first hit first tip you now have book of shadows use it in your most dire moment right now that was perfect timing dude all right keep the dammy on him please please please [Music] okay he's dead two horsemen down you come on the screen fast i'm aware of that okay just go in and hug him hug him to hug him close okay holy are we gonna do this [Music] i'm focused sorry i'm very focused right now this is our scariest moment bumbo is floating he is ethereal up there all right going close honestly i still don't know i still don't know do not hit boxes you can shoot and not kill yourself on these pillars when i hit boxes you're fine that he is a hitbox obviously you can just damage him a lot all right it's broken bottom fire this should be very easy for you broken bottom fire is a joke you do a lot of damage see i i don't i don't think you're going to lose this but again it's beast you never know man don't be an idiot don't be an idiot don't be an idiot don't be an idiot don't be an idiot don't be there we go okay save book of shadows for a very dire moment don't use it as as an assistant it's not a crutch not a crutch but there's a little bit of an assist right there you may not even need it to be honest with you you're fine play lame win game anyways guys if you enjoyed that run a little tense layer at the end but i think we're gonna be doing fine that dogma fight especially but if you enjoyed the run all my socials are linked down below twitch twitter discord tick tock and my second channel give them a follow and a like if you feel so inclined thinking of likes leave a like comment and a sub for the algorithm that helps me out more than you know aside from that i'll see you tomorrow for the next episode of this streak in the meantime guys peace out and goodbye
Channel: bd1p
Views: 3,144
Rating: 4.9819002 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, eden streak, eden, win, winstreak, random, random character, isaac, tainted, keeper, dogma, beast, scary, dead cat, dr. fetus, book of shadows, ending
Id: cCveu-qF76M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 5sec (3125 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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