This Run Beat 5 FINAL BOSSES... - Random Streak 48

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every day we get closer to 50 wins welcome back to our random streak today it's episode 48 it is tainted characters we are only three runs away from hitting that big five oh halfway to our goal of not losing a hundred dollars to preach or kill them so who do i not want to see well obviously tana jacob again on the streak would be awful um i do not want to see him in the slightest tayden lost as well despite being a pretty fun character do not want to see them at all in the streak either tayden eden i like to avoid as long as possible um lazarus too oh my god let's just say random and see we don't got to worry if it's a good character um you can't tell until it's okay maybe it's a middle camera oh no [Music] okay well this might be one of the worst outcomes we could have had anyway see today is going to be 8b gq1dwx oh man tandy lazarus huh painted freaking lazarus all right well how do you play this character for one i've learned some things in my days of playing isaac that i think will come in handy on this run um you want to stock up most of your red heart hp onto this guy you can still play blood banks and beggars and the likes of that without having to worry about you know spreading hp between two of them you want to put your damage on number two you want to make sure they can both clear rooms but you want to be beating bosses as number one they're as number two sorry lazarus too you don't want to be beating bosses lazarus 1. because lazarus 2 actually has a damage modifier if i remember correctly yeah look look at his damage right it's really really good that's okay that's also pretty good to see um cards because you can drop cards between characters here it's like for instance if i want to have you know red hearts my other guy i'll drop this lover's card down and pick it up when i flip back over genius strategies here anyways our question of the day today is going to be what is your favorite childhood book or or author let's say author because you read a lot of books as a kid you may not remember all of them but you know the certain authors like stick out you know rick riordan is a great children's book author i guess not not children but like you know he's a good like tween a young adult and novel writer um i was weird as a kid i read a lot of uh david baldacci he's like a religious mythology writer he writes about a lot of christian based things um being raised christian definitely is what drew me to that to a little bit um i was in the church for i got i don't even know huh well i confirmed i never went to church again again because i'm a little um i must have been in the church for like i'll say 17 years i was an active member of my my parish and then uh once i had an agency to like do things on my own i instantly stopped ooh now that's interesting crooked penny might actually be a dream item for us on this run because we can actually get items for both characters with that it's kind of like having uh a a stitched together jacob anytime i kind of like that idea hold on hold your horses here yeah it is currently uh 10 28 8 uh a.m on a monday i have one i have a backlog of videos now believe it or not i actually recorded some random streaks ahead of time so if i end up missing a day because i get sick again i can actually have videos to upload they're not terrible i'm also i think i'm over my sickness i woke up this morning and i did not feel bad at all um my back didn't hurt my throat didn't hurt i have a little bit of a cough still but aside from that i'm doing great okay what do you want to do here you want to definitely be the other guy for the boss fight oh man this is a mean interesting one well the easy thing is you can trade one bomb for two that's the easiest trade of your entire life thank god i started this one earlier it's gonna be a long run you gotta play this character as as good as you can because this might be legitimately the hardest character in the game i know that tayden laz or trainer loss is more bs you die in one hit and stuff like that tanner jacob as well as some bs to him but lazarus might be just the hard he has no advantage he's literally zero advantage at least tayden jacob has you know east out to do some damage on bosses and other enemies also anemosola as a starting item hidden loss has better items in general plus hp is not really a worry for you at all on the runs these runs can get brutal dude this is this is going i should move i don't want to annoy you guys hold on let's let's do let's do like like that that's perfect right there we'll move the webcam around so i can actually uh see my flip charge on the video okay oh my easy monstro fight easy monster fight but yeah i just put out today um is monday so i put out the uh top 10 facts about error rooms video you haven't watched that i recommend you do it's actually pretty interesting i learned some things myself while making the video that i didn't know because trying to find like 10 facts about stuff in isaac is really hard because isaac is a game that i feel like everyone's knowledge is different so trying to find 10 unique facts that people might not know is hard because everyone knows just different things everyone's had different runs different situations to deal with so it's hard to really find like 10 unique things so a lot of them were like kind of like hey if you use it on it's more of like what happens if you use and get an error room on a weird floor that's kind of what the entire video is um okay this is actually a great situation for us you do this you [Music] pick up this you flip over to this guy and get this at least you want a couple of red hearts on your voice you can actually live through stuff and pick up hearts to actually you know stay alive but you really also want to have a lot of your hp on labs once you can give away give it away to beggars and blood banks all in one foul swing i'm feeling good this run is not not you know any television being bad or good yet um which is a blessing and a curse you know we don't know if we have any guaranteed wins or situations we do have deck of cards though and i will say card deck is actually pretty good to have because um i'm trying to not get hit by these these champions here um you can transfer cards between characters so if i get two good cards i can hold hold a good card on each of these characters here you know it works out really really well i'd love to see isaac's tomb on one of my guys but every floor i go into i have a benefit for both of them that would be nice to see or at least a choosable benefit because i can you know swap out pick up an item pick up a card and then swap back you know um any kind of item wow it's dumb that helps with battery charges because we want our deck of cards are gonna charge every like pretty much 12 rooms it doesn't it doesn't you know charge when you're not that character so any kind of help for our charge would be nice as well right now oh boy this is gonna be an interesting situation man i don't know how we're gonna deal with this to be honest this might be the end of the streak before win 50 here this is scary the character is uh terrifying um gotta remember to play safe and and you can go slow on this run you don't have to stream for another hour and a half you can go pretty slow here cool card okay you know that wasn't bad we did not get crooked pennies sadly i was going to go back and open up the secret room on that floor but i also wanted to save bombs for a more guaranteed benefit um i don't want to waste any resources here i want to get damage on my both both my guys right now currently i want to give the last two for the boss fights um because normal rooms can we can take some time on and and you know loop enemies around and try our best but okay okay i'm okay with this yeah yeah yeah ace of hearts matchbook okay do i'm on this guy yeah he needs more hp give it to this guy give it to this guy okay okay okay watch out pick up the trinket as well okay things are things are shaping up here man things are definitely shaping up here we just need to be a little careful of all um the benefit to this character let's talk about the benefits of this character because he's got some benefits oh you could technically have 24 hearts in a boss fight wow that sucked which means most boss fights like final boss fights are going to be as long as we have a charge on our flip a free win you're not really going to lose any um uh oh help i'm not really gonna lose any major boss fights we're gonna die it's going to be in a random room because you don't have the oh uh oh i don't like this damage output it's not very good and they're kind of sweeping into me here i don't really have much i don't have much room to go anywhere i feel like right now okay we're fine um there's just not much else this run can provide for me that i i really can specifically want it's just battery charge like help for our deck of cards um any way we can get like double items like whether it be you know more options and so we had a better choice maybe would be nice hey la being last two is really good for this why don't you oh death cards great for men we're gonna use death card here a second she gets like 400 flies on her how did that not hit me do it now beautiful get some flies out of there put a bomb down you got it you got six bombs man mid-man is is not a hard boss actually she's very easy you can't really hit minmin because it's all ads you know like this boss would be super easy if they had no armor around them if the flies she had like didn't have any hitboxes or you couldn't like you know kill them this possibly would be way more manageable but now i get okay that was where i was supposed to go there come on game where where was my my out there oh my god also super armored bosses i hate bosses that have phases where you can actually hit them at all like daddy long legs for one is one that i'd actually despise um i cannot stand but we're done with the fight devil deal here that's going to our other guy for sure how does respawning work with this character we gotta how does do you is it a soft lock oh no we gotta find out because i do not want to play tainted laz right now i'll tell you that much all right well pick it up and then uh i guess take everything here because you you can afford it um [Music] hey let's let's risk it i i think it shouldn't soft block us we should just respawn right yay and then we're okay now we're way okay we did lose some items because they're on the other guy but still i'm okay with this okay this is good this is good we are no longer tainted lazarus oh the fear is over dude i'm totally gonna make this video titled like painted lazarus just loses the streak and then just turn into somebody else midway through that's gonna be gold okay i'm way more of a happy camper right now this makes my job so much easier excuse me so much easier that's a damn fine cup of coffee that was like not a a dale cooper voice that was like uh if dale cooper was 80 years old and also smoked like camels every day that was not normal dale cooper he thank you so much oh almond milk hell yeah i love almond milk even though it's really bad for our damage i do two damage with a 10 tier rate that's nothing to freaking sneeze at dude i'm a big almond milk fan only i don't know about bd1ps he loves his almond milk actually fun fact if you don't watch the four player file i guess you wouldn't know this but i have never had chocolate milk in my entire life believe it or not i have never had a even a a a drink of chocolate milk in my entire life i know it's crazy right it's it's it's hard to believe but it's true i have uh i've had i used to drink a lot of strawberry milk when i was a kid because it was kind of the fad at my elementary school um it was kind of the big thing in elementary school you know you cool drink strawberry milk but i never ever ever drank chocolate i thought it was gross i thought it always smelled weird okay so my my my cousins right um shout out will and henry uh they love chocolate milk and we used to hang out a lot oh oh the dodges we used to hang out at my grandpa's house as cousins do quite a bit um hilarious and i remember like my grandpa had he obviously he's old so we had an older house an older model of home and you know it wasn't necessarily very modern or updated i don't know if it was just the fridge that smelled bad constantly to me or oh you son of a um or what it was but amber chocolate milk just smelling like awful to me might have been also no you know what it was probably was like um you know those milk things i have at school where like it's it's a big milk freezer and they have all the milk cartons in there and the kids go and they they grab their milk and then they drink their milk etc um because it was you know a school item in an elementary school it smelled like horrible and i i haven't really been like oh that's probably chocolate milk smokes i'd always drinking you know skim milk or two percent of whole milk at home so i knew it wasn't that milk and i like strawberry milk because i thought i like strawberries something almost it must be chocolate milk that smells bad i don't like chocolate milk that's what the association was i actually think i just diagnosed myself right there i think it's definitely what it was and you know what do i regret it no i don't regret it i think that not drinking chocolate milk has made me a better person and i will not elaborate on that at all anyways um giant cells is not really in my interest here why don't we want to take one of these huh i like d1 i'm a fan because you can actually do a lot of stuff with it um we need keys is one thing definitely need oh god okay ace of hearts yeah i'm not dealing with that room i'm not dealing with this room at all okay pick up your coin go fight your boss you'll fight your boss oh yeah great khalis samam and nomina i hate this boss dude he's so ridiculously tanky i don't think i've ever been hit like lethally by this man but god damn dude his tears like well there we go i hit lethal and not least i got hit by him um they just sucked to dodge dude they're like the most annoying thing in this game to figure out how to dodge because like they're very easy this look threatening man and they're they're like make you play at a level you shouldn't have to play on one of the first two floors in the game like this boss makes you god damn it dude like have to dodge like real well also there's a weird bug with him or you can't hit him in his first phase of like the first part of his second phase you can't hit him for some reason it's very very like a rare but it happened to me twice like two streak videos in a row i couldn't hit him in his first phase and it almost cost me my devil deal god speaking of devil deals all right s two hearts for us beautiful and we get to fly now very very very good why don't we uh walk on back here pick up these bombs do you want so you can get an extra two bombs there using your items to maximum potential okay what do i want to do on this run what do i want to do on this run well we don't really need to do our boss twice but i think i will um hang to man and moon let's do some dumb huh what am i known for if not dumb let's get a penny here let's walk into here then we'll moon card out oh that's our okay that did literally nothing for us i guess i took it out of the boss pool in the future that's kind of okay let's touch our fire and do our mirror dimension i'm a little nervous as always just because we don't really have you know a consistent source of dps to deal with the enemies and knock them back from our holy mantle and our lost but i think we're gonna be able to manage just fine why is there no rock right here that's odd that is strange um but i could really use the damage um from our boss fight if we can get a growth hormones a stapler uh meat would be my ideal thing right now because it gives us hp as well we just need a little bit more damage um because we have a two times multiplier as dark judas two times damage is very very you know noticeable when it comes to items like almond milk or soy milk it definitely helps boost you up quite a bit i really really want to encounter some more dammy here it's going to be twice as effective empty vegetable also giving us invincibility occasionally is nothing to sneeze at yeah when i was a kid i used to read a lot of um uh rick riordan was one i'm a huge percy jackson fan the movies suck ass but like ooh that was a good dodge um oh that was not a good dodge please don't hit me um the movie suck ass but i've read every single book in that series even like the norse ones and the egyptian ones and all that stuff and they're they're very good they're insanely good actually i would say might be some of the best young adult novels ever written that was a good dodge right there okay keep some damning on him you could very easily perish in this fight never mind is it he's in phase two he's not gonna perish okay empty vessel is active so walk and get your clothes shots don't miss anything beautiful set aware options to watch out um but yeah i read a i read every percy jackson book i actually reread them a couple summers or two summers ago i reread every percy jackson book even like the the roman stuff and uh that's not great um okay the heart doubled nice bombs are key hey i'm okay with that speed down not okay with that retro vision all right four completely awful pills that's fine that's fine i guess we can live with it but um is there a penny in here that i can't see oh i see it's the core underneath my map dude um honestly the percy jackson books dude they still hold up they still hold up they're still really good um i think that there is never going to be a book series that is that influential on on young adults and tweens now it's like having a yara huh so now we can actually get infinite we basically have a four charge yara i'm pretty sure i think it'll double one i if we get a battery on the ground it'll double one of that twice right if it works the way i think it we may have a yara on our hands here which would be pretty nice um because if we get two batteries out of one you pick it up and you get two more batteries you have infinite batteries i think if my mind is working correctly you have two different battery or uh infinite charges there which trust me i am super for so all i got to do now is look for a charged key or a battery on the ground and test out our d1 and see what's popping with it thank you empty vessel for the assist here yeah i woke up this morning um i started working on a new video about how to fight every boss in the game um i didn't know there were 102 bosses in this goddamn game dude so it's going to be a while so that video is done but it's going to be worth it i'm going to give a tutorial on how to fight um every single boss in the game best strategies and best items to fight them with and after that will be our our ultimate guide to isaac co-op and then after that it'll be well i kind of want to do a 34 character run video to make sure i can oh get that out there and show why it's probably not going to happen i get i get dms every day in discord about the 30 character run and i gate is an interesting concept but it's done for now there are very minor improvements we can make and you can get 32 technically but no one's gotten it yet so i'm not gonna worry about it and i don't really care for it too much anymore it's kind of like a byproduct of uh my past uh series on youtube not my main focus anymore but i still want to wrap it up and be like hey this is why you cannot get 34 characters and if it does happen it'll require a very like probably cheating method of it um probably requiring the game file manipulation and stuff so i'm not really interested in uh continuing that until we have a a more viable way to make okay let's test this out yo it actually works the way we thought it would so we do have a we do have a game break on our hands i know it didn't work out last episode we do have we have a better game right now and all it takes is one battery and one good golden chest that's all that this takes um wow okay it's gonna be a pretty interesting run i think let's see if we can blow this run out of the freaking water hold on this could be like our magnum opus on the streak run may not be run number 50 but god damn is it gonna be a wonder our member here these ash pit enemies are really doing a number on me right now i feel like their hp is so much higher than anything else in the game right now i can't really kill them none of my shots are like are hitting almond milk's kind of backfiring there i say despite the item being like tons of fun to use it is kind of backfiring on us that's okay though i mean we had an op run last time we can deal with not having an op run this time i'm okay with that i'm not gonna complain about it too much okay that was a little a little sus game if you will i will say that much all right steam sale now that is a game break as well let's pick that up actually if we you can yeah double things in shops so pick that up emperor card's pretty big we can double that and have infinite we have basically have a blank card emperor now um all we got to do is find a battery on the ground or in our shop and then you know there we have it oh my god i'm taking way too many hits here this run is kind of it i wouldn't say it's weak but this one is definitely not out of the park with last run so i'll say that much last time we were at beast with like sacred heart and now we're just struggling to kill regular cold boys in the mines here not my favorite situation to be in right now full heart damage champions are also not fun okay we'll be okay though we'll be okay remember all it takes is one battery and we have ourselves a game break here there is a key beggar um i've only got a battery on this floor because there is a keyboard we can play for a bunch of chests that continually d1 those chests with batteries and have just the world you know crumble beneath us um it's also like would be if we get restock it's also going to be a game break for us because restock is going to allow us to buy infinite shop items with infinite money which we can get from our d1 strategy beautiful battery in here oh no i'm i'm yarrowing this though for sure that's a lot of hp back for your boy um the key piece will not help us get devil deals sadly that's okay though uh let's go fight our boss sinji up who would have guessed dude break this for me you were so close to greatness you were so close to greatness come on man get over here boys and touch ooh a thing plus poison touch that's an interesting synergy i didn't even think about that one working for us here that's great that that destroyed this boss's hp i won't even lie to you okay walk around in a circle here oh there you are hello buddy yeah chase me down see what you you can't touch me dude you cannot kill me anyway that actually matters you're already dead okay shots plus planetarium chance up not bad that would be good if we had like a d20 i'm gonna pop it now and just leave the floor there's no battery here move on move on you will find your battery trust me you will find your battery if it's the last goddamn thing i do jesse we'd also get a knife piece too we can go to mother this run if we get a game break i mean we might as well try for it the knife piece section really is annoying to do but it's a free it's free dps we don't get hit in there so why why wouldn't we try it help that was a little close for comfort there they're both charging okay okay yeah yeah i should have noticed the other one was charging as well that's my bad we'll still win this run even if they get a game break or not i mean we do have like a lot of hp a decent build nothing just nothing to write home about but it's a decent build um nice nice bomb him hell yeah dude easy blaster kill all we need is one good shot man all the tanks there's one good shot to turn one man into the freaking joker card that's pretty good you can kill yourself with that card actually if you if you uh do one to this over and over got a bunch of strength cards and pop them all at once you could kill yourself with them that'd be a fun way to die in isaac oh we did a planetarium as well hello did we skip last floors i don't know because we got um infestation in there oh the dude the freaking magic eight ball straps coming out oh help me what the hell that's that's pretty lucky i can't tell what tears are mine or not i literally cannot tell okay walk in here first oh there's a run coming up here boys she'll be coming around the mountain when she comes qriket's body oh yeah okay now now we're cooking with power tara watch this that's pretty good though that's pretty good um we have a lot of things happening to us right now and i'm happy about that this run has just took taken off previously it was i would say a b grade run this is now an a grade run this is uh nine unlosable with the right setup here that battery okay oh it's working baby oh it's working baby okay hey one of the time boys one at a time am i right am i right am i right all right oh isaac no more two item breaks edmond said no more two item breaks huh oh she'll be coming around the mountain when she comes all right all we require now a game is a golden chest on the ground or a stone chest i won't be picky about it hey you know what you know what buddy you know what just for you just for you i'll do this i'll do this right now i'll i'll go back and i'll uh i'll get a bunch of soul hearts for myself here oh baby this is what dreams are made of this is what kesha was saying was that kesha you sang that song no that was lady gaga who did like sweet dreams are made of this that wasn't kesha i don't know any cache of songs believe it or not i have a friend shout out kate who is just like the most very very big and it's weird because she's like it's like kate is is like uh when you pick when you picture the word goth like you think of kate so her being like like the biggest kesha fan i know is is pretty funny because i know who she is as a person but she went to a kesha concert at summerfest recently and was sending pictures about it like man it looked kind of hype i'm not gonna lie i might be a kesha stan if i have if it comes down to that you know yeah nice try bucko we got a deal here hell yeah oh krampus you know what oh we're we just melted him no rest for him all right pick that up okay what are you trying to do on this run um hopefully we get a good secret room so we can use our batteries in there hopefully it's next to our shop as well i don't know if it can be no it cannot be okay um find your secret room hopefully you can double in there to make things worth it whether it be a good card something like that you know what i mean nothing in here huh okay okay hey papi we have infinite hp so i'm not worried about it anymore as long as we get one heart on the ground we can double it you know multiple times over so i'm not worried about our hp at all trust me on that one anything good in here nothing game break worthy there's no point to keep battering to get like you know one cent doubled um we should while we're here though might as well double all of our money in our shop so we can get you know 99 cents to have for the future may as well um let's do our section because we can afford to and we're not going to be suffering on it at all i'll tell you that much we're going to be probably just instantly flying through it here plus i mean dark judas man has some of the strongest base stats in the game like look at that 1.10 speed seven damage um it's pretty like everything else is average but having the extra bonus to your speed excuse me so your speed as well as having an extra bonus to your damage makes the damage not mattering the section though sadly it does make it a bit easier that i have the extra speed i'll say all right isaac oh god i'm gonna get you all right let's walk out of here this is like going to be either one of the most exciting or one of the most boring runs you'll watch on this on this uh the streak file here hopefully it's on the exciting side look at that dodge beautiful oh don't get hit don't lose your golden heart in here maybe not good for you hello goodbye um if we can manage to break the game um it'll be pretty exciting if we keep failing on game breaks we don't get anything to work with here uh it'll be full you are charging okay well i guess grab the money huh i guess grab him i don't know if you can keep the money outside of the section i feel like you can't yeah got him got his ass super hard there okay encourage me charge me thank you it's like a freaking credit card dude oh that was not a smart move either was this we got out of it though cuz we're god gamers hello hello hi hi it's so nice of you to finally be here look at that beautiful bomb you see a bomb even prettier than that i don't think so dude i don't freaking think so i leisurely walk downward get out of there and keep going all right you've beaten this section with uh little to no damage you did keep the money well you know you know things happen for a reason i guess um let's let's uh go back there is nothing to double on this floor sadly well it's not true i guess we haven't seen our super secret room yet have we so i have mucus in my throat from being uh i guess slightly sick still my bad that's not me still um i guess we haven't seen our super secret room yet so could it be here give me a chest in here right now damn nothing okay well here's what you're gonna do this may seem like it's a dumb play you're gonna get infinite money here god this thing is stupidly broken oh my god infinite money infinite battery charges on the ground here bob's your uncle bob is literally just your uncle right now pick up some money we'll go to like you know until we feel satisfied we probably do have like you know around 70 cents lying on the ground here regardless so i'm not too worried yeah oh well we'll probably have 99 actually looking at our our current total oh we're fine we have max money um yeah that's really good okay well you know your battery charged up you're ready to go move on now if that is our only game break we see on this run i'm going to call edmund personally and tell him to to to to frick off but i think we're going to be fine we'll go to the mausoleum here our run is definitely good enough for gahanna i'll tell you that much do you guys eat your string cheese cold or do you get like room temperature i'm always curious about that because i i eat mine cold but i prefer it at room temperature so i have one right here i'll even show you guys with the camera i have one right here i don't want to say like it's defrosting but it definitely is you know thawing out from being in the fridge um because obviously you want to store cheese in the fridge if you're not a freaking psychopath so i want to know down below do you guys freeze your do you guys like eat your string cheese cold do let it do let it like kind of have a thaw out session you know i i think it doesn't really matter too much but warm string cheese definitely better than cold string cheese and that that's kind of just like one of the like a fact where's our conetti there he is all right well that's the wafer so we kinda are guaranteed a victory here ah nothing here huh wow any any lucky pennies on the ground that could be a good thing to double as well be lucky pennies let's let's just end up doubling our nickel here um get two nickels for no we couldn't have something with our obama because we also have infinite money which that was a bad play but hey i'm not known for my good plays and isaac am i huh am i am i am i am i am i on your mind car seat head rest deadlines hostile fantastic song people sleep on their 2020 album man making a door less open is is is a great album i don't know what the hate i don't i don't understand the hate for madlow i don't get it um i've seen a lot of like i know it's not their best like they i think it might be i think they're i don't like their living while starving ep that much i think it's kind of like eh sorry to say if you're if you're a living while there's a guy right there hello if you're oh here's our batteries hold on [Music] okay someone get some batteries dropped in here all right we are back at full battery capacity um i i'm not a huge oh cambion worked as well i'm not a huge fan of uh living while starving but i think madolo is is better than it gets oh we got a stone chest and two golden chests okay we are in freaking business boys we have actually entered the business of a game break here oh lord there's some more batteries on the ground here there we go that's what i'm freaking talking about baby and it's pretty close to our battery room as well one more okay we're gonna make this room full of stone chests there is not a single surviving chest in this room oh you'll love to see it you just love to see it even without car battery we still could have done like a mini game break if you would have just you know doubled our battery a lot on the floor and then just caught on here and done this we could have had like a mini game break going on um it would have been still been cool to see so we're gonna double our stone chests until we have a room full of them then we're gonna do our golden chest next until we have a room full of them and then we'll uh move on oh please have a good item in it i mean i i know so the way here i used to work in like doubling used to work is it would copy whatever the chest had inside of it would also be copied over now that was changed and after birth it might have been changed back i noticed sometimes when i double stuff it has the same drops as the as the you know counterpart to it but other times it doesn't so i'm not sure what the stipulation is i'm sure it's fine right i'm sure we'll be fine here where's my arm ish so bad should i blew my nose before i started recording today i'm a little stuffy i sound like all right here we go again double that all right i'm telling you man this is going to be worth it whether it's a million bombs or a million keys it's still fun to do this for me and hopefully you guys watching are having fun too because uh this is a very rare occurrence in independence a lot of game breaks were taken away from me d20 being the saddest one um in rebirth t20 was what i would consider a free win you get one arcade and you win the game i'm glad it got nerfed because it was a little how would i put it it was a little much you know a break in the game for me is a fun thing to do it definitely took the integrity away from most of your runs with d20 so i'm glad it was taken away it makes more batteries in here don't forget to put any more in here um it's still kind of here the brakes still is a little like present but it's harder to pull off and it requires a more specific setup so it actually brings the integrity back i feel and gives the 20 more of a natural this is good enough let's bomb this and see what happens no it's not good enough keep going keep going there are there is an item chest in here somewhere there is an item chest in here somewhere keep going we're gonna have infinite items now we're gonna have infinite game items if you have not seen the game breaking isaac before this would be the most confusing thing ever to you but trust me trust this is going to be worth it if we can get one battery on the ground in there man i would kill the so i could double the batteries in there and keep going because this this walk is killing me oh there's there battery in here no there is not okay don't be an idiot pick up pick up everything that's not you know um an item in here you don't want to be doubling your coins you don't need to double your coins okay that should be good i'm going to drop my card in here we'll we'll double it we'll say four more times huh how's that sound drop your tower cart in here is okay i don't gotta stream today still don't forget i got other obligations to attend to um in fact you know what you know what you know what this is fine we can do these here oh yeah okay this is gonna be a-okay yeah yeah yeah all right moldy bread speed upgrade hp up another hanged man card no magician card this time free shop credit pjs um mr dolly for more tier 8 obviously is great uh that for luck we need a lot for our tier effects to proc more silver dollar i'm sorry dad loves calling excuse me that the quarter and stapler another luck upgrade as well on the ground first there pick this up hanged man um we don't really want to use that yet pick up the magician it's good um brainwarmers will be pretty interesting with us with this combination here let's open these up regularly yeah nothing nothing exciting inside of those okay that was that was a good little mini game break there i'm excited we got it um i don't want to make the episode like you know hours long but here we are oh yeah i mean this is just working like swimmingly for us here i do want to continue to break the game but there's no point in doing it now we we have all we're gonna need to beat mother and i will go to mother this run i will go to mother um is the one good enough for mother we have the wafer dude of course it is like the wafers is an instant win for almost any path in the game if you get hit 24 we still are actually funnily enough i said one of the benefits of at laz was actually uh having 24 hearts for any endgame boss we still get our 24 hearts with wafer technically so it kind of works out in our favor that is that is it no way no it's not okay uh yeah and your floor off here there's no need to keep laboring the point you're fine you are a-okay here is that a tinted rock no it was not okay move on move on move on this guy's gonna be a joke brain worm with almond milk is actually a pretty sick synergy it's doing it's doing work look at our tears are going everywhere right now this is this is doing the work it's going the distance it's going the speed dodges keep your dodges nice i got hit there of course i'm bad at the game guys sorry pick up my hp i'm sure and move on now if we get a way to double like i don't even know what what's the best price like stone chest the best thing to double there we should have gone deeper um but i don't want to you know stay on one floor for five years um we're liable to get more batteries so don't worry we'll we'll do some more game breaks as we go on i just didn't want to sit there for hours you know just getting like boss items right i want to get some some straight power how do you do that is my question would be getting restock on your shop would make that the biggest possibility um so if we find restock this floor we can make that work but i don't know if it's gonna be or even like trinkets in the shop we can get like you know silver dollar and just do this on the corpse floor that would be nice it requires obviously batteries still so you know don't wait up too long for it well there is a battery here so what you want to do is you want to buy out everything that isn't a battery and get it off the ground um okay now you just do one of these and get some more batteries on the ground you want to buy blankets um because it's gonna give you boss protection and you want to leave the room um normally i would just buy placebo just to buy it but that would be a bad move certified bad move to buy placebo because if we somehow find a restock in our secret room or or we break the game all the way on this floor we can buy that and have more item slots for future things didn't we already beat this room oh it's been above us i was like did we not clear it all the way what but no no we're fine um basically if we can get a secret room that has like a restock machine in it um and we could start dropping stuff in there to d1 and spawn more items down that would be my dream right so i want to get like you know i want to get an r key on this one i don't even care if i put off stream an hour if i get an rk on this run i would definitely do it we haven't had an r key run on the streak in forever i'm craving for one man i truly truly am oh oh chess okay we have another game break on our hands here double that okay ah that heart being there does not does not make me feel good how to get rid of a heart i guess you really can't huh all right well it's actually we have better speed this floor and i think we're gonna be able to double this chest quite a bit here um also we have a golden key that makes things a lot easier that heart's gonna be a uh how do we get rid of that heart i don't think we can get rid of that heart honestly it might just be a slower game break on this floor let's uh let's do the rest of the floor first let's see what happens if we can find a way to get rid of hearts somehow whether it be like uh i don't even know how you'd manage to get rid of that heart you have to get like a co-player in here i guess i could do a co-op baby and then like have them take the hp away but that feels kind of cheaty to me to be honest with you so i'm not going to do that a mini battery as well oh hello that's if we get another game break in this room that'd be nice to have so i don't want to deal with that uh that heart in that room to be honest with you penny okay oh wait no we can do a game break here right oh it doesn't double trinkets damn that could have been a break because it used to be if you double the trinket it'll give you a different trinket that could have been a pretty nice game break to have i'll say that much okay we don't need walk in here i'll take mom's wig it's more spiders for you why not make the run a little bit stronger as you go on here anything else we can use to double here no secret room up there um it could be over here i guess no please no purple fires thank you put that down there it is there it is okay another golden key doesn't hurt me at all i just look for your regular secret room now and if you find it you know congrats not there huh no congratulations are in order yet what about uh what about uh right here huh i kind of feel this being a good spot for it yup just red hearts huh just red hearts okay we can deal with this red heart being there i'm not happy about it though to be honest with you this it's gonna slow us down immensely to get this to work i guess we got two chests there so we can we can work with it but again i would have preferred a little bit of a better situation here huh would i would have liked some some more uh you know just regular chest regular items pick up to get out of the floor because now what happens we're actually doubling the hearts and the chests both we're losing one you know double on a heart which we can't even pick up at all in this game so it's kind of like a waste it's all right i mean we have the opportunity to game break here i was gonna open them up now yeah it wasn't even that good it was i mean one item is oh that's two items here don't knock it yet don't knock it yet okay i say just continue on again i said continue on again you're gonna be fine get some batteries and then and then move on um if you wanted to sit here for four hours to break the game we totally could you totally could um that's not in my interest though i'll be honest with you it's really not i think we can just move on and be nba okay here uh hey neil huh that kind of hurts a little bit all right goodbye mom we're not super strong yet um for mother but we're getting there man we are getting there it's corpse time next though so don't even worry about that okay take the negative for the no take polaroid for the invincibility uh walk into your deal here yo bad phd hell yeah dude pick up this what is this uh damage up for me because damage is doubled it's gonna be worth it i get this knife in here please please there we go pick up that eternal heart and say goodbye to mom's heart say goodbye to hollywood you're gonna shoot it all there we go and your dad easiest fight of my entire life all right it is now corpse time i'm gonna look for every avenue we can to break the game here secret rooms and super secret rooms permitted they're probably gonna be our best bet of doing this there we had a full alt path run today look at that look at that that was a pretty pretty fun uh run so far and we do actually do i mean like i'll take it back we do a considerable amount of damage uh for what we're putting out here a lot of tears are hitting enemies now because of brain worm and i could not be happier i know i said i didn't like brain room last episode and it depends on the build honestly okay this is where the game breaks can start where the game breaks will begin and hopefully uh never end goodbye gutted fatty there we go um we need one battery we can break the game in this room pretty easily here oh hello level 2 gaper i know all these names from the alt path video they're all in my brain now i'm aware i'm very hyper aware of it oh break the game in this room too why don't you huh okay what do you what are you what are you looking for here a battery and what would be your ideal situation well if we get a chest if we can spawn a chest somehow in a secret room that has a restock machine we are guaranteed to get an r key and and death certificate and all this crazy stuff i would love that i would i would love that a lot um in i would probably pick up like i don't know godhead in my my thing it's because it's going to be cool to have homing aura almond milk tears it'd be pretty sick i won't lie sadly there looks like there's gonna be no battery here for now let's go back and double those chests um real nice and good right now one more chest for you we'll do the rest of the floor uh i think it's worth just like just to spread the love around and walk around and uh just see what you can find here potentially you could find batteries or other chests or other ways to uh break the game so i think i think it's worth worth your time to do this definitely is the battery if if it spawns now is a bit too far away to make our game break like like you know efficient um but i would probably dabble a little bit just to see what we can get out of it i would still definitely make an attempt i think my back is starting to hurt a little bit gamers i don't know what to do about that kind of a bad time when i got a stream for like another you know three hours after this it's not gonna be that fun let's walk in here what you got for me what you got for me nah you know damage no black card that's fine i'll take double damage walking out no we didn't well that curse of the maze you fool you fool what's in here more pills damn bombs that is a damn fine cup of coffee hey a vault room though this could be big actually there could be batteries in the vault room there were not batteries in the vaulter but still it could have been big ah don't chase me down like that you just spiders all right we have one more avenue which was gonna be our our super secret room but at this point i think we just double it and move on um and see what's going on anything any items no items at all huh that's okay you know what we've definitely played our part on this floor as well um i am tempted to sacrifice a little bit here let's do it we have the wafer we have the wafer you you should always be sacrificing polaroid makes it a bit annoying but we can still deal with it oh little abaddon as well look at cambian paying out for us look at you look at you you feel blessed great hey a chest spawning we could have zero to this room i guess if we really would have waited for like the seven soul heart drop here but help me okay walk out walk back in there's one angel down get a key piece why not huh it doesn't really matter too much okay there's seven soul hearts to get all of our hp back plus extra let's kill our second angel statue here and see what happens just gonna get some more you know key pieces for us it's gonna boost our angel chance quite a bit and we'll uh we'll just walk in i mean we should look for our i guess it's going to be across the map isn't it our super secret just fight camaro and win you're not going to lose this fight that's for damn sure holy you shot that guy at me hey out of the poison oh my god you this boss is cool though i don't get to see him it's always rock good on this floor it's always rock good okay hpf does not matter too much and you'll go down all right it's mother time we haven't thought mother on the street could probably get another like 10 15 episode last time i actually fought her so i'm excited i really am curse the lost again makes game breaks quite a bit harder to encounter here if we find a sacrifice room i definitely will go down um i will also fight delirium if i get a portal i'll make that promise to all of you because we have the wafer we will not lose against delirium i skipped the last two portals because i was busy and i had you know do stuff irl so i'll make it up to you guys if we find delirium i'll fight him with this uh not super high damaging build we'll do it though we will anything dropping here is interesting to jess oh it's a lot of money and a luck upgrade hello we have any tear effects that are luck based i don't think so is mom's wig uh luck base it might be luck based actually i'm not sure crawl space though watch this biggest call of my life and nope it only happens that i don't want it to happen huh only on accidents really these are gonna be easy all i do is shoot maggots at you and they're dead easiest fighter mile this is just like this run is uh a steam roll um when it comes to uh regular rooms uh bosses are a little bit of less of a steamrollers you saw kamear took us a while to kill last floor um but regular enemies are just instantly steamrolled dude like look at this ain't nothing oh a dice room this could be a five actually i could make things a lot more interesting okay it's a five um we can fight mother twice actually on this run now we can uh fighting mother twice in one run we could do this uh we could definitely do this hold on oh yeah look at that um i think we have to i mean we have an obligation to fight mother twice now don't we i mean if we're don't we're cowards mother twice then delirium three final bosses in one run without an r key that could be pretty interesting if we can pull this off i mean it'd be nice to have a teleport card to leave the mother fight but we can also pause the game and i believe if the bug still works you should be able to pause the game like save and exit and then come back in and the mother mother the door to mother will spawn and you can walk out if that still works then we are in business i'm not gonna farm for teleport card though it's not worth my time if it works it works if not oh well you know you know with that it's been patched out of the you know you heard it here first sort of deal we have eight damage spiders or i guess 8.6 damage spiders um a lot of tears coming out at once we're pretty much one shotting i mean like within a second i would say killing most enemies to come across our path and here's the mother fight we'll fight it right away here we go a magician card as well i can block some tears from coming at me look at that look how good this this thing also we have um saturnus which is going to take all of her tears and make them mine that's also really good that's also with magician it makes it pretty much uh oh like a guaranteed like if you wish you can't hit me can you i wanted to keep it up there oh wait wait wait wait wait wait holding oh blanket right and we have empty vessel proc right now just stand against her oh already second phase yeah all right word okay that's pretty good and keep it on her and put a bomb down get it in there it did not get it in there sadly while we are this is this is the easiest moment i've had in a long time i have one shot her both phases before but this is this is just satisfying because you do so much damage also this this this you know magic cars making this fight a breeze hello hello push her against the wall pin her up pin her up pin her up she should be dead in like four seconds here oh okay the bomb came at me help me we escaped from tarkov there oh we're invincible just walk in and do some contact damage do some poison all right now you are no longer invincible so get a bomb in there stand behind her get some tears and you're in your little saternus here did not pick that tear up huh the bomb came at me again oh she's dead okay cool so what you're going to do now is you want to save and exit the game continue and a door should spawn behind you oh there's right here yeah look at that and we're out and you go find your five room you read to the floor you fight mother twice in one run would you look at that we have uh made this run our it is safe to say i feel oh wrong way oops oops oops okay walk backwards uh not left it's is it left no is it left it is left no it's not left you fool leave leave it's up and then left yeah or up and right sorry not left why was i saying left i know my rights and left god damn it i'm gonna get roasted for that aren't i and you said the wrong direction you idiot okay corpse three here we go what's the better clickbait title do you think corpse three or probably just mother twice in one run is is more true and less clickbaity huh finding the third corpse floor in isaac we found mortis big exclamation points in the sky any any uh oh there is a double there's a battery in here okay hold on there is a mini battery present in this room you can make this room work for you takes a lot of doubling but you can make this room work just get a charge off and go back in there as long as you get a couple on the ground at once okay actually no it's not going to work is it no that won't work i don't think do double batteries work for this i don't think they work we could play that guy i'll get a lot of spiders and flies make this run even more of our but we don't really need to do that kind of kind of uh overkill there if you ask me i don't think doubling because he'll take two to get it up we're only spawning two at once so no that will not work for our doubling if my oh and they can go fight mega satan this run and delirium potentially and lamb wow um all right jesus christ we gotta find a battery to make our game breaks work though this is not a delirium ready run yet i'm kind of scared to fight delirium i might as well try i mean right i think even if we get the delirium portal i'm gonna go to mega satan first as well as um lamb because we get more bosses that way and then if we get the portal after mega satan we'll fight mega satan how does that sound good because it better sound good because i'm not going to wait for you guys to respond to me am i going to put a video out wait for the comments to respond and do it then the next day you know not my cup of tea hierophant card is great for sacrificing as well as having the d1 ready um this room will sadly this room would not work for it but the other room might work for a little bit of doubling not a ton though i want a big battery in my dream also there's nothing over there to double yet we need to have like uh i don't even know we'd have like an actual chest somewhere farther away we got like four retrofitting pills this entire run jesus something else please oh my god curse from over here we can walk in to potentially get some devil items not devil items but uh you know two bombs there's two bombs i guess you're never going to turn that down huh can you bomb you cannot bomb right here must be below our boss trip room for our secret room also going to the dark room to get another chance to break oh that's wait dark room was the floor you break the game on because every trash is going to be an item okay we need to sacrifice on this run like pronto there is no way around it we are sacrificing the dark room either way yeah rotten hearts my favorite um wow okay this run is uh made a name for itself once again okay okay okay my baby don't mess around because she messed around not sure don't mess around let's do some sacking right away to get it out of the way out here first so mother twice is two final bosses lamb's another one mega satan has four so that would be five with delirium actually we can do a five final boss run here i think we can manage that pretty easily i thought we could definitely manage that easily i don't even doubt myself for a second dude okay your health back up angel teleport holy its crown of light that's a lot of damage for us a lot actually like an insane amount of damage for us okay walk in get another guy in here he's already dead look at that okay more spirits now you wait this actually you come back go fight mother first and then you can come back and sack gg dude what a run this has been we're gonna kill her twice as fast now technically oh we don't have a magician though don't get hit you lose you're kind of light you no longer have the magician card ready so be careful be careful oh holy mantle is gone that's fine we can afford to lose holy mantle we can afford that keep the damage on her keep the freaking damage on her dude you are dodging so well thank you mother i'm gonna get in here beautiful stuff that was a lovely first phase there gg on mother this should take like four seconds to kill her here dodge dodge dodged oh we're invincible i'm totally getting here why would i get like taking damage like oh wait we have uh you know the item dude the freaking item ah a little too close for comfort there mother not gonna lie okay i hate this phase dude so much i cannot stand this phase of mother legitimately that that silver tear thing where she wiggles around the hardest attack for me to dodge this entire game i can dodge everything else like with with certainty that is the one thing i cannot dodge get some poison damage in there give so many hearts in the back don't worry about taking damage here just touch her to get some poison in there in there and you're dead beautiful okay once she's dead you save and exit again another mother kill also the portal cannot spawn there so fun fact the void portal cannot spawn there um because it requires you to it's seated so if it's not suited for mother it's not going to happen ever okay pick these up you can kill her why not you're full of spirit hearts and you're going down this is the floor baby this is the floor we don't need that we don't need that holy forget me now we can't pop that yet though we need below contract for double chest drops and battery drops on the ground hold on hold on go back forgotten different below don't even wait up on me for that okay pick this up no questions asked zero questions are being currently asked to me all right you should kill things oh yeah oh yeah there's no contest this runs a dub right here some more chests would be nice though i want we actually over a chest drop a battery first now we're guaranteed to have some kind of game break going on so drop a battery first that's all i require from this game right now i want to use my doubling right now to get some chest done um please chest or battery neither do we have three luck come on something's gotta give eventually right nothing dude please we could in the end if we find hopefully school bag to grab forget me now and do you know both over again okay there's the lamb fight already and no battery or uh anything else in sight here looks like no secret room right here i'm trying to come out i might have just missed it yeah i did not miss it there's nothing there uh fight lamb last don't even worry about lamb yet he's like he's a guaranteed uh charge for your items away from so you know actually you know what you have in the future there uh could be a super secret here no we're gonna push the bomb away that also works it'll be right here it's not right there huh oh you're gone stay in first there but never mind at the same time i guess but those are not batteries the bombs away from you no batteries again come on game where where is where's it at where come on you're trolling me right now we didn't go this far to not get a battery on this floor right dude come on please no chest drops either kind of need a chest to make this work also we can fight mega satan and lamb twice i guess we can only fight lamb once but we could mega satan once excuse me we can fight lamb twice dude where is this come on game come on don't miss it was not here ready to try that spot it could be right here though it's not right there if we can find a way to get our key oh twisted pair is here hello twisted pair i don't even notice you oh there's a chest right there i guess start doubling that huh because you're not gonna find anything else right now there's no batteries dropping uh oh this could be the end of our game break here gamer this could be it this could be the final the final moments not a fun thing to hear when you're in a position like me not a fun thing to hear secret room could save it all though it definitely could save it all we miss it here somehow nope we would definitely hit it with those bombs in the room earlier okay so we need to just any kind of battery drop here please the twisted pair is like how how did of of all the items we got that one that's insane we didn't even get incubus yet i twisted pair before it that's nutty that's crazy okay no chest drops again and those red chests will not guarantee items because they are not uh regular like stone uh iron or gold chests you're telling me no chest at all or batteries on this floor period that's what you're saying to me currently right now for real dude really oh my god that's lame they could still forget me now and fight uh another final boss on this run um i wish there was a way we can get our key pieces back so we can fight mega satan twice yeah dude literally nothing dropped on this entire floor would you look at that that uh that hurts that really stinks that really really does sting a lot not there where is the secret room at man am i being um being dumb i know where it is i know where it is remember there is a room of a variation of secret rooms that actually just spawns a battery on the ground and that's it and that accompanied with those red chests could mean items um nothing to guarantee though no battery charges or chest drops on this entire floor entire floor that stings that really does sting man i was hoping for this i want to carry forgive me now i don't want to lose forget me now you know oh man all right i'll double them i guess and see what happens you got an item here that counts for uh something i guess or one item on this entire floor um go and fight lamb i mean if we wanted to make this run along we could victory lap re-enable achievements with um an r key in the future but i'm too disappointed to do that i'm gonna grab my uh forget me now i'm gonna go fight lamb i guess and we'll see what happens now for some reason lamb drops a battery now i'm going to be lividly pissed i i don't know how he would drop a battery but dude he definitely i guess we have one more now we saw all of our rooms all right goodbye lamb yeah that was the easiest fight in the game no lap go back to mega satan fight him forget me now to fight lamb again uh what a sad sad finish this this amazing run all it needed all we needed was one battery and one chest and we got neither i'm just i'm supported i don't know what else to say i'm just very very sad all right well walk on in here all right megan satan we could get an r key next lap next uh dark room i guess it could still happen but i'm not gonna bet my money on it we lost our holy mantle already huh how are you not out of your face yet there we go now you're out of your face all right death next first oh that's war over there my bad they're both pretty right i don't really know which one which one to focus on there okay there we go now you're getting shredded pretty easily here nothing's holding me back anymore don't stop me no because i'm having a good time having a good time another one okay remember not to uh throw this though just to forget me now to get out of here it's all you got to do don't let him die and then finish the run off the second you see him die phase two switch it off okay this phase one is done we can't check for a void portal so the way the void portal spawns it is the frame before he dies so we can actually check to make sure we get one we'll never know uh unless we just wanted to wait it out and attempt fate but i'm okay just finishing him off and then you know leaving this run out okay this is a bit of a harder phase to do though we're poison and poison get in there they're gonna be a-okay here yeah yeah yeah take some more damage who cares dude who cares you're catching all the tears though that's pretty nice all right be finishing off here pretty shortly with the next like four seconds possibly keep your dodges going oh we got hit okay forget me now back on the dark room once again a little bit of less hp this time that's okay we already have succubus we don't need that we don't need that and that is inconsequential all right do your floor and this time get items please okay don't die though is the other thing we can't go in sadly we are key pieces back from somehow there's a low percent chance we somehow end up on i don't even know how you'd manage to get one this time you could find two statues in a super secret room potentially but it only spawns one statue i'm pretty sure so probably not able to fight back and satan again i'm sorry i'm sorry bd1p fans it's not in the cards for us today i know it's a sad thing to hear but it's the truth okay okay i don't know what happened there we have his tear in our hand though that's pretty cool goodbye again we're getting no chests nor battery drops under we have three luck that's a pretty good luck for getting drops on chests even with zero luck you get plenty of chests on these floors i don't know what's going on with this uh it's abysmal luck right now i couldn't tell you to be honest with you i could not tell you there you are and you're going to yeah just keys and coins and man this is a sad sad day and we'll get of course like you know charge penny which we would have loved to have last floor um that's great that's rich honestly goodbye i don't know what killed him there mirror the flies i could not tell we just do and there's a battery we're gonna get a chest in this floor two games they're gonna do you're joking how does this work oh it's really bad actually no it's not that bad we actually do quite a bit of damage here um well that blows we finally got our wish and it uh it happens after we already give up our d1 for a forget me now that's i don't know honestly that makes sense that's pretty rich that makes sense secret room sucks so don't worry about that just continue on finish off the dual full clear every avenue to succeed just to succeed you can excuse me this is sad what is that speed down as damage baby all right oh i why did i not pop the retrovision that was a black card for us i forgot we had bad phd to be honest with you that's that's my fault oh my god another one huh it's only peeper's eye who cares only peeper's eye get out there get out there keys okay well the items that we got sucked um but we did spawn chests and batteries on this floor so that kind of also hurts a little bit holding out hope for one last like major thing brittle bones is pretty cool the body's pretty cool um and that's pretty alright i guess we can get a huge tier rate if we just take a lot of damage possibly some more familiars to finish the runoff here but i'm not gonna focus on that really um as far as certainly the run is over take some damage get some get some tier rate up all right that is that was the last thing on this run we could have done we are now all out of option and all out of time let's uh finish this off with a bang looking for my super secret room first just to make sure we aren't missing like anything that could be a value to us like literally anything maybe uh here or here or here nothing getting flashbacks to our forgotten speedrun uh with uh the stars they're calling cause this is what it looked like it was brittle bones it was uh bomber boy it's a dark room all right man nothing here okay hey let's find that we could fool carton fight lamb another time but he's gonna die pretty fast anyways i'm fine not doing that it's okay it's okay it is a-okay looking for my last room here to make sure we don't miss literally anything of importance and then we'll end the run an hour and ten minutes in with nothing to show for it huh and that's not true we did a lot of stuff on this run i am speechless how much damage you got 17 damage 23 tier rate yeah you're gonna die pretty fast here goodbye no laugh finish it off if you enjoyed this crazy run like comment and sub for the algorithm um my socials are all down below twitch twitter and discord i am live every monday wednesday friday from 12 p.m to 4 p.m central some weekends as well join our discord we have a great community in there of active members it's fun to see new faces in there all the time we're getting close to almost a thousand members and that's pretty freaking crazy man but hey guys see you guys tomorrow peace out and good bye
Channel: bd1p
Views: 5,619
Rating: 4.9233718 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, eden streak, eden, win, winstreak, random, random character, isaac, tainted, crown of light, twisted pair, almond milk, planetarium, r key, mother, mega satan, lamb, genius, big brain, forget me now
Id: OzuKNr6UrV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 13sec (4213 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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