This Build STUN-LOCKED HUSH - Random Streak 19

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to our random streak today's episode is the normal side of the characters last episode i think we were what painted samson and just went to the dark room at like floor four it was a good run trust me watch that even watch that one already um going for win19 here let's get into it question of the day what is your ideal sandwich is it like a pb j is it a meatball and provo did i already ask this question no this can be an old question we talking about uh wait for me what a second state of the day 8-0 zq px rj i love a good pb j i also really love a good oh this could be big for us wow incredible this is huge for us honestly i think the biggest it could have been now you have no range whatsoever um it depends what i'm eating if i'm going for like a i want to have some lunch you know i will definitely go for a a subset or a pb j for for lunch because you know it's small it's not it's pretty good for you you know the right bread for it and also jam um but i'm having like dinner i i will always go for like a meatball provolone sub i'm not huge into sandwiches as it is um i kind of have the same thing over and over again uh but you know what overall every sandwich is a good sandwich you gotta get i love it i don't like ham i don't like bologna though so anything that has that in it get that out of here also last episode i was looking this up we had a regular black flight turn into a pooter mid room that is like insanely rare i think it happened in flash isaac like like off of like a dime chance it was pretty crazy i do want that so badly but it was just put it out there you know with some crazy luck last run it could transfer over here again you never know we just hit that with a long well it was a short stream it was like only like three hours long i think for our stream today we played some phantom abyss we played some hades i have still yet not completed either game all the way through their story i made it to the inferno twice today and died both times embarrassingly the first time i died it was really funny second i was kind of pissed off so i stopped playing so we played some hades i got to the minotaur once and then died i beat the bone hydra again today though which is pretty big um if you're not into hades at all man or phantom abyss i say it all the time but those two games are crisp if you like isaac you'll like those just trust me on that one drop you know 10 bones on phantom abyss and i believe hades is like 25 normally just drop your money out of that and you'll be fine it's it's a worthy oh i think i charge we have a what effect do we have on our tears right now oh yeah of course quad shot or inner eye maybe um definitely worth your time we could not have picked a better uh option there so here's my thing i do enjoy fire mind as an item um but at the zazel's range you're gonna die to that man it's just not worth it qriket's body though crisp again once bad gas again wow killed one spider excuse me worth my while at least yeah i have some recording to do tonight as well i'm gonna be um looking at some other apartments tonight as well with desi so it'll be a longer night it is currently um 3 17 p.m central time i'm recording this right now after my stream i have to record pyramid ultimate with preets uh a quick you know five game round and i'm gonna go apartment hunting um our biggest issue with apartments is like desi already has a job that like requires her to be somewhere unlike me so we don't want to move too far away from that job but every apartment is like 30 minutes the opposite direction where we need to be so it's kind of really annoying but at this point i think it's worth just to move to move somewhere else and get our own uh like our own well i shouldn't say our own place we kind of already have that but i'm thinking like our a different place you know but i don't know half an hour for like does these commutes already waking up at 5am and driving out at you know 20 minutes on the the freeway next to dallas so it's like she already has a pretty complicated i can't hit these guys can i nope um pretty complicated drive as it is i don't want to make it half an hour longer um for but you know what if she wants it i'm not gonna stop her right i'll do whatever whatever she feels is right but no bounds at all this run so far isn't that kind of nutty and stupid um i don't know i like where we are but i also think that'd be nice to get somewhere else too but that drive i used to work an actual job that wasn't this and i don't mind commutes if it's like kind of like if it's an easier drive dallas highways are the opposite of an easy drive oh that was a lot of damage i actually triple shot proc there for a minute you're gonna stop moving oh uh psa to everyone who oh that was oh my god stop with the triple shot procs like right now there we go anyone who watches me who was watching for a while at least and um we'll go we don't have any red heart we can't really buy anything um who watched says i don't know what two months ago we hosted this isaac tournament called the star star calling preach and kielvan and alexa and i we're doing another one it's it's a co-op based tournament please please please join it's going to be a lot of fun i'm not going to be competing this time sadly because i want to focus on hosting in the back end to make it more professional but we have a lot of youtubers going into it we have um i don't want to guarantee anyone's thing because it might change as we go on here but so far what i understand um book that's actually pretty good gorange is going to be in it m rose uh preach kelvin alexa is gonna be on vacation sadly so we can't do it again um and comment bagels we got we got some some names on there that you might recognize um most of them are more twitch streamers and they are youtubers but garage makes youtube a mage seal as well does youtube like it's it's gonna be a fun one as long as everyone who was you know committed a while ago was still committed knocks we had we were gonna do it last july but a lot of stuff come up for me personally and preach personally we had to kind of push it off um assuming they're all still down we do have quite a cast as well as our returning stars are calling victor's cool cool and gazer um separate teams it's gonna be a little bit of a rivalry there again again i will not be be playing in it um i don't like because i almost won the last tournament i feel bad and i win my own stuff and plus i want to make be a good host this time all right actually good because i was i was okay last time i do want to be a better host i want to make it more smooth because our biggest issue last time was um people just weren't showing up for their rounds and we had to kind of like axe them which is a it's a shitty feeling for everybody um but we were acquiring a two dollar per person holy that's pretty good to see man um i'm gonna do right now i think we're gonna cuba meat black powder is it a speed up now it is not a speed up i thought for some reason it was that kind of sucks honestly whatever though um got our first bomb too um so we had to make to form some kind of commitment because it's really hard as a host when you have to remake an entire bracket live to 180 people that was not a good feeling i'll tell you that much um so the entry fee is is for a good reason um don't let it turn you away though because there are many ways to to like you know pay it forward whether you want to be a you can sub to our twitch channels to make sure you have any kind of commitment towards it whatsoever um come here into the circle into the circle oh the circle's gone oh you're a second phase never mind here we go oh my god the shot okay fiddler bill is doing good work for us with the shots that come out of it are kind of annoying right now and deal we did get a deal and perfection wow um joker card hilarious hermit and these are the incredible cards minus that obviously oh my god it's salvation we should bomb the aim don't be an idiot bomb the angel statue watch this play you're gone you get hit by any of those really oh i guess one hits you right oh my god salvation i love you this is one of the coolest new items in the entire game i feel like there's our first key piece by the way um and we get to joke our next floor already or should we credit card the shop for sure don't you don't want to waste your credit card but yeah the entry fee is for a good reason i didn't like having to be on the spot last time holy [ __ ] dude what is going on with this run right now there's some crazy good items we're picking up we have salvation cricket's body member card booster pack gave us all of that black powder is a devil item we also have an angel item like this is just off the rails and what's down here huh pay to play is so good i think he got a of a soul of isaac too for angel rooms and key piece can i manage take this first you don't want to forget it can i somehow manage to get both uh i don't know perfection it might be better for us with three dollar bill um with some random effects might be able to get out of it ah [ __ ] dude this is a it's a tough conundrum here huh let's look for our secret what we can do in there because joker card is really really useful obviously are there any items we have on the ground that we want to roll if we can get the money i mean we could roll okay please here's what i'm banking on now let me into that boss trap room come on can we not buy any kind of bomb here we can we can mirror dimension hold on there's still plays to be made here we can mirror dimension and reroll the knife piece that's the play mirror dimension and re-roll the knife piece with this it's so closed for us right yeah so you want to reel the knife piece so you can get an extra item so you can take joker next floor with you that's a good play i'm making i'm making some just don't die as a lost please god you have salvation you should be fine like i'm way way way fine and book of the dead let's pop it right now i don't even wait just for safety popping right now just to be a little cautious it's overly cautious but it is still cautious nonetheless caution is never a bad thing i love salvation i love you dude black circle salvation might actually be an insanely good combo holy [ __ ] if we can like oh we guess i'll bridge these together thank you for not killing me it's twos up isn't it yeah yes it is iron burn i think is it gonna make our our shots go straight too i doubt it um we had a credit card an emperor and a hermit let's go fight our board here let's go fight our boss we can we can uh fight kalistami or whatever his name is again and win okay good good the shots are oh no that's bad no we're cool we're cool we're cool leave leave leave same room again and get that on it all right cool pop this and go on in get salvation maybe there we go that second phase already there we go that was a good that was a good fight for us it's already dead an extra item for us as well in the form of an extra heart luck and two keys okay now luck as a zazel it's not bad mind you but it doesn't do as much as other luck like other characters would because you have brimstone no luck is primarily used at least the way i view it it's it's better for drops yes for chess and cards and all that but overall you use it for your tier effects you want to get high luck for you know um ghost pepper tough love stuff like that also we can't bomb in there now and then we can emperor a card out to save us uh a fight um so luck is not the strongest amplifier for this but i think however there still is warrant towards it devil is his flight emperor it wasn't a hermit yeah let's take emperor down let's take emperor down um we definitely should have saved soul of isaac for next floor but i think joker it's an extra deal entirely is better than having a reroll that is not worth it at all i should have had the reel for this actually um i mean oh emperor card out will go down there's no point in even like trying to save time there yeah we'll just leave oh well it's good pay to play sucks i'm able to get cause there was no money in any of those rooms but overall we did our due diligence there we're playing pretty well here will i stack dark room for the third time in a oh god excuse me in a row uh no i want to have a full run here i know i have to record him like literally four minutes but i preach can wait he's like a patient guy i feel like so he can manage the weight um i also you know eating district is also a running thing on my channel if need be we can push back our recording you know an hour or so and we'll still both be fine we both said we're good whenever so you know whatever also i got some big news all right i know a lot of you don't come to the streams and i understand it could be a time thing it could be you know just that interesting to you whatever right i'm telling you monday the next monday like not not today or not yesterday but the next monday you have coming up show up all right here's why we're doing twitch reloaded not only are we doing that but if i lose it it's against ambrose296 86 i'm sorry m that i butchered your username there uh but if i lose i have to be a v tuber for a week that she designs so i want you guys to be there to help me because i don't want to be a v tuber and uh i think i think i want her to lose really badly just for just for thinking she can beat me you know i i am the the greatest player of all time obviously but i'm just telling you show up support our channels she has some she's one of my favorite you know isaac youtubers to watch her in script and obviously kilvin and preach but like this entertaining content all across the board we need money for the halo please could you please ah back up i'll watch that watch this play oh i'm still coming i want to make it happen i i can't i'm too scared i got hit anyways there was perfection hilarious okay we want to buy halo we want to make sure we have it ready in case we get a devil deal here um if we can sack i guess i will for angel deal chance increase we do have that key piece behind us though which definitely is an extra extra benefit here um touch they could get a lot of money in the vault rooms they do they do quite a bit of work for you the book of the dead is also with with this salvation thing we got going on here kind of crushing man not gonna lie maybe there's a heart in there nope oh extra chest though and money that was a key it's still good and it's a tears of grace you gotta love your tears upgrades right we can definitely find money in our secret room so i guarantee it there's no way we're not gonna find money in them and they'll probably end up being right here because there's an extra you know thing pointing towards it yep beautiful oh magic much could happen too it did not cuz we're idiots um we're not gonna i don't want to get it that was kind of our chance to get the money for it and it did not pan out exactly how i wanted it to i had salvations man it gets bigger the more you or the more you get hit so it becomes even better the damage you take on a floor copy item spiders oh wait no it's a free item [ __ ] there's there's our buy i'm gonna take up his head i think salvation is good um but sorry book of that is very very good obviously but and it does synergize okay with salvation and black circle our black powder however we're kind of losing a lot of bones trying to use salvation like you know without um breaking the bones i think just having the less less cautionary thing is gonna be better for us let's go buy the halo it's an all stacked up and also a red heart for our devil deal if we get one which i will take you know what we'll go half and half on this free beautiful and we keep money for next floor you got to love it the trinket i'm not too interested in we're we already are as dazzle and i don't need double brim i'm going to be okay without it good stuff and you're gone too wow that was just a clean fight let's run as hazel runs you get are they're all gonna be you know insanely powerful we'll go in why not all right cool yeah just buy that why not we now have actual brimstone with azazel um that's pretty cool it's just kind of stupid we got it right now now if we get a sack when we get enough hearts i will go to the dark room i think we have six damage three dollar bill with this i think we're in a good place for it as i understand too sacrifice yes they're dangerous but they are really really really valid ways to win it cuts out like if we didn't go last round we definitely would have won that that guy's on the rocks like like a drink if we would have not gone down he would have won that last run the previous one however that wasn't so sure i mean like sacking is just so useful you skip the entire part of the game and potentially get more hearts back from doing that because you get seven soul hearts in your last you know sack or one of your last sacks potentially obviously oh that's another red card to a space it's the worst time to use it cause you now get two keys back which would have gotten anyways we had to zero so i should have waited for one more key at least but i'm not a patient guy that's a funny how that works though the worst time to use it is when you're at um is it when you're only at one key because you only get you know a key out of it second worst time is using at zero and now so kind of mess it up also we should go for guppy why not we already have one item on us right now and joker cards we're probably gonna get at this run a tail is all this time man guppy brimstone is is just one of those it's the classic you can't go wrong with the classic made him out better oh jason bateman jason bateman speaking of him i watched horrible bosses this morning funny movie gotta say it's not as good as i remember it being made out to be but yeah i do salvation who cares dude that's so good i'm sorry left hand but i'm taking vibrant ball bender popping my guppy's head again oh my gosh um it was obviously the jokes don't age well because it is a it's not like it's a bad movie it just has it's obviously got kevin spacey in it which is never a good sign um he's a good actor but god is that man trashy oh we can't even go down to this freaking thing dude i should look at the map first um is that kevin spacey um jennifer anderson's character is just i'm hot which is it it is a funny trope to have because that's like what she hates the most but you know it's part of the gag but some of the jokes just didn't land as well with me i feel like but overall that was a really good movie but a lot of the jokes were kind of just like a little bit like okay i get it she's hot we can we move on like talk about something else for like five seconds but overall good movie jason bateman um kevin spacey jennifer aniston good cast i forget the the other two actors names constantly um looks like he looks like andy from the office that one guy and then um the ham the high-pitched voice guy i always called my hamster because that's what it's called in the movie but good move you even watch it i i think it's worth your watch i think it's definitely worth your watch um horrible bosses that is ooh damage reduction hello beautiful and the key back free stuff all right oh if we get a deal here i'm going to be astounded with our odds recently we got we've gotten one two three this will be our fourth deal in a row if we get it oh oh oh watch out oh we got hit so much for iron plate doing any work for us wow that was just another easy fight did not get a deal so we will joker now it is krampus hilarious the head of the coal ah you know bobby i don't want the head too much so we'll just uh we'll take this okay oh the stats are kind of not accurate though because it's three dollar bills so maybe it's not as good as i think it is you know what gotta practice mausoleum so we'll go down here we got a good run going why not right if i would have known it was gonna be a brimstone i would have definitely got the key pieces for mother again or the knife pieces sorry but you live and you learn right you didn't know it back then mother's a hard boss and a hard path to get there how do you okay someone commented sega hannah right how do you say gahanna is just ghana ghana how do you say what's the property am i not saying gahanna right get ghana i'll look it up into the stream but i love this video but i'm i'm a little concerned if i i've been saying it wrong this entire time and no one's corrected me maybe they're saying oh my god maybe they're saying it wrong i love prop brim it's so funny it was a little thin laser if we can get lump of coal oh we missed our chance for a lump of coal if you get a little kobe would have had a great synergy here we had almost oh my god the wiz not not the time dude not the freaking time oh the salvation shot almost got me yeah nah we're good progress is brim it's just an extra damage for your brim because i play close anyways with this hazel so like like i just normally play that way like i'm a very melee build oh my god you almost like excite me on that one so it's not different for me to play with prop brim it's just better as zazel truly is death card okay is that this room honestly and what do we miss here all right we got our item and our we didn't get our shop yet we have member cards we go to our shop for sure the reason i'm doing gahanna oh sorry gehenna or whatever you want to call it um is because hello um if we do get gahena 2 we do get the oh that's huge for us skip woman woman is like the most boring floor in the game sure it's a boss item for you oh come on buddy um oh rip rip that bomb also but it's just kind of like a wasted floor one is a boring floor i think the womb floors are on par and boringness with like void it's just nothing happens on those room floors man oh hp up yeah good good good good oh that could be good for our deals too but i think we're gonna be fine on hp honestly with this run if i had to be honest with you straight card is also good hp for deal okay don't shoot let's shoot a little bit there we go now you got a path for yourself devil beggar we can play him we can play him what do you got for me you know what i'll give you i'll give you a strength card why not what you got for me best play in my life what's it gonna be hp up damage up and lock and tears down that was still 100 worth that i feel like that was still a very also one away from spun now hello this is this is going great car batteries a very good item if we can make that work something else uh best essence it's not the wisp one i don't know why that one does i'm just gonna forget about it because i think i'd rather buy car battery honestly um because we could get a pretty good active in the future it's a good investment it's a good investment opportunity right so i gotta learn if you're gonna go to college which all of you should go to college um i say as i dropped out this year um you should definitely take at least one business class because they're not just like business it's more about like application skills and one thing i learned from my my old boss who was a business major and also taught me a lot of stuff was everything is opportunity cost as long as you can profit off of it as if someone profits off it or if there's a net gain in it it's always worth it even if it's a future investment it didn't cost me anything important to buy car battery even if it doesn't work in the future oh well so be it right we're gonna be fine oh you're done for it yeah you're done for um because guess what we're gonna we can only use our money for one more floor that's next floor so what's the big idea dark arts huh dark arts oh how does dark arch salvation work yo hold on this could be insane for us actually because if we could freeze an enemy and just stand next to it we could get some ins let's just test it out can you do a no shooting run with oh oh my god that was a dumb idea for me to always they're still alive no they're not i lied it works oh my god that works no more shooting the rest of this run holy [ __ ] dude that is an insane synergy that's our click bait right there is salvation dark arch is no shots required oh my god this might be one of the coolest new synergies in repentance no joke like this is like it's gonna be so much fun to use like watch this okay we've got no enemies this entire floor pretty much oh my god tower card i really want that do this no six or one forgive me now floor dude you're you're actually messing with me right now you're actually like messing with me we can do this floor twice now real not fake this is like this is crazy this is this synergy is blowing my mind honest to god like how is this not nerfed yet in the game it seems like it'd be extremely op and it is it's doing good work for us so far oh we already wasted a damn no guppy there i mean like come on it's literally free enemy kills you can touch him if you want i could do a brimstone prop ptosis crickets this is like oh my this run is made for me man male i said i play melee builds not get freaking dark arts it makes you you basically get an invincible salvations proc that's pretty i'll buy that instant they have two or everybody we're not going to get items as floor i guess that was a useless but i won't get anything from it i'm an idiot um no we're good without that golden chests are cool to see but we only have five keys to do this okay continue on there's our thing we need a tele we can go to boss rush too if we get a teleport card cause someone can go back and fight the floor uh we gotta find it our tinted skull i don't think there is one honestly but that does free salvation that's insane that's like this busted them in my eyes you need a teleport card please oh you hit buttons like you're in this face i don't even know that it's pretty cool pretty useful as well okay two parasite brim runs in a row oh jesus i knew i could do that that was scary does that give me things in my aura it does not say does it work within my salvation but i guess not um do we do the five or we look for a teleport card i really don't know the correct you know approach here what were you you were tower i'm one of five so we can go to boss rush anyways later so we'll five right now to get our extra item rooms and all that we don't need double mom drops anyways it's fine but what are you holy [ __ ] that's a loaded chest look at this we gotta rush to mom they're gonna make ball it's 25 minute timer for uh that's a great dodge by the way for mausoleum boss rush insane pill okay this is going to be i don't know how even how to clickbait this run right now this is a little crazy man a little crazy uh that's really good but i kind of like vibrant bob right now it's doing some work for us here help me there we go okay extra items here reverse card is empress i mean it's a health upgrade for us i thought it was carnal light honest to god just buy both who cares just just buy both you to see your items this floor then holy shot is a this is like this is just i want to do everything that i can on this run okay we can make it to our item room and also boss first we get we have enough time we are speeding along right now we are speeding along incredible just immaculate even yeah i i think i everyone should watch we could sacrifice to get angel deals too dude this could be a hush run how does sprinkler brim work oh yeah oh let's go we're going to hush we're going to hush you know who cares about boss rush right now i kind of do actually kind of want to get some extra stuff out of it let's do the quick sacking though here first if we can get some extra hearts oh there's one right there create a rare drop out of that angel room gives us duality or shield of faith you're only gonna have one more deal after this but i think you just take duality um well bomb for them for the delirium clickbait or the mega sorry mega satan clickbait here and she's dead instantly who cares if watch out for the tick please um one more time oh don't do it some more you can get you get the spirit hearts back hold on play it out play it out play it out there you go okay now run them oh we got full hearts again beautiful now run down to your your mom your mother fight you're sorry just your mind not mother at all put this down here what you get what you get what you get extra stuff more keys for hush so my plan here is to fight hush go to lamb fight mega satan hopefully get void portal if we can mega satan is more fun than delirium is honestly sprinkler also going to crush both those fights to take your negative and you hop in this room over here and you see the finger and you see jacob's freaking ladder and you see prayer card and mom's eye shadow okay uh i think you instantly go for this dude this this run is it could not be any better put your sprinkler down right here there's no chance like we can't lose this run has just gone off the rails i we had brim last run and parasite left we had jacob's ladder as a choice last run too how do you compete with this building look what's happening i'm not going to shoot i'm not going to shoot it all right look at the camera and talk okay ready steering contest go and look away the screen's crazy i don't look away okay i can't do it that long there's so much flashing going on in my front my eyes dude oh anyways we just sit here now let me just sit here now and we're done already and we get mom's eye beautiful my extra shots for us we cannot enter here so we'll go down to this we'll go fight hush and then we'll go to mega state and hopefully get delirium if we can it'd be great wonderful even okay it's like a little fast you don't want to miss your time right here i'll go it could be guppy always go in these it could be guppy for you ah it was not guppy but we're still fine either way we have just enough keys to make hush worth it i think too guaranteed item room shop and two chests we should get keys out of that either way member card could prove to be as awful useful great um excuse me in the hush shop it could get a crazy rare like sacred heart drop in there every item on this run is stellar by the way like every item we have none of them are useless literally none vibrant bulb came from crack jacks we got damaged we got you know almost spun now like this is crazy man i can't honestly envision a a better run for us this has just been like these last like five runs have been not like some of them not the greatest but they've all worked out like very positively for us which i'm happy with obviously i like winning believe it or not there's our boss fight we're gonna make hush with ease and she's dead oh i you go angel here for sure okay you know it works with our item we have right now it's extra aura would they get delirium now i don't want to fight him yeah i want to go fight hajj first though then we'll go to mega state and then hopefully to lyrium if we can manage that okay shop first shop first keeper's box is not worth your bargain and down here it could be bear cano um what a nickel is also not worth it the boneheart as well i don't really couldn't care less for kind of a lackluster uh deal with the um what's it called with the member card this run but you know what you can't win them all right [ __ ] small rock now of course yeah it works perfectly for me honestly not gonna turn that look for your crawl space as well it could be hidden among these rocks anywhere i'm sorry next item room is going to be holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude what is this game this game just i wanted the first clickbait salvations dark arts but that's not even like we have monstrous lung brimstone parasite cricket's body jacob's ladder this is the best brim run you've ever seen and those are key for other chests right here too [ __ ] cancer yeah i know now we got cancer okay we can just we can brim snap we can brimsnap oh my god okay let's go let's go and put our sprinkler down right where hush is gonna be standing originally holy [ __ ] look how fast that is he can't even escape oh my he can't even move he can't move the game is gonna crash he literally hush didn't even get a chance to move and he has damage scaling dude oh my god okay well go down here i'm praying for delirium now man i am praying for delirious go fast you literally cannot be beat even your prop shots at low range or like at far range are doing numbers doing crazy in your defense my honor you know it's my honor and in my in your defense my honor sorry and it might have it might offend your honor my client uh thinks that 30 likes is doing numbers his average like likes are 10 and that's taking off it's a better call sol joke that i saw on twitter today it was formatted with saul talking to like the judge and he was like and you know he said my phrase right i said you know in in my defendant's defense your honor 30 likes for my client is doing numbers 10 is his normal amount of likes and even that's pushing it good tweet better call saul is a fantastic i think better call saul is better than breaking bad i'll say it i like both eventually i think breaking bad is a cooler finale because i haven't seen better call cells finales i've been out yet but um as as right as far as writing goes i guess i i care about the characters and better call saul a whole lot and i always have a lot of better you know quips and quirks and just clever clever writing a breaking bad is you know one of those untouchable shows a better call saul's is the i think the underrated you know little brother of it i think it's got a lot more potential you know i don't even know that's true i think it just has better writing that's what i'm trying to say it's better writing okay you're dead mom's oh it's just mom's eye and cancer making this thing go crazy there was no health bar he just had red and then it was gone there was no animation for it what about the feet okay there yeah same thing there okay let's go fight lamb if we get the lyrium portal after lamb we'll look for a teleport card and we'll go to fight mega satan afterwards we can get some we get guppy here actually i just realized nope not guppy not guppy not guppy oh my god we could um die and respawn with literally double damage was this the smart plate no was this the right plate no was it is it gonna be a good plate definitely in the future though oh car batteries paying out we don't get double health from the nail i told you guys car battery was worth it you didn't believe me you fools you fools i mean my defense your honor 10 black judas is it we had two rooms we get black judas to what is this god my luck i feel like i'm on top of the world so we use the these rooms to get the nail charged up get more hp back so if we can fight delirium and win as well as uh just you know get extra damage for those rooms get the nail popped in etc you know we don't even need to know what damage is not even an issue right now we have 17 damages brim that's enough to clear out literally any boss in one shot even even most like final bosses will die to this to one shot of brim i mean this is this is ridiculous like did the game feel that sorry for my soy milk run that it gave me this where i had one like is this how sorry they feel if so like keep apologizing i'm not i'm not accepting it yet you gotta do harder i'm trying to try better than this you know try better than this we're also bookworm now [ __ ] hilarious we don't double double shot um wow i can't even comprehend what's going on on the screens anymore it's also a very tiny darkroom floor believe it or not money [ __ ] there goes our generator for hp ah they get d oh we got okay come on three dollar bill you're kind of screwing me over here i'm kind of praying for no portal knocks or hp or hp has gotten way worse in the last four seconds he lost a nail my fault though entirely i'll admit it cursed penny could be hilarious if we go to devoid but i don't really want to you know count to go into void i ca okay the problem is if three dollar bill changes as you shoot you lose your charge which is a big deal i don't want to roll the sprinkler though i lost that too come on game i didn't mean it when i said i apologize more i just said you know be a little nicer to me you feel me holy [ __ ] it's instant dust dude no no no care for any natural life right now keep the keep the run going dude this run could go on for hours and i wouldn't even care instant dust once more extra key thank you all right we'll go fight lamb now and then we after we fight lamb we should oh we should get our sprinkler charge back up we got mega state we're gonna crush with the sprinkler okay pick up your sprinkler okay hopefully if enough rooms charge it back up it's looking like you might not have enough rooms at all ah i know you'll have enough you'll have enough you've already have one charge on it you're fine this okay as long as there was enemies in it we have enough charge for our sprinkler to get back up for mega satan good and there's enemies in here oh we can get nine lives or not or we could not that's fine too and one it's already dead two shots okay we got the portal um we cut the void portal but we have no way to leave the fight i want to fight mega site and he's more fun delirium can wait man we'll go fight mega satan first if we get the portal here i'll definitely do it but i don't want to have to you know whatever i don't have to like you know throw it all away but now you're not you're dead feast look at my glory here nothing can touch me nothing will touch me no angel statues this is this is my power my pure raw power fear it actually just fear it god insane run okay here we go how long will you last we did not get the portal what a shame either way thank you guys for watching this video if you enjoyed uh comment down below for the algorithm give me a like and a sub if you really enjoy the content i like you know as arbitrary as some numbers seem it does mean a lot to someone like me smaller um join our discord follow my twitch and twitter great communities over there lovely people but aside from that don't worry about the tournament sign up it's in my discord currently right now you can send them if you want to it is we have a lot of entries already but show your stuff it's not going to be that bad trust me don't branch out a little bit but anyways guys i will see you in the next one peace out and goodbye
Channel: bd1p
Views: 7,278
Rating: 4.9798994 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, eden streak, eden, win, winstreak, random, random character, azazel, brimstone, cricket's body, proptosis, monstro's lung, jacob's ladder, hush, mega satan, sprinkler
Id: h6Zn_oD9eY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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