Becoming The Lost to prove a point. - The Binding Of Isaac Random Streak 61

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welcome back everyone to the random streak today is normal characters when 61 gonna be in the books today question of the day put your answer in the comments down below is what is your favorite cartoon anyways we'll get it going here for me it depends because cartoons like a very we're fine cartoons like a very vague uh generalization i think anyway seed is going to be j842 clark c-l-a-c-l-fuck c-l-r-k um cartoon is a very like general i feel uh kind of genre to put something in there i think that um it depends are you including like just you know your standard for for like that you know me it'd be the standard cartoon network boomerang nickelodeon stuff you're to also include things like anime and animated movies and stuff like that and i think i'll give you a couple answers from my answer for this so i think for like straight um american studio animated show that i watched as a kid would probably end up being young justice i love young duel [ __ ] i love young justice so much i think it's honestly like one of the most realistic adaptations of like a superhero story i think that personally it doesn't get much better uh oh we could be we could be goners in here just keep your distance keep your distance there we go we're fine we're fine we're fine i think that uh it does an amazing job of of the character relationships between like the superheroes and their sidekicks and the sidekicks to the sidekicks it's a very very cool dynamic um but if you're going to include things that you know are considered like you know anime i wouldn't call anime it is a cartoon but i think stylistically it has a lot of differences from a normal what you would what you would you know think of a cartoon when you had your mental schema of one for all you uh psychology majors out there let's uh let's avoid this [ __ ] huh yeah turn a little spewer into some damage and some range nice but uh i think for like just any cartoon like including animated anything animated i probably would say oh god i don't know castlevania i fell in love with that show about three years back when it first came or maybe it was four years now jesus and i have loved every second of that show like even in season like four when like the first like you know i don't know the first episode was not animated very well it was like it was kind of like cheap but then it got way way way better oh as it went on the show is i always say like a 10 out of 10. and i know it might like i don't know if that is considered an anime because it was made by an american studio it's just styled like like a you know japanese anime it's got it's got the same animation style and and i guess it's pretty much it though it just has the same visual look to it but i guess when you're watching a cartoon the visual look is the thing you're watching it for usually i mean you can get some great stories and cartoons like gravity falls has one of the most compelling i think you know kids show stories ever can see it's an amazing show if you ever watch gravity falls oh my god dude please do it that that probably might be up there for top cartoon for me i'm a huge gravity falls fan in fact last summer i was planning to go out to washington because they have this uh the statue of the show's villain like in a random theme park because it was you know they had a big arg for it and they hid the statue in the woods and had a bunch of like clues around the world leading to that statue and when someone found out they gave it to this like uh i guess it was more like an amusement shop type of deal for like you know just just to preserve it and i really was huge really really actually we could bomb this guy and get a void here as well it was just a really really really cool idea and i wanted to go out there and then of course covet hit a couple summers ago so it kind of ruined my plans but we had this huge road trip planned like on the old route 96 to go all the way down to like from where i was in wisconsin to like you know vegas and then los angeles and then from los angeles go up to uh seattle washington to see one of our friends then all the way back around to the mall of america and then back home that was like my big plan for a couple summers ago my senior year summer but plans just fell through because uh the virus happened believe it or not the virus existed and it was a bit of a shitty situation because we had already booked like some hotel rooms we had our like you know our stops planned out we had everything was planned and then everything was then everything you know closed down we couldn't really do anything anymore it's really really blue huge and i think i'm gonna do my play of uh avoiding the key piece here we might lose a bit of health but i think it's a cool unique play honestly i like it get him in the fire as well if you bait him into the fire is a lot more damage than you can do i'll tell you that much get him down oh yeah keep him on top of the fire no excuse me the fire he can't really hurt you can he he's kind of like uh struggling here it looks like oh okay he's free he's freeze free uh exciting news so i i started my uh second channel and my tick tock yesterday and within a day of posting an isaac clip it got like 400 views which i think is pretty good it's not like you know insanely it's not gonna you know boost me at all but it didn't get any light it got like four likes and that was it but i'm experimenting with the platform i'm really enjoying uh you know learning how to edit new kinds of styles of videos and things but yeah we can just uh we lost no hp avoid that again shots been in range pretty useless stats but also we got it for essentially free now the other play that would have been to take the key piece to boost our angel deal chances in the next couple floors here however um i don't know that's super necessary because we have the hp to go devil this run right we have the hp to go devil and um the key piece won't work until like two floors from now so i don't think it's really worth that kind of investment there excuse me sorry also we have a sacrifice room here which we can use to actually uh almost guarantee ourselves an angel deal on this floor which i think for sure i will do i like any of those more it's just that trying to confirm them in a run is just so you know it consumes a lot of your your resources and your time especially it's very very frustrating but i think we have an opportunity here to make it really work and shine for us i'm gonna give it a shot i'm gonna give it a shot yeah i i don't know how to how to [ __ ] to use tic tac man i was so lost i had to have my girlfriend like walk me through how to use the platform and she showed me and i understand a little bit now i'm still kind of lost but yeah i also had a very uh oh interesting idea so there was some talk in my discord about how like uh well let's pick this up really good how right now uh a bunch of adult websites are just filled up with minecraft playthroughs because there's against the new the current meme and i thought to myself if i started posting isaac content on adult web pages i wonder how well that would do for me so i'm going to post uh this episode i think what 61 right now i'm going to be posting episode 60 on both uh an adult website and youtube and see how it does because i think honestly if i get growth off of that that would be the funniest way to make my channel better also oh yeah i feel that bill right i thought i gained something hit it was very very weird but i i had a thought that you know what that might actually not be about a terrible terrible idea i can't really get punished for it it's not gonna ever hurt me in any way so might as well just give it a try and see what happens i think it would just be interesting you know and the fact that a lot of those websites are being filled up with minecraft stuff makes me kind of hopeful that uh people are taking minecraft less seriously we can start having more fun with the game now and not just have it be like uh omg this person said this and you know 2010 and now their entire channel is dead because all they do is play minecraft for a living it's like come on like i know that like you know cancer culture is very very very toxic but there is there is warrant to it sometimes and i do think now uh in the current state of things uh terrible culture is [ __ ] terrible it's just used to you know hate on people that you don't like i guess and can we get our benefit here please are we ever going to get blessed are you ever going to okay we're not going to get blessed ever in this game i guess um interesting mechanic there gamed and give us no you feel blessed right now like it's got to be one more right you gotta be one more we also have the lost poster we can't become the lost on this run if we so desire which i might do just to be funny about it okay trinket smelter is great for void i'm gonna buy this i think we want to buy the smelter because you can have like you know a ton of good trinkets later on on the run yeah it's just like cancer culture is weird because when i first started it wasn't really cancer culture it was just you know holding up people no blast at all i'm so confused right now it was more just like holding people accountable right so i guess we're not going to get a hmm very interesting blessed should come before anything else unless is bless just a chance to get i thought it was guaranteed at least we get two blesses it's worked on the second floor for us before is it because it's dross one is because it's like the first first floor of the game it's not gonna work i'm just confused man i'm confused that play worked out we got the soul which is an amazing defensive item literally so incredible for us you can buy this right now put it down you're gonna consume that and you're gonna leave so now you can use i should have used it first no [ __ ] but i now i can like have you know multiple stacked trinkets which is very very good for us but originally it started out as kind of a way just to hold people accountable i think it stemmed from the metoo movie which me too was a very positive movement for um you know women's rights and i i very much admire me too but then people start taking me too and villainizing it and then applying that to cancer culture which didn't make any sense and now everyone just kind of thinks that if a person is held accountable they're being canceled and it's not true which is is completely [ __ ] wrong like if someone's being held accountable it's not just cancer culture it's because they're probably a shitty person i've done shitty things in the past and they have to acknowledge that you know like i see it happen a lot with uh it's mo wow i was trying to move i just got hit all right no that's fine that was honestly my fault i think so i think so for sure but we'll get a bomb in here watch this no never mind no bombs for this guy i guess now you get down here you walk this way you get a bomb and now you're a goner yeah yeah yeah tears up is really nice pick that up and get another trinket we can probably smell the future oh wait we can't wow what uh what a deal here huh what a deal okay i'm going to go deep i'm going to go deep because i want to become the loss in the future i think the loss is a fun and cool character i'm going to go a little deep on that i'm also gonna do here i could buy a battery um and smell both trinkets here but what i would rather do is this there we go money in here for a battery maybe oh [ __ ] here we go look look that's our [ __ ] r key right there that's our [ __ ] r key right there it's like literally in the sprite we've gotten so close to so far in every goddamn turn tears up on mind changing well the meat cubes stayed infinite meat boys perhaps wait if we avoid this is it give us i'm not even gonna risk voiding this [ __ ] item i'm keeping this item all the way through can we just get like an army of [ __ ] meat boys to travel around the world for us and do our bidding oh [ __ ] dude well go down i guess i'm so mad because socks is a good item to see though socks is very nice for especially for the loss of spike rocks however our key was literally in the center of that sprite the game knows what i want it's [ __ ] trolling with me and it kind of is getting on my nerves edmund you know i'm gonna stop playing your shitty ass game for for five-year-olds and babies i'm gonna start playing a real game like call of duty for the [ __ ] nintendo 3ds it actually exists by the way uh fun fact when i was a a kid my only console i had was a wii and then i got a 3ds like one year for christmas i think and my friend his name was caleb i don't know he's been in the four-player file once or twice uh he actually had call of duty for the 3ds and we played it like you know a versus mode in it and to be honest for for a shooting game on the 3ds it did not control terribly it wasn't good it wasn't good but it did not control terribly the grenade button was like in a really it was a really weird choice i think it was like okay it doesn't stack me cubes oh we have the worst item in the world now great oh hey that's really good why does it not it gave us me cube want to not stack it twice is it a chance to stack it maybe i don't even know anymore this is just you always had to go with the tm trainer items man you can never turn these down you never turn these down i have no idea though but anyways like grenade and shoot were like next to their they were like back to back on the uh control scheme and then okay help me help me help me not only that but it was also like you could only move with the d-pad and your your camera was the circle stick which was like really weird it should be inverse of that you should be able to move with circle stick you know and oh big damage okay three dollar bill uh plus okay oh the soul right bill uh plus what's it called tractor beam is very very effective wow [Applause] more huh i guess we could flight for the room we pop that with that wings in oh so now we have two respawn items huh do i watch yellow do i want jello and to become the lost nah let's play let's pl well we were we were just dark judas last run though ah [ __ ] it [ __ ] it here we go lost run baby we've had two of these in the streak so far this is our second one i'm excited for him i think the loss is honestly a very good and fun character with the soul as well ah ah i see what you're getting at there beauty 1p arky i'm still so upset at that [ __ ] r key thing dude we could have had it all you and me spider-man we could rule this hidden together or we could fight to the death that's an old dunky joke isn't it i think about donkey a lot on this channel but i think it's worth like he's a very good youtuber but hey i got some good news um i started editing the uh creep video today it's gonna come out um oh god today's what sunday coming out on monday so i don't know when this video is gonna go live this is gonna be tuesday so i posted a video yesterday for you guys why did i what hey what think when you play this game i think when you play this game um and it's going along pretty well i'm enjoying the video i don't see it doing really well but it's a fun little thing to make i'm thinking like maybe like 12k views that's gonna be its peak which i'm okay with it it's pretty nice still and then i started work on probably my biggest project i'm ever gonna do ever on youtube um it's gonna include like pretty much every indie game you can think of and it's it's it's an analysis video um i'm going to spoil the spoiler title right now because i want you guys to be a little excited for it it's going to be a while because i got to do a lot of research i got to play all these indie games i got to research the games i gotta look at the development and all that and like you know the dev cycles and the dev input and stuff like that but it is called how undertale killed the modern indie game so that time's actually pretty excited about my my analysis on it and i'm hoping it does really well i'm gonna hammer it out this week so i want to get it out while delta roon 2 is still fresh to get let's put some deltarune you know but look look okay this bill is actually this is actually a very [ __ ] good build hello this is very very good what the [ __ ] i guess we have oh god we have double dps for boss fights with jello not bad not bad at all alright continue on here with our masked lost character i'm feeling good i think even though we are the lost i think it was a very funny choice because here's the thing we could have been dark judas and just won the run out right we were dark judas last time when we broke the game with him and i don't want to do that again i want to have an honest to god true run here so how do you do that you play the hardest a side character there is well maybe second hardest i think keeper's a little harder all right yeah head on down head on down head on down just be safe and you'll win the run still [Music] the scary thing is though one room can end your life who a tears upgrade boy howdy you got me interested in there you got me interested yeah what i'm gonna do probably is uh with the tick tock i wanna try to post once or twice a day on there like a stream clip or a streak clip maybe even because i want to make sure that i'm getting a demographic on there that i i'm you know roping in some new people don't know about my content yet because the biggest goal with branching out like that is to you know get viewers who don't normally watch my youtube videos to find me discover me and follow me on youtube and twitch so how do you do that well i think it's gotta start posting your funniest moments your best clips and just informational stuff like that to promote yourself on there and i don't know how to handle it without you know let's be risky here for a minute i don't know if i wanted to do like a professional based youtube account or like a personal account and i think for tick tock it's not that serious so doing a personal account is the way to go if you're using your youtube icon and stuff for it's fine but i feel like if you're going to go personal you can then also do like regular trends to get views off of that and you know be discovered in other ways but it's it's marketing is fun man i i have a knack for it when i when i went to my factory job uh my general manager wanted to put me through business school before he got fired because uh my boss was a piece of [ __ ] but he wanted to uh pay me through business school for um ah what's the field called um industrial and industrial engineering which is like um it's not actual engineering it's it's a person-based thing you basically are like looking how to like make make your ergonomics efficient and make your workplace efficient for the people walking around and moving around and i had a knack for it and i'm glad that he saw that me because doing youtube and and twitch it's a marketing thing i think it's it's business like it's having to put yourself out there with a certain ideal and certain you know feel to your content it really is like a business oriented thing i feel like and you know it's a blessing and a curse right because while i wa i want to do it more for fun than a business doing it as like looking at it as a business is so much more successful like if you're promoting yourself and you know doing promotions and sponsorships into collabs and [ __ ] more for the money than the fun your videos are going to be worse either way like you're not going to be having that same degree of um what would you call it like what's the word i got the same degree of like passion you know you're not going to have the passion to keep creating things that people want to watch or that interest you and your viewers if you do it more for fun and you're enjoying yourself then you are bound to have at least one other person on the planet enjoy what you're doing if you're enjoying it someone else will enjoy it too so between guys it's a double-edged sword right because i can treat it as a business and maybe make more money and get discovered more but i'm not going to enjoy myself as much so it's a very weird disconnect there i think this is going to be a very tough fight for us i think very very tough this reaction time is all it is there you go see cc was fine the flies and the fast gertie almost scared me but i think we're okay darts here race we're like way past cap right now with jello as well does jello work with tractor beam interesting interesting all right let's go on down the dream wait wait wait wait we have golden key for vault room hold on the dream items right now would be getting bookworm so i can have uh i drop extra tiers and also bookworm tiers that would be incredible man that would be insane but lost runs as as weird as this sounds you don't gotta min max everything on a lost run because midnight thing is primarily to keep yourself alive with hp and you know money and keys and stuff you already have flight you don't need hp so mid maxing is not way way way way but speaking of mid-maxing though i want to get my r keys if i can so you don't really need a mid max that much it makes a character a bit faster honestly because you know you don't got to worry about anything you know hp all you gotta do is go go go go go beautiful okay no r key in here sadly hey it'll happen one day man that's [ __ ] tm trainer item is still making me see the in my chair right now seethe oh yeah yeah we'll get it one day though chap don't worry i'm still holding on hope to get it on a random run and then just make it the best run ever made that's my hope still that's my hope still yeah i can't complain i can't complain this runs going fine [Music] the weirdest thing about starting a new social media account is you know like every site has the whole like you know like that has the for you page where it's like content you know they're trying to promote that you think you'll like and you'll enjoy i mean youtube has the same thing where it's like you know you might want to watch this video you might be interested in this video but tech talks is weirder where because it's a new account i don't have any interest for the in their algorithm yet so i'm just seeing the weirdest stuff dude i'm seeing like the stupidest like content ever like i saw a video yesterday that was someone just slapping his girlfriend's ass over and over again i was like what the [ __ ] this is this is the app i'm on now like i understand it's based off of your own interest you gotta you know mold that for yourself but like as an opening video if i was the average user i would have turned the app off and deleted it i think oh okay okay that's you know not that's very positive for us because we can't pick up soul hearts anyway so why not use them for a better purpose rip jell-o but man we don't even need it we need alabaster box to pay out with big goods right now biggest problem being we already took a devil this was gonna give us only some of us one last item i'm pretty sure but i'm okay with that it's still one free angel item like who would who would be upset at a free angel item it could be the best thing in the world it could be breath of life you never know gotta play it as it played as it lies as they say play it as it lies what what can we get on us that i would really really want i think i think the answer is always gonna be you know sacred heart but i would not mind you know prism with with tractor beam or um ah what would it what else would i not mind stairway obviously will be insanely huge for us genesis as well would be so fun to use i don't know if we i don't know if we'd be um dark judas the lost or apollyon if we if we genesis right now i am literally not sure but it'd be fun to figure out i guess you know experiment a little bit uh i'm not gonna grab that i don't freak me out too much if the tears weren't red it'd be so much easier to see what's going on because they're red i literally cannot tell whose tears are whose i can't i just i can't differentiate the red tears from the enemy tears i think i have my yeah my bullet visibility is on high anyways and it's still hard to tell so i'm not going to [ __ ] with vasculitis not my cup of tea right now oh great uh sister viz huh nice they're both feared right now good big stuff big stuff okay now you got to be careful you have they're almost dead already but you got to still be careful because they can brimstone you and just kill you instantly that could have like [ __ ] my man's lab and then instantly killed me there so it's a little scary also hello perfection with three dollar bill that's gonna be real nice i would i really oh another okay fine 11 luck cool cool cool cool all right head on down goodbye jello you served us well you made us a loss but for now man it's been real sayonara sayonara i'm not gonna go fight beast this run not not on the streak i mean i guess it wouldn't it would be actually better to fight beast because we could get oh oh an extra life fighting beast you know okay be really really careful here this guy can pop up underneath you okay we're fine we're fine holy [ __ ] that was close that was very scary for a minute there but to go through all of ascension and then fight probably the longest boss in the game with only one extra life and two mantles i'd just go fight blue baby at that point man i'm just telling you it would i don't think it'd be very uh beneficial for us to go to beast in any way we get more items going to cathedral anyways i always want to go show for a bit and because i had the uh devil's crown or whatever it's called or evil crown whatever the hell it's called in this game but um then i'm like oh wait perfection drops this way better than upside down evil ass red crown way way better okay here's watch out for i guess we i mean we have the full card for no we can't even make boss rush damn a full card is still good to save your man if you get in the bad room you just mantle out in your good credit cards a couple devil deal items for us as well however well do we go credit card for the swag or fool for the safety i'm over the swag isaac is all about you know the risky ass plays and uh making it work for yourself there holy jesus man back up parasitoid plus perfection is so good so many flies and spiders spawn out of it it's just better guppy oh god we gotta hit there i don't even know by one okay back up there that could have been our death that could have been our death all right what you got for me devil deal nah that's you know shot speed up for teleporters pretty good and a teleport card as well is not bad not bad at all and it's free access back in and out of there but we don't really need that per se we could just walk out normally oh that's that's good for our um oh it didn't mean it was [ __ ] uh spirit hearts for our goddamn thing goddammit game i have alabaster box for like five years now i guess only two floors but still are one tinted rock oh there's see there's a natural drop the game's like sorry bd1p i forgot you're handsome sexy and cool that's my bad speaking of being handsome sexy and cool i shaved i'm a babyface boy again i decided that the beard was uh too itchy and too hot for texas and i was like you know what man get it out of here grow it back later on be even stronger when you build it back up that's my goal at least that's my goal spirit heart nah go for your super room because you do have a lot of bombs don't forget your item room as well they've even seen your item room yeah what are you what are you doing what are you doing okay maybe we can get black carts here for our alabaster box as well speaking of thank you oh it doesn't charge it up i'm stupid i thought it did must be it must be an idiot honestly must just be stupid greatest isaac player alive makes fatal error fatal error but there's somebody that's just like that was just the biggest dick ever earlier today they put in the comments like finally an interesting run after after hours of boring content i'm like man shut the [ __ ] up if you don't want to watch the video don't watch the video i don't understand that mentality where it's like there are videos that i like and dislike on youtube ones that i don't like i just simply do not watch and i just leave alone like don't hate watch [ __ ] that's just making your life more miserable respect yourself more i guarantee you'll be it'll be a happier person that way it was just so weird it's like this unbridled like hatred just just for like boring runs that people have is very just interesting to me very very odd and i have pretty thick skin when it comes to youtube so i don't really mind people say that [ __ ] but it's kind of just like for the sake of themselves like why don't you just like be a more open person and get over yourself you're never too mature to like you know enjoy things i guess because there's a lot of you know stigma out there for you know oh you just consume product you know you oh all you do is praise things like i'd rather i'd rather just be praising than just be hating on things you know because when i when i put out the uh this could be big for us hold on would i put out the devil deal video or not the devil deal the um alt path review someone was like all you do is praise my consume product guy and i'm like me being able to praise the game is the same as you being able to um like hate on it like that's a very just oh that's really good closed-minded it's very close-minded opinion of stuff that you just you can you can only hate on things ah not great you could credit card the shop glowing hourglass is kind of the item as this character no no no no take this and just leave alabaster box didn't really do anything for me it kind of just like we got one soul heart and then that was it i think glowing hourglass or giving our mantle back is going to be much much more effective than winning the run we already have max tears right i guess not i guess not sorry we we have not even close to max tears apparently we've broken our soft cap like off it's [ __ ] dome right now you guys seeing this almost seven tier rate on this run that's batshit i know soap's a plus point five what's our other break that we have go oh my god what's our other break we have going on right now i can't tell what the item that's breaking it is is it it's not divorce papers it's not squeezy what is it oh sorry eye drops is the uh the the one that breaks the tier cap i'm very just confused i don't know what's doing that but hey you know what seven tier rates better than six tier rate so i'm not going to complain in the slightest here let's go fight mom if you get in the room just just you know glowing hourglass out and you save the run you're just safe after that point i'm gonna hopefully get a bunch of items i can credit card in my deal and take multiple devil deal items that will be nice oh great red mom huh oh we never mind we we [ __ ] we [ __ ] with damage we have a lot of damage where's your foot there it is oh yeah yeah you're though you're the worst champion variant of mom ever red mountain i hate someone if you've ever brought like only based on your bomb damage or like epic fetus and stuff like that this fight's gonna take you like five minutes to do we're good though okay uh polaroid because why not black powder just take it just take it um i could have gone negative polar doesn't do anything for the loss it just makes you have like iframes you can't lose but i don't want to go to the negative i'd really rather go to go to the chest you know i had my negative streak where i was kind of like hey negative can still be fun and it's more interesting but i'm kind of over that now kind of just over it i think that yeah there there is you know more to the negative being better for the loss i think it probably is better for the loss when i think about it however i just don't like shoal shoal's a very boring floor to me cathedral's harder and i think much more fun to play through even though it is a hard floor it's much more like engaging i guess there's a bunch of leeches on the ground and like everything's scary as [ __ ] and you know you're always on edge on that floor right with shoal you're just looking at a black texture uh there's it's not fun to look at it's boring it i don't know dark room as well it just doesn't have that same you know effect that the darker that the chest has for just like you know it feels more end game the chest just feels oh my god okay um yeah a goodbye per we don't have anything as luck based right now we have bill but the bill doesn't really your luck isn't what determines your tier effect it's you know it determines the damage that you're the how much you know let's say i get parasitoid with a three dollar bill i'm gonna get more tears coming out that are parasitoid because of you know perfection but again it's a percentage chance either way i'd rather have the static damage up i think if i would have had smelters still oh i'd be [ __ ] with this right now okay that was a little close magenta man back off i think the runs is going to be a win either way i love playing as a loss i barely get hit when i can fly on spectral tears like you should never get hit as his character if you hide over like a rock like you're safe if you hide over a pit you're pretty much safe as long as no other enemies fly like i don't i don't know if you're ever gonna really you know oh okay speaking of not getting hit by the way we got hit we're still alive you know i just say more you shouldn't really ever i don't know because it is a hard character to learn but i think that overall like the loss is pretty once you know how to play the character pretty easy i would have put them in the hardest characters in the game at all pinning the last hand and jake obtained and lost are always you know obviously way harder i didn't say to a point panic blue baby is harder i know that sounds weird to say but i honestly think tana blue baby is harder than this character okay this boss can hold like hold his legs on you and also he has like a ton of [ __ ] iframes for no reason so keep the focus on let's get out of there get out of there don't even [ __ ] risk that do not even [ __ ] risk that that boss is annoying as hell all he has is iframes all he [ __ ] has is he's invincible the entire fight you only hit him when he's not attacking which is so bad so what i'm gonna do here is you're gonna charge off on my uh hourglass and then we'll go back in and then we will go back in i'm not going to go in there you know with with no hourglass ready because that boss is a [ __ ] [ __ ] and he barely ever shows up too he is so rare to see in a run like honestly i don't know if i've seen triac in all of her patents yet but my first time seeing him in this update he's that rare he's just widow he's just uh sorry daddy long legs it's all he is daddy long legs but still what's that alright what's on our curse room for us huh ah a bomb what do you have a knife no deltarune memes right there but yeah i expect uh i don't know how long to take for the uh delta and videos to be edited but they should be coming out the next week or so same with the terraria videos i don't know is it terraria terraria to i don't even know doug anyways let's go fight this boss and [ __ ] him up okay watch the shadows watch the shadows here we go now it's a boss fight now it's a boss fight there's some bombs in there use some bombs to your advantage no or you can miss them all okay foot foot foot spiders coming out keep the damage on him keep the damage on him please there we go easy fight not a single wrist take in there okay down you go we played that floor very well i think we played that floor extremely well i would say but yeah i'm just i'm excited for more variety what am i going to stream on monday or just tomorrow for me but like the pass for you guys what am i going to stream monday i'm thinking like a combination of like uh hades maybe i'll put some hades on the docket i don't even know i'm kind of like the fun thing is i get to actually choose my games now on stream and i think i might want to go phantom abyss a little bit i'm going to do some uh minecraft possibly oh maybe some more uh i don't even know i have risk of raid i can always do as well and learn that game a bit more there's tons of things i can be doing you know i can play mar oh maybe i'll you know what mario kart i'm gonna play some dang ol mario kart on the stream tomorrow i'm gonna do online i'm gonna crush everybody i'm going to literally destroy the entire world hey if you want mario kart content come on buy in the past to my stream uh what is this floor this is the easiest floor ever made four rooms in the boston just right here like okay thanks edmund i appreciate it man you're doing god's work right now yeah one two three four we're already at the boss fight god damn bro god damn nice bomb damage off there open the fight on a high note get in there get in there and more okay there we go now you just stand over here and just deal it deal it out get some little abyss in there use the soul for some extra protection against yourself the lumps kind of blow hey nice just remember you're going hourglass always ready all right always let the hourglass ready okay we got our last deal here and it sucks ass it's garbage poopoo and it stinks all right move on move on i guess we had our devil deals were not that great i mean we got like what circle we have we got jello pretty early andrew just a shadow i guess we threw that away though but aside from that our deals are not that great this run little ebonon kind of carrying though loki low key yeah you know what man just give it a shot why not yo another tears upgrade all right are we actually gonna be a cap now are we gonna break the tier cap edmund answer me edmond answer me wait a minute pick it up when you're waiting i don't want to like you know not be able to shoot during one of these boss waves because i want to pick it up at the end of my waves and okay okay hey relax relax we're all friends here mostly mr oh god jesus christ mr boom is here as well stay frosty stay frosty just keep your dodger at an all-time high here huh oh no we're safe are we safe we're safe we're safe okay any higher tier right here no i think we are finally officially capped out i think we are finally officially done with the getting tears upgrades i think seven is our final final movement here this room is what scares me on this these are the kind of talking about they're high octane and very [ __ ] terrifying on this floor paris like crushes okay what do you got for me how amazing why do i only get how those health ups as the loss is pretty much it i never see him any other time as that from when i'm playing the lost oh yeah yeah small rock though small rock though damn of course not many of your swords when our alabaster box is sitting in the [ __ ] depths too collecting dust down there all right yeah no i'm gonna hat over this i hate these guys okay we're cool contender for worst enemy in the game are those [ __ ] 100 100 no not there but here though no not there either right i'm gonna go left it's the wrong way i'm bombing out i'm bombing out okay they're eyes in here oh [ __ ] that was so like very [ __ ] scary oh my god okay now never backtrack never backtrack always be running in a straight line there all right we went all the wrong ways so far that's fine we have we silver holy mantle there's nothing was lost we have no hp to lose because we don't have any hp to begin with we're cool we're cool okay one two be very cautious oh my god literally every wrong way there's the bd1p padding coming back out my lord oh great [Music] this room also very much scares me okay we're out of there never gonna go back through ever again we're cool we're cool we're cool we're cool jesus christ those spike blocks are like the most scary thing on this floor because like they you can't kill them they are invincible spike box you can knock those out of the way they're always going to be there oh my god dude oh that was a very bad place to be as well isaac might kind of [ __ ] suck for us dude isaac might be one of the worst bosses to fight on this kind of rum tractor b makes it a bit easier but i'm still nervous we don't have a lot of dps coming out we have enough but i don't think it's a lot on a lost run you need a lot to make your runs work because you have no hp that you know play with right you got no way for you to play with hey nothing in there worth a shot i guess okay this room also [ __ ] blow what are we do we got such a bad rooms on this floor so far one of one of the hardest cathedrals in my opinion we've gotten in a while this has been a very difficult cathedral and the wrong way who would have guessed uh who would have guessed all right you're out of here you're burning you're already on fire though thank you well full clears i guess it always helps uh go for our super secret rooms here for holy cards maybe potentially no nothing over here all right all right dead end day you know what man it's fine it's fine it's fine okay uh i'm guessing secret room right here i guess wrong i guess wrong straight up right here though there it is there it is pills no ah that's very bad that's really good to know if we can find it again somewhere like in these mushrooms perhaps no it's not gonna happen okay oh man [ __ ] this kind of room huh you know what buddy you know what big circles big circles is [ __ ] leave yeah i'm not dealing with that [ __ ] no sir nose whoops and no [ __ ] wall crawlers coming from the ceiling on me no way no way a wall masters not wall crawled it's my bad okay uh it's time play safe kid x placebo as our first effect is insane big damage the souls that help out so much on this fight slow down as paris with toy you're coming in clutch right now very much so just keep keep it on him okay we're gonna be fine we're gonna win this fight i think oh no uh soul thank you i had to commit i had to commit i had to commit it was already phase two i had no hits on me at that point i had to commit i had to commit jesus christ should i have committed no but did i yeah oh beautiful drowsy pill right now kid drowsy pill right now oh you don't drop pills is your little pinch just right okay continue on continue on hourglass is charged up and ready that was uh a very tense isaac fight lou that's that's my that's you know that's what a tick tock right there is uh the most intense isaac fight of all time that was terrifying i'll admit that was scary for even me to look at i i was i was my heart was pounding during that fight we could have lost 61 wins right there 61. would not have been a happy camper is that conjoined wow it is with tractor beam yo dude suck it gg we cannot lose this run now we are actually in the business as like okay get out of there we can still lose the run actually we could still definitely lose the run [Music] just just be calm this be calm you're fine holy dude hey nice oh no with no with no [ __ ] uh oh we do a lot nevermind our damage is very very nice i was like with no hourglass in this room huh or this one too i would even say it's kind of hard to do with the hourglass because if you get you know teller fragged once you could be a goner for good it's looking like a wind though dare i say oh wrong way my ass wrong way my okay maybe it's not a win we've gone a lot of wrong ways here luckily that that bathroom is not the right way because i would not want to be doing that right now all right well uh oh i don't like this i don't like this i don't like this i don't like this okay room was easy i'm still very scared let's use this on our next room huh yeah good poison damage to get out there okay one's dead where the size of my side is that the bombs killed him okay two are dead more sighs are coming at me so work your way in slowly here work your way in slowly good that was a great dodge fantastic dodge okay the horse gonna come from the side of the screen we already killed the horse we're good rat war is down great fantastic you're amazing keep going okay wrath get out get out get out get out get out beautiful and you're gone battery nope [Music] i hate this these guys they bounce around so much for no goddamn reason dude oh i hate this this room pill spool god speed is nice we kind of needed a little bit more speed on this run i feel i'm happy to see it okay the bombs to watch out oh jesus christ pride you want to stop doing that oh he's gonna give us nine lives when i kill him last oh my god we could have had i'm not doing that no way although no it's too risky don't do it that's too you're already playing as a loss that was your risk this run don't go any deeper than that you don't need to go any deeper you've proven yourself this run you've proven yourself you do not need to go any deeper you are you are fine you're in a state of good mind right now okay continuing to go every wrong i know like it changes like it doesn't bounce back but our damage right now is fine and our tier rate i don't want to ruin our t rate it's very very good okay great infested's fine it's got to be up then huh full clear chest with the [ __ ] loss that is not a good feeling that is not a good feeling get him out of here instantly kill his ass all right you're you're easy you're next and you're easy okay hourglass is charged back up for our eyes or for our blue baby fight here i'd like a virus actually if you don't mind i like the vaccine as well please nope speed up in full health take this into the next room with you poisonous that was a great ghost poison right there lovely grab your other pill this is terrifying i'm gonna guess up still yeah there we go that was an insanely dumb dodge and it worked okay here you go great start for an effect here's holy light is going to go in and kill this boss you should be a w here you should be a w oh please don't speak too soon though don't speak too soon that was a that was a very scary chest no no if you enjoyed the run when we on twice already in a row not gonna go with three times leave a like and a comment and a sub if you really enjoyed that it helps me out more than you know uh follow my twitter uh twitch and discord and tick tock all down below i am live on twitch every monday wednesday and friday from 12 p.m central time to about 5 pm central time stop on by and say hi aside from that have a good rest of your day i will see you later and goodbye
Channel: bd1p
Views: 5,138
Rating: 4.9548874 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, eden streak, eden, win, winstreak, random, random character, isaac, tainted, the lost, lost, the mind, judas shadow, died, death, scary, intense
Id: oKeB1qiaSvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 20sec (2840 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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