Neptune Facts!

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[Music] man this is it we're finally going to the heath planet from the Sun Neptune I've always wanted to go to this guy why's that come on freezing cold really far away this is the perfect place to hide away in video games wait a second here [Music] craziest weather the entire solar system 200 miles per hour [Music] the great dark spot was first discovered when the Voyager 2 the great dark spot was gone different dark spot had appeared on top of all this crazy wind Neptune is also extremely cold with an average temperature of negative 353 degrees Fahrenheit sounds like the perfect place to hide and play video games yeah I'm assuming you know how to get there yeah I wrote the directions on my hand huh oops sorry wrong hand so how long until we're there let me explain it can you again at its closest point Neptune is about 2.7 billion miles from Earth okay that doesn't sound so bad hey if you don't mind me asking there are no people there anything right that's right the only spacecraft that has ever visited Neptune was NASA's Voyager 2 which visited the planet during its grand tour of the solar system Voyager 2 made its Neptune flyby on August 25th 1989 passing within 2,000 miles through the planets North Pole it took Voyager 2 12 years to reconnect in 12 years oh man this is gonna take forever relax 12 years is nothing I bet we've been flying close to 12 years now and you haven't even noticed yeah Roberta how long have we been flying 2 minutes and 26 seconds okay now you freak out y'all take our tail we should arrive in 11 years 364 days 23 hours 57 minutes and 20 seconds Oh what are we possibly gonna do for almost 12 years one year later three years later doc are you telling me you've got the time machine out of a DeLorean eight years later okay I'm gonna take a little bit off the top right here I'm gonna give you what's called the ball cut here we have um yes back there [Music] we're happy as Glade head Andy Andy wake up we're here wait a second that's not have to that's a blue M&M is stupid hand erections yeah let me see that hand are you serious no those are really your directions wasn't my fault I whoa a really big blue M&M he said you're a blue elephant there you okay oh yeah fine wait a second I'm not green Oh Neptune head buddy you so hard you turn to Steve [Music] with its bluish color was named after the Roman god of the sea breathe but make that fits better let's sneak up on them from behind some of the square roots of any two sides of right triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side he's really good at math Neptune may I inquire as to how you knew that we were arriving dear stern notice that even me yeah what my fine feathered friend meant to say was how did you know we were coming behind you you I could smell you coming from a million miles away but you don't have a nose I know I smelled you with my eyes what a conundrum perhaps your ability mirrors that of the common housefly which can of course taste with his feet are we gonna have to deal with this the whole time bring back the chicken parm loving mr. de mayor I'm sorry I'm wholly uncertain of whom you speak Oh Neptune any chance you have a solid surface I can drop this weirdo off on not exactly let's break me down into a few layers first it's the outer atmosphere here is where you would see my extreme winds next it's my atmosphere which is mostly made of hydrogen helium and methane Oh No beneath that is my mantle this is where you would find water ammonia and methane ices and these all that is a solid rocky core excuse me my dear Neptune can you be a doll and tell me where that the raccoon like creature went hey I'm a owner I'm not a raccoon Lipton watch this guy I want the older man well where am I whoa a small blue raccoon I am NOT a raccoon I think mr. de Mayo has amnesia he doesn't know where who he is forgot where he is huh huh hey my new friend what blue rock huh you see that little red button down there the one that says ah yes the one that says a jerk no can you hit that for me real quick yeah sure okay see me or did your spaceship just poop out a person yeah if I tell you will you answer some questions okay let's start with an easy one how big are you well I'm the fourth largest planet in the Solar System I'm about four times the size of Earth your first were the size of a nickel I would be like a basketball whoa this next one should be quick with that weirdo not around ooh speaking of quick how long are the days and years on you that's an easy one as you may know a planet's day is the time it takes the planet to rotate once on its axis Neptune rotates faster than Earth so a day on Neptune is shorter than a day on earth a day on Neptune is about 16 earth hours while a day on earth is twenty-four hours a year is measured when a planet completely orbits around the Sun and since neptune is so far it takes about 165 years to completely go around and this fact actually ties into who discovered it the first person to have seen Neptune was likely Galileo who marked it as a star in one of his drawings I know I drew a star star I like drawing stars ah just ours however since he did not identify it as a planet he is not credited with the discovery what that's not fair at all that credit goes to two astronomers who discovered it separately Britain's John couch Adams really like couches and Frances herb on the very a and wedding a very big check out they both had a difficult time convincing their colleagues to spend any time actually looking where they suggested the planet might be but in 1846 astronomer Johann Gottfried gal used the calculations by libera a and Adams to find Neptune I think I found nepto both astronomers claimed that they were the first to discover the planet and it led to an international dispute eventually both Mary a and Adams were given credit for discovering Neptune in 1846 so if I was discovered in 1846 and it takes a hundred and sixty-five years for me to go around the Sun then that means discovery Neptune has only gone around the Sun once whoa your spaceships poop is a lie how did you get back in here you know I don't really remember the last thing I did was hit this red body oh hey where's Andy you have your memory back it's the real mr. DeMaio let's do the test what's your favorite food should you party on well it's your neighbors name thirsty face come on what are we doing here our friend Neptune here hit you so hard you lost your memory and you accidentally sent Andy into outer space no no no no poked him into outer space well what are we doing we have to go rescue Andy oh I'll give him a ring hey wait a second speaking of rings do you have rings Neptune so you had to go rescue your friends or my red question fine yes Neptune does have rings but they were only discovered in 1989 there are five rings Gail the very a the cell arauco and atoms there's also a sixth ring without a name all of them were named after the astronomers who made an important cover e regarding Neptune also there are mostly made of dust and rock it's believed that the rings of Neptune are relatively young much younger than the age of Uranus strings some believe the rings were created when one of Neptune's inner moons got too close to the planet and was torn apart by gravity moons tell me about those don't you have to go rescue you but he needs your help and you should fine I have 14 Muniz the most important of my Muniz is Triton Drayton is the largest of all my money it has a retrograde orbit which means that instead of rotating in the same direction as the planet it moves in the opposite direction that's it if a B is anywhere he's gonna be on try me quick Neptune whack us as hard as you can so we even get close to drink hey where's mr. DeMaio Oh No hey everybody thanks for watching do me a favor and follow me on instagram and twitter at those names down there and really appreciate it but I especially appreciate my patrons on patreon especially miss Jackie's class mr. Nicholas miss Kay's third-grade class Robinson Anthony and Waskom creative Devin exactiy Lafe andersonmiller Arthur Watson awakening spirit school Avery Elle Lizzy Dean and Trevor Jack and Easton Hess cash kay sir mrs. brown's first grade Danielle Peterson Gavin and Ian Ashton Darian Calvin Ethan Schultz re aka our tank Gavin mighdal Dom and Ally Brenton and Cosette Mrs S endures third-grade class Eisley and Jude Siegel Aten Judah Elijah robber Dora and Levi Nora cooks Emerson Dean Dean scandal Akos when Iggy Ellen and Patty Grayson Christophe Nadia and Hannah Simon Natalie and Lea McNulty Jamesburg Pfeiffer the third Mika Jordan and Maya Henry and Lucas t-bone Audie and Riley by Lee Ethan Greiner Luke and Lily herlands battlin and Caroline curve aria and Kieran Judah more hi Kim Marley and Lennon Kimsey carried Billy and Maura crusty fates Jack McGee nee lennon-mccartney Jones Paige Avalon in cash Levi and Trevor Dwyer glory the Rivard bones Matthew and James Bondy le Evan Lee Amelia Murray Jack and Lucas Michelle and Conrad Leah and Gavin Clarke Annie and David and Pennsylvania Wesley see Elijah and Aiden Rodriguez Harry max Hannah Maya and Zooey Rebecca and Sarah F from Pennsylvania Jake Hill Gavin more and paves one Patrick and Edward Adams Tegan and calendly on Evan gray da Vinci methey Wyatt Michelle and Zeno the shark wanna get your name in a video to visit backslash mr. 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Channel: Mr. DeMaio
Views: 340,964
Rating: 4.8463793 out of 5
Keywords: neptune, planets, mr demaio, mr. demaio, demaio, education, science, learn, learning, outer space, greak dark spot, great red spot, uranus, solar system, andy
Id: EqOJ0uKs8-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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