Cloud Facts!

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i am mike wolfe inventor of the my pillow and i wait aren't we supposed to be talking about clouds oh yeah i guess we should learn about clouds now are you sure you want to do this clouds are made of tiny droplets of water they're so light and small that they float on air you're just going to fall through them listen then I want to do two things in my life sit on the cloud sit on a cloud and we're not finished in this video until I do at least one of those things but that's just the same thing twice you're the same thing twice don't say I didn't warn you what three Allen Lane have you satisfied now guess so but wait what's that obvious Mel something it was probably me I decided to come bleep oh no it's the cloud b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y and oke to boos oh sorry sorry I mean Z I think yeah I don't know if I hit my head real hard or what but am I seeing talking clouds right now one of cause were talking we had a teach you about clouds you don't how to jump out of a plane and sit on one of us again man I got a say I've seen cloud shape like weird stuff an elephant a bunny but I never seen who did that who certainly wasn't me wasn't me neither Oh to who well anyway as I was taking come on I'm good anyway I was going to say that I've never seen clouds with faces before but on top of that why do you guys look so different the three main cuts of clouds and hey you may already even know them of course I do the big cotton candy ones the stuff inside my pillow go once it look like melted marshmallows those things they look like piles but they're not one of the three main type oh oh is this a cloud that's definitely not the ground well is just a cloud that's not one a that it's not recorded a cloud for like six years um sorry to break it to you mate but none of those things are cloud hey fellas good I'll take it to the end so the first type is called a cumulus cloud there are no little clouds that look like me a real big flop you a little cotton ball to love I guess so sure yeah but here why don't you take a look at some pictures of some cumulus cloud those are just a few examples now if you see big white cumulus clouds it usually means there's good weather but if they're taking gray you could expect rain now I've seen ones that look like you but are a bit different what's the deal with that well there are different types of cumulus clouds including altocumulus stratocumulus cumulonimbus and cirrocumulus yeah interesting but uh there's no way I'm gonna remember any of that Hey [Music] I love you come captain captain cut all right so what's next well it's my turn move it Puff Daddy whoa what type of cloud are you well I'm the second of the main cloud types I'm a cirrus cloud I can tell right away you were a serious guy who freezes all way no not serious cloud I said cirrus cloud I can tell you love cereal with a little milk mustache who doesn't love cereal is just so many kinds you know for the last time you weirdo I said theorists not cereal theorists oh you totally love cereal cacophonous blow baby milk mustache I'm sorry Mike it was the only way to get your attention sorry go ahead well I was going to say that I'm a cirrus cloud cirrus clouds look like thin wisp rain clouds like me I found very high in the air well are there any other types of cereal I mean cirrus clouds out there well show that cirrostratus and fear of cumulus yeah once again that is awesome information but there is no way I'm going to remember any of that well let's didn't have that [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty to who's next [Music] who are you who me oh I'm just not I mean Stratus cloud yeah clouds like me are very low we typically puffy gray and cover most of the sky I'm not gonna lie I am NOT a big fan of clouds like those I mean every time I see them it starts to me hey I am awfully sorry man I'm a cubic feet in love you see stratus clouds usually green light rain well are there other types of stratus clouds yep first there's zero Stratus they're much higher but looks similar to Stratus cloud then this stratocumulus and then go scratches usually when you see a nimbostratus it means rain or snow Wow good to know but uh I literally forgot everything you just said well maybe I'll continue so I mean I already heard two other songs what's one more go ahead a distraction [Music] with piggy great [Music] let's travel to nothing [Music] you yeah because those are the three types of clouds Cera cumulus hawk so truth wort I mean Stratus wait before I saw a fourth cloud where did he go hi it's a Nimbus cloud hey mr. Nimbus 2000 I have a question on you're not one of the three main cloud types but I've totally seen a cloud like you before right yes probably on Nimbus cloud is the type of crowd you would often see when a thunderstorm is about to happen Nimbus even the Latin word for rain we are dog a towering clouds that Valerie and I when you see a cloud like me you should get indoor was fat yeah I think that's a good idea but I just have one more question real quick we get the other guys back in here so what causes a cloud to form Hey look at this but all air contains water but near the ground it's usually in the form of an invisible gas called what are they but now it all starts when the heat from the Sun warms the earth it causes the air close to the ground to rise and the water vapor in that air to cool off as the water vapor rises and cools it transforms into liquid water through a process called condensation there's water vapor condenses onto things like dust pollen or smoke to form a cloud I get it there's a big factory poop clouds too many taco come on Andy gosh it'll poop them out they fart them out tell them guys because this we won't even listening that old guy so um now that I sat through this entire video is there any chance I can get a ride on one of you clouds well I think I find a way to get up here you climate wow this is over with hey open up a wing bang [Music] mr. DeMaio mr. DeMaio mr. DeMaio Oh what happened he jumped out of a plane hit your head and been laying in dog food for two hours I had a horrible dream I had these talking clouds and every couple minutes again - well it may [Music] become all contributions they can Smallville to the Korean all videos with you check the end of this video or look at the description below also the Amenti know all there is to know about cloud take the cloud point some of this to the main ticket 82 pay check the description box willing [Music] we'll just about yeah so I can tell right away you're a real serious beauty table well wrap things in my life we went we see Wheaties was this a classic you looked at this
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Views: 1,266,951
Rating: 4.6620603 out of 5
Keywords: school, cloud, facts, learn, what are made of, education, learning, cumulus, nimbus, types, weather, climate, science, demaio, mr demaio, rick birds, stratus, cirrus, storm, rain, how, cause, weather cycle, cycle, water, water cycle, union beach
Id: EhLT11hKyok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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