The Egg Shaped Planet

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just a heads up I sell t-shirts pillows sweatshirts bunch of cool stuff plus I have worksheets for all of my videos you can check out that stuff at the link in the description box that was totally more than ten seconds I'm sorry [Music] sunny deep purple stuff oh my god it finally happened what happened we've officially run out of topics I assume we're doing an entire video on what Easter breakfast bomblets eat the breakfast omelets huh pants it's an entire video epic pins No or perhaps just eggs in general well technically we are going to talk about an egg-shaped thing is it your head one do I really have an egg-shaped head you know why you kind of do yeah gee thanks but anyway did you guys know that there's really a planet out there that's shaped like an egg no I didn't know that but I am NOT Aware's shirt long pants wait a second there's an egg shaped planet what did the planet making machine run out of ideas or something what's next a square-shape planet you paint you planning an egg-shaped planet oh yeah you guys said that well most of those aren't really possible but this egg-shaped planet is kind of interesting it's name is wasp twelve feet long I'm allergic to wasps and cat dander and tree bark but mostly wasps relax its name actually has nothing to do with wasps you would think that every planet has a name but that's not true I'm gonna name you absolutely nothing well call planets that are discovered have a designation there aren't given a full normal name like Mars or the same is the case with wasp 12b the first part of its name wasp comes from the group that discovered wasp is short for wide-angle search for planets they're an international group that created a program with massive cameras that continuously monitors the sky to detect distant exoplanets well why throw the number 12 after it what is it they're baseball number huh number of tik-tok followers there yeah maybe keep the handle slice relax I'm getting there the number 12 means it was the 12th star that this group has discovered to date the super wasp cameras have found hundreds of stars and exoplanets wasps 12 is a yellow dwarf star located over 1,200 light-years away in the constellation Auriga its mass and radius is actually really similar to our own Sun ok but what about the letter B as you may recall earlier I'm allergic to bees and cat dander and tree bark but mostly bees pump the brakes that's next the lowercase letter B in the name stands for the order in which the planet was found the first planet found is always named me so why is it shaped like an egg well that's because it's star is eating it wasp 12b is commonly referred to as a hot Jupiter it's called this because it's made of gas like Jupiter and is extremely close to the Sun it's so close that it reaches temperatures over 4000 degrees Fahrenheit also because it orbits so close to its star it's being torn apart gravity is causing enormous tidal forces which are stretching a planet into the shape of an egg it takes this alien world only 1.1 days to completely circle its Sun which is slowly stripping away and devouring the planet's atmosphere in 10 million years this alien world can be completely consumed any other planets why do you ask I don't know maybe I want to make a gigantic omelet or something well actually there's a dwarf planet out there that's very egg like - there's a dwarf planet called home a out beyond the orbit of Neptune in an area called the Kuiper belt ooh this region the solar system is believed to contain many comets asteroids and other small bodies made largely of Gliese paella is one of the many objects in the belt omega was named after the wine goddess of fertility and is believed to be made of rock with a coating of Bice it's thought to have gotten its funky shape from a collision of other objects in the belt wow I didn't think we'd get through this whole video without seeing an actual Oh didn't Steve say he was allergic to bees or something he'll be fine hey everybody thanks for watching if you can follow me on instagram and twitter at those names down there I'd really appreciate it but I especially appreciate my patrons on patreon especially mr. Nicholas miss Kay's third-grade class creative Devyn and Zach T lathe andersonmiller Arthur Watson Lizzy Dean and Trevor mrs. Brown's first grade Henry and Walter Gavin and Ian este re aka our tank Gavin mighdal DOM and Ally Breton and Cosette mrs. s lenders third grade class Elisha Robert Dean scandal akos Chris F Gwen Iggy Ellen and Addie Grayson Christophe Nadia and Hanna win and Ian Pirtle Mika Jordan and Maya Henry and Lucas tple body and Riley Bailey Ethan Greiner Luke and Lily harlots Aria and Kieran Kai Kim Marley and Lennon Kimsey Carrie Billy and Maura Lennon McCartney Jones page Alan and cash Levi and Trevor Dwyer Tazo and Leonidas Yente the Rivard boys Matthew and James Mandela Evan Lee Amelia Murray Jack and Lucas Michelle and Conrad Annie and David and Pennsylvania Wesley see Harry max Hannah Maya and Zoe Evan gray the three ultimate car bones and Zeno the shark want to get your name in a video visit backslash mr. DeMaio if you sign up you can see my videos early he helped me pick next topic see behind-the-scenes videos and like I said get your name in a video check the description box for a link don't forget to try to find the hidden coupon code it's hidden somewhere in the video you can use it to buy stuff from mighty spring store [Music]
Channel: Mr. DeMaio
Views: 181,995
Rating: 4.8275862 out of 5
Keywords: mr. demaio, mr demaio, demaio, science, space, outer space, galaxy, constellation, egg, egg shaped planet, weird, odd, weirdest planet, solar system, education, learn, learning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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