Alexander Hamilton Facts!

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My son loves all of your videos! He will have to watch this!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/artsybobartsy 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

What is pants?

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[Music] [Applause] i can't believe you got tickets to hamilton how'd you even afford them yeah it was easy all i had to do was advertise for some weird mobile game in this video maybe like two notes or maybe like three gnomes there are already three there or maybe like 17 knobs then play no legend no no no no [Music] are we going to acknowledge this or just keep the video going just ignore it ugh how much longer are we gonna have to wait here i have to go to the potty i know this is taking forever are all these people really waiting to see alexander's sandwiches andy it's not alexander's sandwiches it's alexander hamilton he was the first secretary of the treasury in the united states and he actually lived a pretty cool life excuse me sir yes my babushka what are you here to see alexander or hamilton or alexander sandwiches sandwiches are you really going to believe him he calls hands besides it's going to be a while till we get in there anyway oh no a while a robot lady any chance you know another way into this place yes sir well there is a small vent you could hey where'd he go this seems totally safe so besides inventing the sandwich what did this guy even do well in order to know that we need to learn the history of alexander hamilton wait a second where's steve [Music] come out to the coast we'll see hamilton have a few laughs hamilton was known for being incredibly smart and hardworking unlike other founding fathers he came from nothing and had a hard life he wasn't born with money land or power he started from the bottom and quickly worked his way up to the top becoming one of the most important men in american history he was born between the year 1755 and 1757 on the caribbean island of nevis his father james hamilton was a scottish businessman who moved to the caribbean to make some money his mother was rachel fossett she was already married but left her husband to be with james leave that dude he smelled like tuna fish what together they had two sons james hamilton jr and of course alexander as a child it is said that he had a passion for reading and had a crazy thirst for knowledge you guys gotta check out this book it smells like tuna fish what i thought you said this dude had a hard life he lived on an island what did he sung burn easily or something no yeah or maybe he got a bad haircut nope no his dad left him his mom died his cousin died and his entire home was destroyed by a hurricane i uh i'm gonna go call my mom tell her i love her me too hi mom i miss you by 1765 alexander's dad left the island and abandoned his family shortly after in 1767 when alexander was about 11 years old he and his mom became sick alex recovered but before long his mom passed away for the next few years alexander and his brother suffered loss after loss as their cousin who became their guardian also passed away just when things couldn't get any worse a few years later in august 1772 a hurricane destroyed hamilton's home but rather than crying or breaking down he read how did they get these bumps on the cover and read some more oh i found a hidden paintbrush and when he was finished he read some more and when he was finished with that he read some more i wonder if there's any gluten in this thing eventually alexander picked up a pen and began to write about the hurricane and how it affected his homeland dear mr hurricane my hand is not moving at all but there is still that weird pencil sound as if i am writing what the letter he wrote inspired the residents of the island where hamilton lived to put all their money together for a scholarship to send him to the future united states of america to get an education here you go alexander sandwiches tell george washing machine i said what's up huh so like many immigrants he came to america in search of a better life but he also wanted to make a difference but he just needed a chance to prove himself at only 15 years old hamilton enrolled in the elizabethtown academy in new jersey to prepare himself for college next he enrolled at what is today's columbia university where he studied things like math medicine and law he did really well in school but struggled with math to catch up hamilton hired a private tutor who worked with him on his math skills subtract the three carry the two and that equals macaroni and cheese and pothorn what not only did he improve in math he also became an incredible writer but before long the opportunity to prove himself came in the form of a massive war the american revolution this was redcoats vs blue king george iii vs george washington the first america versus great britain mayonnaise versus hot dogs versus hamburgers star wars versus star trek cats versus dogs what are you doing what i thought we were just saying things we'd like to see fight i'm sorry carry on in march of 1776 hamilton left college to serve as a captain in the military hamilton's smarts and skills and battle quickly caught the attention of his superiors wow this hamilton guy's pretty good okay but does he have snake eyes where did you even find those hot topic i got him on sale what and in january of 1777 a famous general and the soon-to-be first president of the united states asked him to serve by his side george washing machine you're still calling him that that was like 10 videos ago i did strange i don't recall that at all what oh well tell me more about the adventures of alexander's sandwiches in george washing machine hamilton became washington's right-hand man and george became more and more reliant on alexander's talents the two were inseparable until february of 1781 when hamilton left washington's side to return to battle hey real quick real quick real quick give me a hug hamilton was given command of an infantry in the famous battle of yorktown where he led an attack that eventually caused the british to surrender an america to win their freedom i know what you're probably thinking dude what is my horse looking at right now newspapers around the country all wrote of hamilton's bravery after all this time his success in battle gave him the fame that he always craved eventually hamilton left the army again to return to his wife elizabeth schuyler in new york where he began to study law after long he became an accomplished lawyer this courtroom smell like tuna fish huh he ends not exactly this is before america was america and hamilton was helping to make the country what it is today in 1781 he was a new york delegate to the constitutional convention where he helped frame the u.s constitution and create the type of government we have today but after the constitution was written he along with james madison and john jay wrote what became known as the federalist papers a series of essays that explained why the new constitution would be good for the new united states shortly after george washington was chosen to be the first president of the united states what's this word you what about this word or what about this word the what about this word first well what about this word president and he called on his good friend and former right-hand man to join him at his side as the first secretary of the treasury you're my best friend no as treasury secretary alexander did a lot of great stuff like establishing the u.s mint introducing the country's first tax on one of their products and establishing the national bank of the united states all these things helped make america a powerhouse but it also created some enemies for hamilton thomas jefferson and james madison tommy jeffs i know him what come on tommy jeffs you have no idea who he is yes i do he was the third president author of the declaration of independence and a stunning redhead okay you're actually right but the line's moving i'll tell you more inside jefferson kept a close eye on appleton and eventually made him pay the price as he exposed some bad things he had done to the public rather than denying it lying or blaming someone else hamilton wrote a 95 page paper owning up to what he did imagine you got caught cheating on a test and wrote a 95 page paper explaining why you did it what man this guy's got guts yeah i'm sorry carry on fast forward to the election of 1800 there's a tie between your buddy tommy jeffs and another person who didn't like hamilton aaron burr so the choice went to the house of representatives this is where hamilton came in even though he didn't like jefferson he really hated burr so he was like listen i got two things to say to y'all right now number one aaron burr stanks vote for tommy jeffs number two try to find me in my secret hiding spot they actually listen to him and thomas jefferson i mean tommy jeffs became the third president of the united states this bird dude must have been angry i bet you he got payback on hamilton what did he do tie his shoes together no something much much worse later burr entered the race for governor of new york and lost he blamed hamilton who apparently made it a point to tell people burr was dangerous and couldn't be trusted burr was like hey hamilton take back all that mean stuff you said and hamilton was like no and burr was like seriously dude take it back it's me but hamilton was like no this led to their famous duel during that time it was common for two men to settle their problems this way so on july 11 1804 they faced each other in weehawken new jersey this was the same spot where hamilton's son died in a duel a few years earlier hamilton examined his weapon and the terrain the men took 10 paces and turned but rather than shooting burr it's rumored that hamilton wasted his shot on purpose and fired his bullet away from burr many believe that hamilton missed on purpose because he thought duels were morally wrong but bird didn't miss and hamilton was shot in the stomach and shortly after he died hamilton was survived by his seven children and his wife eliza who helped honor her husband by opening new york's first private orphanage today hamilton is buried alongside his wife in trinity church in new york two miles away from where the famous musical was first shown [Music] oh here we go it's about to start wait a second where's steve did i miss anything shh the play's about to start [Music] that don't make no sense what is that's it i just figured it out i'm the smartest kid what's his pants what's his veins [Music] [Music] i hey guys thanks for watching as always this video could not be made without the help from my patrons on patreon especially evan gray kate and sarah wyatt michelle avery l jameson nolan penny emma priestley lennon mccuckner jones page avalon and cash anera and alice vivi and jojo roche renko costia and yarrow bretton and cossette dora and levi isabella corsiglia amelia murray rebecca and sarah f from pennsylvania the reward boys zeno the shark asher jacobson amelia and alan mills will james and christian reynolds nina and santino gavin and ian ashtay mrs essinger's third grade class charlie iris henry and peanut matthew and nathan spellman henry and marion carson arthur watson matthew and james mondiello mr nicholas gavin moore and paige lawton aiden swift jackson wright lillian hanson hud raj kelly b rory primrose thomas and lucas v lilly patrick and marina darion calvin james berg pfeiffer iii dally and scarlett lewis creative devin and zach t the peterson pack cara and michael huxley ophelia clem laid fairy scientist luke and lily hurlitz sean fideli asher s nora close aidan fenway riley maxwell m simon natalie and liam mcnulty mika jordan and maya gavin middle mason and nora gwen iggy elowin and addie felix and casper watson smith aydah s ronin x and raiden z nakia swift gc annie and david in pennsylvania alex and bella grayson kristoff blazen richard dean bartholomew eisley and jude siegel aiden mulvey davin kimathi fred and tio carter levi and fletcher leif anderson miller cruz gomez crustyface arya and kieran kai kim abby p austin p and ryan p wesley c max xander and lucinda henry pavelko oscar and jake hatt jack and grant reed jack and colt skinner ethan greener buddy dece hannah maya and zoe elijah robert riker y autumn mcbottom and big sauce jack and easton hess harry grant and amelia zack and evie clark dean scandilakis mrs brown's first grade nadia and hannah sophie becky and rob jenkins ellie jack and bobby griffin maxwell romans ayton judah charles and olivia rebecca beanie lizzy dean and trevor evan bristol and john beecher ari aka r tank david beckham and isaac scranton rory porter isaac and wesley pierce marlene lennon kimsey leah and gavin clark evan lee connor and emma b levi and trevor dwyer kerry billy and maura dom and olly jordan montgomery and max r do you want to get your name in a video too well visit backslash mr demeo also i've hidden a secret coupon code in this video try to find it it's black and has a hashtag symbol before it if you find it you can get discounts on cool stuff from my teespring store like this shirt and this shirt and this pillow check the description box for a link and last test your alexander hamilton knowledge with my alexander hamilton quiz on my teacher's pay teacher site i have a bunch of other quizzes and worksheets for my other videos there too as always check the description box for a link [Music] [Music] disneyland
Channel: undefined
Views: 143,250
Rating: 4.8931084 out of 5
Keywords: hamilton, lin manuel, aaron burr, thomas jefferson, secretary of the treasury, nevis, george washington, washington, president, first, father of our country, 1st, 1st president, united states, biography, autobiography, facts, mount vernon, crossing the delaware, information, history, social studies, american revolution, revolutionary war, mr demaio, mr. demaio, demaio
Id: KBJnkz6EE1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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