Mariana Trench Facts for Kids!

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[Music] wait a second I don't see her where is she where's who Marianne Trench did she move or something I don't see her anywhere Oh Andy it's not Mary Ann Trench it's the Mariana Trench it's an incredibly deep part of the ocean near Japan and the Philippines that's in the western Pacific Ocean what it is oh man I better call Mary Ann and tell her we aren't coming hey Mary Ann turns out we aren't going to you we are going to where are we going again the Mariana Trench to see a mariachi band we'll have to schedule for another time I'm sorry are you breaking up call you later oh man she sounded mad that's an understatement she said she was gonna shave my head in my sleep and sell all my hair on eBay oh well there's always next time oh did you forget where the toilet is again yeah oh we've got a leak why the Mariana Trench is almost seven miles deep that's about as much as 35 Eiffel Towers the incredible pressure is crushing the submarine what does that even mean I know the answer to this question the deeper you go into the ocean the more pressure there is in your home the average pressure you feel is fourteen point seven pounds per square inch but at the bottom of the Mariana Trench it's 16 pounds per square inch this is enough pressure to crush human bones into liquid turns bones into liquid we better make sure none of us go out so what do we do now use the animal communicator maybe you can fix the submarine here goes nothing oh hey man on the phone some dead fish wait a second what are you doing here I'm trying to form Ariane trench but I can't seem to find her Randy ah what are the chances I just hung up the phone with her oh my god did she tell you she's gonna shave all your hair and sell it on eBay huh yep classic Maryann so now what do you guys wanna do well I'd say we can play Monopoly or something but we're uh underwater and the board will get all wet what about battleship yeah the board will get over it with that too ooh I know a game we could play it's called finding the dead fish oh how do you play oh it's a lot of fun first thing you do is find some dead fish what yeah I see it it's like the only rule kind of made it up like eight seconds ago what I'm freezin what the temperature down here I mean on average it's slightly above freezing about 34 degrees Fahrenheit I would turn up the heat but there's not like a thermostat or anything down here I think just you does that mean nothing lives down here actually he'd be shocked even though there's so much pressure a lot of things live down here the most common life forms at the bottom of the trench are zeno fire Falls and four pods huh it's more sea cucumbers xenovia Falls are these sponge like single-celled organisms amphipods are crustaceans that belong to the otter pod family they kind of look like tiny shrimp and small sea cucumbers are small and not cucumbers this is also discoid the marianas snailfish but he's disgusting and even thinking of him makes me want to throw up no and there's tons of different microorganisms too but those are just the living things at the seafloor you can only imagine what's at the deepest part the bottom which we call challenger deep wait you call the lowest part of you challenger deep yeah that's such a cool name I'm gonna start calling my feet back wait why would you call your feet I mean your challenger deep spat well they are at the bottom of me and there are cucumbers all over them wait I've heard of fish living in you and since it's so dark they have lights on their head and stuff higher up from challenger deep you can find some bioluminescent creatures some creatures like the deep sea dragon fish or the sea devil angler fish emit light within the very dark parts of the Mariana Trench Wow and despite what every kid thinks there are no megalodons down here trust me I loved ya and we learned about megalodons in my other video let's just focus on you so how did the Mariana Trench even form trenches form when two tectonic plates collide at the collision point one of the plates knives beneath the other into the Earth's mantle creating an ocean trench and what's crazy is only four people have been to the bottom in fact more people have been on the moon than the deepest part of the ocean just goes to show you how hard it is get down here of the four that have visited the deepest part of the ocean perhaps the most famous descent was made by famous movie director James Cameron in 2012 he descended to the deepest part of the ocean alone to study this rarely seen place Wow how long did it take to reach the bottom not too long it took him about two hours and 36 minutes to reach the bottom that's longer than it takes to visit Mary Ann sure Oh Oh what I forgot to call Mariana Trench she's gonna kill me sorry man I think you're too late bird this video could not be made without the help from my patrons on patreon especially mr. Nicholas mrs. K's third grade class creative Devyn and Zach T lace Anderson Miller mrs. Brown's first-grade Eisley and Jude Siegel Henry and Walter Gavin and Ian Estee Gavin Mitel DOM and Olli Breton and Cosette Mrs S lenders third grade class Elisha Robert Norah see Dean scandal Akos Chris F Gwen Iggy Ellen and Adi Grayson Christophe Nadia and Hannah Wynn and Ian Pirtle mica Jordan and Maya Henry and Lucas Teeple audience by Lee Ethan Jean Luc and Lily harlots Arya and Kieran Kai Kim Gregory and Nathan Fernandes Marley and Lennon Kimsey Carrie Billy and Maura Lennon McCartney Jones Paige Avalon and cash Levi Dwyer Maggie and Audrey thornsberry the Rivard boys Matthew and Janes Mandy yellow Evan Lee Amelia Murray Michelle and Conrad Annie and David in Pennsylvania Wesley c/o and Liam Alfie H and Elias H Harry Hannah Maya and Zoe and zeno the shark want to get your name in a video visit backslash mr. DeMaio if you sign up you can see my videos early help me pick my next topic seen behind the scenes videos and like I said get your name in a video check the description box for a link also I've hidden a secret coupon code in this video it's brown and as a hashtag symbol before it try to find it you could use it to buy cool stuff from mighty spring store like this brand new mr. DeMaio poster this Roberta pillow and more check the description box for a link and test your Mariana Trench knowledge on my Mariana Trench quiz that my teachers pay teacher's site I have a ton of other quizzes and worksheets for my other videos there too as always check the description box for a link now let's do some fan art got a ton of mail this time so I couldn't include them all but look in the background and you'll see your picture floating on by squeeze me I did get this cool comic book of super DeMaio by the Ward brothers in Wisconsin they had me fighting a volcano announcement and I got a ton of pictures from mrs. s lenders class in North Dakota they were all amazing but I love Sofia is here she really knocked it out of the park anyway send me your fan mail and art to mr. DeMaio p.o box 58 keyport New Jersey Oh 77035 I can't promise to get everything in there but I'll do my best [Music] me
Channel: Mr. DeMaio
Views: 208,583
Rating: 4.8483315 out of 5
Keywords: mariana, trench, mariana trench, challenger deep, mr demaio, mister demaio, mr. demaio, school, learn, learning, education, lesson, science, bioluminescent, angler fish, bottom of the ocean, ocean, pacific, megalodon
Id: X_uL2wLOlSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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