25 Things You Need To Know About Neptune

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due to its gorgeous color this planet was named after the Greek god of the sea and ocean beside it according to science it's also the coldest and windiest planet of our solar system this despite its core producing almost as much heat as the Sun speaking of the Sun this planet also happens to be the farthest from our solar system's main source of heat can you guess which fascinating gorgeous and yet mysterious planet we're talking about yep we're talking about Neptune probably because he saw the title of this video and clicked it I'm Michael this 25 and if you wish to learn more information about this blue celestial jewel check out the following list 25 things you need to know about Neptune but before we get started please don't forget to Like share comment subscribe and that's right click that notification bell I'm sure you all said that with me I trust you they could hear that you lied 25 like the rest of the plants in the solar system Neptune got its name from an ancient Greek god Poseidon later the Romans translated the sea God's name into Latin and the rest is history now you also know why this planets symbol is the Trident ooh two facts and one you're welcome 24 Neptune is the only planet in our solar system that can't be seen from Earth without the aid of a telescope see the beautiful blue planet is only 2.7 billion miles away from Earth 23 Neptune's existence was visually confirmed in 1846 it was unknown to ancient people or for that matter every human who lived before that year further Neptune was the first planet discovered by mathematical rather than observational means the French astronomer Irvin Lavoisier predicted the existence and position of the planet in the 1840s with the help of mathematics the discovery of Neptune was seen as a triumphant validation of celestial mechanics and is considered one of the most significant moments of 19th century science oh and Neptune was a ridge named Laperriere Neptunes easier 22 neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the sun at a distance of about 2.8 billion miles or 4.5 billion kilometers if you prefer 21 although neptune is much larger than Earth its surface gravity is about the same as the surface gravity on earth this is because Neptune is made up of gases and not solid like Earth this makes Neptune very light for its size the surface gravity is about 110 percent of the surface gravity here xx the slightly stronger gravitational pull on Neptune means that we would weigh a little more on that planet so if someone weighs 200 pounds on our planet this 10 percent difference in gravity would translate to an additional 20 pounds on Neptune oh I'm not fat I'm just Neptune 19 Neptune has no solid surface the blue-green disc we've seen in images is actually an illusion what we see is actually the tops of some very deep gas clouds which gives way to water and other melted ices that lie over an approximately earth sized core which is made up of silicate rock and nickel iron mix so if you were to attempt to stand on that tun you'd end up sinking through the gaseous layers 18 as the planets in our solar system get further away from the Sun they generally get colder that makes Neptune the coldest planet with an average temperature of negative 353 degrees Fahrenheit or negative 214 Celsius 17 Neptune's winds are the fastest in the solar system reaching 1600 miles per hour Neptune has also been known to have gigantic spinning storms that could swallow the whole earth good thing we orbit a safe distance away huh 16 Neptune is the fourth largest planet in our solar system it has a diameter of thirty-four thousand five hundred three miles it's volume is fifty-seven point seven times the volume of Earth which means that fifty-seven earths could fit inside of Neptune with a little room left over and because it's gas we could totally do it it's also 17 times heavier than Earth which means that even chuck norris would have a hard time lifting Neptune on his shoulders ten o'clock fifteen we've always sent one spacecraft in Neptune during the summer of 1989 NASA's Voyager 2 became the first spacecraft to observe the planet passing about 3,000 miles above Neptune's North Pole it was the closest approach Voyager 2 made to any planet this took place 12 years after the spacecraft took off from Earth 14 Neptune has a great dark spot as NASA astronomers refer to it it's actually an anticyclonic storm that appears to come and go according to observations made by NASA's Voyager 2 space probe in 1989 the great dark spot generated stunning white clouds over Neptune similar to how cirrus clouds from cyclones on earth form it's also estimated that this great dark spot is roughly the same size as Earth why they call it such a humongous thing just a spot we have no idea thirteen Neptune's magnetic field is about 27 times more powerful than Earth's interestingly this magnetic field sits at an angle on the planet changing chaotically as it interacts with the solar wind 12 although they are really thin and not easy to see Neptune has five rings the Rings are named Gail lavera a lacell ergo and Adams these names are in honor of the astronomers who made important discoveries regarding the planet it's probably a guy a Gail Gail rings 11 Neptune's atmosphere is made up predominantly of hydrogen and helium with some methane this small portion of methane gas in Neptune's atmosphere is what makes the planet appear blue and beautiful how well a methane absorbs reddish light and reflects bluer colors 10 Neptune has 14 moons the latest was discovered in 2013 each of the moons are named after an ancient Greek water deity moving from closest to Neptune to farthest out their names are no boy nod philosophy 'no Galatea Larissa oh yes the classic goddess of s200 four and one my favorite Greek story it's yet to receive an official name Proteus Triton may read Holly means sau-lan media and oh man this is a test of my okay and no so did me crap in the comments below I know you well nine Triton Neptune's largest moon orbits the planet backward relative to Neptune's other moons scientists suggest the day will come when Triton will be torn apart by Neptune's gravitational forces this likely won't happen anytime soon wouldn't it be funny if it happened tomorrow when we release this aim there are four planets in our solar system that are known as gas planets Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune even though Neptune is the smallest of the four it's the densest seven with the continual discovery of new data and information in the world of science astronomers seem to change their minds often that's how Uranus and Neptune are not considered at gas giants anymore they're now called ice giants keep in mind that there's not much ice on Neptune in astrophysics and planetary science the term ice refers to volatile chemical compounds such as water ammonia or methane six truth be told 2.8 billion miles far away from the Sun is a really long distance to cover as a result of this it takes Neptune a hundred and sixty-five earth years to orbit the Sun in other words an average human being would need two full lifetimes to experience a single year on Neptune five however a day on Neptune is shorter than a day on our planet in contrast to our 24-hour day Neptune has a 16-hour day which is a result of the Swift rotation it has upon its axis for on July 11th 2011 Neptune completed its first full orbit since its discovery in 1846 as I mentioned earlier one year on that tune is 165 here on earth so a belated happy birthday to Neptune 3 at its core Neptune reaches temperatures of up to twelve thousand six hundred thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit or seven thousand degrees Celsius this unreal temperature is comparable to the surface of the sauna the huge temperature differences between Neptune's center and its surface is what creates the monstrous wind storms on the planet - Pluto's orbit sometimes crosses Neptune's orbit but they never collide to be more specific Pluto's orbit crosses inside of Neptune's orbit for twenty years out of every 248 the last time Pluto crossed inside Neptune's orbit was on February 7th 1979 at that time it temporarily became the eighth planet from the Sun one technically the summer lasts exactly the same amount of time as the other seasons on Neptune how long is that Oh only about 41 years per season however it just sounds fun instead the summer last 41 years on a planet when the average temperature is negative 353 degrees Fahrenheit so why go to Neptune how fat are you on Neptune and let us know I'm running nine of these planets I'm running out of things and probably we should we will will do Pluto enjoying our lists be sure to click that subscribe button on the bottom right and notification bells so you don't miss out on new ones every Monday through Friday share them with friends and help us consistently conciliate curiosity and if you want even more lists check out these videos here or just head to our 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Channel: Alpha Paw
Views: 64,073
Rating: 4.8376513 out of 5
Keywords: List25, list 25, top 10, top 25, Mike, space, planets, neptune, gods, planet, solar system, outer space, astronomy, moons, celestial, out there, amazing facts about planet Neptune, facts about Neptune, fun facts about Neptune
Id: qjpOsrRYJwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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