Battle Brothers - Northern Raiders - All DLC - There will be blood - Ep 01

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[Music] all right welcome we are gonna be kicking off a new game of battle brothers and with all of the recent war tales hubbub i just couldn't help myself but keep reminded of battle brothers and it's one of the games that i've been playing for years i have 645 i just checked which is a little frightening hours into battle brothers over the years um have all the dlc i think it's one of the better games that's ever been produced it just has that right mix of qualities that give you replayability without much compromise and i think it's a rather hard game and i'm going to play it in what i think will be a rather hard setup and we'll see how far we get to one of the primary things that they've introduced over time are the origins it used to nearly be that the only one that you had was the company tutorial um they now have quite a number of others i'm gonna lower the overall audio just a touch more [Music] that feels better levels wise um it's always kind of an interesting balance on a on a per game basis and just bring it up like a tiny notch more because you do want to hear them chopping at each other when they do and one of the interesting things that they introduced over the dlc in years are the options for alternative origins uh and of those um one of the ones i like particularly is the raiders start you start experienced with three barbarians with decent gear and you have a greater chance to pillage and you start with bad relations with most of the humans out there which allows you to do something that always felt sort of missing from the base game which is raid caravans um so it tends to be what i enjoy i also believe that you start with a tag along in your party which reminds me a bit of the vikings series which was on history channel but was also a really good set of books um where you start with a um a corresponding um what would you call it a monk basically along for the ride that likely you captured during raiding some um baron some raid on a monastery or some such plundering loot um we're gonna rename our guys to band of the faceless which just sounds both interesting and um fitting for a barbarian band of whom we playing in the mode that we're going to i think we may lose and acquire some folks with regularities it could be that we get wiped out in in the entirety fairly quickly um it will all be luck of the draw with a fair amount of the world already against us um we will also um be basically app to the rng of battle brothers overall where every now and then if you don't get away from them you can run into a powerful band that just takes you out so we're going to try to make as few bad decisions as possible we're going to start on veteran across both economic and combat and we're going to lower our starting funds to medium and tick on iron man mode to up the challenge so it's one and done if we do get killed we get killed and we're also going to have the map be unexplored i think we'll probably start based on being northern raiders in the northern part of the map and more than likely everybody around us will not be very happy with us and we'll have to see where it goes from there after you and your party killed half of them the villagers finally submitted a white flag was raised and they offered parlay which you were happy to grant in a single line they walked out to the town square where they had been holding a festival jewels and treasures filled their arms and they dumped the goods where you stood boot atop the smash skull of their mayor your vanguard of heregold heil the defiler grimnir and brown kept careful watch of the ceremony like buzzards watching a slow death the last in line was a monk he had no gold or silver on him but instead spoke to you his words immediately drawing the weapons of your fellow raiders you allowed him to speak and he spoke at length about the old gods and how the treasures of the heavens superseded all of that which terror could offer you told him his death was written by the wagging chin of his the monk purses lips alright then if you want gold to part these silly games this raiding in pillaging it is all worthless compared to the treasures of the south the nobles won't have you in their armies but they are forever in need of mercenaries and rarely have the time or luxury of choosing where these hired fighters come from you'd make all the crowns you'd ever want come south raiders and be sublimated into sell swords grimnar demands the monk's head but you stay the execution instead you take the crafty monk at his word you have long heard of southern riches and the travels of adventurous swords for hire you decide to venture south so long as the monk comes with grimner protests but you won't have it if this little pale of a monk is your lucky charm to a new life then it would be an affront to the old gods to leave him be the raider storms off but hero girl heil the defiler and brahm have no qualms about following you the rest of the war party returns north a split in the loot being made what remains of the village is left behind to recover rebuild and make new goods for stronger tribes to come and will take for themselves will strike out south i had the ui boosted just a little bit i normally play this on a much wider screen but i think that it's fitting for about the 1440p that we're running at let's have a look at the party that we rolled we have here gold he is afraid of beasts which might not help early on but he is dexterous and gets plus five to his melee skill he also has two stars in melee skill health and fatigue which are generally the three most important attributes that you might want he has a double grip on a blunt cleaver which is a fairly powerful weapon for this point in the game and he has fenrir the warhound as his companion we also have the option to bump him on two levels let's take a look at highly the defiler he is in good spirits and has no special traits beyond that has the same buffs in terms of health and melee attack and endurance but slightly different breakdown of the buff points and we have braum and brahm is very similar to his brothers although rather than fatigue he has his buffs on melee defense which could be useful we have a little bit of plunder that we split at the in the beginning story of the game and we also have friso the traveling monk who has now accompanied us but he's athletic with an iron jaw which are potentially valuable traits for a um potential fighter his only real skill buff is on resolve though so let's go ahead and give our guys some initial upgrades i've always thought that it's best for the you to take your skill upgrades where offered at the maximum random values that they do so we're gonna buff the four on health the five on initiative and the i'm not really a big concern about range defense right now we're gonna buff melee skill as well then we get a second bump because we're starting third level on these barbarians we have the options for up upping the hit points again and here we're gonna up the fatigue and with the choice between melee skill and initiative i think melee skill wins out we also have two perks that we can add and he doesn't have any particular weaknesses think colossus is in the useful perk early game to get that extra 25 of uh hit points pathfinder as well that allows you to move rather quickly but also student and just early on getting your extra 20 of experience for the ongoing game um is better for longer term progression and we're hoping we're gonna survive you might hear my bulldog snoring in the background not sure if that's coming through the mic i think we're going to start off with the student perk and the colossus perk rather than jump into the second level perks just now because this is the beginning of the game and we're using these as pretty much initial buffs um i want to position us for survival as much as possible we're going to go with health fatigue and initiative on highway heil kyle better are those two i think we're gonna start with that same baseline of perks which is a real tendency that i think i find myself having in battle brothers is that i i tend to build my frontline guys the same way and my backline guys and the same way for ranged or for two-handed length weapons that type of thing probably something i should be getting away from but 645 hours in i'm not sure i'm gonna change much at this point we're gonna take the mealy defense there is much more a lower melee skill or melee skill than his brothers we're gonna bump his defense again though and we're gonna similarly give him colossus and student so that gives us our initial rig out we don't have a weapon that we can give free so so we're going to need to acquire some and purchasing is not an option because we are deep in the north and varde doesn't like us now with the map hidden we don't know what is there to hold for us you can see interesting little repetition in their cloud texture you can see the lines it's kind of interesting um so let's take a look real quick at the relations that we have we have house eberlin who's threatening towards us and we have uh house grimand who are neutral towards us and then house steinwall who are hostile and we have a number of settlements who are also hostile to us and then the southern city-states are neutral so we need to probably find house gramund and uh we've always kind of liked being with the um what looked to me like uh elk antlers and being where we're from and what hangs around in the neighborhood um i've always liked allying with them besides so what we'll try to do is profit as much as possible and survive uh until we can find house gramund which will likely be our first opportunity for acquiring additional party members and or equipment unless we kill some folks prior to them so varde is a rather large village in theory we have just ruined uh their outskirts which was likely just settlement buildings from the from the overlay tip and we definitely are in the far north so we're gonna move south and we're gonna go off road a little bit and see what we have to get to i'm gonna do a couple things we're gonna toggle footprints and we are going to lock the camera to ourselves so we have the choice of east or west we're going to try west [Music] looks like we're coming upon another settlement potentially no that's just on its own [Music] let's go have a look well that is just part of the settlement i think as much time as i have into this game we're gonna need to run because those guys will definitely nuke us and our current capabilities [Music] i'm going to put some hills between ourselves in them and then cut along the front of the mountains i'm going to assume most everything to the north is likely the uh is likely hostile to us so we're going to move to the south a little bit i'm going to go on top of this hill to see what we can see this is also wild shine so if i both of these all three of the villages we ran into so far our house steinwall so we just need to find another area on the map where potentially we can get some level of safety and potentially work [Music] go to the west again so as the company takes a break you decide to address the men brothers i want to know what the band of the faceless are not just cutthroats and errand boys but skilled fighters of the first order word of our deeds must spread so that merchants and noblemen are begging us to take their contracts what do you tell the men that the company will set out to do we can discover and pillage a wilderness location we can get a bond of friendship we can raid caravans or we can get our strike to a dozen men i think initially we're gonna need to get friendly relations with someone that we find and then we will have the mend to do these other types of actions so that is the the plan of action we're getting over the edge of the map [Music] [Music] now that trading caravan would have been perfect we would have very likely been over able to overtake that one but we also have 10 thugs closing in behind it so we're gonna back out the thugs are actually coming yep they took the caravan i don't think they're gonna get weakened enough for us to be competitive with them at this point in the game and it wouldn't be great to die in the first 10-15 minutes looks like they're hunting for us i'm gonna cross through the hills [Music] and it didn't look like they lost a man taking out the caravan [Music] let's check on our provisions we have four days of produce provisions eleven days of equipment or eleven days of pay [Music] all right so some peasants from edelwald edelwaad i think already doesn't like us so we're gonna take your peasants [Music] it's a battle hopefully we can get some equipment for frieza out of the mix we're going to advance until we see what we have to deal with there shouldn't be much competition here there's five of them i don't think they're going to close on us they're going to likely try to hold the defensive position but let's see [Music] that is rufus roofing in the background [Music] so we're going to want to close and make sure that we don't expose ourselves to too much potential height advantage [Music] [Music] you know we'll unleash the war hound to give ourselves some extra attacks so we only have one armed peasant remaining kyle cut him down we're gonna jump freeso over and pick up the club that's on the ground they have broken on their morale so we're just gonna circle around to get some free attacks as they move [Music] peasants dispatched got some decent rewards some provisions and a handy dandy wooden stick for free so let's make sure he remains equipped with the best condition one all right so those peasants came from that direction what was the name of the town it was like edelwide which is not one of the three that we're seeing there so in all likelihood the town in question is further to the east but that will not benefit us to go check out so we're going to continue to look for a friendlier territory our goal will not be to let relations cool off with those kingdoms but to build up strong enough so that we can go back and visit them again i think it's one of the reasons that i like the northern raider start is that you don't have to make the choice to turn hostile with some of the human factions but you basically are have that choice made for you right from the start and it just gives you more to interact with overall the map so we have a battle site and we have some footprints we're gonna probably run into some aggression most likely bandits i'm gonna smoke for this moment of the game i am from colorado and this may appear to be a varied substance these are actually partagas prioritos um which are like tasty little mini cigars and i like cigars quite a bit but too much cigar i have found at least makes me feel at maximum cigar level um so i i don't want to get there today so we got briggins all right so there the raiders those are essentially second level to us um and we do not want to tangle with them if we can help it so we're going to try to lose them we seem a little bit faster we're going to cut into the trees see if we can get away that might have been a mistake they're similarly slowed though we're gonna get into the forest start moving off all right that was edelwald so we were right that was the road that we were on where we just ambushed the peasants and edelwand was not very far to the west beyond that we're gonna cut down here it looks like potentially there's a pass through the mountains [Music] those raiders would have likely been just too deadly to take on at this point in our characters heil the defiler shares tales around the campfire of northern heroics and monsters there can't be much said of his dialogue given that he isn't the most eloquent but he does a great job of it through miming and drawing in the ground one tail seems to be that of a huge warrior to fight defeating a much larger warrior or perhaps even defeating an ogre it's hard to tell but the barbarian makes a fascinating display of comment combat which the men applaud it puts highly in good spirits which we'll take all right so we got some forest across in the middle of the night which may not be advisable we'll see what we can do there's some monster foot tracks ahead of us [Music] those monsters could be potentially something we'd want to take on what we'd have to see so we're moving more central into the map see what we had to find [Music] i also find that i like the start with an unexplored map it just ups the challenge of surviving [Music] because you can get yourself into trouble without much trouble [Music] and it just adds to the [Music] discovery aspect of [Music] finding your way around [Music] trying to pick our way through the hills rather than the rocky crags if possible to make our pace not held up too much we've reached the screen arrows [Music] so we have not seen any hint of population for a bit now we're gonna cut down see if we can cross these mountains to the south [Music] we have three more days of provisions i have to keep a mild eye on that and go around the outskirts of this forest [Music] so ranting into wandering into random ruins without knowing what's inside probably not advisable right now this is primarily about survival some young orc that wouldn't be possible there's only three of us and then we have our supporting guy i don't know that we're ready to take on orcs right yet either probably seems a little conservative or wimpy but being that we want the band of the faceless to survive we essentially just need more people and gear and experience before we try to do too much more than swat peasants and kill some thugs maybe stretch that out and take some wolves out [Music] we've gotten a perceptual change to the biosphere a little more grassland and we have reached another sign of civilization looks like the towns here to the left it's hard to tell if they're friendly or not from here so we'll move wide widened fest so we've reached the second kingdom house eberlin who doesn't like us either unfortunate and uh looks like we have a massive citadel there we are going to try to stay as far away from as possible [Music] so that's a good sign this is the first growlfest company that is the uh one kingdom [Music] who doesn't have issue with us at least i thought so [Music] they seem to be chasing us though [Music] not quite sure why okay we proved to be faster we gave up the chase it could be that small amount of negative looking relation was enough to make them want to perform some ld to us [Music] i'm gonna hug the bottom rim of this mountain range sort of like a deer survival mechanism that if something's approaching us from the south or from the north we can run away to faster territory like those orc raiders that we just saw there or if they come at us from the south we can likely get up and over the hills first friso the modest monk enters your tent with a violent hand the flask is topped with a bark stopper and a wreath of greenery with berries hanging beneath the leaves inside the vial is goldish liquid sloshing about whatever it is catches any glimpse of light and it seems to capture it and swirl it around he holds it out blessed water sir to fight the dead that walk again you ask if it's a gift from the old gods and he nods you ask if it's really a gift from the old gods though and he purses his lips no not exactly the monasteries know how to make it but it's an ancient recipe protected under penalty of death of course you thank the man for taking such a risk to contribute and tell them to put it in the inventory [Music] go ahead and equip the flask of blessed water we are starting to get concerningly low on food so we know there's a road down here to the south [Music] we know that at least neutral armies were traveling from east to west the hunters before young orc are still chasing us looks like there's a town right here [Music] i think survival begats that we're gonna go for the town [Music] and it is the first friendly town that we have found we're going to enter so we're in a friendly town that has ambush trade routes that makes the selection of goods lower and the price is higher fortunately we have our stash items that we can sell for over asking which is nice take it [Music] now we need food and food is very expensive but uh feels necessary but let's get an overall perspective on what our opportunities are here our other options are to take a contract from them which may be to relieve their ambush trades routes and we also can hire some fodder because with this start and our well-equipped early game guys um we really just want to [Music] build out some options for absorbing additional damage from other [Music] from our main characters basically so we have a butcher who's rather expensive but he would also come with a cleaver and his early butcher schmuck will be slightly better equipment than normal we have as gear the rock which implies that he probably has a positive trait like like the thick chinned one of our monk or some such um arnold a peddler gutrom the miner with a pickaxe which might also be a decent weapon and a bit of face protection and hanky the farmhand they have 1500 gold after selling our plunder we're gonna have a bit less after we purchase that expensive food [Music] ass gear is cheaper but he doesn't have a weapon we have a couple of our little clubs that we acquired off the peasants [Music] well i don't think we really care in this point of the game about negative traits so trying them out to discover what those are is probably less important thank hanky the farmer hand has a 12 gold uh daily wage which if i had to guess makes him greedy because that seems outweighed in comparison to his fellows so 290 170 and 260 that's gonna be 550 650 720 we're gonna do that being that two of them come with weapons already [Music] we're gonna spread them out a bit i want to keep the monk alive so i'm going to keep him in the rear what i'd like to do is get him a ranged weapon which we could do here with the pitchfork or the war fork and that worf work isn't a terrible deal being that it's damaged but we have some goods to repair it [Music] so we're definitely going to need i think that with the markup on goat cheese being less than the markup on bread and the spoilage being longer we're gonna pick up the two goat cheese [Music] let's take a look at the skills of the new guys that we picked up we picked up falk the butcher who has a hate for green skins ten point resolve when in battle with them which could be useful because there's some right outside town and he's brave with a five percent bump on resolve he's got a buff to melee skill and melee skill if there's a school of thought on that melee or melee melee sounds like the appliances but he's got a very good buff on on hit points and a decent buff on resolve and already has decent skills overall we got guntrum the miner he's in good spirits nothing else notable but he does have fairly strong busts to both his melee skill and his range skill [Music] and we have as gear the rock and as i guessed he did have an iron jaw based on his nickname and he also has dexterous which is a plus 5 melee skill his main buff is on melee defense his secondary is on fatigue and his tertiary is on range skill so we don't have the money to buff these guys very much um i don't know if we want anything to do with those orcs right outside of town but we do have the money to get a couple two tile range weapons that we could use to as support weapons and as a way to level up some of these lower level guys who have fairly decent buffs um this guy having three stars on both attack skills and a star on on health and no negatives that's fairly strong so i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna set up the line like this we're gonna take away his pickaxe [Music] give that to asger the rock this mouthpiece since he's in the back doesn't help many so we're gonna move it up to falk and a butcher looks better with a face bandana on [Music] we're obviously going to get rid of friso's weapon and we're going to likely go in and replace those with the war fork and the pitchfork as a means to provide material support [Music] might be a better idea to sacrifice resell over one of these guys that has about 10 percent higher [Music] melee skills but let's see what the contract is first a hooded man gestures used to follow them him nervously looking over his shoulder he leads you to the back room of a local tavern before addressing you he takes his time to peek out the windows probably looking for anyone eavesdropping a figurehead by the name of gurlotch the burgomeister wishes to see you he's a man of some repute in this town so you understand my discretion he slides a paper to you there are directions written on it gerlock the burgermeister takes a seat in a chair big enough to be comfortable for two he bantees a mac mug back and forth briggins have been hurrying us for weeks now and just yesterday they tried to set fire to a pub can you believe that who sets fire to such a thing luckily we put it out just in time but things are getting bad around here if they threaten our precious drink what will they do next luckily we managed to find where these vagrants are hiding so yes i see your look it's a simple task sell sword we want you to go out and kill every last brigand there are you willing to work with us how many crowns are we talking about he smiles this will take make you a rich man my friend you are to receive 460 crowns when the contract is done react for some of the money up front no don't push me too far you would receive 460 crowns we don't really have any reputation or not a very strong negotiating position so we're going to go ahead and accept his offer and the brigands are in a camp east of schneerberg schneeberg and uh [Music] we're going to accept the contract so 480 crowns will be decent it'll get us about four days of pay that gives us a little space to consider [Music] purchases [Music] we got the pitchfork for 188 and the warfwork for 260. that's 4 48. she's only gonna give us a couple days [Music] let's take a look at where the camp is it's going to take a fair bit to get to it's already midday and we have orc hunters coming in and uh still interested in our party let's take a look at the weaponsmith just in case but there's nothing that is particularly viable for us to acquire there at this point [Music] none of our fodder have decent range skills [Music] we're all using one-handed weapons we could use that shield [Music] i definitely want the pitchfork [Music] i'm gonna sell our sticks [Music] i think for now that's going to be it we'll give the pitchfork to guntrum and we should have the provisions and the money to make it to the bandit camp and back it's probably going to take us a day or a day and a half so off we go see if we can get out of here with the hunters if we can lose them we may not [Music] cut through the hills [Music] some brigging raiders what that is that is wrong all right we're gonna try it this could be the end of the band of the faceless we're gonna need to make this happen and then escape to the east to get away from the orcs but it's quite possible that these guys dang maybe stronger than we are ready to take so we got four rigging bringing raiders one of them has a pike another has a war axe we're fighting uphill against fortifications we are going to another has a war hammer another has a morning star [Music] so if we look at their armoring looks like the best option would be to try to [Music] kill the guy with the pike since he's their biggest damage dealer and he's also only wearing like buffed leather and uh all of the others we should be potentially looking at trying to hit in the head because they're unarmored [Music] so if we move continue to move forward we're going to move into pike range there's a route through the fortifications down here but i'm going to [Music] try to skirt [Music] he'll be able to move one an attack which is possibly what they will do [Music] i'm gonna make a little blob down here so the pike guy should not be able to get to brown we'll set up our own support behind these guys [Music] chrisa is gonna hang out in the back and hope to pick up a weapon i prematurely sold his stick [Music] remove the [Music] so heil is going to try to take this corner and we're going to move him all the way in so that he can't get choked [Music] behind him we're going to move as gear [Music] just further defense we're going to move here gold down we're gonna hold braum we're gonna keep guntron in position [Music] we're gonna hold falcon position remove friso behind the lines so we're gonna engage this friggin raider because we need to do something we miss our first chop and we take it now we can destroy his armor but we miss that's not looking very good for heil move falk around and throw an axe [Music] i'm gonna move brown up because we've got an attack on the pikeman let me move goon trump down put him in position to attack here go through and we are going to release his hound we'll take two to get over there because of the positioning we get a bite on the pikeman we just lost highland of filer so we got two guys axe and morningstar morningstar is probably more dangerous and he's undefended we chopped his head off good good hit boy good hit we're gonna move our butcher into the fray two misses that helps us there's a wide swing hurts all hurts his own man in the process that was fortunate [Music] we're gonna move free cell up to try to get a weapon we could we need to get some damage going on him and try to break his armor we just did so his armor is done he missed the second hit pause with freestyle the war dog attacks nothing happens we're gonna put pressure on the pikeman we have a dislocated shoulder on falc so he no longer has the ability to defend himself will strike that was a good hit he's bleeding with a broken nose we're going to [Music] keep our hits on the warhammer guy i almost killed him near death he also has a crushed windpipe we're going to move and stay here because we don't want to be in range of the pikeman brown pretty much has the last undamaged raider as his opponent his skills are only split shield pardon and chop so we're just gonna take two more chops and hope for the best well he could split his shield he's not really using it yeah there we go we just hit it so we're gonna put a chop on his shield he took two hits on here gold so they comboed up on herobrine and killed him it is not looking good for the band of the faceless ass gear who has a fractured hand was able to kill that brigand we're gonna move him up to potentially break his armor we're gonna move freezo up i don't think we're gonna have the action points to pick up the weapon this turn so we're gonna move back on thing because i don't want to get in range war dog is not performing very well so we have the option to try to decapitate this guy is gravely wounded he has no head armor he's breaking catching his breath with a broken nose and bleeding we have we can spend eight extra fatigue to try to do a much heavier hit i'm gonna try to decapitate him excellent and we're going to move forward hopefully trying to break the resolve now frieza is going to move up grab the warhammer off the ground we're going to hold him out of the fray [Music] i'm gonna finish off his shield hit him nearly killing him and hopefully guntrum can move up and he missed the last hit at the last moment he killed falk and uh that was a rough first battle [Music] so it looks like heil the defiler the sun survived his wounds with brain damage now we did take the 20 buff on experience gain so he's really only got a 5 debuff in the net though his initiative is hurt which is not great he also has a crushed windpipe which is going to take three to five days to recover her gold has a weakened heart and cut arms in you so that was a really rough first battle and we lost falk who was potentially a valuable cohort to begin with we did get some good equipment and a hand axe and a morningstar and some like second-tier level weaponry so that was rough i don't know i seems seems rather wrong that they threw that they threw raiders at us on our first quest um but we're gonna try to survive and see how it goes 30 to 40 30 to 45 10 fatigue so [Music] there's a bit of balance on both of these permanent debuffs using a worm male shirt and a patched male shirt so since brown is still in the best shape of the party we're gonna give him the best armor we're also gonna upgrade his axe to one less crude we're gonna give the morning star to your here girls along with the patch mail shirt make him a bit tougher [Music] we're gonna add as gear the rock will get hide and bone armor it's too bad right there at the end we lost the butcher the pickaxe is kind of useful for breaking down their early armor we're gonna give until we get the crushed windpipe healed kyle is not going to be very much help at all we're going to move him into the back line in case we have to fight the orcs so we're going to give the higher skilled guy the mallet and the newbie the axe [Music] we're gonna add [Music] we're gonna give him some throwing axes to start with in case we have to defend off someone but really what we're trying to try to do now is to just get to safety looks like if we head to the east and then south through the hills great we found a tomb which is not optimistic at this point in the game i don't know what's inside but more than likely it's something undead and across the mountains without going too far to the north to hopefully lose the arc hunters it's going gonna take us three to six days and seven to 15 medicinal supplies to heal our men we're gonna hug the mountain tops we should return [Music] with just enough we have enough tools to fix our gear so we get 460 crowns gerlack the burgermeister grins as you enter his room and lay a sacked head on his desk you need not stain my fineries to show you completed the task sellsword i've already gotten news of your success the birds in these lands do travel fast don't they your payment is in the corner and we get our first crowns of reward it only cost us one man some brain damage and uh a weakened heart so [Music] we're gonna set the reinforced animal hide to be also prepare repaired because it's a decent level of equipment for another one of our cohort [Music] let's see just gonna toss actually we're gonna toss bandages into brahms belt [Music] so we're gonna see if anything's improved price [Music] the wise of bread went down like four crowns i imagine it takes a bit for the game for it to recover there so we have enough medical supplies we have enough tools and supplies to repair what we have currently cued [Music] we're gonna get rid of the linen tunic [Music] let me get rid of the regular cleaver we're gonna keep these other weapons and armor [Music] there's three more days of provisions i don't want to but we're going to take the bread [Music] we are gonna move off no one knew to hire so we are at the end of the road in schneeberg and we have to kind of guess [Music] it looks like our relations may have cleared with house eberlin [Music] and we may be able to go and find at least a civilian town that we can do business with i'm gonna follow the road mainly in that we want to heal we did see that band of brigands who we could potentially compete with they had an archer uh might have been proved to be problematic i'm gonna go just off-road a little bit to clear the [Music] map fog of war [Music] go up on this hill see if you have anything to say 15 hours for tools two to five days and four to twelve of our medical supplies there may be a church available that might be worthwhile to consider healing and i got like a little light pink not sure if we're allowed in let's see we are so no church so no healing or permanent wounds take a look at their prices first of all no debuffs lock contract because we don't have the redown necessary they have an armorer a weaponsmith go to the tavern [Music] nothing interesting in the rumor bill [Music] so another war dog that could help us slightly some headgear because we're kind of light on headgear take a look at our party so heil has healed a bit but he still has the crushed windpipe which takes away all of his fatigue and i think we need to keep him in reserve until that's healed asking the rock one to three days in a fractured hand so i think what's best for us right now is to just travel and heal and find the next civilian town that we can do some business with very expensive possible additional hires with the most interesting being torval the swordmaster but i'm aside there wasn't even good food so we're going to get out of dodge i'm going to run through the town from wyden fest because theoretically we already know what's up to the northeast let's get on the road guys we see a trading can caravan that trading caravan well protected and from the protectorate of al anwar which would also mean that this is the road to the southern cities i'm not sure this early in the game if the southern cities are where we want to go [Music] so let's see [Music] so in all likelihood these roads connect up there's probably a town in here but it it's not for certain looks like we're coming upon another town to the south but it is civilian town that holds no love for us [Music] so the town is hostile but the so they dispatched their militia and that's too much for us to consider taking so we're just going to run [Music] weisenstadt hostile town [Music] so just past the midday healing point let's take a look all of our major injuries are still in place [Music] so we have a trading caravan [Music] probably a little too tough for us in our weakened state we're gonna pass by rather than go south i'm gonna go to the east because we should be able to find some additional [Music] you notice the mud a few miles back and a few miles forward he's still there bobbing and slinking in and out of sight a mongrel such as he doesn't follow a band of dangerous men for no reason maybe someone's feeding it we need a mascot you decide to take a chunk of meat and approach the dog it's skittish at first backing away on your approach but the aroma you have in hand as an alluring one to be sure the mongrel slinks back towards you pausing here and there eyes flicking in search of an ambush you can see a barrel of ribs on the dog many days on the road having given the pump a gaunt frame its ears stitched up and its tail bolted with signs of battle this here is an animal that knows how to fight and that's just what it'll be doing for you from now on welcome to the company so we have battle brother the dog i'm going to give that to braum i'd like to i guess you can't huh rename him he looks like a feisty little hound [Music] pass a watchtower that doesn't attack us which is a good sign and it looks to be we have gotten to growlfest a neutral town so we have everything repaired that we need to we have three days of provisions six days of money [Music] we have a little more reasonably priced food our three days of provisions will spoil in six and eight days we're gonna add a bag of grain it should take us to five days and five days which is a decent balance we could build another or grab another war dog which could be good for us but we need to find where we're gonna get to five days from now and hopefully have more to do i'm gonna throw the reinforced animal hide which was the 65 95 this is 90 and 110. he's wearing 75. i'm gonna give that to our back and guy i think we're gonna keep it at just about that level these are more expensive generally besides arnolf ludoff the gambler we got two gamblers yeah [Music] we're gonna stick with our initial crew and try to find some paying work that we can survive game would have probably been next to over if the two barbarians didn't survive their initial wounds jump up on this hill looks like the desert is to the south which would be the likely the beginning of the southern cities we found an abandoned fortress [Music] i think we're going to end up at the cities of the south ah we have found weisenfels which is a gladly neutral and both kingdom and town to us and they're having a local holiday time for food and drink they have a taxidermist an armorer and a marketplace that marketplace has slightly expensive costs and they have a level two contract let's take a look at who we have for hire we have a thief we take about half our cash we have sigmund of the day taylor and steiner and halston the miners let's take a look at what potentially we can do for the contract we're still [Music] a couple days from healing our major injuries with no help here for doing so but if we have to travel for the contract that may be ample time to heal take a look at the armor [Music] just nice stuff that we can't afford let's see what they had to say gerald of weston fells looks at some of his books perusing what appears to be a good deal of numbers i've got a shipment of particular goods going to hotlands and they're leaving soon i need a bunch of sturdy swordsmen to help make sure it gets there safely it should take about three days of traveling are you up for it how many crowns are we talking about he jingles his bag of coins this will be yours if you can help me out on this you receive 1200 crowns when the contract is done now hatland doesn't come to mind as a [Music] negative city in relations that i know off the top and unfortunately there's no way to check that while you're in these screens [Music] and try to get more money and he offers us 1310 crowns i think we have to take it a travel contract with a decent payout and some more time to heal our major injuries seems like a positive all around we're going to accept his offer we're going to escort the caravan to hotland about three days west west is not a good direction for us provisions will be provided we're gonna need some time to think about it and then let's have a look at [Music] where hotland is so we don't know where hotland is and hotland is hostile to us [Music] so so we know it's not along these roads [Music] it could be a positive it could show us some territory that we have yet to discover perhaps up in this area could be here i think with where things stand for us at the moment that we're gonna agree to it and see what life has to offer us so we get 1300 crowns for the purposes of travel we're going to move everybody to the front line in case we have to defend ourselves [Music] take a look at the market can't really hurt us to buy a pair of cheap small shields which we're going to give to our two axemen [Music] and we're gonna leave and see what the road has to offer [Music] could be really really bad could be the end of the faceless band or band of the faceless faceless band sounds like a heavy metal band from the 80s some brighman's an unholed uh thankfully has no interest in our caravan we're passing through the first and last friendly city that we're likely to encounter on the way so passing through new kai we may get attacked by militia i'm not sure if they'll recognize us as the raiders we are in the guise of caravan guards see if weizen stop dispatches anybody they do bad [Music] why is oh not good so wait a second wait wait wait so we're getting support interesting [Music] so we're getting support okay let's see what happens so where is that support [Laughter] all right all right i think the band of the faceless [Music] who they've also [Music] seemed to have separated us from our caravan [Music] was going to [Music] retreat to the degree that we can it certainly looked like we had like three stacks of support but we get nothing gonna try to retreat and see how this goes since our caravan isn't on screen i don't know if retreating this battle will count [Music] as retreating from them and leaving them behind and ruining the contract it was definitively a risk [Music] of which i only took because it looked like we were getting two columns of support [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so hopefully we shall be able to flee for heil can barely function with his crushed windpipe we're going to retreat from combat [Music] oh it's gonna let us get out of here you stumble around the remains of wagons it isn't hard to see the merchant's head has been stoved in by some kind of chest the very thing behind which he sought protection during the heat of battle the last none of the caravan has been better shaped the battle had proved vicious even by air standards and the resulting carnage has a few your brothers heaving if the nightmares come then let them come you deserve little else for your failure so we lose the caravan quest [Music] i think we're done here i'm gonna move out to the east [Music] and they're gonna continue to chase us i understand why this guy's chasing us oh it's because he's from wessenfell's and when his wisdom fells on our not happy with us list it is gotcha so we found the fallen star we just need to escape so it looks like that last round of healing cured our major dysfunctions which is good news of limited good news available [Music] so that did not go as planned we have four days of food and two days of cash we need to find a way to fix both of those issues now some footsteps going off into the trees that could be brigand instead we find some mercenaries that have been hired by the house of steinwell who are our enemies not good not good so this should be called the running away band of the band of joggers when we're through and trying to find some territory that we can escape to oh bad move you stay on a vision looks like we're coming up on some mountain ranges it could be bad we can find a path through those hills we're gonna move to the north to try to put the hills between us and the guys tracking us move away from the undead we've already seen what's available in schneeberg it was our only successful and successful buy only masochistic standards quest [Music] looks like there's a lick of road there perhaps that's a stream and start cutting through this rocky pass hopefully have left the mercenaries as far as behind as possible discovered a outlaws hideaway we're gonna move back north to we schneeberg be in trouble and we have a day's worth of cash three days worth of provisions desperation reigns we could sell some of our weaponry [Music] and gain a bit more time which we may need to do [Music] we've got three days of provisions we only have one day of crowns we're gonna go ahead and sell the crude axe [Music] and the sackcloth should give us another day's worth of cash and also sell the pickaxe let's see what this contract is nobody likes this in mice instead [Music] can't do it [Music] i can't allow for certain death yeah license dad was back into the belly of unhappy it's interesting that weisenfel's company ignored us we're gonna move to the northeast here and see if we can find another company or another civilian town that isn't entirely unhappy with us i think we want something that populated as a challenge we should be fully healed we are so we can take on something [Music] so let's take a look at the spread of our weaponry [Music] mainly doing that to put the war hammer on a guy with less overall higher overall fatigue [Music] in order to make it more viable for longer in our next battle we're moving to the north west now dark is closing in three more days of provisions one more day of cash so like we did with the trying to stay out of the marshes move up on these hills see what we can see in the daytime in the light of morning some orc berserkers we are just not ready [Music] i would have taken a risk on young orcs at this point of desperation all right so there is a small fortress i think being in the dire situation that we are we only have about a day and a half of cash the day is halfway done we don't know where we're going we're gonna try the undone fortress and we're going to engage whomever so 11 brigands looks like a mix of thugs and raiders this could be maybe survivable let's see i see more thugs than brigands which is good or raiders [Music] so they're moving out of strong center we do have the high ground on them i think we're going to try to defend the high ground see if we can draw them to us [Music] hey so we got some well-armed but lightly armored thugs [Music] i think we're gonna hold ground see what happens [Music] so we have a raider moving in he has no head gear [Music] brown has some of our lowest initiative it's very likely he's going to get engaged [Music] by one of these gents [Music] so we're gonna take a 52 shot at hitting this guy and take him out nice nice hit i'm gonna hold and see if we need that one movement so we had the brigand move forward and onto our high ground he's trying to break our advantage [Music] i believe we have a brigand in these trees or in this bush we're gonna move into it we're gonna unleash our war dog on him [Music] comes from takes a hit i'm gonna try to knock back 65 chance the raider good hit move forward to lock him down beneath us [Music] we get a 59 chance there we can move up to high ground which we're going to and proves us to 69 chance we're gonna stab at the thug with a pitchfork misses damn we don't have much room for error [Music] so we are going to [Music] move off the high ground release our hound and see if the hand can do any business [Music] now highly has the option to smite six action point 15 fatigue 60 to 90 on that friggin thug where he can try to shatter this guy has full armor but it's not very impressive it'll be a 30 hit fatigue hit with -10 to hit but we're hitting from high ground this is a wild swing i'm gonna just try to hit him with a heavy smite should ignore most of his armor as is smash him 71 come on oh mrs horrid okay got a bite on the armor two small bites looks like we tore the ear on there so we can impale that's our best option we could move forward and try to support on the raider but i think we need to hang back because otherwise we'd be exposing ourselves to the damage i'm going to save the option to move so here we have a brigand raider i'm gonna take his shield and chop it down i'm gonna try to knock out the radar he's near death killed him excellent highlight has taken a lot of damage still not a good position overall we're gonna take his shield we're going to attack both of these guys with a wild chatter nearly killed this thug [Music] i think we're gonna concentrate fire see if we can survive got a good bite on him another bite on their pitchfork guy highlight took two hits and that was killed still not looking that good for us i'm gonna try to survive this by pushing him doesn't work take out the strongest of them if we can failure 45 percent chance either way we're gonna try to get the knockout we do move to the high ground [Music] kill the one between us if we can [Music] let our dogs attack we broke that raider missed on the pitchfork when we just lost guntrum this brigand we take a nice hit and we break the morale of a lot of their nearby support i need to survive this he's fleeing and a height disadvantage these two have already attacked so has he we're going to cut our way through him if we can i'm gonna move forward and get a chop on there pitchfork we need to protect free cell so we kill the raider between us and hold the high ground killed another one with the dog still possible we lose this morale is breaking on their bottom flank and try to repel him 50 chance it works great he's bleeding hear gold so we have two fleeing nearby we're gonna hit on the one brigand thumb thug above us takes two hits i'm trying to kill this guy for the impact on morale doesn't seem to have any kill a second don't have the fatigue to move to cover one of their guys is retreating the dog takes down the second retreating our dogs did good work for us the first hit on this brigham raider it was fairly undamaged for the overall move up and surround him to try to break his morale don't have the fatigue to do much about it get a hit on him if we can we can't i have one shot at him there miss [Music] i thought that could have killed him her dog is chasing down that thug as he runs our dogs are chasing me getting another good hit but barely any damage good axe hit good morning star from high ground misses max from behind misses could die oh dogs take out another fleeing thug [Music] another hit with the pitchfork from the high ground miss from the axe at close range and try to bash him [Music] takes enough damage that his morale breaks we don't have the fatigue to do much about it and we kill them [Music] i'm gonna run them down to let our dogs kill this last thug i don't think we have any bleeds i might get him the dogs take down the last of them we lost heil he was a fine fellow though he was brain damaged guntrum survived his injuries with a missing ear that's probably um one of the least concerning of the permanent injuries we have some loot at least a day's worth of wages we get a bore spear that's awesome and then morning stars some headgear some lamellar armor which should be uh decent protection for its fatigue cost and some tools take everything i actually think i have set to auto take everything because it never really seems to make sense that there be a situation where you would not want to so we're going to upgrade as gears headgear close ranks spread out our back end guys gun trim is now going to get his own headgear we're going to want to put some small pointy daggers on our rear guys for closer combat utility rather than just pushing oh [Music] we got some cloth rolls that would be useful to sell [Music] we did overall better than i expected for that encounter we're going to give this permanent debuff as minus 30 hit points this will get a plus three instead of a plus four but i think it's worthwhile to still buff him in that direction we're gonna buff his initiative because we wanna strike early and fast we get another perk [Music] i'm gonna hold on the perks until i see how our other gents level up as gear i actually caught two levels in that battle and give him a buff on fatigue we're gonna give him a buff on his melee defense and we're going to give him a buff on his initiative again fatigue again initiative again valley defense so we're kind of building him towards turtling a bit which i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna give him the better shield and the spear to try to be a turtle we're gonna give him colossus to bump up his hit points [Music] i think we want fast adaptation [Music] mainly because we want them to be stabby and accurately so [Music] fast adaptation is usually what i give on the back range guys [Music] [Music] crippling strikes could be good [Music] [Music] don't have really much to swap around let me go for crippling strikes man um he's not really going to do much of that with the spear anyways we're going to give him student to try to get him more levels more quickly [Music] so lastly on brown [Music] his permanent debuff he does not have one he's been our survivor so far he's our been our strongest character we need to get his melee up a bit i'm gonna add some defense i'm gonna also add some [Music] [Music] okay now perks wise [Music] [Music] he's got the heaviest armor of the group as well as the heaviest headgear reducing that by 30 percent and save a little not a great deal [Music] rotation might not be bad just to be able to fancy footwork [Music] i think we're gonna take crippling strikes [Music] because we want greater injury where possible to improve our chances of survival [Music] i'm gonna do that on both him and heregold kind of an odd start but we want to do maximum damage to the back range we're going to level up the melee skills [Music] the initiative we'll take the big buff on resolve and we're going to level up the melee skills and give him a buff of health i don't know that we need another bump on resolve we're gonna go with uh fatigue [Music] we're gonna give him crippling strikes but we're also gonna give him executioner so the hope being that our front range guys and our back range guys can potentially cause crippling injuries to the opponents and then we also will start building up the ability to take advantage of that so we got 95 and 10. we'll throw that on here gold that lets us armor up freestyle we also get the opportunity to throw a shield on here gold i think we want a morning star on braum too gives us the ability to throw some stuns and there's still heavy damage 30 to 45 so actually better takes away our ability to really de-shield the enemy but i think it's safer for the moment so congratulations fellas you gained yourself three more days of pay you have three days of provisions we don't have enough tools to fix our equipment we're assuming somewhere to the north we're gonna gain additional towns but that may be a gamble it's possible that the house grim walled only has those three towns [Music] and there's nothing to the north [Music] we have three to five medical supplies in three to five days to heal our new injuries [Music] it's gonna be a rough coming i'm leaning towards we should retreat back to schneeberg [Music] because we just don't know what's out here but i think what that is going to be is for another episode because we're about two hours into this one and um it was a good start it was a lot of running we've lost one of our original barbarians we have a few permanent injuries spread out but we're starting to gain a foothold [Music] it'll just be to see if we can survive it further otherwise thanks for watching if you're watching now if you're happy to be watching this later gonna store these as vods here and also on youtube and thanks for watching have a good day
Channel: koofka
Views: 14,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NI0AmC_y1sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 30sec (7590 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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