Learning Mini Motorways - The Most Satisfying Game

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mini motorways this game just looks outstandingly satisfying i'm sure you've seen it because i pulled my chat here uh and a lot of them had seen it but a lot of people haven't seen it uh saw a number of friends and acquaintances do videos on this game uh but i've been wanting to give it a try just because it looks outstandingly just comfy kind of reminiscent of shapes.i o from last year which we tried for a bit wasn't a huge hit on the channel my god you could go day or night manage the crisis crossing free i think we're just gonna get right into it uh doesn't really require much explanation my favorite steam review of this is one of the top ones and it just reads uh place roads watch cars drive to their destinations release endorphins which i i think is all that this game is really uh about it's one of those games where it like it's kind of like islanders or i suppose uh shapes.i o what were the other ones that i had in mind though dwarf romantic also comes to mind but this one for some reason i suspect because it takes place on a square based grid appeals to my audience every every game that i have ever played on my channel that has succeeded and done well appeals to people who are highly left-brained kind of like me like people who are disturbingly left-brained that it they need to like go all the way back out the left side and over to the right to feel creativity in their lives and i don't say that to insult you i say that because that's what i am and i live in it every day temporal catnip thanks very much for the prime but you know we're gonna uh we're gonna watch this happen we can speed up time a bit because it seems here at the beginning this is one of those games where you're supposed to play it after a very stressful day of work to watch other people go to work which ironically um oh what oh crap i found myself cursing a lot over the last couple of hours when we were trying this out um which which was quite which was quite um a funny happenstance for a game that's supposed to be about relaxing but uh the game keeps forces you to keep on reacting because the city keeps expanding and you need to keep gentrifying it over time you know like suddenly we have whole foods suddenly we have half foods suddenly we have oh god i don't even know i got nothing it's kind of relaxing and i looked at all of the things that i could try and i was thinking like this clearly looks like the most relaxing because we get choices [Music] engines or thanks for the prime as well as high threat thank you very much which upgrade so we get to upgrade everyone now and then um mean thinks roundabout would be best here because roundabouts seem to be far superior to the uh whatever the other garbage is that they're trying to pedal to us to use i also think let's put the roundabout in the middle because see things keep popping up everybody keeps wanting to open their business here and jesus christ the housing market is clearly in a bubble right now ah look at that though the satisfaction maybe we could channel it all through here to keep it simple let's have see look oh my god city planning gone wrong and yet at the same time i feel like a city planner would do really well with this though too don't you know i don't know why we have that road there oh no oh no but now they're uh now oh god why do we have so many options though like have you ever had a job where they told you yeah there's two buildings you could go to tomorrow you get to pick like um no every job should have only one place that you can go to right hey zetta thank you very much so you've been binging the projects now the zomboid's been going kind of off the chain this week which upgrade would i like let's have another roundabout we like those roundabouts this game causes more stress out potato says i'm feeling you on that though oh no i should have chosen bridge but i wasn't preemptive in my thinking i'm questioning though like why would this city just whenever a builder came in and wanted to build a house they would say like you could just build anywhere you want like that just seems ill advised why would you just let builders build wherever they want and also too is there really any consequence for not building something in the right spot or like is it just a matter of waiting longer who even knows all i can see is that the cars are moving and there's no traffic there is one there though oh no no so let's separate out these two paths yeah yeah all right maybe it's nonsensical maybe go no all of these newfangled traffic lights are ass so we're going to go ahead and say no no to that are we on the tutorial oh yeah we've got to slow down the speed because is there a can you lose the game oh no why do i connect two colors to the same you're right i gotta switch it up i gotta make it like all the reds go to red but i can't do that until i get motorways right otherwise everyone takes this outstandingly long trip to work could we possibly get all of the oh wait a second no you're right actually if we do all of this and this and this and we put all of this into this suddenly now red goes to red i don't know why that road is nonsensical oh god damn it there we are oh much better red goes to red oh hang on a second blue people stay stay away from the red there we go good why is your house just behind him there are no blocks in this world what is my process when i'm writing the zetta says what is my process when i'm writing the philosophical parts uh it's kind of random usually i need to wait until i just feel like a beautiful thought has stricken me um maybe i'll be hit on the head with something you know maybe someone will throw something at me and then i'll feel like making a video script that's a philosophical post usually that's eventually i expected god damn look at this stupid-ass bridge because this guy's house is in the way oh what a dumb god i really wanted to start cursing there but i just feel like it'd be kind of excessive for this game who in the hell would build their house over here okay you get your own individuals roads sir uh this guy has the biggest sense of wait a second we're running out of time yo sense of entitlement ask the city to build a road for him oh no okay motorways are good we like those those allow us to separate everyone i swear to god in my new i i just moved recently in the new place i'm living uh there's like a target and a grocery store and all you got to do is hop on the interstate for like 20 minutes and then you're suddenly there it's amazing it's not like where i'm from oh it feels so good yellow is with yellow red is with wait a second but these two guys are just kind of like uh what are they even doing in there going to hell they're all right hang on a second all right you read people have a great day at work now all right okay the blue people over here oh hang on a second there they go where are the okay we have motorways should we give this guy his own individual interstate no i think we're doing a good job though are we getting enough yes good oh wait a second what if the other red peep what if they want to work over here [Music] no so many options it looks like the bqe oh no oh no um hang on a second clearly this was not an oh no not an ideal location at which to open up a business okay you know mr green we're gonna give you your own highway here oh no what if you guys could go to work over here though it seems kind of excessive for you to be working over here yeah and it won't allow it okay great we got more you know all these people just live so far over here um not a roundabout but a um there we are okay you get to have this from your house lord even knows why don't we have only 10 watt tiles worth of this crap yeah you love driving sometimes you um hang on a second oh no okay i guess we'll go more it seems like motorways is really the way to go in this game because people just choose non-ideal places and this is kind of like what would happen if anarchy just took over and there was literally no government many motorways um poor city planning simulator for god's sake all right uh well we got this guy to his house uh we've got to satisfy oh cause there's only a certain number of jobs that have re see how this is causing so much stress oh no but they've they've got all those jobs over there but we've got to fill these jobs over here it kind of feels like i'm an electronics engineer i i don't think that really made much sense but yeah electronics engineer sounds important oh god these two connect there's gonna be a horrible merger on this oh no these don't intersect never mind how much time has gone by since i started actually not quite that much but i've been at it for about 10 minutes i don't know why i feel as though i'm getting more stressed from playing this game but here they go it hurts me that he ignores the new factories for so long but you know why do we need the new factories if the other ones were that good hey real civil engineer hey he's in the chat i saw some of your uh i saw some of your stuff on this it was really good how are you man that was crazy what do you recommend too few cars could ah no no 274 commuter died picture time all right yeah los angeles uh hang on a second um won't allow it could we label this wait a second can we get like a kind of a time oh it's so cute wow very beautiful i'm good thank you man yeah good to hear it man oh can find a save oh i even got an achievement you can't see it because i have that part of my head's up display disabled oh i don't know why i thought that this would be satisfying i really am just finding myself upset did the map get bigger oh no 274 rookie stop making fun of me please stop it's terrible for my self-confidence you can talk your dirty talk about the way that i play but um words will i mean uh what doesn't kill me will um will make me stronger are we allowed to can we say that i don't think i'm gonna get the dmca yeah all right all right i think i'm good it was just a quote it was just a quote nothing to see here demoralized no dem it's more serious than that more serious than that yeah well the problem with this is that i did actually used to have a massive commute uh i commuted for about five hours a day for like eight years of my life it was kind of a kind of a waste it feels like that was actually one reason why i i knew i had to get out of there um but yeah i was on trains it was on trains you would sit on the train and you would go to sleep and the problem is that when you commute on a train for like five or six years it's just uh oh god for god's sake yeah you just you just start sleeping all the time you don't really get anything done on the train but in a car for god's sake some of my co-workers used to drive to work in new york and my god they would come to work and it was like they already had a full work day why hang on a second we have got these in a line i don't like this can we create like a different business entrance like why like why why wouldn't you just have it face the road why does it need to face that way having like a little miniature existential crisis so basically we messed up because it was taking everybody too long to get to work right yeah no i it took me two and a half hours to get to work when i went to college i just made sure that there was no commute because i was like screw that it was yeah it was pretty bad i got a lot more sleep ironically you know but it's also kind of like going through any sort of difficult situation like this like behold this red car on its arduous journey okay we'll do a roundabout i think we should do anything that makes our lives immediately easier at the moment now what is the sight of the greatest traffic jammery he thinks let's why would you put your business there okay let's just put it in the middle we'll just have everything turning and turning in the whining i mean widening guy or gyre right now i think it's so small that we don't even need to worry about but what is it though let's just connect everything i mean people seem to be liking this yeah all right that's fine working from home is to it yeah ultimately that's the end of of this game is that everyone's just working from home uh asmodius always the joker like it's kind of like unlocking drones in factoria where instead of having everyone uh um like work you just there's just no roads it's it's not even called mini motorways anymore it's just called mini because all the houses are so small i think small should be a word smol you know like the meme word should we should petition oxford to put it into the uh the dictionary oh you know nick like next to uh small i have no idea what i'm talking about i'm just trying to think of like how would i feel about this game if i were just like alone at home in my underpants playing the game because usually that's like you know like captain underpants like he was a gamer you know that's kind of how i would enjoy these indies experiences like this when i got into indie games way back when i get home from work i'd take off my work shirt and then i'd sit down um on the floor because i didn't have a chair i was i was a teenager so i wasn't allowed to have one of those anyway why is it taking so long for the drive faster for god's sake oh no hang on a sec so basically we got like one job why can't we just have the uh goddammit okay you know what are these roundabouts doing for me really though we got so many roads let's just come on man get to work we don't got all day uh all right there we go i'm feeling like a great sense of urgency though and somewhat more upset with the time limit i thought it was just gonna be one of those ones where there was never a game over kind of like shapes.i maybe i'm just comparing everything with that this game hates me why does the game hate me i won't allow it i mean is it you got pretty far in the game right how do i uh how do i like how do i be more like you oh no hang on a second where this one guy is just trying to get across the street this kind of reminds me of my own house because there's like a highway and all i'm trying to do is get to the park uh this wait a second this guy clearly shouldn't even be working in this place oh he's gotta have a bridge just to get to his the picky all right he's picky but we'll give him his choice look if you want to work from home today you could or you could work at this place right by your house except you gotta live by the river which who knows where the river even comes from this is its origin why did we build a city at the origin of a river god only knows um oh hang on a second if these people go this way and these people go this way then that'll be fine okay finally we've found some answer that has a clean ah okay good uh we were gonna be in the newspaper if i didn't have that am i wearing a hard hat i don't know i'm just no i'm in my house i am wearing clothes right now unfortunately um yeah it's it's too bad you know like when you don't have a webcam you could be in whatever you want you know i could be wearing it um a tutu right now that's an option that's an option in this line of work wait a second oh you're going home don't go home hang on a minute wait a second if you we all we got to do is keep things on the right side of the road we've got a motorway we need one of those we want variety we want variety do they go faster on the motorway shouldn't they be allowed to go like 70 or 80 on the motorways all these people are such careful drivers what if there are car accidents in an expansion [Laughter] many motorways anarchy there's no government and there's no speed limits but like seriously though what a kind of a fish inefficient city that they had all of this asphalt do we even need a motorway i kind of pride myself on using the minimum it looks like the blue people could get to work a little bit faster go blue people go crap i was going to drop an f-bomb but i used my better judgment it's not that i'm against cursing it's just that sometimes it's kind of cringe you know you don't use these roads anymore we don't want you over here ah good wait yes they are going faster when they've picked up speed and momentum they do they do slow paced games seem to make you more manic since it gives you more time to look at things and go crazy yeah it's kind of like you're confronted with only one problem you know in the simulation games that i play like rimworld i can distract myself with my other mistakes but in this it's like i'm constantly confronted by my own inability to do math and play chess um hang on a second ah i'm kind of enjoying this though it's it is quite quite a lot of merriment um so many options all right um would the roundabout do better here uh they just have so many options though this crane is uh kaleidoscoping gyration of ill-advised roads how would they even place the supports look at how much we've lowered the quality of life in this wait a second the blue people need to get to work faster do we even have enough blue people wait a second there's only a slight inefficiency there i won't allow this oh no alternate flow no i think no because roundabouts say ideally we could all always turn at the same time you have broken the law you violated the law drop your stolen goods red car oh wait a second why are these blue people taking detours and going on vacations over here i don't think i'm gonna allow this why can't a house have two driveways no okay that is a large ass road it's okay it's fine i pride myself on using the minimum looks at oh you go to hell no no wait a sec wait is is do you need the roundabout i thought that the roundabout was a good thing because i read it you know the steam reviews is where they always have the uh there's always like the gate the big gamers the gamers as as my mother says um they always have the good ideas in there i've read a lot of philosophical wisdom in the steam reviews but at the same time it's like oh god damn it this is like starbucks in new york you know they just keep trying to open up new locations they're like you know a lot of people still don't know about starbucks uh no i disagree oh great okay all of these new starbucks employees decided to move in over here these guys can't even no hang on a sec wait a minute they just opened up like three new starbucks right across the street from each other oh hey wait a minute wait a minute can we pause pause hang on a second well yeah why don't we drive in a parkway and not drive in a driveway parkway hang on a second pause control off the leap i just my head just blue screened what is this okay you guys are all gonna like touch touch driveways over here okay i know you're not ah hang on a second road road goes there because how else are they supposed to get to work just go over the red business but now did we ruin the other businesses nah it's fine let's just give these other roads another opportunity i suppose being able to pause improves the whole kind of dynamic here yeah that seems fine right um what are the answers i mean is that the right answer is that the right answer hang on a second were you were you guys bullshitting me on the roundabout thing i feel like a roundabout should go right about here roundabout should go round about here oh god oh jesus uh no i know that was that was not very funny i don't know everything's everything's fun in games till people can't get to work i saw two guys once like have a confrontation on the long island railroad it was it was so close and it was so serious i thought they were gonna fight and which would have meant that like everybody in the car was also in the fight necessarily these motorways themselves seem kind of op though oh so you decided to change your business to a circle well are you paying taxes people all these people get for their taxes is just they don't have any like hospitals they don't have any municipal uh fire department they don't have a police department they don't have any of that crap wait a second the yellow the yellow uh hang on a second oh you decided to move over here you little hang on a second how are we gonna get all of these people to work i'm like stressing from a higher plane i'm on the astral plane now i gotta redraw the roundabout arms if oh you could redraw the roundabout arms wait a second if you increase if you like streamline the velocity of the roundabouts could you possibly like create a jet stream like some sort of ultimate momentum like somebody could fly out of the roundabout tangentially to the roundabout and then go flying out into the road that seems rather enticing actually now that you mention it me thinks this business do be suffering so let's go ahead and give it a oh wait a second now um hang on oh i've gotta wait for them all to make their journeys before i destroy the roads okay crap uh well we need one here we have so many yellow homes over here let's just give them another option all right that's fine you people come over here you love working let's plant a new highway right next to your house oh god is there any way i can change my mind on this one i want this highway still no no look they're piling up there at the yellow store who will buy who will spend their money on yellow after this it's just the world's most disorganized crayola factory that we're running here oh god exactly what i meant oh wait a second so like this oh wait a second i can't get it perfectly chant no like if i do that maybe it won't oh wait a second oh it does kind of work like that oh hang on a second there was an important message no everyone's going to work just fine everyone's doing great here by my but by jove look at how quickly they drive on these motorways oh hang on a second there's more red that we can use good these these people have decided like we live in a society you know they're not listen to all that um actually a good number like these two guys are kind of edgy they're like no we don't want to live near the others i'm saying that this has got to be low income housing this is like uh this is kind of higher end this is when you live into the mansion and the sims we got a bridge option are we yeah i think we're gonna need a bridge or is like motorway always just the answer new house that's stuck and no it would be great just if people move next to work exactly like you know there's no awkwardness about seeing your co-workers because nobody in this town ever gets out of their car you'll just eye them suspiciously from your car let's have one of those good bridges because wait a second this also was a mistake no no i didn't need a bridge i should have gotten a motorway because now these blue people are still trying to get to work and they need to get to work faster because in the ever-changing information economy no there's always there's always greater leverage and technology will always lead the way we know that technology will lead the way and yet at the same time is technology evolving at a pace more rapid than we can even keep up with it go to work i say even if your gas powered inferior car won't oh good there they go we have an electrical fueling station where you can plug in and uh um support global war i mean be against global warming on the way out of there we gotta oh god we gotta have all of this crap okay i think they'll be fine in that place i'm not worried about that but i just i wish i could change my mind about some of these decisions yeah i think we're always okay so we're universally better off look these bridges this is like chicago over here anybody ever been to chicago chicago's bridges are majestic i just visited chicago the other week uh actually it was about six weeks ago which is over a month so what i meant to say was months look these two blue houses are just oh god damn it there they go oh damn why would you live there all right i guess let's just connect you to society this is like that guy who's like yeah can we get the internet over here and it costs everyone all of these extra tax dollars for that cutting okay this is such a great business like clearly they examine the bike by jove they didn't no i've run out of roads too because this had to live over here no you know what you know you have to work from home okay sir you don't get to come back to the office within it with everyone else you this guy is also kind of edgy okay the music suddenly got like somewhat serious and dark oh okay there we go we can fix our mistake and right our wrong golly that's kind of a like a very jarring highway a motorway can't well i know that can we just change the road at any weekend that's kind of funny oh very good it's not called mini all right they have beauty go go visit chicago it's a beautiful beautiful city beautiful city look at the yeah no wait hang on a second but this yellow hang on a second like i said this is just creating more stress a little bit chicago the one with the uh chicago is this i never even really knew about chicago's massive bridge system chicago is interesting because you can be god damn it but this isn't a chicago people this is like a chicago where the river was just like i've had enough like that's i won't be coming anymore in the oh it should always have gone with the ah god you know you guys can all just um let's have all these guys be landscapers they all landscape uh each other's houses that's what they do i don't even have the roads to get ah damn it okay yeah oh for crying out loud um yeah this is quickly just becoming a great source of stress oh why would you move hang on a second i don't even think we can have blue go to blue anymore we have just so much demand for yellow everyone loves yellow hang on a sec pause jesus christ no i decided i didn't want that anymore there we go okay oh para are you back p thanks very much for the sub appreciate it and high threat sorry if i missed that before chicago was built in this chicago was built on basically a swamp it was like uh it was never meant to be you could say um no but chicago chicago's river system is just like very unhealthy recently went on a boat tour of chicago it was one of the only things that i did while i was in chicago i don't want you to be like ooh like this snoot going on boat tours and you know riding around in boats like no that's not really my style hang on a sec can't we can't we all go to work now fellas who's really to say that they're working what if all of these places are just bars and you're supporting like people's habits of alcoholism and um this is this is becoming more and more morally conflicting the more we play this game mini motorways actually oh god you can drag the motorway too like it's a giant string cheese how satisfying um is there really yeah there's really no point to these bridges are there any houses we haven't connected yet there we go didn't miss it but i'm loving the double dip wait what's the double dip oh the d well god bless anyway i said your name twice i'll say it again high threat high thread i almost want to say hey threat yeah i mean in chicago people used to just throw anything into the river but oh god wait a second there's not enough red people at the work hang on a second i think we just lost though look at how much see it was hidden because i couldn't see the ah damn it hang on wait a second we've gotta move over route three and now i'm accidentally drawing a lot of roads look at this crap oh we missed it it's kind of funny though how it boings look at that this guy must be terrified on the bridge of what is happening right here all right we're gonna try hard this next time still missing a blue under the newt number two i know it's well the blue the blue people will get along it's the uh the green people have had such an easy go of it they're like the green people from advanced sports remember that they had it so easy because they were on like another continent and they weren't in the by the who was it the black hole where everything was going wrong this kind of reminds me of advance wars actually in color scheme um how am i gonna make this work let's just connect all of these people into one neighborhood i know you don't like living together but you need to integrate here we go let's put all of this in here and actually we'll make this kind of like this yeah there we go [Music] okay get to work now get to work chop chop chop chop we will survive oh no why would it go over there if only i had made this bridge not a bridge and a motorway instead you need because you look you need two bridges to do that but a motorway is basically like two bridges just always do the motorways what a sad conclusion to my otherwise nightmarish playthrough of many motorways why would you live there sir i suppose by the time that you get to the end of it everything is kind of connected oh live over here you say all right okay i think i've seen all that this city has for me just irrational this oh that's kind of nice now look everything's going along swimmingly except now we have a problem at the roundabout too because we never expanded the roundabout we need more roadage here let's just get these people home have a road anywhere you like i don't even care just do that is everything connected do we have all of them still missing the number two under the number two highway no the the blue the blue people are they're at work what are you talking about they're having a great time over there they love working they do nothing but that i don't think that highways work like this in real life uh actually hang on a second right now wait a second no the blue oh wait a second no these people need to get to work i suppose you could just kind of temporarily solve all your problems quite often and that would get you the same effect yeah these people are having a hard time getting to work [Music] okay good he can make a swift turn into his workplace i'll allow it oh okay i'll go for another bridge maybe if i can connect two bridges i was ill-advised but let's just continue with my poor planning and then oh that's the one sorry i missed that one thank you thank you and yet i don't think that this bridge is ever the right move you have such a finite number of roads gentlemen we have reached an impasse yeah the top left is quite nice oh what wait are you being sarcastic and joke you guys can go to hell i don't have to stream this if i don't want to i could just play it on my own and pat myself in the back and say that all of my decisions were the right ones and then you'll be sorry that'd be great like the world's most insecure live stream no i don't have to stream this if i don't want to [Laughter] ah gets me every time hmm i'm just thinking like could we reuse two for something more essential should we say i have a feeling that this is a very bad idea and yet yellow yellow red green green people yes good okay so let's get those green people right off to work we have a lot of them living over here so let's go ah i mean uh shoot shoot there it is okay let's bring all of that great ah so okay so the mini motorways connect like the larger area and then this connects in that area okay hang on a second let's do this connect this crap over to here ah there we go okay actually let's have those green people like ignore that god damn it i don't think we need all of this crap over here anymore no that's fine oh foiled again there we go better every day in every way hey mirror how are you my friend what if the second roundabout was on the right red building in the river so it connects those three oh hang on a second oh like if i put the roundabout instead of here if i put it over here and we're also starting to get a lot of traffic going on over here and in real life roundabouts are sometimes there is around about right by me where i live and there are mostly residential zones and there's also a giant man playing a video game just staring down at us you ever think about where you would be situated if you were playing when you're playing a video game but why did oh god damn it hang on a second if only i'd built the roundabout over here cuz like this would have been such a convenient spot for a roundabout can we just do that or maybe not there but rather here like that because this spot is kind of ass and then we also put one here just because i'm seeing a lot of congestion okay now we're starting to get into the zen i can feel the zen taking over my body guys get in there oh wait a second hang on but there's so many people getting to work though look at this look at all the green here look they're making money they're going to work they're having a good time it's just that this information age is so demanding trying to make people park in parking spots with their cars i don't think we're gonna be able to keep up with it in the end but i i don't really know if that's through any fault of my own i felt like i did a pretty good job should i make this into like more of a proper intersection almost no one uses this bridge let's have another come on people just ah oh you could also get 30 road tiles okay let's go for a motorway just because it gets them there faster now i am actually very into this okay you know i had my doubts there for a second but i like it put the intersection on top of the red building into the roundabout oh like shift it over one to the left um i don't know if i'm able to oh i see what you're saying so if we do this just to kind of take on the other traffic take on me traffic here we're getting but i see like more serious traffic up there and i feel like a roundabout is always welcome somewhere that there's a lot of traffic i i kind of feel like at the beginning i was managing how people get to work individually but now i feel like i'm managing overall traffic okay this is kind of a neat organic gameplay evolution that's kind of neat uh liking that how is this guy gonna contribute to the workforce come on dude is it really worth it to no you just work from home um uh let's see i like how this game came out in this here and now we have all of this we have this uh set of jokes that we um that we all partake in okay i'm gonna go ahead and say let's get these green folks off to work faster because this this is kind of the the one that is the nail biter here can you just get to the point where like it's just infinite pleasure and everyone's always at work infinite pleasure connect oh yeah get to work i got to say like i'm pretty proud of this red work that we got going on but at the same time i'm also taking a look at that blue work and now like the blue work isn't as relevant it seems or these blue these blue gentlemen are having a harder time getting to work let's give them an immediate entrance to their jobs what were to happen to like if one of these if one of these businesses just shut down who would be so sad you know some companies have to die out i don't even have any more roads i can't even build anything more but i guess i should have done better though is the point yeah let's just do that that way the oh god this is a mistake but now that there's no traffic over there suddenly there's traffic here again am i even gonna be able to rebuild this ooh big sad that's better i would just want to connect this somehow to something no let him through give he has the right of way clearly good go just oh god that was a car crash right there did you see that oh everybody get to work come on get along people now smile at the boss don't ask him for a raise try to work harder right now oh wait a second we haven't even done anything how am i gonna get anybody to work over here i feel like you come to a point where it's like playing against the chess grand master how am i supposed to get anything over there how do we get all of this just why open a business there i suppose that some of these roads are irrelevant but probably it's a matter of prioritizing where are you getting the most people from i would go for a roundabout but i honestly think we're about to lose because i have no idea how we're gonna get these blue people to work i shouldn't have done any bridges in conclusion i just feel like that was a mistake uh are they even using this they might not even be using this anymore yep i'm pretty sure that all the people over here now moved over here it's like watching society transform in one giant horrible thing my road supply yeah i know my road supply dies out as the game progresses very sad right i don't like i don't like this game it makes me it makes me very upset no this is actually fantastic i wonder how much i would want to play it seems like a very good what i would kind of categorize as a filler game wait a second is that about to die or do we have more time come on guys get to work faster go go go oh no it is about to die we're about to get game over oof big sad but i think that one also would have died anyway so too few cars could reach this destination and dime 78 people were killed your city shut down 1227 commuters traveled on roads over that time okay i'm willing to accept it motorway one was yeah i know i should have just checked that there's just so many things it's like your mind kind of diffuses i'm sure that it's obvious in the background but at the same time uh i feel like that a lot of games like this i just find myself kind of thinking out loud you know i wonder if i would want to play this like repeatedly it feels like it feels like you could do a video on it it'd be fun i don't know uh new rimworld update adds the fluid ideology oh i have not tried that thank you chili dog dave thank you very much we'll be getting back to rimworld in no time uh from that game about driving it ironically makes the urge to back scene elements yeah i feel that i imagine that probably people who will watch this video much later will like uh be shouting at the camera i say i'm i feel like i could do one more i felt like i could have done a bit better what will we do differently last time i feel like going straight for the motorways all the time traffic lights are useless roundabouts are pretty good um bridges in most cases are not universally but in many cases they're worthless at least in this and also can we do a different map did we get a high enough score that we could do something different let's just see i also want to try a night mode because that just seems kind of cool um at night beijing oh we did los angeles uh hang on a second what is this what's the difference here oh you get three different map styles beijing tokyo i guess that these get more and more difficult or something like that dar es salaam tokyo beijing let's do dar es salaam um expand your network to keep up with dar has salaam's rapid growth connect the 23 wards of tokyo the worlds oh so are they individually different besides the fact that it's just i gotta say this is like some of the sharpest animation that i've seen in any game in a while it is really pretty let's try nate mode start new city are you already have a progress city which can resume from the start replace the current one yeah sure let's do that yeah i mean generally speaking they say that what playing everything in dark mode is better for your eyes i don't care i just kind of wanted for some variation traffic lights aren't completely useless but very situational uh they've sadly hurt me more than they've helped yeah i feel like as a beginner i'm better off with uh motorways rather than that so let's uh let's say that we'll just go for motorways almost all of the time that and then just kind of use a bigger kind of zoom out whenever you want to place a roundabout and look at things from a less detailed perspective when you place roads you know you just gotta connect the houses this though like is just this looks really nice just simple i like it i like it when it's still simple if i could keep it from getting so entropic that'd be nice hey civil engineer thanks for coming out man you're like the guy for this game enjoyed your stuff too keep it up just colors i find a white bit all right everyone i know we're all like cave troglodytes here but light mode won't hurt you don't be like that guy from the you know the the bench warmers who fears the sun although that would be quite funny if you were no i'm just giving you a hard time yeah it'd be nice if you could if you could turn the garage to like why doesn't this disconnect here but i suppose that would make the game too easy but at the same time it's like uh it could be used for an alternate challenge [Music] i'll say just like the marketing on this game is it's it's so accessible it's so beautiful it's it's just it's so pleasing to look at it i can't believe it all right we've got two traffic lights or a bridge god damn it we just said that we didn't want either of these things [Music] all right um [Music] what's it gonna be did i figure out how the roundabout works uh more or less more or less [Music] i don't like these traffic lights so i'm gonna say no i think we're better off with a bridge than traffic lights only for the future the future is now uh it actually is now okay not intimidated but uh not intimidated by this let's just connect these two up yeah do these guys have to cross each other though they might be forced to cross unless if i want to make a long unnecessary what if we just did everything we got rid of those diagonals because i feel like diagonals kind of muddy my judgment what if we just do that we don't need that road of course we don't oh roundabout here no i know i just said i wouldn't use that we'll use diagonals sometimes not a lot see i can see the flow very clearly my judgment is not muddied and i am in the zen when i am playing like this this is nice it is now it feels a little bit more relaxing now that i know i can test some things out we'll do roundabout because we like roundabouts better than bridges look we've got two roundabouts in reserve as well as a bridge it's slowly zooming out look it's like we're going up in a plane it's like a plane it is kind of like it's the essence of cities skylines in a way i could see what you mean by that yeah i could see that i wouldn't object to that comparison i like this configuration because it reminds me of a circuit board and circuits are from the future the roundabout we don't need a roundabout yet we can just work with these roads let's keep our lives simple until we need to introduce comp i know is i'm an ignoramus for saying that but let's keep our lives simple until we need to introduce complexity don't question it okay guys all right we're having a good time here everybody's enjoying the stream oh what are we gonna do now you know don't panic i've been to college is is that roundabout really let's go ahead and do this but now we're running out of roads okay wait a second am i supposed to do this i think that this is what was being said before that this is a bit faster so hang on a second i'm just gonna correct a mistake don't be alarmed i make mistakes too it's very rare but sometimes it happens but now look we're roadless we're roadless okay don't panic because now we have another bridge great oh that music kind of does alarm me all right nothing new no just we don't even need that roundabout anymore because look at all of the nice roads we have but these two guys are just they've everything up [Music] why god i have a question for god this is this is that filthy frank thing you know that why oh no my life is pure torture and satan has made it so um hang on a moment settle down see this music is getting more and more on set do you hear the disturbing music look at all that goddamn road we needed for that and then you went and decided to live right next to the red business because you wanted to be an engineer or a doctor or a lawyer or whatever they do in that building but no [Music] you can't be that no you were born and you know when they tell you that you could do anything that you want this is like the opposite of that in this world oh this is a great spot for a business what are they making artisanal bread over here love artisanal bread get me a loaf sometime see these dark blue people they're smart they're gonna be like they're gonna be like the uh like the biologists of tomorrow clearly they know what they're doing but doesn't it seem like that this game can it is it's like a giant mind that roundabout doesn't make much sense does it which this one yeah that's true that's fair i'm like i'm trying to get there seems to be an optimal situation for roundabouts [Music] but is it taking some of these guys longer to get to work because of the roundabout like would we be better off with sometimes that would just like more roads you know instead of a roundabout let's make a normal ass intersection here there we go normal ass intersection nothing to see here make that into roads maybe we'll have a spot later on where we'll need a roundabout okay all right there's some congestion we're getting here potentially could be a roundabout but look we have a bridge ah our first motorway i recognized it for what it was purple people moving in changing everybody's life and routines me thinks motorway i mean uh roundabout here right um i think over here yeah yeah like this normal normal ass intersection is is are normal intersections okay i mean are we better off sometimes round about to free up the road i don't know i think i did a pretty good job but you know i'm just a guy oh wait it's okay it's just the dark blue people they know what they're doing they're good all right okay good more of you more of you horrible people moving in trying to change the world i think you're so spec okay all right since traffic lights are ass we're just gonna do another bridge good so many this uh do we really even need this here anymore i don't me thinks we don't really even need this i think we could just do normal ass bridges yeah yeah this is fine look at this look at this guys i'm like an artist of asphalt [Music] why did you move in there whoops that was it was stupid okay good jobs jobs [Music] i think that this is beginning to seem a bit unnecessary though let's give them two options two options hey f dog thank you for gifting this up seagull brain and give the dang give me the dang portrait thanks very much for the subs guys yellow to yellow this guy's house has got to just be garbage all that traffic coming by all day very low land values very sad family very upset oh no ah thank you for the 500 bits give me the dang portrait hang on a second we have to create i know this will change in time but we have to give this gentleman a highway but at least he gets to work so efficiently now how many people live in this house one two at least two people live in this house who are with carr we don't like the bridges we already have more than enough of them so let's just get more roads i think that's all that we need all that we need is roads that's the secret you aren't supposed to use any of this other crap the game gives you all these other options just to mess you up the answer is just the simplest it's occam's razor people dj funky master fresh dj master funky fresh i correct myself thank you very much for this appreciate it my friend hang on a second we got to get these guys to work let's get this over to here because why the hell open up a yellow business over there except it's near all of the other ones though too actually uh you know i stand corrected here i don't even think that we need this anymore no because look at all of the new roads that we have with my new job i guess you gotta pause whenever you get new stuff the city of blender that loves the people i don't know i think people would except stuff like this doesn't make sense to me one kind of thing that i'm wondering though it seems like this is procedurally generated like is there any glory in getting a high score or are you just is it totally random it seems like more or less the same thing though whenever you do it uh let's do i'm feeling a traffic jam setting in okay here's a scenario a scenario mind you where it seems to me like this makes more sense let's just connect this guy to this house oh why i like them until now i don't know i think that they're doing a great job getting to work that's all that they do they get at work and then they immediately come home actually these people don't go into work i've just noticed that all of these guys just park and then they leave it's an entire town of uber drivers who just are driving other uber drivers to other uber driver spots i don't really know what what do you call them it's like it's like uber drivers driving each other to their next person to pick up it's kind of like mailmen who all deliver mail to one another you know like in that spongebob episode where he's like who delivers the mailman's mail and the mailman's mailman's mail is there an infinite chain of mailmen just delivering each other's mail you feel that that hit pretty heavy right that spongebob reference yeah i do that sometimes i was just watching this you ever do that sometimes it's very good to just relax your brain like that keep keep watching spongebob even into adulthood you'll get looks yes it's also true that i almost bought a portrait of bold and brash for my apartment people play pokemon go and there's those are yeah everyone's driving to pokemon go hot spots where are the car dealers all right we're out of i'm out of overused jokes do we even have enough blue houses to get all the blue people to work i'm seeing just a lot of traffic here let's put a roundabout actually which type of car does it seem like is the most i think these these people were were chill at the beginning but now i don't really like their kind of bs you guys go to i will give you a shortcut to work i wonder if you reach a point in this game though where like you reach enlightenment [Music] and you don't need to worry anymore that would be most welcome let's go ahead and also just place down a god damn it it's too late for a roundabout over here it's almost like damned if you do damn it if you don't you know some of these situations can we put a roundabout there and alleviate some of this traffic or is that even helping anything i don't think it's helping okay we're just gonna lean on that mistake for a while yep if we are screwed try it again uh where are we getting build up do we even have enough blue houses it's just that these guys i can't connect is anybody using this or is anybody using highway 2 it seems like highway 2 is getting massively underused and this is also becoming more and more difficult let's get the purple people to work again bridges totally garbage and useless oh no it's the blue people and the purple people we still have 22 road segments though i feel pretty dumb if i'm going to lose here let's just connect up some of these houses because how many brain wrinkles you can understand yeah it does feel a little bit like factorio though but any game that kind of you know um hijacks your mind like that i i find is usually very relaxing um and also stressful like you could play factorio and get stressed or you could just surrender two factorio and experience enlightenment those are your two options okay good we've actually got a some some good stuff going on this one motorway good we're working on that one or this one is getting worse crap how am i supposed to get everyone to work oh good another house good we need more we have more high demand for those jobs how am i gonna get these guys to i don't know how we're gonna possibly do this well this one is improving so let's take it away just play this juggling act i think we lost again because of this one i'm not gonna be able to get a motorway over there in time yep unless if we get a lot of people to work in like three seconds um motorway here uh whoops wrong button that always confuses me to like hold down a different there we go okay highway from there to there please we lost that was the one overall not even as good as the last one i i felt like that this one was kind er like i feel humbled though overall there's probably a lot of obvious mistakes people will spot it kind of does remind me of my original factory i say that not really to be critical of myself but i just know that a lot of the comments are like you could have done this and this and it's true and it seems obvious later but anyway kind of a first impressions video more of a puzzle game than a city plan it does feel like kind of a combination of those two that's a fair assessment i think yeah good call i don't know what are your folks thoughts on it i think we'll that'll probably be our last one um factorio is a massive time sink but it's beautiful when everything's running like yeah it's it's kind of like you know um a little bit i'm sure there were things that i could have done better but i also feel like the joy in for example a factorio is like learning what your mistakes are um it's not really as much fun to play factorial if you just read guides because then i feel like you so quickly optimize it and i think it's a pretty good comparison for this one because you could probably get that into this game i'm i've seen people who do videos on this thing and are like i did 12 000 points worth but no i mean i suppose a lot of it was just coming to grips with the kind of ridiculous like why would they put a house there overall i think i think it's fun because i i just i forgot about my own life any game that kind of makes you forget about who you are or what or what you're doing playing it is is is good is is quite objectively good and that's kind of like the point of it you know like when you go to watch a movie you kind of take a break from your life for a couple of hours uh [Music] honestly i think we did it for only like an hour but it was very much worthwhile very visually like 11 out of 10 gr i think it's stupid to rate games on on stuff like graphics and stuff but i'm going to do it because 11 out of 10 graphics 110 graphics guys i lost my zen yeah it does kind of make you feel a bit i didn't expect there to be like uh death at the end if you didn't get to work so it's kind of different from like a shapes.io but you know shapes.i o has already skin uh down its own niche this is definitely different from anything that i've played it's like a this beautiful concoction it's like jazz you know
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 27,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini motorways, mini motorways gameplay, mini motorways game, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, let's play mini motorways, mini motorways let's play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 5sec (4385 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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