What's Inside the Old Well? | MAGNET FISHING

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey folks brad martin here and chris and today we are up in the snowy mountains of vermont because in the summertime a company named whalefin sent me a magnet for magnet fishing if you're unfamiliar what magnet fishing is it's when you take a very strong magnet on the end of a rope and throw it into a body of water like a lake or a stream see what you can pull up what treasures you can find that'll stick to the magnet and i thought what would be a cool thing for us to do with a magnet and i decided we're gonna throw it to the bottom of a colonial well yeah i have five or six wells planned today i don't know if we're gonna find them all because there is snow on the ground now and i don't know how many of them might have water in them we're gonna find out i've already been walking for quite a while but i think our first one is right up here [Music] all right we have arrived to the first home site here you can see the the basement foundation of the home was here and the well is over here somewhere i believe it is covered so let's go see if we can find it but usually we're not far from the building here it is yeah so it's covered by a big flat rock nice is there water there's water down there okay hello hello [Laughter] let's start by sending a camera and a flashlight down there see what it looks like it's got a flashlight and we're gonna suspend this from a rope straight down some people might recognize this rope as the one that i wrapped around my body and suspended myself down into a giant hole in the ground seems like a bad idea yeah if i lose your camera down there no then we could use the magnet that should do it [Applause] down we go so so nice all right and now the magnet generously provided by whale fin we're gonna drop it in and see what treasures we might find here we go splash i'm gonna bounce it around the bottom even though there's a lot of leaves down there what do you think what is that it's a stick let's try again ready ready nothing there's some uh magnetic rocks on there so we know the magnet works iron ore that's okay you know we have uh four or five wells to check today this is just number one it was covered but not all the way some leaves got in there uh so hopefully we can find one that's all the way covered and find some some iron at the bottom let's pack up our stuff and on to the next hole [Music] so what do you think would be the coolest thing to find at the bottom of a well because we can't find coins no or jewelry probably a gun yeah would be the coolest definitely maybe find some farm tool right you know i think typically there was like an apparatus above the well for dropping the the bucket and all that oh yeah so that's probably all down there you know using a bucket that hold it boards together sure things uh that would have accidentally been dropped down when folks were getting water and they would have been going to that well all the time during the day and at night all right i think that the next well is right up here all right so there's a break in the wall right there and if memory serves that means there was another well right around this area don't fall in it i think is this it oh you got it there it is is there water in this one looks like monkey water yeah i'll break this off and we'll make sure we put it back afterwards so no deer fall in or baby sasquatch here we go that's actually going down quite a ways deeper than i thought it was going to that's really misleading nice let's see what we can find down this well make sure it's not stuck to my leg i throw it whoa here we go [Music] still quite a bit of leaves probably more leaves because this one wasn't really covered at all what do you think let's see not a clean chris why don't you get down there and get some of those leaves out okay all right ready see what's on it nada okay well you know what we've got more wells to check so let's head on up the road even more so we can find [Music] well we have arrived at another home site with a well we've already found it haven't uncovered it yet though have no idea if there's water how deep it is but i can't see the bottom standing here like this so i'm optimistic it's quite deep i don't know if i see any water you don't see any water oh there's a little bit of water there yeah all right let's uh send the camera down in okay so i don't know how this is gonna work because it is very uh you know narrow but we're gonna give it a shot hopefully is it yeah [Music] oh my god it is so deep i hit bottom [Music] [Music] incredibly deep so we just reviewed the footage and it appears as though there's an old pipe so they must have had a pump in the house but i can't tell if it's lead or if it's iron so if it's iron we might have a hard time getting the magnet all the way to the bottom without it sticking to that pipe we'll just have to see ready to stick it down in there yeah it's gonna get stuck i'm gonna lose it we'll see what happens all right this is the last time we'll ever see this magnet just kidding here we go well it's falling straight down that's a good start it's on the bottom i'm just going to really kind of bounce it up and up and down a bunch of times see if i can get it to kind of cover the whole bottom it did from the footage look like it was a dirt floor instead of leaves which is good this one is pretty well covered nada i'll try again i actually think i feel it sticking to something really it might be that pipe yeah it feels like it grabs a hold of something and then and then it lets loose there's also like a shelf here that i keep getting stuck on oh there's something there it is look our first treasure christ our first treasure it's a little nail look how black it is it's a little uh maybe a horseshoe nail or a kind of looks like a horseshoe now or it might have been part of whatever apparatus was above this let's see if we can find something else down there all right here we go nothing this time that is deep down there geez don't fall in feel a icy cold hand come up and grab you nothing okay [Music] it's just like fishing you never know when something's gonna bite okay all right well that was the most promising one yet yeah it was very deep it didn't seem like it had a ton of leaves on the bottom and we did find something made out of iron that was old it was a nail but uh you have to put it in context here this is an old colonial home probably 1760s or maybe even earlier that nail was made by a blacksmith by hand i've already lost it for the next guy to find i guess but i think that we have one more well to check today i was hoping for more but we actually haven't been able to find a couple so we have one more that i'm confident we can find we'll drop it down and we'll pull out a couple muskets and maybe a cannonball and a bear trap and yeah it's gonna be great there you go [Music] all right well we did quite a bit more hiking we're at the final home site we have a massive well right here and there's a secondary well over there i don't know what the difference would have been uh maybe one of them stopped producing but there's water in both of them so i don't know why they'd make two but i don't want to fall down on that no i almost have twice now the edges are a little soft but it is huge i cannot tell how deep it is but it really kind of makes you think about how the folks built these back then they had to dig down until they found water but how did they keep it from caving in on them and i researched it before we came out today they actually dug a huge pit okay like 10 20 foot wide and they dug down and then once they found water then they would bring up the courses of stone and backfill and then work their way up again that makes sense the camera that i was throwing down in there i think it's the cold the temperature the battery is dead and i didn't bring any extras with us so we're just going to throw the magnet in this time see we can find something but if not there we have another one to try yeah jeez chris the boy scout tied this up there we go there we go are we ready yeah this this home site i'm fairly certain is colonial but uh maybe you could see there's a a road right here that the landowner uses so there could be anything down here from 10 years ago possibly we'll see whoa it's deep still going all right i would uh estimate 15 feet oh it's hitting something oh it's deeper right there that's weird oh there's something on here okay that looks like maybe a piece of a can or something yeah keeper keeper pile over there treasure pile it's really a weird sensation when it catches something down there and then you pull it up and you can feel it let go yeah there's something right there it might just be a little piper cannonball or a treasure chest are we're gonna have to come back with our scuba gear i guess you can go down there you want to give it a go chris yeah oh wow deep right yep okay i see what you mean nada no nails oh yellow something there i'll leaf all right let's throw a couple more times here and then we'll move over to the other one the final well of the day the grand finale you're pulling it up real easy you think you got something on there no no steal your bait yeah we should get a tip up for this oh you gotta look you got a little something there you go little flake of can probably same stuff you got there yeah sweet all right let's move on to the other one it's right over there past the foundation okay ready i'm ready oh that water's right up to the top so going down it stopped right there wow it's deep one too what does it feel like it feels i don't know how soft like a lot of leaves might be down there i wish we could send the camera down [Music] some seaweed yeah seaweed okay i feel something on this one now you got something on there yeah is it more canned i don't want to lose it holy mackerel it's a it's a colonial uh art structure i honestly have no idea what that could be big piece of iron yeah hey that's cool all right now it's brad's turn my hands are getting cold come on now all right moved it all around the bottom you got all the good stuff out of this one chris i can't believe it's like anything in wells well you could you can imagine 300 years ago so you drop something down there i mean or you trip over a stone your four-year-old thinks it's funny to throw your boot down i can imagine that happening wet rope is making my hair i got something it's a harmonica reed just kidding those were brass this is uh i don't know maybe maybe it's the wrap to your bucket you're talking about earlier yeah but certainly stuck stuck hard too uh we visited i already forgot maybe four or five five or six wells yeah really only found anything out of three of them and really only anything good out of one of one of them could but it was fun something i have never done before so thank you whalefin for sending the magnet we're going to give it another try next year with some warmer weather yeah it's freezing today but we had fun hopefully you folks found that somewhat entertaining and hopefully you'll join us next friday for another video up here in the mountains of vermont thanks for watching you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 50,130
Rating: 4.8943744 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, Vermont, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, treasure hunting, metal detecting shovel, metal detecting tips, metal detecting, treasure, old coins, cellar hole, history, incredible, amazing, gmmd, stone walls, mystery, ghost town, New England, 2020, magnet fishing
Id: r1DNgoYaxvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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