How to Start Keto Correctly

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welcome today we're going to show you how to  start keto correctly and this is for beginners   what are we trying to do we're trying to switch  what your body is running on as far as fuel-wise   so we want to switch from burning sugar fuel to  fat fuel there's this one hormone called insulin   which is the key to determine whether you're going  to burn fat or burn sugar so you want to keep it   low to burn fat when it goes higher your body  will burn sugar very simply lower your carbs   and eat less meals that's different than  lowering your calories now by eating less meals   you are going to lower your calories but that's  not the goal you could actually eat larger meals   just not as frequent why is it a good idea to  eat less frequent meals because every time you   eat you trigger insulin every time you eat carbs  you trigger insulin so we're just trying to lower   this insulin the combination between these two  are very very powerful so what are you going to   eat in a meal well first thing you have to eat  low carb so you want to cut down all your carbs   that includes sugar and i'm talking about honey  agave nectar brown sugar white sugar date sugar   all sugar you can replace it in various  recipes with what's called sugar alcohols   i put some links down below of examples of  that so you can learn about that but there's   these sweet alternative sugar sources that  you can use so that means that when you go   buy food you have to start reading the labels  and looking at the sugar content you want it   as close to zero as possible you want to  avoid fruit except for berries there's   three berries raspberries strawberries and  blackberries you can have those in small amounts   but no other fruit especially apples grains like  wheat flour that they make breads pasta cereal   crackers biscuits you want to avoid that but  guess what there's a substitute there's a people   use almond flour to make all sorts of things from  pizza crust to bread to you name it so there's a   lot of recipes that you can use as an alternative  grain avoid starches like potatoes but guess what   there's all these recipes that you can make out of  cauliflower that is very similar to the starches   not identical but you can make things that are  very close to tasting like mashed potatoes you can   even make a cauliflower crust for your pizza it's  quite good now when i say cut out all the carbs   there's an exception vegetables in fact you want  to consume more vegetables at least seven cups you   know even more that could be salads or other types  of vegetables like bell peppers like cabbage like   broccoli kale brussels sprouts and at this level  that i'm teaching you you can even do carrots and   tomatoes beets don't worry about that you can have  those and the last point about vegetables is that   ideally if you eat them first it's going to be a  lot easier to consume seven cups than after you   have the protein and fat because this is going to  fill you up pretty fast so i always consume the   vegetable first now you can consume it at the same  time but just as a strategy to make sure you get   enough vegetables in your diet i like to consume  these first because very few people consume enough   vegetables and one last point vegetables provide  two things they provide food for your microbes   that then help your blood sugars and help give you  energy also they provide a lot of nutrients like   potassium and magnesium and even vitamin c because  what are we trying to do we're trying to do keto   correctly and by correctly i mean healthily okay  number two moderate protein not massive amounts   like in the atkins diet but moderate amounts  that could be depending on your size and   your metabolism and your age between three and  eight ounces maybe you're 18 years old and you   work out hardcore you're gonna need maybe more  protein so rather than have a little scale and   measure it just consume protein the size of the  palm of your hand maybe a little bit more a little   less okay just to kind of keep it really simple at  this level what type of protein different types of   meat fish chicken seafood eggs cheese unless you  have an allergy or any type of severe gut issue   nuts or nut butters also make sure that  you if you buy peanut butter or whatever   you read the ingredients to make sure it doesn't  have added sugar you don't want to add sugar to   any of these because sometimes when you have  like deli meats they have dextrose in there or   extra sugar if you're having bacon  they have extra sugar added you   preferably keep the sugar away from your protein  all right with the protein as far as the order of   when you eat it you just ate your vegetable  your salad now you start with your protein   the key with the protein is not to consume lean  protein or low fat protein try to consume protein   that has more fat why because that's going  to help your insulin levels when you consume   protein that's very low fat and lean as in like  powders especially like whey protein powder   you majorly increase insulin versus consuming  fattier meat or fattier fish or like brie cheese   which is has more fat so that's a really key  point about protein all right the third thing   is that you're on a higher fat diet now when we  talk about higher fats mainly we're talking about   the calories there's more than twice as many  calories in fat than there is protein in carbs   so based on calories it would be a higher fat diet  so i'm not going to say anything more to confuse   you on that point but realize that when you're  consuming the protein guess what you're consuming   a lot of the fat in your diet already because  protein always comes with fat but you may add   some additional fats let's say some avocado  butter to cook your food in or let's say you   melt the butter on your vegetables which is a good  idea because the veggies have certain fat soluble   natural chemicals in there that are good for you  even antioxidants they're called phytonutrients   and adding oil to your salad whether it's  olive oil or butter over your vegetables   will help you extract those nutrients out of that  meal that's why it's good to combine these things   right here olives or olive oil is very very good  coconut oil is actually also pretty good and of   course some of these are in the fat category like  nuts for example or half fat and half protein   a little bit of carb cheese is protein and fat  eggs are protein and fat so a lot of these are fat   too so both of these are kind of a combination but  if you're starting keto a lot of times people add   maybe some nuts or cheese after the meal to be  more satisfied so that's something that they do   and so that's why i said eat this third but of  course it could be within the meal now there's   certain fats you definitely want to avoid  soy oil corn oil canola oil cottonseed oil   even the safflower oil the sunflower oil i would  be careful about consuming too much of those   these are gmo they have chemicals in them but  the problem is they're highly inflammatory even   though it's a fat it's the wrong type of fat that  you want in your body and you probably see these   in salad dressings and many different products  like mayonnaise in there so you're going to have   to kind of start reading labels and really get  picky on certain things that you're going to be   buying so we talked about generally what to  eat but we also want to talk about eating less   meals right less frequent meals we're going  to do intermittent fasting we're going to   combine both of these together to really take that  insulin and bring it down to our normal level so   here's the rule of thumb don't eat unless  you are hungry now let me define hungry   because sometimes you might get a little  bit of hunger but you still feel strong   uh you still feel fine your mood is good we'll  try to push through that okay there's also a   difference between hunger and also like a habit  people have like a habit of eating all the time   even when they're not hungry because they feel  that they're not as full as maybe they should be   so you don't have to be full all the time we're  talking about hungry and a true hunger is like wow   i feel like i really need to eat i feel a little  bit weaker i feel a little shaky i'm starting   to notice i'm a little bit more irritable okay  that is what we're talking about not some little   temporary hunger number two ideally you want  to skip the breakfast you can do this on a   gradual level where you keep pushing your  breakfast later and later and later or just   cut it right out and just skip breakfast instead  have your coffee with a little butter in it a   tablespoon of butter and or mct oil which will  help you greatly in making ketones which is very   therapeutic to your brain and it'll satisfy you so  as you're trying to transition into the state of   ketosis which you're burning fat because ketones  are a byproduct of burning fat if you add mct oil   that will give you ketones right away and it'll  make the transition a little more comfortable   especially with your cognitive function so this is  a good idea and if you did this coffee with this   these two fats it's going to be very easy to  skip breakfast also i want to note that about   8 am in the morning is when you have this  hormonal shift with cortisol might go up and   you may find a temporary about a half hour kind  of a a sense like i i'm ready to eat something   it's the cortisol it's a hormonal shift and it can  increase your appetite just ignore that and push   through that okay so we're skipping our breakfast  at this point number three very importantly do not   snack through the day that little snack  even though it's low amount of calories   will make you hungry eating stimulates hunger  especially if it's in the form of a snack   so just cut out all snacking it's very very  important if you get the temptation the snack   just realize that you didn't consume enough fat  at the last meal so the next meal add more fat   to the diet so you can go easily from one  meal to the next so it's important to add   more fat to go longer there's a lot of details  to fill in the blank but typically you can drink   water tea coffee anything without sugar you can  take your vitamins it's not going to be a problem   and again there's a lot of details that i'm  not covering but i'm just giving you the basics   so let's say your first meal is at noon okay  you eat your meal don't really worry at this   point about calories because we're not trying to  reduce calories all we're trying to do is have   that first meal make sure it fits what i said  in the last slide and then the second meal at   six so that gives you a six hour eating window  and 18-hour fast okay if you don't snack   which is huge this is going to allow you to see  a lot of benefits with this program so that is   the summary of how to do keto correctly before  you go if you have a question about a product   or you're new to keto and you want to know  how to begin keto or you're on keto and you   need a debug because it's not going as smooth i  have a keto consultant standing by to help you   this is just for the people in the us hopefully in  the future we'll be able to answer everyone's call   but i put the number down below  so you can call and get some help
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 867,965
Rating: 4.9608727 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Eric Berg DC, dr berg, eric berg, ketogenic diet, keto diet, what ketogenic diet, keto, what is ketogenic diet, keto diet for beginners, ketogenic, ketosis, ketogenic diet explained, keto diet plan, keto diet explained, what is ketosis, what is keto, how to do keto, how to eat keto, is ketosis healthy, how to start keto, intermittent fasting, fasting, ketogenic diet benefits, keto diet tips, keto benefits, keto tips, start keto, keto beginners, keto plan, keto dr berg
Id: dR6TnC1RY_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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