My Old Sketchbooks

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hi everyone today is so basically i okay sketchbooks says today's video is all about sketchbooks we're going to talk about all my sketchbooks and take a look inside I've always loved to draw as you can tell from most of my videos there's a lot of drawing pictures if you think about it it makes sense anyway so I've just got a few sketchbooks here just a couple just disappear so we're gonna start with sketchbook number one number one okay this is my first very first sketchbook as you can see Bryce's okay so this is when I first started to get like serious about drawing this was ninth grade and 2016 yikes okay here we go okay we got some hands here okay that's freaking Kyogre hold my gemsona don't steal okay this guy's important we're gonna be talking about him a freaking lot because he's the only character I was interested in drawing for four freaking years his name's tail that's what he used to look like and this is what he looks like now so it's gonna change a lot basically all the drawings are tail okay he's holding the sword and stuff oh there is again no there is again there he is oh wow it's tail I wonder I wonder what characters will be in the next oh there's link from from from Legend of Zac okay here's what I like it's ham topia every hands dream so this is basically just me learning how to draw bill it's funny how dumb you are and yeah this is just the beginning my first sketchbook basically there is again and oh that was me that one's okay detect the only okay one in this freaking book okay that's sketchbook one and I hate it okay sketchbook number two okay so this one still 2016 looks like let's just keep on going through here okay there's like a swordfight let's just keep on heading on link again oh that one's me freaking lots of stuff his arm is so freakin long there there's a wolf I'm not a furry shut up oh look it's another ham Land one Oh like eyes got a big tongue oh he's doing a ricochet move he's in the hot air balloon oh he's skydiving Oh every hands dream okay this is a dragon which is actually kind of cool dragons are cool I don't know if you knew that dragons oh this guy okay the the beer bro man sir this I'm pretty sure this wasn't my idea I think another youtuber did this and I was like copying it I don't remember who it was oh here's an attempt at like a head turn around it's a little bit okay not with the dragon though oh he's facing like a skeleton boy that's kind of cool he's like ooh he's holding two swords at once he's gonna get you are you gonna get you oh I had a friend named Sydney and I drew her as a squid and it's squid knee if you think about it with logic it's funny laughs okay his ankles are super small there you go there's a dragon what dragons alright pretty sure use reference though I used to like hardly ever use reference and it kind of bit me in the butt and that's why I still suck at drawing okay this one yeah I never finished the weight did it yeah I never finished this one this one only has a few pages I couldn't like that one we're like running at each other's gonna throw hands it's okay that's a gun yikes I remember being proud of this one it's alright oh this is dog there's dragon very good dream okay so I used to have these animal creatures I'm not afraid okay so I had these bear guys and these wolf guys I also just had this idea where like ocean life would fly and I like that it could be cool if ocean life would fly but not as the sharks okay I still kind of like this one he's like zooming in and he like cut this dude's sword in half that's pretty cool I also just had this idea where they had these like wing backpacks it's like he's put on like a wing suit basically then you can fly in battle and stuff that's when tail freakin dies do you want context too bad Earth tale again this ninja dude cut in half an arrow super cool I'm pretty sure that's also from overwatch though these guys these freakin okay yeah this is where it stops I'm pretty sure yeah and this one it's done now I hate oh okay this was a smaller one but I remember using this one a lot and then there's Te'o sliding under like a sword slash at this assassin guy okay that's my friend dying and I drew him on British oh and this is my friend Andrew he has a lot of I also have a lot of freaking hair but he has even more and so I drew his head on a dog and said a short hair with long hair [Applause] drawings even more and more and more drawings of them okay this is like a city that I made up it's got these like spiral aqueducts it's cool I made a comic you are the chosen one destined to defeat the Demon Lord and save the world take this magic armor put it on and you can't die but I want to die okay here's another tortoise like monster dude he's gonna destroy the dragon again okay you can kind of tell the kind of stuff I like to draw it's Te'o and Dragons that's okay I remember being really proud of this one but like his shoulder is like I'm dislocated and weird and his hand is too big it's alright though it's alright okay so this is these are the wolf guys I'm not a furry and okay so I also have bird guys and I drew these like fish guys and these tiger guys and these like bear guys oh this was supposed to be a self-portrait do you see the resemblance negative oh this was I remember this sketch and yeah that's it the next sketchbook okay on to the next one so I think now it's the part where I start to get a little bit good at drawing just a little bit though okay okay there's Te'o thrown a lot of them I worked really hard on this one just guys and stuff he's doing the finger guns finger gun okay I liked I liked experimenting with these faces and this is kind of how I draw eyes now they're kind of more round before I was kind of trying to do like anime stuff there's a cute dog cosmic kitty sees all oh yeah so this is kind of like getting more into like kind of style I like to drawing it's got some cool armor oh I remember this the buff kitties the super-thick muscly cat with just a tiny oh she's got some attitude okay this is when I try to make my own life Incredibles character it didn't work oh okay I I remember this one I still like it it's a tail he's got his cool sword and a friend of mine in class actually let me borrow his markers and so I made like a marker version of it it's alright okay so now Thao is old news okay we don't care about town Thao is garbage this this is the guy we care about now okay this guy's mean he's got lightning powers he can shoot lightning and stuff he's cool we hate Thao it's all about Alex now okay oh and here's the sketch of Alex punching a robot in half so he's like oh there's like a wolf he's like doing smash attack oh I really like this one actually it's like a little pony he's really proud pretty sure is not more in this sketchbook yeah some of the sketchbooks I was like okay I'm done okay now I'm gonna get so bored into my current sketchbook come on I'm still working on I'm gonna show you some of my just miscellaneous drawings so there's tail there he's again that's just a comic here's another another tail okay I still kind of like this one he's like a little hoodie guy with a beanie I wore a beanie that was a two day phase well there's the one I showed you okay I still kind of like these ones it's spider-man and there's a space like gonna cry I would cry as he pointed at me like that more stuff oh I like this once that's imprint let me borrow their markers and I drew this cat oh it's the K rules down it oh okay so me and my friend uh like used to like to do this thing or like I'd pick an animal and he'd pick an animal and we draw them mixed so this is a back whale this is a rhino beetle turtle and my favorite is the pelican dog on here's like a fish Mick and yeah so those are my miscellaneous drawings now we're gonna get into my current sketchbook that has some new stuff I hardly ever draw on this anymore actually because I spend all my time drawing on like the drawing tablet for videos and stuff but it's still got some some stuff in here so I know this one isn't finished but yeah okay so got a raptor okay so here's a drawing of Alex don't you sell this idea where he had this dragon but that's not a thing anymore okay here's him riding a horse I really like that one actually he's got like a lance that's pretty cool here's him taking a nap and then here since he's got electric powers he gets struck by lightning and he's okay so he also has a dog that like rides in a jetpack and it's cute oh and I forgot to mention the dog is named Pig the dog and so cuz he's friends with pigs and so I drew some pigs oh and here's a cool one this one was just recently yeah we're getting towards the end so like here's Alex and like these guys coming to beat him up here's another dinosaur and I'm pretty sure that's it oh wait yeah it's just like a guy yeah so that's all I've got sketching in your sketchbook is fun this has been the Bryson sketchbook tour I hope you liked it I didn't thanks for watching leave [Music]
Channel: Haminations
Views: 10,110,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Haminations
Id: nMtRy3TCXzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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