SKETCHBOOK TOUR of ALL my Sketchbooks! (4th-12th grade)

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[Music] so [Music] so i've divided my sketchbooks into four different kind of eras this one is when i first started drawing in like elementary slash middle school this one is also kind of from that era but later this is from when i first started drawing again and this is where we are now just a little bit of background i'm karina i've been drawing a lot um my whole life because my mom is an artist she does a lot of mixed media stuff so she kind of raised me to make art but i started officially kind of like i started drawing in elementary school and middle school it started at the scholastic book fair actually where i found a manga how to draw book and i just started copying from it this is the first sketchbook that i ever really kept you know draft more sketchbook i got it for my birthday or something i just copied everything [Music] obviously it wasn't perfect i wanted to be better so i kept going i thought this one was so good look at this oh dear this is the first one i tried to draw without using a reference and this one this is how i wanted my hair to look and i actually did get it cut like that in eighth grade and it was so terrifying but then i shaved it all off so this was my attempt at realism wake me up when it's all over that was the era we were in i think the problem with starting out drawing is that you try to make lines that aren't really there like the teeth lines oh this was me i was really proud of this one too i copied it from a picture and i was like wow photo realism oh so this must have been in fourth grade before we got my dog so yeah this is all from fourth grade and i copied a picture of a jack russell terrier online because that's what we thought we were gonna get good we're like skipping around a lot because that was just in fourth grade and now we're in sixth grade because i started watching sword art online in sixth grade and hetalia and is this from the devil's apart time room i don't remember this was also from that show i don't remember what it was i think that's it [Music] second one a little later still drawing anime stuff this time it's copied from pinterest so it has a little more flavor where are her eyes i started making like superhero ocs i was really proud of this style i was using like a pilot pen and colored pencils i actually had a friend named rainey and i made this person after rainy so okay this is not from the same era but i just stuck it in here i think this was in like sixth or seventh grade i drew it at my grandparents house i was really proud of these i really liked this one i spent so much time on it oh i think they were lesbians this is so cute rainbow dash wow and i made like logos for them i really just gave up on them like after the sketchbook was done i was just that's it neco girl oh my god oh sword art online i think this is the last page yep i never finished my sketchbooks peep the undertale stuff i never finished undertale all my friends did i love this one this is so cute i copied a lot of these but i think it made me get better in the end this one was cute i like that i was really proud of that one ew ew i don't think i did these with references i was actually pretty proud of myself i didn't use a reference for that i don't know about this one look at the shadows the shading oh my god i did it this was a character i made i i drew her for a while i drew this one at hibachi i remember that and here's where i got my copic markers i didn't use a reference for this one either and i was so proud of it i keep saying that but i really was i drew a lot more full bodies than i do now noodle 2d another 2d this lady again noodle very repetitive i wish i could keep going in this route so i could make really cool art that was that looks like this but was better what the hell oh she snipped her bangs off because her bangs covered her hair i'll be going and then she like runs away with the scissors this was so edgy but i really liked that one and that i don't know you didn't just expose my eyes you open them too i want to start a new project right away and she was going to be like a a robot like maker late i don't know i don't know i don't know about any of this stuff and this was a lady that i made too look at the fit that's kind of popping some more of that i don't know this was gonna be me and my friends and we were gonna make a band but that never happened so i never finished the drawing this is towards the end this was the part that i was actually stuck on in undertale and i just could not complete the game because of muffet i was so bad at it okay here's the end yeah [Music] this is the last one from that era by the way i forgot her name that's why i keep saying under shell stuff and i even dressed up as her for my first convention and i just don't remember i feel so bad i copied this one from one of my favorite artists and now i don't even remember her name but i know her cat's name is dirt bite and her name is madeline i think star versus the forces of evil that's what she worked on i really liked this style with like the watery looking thing i don't know i copied this from her instagram too okay melanie martinez melanie martinez selena gomez oh my god i loved parasite i rewatched it recently it was so good i was also watching tokyo cool as you can see i loved um tsukiyama this was a person i saw at the beach and i wanted to make a character out of them my art style was not looking very good ladies lady i really liked this one this one took a lot longer but i really liked this one which lady this was from a young giant music video yeah this was my my gay my gay phase i don't have a sexuality now i'm not labeling myself now but there was this one point in middle school where i was like yes i'm gay that is a fact and turns out i wasn't because i'm dating a man right now oh that is questionable i stopped trying i saw this online and i wanted to copy it hey what what's that it looks like a w or m but it's also like worm that is the end of like fourth grade to sixth grade i believe this next era oh there's a hair this next era is kind of small there's hair everywhere oh my god all right let's start with this one there was a lot of steven universe happening and then i made some characters inspired by steven universe yeah they were gonna be gay too steven universe steven universe oh this is bad this is where i started to get really cringey like in in real life as a person this is how i wanted my hair to get cut i genuinely wanted that that's cute i forgot her name steven universe lady my memory is so bad if you can't tell oh this is another like character that i made it was called nip slip you must now suffer from the wrath of nipsley that was what i looked like at the time that was genuinely i had those socks that's how i dressed and that's what my hair looks like it was terrifying this is what i look like now just for reference over the garden wall stuff that's my ex yeah that's us that was me and my ex oh my sister drew that that's also my ex i drew these all while we were dating not after we broke up i wasn't like a weird stalker this lady was a character in mine for a while too i really liked her her space hair that's literally what my hair looked like at this time that is a self-portrait it is oh my god the 21 pilots earrings my hair was red shaved on the side terrible i started making thumbnail sketches so wow go me is this the end that's the end of this one wow [Music] here's our next one we're getting slightly better um gaily milk this paper is really good for watercolor if anyone wants to use watercolor or gouache or something like there's no warping so that's kind of cool some ladies i drew these all at camp she has her boobs out i actually started drawing boobs better because i i was older this girl i went to school with and i don't think she knew me because she was a senior and i was like an 8th grader this is one of my friends hannah that's what i looked like i had shaved off my hair by this by this time and yeah it was growing back and i didn't look half bad these are kind of cool i like the little splodge splurge i don't know the right word i don't know what this is i don't know what these are either my god kyle i drew this guy a lot and all my homework i think that was willow smith it does not look like her power to creator um this is emma a mla brockhampton thingy that i never finished crazy frog okay this is this is the last page actually xxx tentacion we ended on december 30th of 2017. frick oh god you know when it says freak it's gonna be kind of cringe i love small sketchbooks because they're so portable i think this overlapped like it started with my hair not being shaved off and then it ended with it being shaved off so yeah i didn't like go from one sketchbook consecutively to the next i started them sporadically and ended them like i didn't end them because i don't end my sketchbook thanks family portrait this was a lady that was reading at the park and i really liked how i liked her vibe i drew that one i'm really proud of that one i used to love graphic novels and i would copy the little pictures all the time oh my god i don't remember any of this see now i'm starting to draw boobs right i don't know boobs is a big development in my art oh that was from the paper girls i believe so that was a weezer song i don't know if it was a cover of anything but i know it from weezer boobs crystal germs i love amethyst these are more copies from the paper girls this one was cool i i drew all these at my grandparents house this was a lady i saw the airport she was sitting across from us she was so pretty this was from a magazine this was also from a magazine that's what i looked like at this point this is my friend viva this was a cafe me and my mom went to in marshall north carolina this is princess nokia princess nokia ugly worldwide that's my current boyfriend and the rest of this is blank ah good way to end it next arrow why is there hair everywhere oh my god so just for some background i stopped drawing from like eighth grade ninth grade to the end of 10th grade in 10th grade i lost two of my closest friends and we're we're cool now we're buddies now but um yeah i was kind of lonely and i started drawing again just because i didn't have anything else to do so that's where i started this one this is me and my boyfriend at the high museum march 2019 and i started drawing like i don't even know man i tried drawing like hannah but i added my own twist and it was shittier so this is from that album cover um city morgue i started trying to use more photo reference because i had this like semi-realistic style this was like a combination of everyone's drawings my band was trying to come up with the logo this is the b page okay we got like all my different friends to draw their bees this one's mine that's from photo reference these are just from my head photo reference uh if you follow her oh it was like chowder but like the dub the w is like two v's i think that's what it is another photo reference obviously here is our logo the original buffalo some thumbnail sketches another photo reference this was from a photography account and i follow it on my art instagram but i feel so bad for not remembering this was my face on an instagram filter and i thought it was really cool i really like this one she's so pretty i want to look like her this was an attempt like wash painting and i sucked at it and my friend viva that was a plan for a painting and my art class these were both of me at the time my hair had grown out a lot since i last drew myself fk twigs a staple for any sketchbook alright that's the end of this one because i ripped out a lot of the flash pages to use for other stuff so this is like in junior year i had this little sketchbook i wanted to fill it up with as much stuff as i could because i saw matthew sorgy's video and i was like wow i need to make a thick sketchbook which i did there's just a few there's like 10 pages left and i just don't have the motivation to finish it so we're keeping it like this october 2019 to there's no finished date by the way i got this sketchbook from walmart and i love it this was for ring mindless this was a painting of wiseblood i don't know what this is i only labeled some of the prompts so i don't know what some of these are that was husky but i drew my boyfriend because his hair looked like a corn husk so that was how it was related what was this for i don't remember uh this is a girl that i used to go to school with she went to the art school and i saw this picture on her spam account i was like i want to draw it this is my friend bailey part of her face came off these are some pictures of me more inktober stuff this is gouache that's not ink that was just a cool gouache painting i did in like 10 minutes i was like wow gosh this was at the park i was just sitting on the ground with my friends um and i drew the swings i really liked this one that was a reference from pinterest that's a picture of my shoe there's danger ink here's an art mutual bjork bjork here's alyssa i feel like a lot of y'all have already seen this stuff noodle weenie dogs that's like the 2019 version of wacky slush i like this spread these two also there's me i like this one too it's very blue some pen stuff oil paint pen i also got some of those mild liner markers from target so this was made with those and some colored pencils i really like this one actually it's a cat and a lizard some more ink stuff this is kind of some tattoo-esque stuff here's a collage these were some people in my apush class another collage i like this one this is cute i mean not to romanticize drug use but it's cute i made a take off of drawing this one and it got restricted and i don't know why i'm still so confused about that i went to school with this girl i don't i don't remember drawing this these were some eyes ears and noses in my psych class oh and these were some mugs in my second period that i saw jelly this is a photo that bliss hound took and edited and i decided to draw it because i was like wow this is self-portrait and this is my dog i never finished drawing it and this is where it stops this is my ap art sketchbook so this is basically for junior year and part of senior year because i'm still using it for apr this is like an about me page because that's what we had to do for the intro this is some summer work you can pause if you want to but i'm not going to go into it that much some of my ideas influenced by them portrait stuff um that's a replica of a kehinde wiley piece and that's a self-portrait in the mirror um this is some stuff for the project that i did as a second project idea um i don't know some stuff project three project four project five i think i don't remember i don't know and some artists i think that's where this one ended okay this is 2020's um introduction page which it's not that much stuff it's just friends me my body i don't know my boyfriend stuff i like i don't know this is a digital recreation i did of frida kahlo piece um this is artist research oh no no okay that's an oil painting i did um replicating her work i emailed her i asked if it was okay because this is quite large and yeah this was my cherish guru thing from this year and it's yeah it's not as good i don't know um portrait stuff i chose alex garant i don't know if i'm saying that right i'm so sorry yeah that's the last page in this one probably forever some of this stuff is also from junior year i don't know why i didn't include it with that stuff but it's just stuff that's still relevant to me and some stuff i kind of use so yeah i lumped it all into this category let's see which one do i want to do first let's start with the book i think mew triple made a video saying that she has a book and it helps her a lot because it's something that you're not making to post it's something that you're making for yourself and to develop certain ideas i got it from walmart too it's like four books so that helps with the process as well this was for i was planning a piece in junior year actually this was still back in junior year for ap art and i um i followed someone who was like if you draw a certain thing multiple times it gets the the proportions into your head and then it's easier to like draw it when you have to do the final version so it actually did help me like look i whipped this up so quickly after so i tried to do a page every day so here's some more of that repetitive stuff for another project jar i like that scorpion here's some colorful stuff these were with oil paint pens which i highly recommend like so much oh my god i did this while i was babysitting i was trying to show a kid what i did as a child to draw also i drew her turtle and cowboy boots stuff this is from pinterest this is also from pinterest this was after i had a migraine and i was just like still recovering from the meds and the headache and it was just i feel like i'm gucci mane in 2006 oh we got a flower in here throwing it in the trash i drew this when i was with my friend and we sat by the creek um in her backyard so yeah that was a vibe this is my french one we drew each other so yeah he also he drew this i did not draw that um this is my porch there's some plans for an album cover that i did here's some figure drawings um here's a commission that i tried to start but i i don't like that guy and i just couldn't stand to finish drawing him so yeah but here's my front yard and shadow planet i don't know what this is but i really like the colors i actually really like how it turned out i believe that's where this one stops this also began in junior year we had someone visit from what's the school called college for creative studies i filled this entire book with oil paint pen drawings i would draw in this while babysitting because it was so portable and i would just after the kids went to sleep i would just draw away english sketchbook the texture on these is so like nice and shiny and i love it damn these are very cool oh my god i need to start using these again okay twigs and this was when i first started using tik tok so i posted oh yeah this is where it ends um this is the one that i i use this sketchbook for very specific things this person goes to my school this person does not go to my school but i know them uh this is um she's the singer in beach house i forgot her name though i feel so bad how the creator charles gambino i offer pinterest and um toyan salaam i don't know if i'm saying that right but yeah india more no name i love this one i spent so much time on it i actually had just gotten my pencil sharpener this one i got it when i was with my family in michigan seeing my grandparents over the summer so we went to michael's to get some stuff that we had forgot to bring and i got a new pencil sharpener and it made my pencil so sharp so it made my drawings very smooth that's it for this one because i only use it for very specific things same with this one it's colored pencil paper so and i've also torn a lot of these out this is someone i follow on instagram i did the background with acrylics so it got kind of warped this was the first colored pencil piece i did that actually got me back into using colored pencils so that's kind of cool um her username is huge like gtg like gotta go um i don't know her name but i know her face and i also did my anderson pack drawing in here but it is on my wall in a frame so yeah that's where that one went and i got a bunch of cool stickers to put on here but i guess i put them on the wrong sketchbook because i really just don't use this one [Music] i actually also use this one for specific things too i don't know what this is here's some more fka twigs i don't know what this is i think that's zendaya but it really just doesn't look like her and here's merlin and that's it for this one it's really just stuff that i used to rip out this is like my main my main hoe so i started this one in february of 2020 and it's ongoing this is the first spread uh the tick tock for this one went viral it got like 200 000 views or something so that's kind of cool i cried i keep saying that it's mc ride but my brain loves to say mcride i kind of use this sketchbook to just go a little crazy live a little looser okay twigs again oh my god here's my hands i drew this in psych class um i don't know there's a lot of collages in here this is my a push teacher mr henry orange stuff yellow stuff and blue stuff i don't know two tick talkers a self portrait here's a red page orange page i did like a rainbow page thing so yellow green blue purple and this is the this was um that was very slurred speech um this was the 100 heads challenge and i set some goals but i literally got 10 heads in because i was like wait i'm doing this wrong so i'm gonna redo it one day and this was just stuff from 2016 that was on my wall and i took it down this was also some stuff i glued in here too so i actually painted these on cards this one was for an art trade and i never got it to the person i started using tombow markers again and kind of getting back to my old ways so that's what that is this is a song challenge that i did i made a video about this but i'm just gonna flip through it real quick it was 31 days and i got to a point where i was just barely keeping up especially since i was like out of town and i don't know there was a lot of stuff going on all right i believe this is where it ended nope okay keep going almost there all right this is the last one and either i don't even remember some of this stuff to be honest and it was so recent too that's so sad um some ink stuff this was for this year's inktober but i didn't do inktober i did mag tober and bad tober and like combine some of the prompts so this one was fire and then i combined the mag tober in bathtober and did self-portrait who you really are and then combined it with fire so that's what that one is and then i digitally colored it and posted it screen cap from juno self portrait and my room i really like this page i like it a lot this was for inktober and then some random stuff me and my boyfriend went to uh the high museum for our two year anniversary and we drew some stuff so that's what that is here's my boyfriend i took a picture of him and drew him i did this while i was at the lake and i drew some ink stuff this is from the last video i painted with the boba straw you can see the process in that video if you want and this is from last night actually this was a photo of me that i found while i was cleaning out all my stuff and then i was like i'm gonna cut it out it's gonna be like the positive space in the negative space oh my god it's so artsy and this is where we're at right now this is a self-portrait i did in the mirror last night and um sticker cool beans oh yeah here's the stickers on the back if you have any questions you can like let me know in the comments or whatever i will answer as much as i can but yeah i hope you enjoyed seeing my art develop throughout the years i'm thinking of making a video about all my art supplies and like rating them and also a video about going through all my actual art pieces that i have at home so let me know which one you want to see out of those two because those are the ideas i have right now um i'll see y'all on the flip side have a good day night whatever time it is and i love you i love you so much alright bye [Music]
Channel: karina singh
Views: 1,685,695
Rating: 4.9201641 out of 5
Keywords: art, artist, sketchbook tour, sketchbook, sketch, sketchbook flipthrough, drawing, painting, colored pencil, paint, acrylic paint, gouache, markers, ink, pens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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