I Made 100 Players Simulate Civilization in Minecraft...

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since the dawn of minecraft multiplayer communities of players have lived together peacefully but what would happen if they were split into different civilizations well today i created a public server to test how players would react to different environments by creating a giant map and splitting them into three different civilizations the desert jungle and the arctic each civilization's goal is to survive for an entire month but different events will be taking place that make this quite challenging including a dangerous blood moon that increases mob spawns supply drops with used for lutein side and eventually invading other civilizations everyone is also in hardcore mode meaning they only have one life which will become the most advanced region and what will happen when the board is full welcome to the story of minecraft civilization [Music] so we begin in the jungle region players started by collecting wood and exploring their surroundings eventually finding a jungle village with useful tools armor and most importantly a huge supply of food from the straw hearts this put the jungle civilization in a great position allowing them to stop mining for materials the desert civilization weren't so lucky they spawned next to a mesa mountain in what seemed like an endless desert biome however on the other side of the mountain there was a gold rush town which got quickly dismantled by their players for wooden tools one player found the town's gold mine and sprinted inside not realizing there was a slight drop and became the first player to be eliminated now is probably a good time to explain the role that each player decided to take when players joined the server they were given the choice of three classes first is farmer which gives bonus crops and extra loot from mobs the second option is miner which gives you permanent fortune and lets you break stone faster and lastly is warrior which lets you deal more damage and move faster and these classes would help each player greatly advance their civilization the desert still had no sustainable food source so the farmers started planting the crops they spawned with while the miners quickly gathered resources from the gold mine and brought water buckets from an underground lake to the community farm the arctic civilization were in a similar boat to the desert although they had lots of wood this icy tundra had no food at all so players began exploring in a huge group and came across a giant gateway into a dwarven fortress this contained food armor and even different oars inside making them the first civilization to obtain diamonds but they still needed a sustainable food source so led by the best potato farmer wait i read that wrong second best potato farmer in minecraft squid kid they built a huge farm inside of the fortress while the miners came across an ice cave that they could use as a water source for growing crops everything was looking good for these civilizations until the sun went down and on day two the first world event began the hunger event every player now had to survive through extreme hunger for the next minecraft day and in hardcore this was even more of a challenge than normal but before we see what each civilization does in this event let's venture into the civilization of tevat from today's sponsor genshin impact gentian impact is an open world rpg game available on pc android ios and playstation where you step into a vast magical world and begin your adventure on the continent of tevat here there are seven elements that you can gain control over using different types of characters and each element has its own map region and cities gentian impact just released the brand new 2.5 updates so for a limited time you can now get returning characters ryden shogun and sangno miya kokomi as well as the brand new character yai miko each character also has new story quests there's also a new boss that wields a giant katana three new shadowy husk enemies as well as a ton of new events like designing your own obstacle course domain with traps coins and launch pads becoming a bartender at a tavern and brewing drinks for your customers and even exploring the mysterious encanomia map for chests and other secrets so be sure to download genji impact this special code will give you 60 primo gems and 5 adventurers experience thanks to genshin impact for sponsoring this video and now let's continue the desert civilization needed to come up with some new ideas for collecting food so a group of miners had the idea of breaking cobwebs using the string to craft fishing rods and creating a small pond near the desert community farm by catching and cooking fish they actually managed to sustain themselves really well the farmers also had a good supply of baked potatoes but another group of players with a slightly questionable approach decided to kill mobs as a food source as rotten flesh was technically useful now but this quickly backfired when they angered an enderman wiping out three players instantly desert now had the least players out of every civilization meanwhile squidward and the other arctic players took a much more agricultural approach creating giant farms that managed to keep everyone alive until a guy fell off a mountain oh my god and then three players who were underground starved in the jungle they not only had an abundance of food but someone even predicted that there would be a hunger event by watching other civilization videos i kept this cow safe because i knew there'd be a hunger event but this region had one huge downside this dense jungle surrounding them was dark enough for mobs to spawn and a creeper wandered into the village wiping out one of their players [Music] reminding them that they would have to be really organized to survive so players begun sharing out buckets of milk until starkiller gathered everyone to explore a huge 1.18 cave that he found i have a tunnel to the deep dark if you guys need some stuff a tunnel to the deep dark where is it i mean i made a staircase because i figured we all want to go back guys it's a trap don't go in no i'm kidding i'm kidding what while all the players from the jungle village were distracted their cow was assassinated by a mystery player where's the cow where's the cow db where's the cow players begun wondering was this just a simple mistake or was someone looking to cause conflict in this civilization oh diamond's already there's no way i'm goaded lapis and diamond straight away oh yes please be a giant vein please yes i can feel my power so day two came to an end and the hunger event was finally over this hit the desert and arctic civilizations the hardest they were about to be given a chance to advance their civilization much further because on the morning of day three the next world event begun border expansion players could now travel anywhere in their region as they were previously limited to a 100 by 100 area they also get given the coordinates of an ancient structure with powerful loot inside including diamonds and enchanted books in the jungle civilization a player by the name of starkiller stood up as a much needed leader after their cal was assassinated and organized a group of five players with the warrior class to go on an expedition to the nearby structure so they crossed the river into this unexplored territory and carefully navigated the jungle in the middle of the night eventually arriving at a huge aztec temple they quickly realized that the players they saw inside of this structure weren't part of the jungle civilization oh oh these are people these are people and a huge battle with the natives commenced but while everyone was distracted two mysterious players dug into the side of the temple and sneakily took all of the diamonds enchanted books and other useful items leaving all of the lotte items like wheat in the chests to avoid suspicion and it worked oh my gosh we're here oh this this was terrible what the rest of the players arrived at the room and just assumed the loot wasn't very good leaving the structure empty-handed desperate for more gear guys i have a gift for anyone who's at work i'm a warrior i'm a warrior in the desert region a group of five players had just arrived at a giant desert pyramid and quickly planned an attack against the natives they were met with even more danger than the jungle as these temple gods wielded fire aspect swords [Music] although they were low in numbers they successfully cleared out the entrance disarmed the trap and discovered that the gods were coming from spawners however instead of breaking them they decided to clear out the doorway and tunnel directly to the loot room finding a north chapel diamonds and a huge supply of tnt which would definitely be useful if they decided to invade another region although they had a rough start the structures and great communication in the desert kingdom set them on a great path towards advancing despite their previous losses the arctic kingdom brought a group of 10 players to their nearby structure eventually arriving at a giant ice temple they noticed the native snowmen inside and this deceivingly friendly name caused one player to make a break for the promised loot but this immediately backfired as he was swarmed by snowmen then fell into almost every trap in the temple and met an unfortunate end the other arctic players knew they had to come up with a plan so half of them gathered on top of the temple and placed water while squid kid broke into the side and melted the snowmen using lava one by one they cleared out the spawners and while this was happening i flew into the loot room and decided to check a chest just to make sure they actually had loot inside and i set off a tnt trap that i planted myself somehow i managed to place water just before it exploded and genuinely couldn't believe what just happened oh my so i placed back the chest while the arctic players cleared out the final few snowmen and entered the loot room finding a notch apple diamonds and other amazing loots the arctic and desert civilizations spent the rest of day 4 trying to advance further while the jungle civilizations seem to just be relaxing in the jungle village everyone jump if you like genshin impact staying on service actually turned out to be useful for the jungle kingdom as on day five the next world event shortly begun town building players now had to travel towards a beacon within their region and spend the next 10 minecraft days building a town center staff then get to vote on each build allowing each civilization to earn a different tier of supply drop depending on their position each contain different amounts of diamonds food and books depending on their tier and the worst supply drop also has an interesting surprise inside and guys before we continue any further this video took a very long time to make since everything is custom so if you want to see more content like this and help out the channel you should definitely subscribe if you're in that 90 who aren't already i'm gonna keep making these crazy videos and you definitely don't wanna miss them also if you wanna be in these civilization videos then follow me on twitter that's where i post the applications the arctic and desert civilizations knew they had limited blocks to build with and had to be resourceful so the arctic collected blocks from the dwarven fortress shed some leaves and collected snow teas on their winter town but the desert had a slightly different approach bringing the zombie of their fallen teammate who suffocated in sand at the beginning of the game all the way to that new town location by boat yeah we'll check on this guy later eventually after a long journey each civilization migrated to their new location and begun creating the foundations of that town centers [Music] after the towns had made some progress i decided to visit each civilization to see how they were getting along when i teleported to the jungle i saw them creating a panda village with a slightly small population welcome to panda village there's two pandas there's three there's four the jungle town actually looked really good their hard work combined with starkiller's leadership gave them a very good chance of winning the build competition but this is where the upcoming king election event made things very interesting during this event one player from every civilization will be voted as king giving them double health an elytra built into their armor and a protection 5 crown in the jungle starkiller was currently in line for the throne already being given a gold crown to wear by his people but another jungle player by the name of eyes had been caving since day one slowly becoming the most powerful player out of every civilization oh what yes please be seven man this looks like it's bigger three yup it's seven that's it i'm full diamond oh what how did i just find a spawner that's crazy water protection of all the things i could have found in the chest water protection but i'll take the string oh one reflection two man come on a golden apple though i arrived on surface determined to become king and met up with his ally saitama whom informed him about the player in his way the star guy is being really charismatic and like i think we kill him before we even get selected they traveled to the island next to the town to secretly inchon knowing that a revolution may have to take place for eyes to get the throne and they didn't want to give their possible assassination targets any more gear than necessary oh my yeah yeah i'm incredibly stacked and you know there's some funky business going on over there that we're gonna have to uh iron out people think people think they're in charge player then stumbled into them on the beach and they quickly hit the enchantment table hello sir you're you're kind of low i wasn't in the cave with the house they were trying to get into leaves so they could keep enchanting but he kept talking but we have a lot of stuff so um i have some stuff together so i go there and i yeah i talked to them about it yeah okay so they were finally alone again until moments later when starkiller himself and his second in command crossed the river to greet eisensite's armor into the civilization with a friendly welcome that wasn't very reciprocated i can already tell that you guys have done an amazing job i can already tell do you guys wait i heard rumors i've heard rumors that you guys have enough for enchantment tables no i found this in a dungeon ah okay okay gentlemen thank you so much for what you guys have done to mine oh my god this guy was beautiful oh this is this is going great yeah did you guys ever reach the leather um oh man i literally i'm enchanted he's like do you guys have an inch on the table i was like no i might have found this with eisenstein's armor rising extreme suspicion starkiller and his friend returned to the town while their allies menacingly plotted to take the throne yeah this guy seems nice but he's definitely getting drilled and we're taking charge here i don't know what they're thinking they decided their best plan of action was to try and win over the other jungle members but when they arrived at the village they didn't blend in too well do you have apples can i have apples like crazy yeah his dreams of becoming king were slowly fading as the villagers somehow figured out that he was hiding an enchantment table the enchanted diamond alma definitely wasn't suspicious after a suggestion from saitama he finally decided to shed the enchantment table attempting to win over the people yo guys i've got a public servant announcement i was trolling here you go yo guys enchantments but they still didn't seem convinced yo guys i'm not gonna lie i'm gonna elect myself king sound good um no and then took a trip to the arctic civilization who were getting along much better than the jungle [Music] you can carve the pumpkin off for the snowman [Music] there's like three songs going on at the same time i really like the look of that town until i noticed the most cursed statue ever everybody slide to the left i then checked out the deserts town center and just as i arrived this happened okay we should make the game [Music] moments after invictable finally arrived at the town after 30 minutes of boating across the desert i put more dedication into getting this stupid undead member of our civilization back to the base then i put into any of my schoolwork but i mean that's that's fine you know it's justifiable what where did he go no wait never mind everything's okay oh my god i can see the finish line how do we lose someone building what this is absolutely terrible and sad but we have a replacement teammate so i mean is it really that bad back in the jungle the question of who should become king needed an answer with the king's election quickly approaching eyes argued for aristocracy while starkiller wanted the people to decide and a revolution was slowly brewing no says who starts the case i think are the king based on what i say okay and they're gonna elect you because you've been here waffling the whole time but i just gave you enchants and a full diamond and a warrior so i don't know what gives you qualification over me i didn't say anything i just said we should let the people decide i know but you've been here talking them up like jim jones for 40 minutes so they're going to pick you i'll all i'm going to say is vote for who you want you're you're waffling right now mate i've got a question yeah and you know where hey can i please hey can i please get getting us the inside table what do you mean you're unenchanted iron you're going to get too hit by the other teams well i'm going to get two hip throat you know the combo oh my god so the town building came to an end and it was now time for me and the other staff members to vote deciding which civilization would get which tier of supply drop so we began in the desert kingdom who had transformed themselves into a prosperous and resourceful nation we're gonna start here so right here we have a statue of you actually oh my god that is a very accurate statue it looks uh oh there's a second statue we have our lovely pink throne built inside a pyramid which actually features an actual real grass block wow and then we have probably our greatest achievement the necromancy laboratory where we somehow brought one of our members back from the dead i seriously have no idea how you did this this is literally just ridiculous oh my that's insanely cool yes and yeah we build a uh a mine to get us resources automatically as it goes in and out of the cave which everyone is actually kind of blocking the mine cart right now but when it works very well next we visited the arctic kingdom who definitely had the most spirits out of every nation so here we have the statue to the source of everyone in the city right in town i don't know how they feel about this here we have the principle tree the best tree of the the sus mastery wow that is a very cool tree i like the decorations and i like the star on top it's very good and there you go where we all reunite every sunday uh church of soup to against an impact map wow that's a very that's a very divine decoration we have some villagers having a snowball fight looks very good here we have some uh skin song yo this is so good dude this is such a good ice rink and finally the jungle kingdom who had a very aesthetic town and even law despite their political tension as listen in case it wasn't obvious enough everyone here works super hard on this everyone here has done a phenomenal job right here we have a skull with emerald eyes to honor those who have passed whoa in case it wasn't obvious we have an emphasis on emeralds because they are green that is a lot of emeralds complete green thumbs the one i'm really proud of is our food farm thanks to jack he has single-handedly saved us from starvation that is insane that is a very good fall this is where this is where those very brave and bullying go and down here is the docks well that these are grand ships oh my favorite thing is this the monkey statue we have to honor the monk we are in the jungle after all monkey monkey giant monkey yes thank you for the civilization tour this this will be getting a very strong vote so the votes were then collected and here are the results in first place what the jungle kingdom [Music] let's go boys in second place for the desert kingdom good enough honestly i'll take it and unfortunately in last place were the arctic this meant that the jungle got the best supply drop containing 64 diamond ore 32 golden apples a huge amount of food iron lappers and most importantly four netherright ingots it was delivered to their town center on my very advanced technology the chicken parachutes players swarmed the supply drop and starkiller's friend managed to get 64 diamond ore which could definitely turn the tides in the upcoming election but eyes managed to get 4 netherite ingots from the supply drop oh and i also forgot to mention pvp inside of civilizations also turns on when the election starts so this was about to get interesting the desert got the second best supply drop containing half a stack of diamond door 16 golden apples flappers books and a ton of food one player with the minor class used his fortune ability as well as a fortune pickaxe that he enchanted to actually double the diamonds which was pretty impressive okay okay and the arctic got the worst supply drop containing 16 diamond ore a decent amount of food a small amount of iron three books all and um i forgot to mention it also contained a ravager oh my god the diamond guy died the optics harmony had descended into chaos and their players were furious i'm sorry i'm sorry it had to be done my attempts to calm them down weren't working so i started the next world event and the much-anticipated king election finally begun each civilization now had to decide on a player to receive the king powers and lead them to victory the arctic kingdom definitely needed some strong leadership to recover from the ravager as they now had the least players out of every civilization so that people gathered around an igloo to begin their election let's have three people stand up and say they want to be the leader and then so we need some sort of order we need some sort of like control we need some sort of teamwork especially teamwork i can speak with complete clarity guys don't be persuaded she just has the people of the arctic were ruthless and deemed most inadequate but they narrowed down the vote to two candidates and a player named changledoll was chosen as the king thank you for everyone that believed in me i will do my absolute best to provide everything that you could wish for we will win this competition we will win it and we will destroy the enemy kingdoms there is your crown jungle the desert kingdom had a very organized election instantly deciding on two candidates to vote between i'm worried everyone's gonna go on a side that they want to vote for and whoever had no not yet okay well i guess it's decided am i king and on his throne he was crowned as the king of the desert the jungle election was by far the most chaotic during my tour of the town build a group of players who believed in a militaristic future for the jungle nation secretly gathered with eyes in the panda village pledging their support for his leadership kill the panda who cares oh no i'm making a statement kill him yeah i don't want to be rude but he's just like he's just shouting over everything anyone says nonstop and he's saying the same six things like i don't think we can drop them i can drop them these were the same players that stole the temple loot and assassinated the village cow on day one so it wasn't surprising they joined forces with these new players on his side the debate that would decide the future of the jungle nation the gun look at look at izzy right here bro look at the gear in that yeah he's got ear that's the only thing he has that's the only thing he has y'all are bowing down to him y'all are bowing down to him just because he has gear okay so what is what does he have over me then if i only have gear over him what does he have over me he can he has leadership leadership he's made a farm congrats it's not going to help you fight 30 people but what else do you have what else do you have tell me what else do you have much more experience in a fight than wrong much more experience in a fight if i have the buff i'm gonna have double health i have the best gear i'm gonna do the most damage yeah if he has it he's in iron how is that better he'll explain that to me here's the thing here's the thing it's the way you're trying to say you don't have anything to explain it follow you it's the way you i'm not you're trying to make us win if it's him we're not winning i'm being realistic if it's you they're going to target you because you have the king crown and you're an iron they're going to take it off and then they're going to have two crimes that's fair honestly yeah you know what i agree reluctantly starkiller's followers agreed that i should be king and he was crowned in the panda village and there is your crown the reign of king eyes had now begun so the kings were now chosen and it was time for them to lead their civilization through the next world event the blood moon this means permanent night time for five minecraft days and hugely increased mob spawns so the blood moon rose and each civilization began protecting their town center players quickly realized that it was impossible to clear out the enemies and the majority of players decided to hide inside of their town's buildings the ones who did him were at a huge risk and a player in the desert was caught off guard by a creeper in the jungle civilization most players were hiding in their town buildings waiting for the event to be over but one player allied with eyes used this as an opportunity to lost starkiller underground pretending someone was trapped down there and assassinated him [Music] how did that guy die um while the people of the jungle paid respects in chats i saw this as the perfect opportunity to take complete control of the civilization and make a decision that would greatly change his people's future he decided it was time to go to war the star's gone unfortunately so now it's me and saitama second in command we're gonna go and prepare to assault arctic immediately so we leave now we're ready to cross the border the second blood moon this was an extremely risky decision as they would have to cross through a huge jungle and over half of the arctic region but since the coordinates of supply drops were recently broadcasted in chat they had the exact location of the arctic town meaning this ambush could be hugely successful in the arctic kingdom the new king jungle door used this blood moon as an opportunity he wanted to gain resources and advance their civilization so he gathered all of their players with the minor class in the basement of the town center and they begun exploring the caves below doll also elected a player named superstar general and he decided to create a giant tunnel as an escape route you wait for them to go through and then the last person just comes through and just like spams walks and then they can't like dig on you quickly while another player created a trap inside of an igloo as the jungle warriors moved towards the lake two players were insta-killed by creepers no bro are you guys quick we have to go now cause people are dying yeah we're not doing great on players yeah i know i mean everyone just became headless chickens there and didn't listen like i was only seven of us here what are they doing and their invasion was immediately halted with only half of their players successfully crossing the lake as the rest of them decided to defy their king and stay in the town we're saying here they're leaving trying to attack the ark it's going to help eyes was faced with a huge decision continuing the invasion with only 10 players or moving forward without them yeah let's just follow me just start following me and we're going to be here he decided the ambush was too valuable to lose so he led his brave warriors through the hordes of hostile mobs but after players were told not to go in shads he snapped man what is this guy saying don't go is this guy the traitor i'm about to go back there and kill him no i'm going back and killing this guy don't go back no don't kill don't kill him no he's dying he's dying i'm over it i'm over it he's dying so while his army waited at the edge of the jungle he sailed all the way back to that town and threatened to kill anyone who didn't join the invasion yo hello i don't know who died and made you the leader but get over here or you're dead bro if you don't do it now you're gonna get out here anyway it's now or never if we're gonna die from the arctic okay you don't understand bro i do you don't understand go go to the chords and impressively he recruited nine more players this may have been against their will but the morale of the jungle army was slowly increasing at least until they reached the terrifying hoard of mobs waiting for them on the beach the army sprinted through them with one of their players being eliminated and their population falling even further below the arctics during a blood moon these were minimal losses and after an extremely long and exhausting journey the first party of players crossed into the arctic region and waited for their second group on a hill as the blood moon was slowly setting put your hearts into this battle okay this will be this will go down in history i'm putting my soul into this yes yes cross media but then a player mentioned starkiller and eyes wanted to stamp out any disloyalty starkiller wouldn't have been here starkiller wouldn't have wanted to do this who's saying this by starkiller who's who is it say what your chest who is it don't be quiet now who's saying it who's saying this right now but oh starkiller wouldn't do this yeah i know circular dude have you sit in the island until everyone else kills each other they're all geared and they come and slaughter you like pigs that's what they do listen it is what it is it's happening it's either now or nothing it's not going out let's go now refocused on their common goal of invasion the jungle army began crossing the icy tundra slowly approaching the arctic kingdom and after a long journey they passed the ice temple and regrouped in a valley less than 100 blocks away from the arctic's town center i'm not gonna lie we're kamikaze in this either we win or we don't so don't run away don't get scared and run away we're going in and we're on him that's it with the jungle army spirits high okay go go the invasion begun as the jungle army closed in on the town center two arctic scouts who were positioned on the hill immediately spotted the invaders all right we're gonna try to like just pick out noobs i don't want to fight any big teams oh my god oh my god retreated back to their village to spread the word of invasion in a panic over the clear imbalance of gear in this battle wait why do they have elytra and enchants the jungle's kings sprinted up to the arctic scouts forcing their military general to block up his tunnel and hide the rest of the jungle army descended into the town and the people of the arctic frantically spread the word of invasion guys run oh wait there's a huge group here then without time to think they retreated towards the dwarven fortress for defense but the bloodthirsty jungle army charged towards them killing the arctic players who weren't fast enough the arctic eventually arrived at the dwarven fortress but their players panicked and didn't know where to go allowing the jungle warriors to single out three more of that people oh the lag oh the lag the remaining forces scattered into the forest where squid kid was singled out and chased down by two players as well as king eyes himself eventually falling to the jungle's seemingly unstoppable army yo let's go the arctic had lost over half of their population so they regrouped at the entrance to the dwarven fortress and noticed that even their among us statue had been killed an interesting intimidation tactic by the jungle the remaining arctic players started strategizing but more jungle forces then emerged from the forest decimating the remaining players oh we're still dead oh indeed oh indeed one player aided not chapel to defend himself but was so intimidated by the jungle that he didn't even fight back one remaining player from the group hid underground while two jungle players menacingly taunted him from the surface hey buddy ready to play with me oh my god we know you're here concluding the battle king jungle doll was then slain with a player named ogaboth taking his crown to confuse future enemies bogobot how do you feel about eliminating the king oh i feel dude i had it in the bag it was simple like in the desert kingdom the players had slowly been advancing using this time to increase their military strength they watched in chat as the arctic players fell one by one oh man ice is not doing good i don't think it's me i think a civil war to be honest once they assumed this was due to a civil war within the arctic as the jungle still hadn't lost a single player making them completely unaware that they may be their next target seven players what the heck i think they had the civil war the jungle army regrouped with their invasion being a complete success they still hadn't lost a single player in battle and had reduced the arctic's population from 21 all the way to five ngl don't hear about circular because uh if we listen to circular we'd still be on the uh we should be in our village eating carrots yeah honestly honestly i like the guy but good thing that he died that once doubtful army were now completely loyal to their king however soup the military general of the arctic refused to call this the end and begun scouting outside of the arctic region eventually finding a lone jungle player oh i see i see someone see so no way this kid's dead this kid is so dead oh cute yeah that's right buddy drop your armor right now drop your armor right now drop your armor right now i'll let you live oh no oh my god right after the kill i teleported to soup and reminded him of a game rule that gave the arctic survivors hope soup is what you're gonna do it's a rule where you're allowed to join other civilizations so um if you want you can like you can like can i inside them no no no you have to be accepted by the king but you can secretly i just i mean i just picked off a jungle by himself i like completely betrayed him his kill on the jungle player broadcast into the desert civilization that this was in fact an invasion the desert player broadcasted their coordinates to all of the arctic survivors so that they could travel to their kingdom and seek refuge the remaining five arctic players but gone this extremely dangerous journey soup then crossed into the desert region and eventually crossed paths with another arctic player yo who is this oh is this a skeleton oh wait who is this oh is this the arctica oh yeah it is we need to find the desert people yeah after greeting each other they continued towards the desert capital and spotted a player in the distance yo hello person over there slow down yeah hello yeah hello gold helmet guy yes slow down dude with that polity of three it seemed as if they could get to the town safely in the arctic region the king decided to search the town for any survivors as well as the tunnel that sub disappeared into earlier after realizing the remaining players were long gone he came up with a plan of action against their new threat the desert kingdom the invasion had not only advanced the jungle's equipment but their high morale and experience in combat was now extremely deadly unfortunately for them the arctic players joining with the desert could turn the tables in military strength so king eyes prepared to stop that possibility yeah murder everything murder everything that moves enough so the jungle army begun charging towards the desert capital in an attempt to ambush them while joining forces or even better take out the arctic before they get there soup in the other arctic warriors were slowly getting closer to the desert capital and were on track to reach it safely until they spotted a player with enchanted diamond armor and this time it was an enemy and they were from the jungle kingdom yo hello yo yo yo yo yo yo yo dude who's there who's there who's there are you arctic i'm i'm dead i'm jungle okay i'm jungle but i'm here to make alliance i want to join desert i i i hate my my leader he's so cocky and he's annoying don't think just kill don't think just kill just kill just kill just kill kill kill kill kill no no kill kill kill kill kill kill go he's dead he's dead showcasing his ruthlessness military general soup backstabbed yet another jungle player and acquired full diamond armor as well as diamond almost for his teammates we are still the core team here we do not want desert to win we want to win the desert capital was located less than 200 blocks away from them just past the terracotta mountain the lightning from soup's kill allotted the desert kingdom the other players were extremely close by really close so a large group of desert players begun climbing the mountain to scouts in case of an invasion by the jungle they're all here okay they're gonna join pretend like we are on their side okay and they were quickly relieved by the sights of soup and the other arctic players jungle came in they all had like sharp three swords they had like insane gear they came in they got picked and you guys killed none of them gosh the desert were hesitant to accept the arctic players into their kingdom but after being informed about the power of the jungle nation the desert king decided to let them join listen i'll take them i'll take in these refuge for now but if i see any shady activity going on i won't hesitate to go little did they know as this conversation was taking place the entire jungle army were gathering on a mountain with a very clear view of the desert and arctic forces with that king leading the charge the jungle army sprinted forward catching their enemies completely off guard once again the final battle had now begun while ice distracted the desert's strongest warriors avoiding their attacks with his elytra the rest of the jungle forces descended into the village to prey on the currently unaware desert players oh my god the jungle had now killed five desert players without losing anyone and the desert began to panic while soup and another arctic player decided to completely ignore the invasion with their loyalty still to the future of their own nation they used this as an opportunity to steal the deserts and shaman table i'm grabbing the loose we can leave but eventually assisted the desert in attacking the jungle forces making them lose their first player please goodbye the jungle army began to take their first losses but the king continued to destroy every single desert player in his path however the desert's strongest warriors begun strategizing and after realizing they were being distracted they decided to target the weaker members of the jungle's army and using their overpowering gear ruled down the jungle's numbers one by one in the village the jungle king's second in command then entered a house and was ambushed by two desert players throwing an enderpearl to escape but he landed on the statue of my head and died of full damage giving the desert kingdom even more gear it died in four damage this brought the jungle army down to five players allowing a group of extremely geared desert warriors including their king to 5v1 the jungle king nice eyes then dropped his shortness through netherright sword so now he only had a trident as his weapon and when things seemingly couldn't get worse for the jungle king the abstract zombie escaped from his boat and started chasing eyes joining the team of 8 desert players who were trying to take him down why is he a zombie what the abstract zombie angrily charged towards the king determined to get a kill for his nation but the king's hope returned when he noticed soup in the distance who decided to betray his desert allies and assist the jungle king but they were completely outnumbered so they tried to escape into a cave system you could try to kite with me come in here come here get this game get this cave get this kid nice nice the remaining jungle players were then spotted in the desert's town one was instantly eliminated by invictable's fire sword the other one managed to escape the mine shaft but was quickly taken down this left the jungle kingdom with only one player who was somehow completely lost and i found him next to the world border but i crowned him as the new king of the jungle and gave him the task of winning for his nation jack tbc i have a i have a gift for you all right you are you are now the new king of the jungle there is your new crown now i'll win sorry how do i win you just kill uh just all 11 of them that's easy enough where are they with the tnt that he collected he traveled all the way to the desert capital and hid inside of a building but the desert army spotted him immediately wait the last jungle guy's over here he tried to run and was captured then brought to the desert pyramid inside of the pyramid that notorious zombie warrior was waiting to finish him as a last stand the jungle player attempted to exploit the pyramid but this didn't work and he was backed into a corner while that zombie slowly approached so the desert kingdom had achieved victory defeating the warmongering jungle nation that i was kind of rooting for let me know in the comments which civilization you like the most by the way the desert kingdom lived happily ever after building giant structures fertilizing their lands and expanding their borders they definitely didn't immediately explode their own capital and that is all hopefully you guys did enjoy my first minecraft civilization video if you want to see a sequel to this then leave a like down below and let me know in the comments don't forget to check out some of my other minecraft stories on screen right now and i will see you later peace
Channel: Silver
Views: 12,370,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, civilization, minecraft civilization, 100 players, 100 player civilization, minecraft simulate civilization, 100 players simulate civilization, minecraft hardcore, minecraft but, minecraft challenge, modded minecraft, hardcore, beating minecraft, dream, craftee, bronzo, tommyinnit, xnestorio, silver, custom minecraft, minecraft but custom, minecraft war, minecraft battle, 100 player minecraft war, 100 players simulate civilization in minecraft for a month
Id: fGQyDuErueE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 52sec (2452 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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