Tik Toks Only Girls Will Understand

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hello friends it's me i tried to do something different with my hair today but it's just not the vibe anyways today we're checking out some tic tacs that are for the girls you're tired of being pregnant [Music] hey what happened to the baby ain't gonna come out looking like this she was not actually pregnant it's just a special talent that we have like look like you literally go from this [Music] let it out okay this makes me feel better because not everybody looks like this all the time going downstairs with large boob the grabber yes always the good one the embarrassed one y'all one handed way the one who doesn't care unless you're being chased by hyenas or you're wearing a bra that has the support of a loving family this ain't happening i'm not doing this one sometimes you gotta walk slow so that'll smack you in the face on the way down personally i'm the first one or that i ain't doing this today we're gonna take our time you just got your lashes done and you can't get them wet for 24 hours oh we're really all out here living the same life when i have to cry after doing my eye makeup i get a tissue and i literally soak up the tears this is so specific there's literally a tick tock for everything every little most intimate detail of your life there is a tick tock with somebody with the same exact experience isn't that wild i think those lashes look good not a drop on these bad boys any guys watching this video right now like so confused me getting hot with a hoodie i can't take it off like my guy friend take it out i'm not getting it take it off i can't i ain't taking it off you know for the same reason i cut the video right here [Music] then how can we take the bottle me ma'am where did you pull that out of it's struggle for a hot second like do i want to know probably not but from what i've seen on tick tock there are a lot of places in a woman's body to hide a bottle and various objects underboob in butt crack a long arm shaft i don't know but i've seen it done so many times but i just go with it when your esthetician forgets that you have lash extensions oh no you didn't say nothing when they put a full face mask on you like they cover your eyes i'm getting a facial they even touch around my eyes i'm like i got lashes on you got to be careful with those so what happens do you just like pull it off do you have to remove them one by one i've never done one of these masks so i don't know but like what do you do rip it off like an eyebrow wax my hair is so dry and damaged and won't grow past a certain length also them oh not the jojo siwa ponytail the way they pull the roots the roots are screaming okay but also me why was my hair grow there is nothing worse than coming home to this clean up no face plant into your bed yes oh the bed with all the clothes oh man i cannot do this i cannot do this now my whole life i've had a messy room but now i'm i'm reformed i'm trying to fix it but now it's the closet the closet is the issue but that has a door close the door problem solved the trio when they see somebody that they don't like the intimidating one the friendly one the don't laugh one i'm the don't laugh or the intimidating one i am most definitely not the friendly one but seeing this just trigger someone in me i know people like that they give that same exact look though i can't even do it she did it so perfectly dang so that's how you know someone doesn't like you they give you that look that the face she just made it's specific the feminine urge to cut off all your hair when your mental health is questionable oh she really just sat there and just cut it all off that length takes a very long time to get she just cut it off you know i wanted to do this the other day i gave myself like a diy wolf cut came out horrible hers ended up looking good every woman's brain no um oh yeah why does this happen to be fair girls have clean bedrooms and messy cars guys have messy bedrooms and clean cars also you gotta have your drinks you gotta have your bag gotta have a change of clothes on the back an extra jacket if it gets cold an overnight bag a tool kit that you'll never use and random papers with personal information that you don't want to throw away getting ready for my two to three hour tick tock scroll session before bed what are you looking forward to most about this film well um i think i'm looking forward to cracking up as much as i would love to do this the moment i lay in bed i fall asleep instantly bed for sleeping tick tock for dining table and toilet run to the public restroom asap to get that dyson air blade curls no way this actually works this is something i need to test i'm terrified of using these like dryers because i read once how filthy they actually are and all the germs just like kind of sit in there so i'm like scared to put my hands in there because what if i accidentally touch something they're like i do not like when you have to sit in the middle oh no next to two man spreaders i hate sitting in the middle i literally can't and also i like to man spread myself to assert my dominance for bench space i pick my poison fake scenarios nothing like laying down and thinking of fake scenarios oh the worst ones are replaying arguments in your head or scenarios that already happened and how they could have led so much differently i could have said this i could have said that just drives me insane when you can't show him your crazy side because it's only been three days you just gotta play it nice you know definitely normal no red flags for now girls shoot their shot by posting themselves so you can shoot your shot guys take notes yeah i'm going to post a cute selfie because they want their crush to see it and say something shoot your shot facts when people think you can't do anything with long nails prove them wrong open a can of soda easy wash your hair okay see i have long nails not right now but sometimes i do my nails really long and like i am constantly stabbing myself she's making it look too easy i'll tell you now you will stab yourself multiple times on your face your hands your legs putting up your hair and it will hurt yeah i don't care how many coins you pick up you will stab yourself it is unavoidable oh she's tying her shoe that's impressive dang okay that's pretty good toilet paper wrap it around your hand and or nails okay the lotion now she's not gonna talk about how hard it is to get the lotion like out from under your nails also cleaning your nails you need like a brush or something when your shoulder bag falls off trying to put shoes on it's not the vibes i thought there was something wrong with my arm or something like why does it always come off do i not have enough shoulder for a shoulder bag no this is when you when you bend over it just slip off and it's not the vibe it's annoying pov you laugh too hard at your friend's house oh wait i wouldn't okay this is getting a little too specific you know maybe i shouldn't even say anything because any guys watching this they're not gonna understand what is she blow drying or underwear or maybe they're gonna put two or two you know when they say i laugh so hard i piss myself yeah that's exactly what it means unfortunately how i eat my chocolate oh she stabs it with her nails now another use for nails stab an object free fork personally i use my nails to like flip food on the grill flip a tortilla easy the feminine urge to hold your boob and realize you are in class okay i don't know where this came from but also if you're wearing something like really baggy and then like you take out one sleeve and then just like sit i'm sitting and holding boob but you would never know i just look cold and i was thinking about i'm like where does that urge come from is it because your hands are cold because my hands are always cold like i'll put it in my pants i'll put it in my shirt i'll put it in my armpits you know where the warmth is i don't know we just built different you left a sweat crack on your chair he ruined my dream journal i did not get to my chair what can i say but sweat no like actually butt sweat wipe it off and mind your business stay away from my neck dracula me checking myself out in the mirror seeing my eyes and realizing i'm looking at myself wait what not once have i ever looked at myself in the mirror and thought that i thought she was gonna say something like looking at myself in the mirror realizing i'm actually ugly when the period cramps hit at 7 pm but you haven't eaten yet and you need to eat before taking the advil but the cramps are taking over help i think i'll just lay here again very oddly specific when you are in such pain and cannot get out of bed i need to eat something before taking advil like the feminine urge to say i'm cold at least 100 times a day yes i don't know what it is like guys can be out on a t-shirt when it's snowing and i gotta be like bundled up on a 60 degree day i am always cold except at night when i'm under my covers i like to sleep in the cold that bedtime cold hit different but then you wake up and it's suddenly freezing they don't want to get out of bed i'm so happy feeling pretty not wearing any makeup until somebody asks you are you okay you look tired oh my god literally the number one reason to wear makeup is that so nobody asks you that i'm gonna be tired either way you know guys if you're ever wondering what your crush looks like without makeup it's probably just her but imagine her tired i can't tell you how annoying this is when you rub your eyes i realize you have makeup on uh-oh somebody get the lash glue you know having lash extensions on all the time i don't even rub my eyes anymore used to it i'm so happy when you press order on your door dash order and your favorite food is coming to you when the momentary dopamine is gone and you just spent thirty dollars on a ten dollar meal like bro i could have drove five minutes to go pick up this food and save me twenty dollars personally i rather go get my own food mental health bad emotional health bad physical health bad hey are you feeling okay oh i'm fine this is so awkward when you're at a store and you're having the worst day imaginable and then they're like how are you doing today i can't say it i'm having a horrible day and i don't want to make it awkward i don't want to explain my situation so i'm just like i'm good just had a mental breakdown in the parking lot before walking in here but i'm fine but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the face and comment below which one was the most relatable and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack oh i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,773,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok meme, funniest tik toks, tik toks worth watching, memes
Id: xJP7o4lR680
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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