"sneaking" inside of a Secret Minecraft Island.. (Minecraft War)

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[Music] here we are the return of minecraft war and and the start of power rangers that we're taking over the world that's what we're doing in today's video 40 regular minecraft players are dropped into a world where you have to use warlike minecraft mods to try and survive as long as possible against the other teams if your beacon gets broken by another team you're banned from the server and my team were obviously extremely prepared i'm gonna lose the will to live this year we're trying to hit 400 000 subscribers so if you find yourself enjoying this video at any point and would like to help out i'd appreciate it if you considered it it's free and you can always leave me later this series will be going on for a while so sit back relax and get ready for the return of minecraft war we have 10 seconds i'm recording and all of you in the fridge why are you in the fridge why are you all in the fridge oh we started oh i'm gonna die i'm alive guys don't worry your team lead where are we going who's making the base the thing is i don't know names i only know colors stark i'm on a tree why are you on a tree it's a stock turn around the wrong team stuck wrong team this way this way mate this way you didn't get the kit either did you do slash kit raven oh my god you're so inept where are we where are we making the base do we have an area look at this we've got a nice little flat area we've got hill here do we do it here i like this i think we do it like that do we do it on the hill like start it on the hill one big tower on the hill one big thing down here okay so we need to level out this area that's what we need to do look yeah like this and then we just need to get rid of the the leaves and then what we can do is we can start making our tower here except the fact that we can't craft so minecraft without crafting furnaces don't work i'm gonna lose the will to live okay can this be like is this gonna be our main tower bit and then are we gonna have like farm here maybe and maybe like the big open thing here so we need to flatten this out okay that's what i'll go do i'll go do manual labor you can craft you can craft we're back in the game we've done it right it's time raven went off on his own just for a second and let's get serious okay serious little music enough of the funny stuff minecraft war now i think i have a competent team we kind of have an idea of what we want to go for in terms of like quickly try to find out where everyone else is so dramatic music you know a little bit for black bars action i'm going to try to just scout and just get some location so there's a tree broken there there was definitely a team that ran this direction that's for sure because the idea is we play for two hours hello sheep and then after those two hours the server shuts down fully oh my god people must have run far it must have just been us that didn't run very far i see someone don't know whose uniform that is okay we need to get out of there that's one person at least so we at least we know where one direction of a team is it's uh i think that was east south south so one team is definitely going to be there but maybe if i can just try find some vantage points that maybe we could use for like outpost bases or we can use for other stuff i think definitely spawn opens up like a lot of opportunities right now because also i have our missile launch pad which means i can probably place that somewhere jack what the hell have you done james i stole some stuff from another team did you find the same team i did i found possibly shrek was it was it a guy with three furnaces yes yeah that's the guy that i found screenshotted and i made a really dramatic reveal of and kareem's dead this has really gone fantastic okay we have we have a while uh an hour and 25 minutes i have lead do we need lead is that anything that's not in the thing we can make pencils if we win i literally will give all of you 50 fifty dollars each if we win seb leave this in fifty dollars each if we win okay i have i have sixty four are we just having like we need to just do one chest just for dense stones stone i found it so a little bit of time has passed on our very first episode of adventure the funny stuff is over okay we're getting serious from now on and welcome to team raven's base so far i know what you're thinking it looks like a prison and it's actually fantastic so we have right now uh we've got uh matty uh mikey and fatal working on the hbm stuff getting us guns and weapons emilia jack finn kareem and tixpee and stock have been working on the base and materials so right now what we have is a load of dense stone up here so hopefully this should cover us from any gunshots or any like rpgs or anything that they start firing and then if we work our way up here this is where the important stuff is actually going to be so we're going to have a door here that you need to obviously get through and here is the top floor so in this top floor we every leader gets a missile launch pad so what we're going to have here is our missile launch pad that's going to fire up into the sky like that as uh who's the red guy uh as jack is so beautifully showing off to me right now so i kind of need to unmute get everyone just uh caught up to speed with what we're doing and i hope to god that the team is actually going okay i want to go check in with everyone lance how is everything going on lady sorry leah it's okay how is everything going i know you're a pretty little pink power ranger but how's it going you're not answering my question no dude that is that is dench thank you okay i don't think we need any more just apart from that second roof we're gonna need it for that second roof up there so we're gonna need like another eight stacks hp hbm lads i've been recording by the way just in case nobody knows how's everything going what's the progress updates i'm making guns good nice night have you seen the base right the base is basically finished jack it's just me and you it's it's our private time you know we're gonna go we're gonna go annoy some people and find some people uh we have floor number one which is the bottom floor number two here which we're just gonna fill with like random stuff just mazes i think just to get people away all we do is we place the beacon like this back corner and we have to open like 25 doors to get to it like an absolute we could do this on this floor and the floor above so they have no idea where it'll be yeah jack look we could do it here let's do it in here we could just make infinite mazes no we won't do it right now we're going to annoy people first of course like come on and then we obviously have our top floor with our little like uh our little outlook area and honestly i think we've made quite a nice base just jumped down to the very bottom and this is what mattie and everyone's been working on so this is gonna be the place where all our components are so all of our machinery is going to be down here all of our other stuff so it's a lot of time to go up and down repeatedly and we could also add another iron door so they have to go through the doors obviously okay let's go find people we okay uh there was a guy that way which we didn't steal from i stole some stuff from another team did you find the same team i did we saw absolutely nothing from that poor guy uh so we know there's a guy that direction do we go back that direction or do you want to go this way let's go this way let's go to let's go to the first guy we saw with the iron because people have got to be building bases right now right there's only 40 minutes left today it does look really cool though you have to admit like this is probably the best thing we've ever made yeah we'll fix it we'll fix it we didn't we didn't fix that yet we didn't fix that yeah okay so here was this way right so we need you know like intense music we've got to get prepared and we've got to make sure they don't see which direction we come from and which direction we go back to are you driving now okay base my face there actually is one okay uh i screenshot it i screenshot it okay get out get out we need to keep the boat here as our escape method intense music intense music they've only got cobblestone it looks like a ryan building like in the nice way possible it looks like a rhyme building where are you you're back there i'm this way we can get closer i think trying to see if i can see uh this is not the time for dream music they've got a reinforced glass at the top i think you can shoot that out looks like they're making like a runway and stuff but that base looks like just on the tower i can make another boat and we can try loop round get in get in gonna we need to go around the side they're probably building up this very front bit right so maybe he wasn't even logged on okay i'll screenshot this because we know where ryan is now so that's one bonus at least we know where ryan is one base we need at least two just in case the first one doesn't work out because i think if we see ryan we're kind of buggered because it's ryan and he probably has like 900 million things and also i don't want to go with him first because content you know there's a building there's a building in front that's another armor set who's go back home i think we did well honestly i think we did really well finding two bases can someone can someone open the door please i don't i don't trust minecraft physics thank you we've we've lost all right lads okay we know where the guns are look they're magically in this chest all right we need four we only have four guns anyway uh so me jack kareem and and stocks thing broke tick speed you want to come instead uh there'll be four here four there so we'll keep i don't know i guess we'll just go for it right i mean if it goes bad it goes bad this episode's two hours so it could everything could happen we are beta males and we are happy with it all right what do you mean wait uh well we can head over by the time we head over yeah yeah exactly we'll do jack you have the chords right wow i'm so i'm such a good team leader like looking at it from a leadership point of view i think you know we we've been off the try-hards and then we we do you guys are having an intense conversation i don't feel part of this hang on so we've seen we and jack saw two bases yesterday we've lost tick speed where's txb team move out hopefully we can take damage soon uh there's no update on the damage thing i don't know if skye's here okay um jack i have four boats you know you came prepared okay boat one and boat two i'll get him boat to who wants to join me who's who i are for god's sake why am i with him check oh there it is there it is back back back back back back okay the island was this way right that island we could camp yeah look it's actually look it's like five block high that's it oh someone's outside they didn't see us they didn't see us run over here run this way look how convenient the hill is okay don't show yourself to get down get down who's this who's just showing the noggin off for everybody oh i think that might be me wait no i'm at ryan's base oh ryan's base is right behind us okay let's go further back uh please place your boats we need to find the we need to find the thing we need to find the entrance or the the place we saw yesterday jack you know i want about with the the thing the little tent we need to just keep out of render distance because i swear to god if we yeah i'm in f5 literally just hoping okay look there's a hill back there we could probably go on there's a gap there's a gap in the wall right you ready yeah reload your guns okay just chill just chill just chill you ready get out the boat get out the boat light them up boys on the hell on the hill on the right get the guy over the hill guy on the hill i got him i got him i got him okay uh we need to we need to break the beds break the bed is the beacon open right here the beacon's open the beacons open the beacons open do we get it straight away [Music] do we just get it oh do we loot let's try lou i don't know about straight away just try luke get him out of this island okay look they have stuff here they have combustion stuff take all this take all this we can bring this back to base wait we can take his stuff jason's back here he's really low they're running they're running come on we got this we got this nice nice tig speed nice shooting you zombies on me i got him i got him okay loot the bodies make sure we have enough stuff um he didn't have anything i'm going to try breaking oh i got all his stuff okay i'll go for it i'm going for it i'm going for it just go for it oh i feel bad oh i feel so bad okay someone had to be first we got rid of the tryhard is all we needed okay the beacon's gone do we do we tell an admin how do we do this i don't know because there's no plugin oil deposits do we need oil uh oh i lost fatal i was fatal he said yeah he said yeah take it take it take it take all of it take it all take it all uh i'm gonna put all the oil in my backpack doesn't work i don't know how it works let's go back to base i think we honestly go back after this okay i can't believe that actually worked i didn't want to do it so quick but the thing is these oh i jumped out i didn't want to do it so quick but the thing is these guys are going to be incredibly powerful if we didn't do that and plus we needed the upper hand so now people know that the power ranger clan is basically invincible and and we're crushing it right now now we can literally just chill i see we work on components all the day uh we just chill out maybe make a little farm area for food like infinite food maybe like a little outpost base uh outside here okay lovely let's get everything let's get everything organized and let's get this base sorted that's what we need to do we just need cobble that's all we need i have everything else why are we low on cobble of all things jesus oh yeah fair point all right i'll get mine in with that lads we'll get some stuff done it just flew over and dropped the bomb in the air yeah well why did it do that where is it where's it gone where's it gone i'd recommend putting it i could i can hear it i can i can i can i can feel it in the air literally oh yeah we have the shooting floor for a reason get up i see it i see it i shot it i shot it okay okay it's getting very very close just watch yourself watch yourself because that's gonna do a lot of damage very very very quickly i don't know who it is that's the thing oh it's shooting again it's over the top i fell down to the bottom okay remember we only have limited ammo i'm just patching up the dirt thanks doc we can always count on you in a crisis wait the door's not placed someone replaced the door okay i think all the dropping stuff on the top dead stone to repair if need be oh i'm being shot again it's crashing it's lost the wind it's lost the wind do we just leave it just leave it just leave it literally i think i think we did enough damage i think we we took a lot of damage from that at the same time like the surrounding area on the base is it rhino is it thomas i saw ryan not scout i don't think it's so after the whole drama has now gone to parishion we now have our new team members because in this show when you knock out a team uh the other members get dispersed through the other teams and we right now have paddy mcginnis back that's what we wanted hey welcome to team power ranger team is full okay we'll just get rid of him has already killed me three times have you seen our base you think why are you so angry sir chill the hell out you're kind of free to do whatever you like uh take that that that that that and that you are now part of team raven we have a no helmet policy when inside the base so you can tell who's power rangers who's uh you're not a power ranger so you won't have this problem there you go look how cool you look look how cool you look you look way cooler in our armor than you did on the other team that's all i'm gonna say all right so i think what we have to do kind of for the rest of this episode is we basically i think we've initiated the new team members okay everything's going good we've had a laugh is we need to start getting the secret room up and running so what we're gonna need is a little bit of wood so i'm gonna jump inside the base right now there we go and we oh someone shot that was probably jack we're gonna need a lot of wood actually i think what we should do is do it inside the base but honestly i think the next episode from this we're gonna have to try like scout dev awake we need to try find where he is uh i need a little bit more dense stone for these walls that's the only issue i have okay uh i don't have an axe i really should have bought an axe i really feel like i should i should have at some point okay i need this just to make a few signs and then we should actually be good to fully go plans to win in brackets hopefully okay so our plans to win so of number one we're going to need planes built and runway 45 number two we are going to need team locations i think for number three uh we kind of need to keep up weapon consistency consistently consistent consists turn c that that's how you spell it okay i think that works and this can be our little little secret area where hopefully we can maybe store some secret stuff too so just to end this video off we are going to be making our nether portal which means hopefully uh in the later episode we might be able to use this just to get some places quicker if i replace this last one there we go and through the nether we go hopefully he says lads we're clear we're in the clear all right grab though grab the quartz grab the quartz right so i'm just gonna quickly grab just a little bit of quartz just before this ends off as we only have like three minutes left on today's video i really hope you guys did enjoy this i didn't want to be so aggressive just off the start but i think a move needed to be made just straight away because without it obviously emil would have grown more powerful and we have actually gained new team members from this so it's actually a good thing so i think that's where i'm going to end off today's video i really hope you guys did enjoy that that piglet pigman's wearing a hat goodbye he fell thank you guys so much for watching i hope everyone did enjoy in the next video hopefully you will have planes we'll have a load of stuff set up and i'll see you then
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 48,471
Rating: 4.9731941 out of 5
Keywords: jamieraven, factionsraven, hide or hunt, minecraft hide or hunt, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, minecraft funny, minecraft war, minecraft modded war
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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