I made a secret Minecraft ICE MOUNTAIN base! (Hide Or Hunt)

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hey guys welcome back to hide or hunt the game where 20 people drop into a survival world of minecraft and try and make a secret base and try to be the last one found this season we're playing a little bit different with a new spin-off called love at first sight this is where we all start as solo players in the world make our own individual bases however after 25 minutes the grace period will end and the first person either you punch or they punch you that is your teammate for the rest of the game so if you guys do enjoy this video and want to see more of these be sure to subscribe it's free you can always change your mind at la today and almost 50 of you guys that watch these videos aren't subscribed so please subscribe it's free guys also if you do want to check out the public hideo hunt server as this is hosted by them be sure to head to the ip in the description and try yourself to maybe find some secret bases anyway now that that plug is out of the way enjoy today's video all right here we go hydor hunt love at first sight edition they're calling it basically as i said in the intro the first person i see and the first person that i either punch or they either punch me after we are out of invis after 25 minutes is going to be my teammate so we're all gonna get invis any second now i'm kind of scared because there's a lot of people on here that i don't know and if i get if i end up being with somebody who i've never played with before okay we've got our invis if i end up being with someone i've never played with before i feel like we are not going to work very well together so we'll just have to wait and see but here we go seven six five four three two one boom oh we got we got our stuff but we didn't i i don't know what's going on there we go boomer off right time to uh i don't really know what we're doing right i see somebody here i'm gonna see if i can kind of follow somebody without them actually realizing that i'm following them so i don't know who this is here but they are doing something they're going into there oh i didn't actually i forgot about these they've got chests in these houses let's check these houses see if there's anything in the chest come on come on is there okay we've got a compass and some bread that's decent i don't know what this is anyway we're off somebody's getting the wood there i'm gonna actually steal some of the wood from these houses so we can save some time actually trying to find trees and then as soon as we find a cave we can just dive in it we shouldn't actually need that much wood to be fair so i'll just grab like a little bit i think i get like one more pillar here well here we go is this a cave no it's not that's just the path is there anything in this chest all right there was a little bit of stuff in there there's nothing crazy around here though this area right here looks kind of cool to make a base oh and it's real close to the border as well i think somebody is definitely going to end up living around here at some point like no doubt about it somebody's going to live around here at some point anyway we need to try and find a cave to dive inside of and try and uh try and get some iron because if we end up like last episode of last season where i was like 25 minutes in and still with barely any iron we're gonna have a bit of an issue there's some iron here actually there's quite a lot of iron in here actually i think grace period is still on so i should be able to get this iron without drowning and if i drown i am going to be upset please don't start drowning okay i'm not drowning perfect so it's only a little bit of surviving but it all adds up so here we go let's grab this there's oh actually there's quite a few pieces here all right we got 10 pieces that'll do for now it's actually a decent start to be fair there's a bunch of iron over here as well i'm just going to keep grabbing all of this i don't think people will be actually trying to get the iron from underwater now although it's taking a little bit longer i'm saving my pickaxe from going out and doing all the other mining so i don't even have to mine into a cave or anything i should be all right here right boom there we go we've got 18 and oh my god there's actually so much iron out like down here i think i'm gonna keep i might go under actually just to try and avoid the whole swimming thing because it's taking so long to mine in the water if i swim down and place a block oh there we go oh yeah perfect we got fresh air all right boom we've got nearly enough iron for a full set now oh we i think we do have enough iron for a full set we need 32 for basically every single thing that i need so at the moment we are having a great start there's a lot of explosions going on i'm not quite sure what all those are but as of right now we've we've got off to a fantastic start we've got 25 iron oh somebody already got their beacon down and we've never been going for that long another explosion going off there's quite a lot of explosions going on today i'm not quite sure what's going on i think they may have uh they may they may have put a few too many creepers in this map anyway let's get back out of here now that is fine we don't need that is there any more iron there's a little bit of iron here place that there there we go all right let's grab this is that going to flood water in it is is that the only bit of iron in here yeah by the looks of it it is right we got 26 oh there's a little bit more here yo i'm not gonna lie even though we've spent most of our episode right now inside of a little water cave we're doing we're off to a fantastic start so boom there we go we got 32 cobble that'll be enough for a furnace and all that kind of stuff now let's swim out of here boom we're still in this i do not want to hold my tools or anything because if i can spot somebody making their base this would be a huge w now are there any like entrances here i don't think anybody's gonna be living in the ice only because it is real hard to make an ice base all right ryan has his down bauble has his down people are really starting to throw these beacons down now echo now has her beacon down all right i'm kind of getting a little bit worried because i have no clue where i'm gonna put my beacon what about like inside of one of these if i like swim in here can i mind this down oh but it goes here right okay i was going to say if we could put like or a ladder inside of one of these tubes that would be a little bit op i don't think somebody would check that because there's so many holes on these things like this would take forever to check the whole thing so if i like swam in this here and then like mine down all right this could be really interesting here i still haven't broken through into the the world of what oh i have again no right i need to get it in this place here this could be an entrance here but i feel like someone would check that right don't break through all right boom kind of kind of didn't break through so now if i could mine down from here and make my base this could be a safe spot please do not break through okay yes it didn't break through into a risky area that was my worry i didn't want it to break through into a risky area right right now let's just block that right there so we get a little bit of fresh air boom we can go down a little bit i want to go down enough to be able to not people not be able to see my name all right my first uh pickaxe broke but that's fine we got another one right here i need to think about how much wood i have as well i've only got 15 so i can't waste too much on ladders but here we go right the beacon is going to go down right here this is a very very risky this is one of probably my riskiest spaces i've ever done but boom there we go it is in it is down right furnaces let's make those real quick let's get all of this iron cooking we have perfect enough of iron perfect amount of iron should i say sorry to uh just be able to make what we need and then get out of here asap let me make one chest okay i've got actually planks here for a chest boom there we go now the rest of my wood is basically gonna all have to be on ladders which is quite unfortunate because i didn't really want to spend all of my wood on ladders but as long as we can still make a shield that's fine that isn't actually that high up so let me save a little bit of wood 27 should be enough i think i'm not gonna need more ladders than that surely it's not that high up okay i'm right it's not so let me mine this now so now all i gotta do is i gotta swim out of here yo this could win this could win this base is incredible i completely winged this base but it could work this is a great base right all of my iron is cooking up right let me just make a everything i need i need a chest plate leggings boom there we go right everything in here now has a purpose all of this iron in here has a direct purpose one of them is going to go for a shield there we go i still have sticks in here so i'd have to waste that wood now we need an axe a pickaxe and a shovel boom we've got exactly enough this could not have worked any better if i tried all right admins are giving me a sign because i didn't bring enough wood but that's fine there we go she has now placed a sign down for me thank you very much demi i appreciate it i'm keeping the invis put in here for if i die i am now getting out i need the toilet really really badly okay you can actually see it's taking a while to get out but that's fine as long as it's safe oh my god this base is incredible this base is incredible right i'm gonna spend two minutes quickly to get out of this area just run i don't even know i don't even care where i go i'm just getting i get out of here i feel like i'm not gonna be the only person in an ice biome it's been a long time since we've been in an ice biome and i feel like ryan is popping off i'm gonna give it away ryan if you're watching this congrats on the crazy success on these videos these have been absolutely popping off on your channel at the moment and i'm thinking he's going to be going for kind of unique vid a unique basis unique kind of build for his videos since his channel is popping off he needs those clickable titles and an ice base could work so i'm gonna get on land here uh i've got two minutes 36 to go to the toilet and absolutely run and try and get back on time and then we need to try and find ourselves a teammate because at the moment i'm sold out right i'm going to here we go i'm back we're going to win we're going to win this season we've got this season in the bag we have got this season in the back what the hell's this someone's use their pickaxe wait is this a base no okay it's a cave right i've got one minute left let me just try and run as far away from this area as possible and okay wait no we've got five minutes left of invis because demi only gave it us for 20 minutes so we've got plenty of time now okay i was rushing for no reason i didn't even need to run to the toilet after all along ah all right well let's see if we can try and find somebody uh making their base because if i can get some hints on where people are living right okay extra invis there we go so we got five more minutes of invis we are chilling we are absolutely chilling i am feeling good about this season raven probably gonna knock me out again let's be honest but if not i think i could be up there on one of the final bases with that base it is incredible i think quite possibly one of the best bases i've ever made i'm hyping this base up so much right now but i'm gonna give i just can feel i'm gonna be so disappointed when i get knocked out straight after the grace period 30 seconds then you need to find a teammate all right i should probably get out of this area i've got 19 seconds to get out because if my base is here then i don't want to be here because then people could think oh it's salty his base is here boom they found my base i don't even know if my base is here but it could be so i'm now on land away from where my base is i'm not near the water we've got five seconds somebody reveal themselves three two one is there anybody here okay i don't see anyone i don't see anybody yeah i don't see anybody names i don't see anything oh i'm getting shot by a skeleton though all right where did everyone go where did everyone i need a teammate i need a teammate real bad that's a cow come on where's everybody at where's everybody at come on give me a teammate somebody i know please please to be somebody i know oh nobody's here nobody's here i need a teammate before all the good ones we've got oh wait who's that that spike monkey he was being chased by someone oh i need to gear up actually now people can fight now as well factions doc okay please don't i'm not i'm not in a team i'm not in the team oh ssr ssr yes yes right me and ssr teams okay that'll do that'll do i'm happy with that i'm happy where's ssr hello hello hello how's it going um how's it going how have you been since you last stole my admin sorry i didn't realize probably you opened it up i thought it was your base at first i'm not like anyway love at first sight hello mister speed dating here we go i want i want you to know i saw you from all the way back there and i was like sword people are teaming who's ryan got ledger spike right when did we fight i don't know they said we're unsure no did you get the pearls how many poles you got dude i have six pearls you want them yeah you want to drop me i've only got one sorry sorry to drop it right here uh this one here that was fine it's fine james is about to swoop in and grab nice fine we're good we're good we're good just drop it quick jump drop it quick drop it quick this could be the difference between life and death boom wait how many have you got now i have three all right okay right okay i'm happy i thought i didn't want to be bought with somebody i didn't know and be super uncomfortable so like this guy here he was near me he was asking me where he was there and i was like oh my god i don't know who he is if i get him it's going to be super awkward right where are these guys going do you have any hints as to where anybody's living no but are you around that general area that i was at the i don't even i've i've kind of lost my base that desert-ish place over there because we can't knock each other out can we what we can't knock each other out we can't knock each other out so we're we're a team so should we tell where our bases are yeah i mean why not right i'm in the ice biome somewhere i can't remember where got you it looks exactly the same okay i'm i'm literally right by that well that you saw all right okay right i think you see like if you come over here see how the ice biome has like a bunch of holes on the bottom yeah you gotta swim through it and then yeah it's a ladder there so but it's around the back of one but i can't remember which one it is there's something over there pretty good location that's outside of the border okay right i there was a place down here like see this here this little thing i got so much iron from here at the start i feel like there's going to be a base down here somewhere because it's like i don't know it just looks a bit sauce it's all underwater and somebody else's mind here i think since is that a name there's a name right there what right right in here right below me spike monkey i see it david yeah i see his fight monkey and then is that you over there yeah i'm hungry that's you what's he does he think he's shifted but he's still he probably thinks he's got slabs wait what's that someone dying yeah that was me that was me yeah what's he doing is he in a base i don't know he could be i don't know why he would just be mining randomly check yeah i saw him fully geared a second ago i'm not gonna lie check around here it could be an entrance here wait we can just mine towards him surely if he's in his base trying to hide look at the water oh yes this could be not the fastest elimination but pretty fast this season no i think someone's already out bobble eliminated someone a second ago oh did he yeah come on i don't know i mean the green bar is still full so is that what it's based on bro it's a base is it is well why is there slabs right just get ready to dive in you ready wait you get get your axe out in line three two one go oh yeah it's a base oh my god let's go yo people keep falling for the for the thing wait you get him you get him i'll get the beacon i'll get the beacon nice nice he's gonna respawn no if i get in time don't forget any time let's go oh my god bro everybody thinks the beacon hides like the the end the slabs hide your name noobs noobs oh i mean you guys did you did it with ryan last season you guys had it in your base yeah but we didn't realize it was at that point then we found out that it doesn't work so then we were like oh god damn we just gotta get out of here all right so where's his actual exit the green bar didn't move so maybe um yeah i don't think it is right where's the actual egg is it this way there'll be one of these or is it in black oh yeah maybe yeah oh oh oh okay right damn not bad though first base possibly or or maybe the guy who bob will kill didn't have his beacon yet i don't know that's definitely my um personal best knockout yeah yeah see people just think he was like down there thinking oh yeah they'll never find me bop hello that's that's perfect right let's just keep looking for names then people might be i wonder if he didn't have a teammate yet do we want to start something ryan's there ryan with nadja oh he's coming yeah he's coming he's coming he's coming at me i think i want the bell wait well watch out because they're coming at you we might have to pearl here we might have to pearl just keep running get in the water and try and like loop-de-loop are you running yep just remember you got pearls so it's better to waste one than die with four or three i think they dipped i think they dipped right oh there was another place where did i see a place earlier it looked like where base would be i think he was around here actually there's like is there someone in visit i swear i just saw someone running invis i got another invention yeah i've still got i left mine in my base i left mine in my base as well um i wouldn't mind taking this one back but it's risky when i don't currently have invas if i get another one i'll envis up and take it back my base where like my like is very tiny so i really don't have storage and i already have a chest full my chest is full as well oh this looks kind of sauce and this looks weird uh there's toxic he's naked no he's got he's got he just geared up oh is he never based then i don't know i'll run just keep running keep running dude oh no oh i see your stuff though i just spawned and there's a name right like near me who where what are your chords i'll see if i can draw them away i'm still being chased by these two i got some of your stuff it's 15 it's 15 000 and then negative 24 25. 24 25 right okay i think i'm not being chased by these guys i'm on the east border uh by like if you go that well it's the mountain the desert mountain that's where my base is right okay is the guy still there um either they went out of the render distance or they crouched immediately when my name spawned hmm did you not crouch straight away i i cried straight away but you know like i can't do it like instantly yeah yeah um right as long as i'm not being fine i've still got five pearls so even if you get out we should be chilling um you might just be able to see save your invis pot as long as there's nobody around there that's what i'm thinking i'm in the sand mountain sun yeah yeah okay i'm near here i do not see anyone let me just double check i'll do another loop around ryan's going on a killing spree he killed somebody else right i think you're good i don't see your soul oh i see you oh yeah okay right yeah you're good right now craft quick and then just get out this is interesting i don't i don't know how i feel about this little it's quite cool having two bases that we can rely on because now if we need anything crafting you can also do it right i do actually have a spare set of armor and stuff i've got your tools and all that kind of stuff so if you don't want to make it if you don't want to make a pickaxe and then axe if you want to make a bunch of store uh no there's no point because we spawn with stuff anyway don't worry so i don't really see any needing to make a bunch of travels yeah make a bunch of iron shovels just you don't need to make a pickaxe of an axe because they've got spare i was saying right for my video ryan's been popping off with these videos his channel is doing well what title is he going for this time what's he not done i think i personally think it is in the ice biome they've done that before but it hasn't been done in a while so yeah this could make sense it was like christmas time it was like 10 months ago it could be he could be living in a somewhat of a of an ice base which i think is possible but also i'm living there and i don't really want to check it yeah because if i'm there i don't want to look like you're coming out of it yeah people will think oh salty maybe he's living here and then there's two people that they've gone out of my rendered questions what okay i couldn't see who i know that ryan's killed quite i'm right behind you i know ryan's killed quite a lot of people so i don't really want to try him but you won't you don't have a sword right you don't you're not trying with the sword i just went with the axe right okay good right where is everyone to be fair i don't i don't really feel the need to kill people yeah we don't gain anything he's on his own though the only reason to kill people is towards end of the game where you can find where bases are yeah and see where they are like because then you see the names on the ground i see three names over here there's a big fight going on over here by the looks of it yellow walls involved should we should we dive on the fight are they in the basement i don't know he's literally that might be i heard that yellow's dead let's go right are we going we going oh damn he hits hard oh that i can't hit him yes let's go right anything in here is it a beacon oh it is a beacon frankie dude no it's an unmined beacon let's get it i'm coming boom breaky dude see you later we got iron there we go right we're on it we've got we're on a good start here yo there's another invis pot i got the sugar cane though and the leather and every i've i think i have everything that oh um we need for that there's somebody over here i'm just wait yeah i'm just trying to think right now we have i have three spare invis pots there was a name over here real quick there was a name over here just a second ago i think there's a base here there might be did you know exactly where uh it was around here somewhere what if we walk away real quick and then slowly shift back over when we think we're out front and we've already mined too yeah that's pretty good and we've killed quite a few people yeah we're doing good it's the names man people don't realize how visible their names are we just need to watch our back because even though we're shifted if someone runs up on us we need to get ready to fight right well let's just keep moving let's just keep moving oh there's somebody up there recti okay he's he's the guy we just knocked out should we just go and finish him off put him out of his misery it's a sad thing to say but it might have to be done uh is there anything i need on my hotbar i've got pearls lava bucket i don't really think i need anything yo is he on his last life as well tombs because we could just put him out of his misery as well i don't think so i think he's just walking around naked he's right here right here oh oh yeah i screwed you screwed you got him okay i thought you died for a second there i was quite worried right i think someone's just checking this the other one over there like they both look really weird i was thinking earlier before we we found those people what if we invis up because i have three spare invis we keep our armor on our hot bar and see what we can see whilst in this we've got eight minutes of it that could be a good idea there's plenty of time out of it yeah we've got we've got an accent never use it anyway and if somebody kills us then they're just going to get it so i feel like if we can like i don't really need i don't need a let's request i've got requested school oh yeah that was off my body wait i don't know i found it in the admin base i found it in the admin base all right okay right i'm dropping some of the crap that we don't need take make sure to take off your shield oh yeah i forgot about that right oh there's someone here there's someone here get that watch out for there's two people who is that finn and raven are they coming up no i don't think they did where are they going no they don't i don't know should we try and follow them yeah me too if you want to but yeah i'm down i'm down dropped like an infant yeah i just dropped they did oh we did yeah they did yeah i just saw something pink drop right let's just keep keep an eye as sugarcane i see it there let's just keep following him i've got everything i need on my hot bar i'll just take food out when i need to eat it they've disappeared oh i think they invest as well they just disappeared they did they got me living around here then surely spin's kind of alone i think you think raven went into base i think he's he's alone and he's killed him no never mind never mind raven isn't i see him yeah i see i see raven invis i think they're living in that corner i don't know maybe i'm going to walk back over towards it i've walked past the members uh i'm kind of just right next to them hiding behind a tree right okay are you right just try and get over towards the corner i think they're living over here yeah they're just killing mobs right now there's no way they invis up to it i found a base did you i found a base i found a basement i'm in they're coming they're coming they come in they're coming they're coming they're coming get out get out get out i'm already in it it's finn's beacon i'm killing it i'm breaking the beacon i'm bringing the beacon and then um yeah i'm breaking i'm breaking it and i'm going to go down right i'm mining down i'm going to try and hide bro i'm going to run then oh my god what the hell is going on oh that was collage they're here yeah they're coming after me i don't know what they want me to do they're coming after me i'm trying to mine down i'm trying to just hide i'm building with cobble they're gonna probably just follow the cobble broom my heart is racing didn't surface in the surface right yeah raven's in raven's in because he's on the surface because uh raven's invis so i think he just dropped straight in there they're um they're on the top they're both surfaces both of them right okay oh bro i have dip i've literally i've never ran so fast but i knew one of them was living around here when they pop the invis it's so damn obvious and raven's kind of smart because now he's not out and finn is he took the risk raven never goes back to his base i've i've followed the border i'm mike my ex is 729 on the on the east border bang on the border i'm literally stood inside of it on the border [Music] no i'm still down i think i'm underneath an raven ocean finn are just stalking the area right i can see the surface they're stalking the area there if you're east border you should be good to pop out because they're the other borders i'm noah yeah they jumped they jumped they dropped me i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead oh you're eliminated too aren't you yeah was it raven was it raven that killed me yeah oh man gg i guess right good luck with your adventure my dude that was unlucky all right and there we go oh that was so unlucky i got finn's base i thought i was in the clear i could have just sat there for a little bit longer and i probably wouldn't have found me but i wanted to get out because ssr was all on his own he didn't have that much longer left on his invis but damn gg yellow for finding my base i don't know how he found it bro i thought my base was great but i guess that is it for today's video i hope you guys did enjoy if you did be sure to go down there and smash the like button subscribe if you guys are new we got three bases i think or four bases which isn't bad i'm happy with that we got a reasonable amount of bases so yeah i hope you guys did enjoy if you did leave a like subscribe if you guys are new it's completely free you can always change your mind at a later date and i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] peace [Music] bye
Channel: Sword4000
Views: 52,225
Rating: 4.9319978 out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, Minecraft, factions, Funny, Videos, Fun, Happy, Minecraft videos, Modded, War, Modded War, Minecraft Modded, Modded minecraft, Factions Modded, Private, Survival server, Survival Modded, Modded survival, Sword4000, Sword, 4000, PvP, Raids, Raid, Raiding, Rich base, Minecraft Base, The Archon, Archon, The, Archon Skyblock, The Archon Skyblock, The Archon Factions, The Archon Prisons, The Archon Catching Hackers, The Archon Trolling, Factions SMP, Minecraft at War, Minecraft War
Id: cV9qZb4UpGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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