this GENIUS Minecraft Base is IMPOSSIBLE to find! (Hide or Hunt #1)

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welcome back today to a brand new series of haidle hunt I'm a unsure what lumber is but I know it's one of them but hunt is a game mode all about finding secret minecraft bases it could be anywhere in the map and you found the secret minecraft base you have to break the beacon the winner of the game-mode is the person that has the beacon left standing at the very very end so basically whoever hides the most you to be doing this thing where it likes to unsubscribe you because you can make sure you subscribe with notifications on you can always unsubscribe later I really hope you guys do enjoy as this series is definitely a lot of fun I will see you guys in the episode and enjoy hopefully I'll come back today and I'm so happy to be saying this the season 12 of hide or Hunter birthday edition wait it's not actually birthday its water base but the time we're seeing this it's probably my birthday Tim what you're gonna get me thanks Tim I really are looking forward to that before we go any further in this video this video is sponsored by apex hosting guys if you are looking to get a reliable cheap minecraft server for you and your friends they actually do sponsor hydro Honda the link to that is in the top of the description make sure you use my affiliate Lee and everything like that everything should be okay let's see if we can smash 2,000 likes to me and Tim having to head chickens I wanted ducks but you can't have ducks in Minecraft so I got the next best thing we haven't even named them do we name them do we name the Ducks tip this is Clarissa and this is Jeff Jeff and Colour I gotta say the word Jeff and clap Rissa I did I did really well look who's next to us right look you got fitting cream in some like strange outfits right I don't know what they're doing there basically then you members of anonymous yeah you go you've got second place from last season which is those two and first place which is us candy but he wants he just fed our chicken I don't remember saying that's okay we already have ten seconds we already have that what Laura said he fed course a feed Jeff yes dropping let's drop in the desert okay go for the boat cuz it's a true spirit I'll start getting wood and then we'll try nobody's gone this direction okay probably shouldn't go for the boat Tim hey I'm in the the spruce forest like camp like right next to you hey where are you I see you Tim I'm up here buddy I'll be with you forever it's aware of Ryan good twin going right in twitter going behind you let's head this way look the sugar cane here we can grab I guess we kind of just explore for today right you have the first 25 minutes you have no idea what to do for a base so let's just act as a temple buddy you're going the wrong way tip your go the wrong way oh look there's like a thing over here it's got like sandstone and stuff maybe it's a desert temple let's leave it let's just run for a second right I'm gonna go we have the you're going the wrong way we always have the same issue over we seem to lose each other in the first five minutes there's so many dude that's like a family of them but we also need I in a room where we need iron armor I see another bow okay I can't see underwater that's the only problem oh wait it's a thing down here okay can you grab some iron maybe for the start if I grab this boat do dislike him and underground like shrine Tim let's just play I found a letter just played some coal and some wheat and let the boat I think way Tim you have a look I mean the thing I'm in Oh Larry treasure yep there's a buried treasure map I know where it is it's in the map we can get it please don't be it's outside of the border by like 10 blocks if 20 minutes remaining and I haven't made the base do we mine for the first like other 15 minutes because we know we want to make the base right if we make it like the abandoned boat I just need to find where you are so a name I found a cave though so I'm gonna go down into it oh I found I intend what else do we need here we need ladders to build the base properly right we're also gonna need cracked a little bit I have five but remember we can describe it because we have in façades as well so no one will be able to see where the bases the only because of the fact right like we know where it is so we can let you just head there like fully inves I see Baba I see bauble yeah he's below me in this cave how much I don't you have I have 21 we already have enough for a set we found an area for the base the actual base on the base idea a load of iron straightaway not with none of us a dead take the ultimate progress okay I remember I got cold from the I don't like fortnight I don't know why I said that I got I got a bow yeah I killed a skeleton I don't think we need any more iron buddy think I'm okay close to 40 now but once in our lives we're not sat here struggling to get iron for the first episode because usually with me in you takes us like two episodes to find an admin base and actually get stuff I don't know it's actually going Wow okay would you prefer to make the base now we could go to get some resources first right let's go up some cobble so we can make furnaces do you have any coal to cook the cook the iron have I have three K I'm heading back up to the surface temp I'm on fire that's not a good sign dude everything we need is just like appearing in front of me I want a Lamborghini dude I have you I have almost a stack of iron Tim I found a load more coal as well okay I'll make that Nanami up at the surface okay and then we'll get SOI Cooper please leave me no creeper I said please 4:14 okay that's enough that's a whole person uh I'll meet you on the surface all right we never get when who's that so your name to him everything keeps trying to kill me I'm okay no I'm perfectly fine I almost suffocated in sand but I'm okay Oh what do is I'll wait for you just around this area and their orders will pop the inves actually I'm gonna go get some more wood because otherwise we're gonna run out or we can make shields as well can't we okay I'll back the village by the way like I'm at the village we saw a second ago okay we only have 15 minutes left hey we're about to you if you come up to the surface okay let me just mine fifty two would would that be enough for ladders okay I'm just grabbing this last tree because I think you know you can never be too safe especially if we need to make tools and stuff I have a stack in a I am NOT my court I see you yep I do by the way how do you always lose me a you blind man look Tim it's for good luck everybody just died you don't keep any of your stuff I kept all of my stuff I'm on my way I will always protect you I'm coming Tim that's exactly where I am but I can't see you I'm coming Ronnie I'm coming we need to make the base we don't have long left but that's like an act of God Tim I'm coming I scoot over to the side so then you can mine straight down should be fine to mine straight down what why lovely you are I will save you oh yeah take those okay we need to go get your stuff bud because otherwise we're gonna lose out on a lot of stuff I remember when we died as well remember where we died so we should be able to get our stuff back okay cuz literally I don't know what just happened it was like an act of God like God came down and smited all the players and God we have another pickaxe otherwise we would be severely in trouble right now what do we have 52 ok this when from very good very bad in the space of about 3 seconds ok I think we're near the top we have to be here ok I think we are I see sunlight can you build yourself up from here just stack up ok let's go find your stuff buddy let's go find your stuff it was like over here right we were slowly it was like over here this hill because we were I see I see it's here ok we got your stuff back we've got your stuff back yeah maybe wait what maybe just throw that out okay let's just head to the base dim its head to the area okay okay let's head to the area I'm gonna chuck out what should I get rid of here retie that can go that can go okay take off your armor you have an envious pot right okay come with me you ready okay you ready in this okay now just run if you follow my bottle for a second follow me and I'll lead you to the bow what someone else is building this bow what do we do here okay you see it down here okay head to the boat I'll meet you there and then we'll mind down from the middle okay go for a second you're gonna have to be my lookout while I go down is someone here I see bubbles I don't think it's you okay I'm just gonna go down to the boat because if this works it works if it doesn't it doesn't all right that's what I'm thinking here look so there's a middle block right on this thing that I think she I'm gonna dig I'm gonna do it from here cuz nobody would check just below the chest right dude I'm gonna drown I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this in one go do you want you know I'm gonna drown oh no okay we might have to do it from somewhere I can stand up what if we do it right here because if someone comes up right behind us now like get the base found we manage to actually make the secret base pretty much in the middle of nowhere I think it's the easiest way to say it right like we made it in an abandoned boat I don't think anybody has actually done this before okay I'm at Y level 10 drinking that's enough I'll go to Y level 8 because you're gonna remember as well we shouldn't have to worry so much about on shifting because how what a low of a Y level we're at hey let me make this a little bit wider and then I can make some ladders and then I can come get you okay make a chest there we go just so I can put some stuff away oh yeah hey just make ladders ya think I should okay I twenty several items that might be enough that's more than enough ladders yeah it is it is enough it is enough okay I'm gonna break the block for you and come down okay and is that you at the very very top with bread oh my god I just panicked so much Tim thought it was somebody come down okay wait I'll have to go past you for a second sorry I'll make two furnaces for now place these in here that means actually we can get the iron smelting like straight away also if you have any coal all this stuff away in the chest all I need to sort all we need to make this a little bit bigger as well because literally we are on top of each other right now I don't think anybody's gonna find our base I think honestly we have a really unique base just Demi can you get rid of the spare beacon no if anybody takes we displace another beacon you can't knock us out if we have infinite beacons she took your beacon inching this is the most unique thing I think anybody's ever done nobody's done this before I think we just make spare set like we make enough sets that if we die we can let you just keep coming back wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait damn I can make us a bed oh I could if I had any wood left you have any wood thank you buddy okay we've got five minutes aestivum biz so I say when I envisioned out I didn't get deme how long in place did you give out okay we have five minutes of inves okay look have them look Tim I made a bed it's a fantastic base we've never made something like this before candy cane was top one idea what are we doing the next season next season I don't know but we lost and we lost again then we lost again after that and we lost again after that and then we won which is progress because you know winners aren't losers hey I'll make myself legs and then we just need a chestplate pickaxe and a shovel and then we have our armor sets completed all this for us okay we've done a very good job for the start this episode I don't think we have long left of the episode actually I think we literally only have two minutes left if that's anybody above us I think we've got a little bit extended right because siding god of the Seas decided ever on the server and it's like needed to die this is such a good base I need to make myself a chest plate don't steal the iron a minute 35 and invest him and we have loads left in this episode okay chest plate made full armor set done look how fancy we look you're six or minutes remaining we only have a minute left an invis no I gave you all the wood it's in the chest it's 52 of it thank you brother I really appreciate that from you look how fancy we look at this yeah I can make a pickaxe at now a shovel there we go oh my god Tim we are so heavily geared all people are saying we can be in prison till the end of the end of the end of the episode which is good because ours is literally just about to run out okay what are we yeah what do we do with the rest of this iron do we just leave it smelling for now because we have our basic or needs put the sign last time it's gonna work this time okay grace for the end of this episode so maybe we go up now but we don't end the episode like being in the base what do you think you have enough food as well thank you take your own off take your own ones take your arm off just in case somebody's right above us to win that when we swim out they won't notice us okay I've done it I'm gonna I'm gonna break the thing okay yeah it's gonna take a while because I forgot an axe so we're probably gonna be here for the rest of the five minutes of the episode okay make sure it's when you the top block when we come back up okay let's go let's go let's go okay I mean you're right I'm on your right to get to land and then we'll put our armor on yeah you think if you think about it then nobody should they be able to see us hopefully okay I don't think anybody was in this area that we were okay I'm at land putting on my armor my shield he said I don't think anybody was here like being honest I didn't see any boy in this area which might be a good thing it may also be a bad thing at least nobody will suspect us being here it's a good thing because nobody's seen us in this area better go to the village oh no that's that's a wall okay that makes sense it's there like a blacksmith let's have a look because if there's a blacksmith we can nab wait that's candy it's a flying admin I thought I always would play at him I thought we found a base first episode Oh leather for emeralds we don't need the emeralds though right as more villagers hang on let me check these villages no okay yeah I think we just get outfits him or we shoot dog they're tamed they're tamed don't kill the puppy you madman what's the heck sorry comments come back out buddy let's let's head to me I'm just gonna go for a swim right now if we manage we only have 20 seconds we should probably get out of the water out of the water Tim out of the water how do we go there we go listen we've had a very good start to this video okay despite dying when you do it you just block in backwards look at you you're mad man alright thank you guys so much for watching episode number one of hide or hunt I hope you guys did enjoy beside him please don't kill me again thank you guys so much for watching me and Tim we'll see you in the next episode Tim are you okay okay I thought so I'll see you guys tomorrow what everyone did enjoy and if we don't win I will I will probably cry
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 137,013
Rating: 4.9484377 out of 5
Keywords: this GENIUS Minecraft Base is IMPOSSIBLE to find! (Hide or Hunt #1), factionsraven, raven, minecraft, mine craft, factions raven, factionsraven hide or hunt, raven hide or hunt, hide or hunt #1, hide or hunt episode 1, funny hide or hunt, minecraft hide and seek, hide or hunt public server, genius minecraft base, redstone minecraft base, 1.16 genius minecraft base, hidden base 1.16 minecraft
Id: Iwti1_SSLiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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