my SECRET Minecraft base vs 20 Minecraft HUNTERS! (Hide Or Hunt)

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hey guys welcome back to hyde or hunt today long edition if you guys do not know what this is this is going to be an entire season of idol hunt in one video so quickly for those that don't know what hideo hunt is basically you have to go into a world with 20 other teams of one person make a secret base and try to be the last one found so hopefully you guys enjoyed today's video if you do be sure to go down there and respond like button subscribe if you guys are new to the channel people have been telling me that they have been getting unsubscribed so if you scroll down and see that you're not subscribed feel free to subscribe it's free it doesn't cost anything so feel free to do it and without much further ado i hope you enjoyed today's video three two one and we are off there we go right i see some food down here i'm going straight for this food so that i can get some food later in the game so we'll have to worry about it really let's just grab all of this real quick get as much as i can carrots potatoes everything um come on let me grab those potatoes grab boom there we go there's a bunch more potatoes here i'm gonna grab all these there we go so we are here for hideo is this extreme biomes it looks like it it really does look like it but we are just gonna get started straight away we are gonna try and find uh some iron we're gonna get coal right now we're gonna try and get as much as we can and we also need to try and find our uh our place where we're gonna build our base obviously we only have two pickaxes until obviously we get to making our base so we need to make these two last until we find a base location we could make the base super early off the start and attempt to try and keep it nice and secret but i do feel like that's going to be hard all right there's cave here come on iron oh oh there is eye in here oh my god there's quite a lot of iron here as well but there's also gravel on the roof that is waiting to fall i can see its little particles i don't want to die to gravel today so we've got 14 iron already which is not bad at all really just to start off with uh is there anything else here is this a dead end yeah it looks like it right i don't want to waste too much of my pickaxe um obviously on mining like around at the bottom of caves because there's just no point oh ssr's here hello it's nice to see some people you know every so often oh no oh no what's a bucket what's a bucket what oh that was close right i need to try and find a new cave because these ones are just dry what's this one i didn't go in this one i don't think or did i no i didn't but it comes out on the other side of the map so that's fine i'll just go through here and try and find another cave on this side i think all the ones near spawn are going to have already been found so like something like this is what could potentially be stacked full of iron which it is oh wow there's quite a lot of iron in here all right so we're currently on 31 iron that is not bad at all that's enough for a set a sword a shield a pickaxe and is anything else i don't know what else i can get out of that but i don't really think i need anything else i think that's everything i need really just gonna keep going around try and grab a little bit oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i don't want to take them on they'll kill me they'll kill me so fast they'll kill me so fast two people both just died one of them died to a skeleton and the other one drowned so people are dying yeah i do not want to go near skeletons i know it's already gonna end bad if i do another huge cave here what's down there i see some iron let me just use my water bucket to get down oh the sun oh jesus the whole just the whole sun just collapsed all right good job i wasn't stood on that oh there's some more stuff down here what's down here aha more iron right let me block this water off grab this iron to be fair this is probably a decent area to build my base i'm hoping to try and find as many bases this season as as ever because i've never won never one hide on as you guys know like 12 13 14 seasons i've never won this could be the time so let's just wait and see what happens i'm just gonna keep grabbing iron actually we have a bed as well i just realized i didn't realize we got that off to start so if i can make two sets of armor right off the start two sets of swords and shields and everything then if i do die then we don't really have an issue because i can just re-gear straight away right i need to watch out for the creeper right let me just let it blow itself up or something water there we go okay hopefully that didn't do as much as it would have but it did reveal another cave ryan just died to an entity attack i don't even know what that is i think that's like a zombie i mean not ryan brian brian died to an entity attack but we have 60 iron already oh my god we are actually stacked and there's more down here i'm just gonna keep grabbing as much as i humanly can and then hopefully head back up to the top when everybody gets that invis and then we can carry on moving make a base and try and you know win i guess oh oh no oh no no no no no no no no i do not want to die right now that is the last thing that i want give me a little bit more water there we go right back up here parkour parkour parkour there's the iron i can hear all the mobs around me and i don't like oh my god where the hell did you come from good sir you want to like go away oh my god he just dropped on my head oh no no no no no no spider deadly no no no no no no no no get me out get me out get me out i'm running away i need to heal up i'm on three hearts oh my god that spider just like he knew what he was doing he pushed me down to that creeper he was like i am a senior oh he had some string see if i can get that for a bow maybe that would be nice how much just one piece all right oh sorry sir right oh i got one arrow all right there's another spider right if you can give me enough string for another bow or another if you could give me enough string for a bow that'd be fantastic no i'm running i'm running see you later see you later no no no no no bye bye bye bye bye bye i want to heal up real quick so that you don't kill me that skeleton wants me dead he's coming after me i'm gonna start heading up i've got so much iron i don't need any more iron there's no reason for me to be down here i've got 23 coal i've got 16 cobble so i can make two furnaces okay ryan got an iron pick which means he has already made his base so if i see him anytime soon i know that he's in his base i think where did i come in i'm so confused was it here it was here no it wasn't here but this spider's still coming after me oh i got it no no no no give me that string is that enough right i've got three yes perfect right how did i get in this ravine i need to watch out because that skeleton's coming for me oh no stay away where did i get in i'm so lost was it up there it was up that little hole i think oh yes it was ryan got diamonds holy crap okay um i need to watch my back in next episode because if he has diamonds now he's probably got diamond sword next episode but he probably also rushed his base location because he wanted the diamonds that were near wherever he's placed his beacon to make an iron pickaxe so i don't know maybe he's uh maybe he's played the game all wrong here but i guess you're gonna find out in this episode because this is all one episode right we're back out here we go let's uh let's just close this up make somebody think that we are living there even though we're not you know somebody can come and search here hey speak of the devil there's bauble he probably thinks i'm living here now which is quite funny is he already looping around he might be he might be right anyway i need to find it i need to find a place to build my base there's another desert temple village there there's also like a a uh thing here i don't know what this is like one of the one of the temples there's the village back there and there's a temple here somebody has somebody found this oh yeah they have did somebody die here no and they got the tnt though oh okay that's dangerous we could very easily live here oh oh no the rabbit just died oh right okay right i could very easily live here like this staircase this staircase could have been someone's base that i just tried to uproot i'm just gonna double check because if somebody is living here i'm gonna kick myself after because i will i will have thought i didn't check that when i should have but i think we're getting invis like any second now i think anyway we should be i think ryan just announced that we should be getting it so we should be any minute now or any second now oh there's somebody here lady forrest okay all right we just got invis there we go right let's kill some animals i i don't really want to get seen now though come on die there we go oh we got some feathers as well nice right everyone has 15 minutes of invis now we can make our base i really don't know what to do i don't see anybody following me lady forrest obviously was there a second ago but i don't see her anymore i think this this place right here could probably work to be honest if we go right on top of this mountain the likelihood of someone checking this is very very slim like right at the tippy top but it's also kind of obvious you know how i i think i'm going to leave this one i think i'm going to leave this one maybe another season maybe we can build one on top of this mountain another season if we have a similar map oh somebody's armored right here somebody's fully iron getting wood let me see if i can follow them to their base why would they be getting wood if they're not going back to their base this could be we might be able to find someone's base here i don't know how long we've got left of the episode but whoever that is is in full iron oh they've taken it off let's see if we can follow them back did they drop into the ravine somebody is definitely living around here are they in the ravine i'm so confused i feel like they just dropped in right i'm gonna screenshot these chords around here i'm definitely gonna come back and check here and now i'm also not going to make my base here but there is no doubt somebody living around here but i knew i do need to make a base i need to make one badly because i still don't have my base made obviously you guys know that you've been watching the videos there's so many places but they're so obvious i feel like and for all i know i could be being watched right now i don't know this village this village looks interesting all right i think i'm gonna do it around here i don't see anybody i don't hear anybody apart from the villagers making strange noises yo that mountain looks crazy over there all right i think i'm gonna do it here somewhere i think it is gonna be here if i drop down here a little bit if i can find a place that looks kind of unsuspicious i will do it i feel like this place looks suspicious all right there's a cave area here i think i'm gonna do it in this area i think i'm gonna do it in those diorite blocks right there so if i go here if i drop down i don't see or hear anybody i think i'm in the clear to make it so let's go in there we go right and now if we tunnel this way a little bit we can make our base and hopefully this is gonna be the winning base i don't feel too confident with this because diorite i feel like people are instinctively just going to check it because it looks suspicious hey but it's night time so i might as well get some sleep done so now that our bed spawn is set i do need to hollow out this area a little bit so that i can actually spawn here and we've got nine minutes left of invis and grace period so once i can get my beacon down which will go down right now there we go we are all ready oh god we're in we're locked in now this is this is it this is the base there's no question in it now furnace is down let's get this iron cooked as soon as we get this iron cooked i think i think first thing i'm gonna do is run straight over to that corner that i was at earlier and look for that base wherever that person is living because there is definitely no question about it a person living in that corner and i don't know who had already acquired hardware at that point if i go back cornish had nedja had and i think there was one or two more not a lot of people have so there's not that many people that it can actually be so i'm just gonna go back search if we find someone we find somebody but in the meantime let's get some armor made let's get a sword made we've got what uh seven minutes left of invis i might as well keep this off actually until i actually get out of the base right boots and the helmet there we go right now we just gotta wait for enough for a sword and a shield which actually i do have enough for now anyway so let's make a sword let's make a shield which is the oh i wait do i have enough for a shield yeah wait a shield is wooden iron not iron and wood so i should be able to do it boom there we go shield sword we've got enough for a pickaxe and we should have enough actually for spare sets right i've got some stone i think i'm gonna try and mine out of the side and then replace the stone on the side instead of going through the front because i feel like that's the smarter option right now if i don't have to go through the front door every time then i'm gonna save myself potentially getting found i think right let's just make a spare set of armor real quick just so we don't have to worry about doing that when we get back we can just make that actually let's make this first sword as well make everything now and let's make a pickaxe and a shovel right boom spare set spare sword get that pickaxe shovel all that kind of stuff on me don't need the whole want the food uh keep the enves actually thinking about it now i don't actually need to come back so once i go out now i think i should just stay out if i can make a few more shovels should be able to make two yep two more shovels boom i think that should be all right for now everything else i can try and bring back later if i need to bring stuff back but i don't think i'm gonna need to hopefully i'm just gonna be able to stay out there should be a cave down here somewhere i'm pretty sure i thought there was a cave like right next to my base was it a little bit higher up oh it is it's right here right okay let's close that up close close boom right that doesn't need to be one block away from the surface because that isn't the actual entrance so that's all that that's fine that's fine right let's get out of here let's uh i'm just gonna go a long way around just so i don't draw any suspicion if anybody is here i don't see or hear anyone though i think we're in the clear someone's got to be living up there surely surely to god oh there's a creeper does he see me no he doesn't right let's just keep moving i really want to go back over towards that corner real quick and check if anybody is there because i so feel like there is somebody living there there's got to be why would they come out with armor take the armor off to then disappear again there's no point they will have been going back into their base but we just need to find the base i need a sign on my beacon i just forgot i need to get some wood and go back i need to go and make a sign grace period is over right grace period's done and we've got three minutes of invis left i think we should be uh we should be all right to go and get back in i'm not gonna go in the main entrance now i feel like i should just go in the second entrance the second entrance is so much safer i think it's like here is it is it this one yeah it's this one here there we go right let's just close that up right i need to make one sign and then put it on my thing that says solve for thousand and then then we're done as the grace period finishes we got it done okay i think i'm ready to leave now let's go back out boom there we go that's not even the exit but i'm still just gonna keep coming out there so much safer right you can now kill whoever and destroy whatever boom the rules are off here we go oh no this is going to be absolute chaos i wonder who's going to be the first person out let me know in the comments now before you watch the rest of the video who do you think is going to be the first person out of the 20 people alive out if you think it's going to be me let me know in the comments down below if you think it's going to be brian or skyblock raven or any of those let me know in the comments but i'm going straight over to this corner to try and lock in that ravine to see who the hell's living there because there's got to be someone we got one minute one minute 14 left of invis i don't have to just put my armor on now or just keep being a little bit suspicious because everybody's gonna still have invis i just feel like if i get jumped i'm dead oh big finners has been out by raven oh by ryan already oh my god that was fast right that's the ravine over there that's the one that was fast quickest knockout in history i think that could be fins out by oh oh finn died real quick finn has taken a big l right there this is so sad right let me let me check these areas i need to check i'm putting on the armor now actually i'm putting on the armor and i'm putting on the shield i feel scared finn's out already it's a scary time right now i don't feel safe at all i don't actually feel like it will be in this ravine if anything i need to stop doing this i do it every time and then as soon as i get up at the top of my pillar i get knocked down ned just been killed by raven right i feel like the base is going to be here somewhere come on creeper do me a great favor exposure base no base okay it could be in here someone's gotta be around here though there's no question about it there's somebody living around here somewhere and i don't know where it is but i wanna find it right now there's a name nixie nixie is here that could be nixie did nixie just die no nedra died not nixie okay lil crow has been eliminated by factions doc okay another base down 18 remain oh no this is going fast i kind of just want to find a base now there's a skeleton coming at me oh i forgot to make a bow if this guy drops a bow right now this would be great come on drop a bow drop a bow drop a bow oh you know oh god you came fast no bass okay that's fine did you drop a bow oh you did you did drop a bow thank you that's great right i'm just gonna keep searching anyway i feel like there's definitely still a base around here i just don't see why the guy would have gone invis like fully invis taking his armor off unless he saw unless he saw me there and thought oh i'm just gonna try and hide from this guy but i don't know i'm still thinking of all possible places where this um where this base could be ryan said rippers i don't know who's who's gone well this is pretty fast paced two bases gone within the first five minutes not not that's not usual that's not normal right let's see if i can get one of these creepers to do a job for me if you can like blow up this area and find me a base that would be great come on you know you want to blow up go on okay there's no base here god damn it right i'm actually gonna keep collecting all these little blocks of dirt though because these are gonna help me probably find a uh or get to an admin drop ssr has been killed by ryan somebody else just died to nixie i'm pretty sure i am i'm so lost where everybody is i am so confused like i just don't know what's going on right now to be honest i got the nice peaceful minecraft music you know i'm vibing i'm vibing everybody else seems to find bases because of creepers do you want to do the same job for me somebody somebody's just out somebody's out sub to tombs is eliminated by kareem yt oh god unlucky for tombs right there okay no basis no secret bases for creepers for me that's unlucky ssr's back cornish is right here i'm going for cornish i feel bad for ssr he's gonna try and kill a naked he's gonna try and kill him don't do it cornish don't do it i'm not teaming with ssr but you are trying to kill us man no he's gonna kill me oh tombs is on mate tombs is almost dead though tombs is almost dead he if he dies he's out he's risking it all right now he is risking it all so am i though so am i and i don't know what i'm doing no no i got stuck on a block no it's all over it's all over for me tombs if you have a brain you should probably just walk the other way toms is on his last life what's he doing leave me alone god damn it what are you doing this minecraft music is too peaceful for the situation that he's currently taking half taking place right now like what i'm just gonna swing i'm just gonna swing at this man i think the axe does less damage come on i might eliminate him i might get him in my game come on yes right boom two people eliminated right now i need to turn this goddamn minecraft music off what's going on music off to that's too upbeat and happy for for this current situation what the hell oh my god right drop drop drop drop drop drop give me all of the armor give me all the good stuff there's another helmet there okay this is from my other kill that he picked up and stole oh that was chaotic for a second i got two kills two kills and one elimination as of now not bad ssr should be happy because i saved him he was gonna get killed as a naked by by who was it cornish but cornish had no boots so thankfully and no shield so thankfully i was able to take him out ah that was close tombs didn't even see that his beacon was destroyed oh that's unlucky oh there's two people right here though tommer and kareem let's see if i can clean these guys up now that would be a great kill if i could clean these guys up this could be insane kareem's got a diamond helmet so that would be a nice little kill is he still chasing him no he's coming he's coming this way i think i think he's gonna come and try and kill me right now i'm just gonna shoot my way up this mountain real quick and try and dip is he coming for me i don't see him but i don't want to risk it i got that water beneath me in case i fall but i should be good this is an aggressive season mikey says mikey is very very true this is a very aggressive season everybody is just going all in because there's no worries about oh i want to get five episodes people are just like this is all one thing let's just go for it let's go ham i need to watch my back though because that water is only just who's coming down someone's coming down there who is it someone's only just placed that water and then retracted it as soon as he got down who is down there am i gonna clutch this water bucket oh i am i've never done that in my life and i just did that first time all right who's down here that water has definitely just been pulled away unless there's somebody up there that accidentally placed it that's a lot of water for an accidental accidental place hmm i don't know raven's got to cover me with diamonds as well now he probably found an admin base as usual i'm so lost i just re somebody's placing water again somebody's definitely over here aha toxic shadow yt hello good sir did he just take fall damage i'm not sure i might be able to do a sneak attack here i don't think he knows i'm here he doesn't he definitely doesn't i hit him once i'm going in oh he's hit me hard he's hit me real hard hit me real hard no oh he got me yo that was crazy i thought i had him i thought i had him i hit him so hard with that arrow right okay as of right now my base is still all right toxic's gone to bauble but now i have to risk unshifting to get my armor i think i'm good right if i can make a shield quickly come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on boom there we go give me that pickaxe back where's the rest of my armor oh it's on me okay right if i can just get out here there we go and we're back and we are back if i die again then we've got a serious issue wait two pickaxes here someone's base here i think there was a base here probably i did accidentally take all of my iron though so i should probably put that back but i gotta be fast get out boom there we go oh right i'm back back ready to rumble bit of chaos right there but we should be all right it's that axe man act the axes are so op i have no food no i keep forgetting things i need food right i've been in this base so many times now how i haven't been found or what is unbelievable surely somebody has seen me surely surely like what i'm so confused how i haven't been seen but i'm not gonna complain i'm just gonna keep living life and put that shield back on i think i might go back to where i just died and see if there's anything left over if there's any shovels or pickaxes or anything like that because they're gonna be quite useful still but i can't actually remember where i died okay nedja's right there in full like he's got diamond stuff on i think i'm gonna run the other way is he coming at me i don't know i'm just running the only problem is this season there is people everywhere there's so many people it's not like in in duos where people stick in like teams people are everywhere right this is where i died is there anything he must have picked everything up this is definitely where i died but he could still be around here and i do not want to die again because if i die again it's basically over for me all right i don't see anybody or anything i see a zombie i don't see any of my gear though faction's duck just died to nedra who was there just a second ago though these rabbits are making a lot of noise to keep scaring me there's so many mobs right now it's hard to navigate my way look how many of these husks there are oh my god it's hard to navigate my way around sub to ryan has been eliminated by factions raven oh oh so now ryan is on his last life right has this place already been checked because it looks like there was a base in here it definitely looks like there was a base in here is this a strip mine oh i don't really know what's happening in there right let me kill this skeleton and then i'm going to check this little wall to my left still don't really see anybody everybody was together a second ago and now everybody's gone i see someone book gaming jesse i might have to come and kill you and try and get some tools off you my dude i'm so sorry he went over here i see the husk going for him he's still going right let me uh let me kill this let me heal up hopefully he's not in great armor or like got a great sword or something because then i'll probably die he went this way though i'm pretty sure the husk isn't on him anymore but he probably just kept running that's why there he is oh he's in good gear he's in pretty good gear i think i'm gonna have to run the other way if he kills me then yeah i'm probably i'm probably finished for like the rest of the season which isn't is not what i'm planning on happening at all ssr i saved him earlier but like everybody has said this is a ruthless season and he's running he's seen me he knows i'm after him if he has food or tools he is worth the kill and that's all i can say even though i i i said about cornish earlier cornish was a meanie beanie you've got to do what you've got to do to get around in life on here come on get lost get stuck in the village get stuck in the village get stuck in the village he's running for his life i'd be able to finish him if i had my bow but i died all that creeper's gonna go oh he dropped a water bucket no he didn't he's got so many mobs at him look how he's got so much stuff how is he gaining so fast he's getting such crazy speeds oh there's a ravine oh that was cool he's gonna try and hit me down oh oh there's two invis people turn around ssr what the hell are you doing i don't want to kill you now i don't want to kill you i didn't even kill him he killed himself he straight up killed himself and now nedja's coming here come on down the ravine you go sir down the ravine down the ravine come on no there's too many mobs there's too many mobs there's too many mobs no right i can make another iron pickaxe but i don't have the stuff for an iron sword or an iron armor set so i'm gonna go mining i found a mine shaft oh my god this is huge this is a big play right now i could i could get a lot of iron now oh yes this is perfect all right another team is out another player another person i can't get these zombies off me though this isn't good there's i need the iron oh wait actually all right let me just see if i can find more iron there'll be more iron in here somewhere oh stay away from me little spider-man oh no more little spiders oh running away i'm running away i'm running away capco is now out to ryan ryan is going quite ham considering he's only on his last life he's playing it very very risky oh oh oh i don't like that i don't like just falling into random places all right i think i have enough iron now all right now i can definitely go back up i need to turn these mobs down oh my god like where did i come in i can't remember where i came into this this mine shaft right i'm just gonna have to keep following these mine shafts until i find back where i came through because i really am so lost no i don't want to deal with you right now and you don't seem to want to deal with me either let me see if i can just run right past you oh i can but there's nothing there block off there we go no oh i'm gonna be here all day run run run run run run oh my god why is there so many weird mobs right i see the base i finally am out i see the base i just need to try and get in without getting caught and then we should be good oh i think we're back on track okay bauble may have just seen me i only shifted for one second bauble may have just seen me maybe not oh that was a close one what's wobble doing is bubble going into his base bubbles up to something and i don't know what it is it's kind of sus though now factions ducks here come on please get distracted by bauble bubbles right there go to bauble not me okay all the furnaces have shut up now so thankfully these guys are just going to keep moving i can't do anything until they go duck could could die to bauble right now or bobble could die to dog i don't really know who's going to die to who bauble's up to something i don't know what it is all right so ryan just killed oh he's just knocked someone out um and i think all of my iron is cooked i can't see anybody around so i'm gonna grab it all real quick i'm gonna attempt to make my set of armor that i need probably like a shovel and stuff like that and just try and get out of here and try and find some bases because i'm still not found any bases i want to go and check out that place that i saw the guy earlier but i want to make everything quickly so i can get out and leave this place because i need to get out of this before i get found all right i got everything i'm in the clear i think i can't see any names so i'm just gonna get out of here and run away from this area as fast as possible so nobody sees me around here okay so i'm back over where i saw the person in this literally right at the start of this like whole video i saw the person in this around here and i still think that they are living either in this ravine or somewhere else because i don't know where they've gone and i'm probably gonna kick myself after this when i find where the base is but as of right now i have no clue where it is and i'm just going to keep mine around until i find it i just walked past this twice before i realized that nobody has pillowed up to it and it's literally the drop that was just announced two seconds ago so i'm gonna build up i can't actually see anyone so hopefully i can just get up here uninterrupted and try and get it and that'll be great oh oh god oh no who is it who is oh it's ryan oh no oh he's got an axe i'm so dead i am so dead i can't compete against an axe i can't do anything no i'm sad i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead come on let's just try it let's just try it i'm so dead no ah all right good job i got a little bit of extra iron when i went mining i've got enough for just a set i don't know if i'm gonna be able to make like a sword and i think i should be able to make a sword and shield but that is it oh i made iron bars no oh i'm an idiot bauble's running across me again i think his base has got to be around here somewhere it's got to be close to here at least he has been here so many times and he just disappears for like two minutes and then he'll come right back i think he's his base is definitely around here somewhere and he always goes down in that area right i'm done with my armor i'm going to go and have a look i'm going to see what i can find i've not even closed the base because i don't have a pickaxe so i can't even do it i'll see if i can get a little bit of wood while i'm here but where is it he's there is he in his base i could hear a chest where's the entrance i'm so confused is it in here he's got to be inside of his base right he shifted it he knows i'm here but where's his face is it hmm i don't know it could be under the tree right well i might as well get some wood because i need wood and i'm gonna need some more pickaxes and stuff so and i need to try and make a shield if i've got remaining iron but he has got to be living here there's no way he isn't living here right i'm just gonna go straight back in my base i'm gonna try and grab my stuff and i'm just gonna go and see i'm gonna rush it there's not really much i can do now if i go down and spend more time trying to get iron i'm gonna have no content for this video at all so ryan killed me again i lost all my stuff again obviously he wanted the supply drop i should have probably just ran but let's see what i can make let's see if i can just go and try and knock bauble out that'd be a great win here at least one base this entire season would be good all right yellow walls out here he will kill me he's in enchanted stuff i'm just going to run the other way because if i go anywhere near him he will definitely most no no question about it he's going to kill me but he's right near bobble's base i don't want him to steal the base from me because if he gets baubles based and that's my only bit of content right now is he above me yeah he's about that's raven above me okay so raven has now found my base seven seasons in a row probably i think it is now i'm just gonna run away i think how does he always find my base man this makes no sense i'm kind of in a do or die situation right now because if i don't go at him he's literally looking around he's punching was he punching he's found the cave he's gonna find the entrance no question about it he's gonna find it how does he do it man it makes no sense i'm just gonna run away before he tries to kill me because if he knocks my beaker out and then kills me it's over for me so if i run away and then he knocks my beacon out i still have a chance of potentially getting bauble and there it is yep raven knocked me out that was expected nothing new there happens every season always raven oh okay then i guess now i kind of just gotta hide it i'm gonna see if i can get in this cave here because bauble's base is near here so if i can hide near here if i see him or hear him i'm just gonna run or mine straight towards the base and try and kill him i just heard the chest again he's right there he's right there right all i need to do now is dig straight from here if i dig straight here i should find bauble's base i think [Music] um i think he knows i'm here right i hit him once right i'm going for the kill i'm going for the kill i'm going for the kill i'm going for the kill he can't hit me no he's so weak oh man how did he live i should have just gone for the beacon oh this man is so lucky oh i think raven's gonna find him anyway is raven gonna get him he's literally digging straight towards the base how the hell does raven do this i don't get it some summit sauce he has like he has x-ray flick on nah i'm joking but he's found bubble space he's gonna he's gonna eliminate bubble right anyway don't watch ravens episode for the rest of it um bobbles ran away he knows he's out raven's about to knock his beaker out here he goes oh he's saving it he's saving it for a second oh okay right anyway yep that's the end of it hectic very hectic that's all i'm gonna say i hope you guys enjoyed i'll see you in the next one [Music] peace [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Sword4000
Views: 26,724
Rating: 4.9255815 out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, Minecraft, factions, Funny, Videos, Fun, Happy, Minecraft videos, Modded, War, Modded War, Minecraft Modded, Modded minecraft, Factions Modded, Private, Survival server, Survival Modded, Modded survival, Sword4000, Sword, 4000, PvP, Raids, Raid, Raiding, Rich base, Minecraft Base, The Archon, Archon, The, Archon Skyblock, The Archon Skyblock, The Archon Factions, The Archon Prisons, The Archon Catching Hackers, The Archon Trolling, Factions SMP, Minecraft at War, Minecraft War
Id: VNnjm7zhCYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 42sec (2202 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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