Proximity Chat makes Minecraft Hide or Hunt 100% Funnier

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here we go ladies and gentlemen idol hunt proximity chat lava rising and i don't really want to unmute for a second if i do this is all you're going to hear in today's video we added the proximity chat mod into minecraft which means if you're within 20 blocks of another player you can hear everything that they say and it led to some pretty funny moments i've got jesus christ a large percentage of you guys that aren't actually subscribed to the channel so if you find yourself enjoying this video at any point feel free to subscribe and comment something nice i need the emotional support enjoy today's video i've noticed something which is a little bit of cobblestone in a wall which i actually do want to try go for for the start of this before the lava starts to rise because right over here i see two bits of cobble which might be an admin base so i need to unmute a mumble so people can hear me and we also now need to get ready for the lava which is eventually gonna just take over the world oh my god we've got loads of stuff hey go away this is mine go away this is nissan this is this is ours now we are a family we will be together forever okay the thing is right we can't mine the diamonds so what do you say me and you we we cover this back up and we split it all for god's sake who invited him go away there's nothing to see here nothing to see emil don't look at the diamonds there's no diamonds you can't mine him with a stone pickaxe you what are you doing here i don't know i have an efficiency five one look oh all right i'm off lads i'll see you later bye losers i need to find a cave that could have gone better i feel like hello random i don't like those people can hear me it's terrifying stop laughing menacingly it's terrifying get out of my head get out of my head i want to play a game okay how can i not okay hello general can you please stop the terrifying situations you put me in yeah thank you i agree emil go away be my friend okay right i need to talk to my video email go away i'm here to listen okay emil today i'm going to be making my base because obviously you know the laugh is rising a mill oh wait wait wait lava yeah laughter every 30 i'm going to make my base in a tree in a tree wow hello exactly what we needed jack in this situation hi i'm here to ruin your day bye i'm late to go and stop following me you're like a creepy cousin at christmas i'm your younger brother who wants to turn the xbox with you please leave me alone mom doesn't love you we need to make our base before the lava rises which we're going to be doing in a tree in a tree james would you like to be friends no no let me be dramatic okay yeah yeah black bars black bars black bars sad news except music you've made an enemy out of me [Music] dude i love my friends all right so we basically have everything that we need for this base today the main goal is we need to do it i don't know how to do it so the lava won't get us that's the plan but we need to wait for invis that's what we need we should be getting grace very soon there we go in this infamous that's exactly what we needed we're ready this is gonna be the quietest idol hunt i've ever made in my life i can hear whoever's furnace that is james jack you need me where are you where are you james can i make a video okay yeah i'm okay i'm not gonna lie to you i'm like two feet to your right i'll see you later i love you james i love you i love you all right now that we've made our tree base we can probably leave all right you know what i'm going in full confidence for whammy all right nobody knows where i am i'm on a tree if anybody's curious i'm on a really really big tree hi trauma you every time pg i'm sorry i'm sorry how's your face uh it's really really awful see you later love you i hate you right my goal has to be all right you're gonna have to go to this step that's what i need to do for the start of this video that's what i need to do because otherwise the video isn't gonna last very long uh we need to kind of get people you know done quickly we're gonna have to like speed run this thing right armor on armor on uh no oh that's one person gone already jack found a base nice job jack i knew my alliance would come in handy so the lava should now be rising every 30 seconds which for us is probably not going to be a very very good thing okay that's what we'll do we're going to go back for the other guy jack hello die duck emil please go away raymond please go away i have flowers for you this is not what i needed go and go away we're going to do it we're just going to do it it's going to do it i hate i'm so sorry i didn't do it i didn't do it i didn't do it it was somebody else oh sorry sorry sorry i missed collect i just wasted my only power i missed oh behind you enemy i will save you a mil i will attack battle formations give me the legs and i'll let you live say your prayers buddy your death day is coming sooner than you hoped you could place blocks or you're like my friend go away scum this is mine oh spike's dead put the dog down put your hands on the car and prepare to die all right well i'll see you later lads i'm gonna have to leave you before demi yells at me right so we need to be off into that direction right now because we need to try find another base we found a base who is it it's rusty rusty made it under a tree that's the first thing you don't do in these is make it into a tree okay right and on the base down we're two bases down come here spangle come here i'm coming for you wait jamie where did you come from jamie where did you jimmy come back jamie please no jamie jamie jamie it's a matter trick it's a magic trick look i'm gonna make your life disappear he's behind you you little sinner come here come here scum no apologize and beg for your death beg for your life beg for your life beg for your life you should know i'm amphibious by now spangle i'm good at the game i promise ah yeah yeah you just stop running spangled just admit defeat admit defeats bengal i can hear you you idiot all right he's gone thank god okay milo please stop barking this is an important idol hunting game what's up there's a rhyme not brian ryan ryan ryan you you want some you want some chicken man yeah yeah yeah good stuff it's good come here thanks brother gotta cook that man i don't want you getting knocked out by someone else thanks buddy i love you can you find my father this man didn't pay me for my chicken man what did you pay me for my dreams you didn't pay him oh he's paid you okay no you're good jack you're going too okay sorry jack sorry mate sorry jack sorry i have to find mob get out of here man you didn't pay with my chicken you were too late like we're doing an okay job like i expected this to go like way way worse honestly the thing is it's either gonna have to be like this like a place where there's two blocks right here or it's gonna have to be somewhere where they can easily like replace the grass so like this this would be a good spot for a base because it's two blocks so you don't have to replace dirt or grass is what i should say oh my god we've found a base there's no sign it's going to break it i'm just going to break it we need to get it down quickly the quicker we can get it down the quicker we can move tick speed okay right let's head up i can feel the lag from the lava the lava starting to come up but i don't know where it is i've just realized by the way for anybody else that's listening this video is either gonna end when the beacons are broken or when the lava takes over the world hello clean tea hello clean tea hello please please no you call jack ginger i don't like you bye gmg i've come for revenge no no no no no no get knocked down no you don't think please do not third party this mob i haven't i have beef with you you didn't pay ryan for his chicken you did it you you tried to scam brian that's what i thought scum the the lava is coming that's okay man hey [Music] does this mean i can put you in the title yes i knew you were good for something all right we're gonna have to be we're gonna have to you're gonna have to act like you're chasing me ryan because the admins are gonna yell at us otherwise behind you ryan oh ryan turn around this is my rival partner are you selling flowers man because i'm nuggets this is my territory bye losers you guys realize how high the lava is right everyone's probably gonna die soon not me i've got jesus christ [Laughter] i don't know what's going on in this video hi ryan you're like a creepy uncle you know that right yes i wanted some nuggets okay that's right follow me follow me okay come on we gotta go this way uh it was i don't know it was somewhere here ryan somewhere here it was like here can't help you because i'll be cheating yeah oh my god man there you go cook cook some stuff cook some stuff out i'll kill him i'll knock him out you cook him right you know he's going to come back in all right there's nothing going on here don't come down here it's making my mouth draw oh can you stop weird noises in my face um your base smells better than it did a few minutes because that's fresh smell of chicken nuggets it reminds me of mama's milk yes jamie's no you just you're just trying to kill me jamie you kill him you you get a you got a nugget man oh where is he coming you scum come on come on man i got him thanks ryan mopp can you please just leave us for a second not for anything else just and nuggets being together please lava is good for me cause it cooks my nuggets and cooks out of it it doesn't kill me you can't hit raven you can't hear raven yeah thanks ryan i love you bye raven no okay i think i'm good i don't think you are i'm not good i tried to escape because i got murdered and i didn't want to die again so i tried to hide i know what my stuff is i got murdered and pushed off a cliff and then they tried to kill me when i tried to run away from my base so i had to dig underground and run that's not good no it's not would you look i see i see it thank you [Laughter] someone walked right past his stuff but i hit it man good that's right i'll see you later i've got to go find bases you just lost you just want a friend do you just want a friend is that what it is right we've got a little while we might as well try find a little bit more beacons i guess while we're out because we could still do well until the lava rises i want to at least survive until the lava comes up here because that's probably where it's going to go to park you have one wish yeah one wish yeah i am the nugget genie i wish i wish for a base that's a bit harsh i wish for jamie to be dead in minecraft of course oh i could have brought jack back to life now i'll tell you what i'll move on from that it's all right is there a base over here if anyone's over here please can can there be a base i'd really appreciate it right where would there be a base here joey's dead amy yeah i'm like a magical little twinkie when you did that i lost all my powers i'm fading away by ryan i'll always love you i always love you i don't even want to we need to just find another base i don't even know what this video is at this point honestly it's gone it's gone so far downhill that i don't really know what's going on i see jamie jamie you did it you did me dirty i guess we'll check gravel i don't think raffle usually hides a base well this this could be an area for a base look these two gravel here yeah i knew it as soon as i saw the dirt who is it it's jd kelly i'll go for it the scumbag knocked me out he didn't believe my my very inept story um i don't really know what's going on now i kind of have to wait for the lava hi i don't have a beacon yeah i know ow i don't know how to pee with it i got him leave me alone leave him please that's the point that's illegal please you can't do that kill him instead hello uh probably not no oh let's go yeah i'm gonna run i'm going for you paddy come here oh no no no come here paddy paddy you're the one that did it you broke my beak you didn't believe my story you die jamie come here right james jamie the lava is coming it's only right if i take you out not the lava no jamie no you wouldn't jamie the server is lagging continuously jamie just come back jamie okay the lava should be making its way like very very soon that that's kind of the issue is the fact that we kind of need to get somewhere uh oh okay everything's fine nothing to see hi tommer no no no what do we know uh okay yeah thomas just just oh i see the lava yeah let's go this way come on we'll do it together and then you can jump in it and then i'll i'll like i got the kill how about what do you mean how about no oh oh no no no oh right well that's going to be today's proximity chat hide or hunt we did we had a pretty fun job it's probably one of the more fun videos i've posted not a very serious idol hunt but still fun nevertheless i really hope you guys did enjoy if you did make sure you like and subscribe if you're new beacons are breaking everything's going i don't really know what's going on it's just like a buffalo of stuff that that wasn't a word but i'll see you guys in the next video and should i just hit trauma into the lava no i shouldn't that's illegal that's illegal right i'll see you guys soon
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 53,676
Rating: 4.9504476 out of 5
Keywords: jamieraven, factionsraven, hide or hunt, minecraft hide or hunt, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, minecraft funny
Id: bDB8MCIajhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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