I made a SECRET Minecraft ICE SPIKE base.. (Hide Or Hunt)

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welcome to the most festive hider hunt yet because it's christmas and we're playing on a snowy custom map can't get any more christmas than that today 24 solo players are all battling out on a small map and everyone must make a secret base and place down their beacon inside their base you can only craft at your beacon and the last secret base standing is the winner this is hyderahan if you guys enjoy this make sure to go down below hit that like button subscribe if you're new around here and i hope you're having a wonderful christmas and without further ado let's get started welcome to christmas hider hunt and you might be wondering what's so festive about this well it's a festive map that we're going to be murdering people on and raiding people right let's get started let's see what's going on so we're actually on a festive map so there's some custom builds on here which i'm assuming there's going to be admin bases near them and i have no idea where i'm going to be making my base but the admins have done a beautiful job with the map as you can see look at this is so cool goes up to a house a house what's in the house we've got a fire they're actually ending in these oh my god there she is two polar bears what can i do with those oh iron okay i'll take that shirt isn't often amazing here is there what's this dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh oh you got trolls up to ryan's after it no wait did i get trolled wait wait wait did i actually get trolled no i didn't no i didn't i knew i was like fail wouldn't be that mean at christmas oh my god okay we got two golden apples a lot of people are going to have a lot of stuff because there is a lot of stuff hidden on this map today what's what are these things pearls smokers wait what did they just cook food i'll take them i'll take them oh you need do you need a campfire okay maybe maybe i won't i'll just do the good old-fashioned furnace oh my god we're taking this for our base we need something festive we have a full inventory already so anyway yeah there's a lot of stuff on the map that's for sure and there's gonna be a lot of people with diamonds probably custom stuff but i think there's houses and stuff all over like there's christmas presents which we're not that's the only thing we're not allowed to break is the christmas presents yet because apparently there's stuff inside them but anyway when you watch this i hope you're having a wonderful christmas let me know what you got for christmas down below i don't know because i'm recording this currently right now on the 10th of december so christmas has not happened for me okay we need some coal all right we got boopy tiger here all right let's grab some coals so we can smelt we've already oh my god someone already has their beacon down oh my god that's so quick we have um 15 iron already we need 24 for a full set okay that's 38 iron ore we are absolutely set i'm ready to go all right let's go find where we're gonna make our base cause like i'm not gonna lie we haven't played if anything i think this is the first map we played with an exclusive snowy map like we have played with a bit of frozen sections on the map like before but like this whole map from what i know is all frozen from what i see from here anyway so where are we going to make our base i have no idea because we can't do it on the snow because if we do it on the snow we can't place the snow back and it's going to look really obvious we can do it obviously inside a wall here oh hello no i'm not gonna lie that scared me just a guy smacking me over an axe that guy was already invisible which i'm holding on to my invisibility potion right now so that means he could be making a base there we've got someone down below here i'll uh i'll know that in the brain but i'm assuming he's in a mine i want to break this present so bad it might have really good stuff oh okay okay okay okay i'm not i'm not cheating i'm not cheating okay i promise i promise i just wanted i just i just wanted to actually see is there actually stuff inside there and there is they're not lying okay anyway where are we making our base can we make it in one of these ice things is that very obvious though oh yo if we could make like our base up in the tippy top of one of them that would be so sick the only thing is though how are you meant to get up to them and down from like if you die you'll teleport up there because obviously you respawn there i probably could make a ladder going up the middle but that'll be found really easily if i could parkour my way up there maybe that would last longer right we need to find one that maybe we can get to that's up high all right we're drinking our invisibility because i think we're gonna make our base somewhere here so i don't want people seeing me around here too much like can we get like imagine making your base up there like come on that would be sick the only thing is like how'd you get up there yes i can use the ladder system but like then when they break down here they're going to find my base i want to be hidden up here so like people have to climb to search it i don't know this might be the worst idea i've ever had to be honest but hey if we survive it'll be a christmas miracle and that's what we need oh hang on what about that one up there can we jump from that what's this guy up to there's a lot of people around here which i don't like oh my god there's so many people here why is it so busy oh link's grabbing wood that's one thing i completely forgot to grab there's someone else here too there's someone right here okay there's loads of people around here what the hell okay can i get up to that one okay at least if i fall i'm not gonna take any damage oh my god yeah yeezys oh yeah how do i get into here now yeah yeah this could work this could work this could work this is exactly what i wanted it's not the best white pillow is just below me though that's the problem okay if i break this one i'm so done for okay okay oh my god breaking this is so loud how okay i have enough room here please have a four by four oh i'm so afraid i'm gonna break is there enough room here yes it looks like there is yes okay we are living in an ice cube this is mega risky but i love it the only thing though it's night time is there going to be a massive glow off this i hope not we'll block it up just in case for a second wait wait would the furnace melt my snow i hope not okay right let's place this down bingo there we go a place i've committed i'm so nervous okay and admin just placed on a sign saying very cool ryan man not gonna lie kind of nervous watching me there i've got three polar bear spawn eggs i don't know if that's gonna help me i don't i don't think it will we're definitely making a diamond axe that's for sure we all know how good a diamond axe is on this channel you are mine we just had about enough wood just to make a shield oh my god okay we gotta make our base festive a little bit so there we go that's what i'm adding that's what we're making our base festive with um and okay right i need to focus because if we get knocked that away i'm gonna cry that's like honestly this is when i have the most anxiety like this game just triggers my anxiety levels i made a diamond pickaxe of a diamond shovel worst thing ever but i'm just thinking like there's a lot of ice around the map so like like this diamond pickaxe will like drill through all of it okay we're done the base i'm just waiting for this to basically like burn out before i open up my base and let the light source out oh i've just realized yeah this is so bad like this is this is very bright this is very very very bright right now and i don't know if that's gonna work because the only way i can get out is by i was thinking i could break this pearl out and hope for the best which is probably what i'm gonna do here we go here we go is it nighttime it's daytime right we can purl out and hopefully not die yes okay there we go right we're out of our base base is done there has to be somewhere some person living around here somewhere that is my base people um will it last comment down below yes or no i have no idea to be perfectly honest but we're giving it a try it's always nice to try new bases because then you kind of know what works and what doesn't work now is there anyone living around here we've got seven minutes left of invisibility so we built our base fairly quick and there was a lot of people here so i'm telling you there's definitely people oh someone here there's someone here i just saw someone run right past oh no there was napping base right here i didn't even see it there's someone right in front of me here where's he gone where is he gone there has been a lot of activity in this forest not only at the start of the game do we see so many people about but i've also been seeing like invisibility invisible people just running past with a little particle so there's something about here i just don't know where but i'm ready for it one minute and the armor's on maybe i need to stop sprinting about myself though because i need to try and stay sneaky so when i see them i see them i guess so one person over there so one person over here somewhere i just thought about sitting on top this hill i can hear someone smelting do you hear that because i do someone's base is right here okay i'm rob let's see where he's gonna be he's somewhere here i could i could hear this melting he's gonna if i i don't i want to eat right now but if i eat he's gonna know where are you i always feel bad about knocking someone out like straight away but like someone has to go like it's just the aim of the game it's happened to me before i just never uploaded the video because obviously it was no video to be had i want to see if i can find the entrance oh skeleton skeleton skeleton no no we're on the same team here hello wow oh there we go there we go oh god it's chris where is the base i hope he has a diamond shovel oh he's right by the border chris i'm coming for you oh my god he's dropped himself in you okay oh that should hurt he's on the run he's on the run he's not gonna spawn back his face i don't think is he nope okay right chris is out the game that's one person down well he's not technically out he has one life left we got an invisibility part of that did we get a better shovel or anything like that no i don't think so we'll always remember chris okay i tried to put a polar bear in there it didn't work chris is somewhere in the world roaming free right now looking for revenge so i probably should try and take him out oh we can open up gifts we can upload gifs there's a gift here what is it has it been broken into no it hasn't it has more ender pearls more golden apples and a regeneration potion okay that's sick what's faster to drink is a regeneration potion faster than a golden apple to eat or is it the same speed i'd love to know okay i saw someone also moving down here but i'm not sure where like i'm not sure if there's a base here or what but like no wait was it it was a bit more downstream here yeah it was here i saw someone run past here and i wanted to search here let's see let's see you see anyone living here this is a good place to hide nope lots of iron no nope okay no one's here see that person was hugging the world border and i know a lot of people including myself like the world border so i did follow the guy straight away and i didn't actually see him go anywhere i didn't hear any blocks being broke it could have been chris that i heard oh there's another present here give me a present is there any stuff oh it's already been already been broken into i missed that one all right let's go to that place where i saw the guy with the axe who scared the crap out of me he was just over here and he like he smacked at me like go away i'm making my base here which he probably moved unless he had his beacon already down by that point it was here it's here he smacked me here what was he doing was he making his base inside here see i don't want to search the ice too much i don't want to give people ideas but you never know no like these are really good places to make a base okay that's my base up there and it's night time there doesn't seem to be too much of a glow on it whoa whoa whoa creeper creeper come on find me a base find me a base no i think nope there's definitely bases in these icebergs one of them and there was someone about here as well oh link's here links here is he searching he's definitely searching he's not in his face that's a crit he's down oh my god i knew the first hit i was like he's definitely down uh what have we got here what have we got i saw diamonds i picked up one oh that's enough for a shovel if i go home oh that's really tempting and he also had a diamond sword if i need that that's actually really tempting do i go home to craft a diamond shovel so soon i'm gonna hold up for two minutes oh my god you honestly the most annoying thing ever every time they hit you they give you slowness link did not see it coming so i'm not searching anywhere here because i think link was actually searching he didn't come out of the base or anything or maybe he did but it's right in the corner i doubt it oh my god creepers everywhere oh my god don't hit me dog oh my god i'm gonna die if someone backs me right now i'm definitely gonna die oh we found a base and it is annoying this is definitely an admin based no one makes this bait their bases fancy this is a admin base yo i don't even have oh my god poisonous arrows which are actually handy i just don't actually have a bow myself currently right now unless i did i murdered one no i didn't more oh my god we have pros for days that's gonna make it really nice to go home when we want to uh also diamonds as well we could actually craft up maybe a good set we possibly could die here still touch to it yes i want to still touch oh i definitely definitely want to still touch i've just realized if i have a silver touch that means i can block up my base completely that is so good if only i found that at the start of the game that would have made my life a lot easier is there someone here i definitely heard someone okay we're going back to the base we're going back to the base because we can get ourselves a we can get diamond armor we can get diamond shovel we can also get a sill touch if we do it right that means we can block up our base completely that'll be amazing i just gotta make sure no one finds me invisible though okay we gotta be careful here and not die okay jump perfect perfect perfect definitely invisible yeah definitely okay don't fall to your death ryan okay good into the base and here we are lock it up for two minutes let's begin smelting okay we currently right now don't have enough to make an anvil which is fine we're gonna make some diamond armor though we just gotta be careful this person over here does not hear me smelting no he's going down below okay okay good good good okay made ourselves some diamond buoys we don't have enough to make um an anvil so we can't do the old silt touch purl that over in this direction let's get out of here let's hope for the best someone's right below me as well okay there's a person right here with no armor i'm sorry but i'm gonna have to take this easy kill do you have a dog okay i promise not to kill your dog unless it annoys me what's okay he's running he's running running where have you come from have you got nothing he might be on his last life there has to be a base somewhere around here there were so many people there was a guy jumping off oh wait hang on a second there was a guy jumping off here i just wonder if he's went for the old oh oh whoa whoa because you can crawl technically through here raven's above me but he's not on my island there was a guy jumping off here i wonder if he made a base in the water someone's under the ground here i just saw fps where's he going where's he going where he's gone here it is here it is whoa what is this oh this is a hello have you been knocked out already or are you about to be knocked out it looks like your base has been found you want some snowballs there anything i throw down on you i'm sorry buddy but i gotta do what i gotta do have you been knocked out no i see that beacon i see your beacon what's that hole for what's the hole for is it for lava get down the hole down the hole down the hole okay you go you go do your thing i'm coming for you anyway i was gonna let him go down the hole i was gonna please don't knock me out my fps falls to zero if you get knocked out that's a weird bargain seems to be moving just fine to me oh he didn't even know who it was i i just realized i'm invisible he's gonna try he's wrapped oh so sorry merry christmas oh god he's got he's got his gun okay right i knew i saw someone there perfect bingo we've got my boy factions raven up here no dude the crates the criticals stay crouched i'm all good deaths happen you know i've had a few seasons where i haven't died so it's gonna happen sometime 1.16 what a 50-50 belt okay i need to craft asap [Music] ben did you tie me there was that quick was that quick i need to know this is the riskiest moment of my life right now let's go let's go out of here out of it and i'm down i'm down i'm done out of here get i got it got i gotta gotta go gotta go gotta go didn't even grab yourself a pickaxe but hopefully i'll kill something for it sky sin was down here two seconds ago where is that man i should have a golden apple what was i thinking oh someone's been searching yeah skye was down here so i wonder if he's living around here or is this him oh hello oh my god oh that's another admin base no as much as i love apple mazes i want to find real people's bases oh my god there's a creeper in the admin base oh wow it could have found some secrets never know okay we got more pearls okay sick we got some scoot what are scoots more diamonds but we have to go back and actually craft them a golden apple frostwalker okay i'm not going to stick them on for the fact that they're i'm definitely going to dive in but i'll keep it for the war which is going to be insanely handy no i wanted to find real people's bases wait what about if someone has made a real person's base inside here you know they're copying my base from last season okay next fight i get into i'm eating a golden apple straight away i could go home right now craft up some nice diamond axe again you know and get started but it's also really risky what i might try to do is i might try kill someone try see if i can get invisibility off them oh my god there was a button right there i didn't even know it was the button i was just searching the corners is that admin is that happening wait are these getting refilled oh my god okay i'll take them i've got 20 diamonds they're refilling the presents oh oh okay i need supplies i'm not dying from this one are you seriously gonna stack up they definitely don't work come on come on come on let's go don't be one of these people come on quacky oh he's a diamond axe i'm trying to act weak definitely a strange tactic but i'm hoping he's going to jump me and i'm going to eat the golden apple he's running he's running that's it that's it that's it boom there we go go away from me i've got so much good stuff pc i got invisibility from guys seriously go away from me golden axe there we go our diamond axe not golden eggs yes let's go let's go all right not too bad not too bad guys go away did we get an invisibility yes we did we can go home we can go home we can go home uh right then you guys there i want no no no no throw out all these snowballs are useless i hate how they don't take damage anymore i gotta watch my back i get all my resources i'm gonna go make full diamond armor dude i'm definitely gonna go make full diamond ammo i've never went back to my base so much so risky but i love it we've also got six pearls so we can actually pull it out of our base if we still need to okay i'm gonna invis let's go for our base and we need to go check more christmas presents because they're getting refilled don't die now ryan don't die now okay good good good you did a great job right smelt away there we go looking good okay purlin out of here please don't fall to my death or something silly like that quacky is up above me i'm invisible for five more minutes oh here we go quacky oh dude come on fight me what do you have dude i don't know what he has he could have got [Music] seriously do i need to knock you okay i'm just gonna go back to searching okay whatever you find you know what i mean whatever i need to find actual people's bases oh where did he go did he pearl he must have pearled quacky why are you watching me that's kind of a little bit suspicious if you ask me okay this is really suspicious the fact that you're watching me right now oh is that why is this your baser wait wait wait there's a guy right here i'm going for it i'm going for it where is it where is it where is it did i miss oh let's go i'm going down i'm going down if i can actually go down will you let me down oh my god what what the hell is going on with this come here quacky come on fight me like a real man come on oh come on quick i need to get rid of quacky because if i don't he's gonna oh dead end dude i've been here i know this land [Music] dead end if i didn't get rid of quacky he's just going to come down and finish me off especially if i go low from that fight i don't want to be stuck on the ground for someone i found this guy's base i'm going for i'm gonna i'm going for it i think quack he might be oh no there's a tree break and i was gonna say is that quacky back already like coming out there why couldn't i get this is the most annoying thing i've ever witnessed okay i'm going down i'm kind of nervous there easily could be something going on down here is bam hitting just need to survive just need to land my hits there we go we need to knock him out quickly before he respawns yep there we go here we go and he's out he's out nice all right there we go redemption story completed right i need to if i kill raven that'd be a christmas miracle i'll be happy out which i think i could but the only thing is he's definitely got all my golden apples and i don't think he's died should have hit the golden apple i don't know what i was thinking to be able to be honest you just kind of go on a roll and then you just get a bit too cocky and then you die basically it's a circle of life just where is raven is the question also let's go and actually look at what quacky was investigating because when i found him obviously he's the one who got the diamond axe from i believe he was like crouching like like over there like literally where the wood is like perfect and it's like crouching like he's seen someone but surely if he knew there was a base there he would have went back and knocked that out already he wouldn't just be hanging onto a base for no reason or actually you know what let's go see where we can find quacky because then if we kill quacky again we can start to triangulate him and actually knock him out of the game because he is a very um driven player he's very good at what he does so you know we got to get rid of those people look at the candy canes oh dude this guy isn't enchanted axe oh my god i want that if that's a sharpness axe like i want it so bad where did you just come from too let's fight even if i die like i'm oh wait he sees me in diamond armor see this is the thing diamond armor means nothing like it's useless like 1.16 pvp is just so random one critical hit with an axe and you're out of the game i'm gonna try cutting off here oh you s you smart oh and i died that's exactly my meaning okay we gotta say crouch for a second because raven's just over there but that's exactly my mean like you just died but that was that was 200 iq i can't i can't lie he got me that was sick raven and quacky are right there dude i don't know how we haven't got found i really don't know how we haven't got found like it's surely someone must have saw my name there i've just bounced out of there with barely anything we can win this by just having the best base possible the only thing is though if we keep dying that's going to get my base found a hundred percent going for raven we're going for raven he's definitely seen me though he's definitely seen me there's no way i'm gonna beat him but i'm just gonna hope for a miracle gonna eat golden apple yep nope eating out of here run run run run no no no emil saved me oh go on a mill no and bill died he was my only hero run whoa who burned down this place poor house what has it done to anyone savages have made raven op quacky quacky quacky quacky i'm coming for you is this your base oh the only thing is though i could easily die to quack you right now this is gonna oh quacky i've waited so long to do this sorry i'm see this is the thing if i go down i know i'm going down on my own turf blocking all off dude this guy is not gonna go down without a fight that's for sure he's gonna pick up his armor don't oh he has to be low no it's gonna be me that dies here okay let's try and reset this fight as quick as we can i want to kill him outside his base so he has no armor i know where his base roughly is i just gotta find it there is oh no that's me dead missed my hit oh wow i'm actually shocked come on come on get get get get out of here okay there we go let's knock him out quacky it feels so good to knock you out okay that was an awkward fight this is actually an interesting season though because i feel like for the last like few seasons i've played i feel like i have been fairly strong and now i do feel like a really like i feel like an underdog to be honest i started out really strong i died a raven always do most of the time to be honest he just absolutely wrecks me what can i say oh jesus oh my god i've created another monster oh no no no no no no dude i've created another monster anyone around i'm going for it i hope i haven't been seen i hope i haven't been seen i hope i haven't been seen let's go let's go let's go get down and get down get down and get down i need to kill that guy okay okay okay 18's remaining dude we're doing good we're doing good for the amount of times we've died and we've crafted how many times went back to our base how many times i just can't like there's better geared people than me i might be able to kill that guy but i need to jump on him like now like i need to get i need to get the jump on him but i've made two monsters i've made faction raven i've given him all my supplies at the start which i should just like eight instead of like trying to hoard them lesson learned i suppose and then well the other guy actually done a really good move on me and killed me so what can i say that was a gg move actually i really liked that he must ah i knew it i'm out of the game i'm out of the game but i i can still i can still survive i can still survive quacky got me and i got quacky it's how it had to go he definitely came back to that area he knew i was over there i'm on my last life though i have to play like i was gonna go for the guy with diamond but now i'm gonna have to play a little bit more careful or am i just gonna get knocked out in two seconds by that diamond guy probably dude if i can kill that diamond i'd be so happy like honestly that make my day be like redemption again someone there is that him survivor where is he he's got a lava bucket okay but that's not my guy that's not my guy i want my full diamond guy who likes to hang about around here which probably means that his base is somewhere here maybe trying to protect it because he doesn't seem to be doing any searching come on can this go full circle or is this the end can this go full circle oh he's pearls he's probably wait why is he probably no he hasn't not be dead no if you want to go check out the rest of the series or like who actually still in raven from what i know is currently still in right now so make sure to go check him out if you want to know who actually won this season guys i hope you have a wonderful christmas or whatever you celebrate i know i didn't do too well in this episode but like if you go back and watch a few of my other episodes i destroyed and i feel like you know it was just bad luck i i i honestly don't know i was just very bad at pvp but hey someone has to have the short straw and today i think it was me [Laughter] guys merry christmas thank you for watching also if you want to know who won a mill won the game he won his first one a christmas miracle [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 799,241
Rating: 4.9116006 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft video, minecraft hide or hunt, secret base, secret minecraft base, we made secret minecraft cave base, we made a secret minecraft tree house base, I made a SECRET CACTUS entrance to my Minecraft Base, minecraft survival, mine craft, minecraft base, minecraft server, hide or hunt, ryannotbrian, I made a Secret Minecraft Swamp TREE Base, I made a SECRET Minecraft Base inside LAVA, I made a SECRET Minecraft ICE SPIKE base
Id: aeCsXyf072k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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