Enemies Launch a ROCKET at my Minecraft Base.. (Mc War)

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two teams are left in the fight myself and jamie raven today's video begins when i fly over the enemy's base spotting a missile just coming out of the top of the base now i have been told from our team that our missile is going to take about 20 or 30 minutes to be made so they are ahead of us in the race at this point we immediately dispatch players to stake out the enemy base setting up security cameras in our discord chat so that if they fired the missile we would be ready to escape the enemies know we're close to making a missile ourselves they need the fuel we just need the missile both teams are racing to fire the first bomb 20 minutes into today's video they attacked for the first time not ours not ours no it's dropping bombs okay okay right so we have barry over at their base stake oh there it is oh that's a that's a good ball oh that's me dead oh no no i'm gonna fall off the edge here oh clip the wing let's go he's clipped he's clipped break this give me give it put it back down oh my god what a shot dude he nearly got me whoever was in that plane hit the top like hit me in the air gonna knock me off the side okay we need some blocks dude they tried to hit our fake beacon they went for the fake beacon which is great they i just realized they tried to go for our fake beacon which is amazing wait are you screen sharing let me let me show that to the viewers did you guys see the plane take off uh wait you can move the cameras yeah oh perfect guys if they fire that missile we're gonna know we're gonna know well ahead of time if they don't know all right well that's good that they're on defensive but it's starting to make me think that they're trying to i think they have the missile made but they don't have the fuel made so i think they're getting ready to launch it and i think that plane that they just flew over there was a test two people three people on the hill five people five people okay i'm backing off i'm backing up right don't worry don't worry you don't need to back off you're safe up here as long as you don't go to the edge you're absolutely safe if they are launching we need to think a little bit tighter of maybe just jumping off might not be a good idea getting to the bridges right now playing playing play playing it's another one they're pushing a little bit just conserve ammo so ready for attack if they get close then yeah punish them all right i'm going to push down to forest a bit more they're just behind that hill oh i knew they'd use that hill is there mines on that hill because that would have been so useful oh whoa he's going to crash he's down the plane's down the plane's down plane is coming again where where still got one wing he's still got one how is it flying with one wing remember this is when our base is strong one of them is retreating in the back snapped on one is backing off conserve ammo as much as possible right now they're doing nothing all right a plane just flew right over smacked right into this hit there and then clipped his own wing oh there you go it's going down oh wait you can't break them don't know if anyone's in that oh dude that guy has a light machine gun one of those one of those people have like a light machine gun oh there's someone building another base yeah building right underneath the base yeah that's the guy from coming up to where you are one's on a boat right now wait oh someone's dead oh nice nice oh nice one forest wait wait wait was there people underneath us yeah there's someone just went off in a boat this way okay i don't know this doesn't seem like an attack guys this seems really soft i i don't need to mean to rush it but how's the missile coming it's going good we're waiting for power because they're all right they're starting to put pressure how long 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 15 hopefully 10 15. okay fingers crossed we can hold out till then i'm almost certain that he got a target there's net rock i don't think so i'm pretty sure he did that's why jack came in to save him because that was why he just tried to crash land into her base he tried to crash land where farris was but i was there he didn't have a target designator so it's not that's a guy jack was trying to save him so it's a raven that got it and that's why i said someone swam off in the boat that's why i was trying to go over to the runway to try and shoot them so get ready to spread but defend the base but we can't go jumping into the water so you guys need to be ready to go so can we get everyone down to the bridge or out onto this exterior area so we're ready yeah i think that's them i'm pretty sure they got a target designator fired uh like put down they crash landed our base jack came in to i think i'm assuming raven or whoever was flying and our guys said they need about 10-15 minutes the only thing we can hope for if they fire the missile that they don't affect the people down on the ground so all we can do right now is sit and wait they're on guard duty so yeah they're doing something that night yeah you're right i don't want to get destroyed we just need 10 15 minutes oh bug i just realized we want to do a manual i'm gonna have to get chords i'm gonna have to fly over their base and get their cords so we can target their base we're heading over to their base to get their cords let's hope they don't shoot me down i need to get exactly where their bunker is if i get it wrong the missile's gonna miss here we go here we go here we go here we go they're not on the a-gun screenshot oh yeah they have a missile there yeah now you can see it i got it i got it i got it i think i have the chords now i'm not sure if it will 100 hit but it's of course you gave me there's a lot of like i don't like how they're they're getting ready to fire the fact that they're sitting up there they are going to fire it yeah it's just when i want our i want to be able to if we can fire our one first we can disable it my heart is pounding oh oh guys guys clear clear clear missile missile i don't know if we're safe here or not get out of the middle of the base get out the middle of the base oh it's here we're going wait wait don't go near it it could be a delayed explosion is it a dud imagine if that missile didn't work is it a dot i'm afraid i will walk in and see no no we have we have cameras we have cameras for more we have cameras more we have people watching it's ready wait i still think there are people there like keep an eye on that corner uh wait wait don't come into the basement if this is delayed i'm gonna die the jeep doesn't work wait wait is it a good idea coming up with the noise no no not for a second for a second i don't know if this is it hit our base it didn't it it didn't it didn't blow up wait what was it i'm afraid it's like the server's gonna lag out and it's gonna explode all of a sudden i need to back off here for a second i'm so afraid this is just gonna explode in two seconds time yeah i think so i thought it was delayed but it would have been it would have exploded by now i don't know if it was a daughter what yeah or it accidentally hit the water looking at the missile that came down here i think it went into the water right there as well yeah i think they missed they might have messed up there's a little block taken out of the corner that did no damage i think it scraped and hit the water that's a lucky escape but hang on they might have more i don't know all right come put this missile out on our lovely lovely platform no no we're not gonna watch it launch we're gonna go over there we're gonna watch it hit because we're gonna be attacking them wait guys can we can we get out of the base just in case there's another one coming or something because i don't like this i don't know i'm just nervous this doesn't seem this seems calculated is the fact that it was just a joseph look and and he has a better missile that's that's gonna come in yeah i don't know i'm paranoid guys guys guys team on the hill um west three people three or four okay hold up hold off hold up i'm almost certain that's not the only missile because they're not attacking us so they're here to watch something raven's one of them watching raven's one of them watching another missile another missile right now yeah that's one tall right clear base clear the base clear base clear base no no not that way don't go that way who's going that way come back chase don't go into the middle of the base that's all i'm talking about i knew there was another missile dude watch out for the explosions yeah yeah make sense behind me i have a shield oh my god thank you let's watch this i knew are uh flying directions watch out for a little delayed explosion just in case any clusters i knew it told you yeah we're absolutely fine repair that repair that get down there repair that right now come back to the main base guys don't be on the bridge don't be on the bridge don't be on the bridge keep the bridge closed guys yeah they're running across the bridge using the bridge now hopefully please please step on them don't don't step on don't step on the mine i'm running cover our guy they're pushing back a bit which is great if they're shooting right now there's no other missile coming and we will know if there's a missile coming because we have someone watching just defend the base push them back we're going to be ready to attack them yeah they're pushing back which is fantastic yeah they're pushing they might have expected a little bit more damage wait if they're going back then should we launch them yeah soon so that they don't we're gonna expect it so we're gonna be attacking them i just need to be over there i want to see the missile all right set up right here sit up right here in that hill don't waste too much ammo just put a little bit of pressure on him i'm just blowing open this door all right here's fine there they are i see him did not not blow up i have grenades yeah they're on top of the building that we're gonna blow up okay fire the missile they're all good conserve ammo conserve ammo we don't need to do it all right all right we gotta weigh in as well let's push to the wall we know the missiles grenade grenade grenade watch out watch out for the grenades if you guys get hit by one of them you will be wiped hold off for the missile once that missile hit we go for it is there any way we could just see there no we missed oh no all right we're gonna have to fight guys stay down stay down stay down oh that missile missed dude i flew over and everything my bad pushing up close to the walls no grades going off yet oh they're using an aaa gun grenades grenades grenades back off can we get a can we blow a hole through here that'd be great oh my god i got one all right that's one down there's one down they're pushing out they're pushing at us we can't let them get us i'm dead i'm so dead i'm so dead just just fight oh boy i'm running into the tower okay we got the tower right lovely the tower is ours guys get to the outside tower if you're not here group up here i've got an idea give me his bloody uniform give me the uniform give me just one just one just one pretend you're straight they've just gone into their main they've gone into the main tower okay shoot this is me this is me okay shoot me shoot me shoot me a little bit that's right that's right that's right hopefully we can get this disguise like that's right that's right i'm just pushing they they're going to question i'm in the base i don't know where their beacon is it's first found it guys i need an explosion to get into a beacon here i need like one grenade i'm gonna go find a grenade down below just don't die don't die keep the shark i i've got my i've got myself i found tnt inside their base they might hop on now in a second because they i think they're trying to get everyone upstairs i'm waiting for this door to open oh guys this i can't get up i can't get up to the top come on break it break it break it break it break it come on let me in yes he broke it he broke it yes come on brian you can do it we believe you we believe in you ryan i'm in here with you [Music] oh my gosh i need a spare guns then you have a spare gun one right here what about aegon's don't push in there don't push in there yes i'll kill him kill him he's dead get your stuff get your stuff yeah getting it i'm wearing i'm at the side of the walls they've got grenades oh move back move back so ryan is in middle floor uh no top floor top floor push back push back and i've managed to make my way back in this is our we have this set and a final set at the base this is our last chance if not we're gonna have to go back to the drawing board and try and do another attack and maybe make sure our missile doesn't miss next time okay guys um you know i might not be able to see me but i've managed to get into the base invisible the only problem is i have about maybe six minutes left on this i need to wait for the right moment to do this otherwise this episode is over and we're gonna have to fight another day we're doing this now to take advantage of their chaos base i need to see if this guy will let himself down and just like go this is so tense did they see me [Music] [Laughter] did you do it ryan did you break the beacon did you do it yeah we're about five minutes to spare victory's hours [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 741,411
Rating: 4.9642239 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, ryannotbrian, mc war, Minecraft War, Minecraft mods, modded Minecaft, minecraft survival, I made a MAX SECURITY Minecraft Base (MC War), Enemies Launch a ROCKET at my Minecraft Base..
Id: sBmj-_szCyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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