My new look.

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Your laugh is infectious.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/volkof ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 23 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Who is that at 9:05?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Angelshover ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 19 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[SAD PIANO MUSIC PLAYS] - [DRAMATIC VOICE] Hey.... Dave. Are you doing alright? You seem to have somewhat dropped off the face of the earth. Just want to make sure you're okay. - Dave did... did you die? - Dave? Where are you? Are you okay? -You okay? - I haven't seen anything from you in months. - Dave, where you been dude? - Raise your hand if you've been freaking out... - Where is Dave? - ...because he hasn't made a video in a long time... - ...and you're worried that something has happened... - Does Dave make videos? Ha, I forgot. - ... or that he is never going to make a video again. - It's been a minute. Where you at, bud? I hope you're doing alright. - I'm a little worried and scared for him. Also, what's your favourite YouTuber out of these? - We miss you. - Are you dead this time? Or are you not dead again? - NYEHH.... NYEHH... [CACKLES] Hi, I'm Dave from boyinaband. Everyone give a warm welcome back to my depression goatee. [SIGHS] I'll explain properly what was going on in my head in the next video. I did another experiment kind of like my 10,000 pounds to Scientology threat bet. So depression is soul-crushing, blah blah blah. However, this scraggly mess does present an opportunity! You see, as a world-famous content creator, it's important that I keep my brand consistent. People keep copying my hair, and I'm starting to feel like I'm not special anymore. [LAUGH] I feel like ricegum! So to solve this problem, today I am going to dye my beard to match my hair. I'd like to see the ladies try that one! This is wonderful content. So my sister's coming around to help me. [OFF-SCREEN] - I'm already here. - Yeah, it's for narrative. Shhh. Hello, Hannah. Very nice entrance. What are we doing today, Hannah? - Filiming your beard! Not filming your beard! We already did that. We're dying your beard. - Is it okay to bleach a beard? I've not really considered this. - I don't see why it would be any different from a hair - Yeah, I know. It just feel like it might... - Well... If you get burns, we'll go to the hospital. - That'd make the video way better! So, we got our bleach. And I've got some dye left. I dunno if that's gonna be enough. - It should be enough! - So it is just a beard. -That side, or this side? - Surely it should be the side that you've already got... - Yeah, it's gotta be... it's gotta be kept asymmetrical. - It'll look stupid otherwise. One of the people that did the hair like you said that they got exactly the same hair dye as you and I was like How do they know why hair dye you've got on? You'e never told anyone, have you? - I don't know. I actually use a mix. - Oh, here we go. - I should save this for another video. That's content. That's free adsense, you're not getting this! I should not do it in my favorite clothes. I'll get my least favorite clothes. Hi, can I take your order? - Oh my god? - I used to work at McDonald's It was not the best time - Look at that 'M'. - These trousers! - You used to wear them all the time. - How the times change. - What's wrong with 'em? - Erm... they're a bit baggy. - You look well stupid! We're gonna bleach it first. However, the top bit's already kind of blond. Little known fact about boyinaband! He used to be blonde! How are we gonna make sure it's really...? - Dad suggested that we use some tape. - I'm down for that, that seems a reasonable, reasonable solution to the problem. We got some tape. That I found down the back of my desk hence the spider webs on it - Ewww... let's use this one. - Oh. Okay. It's just kind of sank in what I'm about to do. Perfect. - Are you ready? - As I'll ever be - Should we point out that neither of us know what we're doing? - We are both professional hairdressers, so don't try this at home. The strangest sensation... Oh, I can really smell it. It's on the tape, the tape helped! Keep having to remember to breath through my mouth IT'S NOT FUN. My eeeyes. It's horrible. Sorry this isn't pleasant to look at. But it will be! - Twenty minutes later... - Let's wash this out! - You might want to take the tape off? - Yeah, you're right. I didn't need this at all. No hairs! (Hananah) Nice Stop filming! - Why?! - This is not my proudest moment! This is the first time in my life I've properly had one of these and this is the most I can grow, incidentally. - Took you ages just to get that much. - Yeah, I'm no PewDiePie. That's for sure. What was the thing from the fanfiction... life is pointless. I'll never be as good as PewDiePie. De-scraggling time. - EWWW! - There we go! Been neatened up nicely! - Can you tell I've used this before? - It's gonna be all over your face. - Looks pretty... pretty red. - Oh you missed a bit. - Where? - There. - Twenty minutes later. - Here we go, fellas! What do you think? - I think... it's great! That's wonderful... [LAUGHTER] - Ohhh, my God. First things first... I need to finish the look. - Oh, what else is... - You'll see in the next few minutes. You'll... you won't believe how crazy this video gets - Smash that like button! - Why? - Why? - Yeah! You haven't given me reason to smash that like button. - They don't! They never do. So I got my beard looking nice we got the outfit and pretty happy with how the outfit was going before. I think there's one thing left that we need and I think basically I need a hat. I've got a selection here. This one. I call the Sherlock. What do you think? As a connoisseur of hats, I approve. - What do you reckon, sideways? - Aw, that's a bit more gangster, yeah. - I am a rapper I don't even know how to wear this! I kind of want to wear it like that. Feel like I could tuck my entire hair into this. - You look... a little Sikh. The gentleman... - I think that's a classic. - Milady! This is the one. Here's one for the old Brits. - Looking very Peaky Blinders. - Yes, that's the one. What's his name, the guy from Peaky Blinders. - ...Peaky. - What is THIS. Hair front or hair back? - I think... keep the red bit at the front. - Yeah. - Quite hipster. - Yeah. Yeah, I could see myself getting annoyed that I didn't get specifically the right brand of coffee in this hat. Oh, this one, I like this one. - Aviator! - We had a few choices. What do you reckon it is? - You've forgotten two? - Oh, I have. - We need to give everyone the choice to make that decision. - Okay. - This isn't up to you, okay? - It's up to your audience. - All right, we're gonna ruin the comment section with a bunch of people talking about hats. Instead of depression! - Yeahhhhh boi! - Cultural appropriation! [PEOPLE SCREAMING] - That one suits you though! Yeah, looking proper stoner. - I need to punch myself in the eye. You forget, that this is a very real thing on my face. - Your hair's a bit messy, I have to... - Sort that out, oh, thank you. Let's see what my friends think of the new look. [DAVE, IN A FLAT VOICE] Friends. - [CHILDREN] react to! - [DAVE] Dave's beard. - Hey!... oh. [LAUGHTER] - Oh, my God. What... is THAT? - I was expecting you to be bald, it's the complete opposite, there's more. [LAUGHTER] - WHAT? Wait, what? You bleached your beard? [STILL LAUGHING] - Oh... wow. - What did you do? - That's... novel. [LAUGHTER] - I'm sorry, I shouldn't be laughing. - You should dye half of it. Wait, why does it look red right now? - I dyed half of it red. - Oh! Oh, I couldn't see that until just now!!! -Ohhh.. - It looks like you've got a nosebleed. - I want to say it makes you look, like, tougher, but then the dye... - You do look, like, older then normal. Yeah, like older as in your age. - You remind me of like more of a redneck guy now. - You should be sitting on a big red throne cackling at someone and the sound not matching up with your mouth. That's what it looks like. - Like if a wise old man was into like death metal. - You look a billion times better without... ....whatever shit this is. - I don't know if it takes away or adds to the androgynous, like, look - It's terrible... so bad. - Shave it... now. - Your friends have your back and they're gonna tell you don't... don't go out the house with that anymore! - I think I prefer it. - I like it. - Yeah, it's amazing. - You can wear and dress however you want - I don't think it's the worst stylistic choice. I've ever seen, but it doesn't rank highly - Okay, yeah, my friends were Kind of split down the middle as to whether or not they approved of the look - What? Why? Beats me I think the next step is to do some science and to survey the general public Okay, so we're gonna go out into into the real life And find out what people think of a new look - Looking forward to this? - I don't know how I feel about this being my content - I think I prefer it to your usual stuff. - Thanks. I put a lot more work into the normal stuff. What does it look like from the side? Really? - You can see like a red outline. It's kinda like a glow. - Do I look cool? - Um... You've been stagnating I think it is yes Yeah, found something that worked and kind of stuck with it. Yeah, but no that's not the way to go there's anything I've learned from the greats like G-dragon, it's do things that that no one else would do because they just think oh that's stupid. Well who's laughing now Hello could I have a grande big mac meal, please. Thank you So it's like microexpression was it worth it Oh? Intense reactions here in England Don't think I've kissed a man So now we're after the town center. We're gonna see if anyone cares at all what this What this looks like I reckon some people might look at you a bit weird. We're not gonna get them on camera maybe We'll find some boy in a band fans. We should go to the place. Where all the losers hang out. That'll probably be where they are. Why are there so many people here? It's a Wednesday. [Cheerful music] [Music gets intense] [Cheerful music] That was pretty cool. [Flashback echo] This scraggly mess does present an opportunity * Music * My preliminary thoughts are the world is not ready I feel That there hasn't been enough appreciation of the beard I haven't had anyone come up to me and say they specifically liked it except for that one person have you noticed many reactions? Oh. Could be that- Let's just assume it's not (Guy) Oh my god! (Sister) This is the guy that was smiling earlier! (Guy) This is- I was walkin past like over there like- (unintelligable) You're too famous. (Laughs) Such a problem. If there's anything I've learned from this It's that people really don't care what you look like if I can go around with this and get away with it You're fine. There is very little more stupid than this you can Now that's not true. Maybe there are some things you should never try * Laughs * There it's not why I came here But it was kind of nice to see people in real life that knew I existed Is kind of cool to put the numbers into perspective sometimes? Particularly what that one guy was saying about how the song you look like a girl had an impact on him That was kind of a nice side effect even though I came out here to to do something stupid I got a little bit of an emotional hit that was nice Yeah, I gotta get on tour that kind of thing really hits me. That's fun. It went great. We got a hundred percent of respondents Were approving of the new look - You only asked two people. - Yeah! 100%! So the science is solid at this point we can be confident that this is here to stay so now It's time do dramatic zoom okay? to take this to Instagram Raining again you wanna go in This'll do just about so uploaded to insta. Yeah, go my god. Oke. Don't look at those pictures whoo-hoo So here we go time to post it to Instagram and Show the whole world my new look here we go
Channel: Boyinaband
Views: 1,959,333
Rating: 4.9206238 out of 5
Keywords: boyinaband, new look, idubbbz, jaidenanimations, odd1sout, james, timtom, roomie, corpsehusband, nerdcity, xiao, ldshadowlady, beard, hair, the real reason, i have long hair, public, funny, reaction, fan, fanfic, red, dye, long hair
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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