English guy takes American citizenship test vs American

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Couldn't see this posted yet and thought it may have been missed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/VulpeHollow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That made me severely doubt our public education system...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JFRHorton πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

William Osman: American college graduate.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Verrence πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
this video is sponsored by curiosity stream English versus American hi I'm Lucy boy in band I'm Dave from boyinaband and I'm here with an American and today we're going to be doing a citizenship test oh boy I hope they pass not long ago I did a video where I took a British citizen yeah British citizenship test and I failed twice so I figured I should go to a different country yeah we kick you out yeah but the Queen was not happy yeah so I had to figure another country so I was like what's the next best one after England no there were a lot of gone because Canada Australia Syria we're all busy I figured like Cimmeria I'm looking to join your country right to see am I gonna help guide you or am I gonna fail with you I just wanted to see whether I'm better than the radio in there I'm the control yeah if we both fails is going to be only embarrassing for me speaking of which most of the US would fail the US citizenship test survey finds an embarrassment a new poll shows that only a little over a third of Americans would pass a basic multiple-choice US citizenship test are you in that way what are you knowledgeable about awkward Americans can to the US you must score at least 60% for a successful pass and it's like 10 randomly selected questions so you got to get six out of ten there's and there's so there's a hundred questions but you only are asked 10 of things Arizona became the first state requiring students to pass a civics test before graduation what happens if you failed do you get kicked out of the US and graduate back to where you came for the US Citizenship and Immigration Services actually has practice practice tests well what kind of questions are they gonna ask there's no really is not allowed to know anything you have to go I'm gonna go and blind and see how American we are okay I hope it's there so let this do a test for how American we are right now Oh can you see by the dawn's question 1 oh this is 20 we're basically doing two tests yeah name one War fought by the United States in the 1900s the war of 1812 just because it will will one I think we can both get that correct how many amendments does the Constitution have well you're lucky because I don't think I know this will it help if you listen to the question yes how many amendments does the Constitution have oh now that now that I'm thinking about it that way yeah I still don't know it's probably not ten I think they're kind of getting four I get maybe a ten commandments because yeah yes I want to say 21 my gut is see 27 27 I was right you were wrong yeah that's not good for me but why 27 verses 21 I was just going for the highest number but I had a feeling though yeah what if it hits a 28 then I would have picked 20 I guess I mean I knew I'm an American this is okay yeah that's you have to hold it now yeah that's right that's right I don't understand how that's relevant but I know we're not a question about like what the Constitution is this is more like a fun fact I feel I think it's useful for someone like a citizen of a country to understand the laws of that country so to know how many I don't know the laws I know how many there are there yeah you go point about there may be 27 things I'm doing wrong oh here we go why did the colonists light but this is spicy I feel like I should be hot well no I got yeah because the British Army stayed in their houses because of high taxes because they didn't have self-government all of these answers because the British always stayed in their houses that's such a weird specific I think see is just there to negate D it has to be be my guess is cuz of a high tax that's my guess too he doesn't make any sense oh no wait in what house what does that mean the British forced colonists to allow British soldiers to sleep and eat in their homes oh they I've heard it was like the British stayed home all day because they did it's his hair how it was there right the colonists houses it to give context for that next question yeah we have to put this on the ground once we get a question right then we become Americans I'm gonna take it off name one right only for u.s. citizens and one is italicized attend public school freedom of religion run for federal office freedom of speech I think you have to be a US citizen to run for federal office I mean like president I do you have to be a citizen you can't become a citizen and then run for president I think you have to have always okay I think see my gut would have been see let's try it yeah all right come back up here all right however naturalized citizens can not run for president what's the not naturalized citizen the citizen was born okay once born dear I was born here in America what did Susan Martha know I think he's on a coin I kind of want to say the flag I don't know anything to do with this or this I'm leaning towards B I'll go for C you'll going for B I'll go for C okay okay here we go here we go I was right oh man so to all the British women by two questions bad susan b anthony was an important leader in the women's rights movement she fought for women's rights and civil rights she tried to vote and went to jail she died before women had the right to vote that's what she is she on a coin yeah that is the dollar coin or one of the dollar dashes I get to see got that right I've not been doing a good job so far yeah flag eastes is mine right now name one state the borders Canada well it's not gonna be South Dakota sure I can answer this one you forgot yeah island is gonna not just be bordering another fair so nice seriously here welcome to America so it's between Oregon and Maine Oregon Trail is in the middle I assumed because that's that video game that you guys played and so Maine is my guess I'm not even sure it's me Oregon also isn't it yes process of elimination worked there I'm what we get that both yeah you let's get some more that geography oh it's on the right here yeah on the right the East I'm on the right time coast of the United States I find that interesting how high up main is here like it there's a lot of Canada that's much more South than the US and it doesn't really appear to make any sense why does that border go so deep in their family does geographical reasons to cut things in the game yes like what is that little visit above Minnesota makes what is that there's an island here right there takes away will they explain point Roberts to me please somebody next what territory did the United States buy for mine-itis in 1803 oh I know this one yeah easy on a purchase yeah yeah the United States bought the Louisiana territory from France in 1803 after the United States gained independence fifteen million dollars that's a deal PewDiePie could have bought Louisiana yeah Oh justice that the United States oh no oh it's definitely bleep um it's not Barack Obama it's not Joe Biden he was vice president with a Obama right cuz there were all those means of those two together so it's gonna be one of these two probably we want to see John Roberts admirer area slipping a coin here I've never heard Anthony Kennedy okay you want to go gentlemen I want to go to I would be 5050 here okay I'm just gonna do my 50/50 and I find out whether I would get it right I'm gonna close my eyes oh I was right okay my based on nothing other than I knew to whom were wrong and I had never heard that there okay what's his face lit device I might have seen John Oliver makes fun of him before how would you reckon he looks 60 ID because these are old pictures to get this is he's got to be like between oh yes 60 now 60 64 okay 10 points to Griffin America before the Europeans arrived no one know that we're gonna talk about it we just lurid Ian's oh yeah it's sort of like their own species right sorry Florida Canadians American Indian right I love that no one is an answer I mean that's a good trap yeah it's definitely Priya I've heard that like one of the only countries that really deep dives into the problems with the country's history is Germany but is that truly do you do you talk about the problems that the US had in your school I feel like it's definitely rose-tinted glasses like they don't really talk about like the things that make them look bad what is something you like about America in an out burger what is the rule of law everyone must follow the law all laws must be the same in every state government does not have to follow the law everyone but the president must follow the law I think D is actually kind of true sir yes yeah well kind of in practice it's a yeah okay no but it actually is but the president likes sort of can't I guess what impeachment all right well impeachment is because they did something against Lloyd it's like a whole process I think the president could actually kill someone with a I'm Simon could be that's so wrong and I shouldn't say this but I feel like the president could actually kill someone with their bare hands and they would not immediately get in trouble well I could yeah what is rule of the law the laws are rules I don't understand what this if you're getting messy question everyone must follow the law that's the rule the laws you have to follow the law I think it's a that's my guess yeah okay let's look up if the can the president and the president killed someone the short answer is yes but not legally okay okay what about like can the president be arrested it's happened before okay ulysses s grant was arrested for speeding his horse carriage through washington DC how fast do you have to be speeding a horse carriage to get arrested I wonder who did the u.s. fight in World War two everyone I know my answer who did they fight this war was a bit more of our thing initially at least I think it's a or b I think it's very interesting that you're saying A or B considering something very famous that yeah yeah yeah oh yeah right yep okay a or C okay let's go for God okay five full a Paisley I think it's right Johnson okay yeah cuz I remember it so he had Mussolini yeah I'm so surprised you say hey I'm sorry we know B I'm Germany's ruler to Japan is World War two it was just Italy and hungry I could not remember which was which next question yeah what is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now it's not Mike Pence it's not Donald Trump I think it's Nancy Pelosi I'm gonna go at a because I don't really know who D is my pence is the vice president direct so I've never heard of Chuck Schumer so I would have assumed Nancy Pelosi is my guess that's my guess yes Speaker of the House of Representatives becomes president oh if the president and vice president I gotcha okay that's pretty important so she will be the first woman president if you if they killed Donald Trump and Mike penny if they yank you go straight to killing someone I was just thinking yeah okay what is freedom of religion you must choose you can't choose you mind you practice your religion no one compactus is religion the definitely a is within game yeah that's pretty obvious you have freedom of religion but you can't come here from a Muslim country yes what Donald Trump yes okay why does the flag have 50 stars because that's how many there are in the sky yes because there were 50 people who recently came to the US that's kind of a cute answer to her phone because there is one staff each state because there is one stop each prayer I feel like C is such an easy one to negate say like you just have to keep analyst none of the flags would be up today because there were 50 original colonies I thought it was for each state that would be my answer I know this one's I'm just gonna let you guys I'm gonna be okay because I know there's the movie the 51st state which is like a fiction I think they added I mean they definitely added stars in the past like wasn't a circle at one point yes I think it was like there is that wick 13 colonies not a symbol of racist racist but next raise a flag of 13 strike because it was considered lucky to have 13 stripes on a fall that's not true because the stripes represent the members of the Second Continental Congress if the stripes represent the original colonies oh there were 13 original colonies but I've kind of figured that out now from looking at the thing that's kind of cheating for me I probably would have guessed this that's right next name one branch or part of the government Parliament could you have done that without looking um yes like executive judicial that's not any of these oh oh I think I'd be guessing yeah the United Nations yeah no it's my guess is Congress yeah it's Congress what does Congress do that's the one where they just sit in circles talking you know each other all day just to drag things on gotcha and then the representatives are in what month do we vote for president oh I don't know this how you think I know this I have taught you gay when does John Oliver go off on one I'd probably get something like November I'm gonna guess November yes Congress decided November was perfect so you could celebrate Christmas with a happy new president yeah sorry holidays holidays what happened at the Constitutional Convention ah oh boy Emancipation Proclamation was slavery slave stuff yeah like a months the patient Proctor me yeah it sounds that was Fool's Rick in Hamilton to mention like later on all that I don't think I've heard anything else like run his Proclamation yeah there was one like dying government who wanted to hear a poet yes my chance I think I'd be guessing they I think that's a smart answer to I don't know if it's the right answer though but we well yeah let's go hey yeah we're doing pretty good yes so far I'm still beating you I think yeah by a couple questions yeah I also gave you some freebies yeah maybe what is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for oh I know the one definitely inventor Benjamin Franklin was the president I might have gone hey okay I am I an idiot can we Google this cuz I'm a man oh god it's because you're seeing that in the frickin truth there's some guy with a gun next to you saying get this right you have to pick one I think he was just a diplomat I don't think he was even youngest I think he was actually old okay so you think that for me I think the President of the United States cuz I'm a foreigner here we go no we're going for you were right so bad I really do you guys but I knew he was an inventor he had the whole key on the right thing yeah that's why I remembered why was he so famous because he just did a bunch of things he was sort of like the guy that would just like hang out with people and he would accomplish things that never really did anything this is a quickie fades because you think he'd be president because of how prominent yeah he's on the hundred dollar bill I like how uncomfortable you go as I was getting closer clicking boy I'm you know I'm a geography not history okay I think this is the last one now can we elect a US senator for how many years well I know president is four could you imagine like you've got to get booted out of the country this yes question so far how do you feel about the questions that have been asked do you think they're relevant I think a lot of them are really stupid which one's come to mind the rule of law one was really vague you know I think anything that was more like a fun fact and less of like useful information it's almost like US pop culture like a very weird thing to ask somebody because it doesn't affect what would you as a US as a US citizen what do you happen to be a more useful question I think how many McDonald's are in the 14,000 146 what side of the road do we try it that's a family oh god I don't answer I've got my guess what's your guess I think it's six years okay I'm thinking 10 so let's here we go here we go it's six okay I think you've just beaten me which one of them is two wanted present is four I know that there are some senators who have been there for when the whole pair like 40 years of a career yeah so a lot of these questions I feel was simpler than like we got three wrong 60% for a successful pass and we got 85% passing with we are playing red white let's blow funding over I failed a British test but passing the Americans I think it's a sign that you have to move your Merrick all right legally you're quite right yeah over law of the rules yeah once you pass the test you've become the city that's how easy exactly exactly I have to practice my accident yes hello I'm Dave hello I'm Dave and I eat McDonald's every day and I ate McDonald's every day yeehaw take my well there you have it we are both bona fide American citizens welcome thank you I am proud to be an American me too goodbye where have you been I'm released a video in ages cuz I couldn't find you I've just been in prison you got in prison what did you do not imprisoned in prison I was just visiting like a madman curiosity stream here expanding library since there's thousands of trials on bear now it's the best documentary streaming service around I didn't know they had the internet in prison I don't know we do on me now well nice one of the girls also let me stop him nebula goofed teamed up with curiosity stream watch nebula will be named oh I hear you asked well time now I know what nebula is a bunch of educational creators got together to build a platform owned by creators where we get to decide how our content is presented to the audience oh your videos on there me yeah I thought you said you watched it I don't really watch your channel you're not very funny thanks I was actually watching one of the nebula originals on there recently a creator Isle of Tears ooh has this let's play outside series he started which is slightly different take on his normal videos more of a let's play style about how dinosaurs lived when the dinosaurs wasted all their XP turn more colourful just to attract to me man that's the one evolution is pretty stupid isn't it it's pretty cool that you get access to both of these things because while curiosity stream is more about the non-fiction bigger budget titles nebula is a place for creators to try things that wouldn't necessarily work on YouTube like real engineering we did a series on world war two logistics that would probably get killed by the algorithm on YouTube there's new originals coming out there every week blowing all that in addition to curiosity streams exclusive originals and documentaries from some of the world's best filmmakers for year and yeah I'm free to go to curiosity spring our contract winner man that's crazy ridiculous insane goodbye goodbye curiosity sweetheart man yeah bye
Channel: Boyinaband
Views: 1,161,759
Rating: 4.8960085 out of 5
Keywords: boyinaband, english citizenship test, english, american citizenship test, american, usa, test, william osman, vs, fail, succeed, who knows, english guy, american guy
Id: cT-A88Znnr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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