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[Music] Wow oh my god yeah I know hello today we're doing the video this is me Dave that's Joel over there on a different camera and today we're looking at the back really ugly she's head that's what Dave is just kidding of course what we are gonna talk about today and watch the compilation of is you know when you're out touring when you're really famous like all of us watching this video and in this video are are you just touring in front of millions of people you know it's all great and it's fun to sing but then the bad thing about doing it happens you get attacked yeah it's the worst I just hate being attacked playing in front of millions of people we got to watch a compilation today of famous singers getting attacked by millions and people just millions of people attack super relatable right one weird thing about these types of things is like when people get on stage as a performer you seem to be stuck in this position where if you treat them like you probably should with just like get off stage you're like run away and don't interact with them your friends might think that you're a bad person that you don't care about your fans isn't that weird yeah you're either oh they're the bad guy for saying no to their fan who wants a hug on stage or you're going to get more people doing more increasingly dangerous things invading your privacy until someone tackles you and you get severely injured let's get started we got Billy I Alicia's back over her head I wonder what's gonna happen here what do you think you think she's gonna get attacked I think we might get to see the front of a head that would be a treat I've heard some pretty bad things up in the Irish fans so I'm curious how this one gonna play out yeah I think they're just as obsessive as the Bieber fans used to be like 10 years ago I mean I was definitely and there's Bieber crowds so I know what you're talking about okay let's go [Applause] they choke you know what happened she choked her ah but it was a full of Rafah choke hold that face hit me when I get attacked by my millions of fans it wasn't violent but it was like an uncomfortable thing to do to someone that you don't know totally very weird that face was very reasonable reaction to that wait was that what happened oh she has the ring on her here the green hand there no that's her hand I can't you cut yeah I don't think that's when it happened if it is that's some 80 or pickpocketing from that phone yeah what will you do with that ring I guess you had to be a fat I don't think you can sell that and be like billy-o does ring poor Billy she can't afford another ring she'll never have a ring again there's no like it could have sentimental value or anything no there's no such thing as sentimental value only money by the March guys how is of course kidding come on Dave like even if you have a lot of money you don't want just stuff stolen obviously even if it doesn't have sentimental value is still look nah nah if someone's a millionaire then they should like it's fine if they get that stuff stolen in fact it should be encouraged what some people would agree with that on Twitter anyway let's get going we're getting the best audio in these clips this is incredible [Applause] what what just happened whoa is that guy just about to jump in oh yeah he's up on stage lab him down brah right that's scary he was so chill about the afterwards he looked like he'd seen everything it barely reacted to that all these clips make me not want to go to a live concert ever again it's everything it's like the fans getting aggressive is the screaming why would you want to be here yeah it's not like a fun vibe or anything you want to hear this for two hours I mean I've been to kpop concerts I enjoyed myself I didn't know that have you seen BTS I have not seen BTS I saw BIGBANG and I saw g-dragon I'm just helping you have fun vibe today Dave since you'd like the vibe of this so much when I first heard you say that I thought something was broken like an arrow with your computer why does that guy look like Bieber as well the guy who jumped I know which one is Bieber it's another Bieber one k he's up top alright no it's not what what was that yeah no security there in time this time so you set the piano [Music] Wow oh my god yeah I know God you just don't stop oh my god yes keeps going that's hard cause this Christ yeah that's showing [ __ ] oh my god I hate to be this guy because I'm empathizing with just me right this moment but did you notice how the piano went uninterrupted yeah that guy was thinking who's guys and playing live I'm a pianist he's not playing I'm gonna prove it I'm gonna prove it he's not really quite on the key there oh you mean it's a little bit pitchy merch here by the way a little bit but she merch go get before it runs out when you get against some different mutts I think everyone's getting tired of this now well the sales figures say differently buying the Mertz tape I'm working on new merch I actually recently had a little poll of the apple-juice merch that's coming very soon I'm gonna let you guys know one is available it's definitely apple juice down there nothing else no kind of adults type beverage is definitely apple juice Joel is alcohol what [Applause] wait no no no no okay what's up with people here we re on agrandi what do you think will happen why is she talking to a vampire suppose I'm one to talk yes you're right you're right you look more like a vampire than this guy sorry we need as a cape let's see that's a nice that's a weirdly empathetic reaction that's freaking Cape that bothered me more than the phone oh why is he wearing a cape hey guys please give us likes please give us like I want my knees for you I will sing for your bar mitzva right now Bar Mitzvah sing Bar Mitzvah single single likes [Music] is that they're meant to be that I don't think doesn't look like it he's just chilling there and they're like come down here and he's just like no I want to stay up here no it's like a comedy pen no oh my god chill out man I'll be a little bit if I was a security guard and she said like Ariana's saying yeah that's making the security go it seemed to be the bad guy yeah but in that scenario he's trying to just play it safe when I don't know someone couldn't lunge it I wrote something I don't know how hardcore was he I want to see it again yeah he wasn't even being rough with that now he was lifting him slightly that was very reasonable yeah it's hard because she's always suspecting the security got to read her mind like she could be like oh yeah and she could be like lecture was now so I think that's a little bit difficult is doing this job that yeah and he's like can I go back I don't think it's reasonable to give him a reward for like somehow sneaking up on stage no I don't either Lady gaga [Music] [Applause] the dancers deal with it that fan was so on brand for Lady gaga like going in the whole full-on overdramatic yeah desperate yeah she is alike theatrical she looks pretty old for doing that she looks like she's in her late 20s from the for pixel's I could deduce her late twenties and Lady Gaga's doing what I would probably do which is just can't like walk back if you like don't touch me okay we got Breanna what did she hit back yeah what happened there play you gotta grab onto it what you expect haha it's hard to navigate these things because you don't want to be mean to your fans obviously right also they're gonna be in this fricking crazed state at that scale yeah like the people at the front when you are one of the biggest pop stars in the world if she's gonna wear grabbable clothes like that and get that close it's something that might happen it is this a crazed state that you are monetizing that you kinda know that you're doing that which is like I wonder what you could do to make concerts less trance inducing I imagine a lot of these guys barely know what they're doing it's like even if they aren't like on alcohol or anything they they're probably just like out of their minds right it's like that collective feeling of everyone just being like totally on floor 9 is what you can't lose some of your ego in that context what do you mean like that in the kind of psychological definition I think yeah you you feel less of itself and more of a part of a group of people and it's like changes your mindset I've always been really scared of that mindset so I can't fall into that very easily I think I've like almost never done that the brain is too strong Joe too resistant I think I'm just like too analytical all the time like I'll be at the thing like this and I have a hard time enjoying it because I'm like I went to so many arena concerts for a while and we just like sit on my phone like writing down notes of what the artists we're doing that I thought was cool that I would like to do if I did you notice is cool try to remember it's not even that interesting but like stuff like how did they do audience interaction Green Day took up like people on stage to play with them on their instruments and stack which is fun I used to look at that kind of stuff too yeah it totally does it's really a lot of what I enjoyed about live shows was seeing how they did weird stuff rather than actually listening and enjoying the song totally totally okay here we have Machine Gun Kelly Oh God what was that it looks really intimidating what's happening it seems like I should fight me and why is he at the concert in the first place I came here to fight you why you so angry that's so strange yeah okay we got Taylor Swift [Music] [Applause] that was so weirdly polite or good handshake and everything but I said like a reward I think that's incentivizing anymore but if you don't everyone's gonna be like oh she doesn't even care about her fanny I know it's there's gonna be people who won't think about the rationale behind yet rewarding someone who does that it's gonna encourage more of this in your dangerous behavior how do these people get up there I just don't even understand they must like go through with the backstage I guess suppose there's no Barry oh no Louis Barry just hop it I suppose when the security I look in that truck it's like zombie movie uh why would you grab the leg was she smooth man that's almost one of the worst once because she could have fallen like down and really hurt herself just body language made him just like jump off immediately yeah totally okay Beyonce oh no no no oh that's not okay [Applause] what was that so afterwards shaking his hand afterwards I get that you got a prioritize coming across good and liking your audience and stuff it's easy points like oh he was mean to me I'm nice too yeah but long-term I don't think it's secure for everyone because they might go to other concerts really like you know Beyonce was fine with it why aren't you yeah it's messed up I get one direction let's go to be the UK yeah Oh what about Lee there has geez freak that that's messed up I think I saw a panic at the disco life and they were getting bottles thrown at them some bands if you go to the wrong festival then you will get absolutely decimated that's that's messed up [Music] what's she doing she didn't even go for any of the boys she's ignored one Direction's early study in between the guitarists what's up I mean that's the most respectful way to do it if you're going to hear like I'm under stage this ignore them Michael Jackson [Music] how'd you get up there [Music] that's so strange strange it's like the moment of his life I guess that's not cool away I think you're probably held him because he would actually fall down could potentially fall right now that's a no good one if he tries to get him off he could die what's he stand there like yeah Michael Jackson's holding me we're buds I'm gonna stand it with my finger in the air but in reality it's like yeah don't fall and die please don't fall off and die Michael is holding all my god oh my god odd it's pulling my been talking about monetizing crazy intense fans Michael Jackson had some of the most intense in the world okay guys click here for more music commentary content click here for videos where I sing or make music click here to subscribe to Dave from boyinaband why should they subscribe to you Dave because they're feeling nice you are feeling nice go subscribe today honestly it's fine you don't have to do in fact just subscribe to Joel again so ends at the grave I don't like this yeah just okay I guess that's okay bye
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 1,609,897
Rating: 4.9633231 out of 5
Keywords: roomie, roomieofficial, joel, singers, singing, singer, reaction, reacting, react, stage, fans, funny, comedy, hilarious, artists, attacked, beyonce, rihanna, billie eilish, justin bieber, taylor swift, ariana grande
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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