Making the Diss Track with iDubbbz (Content Cop - Behind the Scenes)

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Nicely done, will make sure yours is the only post of this video. Enjoy le karma

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TerryB2HQ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 03 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Always a pleasure to see some genuine Ian.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 129 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheGibusVision πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 03 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

The real Ian is a bit weird. Also he had a boner all along.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 84 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fuzat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 03 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's good to see some more of what Ian is like behind the scenes - seems like a really down to earth and effortlessly funny guy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 60 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/succulover πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 03 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I saw this video in my subscription feed, and was like

Oooooooooooo shit CONTENT COP

and went searching for Ian's channel Then came back for the bts

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NickVSolo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 03 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think whether people are surprised at Ian's more "true" personality or not depending on what they get out of his content. Some people "get" his content, and are more likely to see signs of the person behind the content. But some people just enjoy it for what it is as face value (which is totally fine), and they're a bit less likely to. No matter which of them you are, I think videos like this are great because it helps get some perspective on what goes into some of the content and how content creators like Ian are genuinely funny people who care about their work and enjoy making it to some degree.

Then there are people like your Rice Gums or Jake Pauls or the like, who are more in it strictly for the fame, the "hustle", or the opportunity to show off without having to do the actual work of making something that's worth showing off. So you'll see things like integrity, quality, basic human decency, and general respect (and so much more) just slip away.

And I think that's the big difference between these types of content creators, which I believe is part of the point of making that "Diss Track" in the first place. It proves how different those two types of content creators are.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Xervicx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 04 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was the video just removed by YouTube?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ethan_witha_Q πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 03 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh shit now this is trending to ha.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Crazyripps πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 04 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the REAL Ian

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Charbarka πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 04 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
Hi, I'm Dave from boyinaband. I've just collaborated with my friend iDubbbz on a diss track, and it's given me the perfect opportunity to make this video. Before I tell you, if you don't want any spoilers go over to iDubbbz's channel to see the video on there. So, in the song we diss RiceGum. If you're not familiar with the guy it's probably worth watching Ian's "Content Cop" to see why he's done some pretty dodgy things. In the early days, at least, he used a ghostwriter without acknowledging it for quite some time. Now, it's fine to have writers, but I feel if you listen to a rapper, you'll assume they wrote what they say. It feels pretty disingenuous as a musician to release something and not credit the people who did the work. So this is where that perfect opportunity comes in. Since he's always been pretty secretive about how he works with ghost writers I suggested to Ian that we do the exact opposite so we recorded the entire writing process for the song from start to finish and this video is going to show you how that song was put together. Hi, I'm Ian from IDubbbzTV. Hi. I'm Dave from boyinaband. This is inside the writers studio We're gonna figure out how to hit RiceGum hard [yeah] with a sick rap I'm a music guy, you guys know me! Unless you don't know him in which case he's not a music guy. Have you ever tried to write a rap before like growing up? Ah? I've played around in GarageBand with simple looping things- [Nice]–and like ah Uh. Yeah. Didn't get much further than that? Yeah One of the first questions Ian asked was the same one a lot of people do: Do you start with the beat or the words? I would say it's easier to start with the beat, so you don't write lyrics that are too wordy for the beat But at least having an idea of what tempo you want the song to be gives you a starting point for what kind of flows you can use comfortably. Generally, I make my own music, but in this instance, because we didn't have a lot of time, we went for an existing instrumental instead. My friend Dan Bull sent us some from some producers he rated and we settled on this one: [Wow, that's good!] So with the beat sorted we could start the writing process. Now, Ian might come off as confident in this intro bit we recorded But he was kind of nervous coming into this, as you would be if you're writing your first rap song that you know is gonna be seen by millions of people. I think the more visible nervousness came from the recording process – which I also recorded, don't worry Also, we filmed a bunch of stuff just messing around so I'll throw that in there periodically. So this is my my first line that I came up with. D: Okay Tell me what you think. This is the start of it all. Yeah, okay? I'm setting the scene. D: "The rise and fall, the Bryan Paul." That's a four syllable multi, nice. Yeah, I didn't even intend to do that. I was just "Paul, fall". The "Gucci haul" is only one syllable though, so I'd try and find some things that rhyme with Gucci with or instead of entitled. Oh my, that's legitimately something I never would have thought of. Even if you change it to "the rise and fall of the Brian Paul, entitled egomaniac dude with the Gucci haul". Like "dude with the Gucci" is again–right, cause it's– I: Right, It's a whole new world for me. It's like kind of mind-blowing how like I had all of these sort of restrictions in my brain as to what could be written. You can flow all over the place. I: Yeah. The rhymes don't have to land on the end of it. In fact, "Bryan Paul, entitled" is this like rhymes with "Bryan, entitled", you can kind of get away with that as well. What the fuck?! How does Bryan rhyme with entitled? [Okay,] How does that happen? "Bryan Paul, an entitled haul" Oh shit! Kind of rhymes, in a weird way. D: Kind of rhymes with Bryan Paul. Okay, we're gonna just slow down a bit. [seagulls squawking] I'd say write down all the ideas you have about what you want to say about RiceGum and then we'll turn each one of them into a line. Let's do that to start then. Ian had the idea to do this kind of seven deadly sins theme for the Content Cop, so we broke down the ideas under those headings. We started with greed: Let's just start with the surrounding yourself with bitches, money, and Gucci stuff. Like, I would just write down what it is I didn't like about that. I do not like... Haha, It's like a five-year-old's essay! This could be content, I do not like rice gum because... Man, I love a good swashbuckling... ...on a Thursday afternoon. What day is it today? [Dave]: It's Thursday, it's my birthday. Thursday. Dave's birthday. Fuck. And we're only standing around a pirate on your birthday. That's the equivalent of your celebration. D:That's my big celebration D: Thank you. I'd probably start with the attributes. Greedy, big head, money-hungry... Does he actually have a physical big head? I think he does in the context of the rest of his body. People think you're putting on a persona for the camera but you really ain't, Home boy. Went on to envy: You think that it's just his, just him? Absolutely, it's very much apparent about how he, you know, holds himself in the public. I think a lot of people would see his vlog and say, "Oh, he's doing it up for the camera." but [he's not] he's not. He's not at all. I think he very much wants people to see him living this life and be envious. Then lust: Lust. There's clips of him talking about 13 year old girls, clips of him talking about how he fucked someone's bitch There's a lot of like just sort of like "lookit, I'm with this Instagram model I'm gonna film her ass for about half this vlog" saying what's he values above other thing becomes ridiculous when you say it so clearly Sloth could be a fun one to go to. Ghostwriter, I feel like that's a thing we can really hit on. the ghostwriter thing seemed like a perfect way to transition into me and make a diss at him at the same time but I wanted to make sure it was a valid thing to criticize What evidence have you got that he tried to hide it? There was no thanking or attributions [credit] to the person eventually when it came out That that was what it was then - I think he had him on his, like, channel sidebar And I think he still is lying by omission He will mention that it wasn't filmed by him in the comments, but you can clearly tell that's not what he values about it He wants to be a musician and he wants to have that level of credibility So he had no problem giving credit to the people who did the cinematography or something else D: Because he doesn't want to be a filmmaker He doesn't want to be a filmmaker. It's all about the filmmaking. It's not about how you get the film. What's ya name? Conrad. Conrad what? Conrad Murray Conrad Murray, filmmaker extraordinaire In what- in that case that's the place you hit him. If he wants to be a musician you just say he's not good which is so true. In fact if you're doing it first try on the beat, you could- that'd be like the biggest diss in the world, the fact that you're capable of doing this just by asking a friend He's got a diss rapper writing it for him! and he doesn't think to ask him "Is this in time?". I: Which is why children watch him. Yeah, it's like yeah. Oh, I can get behind this. Your... bars... are... written... Just trying to imagine you saying bars in real life. I don't need a GoPro I don't need a GoPro chest, right? I'm just fine I don't care how I look And after that then decided to flesh out some of those ideas. There were other ideas like this one that didn't make the cut Even though it was straight fire. He's made his stable to use Women as props. D: 'Cause he can't get props from his peers! Because he's not getting props from me. I think his stuff is bad. [D: There you go.] really really bad I don't want to get too involved with the like "you're a fucking virgin" sort of comments There is that element to it right where it's like he's never shown "Eey I'm in a relationship" Or like... D: You could say something like: you have maximum one years experience. I don't think you have any right to be talking like this. I: right, right. Yeah, that's- that's good. D: What's your film about Conrad? Politics in Brighton. D: [giggle] The politics in Brighton. Yeah. D: Don"t you think that's a bit niche, Conrad? Yeah, that might be a little bit niche But you know what's also niche? D: What? my physique I feel like there's room for me to also like self deprecate in that part Yeah You know what I mean like... D: I could speak to you man-to-man on this. I: we only got it attention because of YouTube We're not lookers. We're not this. We're not that. Right. Exactly. Now one of the things I was kind of worried about coming into this project was... I know I give off a kind of distinct impression I was very aware that Ian's audience could react negatively to me being in this song So I had to make it really good. Alright, Ian just said something really strange That he- he gets my look now. I: I finally get your look. I understand it now. Why do you get my look? I: Even if you're not- you know Well known on YouTube you still get looks from people like: "Oh, who's this guy? Where- where did he come from? You know. "What planet is this... gay boy from?", and it's kind of good kind of cool feels cool to feel unique You know I'm thinking of dyeing my hair now. D: Yeah?, yeah, or that- maybe the the silicone forehead injections. I think it's something along those lines I could see you doing that for a joke. When I'm writing things the start and the end tend to be the most challenging parts because you really want them to stand out. How does he tend to start his stuff? *RiceGum's diss track playing* I was broke, but I'm living in the hills now. "I was broke" you were never broke! He has parents who are reasonably well-off, right? Yeah They're fine. It would be kind of funny to parody that, since I want it to be very focused on him the whole time but like it could be funny if you started off with I was gay, but now I'm straight, but now I'm back to being gay now I was gay as a kid, then went straight, now I'm gay again now that i'm straight I wanna be gay I guess that I'm gay *Diss track starts* Uh, I wanna be gay [laughs] holy shit Can you imagine.. the first thing people hear That set has some serious punch and it's the exact opposite of all of these openings that would be really good There are really not too many instances where you say: "I want to be gay" I guess one instance would be if like Ryan Reynolds was attracted to you And you didn't have any prospects? If you were gay this would be the perfect life. Right. I want to be gay. Or just someone you really respect. Elon Musk, he's gay. Someone- yes, someone that you could imagine that if you were gay, you would be happy with. Perhaps the biggest challenge overall was where to draw the line with how offensive to be You're like Kanye West, but without the talent. Like Jackie Chan, but a little faggot. You're like Soulja Boy, but- Yeah actually- you're exactly like Soulja Boy. I feel like that ranks up perfectly too its first line is like: "Oh, that's reasonable." And I could see it continuing in this direction, and it's like WOW! I'm not certain about some of it Alright. Like the Jackie Chan but a little faggot, I'm imagining if I said that on my channel I think people will be like 'Are you okay?' I feel like anyone who has a properly functioning brain Hearing you say that is like: "He doesn't mean what he's saying." yeah, yeah I feel like you actually have to have a significant disconnect with reality To think that I mean- I genuinely think he is akin to Jackie Chan I have disdain for gays and he is a small one Yeah, exactly I don't know why I find it funny it's just so dumb It's probably also a little bit influenced from things you've heard like The line reminds me of something that Louis C.K. would say like : "Meh, little faggot." Similar to what you'd appreciate from people who you do appreciate Because they say things for the sake of comedy enough because they believe it yeah There's a lot of respect associated with that like think how bad it would be if you are actually calling someone a fucking faggot Yeah [fucking faggot] Yeah, if you were like a white supremacist type yeah like you anyone would feel bad. They'd be like this is actually wrong You can tell the differences- 'Jackie Chan' but 'a little faggot'. I mean- come on There's such a difference Now once we got some lyrics down that we wanted to include We started recording pretty quickly because we weren't yet sure how Ian would sound on a song I had a feeling he'd be good at it, but he wasn't so confident, but he did it D: First thing I'd say is don't worry, we will redo this... until we... [I: Get it right] get something right I gotcha I I can see you feeling a bit- Sheepish sheepish is the perfect word. It's funny I'm I'm more anxious and nervous about this than I am about like dropping the video, that's fascinating Yeah, why do you think that is? I guess - Giving it your all in front of someone else like yeah, because this will be Like, you know it's... THIS won't. The first few will- will not Dont wor- It's- it's like warm up. You know? before you do the marathon You've got to do your stretches. that's all we're doing right now Alright, alright... I very much doubt any of these will be used. you're good at consoling me so it was a case of finding out what Ian's voice could do. I want to be gay! I didn't find the edge quite right. I- just get really excited. [D: really enthousiastic.] I want to be gay! I want to be gay, cause you're fucked and I want a smile on my face. That's the line that I would have struggled with the most. I want to be gay. I feel you just nailed That's so unexpected. I want to be gay cuz you're fucked and I want a smile on my face That was great. We'll try some more silly ones okay I want to be gay cuz you're fucked and I want a smile on my face "I WANNA BE GAY" *laughs* it's like a desperation I want to be gay cuz you're fucked and I want a smile on my face I kind of liked it; very excited, jovial. yeah. "I'm already a little bit gay" I don't know if aggressive suits it I think it's gotta be more- try crazed Okay, just experiment. some of them will likely be embarrassingly bad, I: Well, yeah I WANNA BE GAY Cuz you're fucked and I want a smile on my face want to be ga, cuz your fowked and I want uh smayhl on ma fetch So Ian- I: Hey D: How are you feeling about the idea that people might think that it's really cringy for you to rap? What do I think about it? You know what? I don't give a shit what people think, quite frankly D: Is that honest?. I: That's honest, yeah. D: That's really cool. I: If I like it- then that's all that really matters at the end of the day Little ho, little bitch, suck my tiny fucking dick... Little ho, little bitch, suck my 5.3 inch dick that was so good D: BITCH. Little grit. I: Bitch I don't think my voice can do a fucking like-. D: Little bit of a growl? I: no bitch -bitch -the way you did it, there was somethin in it there I'm just like channeling Max there Cause that's exactly how he would say it. D: I Don't know, Ian! I've heard a lot of rappers get in the booth, and there's this kind of magical moment where they spit everything perfectly But for me It's not like that at all it takes me a lot of takes to be happy with something like I remember from my song 'I'm not Dead' I recorded that first line- 'I'm not dead' got to be a hundred times Trying to get the right Inflection because I didn't quite know what I was looking for in fact some of the lines in this song weren't working with natural Inflections so he had to try some other ideas. I: Oh, you know what could be good? D: What's That? I: There might be an opportunity to throw in the like fucked European accent? D: How would that say it? I have no idea let's find out: Hey everyone! Hey let's- Fuck Hey let's make fun of the a- *w accent* Hey, let's make fun of the asian baw with his asian boy- bowish Hey, let's make fun of the asian boy with his hmm, it's gotta be /bow/ D: "It's got to be /bow/." I think I like oriental. [D: oriental eyes] no just in general, It's difficult to get flow with this? *laughing* 'it's difficult to get a flow with this' I guess part of the problem is it's so like out of nowhere as well D: yeah Uhm. I don't know I wrote this one line rhyming house tour with ground floor, but it didn't quite come across in Ian's accent. Dave: ground floor! Ian: *repeating* ground floor! Yeah, perfect. Floor- ground floor- to call you surface level would be an insult to the ground floor Golly jeepers you're as predictable as a housing tour. Jesus Christ. You're as predictable as a house tour! That's the voice. to call you surface level would be an insult to the ground floor! You got it yeah I think that was it Cool, it's also really nice to have a house for this reason we be as loud as we yeah -I was thinkin- far apart after we sat on the recording for a while and listened to it a bunch it didn't quite have some of the bite that we Wanted so we cut out some of the lines and replaced them with things that had a bit more punch Ian had to record some of those lines in an Air BnB (app) Ian what was the problem? There's a bit of popping normally you use a pop filter, but when you're guerilla recording artists like us you kinda Just have to use you filthy sock after three days of traveling in and out of airports. I like it. D: So let's see if this actually works. I: The other benefit of using this is because it has so much stink We're hoping that translates in the lyrics so people are gonna be like ooh Recoiling as they hear it D: one of the last lines that you're recording. What is it? Talk like you eaten some paste, -AY- say to your audience face -AY- how does... -breath- how does a Jason- Jacob S- ...Jason Statham tastes... Say to your audience face -AY- how Jacob Sartorius tastes -AY- D: -nice D: How do you feel about that? I like it. It puts a little... something in your mouth... ...something in the back of your throat that you're not quite comfortable with So I finalized the mix And we had the full song. Ian will tell you that he didn't have much to do with making the song But it's totally not true He came up with tons of the ideas And I think that's something that a lot of people Undervalue when it comes to rap like no matter how clever the wordplay is or how cool you sound if the topics you're discussing aren't interesting or funny then it's not gonna have the same punch as a song that is. I've watched basically everything Ian's put out in the past few years And it's been really interesting to see behind the scenes one of the biggest misconceptions I had was that he'll say anything, but it couldn't be farther from the truth He really does have strong principles and it's not the whole kind of "I don't give a fuck" attitude that I think a lot of people assume kind of like the attitude that Eminem showed in the early days, but yeah It was really cool seeing how much he cared about a lot of things I won't compliment him any more than that or he won't let me keep it in the video But I just thought that was interesting So that's how the song was made I made another video with Ian while we were hanging out if you enjoyed this one. Cheers for watching and here's some random, out of context footage hey little... fella D: That's it. Yeah- *babble* D: It's a bit like- I: I'm a baby Now alien attacks might actually be something *Stewie Griffin voice* You writing a book there, Bryan? Oh- I just realized why yours is good Um if it's the right celebrity. D: like who? Taylor Swift My name is Mustafa L Sakari (?), and I want to buy the thing for 826.95 Try being him. try being ricegum *burp* I have been a prostitute For the past three years And then you do a thrusting to encourage myself D: hey seagull D: Not a fan? I hate birds
Channel: Boyinaband
Views: 10,378,498
Rating: 4.9093409 out of 5
Keywords: boyinaband, idubbbz, jake paul, content cop, rice gum, diss track
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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