I took a DNA test - here are the results.

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Hi, I'm Dave from Boyinaband. You like genetics? You like science? Cool. This is for you. The other day I spat in, like, a test tube, and sent it off. And I've recently got my results back. Today we're going to look at what we can find out... ...from my DNA. So we're on the site 23andMe, that's the service I used. I think the wife of Larry Page, who is one of the co-founders of Google, is the person who made this company. Yeah. /Formerly/married to Google Co-Founder, Sergey Brin. My mistake. Oh, she's actually the sister of Susan Wojcicki, who is the CEO of YouTube. Huh. And let's take a look! "Traits", that one seems interesting. "Alcohol Flush Reaction". Couldn't they have got a picture of, like, a drink rather than some yeast? That's like if you went on the Wikipedia page for computers, and they just had some silicon, just in a pile. Apparently, I've got two working copies of ALDH2, which results in little or no flushing reaction to alcohol. I could get away with being an alcoholic for ages before anyone noticed! "Bitter Taste Perception". "Can taste" bitterness. I kind of want to test this. Have I got any, like, lemon juice or something? Be right back, I'll see if I've got any lemons! Couldn't find lemon juice, but I've got lime. Isn't lime juice... bitter? [strained] Yup. Yup. Yeah, that's accurate. [coughing] Excuse me! "Blond Hair — 28% Chance". I used to be blond as a child! When I used to live in the United Arab Emirates, I have a memory of, um, I went to the swimming baths. And as I walked in, these Arabic women came over and started patting my head 'cause they hadn't seen a blond kid before, I assume. It's not something that you'd normally get in the western world, people going, "Oh, look at that child! They look different, let's touch them!" "Earwax Type — Wet". Yup. "Eye Color — Likely Blue"! Very likely. "Male Pattern Baldness — Decreased Odds", Freakin' yes! [whispering] Don't ever leave me! "Muscle Performance — Likely Sprinter"! What does that mean? "Many world-class sprinters and some endurance athletes have this genotype." I've missed my calling! What the hell? Hang on. Every one of these possible genotypes would result in someone being either a world-class sprinter, a world-class sprinter, or a world-class endurance athlete. [sigh] Here I am getting my hopes up that I could be the next Usain Bolt. "Red Hair — <1% Chance"? Hah, what does it know? "If a Smoker, Likely to Smoke More"? Huh. How genetic is addiction, then? "Not all smokers are created equal-some light up just a few times a day, while others go through multiple packs." "There are many social—" [mumbling] Oh, right! "One study of Dutch twins found that genetic factors are responsible for 86% of the variability in number of cigarettes smoked." So when people say that people should just use their willpower to stop smoking, Their willpower is determined by their genetics, they can't control that! However, "Enviromental factors seem to play a larger part in determing whether someone will start in the first place". That's interesting. And I'm "AG" (a G). [laughs] We already knew that! "Likely to smoke one more cigarette per day." I have never smoked in my life. Let's start! I was always one of those kids that thought it made me "better" than everyone, because I didn't smoke. So that's probably why I never did. Yeah— Uh. Oh, the other ones are lighter! Sorry, mum. "Caffeine Consumption". "Some people get jumpy after drinking a single cup of coffee, while others can consume multiple cups without feeling a thing." "Subjects who drank consumed a slightly higher amount of coffee per day". That's interesting. Like, I'll have it occasionally. But whenever I take coffee— "take" coffee? Like it's a drug? [strained] Oh man, I gotta get some of that coffee! I don't really notice any difference when I have coffee. Like, I'll prove it to you. I don't think I've got any coffee left. I was just gonna make some ridiculously strong coffee just to test it out, but it doesn't look like we've got any. You know what? Let's go get some. [door shutting] [keys rattling] [car beeping] [door locking] [cart rattling] "Bold & intense strength". [slam] [beep] [machine speaking] "Insert cash or touch to pay with card!" [coins rattling] Never seen that before! [cart rattling] Always put the trolley back! [door shutting] [indistinct metal screaming on radio] [beeping] [sniff] God! It just doesn't seem to bother me. [laughing] God! Ugh. Why the hell do I have that bitter gene? That was horrible. Six teaspoons of the strongest coffee I could get. So if the rest of this video is more entertaining, you know why. Okay. Where were we? "Coriander Aversion". Is this like what people... find... tastes good? Huh! So there is a gene which makes coriander taste like soap. That's frickin' strange! "Finger Length Ratio". "The length of the index finger divided by the length of the ring finger". So that would be one [laughs] to one. "Height". I'm just over 6 foot. Huh! "Subjects averaged shorter than typical height." So if I had a different gene, I'd be like a giant! I'd be like Dan Howell. GG! [laughs] GG, man, GG. "Human height varies tremendously, from an average of under five feet in some pygmy populations." What! I've never even heard of that. "80% of the variation in human height is determined by genes." I will not make a single denim joke in this video. "Hypospadias". Am I a hypospaz? "Typical odds". "—common birth defect in males in which the opening of the—" OOkay. Let's close this one. "Iris Patterns". "Like fingerprints, iris patterns are highly complex and uniquely identify individuals"! I did not know that at all! So if someone got... a contact lense made exactly like that, then they could—I don't know, commit crimes! But they'd have to put their eyes on all it— yeah, that wouldn't work. "Typical appearance of crypts." That's very goth. Don't know why I have headphones on, there's no sound from this website. "Measures of Obesity". "Typical BMI"... That's so specific! "Waist circumference is 0.88 cm smaller than typical." 'Photic Sneeze Reflex". Now that should be a band name. [loud metal] How do you pronounce it? — "Photic!" — Yep, photic. — "Photic!" — Photic! — "Photic!"— Photic. I can—yeah, I got an American accent! "PHOTIC!" "The photic sneeze reflex refers to the tendency to sneeze when moving from relative darkness into bright light." Oh! "For many people—" This is great! The enthusiasm in this part: "For many people, there are just two or three sneezes, but one researcher documented up to 43!" He's getting to sneeze like, 40 and he can't believe his luck! [creepy music] "No one really knows what causes these uninduced sneezes! No matter what the cause, photic sneeze reflex, or—" [laughs] "ACHOO syndrome"! "is pretty common." Do I have the photic sneeze reflex? I've got typical odds of it. Okay, so, if I turn off the light... [click] Make it really dark... and then I suddenly turn it on. Right in my face. Relative darkness, okay... Keep my eyes closed... eyes closed... Okay, eyes open— [click] [SHOCK] Oh, God! Well, kinda! No. I can feel something, though! That was close. Not sneezing, but I'm very disoriented. Back to the list. "Response to Diet". Oh, is this what makes you fat or not? I'm less likely to lose weight with a specific diet. That's super interesting! So you can see which diets would most likely help you, if you do a DNA test. That's so cool. "A high-fat diet is associated with higher BMI." Ah, so some people... So if people have the "rs662799" marker as AG or GG, they are less likely to get fat from a high-fat diet. This is so cool, that we can find out this kind of stuff! This is literally looking at my code. "Response to Exercise". Now this'll be interesting, because I've been exercising for, like, 200 days straight now. "Tendency towards higher BMI. Exercise is associated with a greater reduction in BMI". So exercise makes me lose more weight than the average person, according to this gene. Thank you, Kil-plain-nyan... Ah, Jesus Christ, how the hell do you pronounce— —"Kil-pull-ainen." — ...Oh, that's in the English one, there. —"Kilpeläinen." —Kilpeläinen! And they actually have the English person pronouncing it wrong! —"Kil-pull-ainen." —Kil-pull-ainen. Kilpeläinen. —"Kilpeläinen." So we know how to pronounce it incorrectly, correctly. [laugh] Thanks, Google. "Sensitivity to the Sound of Chewing". That's a, that's a genetic thing! I thought just everyone found that annoying! Who thought to check how genetic that is? Four frickin' research groups!? What—where's the money in this? So I have typical odds of being sensitive to the sounds of chewing. I frickin' hate it. That's one of those things that really grinds at me. "Sweet Taste Preference". I frickin' love sweet stuff. "Slightly higher odds of preferring sweet foods". Hell yeah! How many GG's out there? Struggling with their misophonia? [chewing] "Tooth Development". Oh, this is not going to be good, is it? I really fit the British stereotype when it comes to tea. Oh, right! "One fewer permanent tooth at 10-12 years of age, on average." "Typical number of permanent teeth". "One more permanent tooth". "Typical number of permanent teeth". So, averaging out, I've got half an extra tooth. "Childhood and Adolescent Growth — No Data". Well, I can tell you that I did not grow for a long time as a child. I was so scared I was gonna be short for the whole of my life. I was so short my friends would, like, lean on me and make jokes about using me as an armrest. [laugh] And I haven't spoken to them since! "Breast Morphology". How are my breasts? "—physical traits of the breast, such as size and shape. The breast undergoes a variety of changes throughout the lifetime of a woman—" Oh, is this only for women? How disappointing. However, if I was a woman, I would have a typical breast size. [laugh] Double C's, apparently! Yep. Typical, typical, typical. I would not be a Dead or Alive character. [weirdly] Menarche. That's like someone who can't pronounce monarchy. MEH-nar-kee. "is the first men—" Okay. "Memory — Increased Episodic Memory". I have terrible memory! What the hell? "Slightly increased episodic memory." See, that doesn't make any sense! I have a terrible memory. "Memory — Increased Episodic Memory". I have terrible memory! "Odor Detection — Reduced Sensitivity to Sweaty Odor". [sniff] "Typical Pain Sensitivity". No way. I'm a wuss. So, your pain sensitivity is genetic. I'm pretty typical. Man! There must be some people who are serious wusses. And that's just from the "Traits" page, what else we got? "Genetic Risk Factors", how am I gonna die? "Alzheimer's"! Great! Maybe that's how I'll go. Slow deterioration of everything that makes me, me. "Locked Reports"... Oh, do they lock these reports so it doesn't tell people? "Reports for certain conditions will not display your results, regardless of whether you have it." Oh, so they don't want to scare people! So I don't actually have these, necessarily. That's so interesting, that they choose not to tell people what it is, in case it upsets them. "Unlock". Am I gonna die? "Not associated with a higher risk for developing Alzheimer's." Phew! Well! Heart pumping, there. Oh, does that mean I've got, like, a higher risk for a heart attack? Oh, let's try that with the other ones! Am I gonna get Parkinson's? Drumroll please. [rolling tongue] "Does not have any of the variants associated with Parkinson's disease"! [quietly] Ah yeah, ah yeah! Sorry to disappoint you, haters! Alright, "Drug Response". Well, we already know the caffeine hasn't really affected me. Like, I'm not even shaking or anything. Hands are totally... totally still. "PPI Metabolism." "Drugs that limit the production of stomach acid." [laugh] God! That seems like quite an excessive picture to use for stomach acid! He's just kind of accepting it as well, he's like, "Yeah. I'm dead." "Inherited Conditions". Let's see what I can blame my parents for. "Absent"... Are they all absent? Absent, absent... oh. [laugh] I can't blame them for anything. Hah! "Genetic Weight Calculator". Okay, 168 pounds? I don't know these imperial... frickin' things. "Calculate genetic weight". "Your SNPs account for at least 7 pounds"! That's so cool. Aw, I love living in the future. Oh, here we go: "Ancestry Composition". Let's—let's take a look at how English I am. [laugh] Holy crap, I'm pretty English! "99.9% European". With, like, 0.1% East Asian! At what percentage are you allowed to make racist jokes? "Ashkenazi"? What's an Ashkenazi? "Ashkenazi Jews"? That's an ironic name. Am I jewish? So I'm 70% British and Irish. 14% French and German. [laugh] And 13% "Broadly Northwestern European"! One of those countries! I don't know, is it Sweden, is it Finland? Where are you from, Roomie? Broadly Northwestern Europe? "Eastern European"... 1% percent. [Russian accent] I am 1%. A little bit Finnish... Nah, I'm not that viking. Yeah, I'm—I am super British! "Chromosome View"? Alright, Frank. That's so cool. "Neanderthal Ancestry". Huh! I am slightly more neanderthal than the average person. "Heavy eyebrow ridge"... Kinda? Let's get that profile shot. Jealous, Leafy? So, yeah, eyebrow ridge there. Uh, "Long, low, bigger skull", yeah, I've got a pretty big skull. "Prominent nose"... Yep. Well, that was frickin' cool. [click] Bye!
Channel: Boyinaband
Views: 3,055,337
Rating: 4.894187 out of 5
Keywords: boyinaband, dna, dna test, test, results, dave, if, jeremy kyle, was, less, dramatic, 23andme, blood, spit, heritage, ancestry, 23andme.com, ethnicity, what am i, 23andme dna, 23 and me, dna test results, genetics, genes, test friends, race, racial, europe, european, africa, african, buzzfeed
Id: DGW3Iu9YoVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2016
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