I Google Myself.

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Cheers! Hi! I'm Dave from Boyinaband and today I'm gonna Google myself. I've deliberately stopped myself from Googling myself SO I could make this video. So I can finally get around to doing it. I predict "Is Boyinaband gay" at the top. Is boyinaband... *laughs* Already, "Is Boyinaband dead?" I've specifically made a video addressing that issue. There it is. Yep, it's fine. "Is Boyinaband gay?" I'm not, unfortunately. 'Cause, I've had a lot of attractive GUYS messaging me about that question, so if I WAS gay, I'd be set! "Boyinaband is... A GIRL PROOF?!" *laughs* Oh man. I want to see the proof! *laughs* That's solid proof. "Is Boyinaband British?" Yeah, I'm British and I am English. The difference being, Britain is the island where Wales, Scotland, and England are on... I don't think it includes Northern Ireland, ask CGP Grey. Ah I'm on fricken Rap Genius! Oh that's so cool! There's people that have analyzed my lyrics. I want to see what my lyrics mean! Ok, what did I mean by that? "Someone (Dave's haters) are assuming straight off because-" Ohhhh!! Even the people making the analysis are doing puns! I'm PROUD of my audience here. "Straight off." "because of his look that he is gay. They are also expressing homophobia, saying "girly" and "worthless"." Hang on, how is "girly" homophobic? And "worthless" homophobic? Wouldn't it be homophobic to imply that's homopho- *laughs* Oh man! When I write lyrics, sometimes if I want to ensure that I pronounce a syllable that I wouldn't normally do, I spell it out, so instead of saying "conflict," I put "con" dash "fuh" dash "lict." And I've obviously kept that in by accident when I copied and pasted the lyrics in the description, so now that's forever here. Ok. Oh, that's brilliant! The line about: "I'm almost as happy to tell you that you're morally wrong as tumblr is!" Someone said, "Tumblr's well known for being incredibly vitriolic on social issues," And here in the comments is someone defending Tumblr being vitriolic on social issues. Age, have they got my age? I'm on famous birthdays. That's an OLD picture, man. Where the hell did they get that? That's not my birthyear! Huh. Ye- yeah, nice little bit of trivia there. "He has collaborated with Emma Blackery. That was a long time ago: *Emma singing* "So, beau-ti-ful woah-oh, I promise you this. I promise you this, I promise that you, all-" And I haven't spoken to her since! Boyinaband hair... Yep, okay. I'm trying to think what people are thinking when they search "Boyinaband hair," like are they trying to get pictures of it? You just search "Boyinaband" though, I don't think there's- *small laugh* hey. Man, I have some fricken AWESOME fanart, Jesus Christ, how do people do this stuff? And again, and again, and again, this ah, I look SO much cooler here than I actually do, it's not fair! What? Why is this a thing? It's me if I was a Scene Girl. Not that different than from real life- *sarcastic laugh* *French laugh* WHAT?! "Beautiful Thing." Oh god, "Boyinaband Fanfic." I think I might leave that. "Quietly Loved (Boyinaband fanfic)." I have fan fiction! *soft sad piano music* "It was a pretty bad day, I lost my phone, I broke my favorite controller, and I think I'm coming down-" "and I think I coming down with something. I ran right into someone. They had long hair and glasses, I didn't see pass that before my eyse dropped down to the ground seeing all my notes everywhere mixed with theirs." "I began to pick them up when hands brushed mine to grab the ones I had. Their hands were larger than mine," "and QUITE HAIRY?!" SERIOUSLY? That's not... What? "I looked up and finally got a good look at them. His eyes stood out the most, they were bight blue and large, then I noticed his hair some." Uch, maybe this is supposed to be read in a kind of a rapper voice. *rappery* Then I noticed his hair some. "He seemed to just stare ATE me, I must look a fright. I grabbed whatever looked right, and stuffed it into my note. He seemed to snap out of it when I started to, he hastily started the same thing." Wow. *quick laugh* "Tagged: British, cutie, idfk" *laughs* That pretty much summarizes me! Dude, there's LOTS of these! What's the most popular one then? "Four point five K" "13 plus, and maybe sometimes 15 plus!" They have RATING SYSTEMS?! Let's read it... Aw, you got to sign up. I'll do this another time. So is this like every big YouTuber has this? Like does Roomie have them? Oh, this is gonna come up with all the roommate stuff isn't it? Ok, I"m guessing Minx and Cry have it. Yep, yep, what about someone like...? *laughs* "Idubbbz X reader," that is freaking hilarious. "Don't tell Max" *laughs* Oh man, this is brilliant. Alright, getting off track again. Let's- Let's get back to it. "Boyinaband book?" Is there a BOOK called Boyinaband? OH MY GOD! That fricken cover! "Morgan Mallory meets beautiful, sexy, blonde haired, blue eyed Matthew O'Conner, a singer in a rock band, when she's just a teen!" "What is it about the bad boy she seems to love?" Yeah, this is- This is the biography I commissioned *laughs* It's highly rated, "Can't complain!" "I initially started reading thinking it would be like a rock star romance, instead you get so much more." What's like the lowest review? There's only 3 star? No one hated it. "Long: Overall it was a good story and I know it spanned over the Yeats, but it was SO LONG. I really felt like it was dragged out, but then a strange ending!" *small laugh* Well, Lisa Loomis, You're biting my style. Does this mean that if I make a book, I can't call it "Boyinaband", because it's already a book, and that's copyright? "Boyinaband ekşi?" What the hell? What the hell is "ekşi sözlük"!? Is this like a Turkish site? "Biggest Online Communities in Turkey," ok, you live and learn. "Boyinaband Game Grumps." Oh yeah, I was on Game Grumps. If you haven't seen that already, it's well worth doing a binge if you've got some hours to kill. I played Jet Set Radio with Ross from Game Grumps when I went over to L.A. That was really fun! Ross is one of the genuinely nicest people I've ever met in my life. And I can say that WITHOUT hesitation. WHAT THE HELL?! "Hi I'm Dave from Boyinaband Minecraft Skin?" The internet is a fascinating place. Whee. Got that accurate walk animation as well, I always walk whilst my head is lolling wildly to the side *small laugh* "Boyinaband house." I'm gonna hope that's the genre of music and not creepy stalkers. "Boyinaband name." I say that at the start of EVERY video! "Boyinaband quotes." Oh this is fascinating. Have I got like-?! People have made memey quotes out of what I've done? I- I think that font is called "Cooper." I am cool. "Boyinaband real name." David. David Brown. "Boyinaband religion." Pastafarian for life! I was on Vanity Fair. Oh yeah. "The Internet Rapper Who Is Telling Kids to Drop Out of School." That's one way to totally spin the message incorrectly. "Does Boyinaband have a girlfriend?" Singular? What kind of a rapper do you take me for? I think right now I'm not really comfortable sharing my private life on the internet, but, it's probably something that I can imagine doing in the future. "Where does Boyinaband live?" England. If you wanted anything more specific than that, then bugger off. I find it fascinating how people think it's okay to search for peoples' addresses and stuff like that. I mean, what kind of mentality do you have to have to think, "Ok, this is a person I don't know at all, I will find out their location." They must have some pretty serious problems if that's the kind of thing they're looking for, which is SAD, but it's also like, stop it! "Dave Brown." OH MY GOD! It's one of the top ones! Seriously? Dave Brown must be a freaking competitive ass search term, that's so freaking cool! "Boyinaband logo." I don't have a logo, proper. Like I had a logo for a while, but I don't know if I really like it. Yeah, I made that a long time ago, don't think it really fits anymore. Let's end up on just "Boyinaband" and see what comes up. All obvious headshots. Let's go to the weirder stuff. Oh my god, that's an old one. Oh that's a behind the scenes of when I was filming Spectrum. I had to stand like that with my legs apart when filming the close ups, 'cause the camera man was too short! *giggles* That's kind of terrifying! It's like I'm gonna beat you to death with some maths! What the hell is this? The high point in my career. I am pleased with this. *laughs* That's like the emo-est thing. That looks like I'm actually crying! *whiny* "Every Hair is NOT a Cry for Attention! Ah, there I am in my... traditional British attire! Is that anime me? Can I do that pose now? Like, the over the shoulder. *intense creepy music* Yeah, it doesn't really come off in real life, like, more like a hunchbacked Gollum. I suppose it was only a matter of time before I was turned into a Furry. And a MURDERING Furry at that, apparently! That's another subculture of the internet that just fascinates me. *quick terrified shout* It's really hard to draw my face without it looking pretty creepy. I've got that skeletal kind of thing going on. And I think that's about it. Let's uh, let's play it out with some- some Fan Fiction. Uhhh... Uh... does...? Yeah, maybe reading a Fan Fiction is probably not the best way to end this. Uh, I'll just... I'll just STOP!
Channel: Boyinaband
Views: 1,591,148
Rating: 4.9226308 out of 5
Keywords: boyinaband, i google myself, google, google myself, german, turkish, emma blackery, idubbbz, roomie, minx, cryaotic, boy in a band, googling myself, google feud, search, dave, fanfic, so i googled myself, lyrics, rap genius, lyric or satiric, game grumps, jet grind radio, jet set radio, ross, ross o'donovan, rubberninja
Id: y1y-pyHsw2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2016
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