my Minecraft server is ending in 3 days.. so i built a bunker!

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it's a different era to Minecraft war me and Mikey are going on a very very brave mission and chances are we're not gonna come back with that stuff okay I you know we had it all under control we were doing good keeping evil people at bay and I'm not even talking about the bandits I'm just talking about people who want to ruin and blow up the world if you do not know we live in a in a world that is limited it's 2 K by 2 K this is it this is our own this is the world that we live in we've got multiple factions living in locations all around the world that we're living here no a factions up in here and of a faction of here you get it big factions some against each other some with each other some allied trading you know all that kind of stuff but we thought we're doing good at keeping evil at bay well today I'm coming here to say we frickin failed and it was right in front of our eyes and we thought we're catching it early or actually catching it insanely late like guys I don't know what's gonna happen in the next episode of minecraft 4 but like it's not gonna be good describe it's gonna be interesting it's gonna be fun I guess but I will tell you everything that is going on very soon I comment down below you got our I bet you can already guess what is going to happen to our beautiful world anyway guys today we have built a doomsday bunker actually we didn't build today we've been building over the last few days Mike he's done a huge portion of this work today this is our base like we've built it here because we thought you know what the hatch kind of blends in it looks kind of good and it's just kind of random it's not in a location that you would really think it's gonna be now I know me showing where it is right now is an absolute failure and the enemies are gonna know but that's fine it's build our reinforced blocks it's Underground there's only one way into it like if people want to attack this like we are well ready and well prepared and also tonight this might be more protected than we think I'll show that in another episode if we get it working people have already been testing new and everything like that from here as you can see here here here here and here and look at this one this is an interesting one this is a big enough bomb that went off not the biggest he's like these are small ones that people are testing with put lights slowly destroying the world like it's quite bad like we have a small world so like some if people keep setting up big ones we've got a problem but like look at this right so this got set off if someone isn't sending a message I don't know who isn't but this got set off here and if I run just literally just over here not far at all you have got the bandits base yep welcome to micro four if you guys enjoyed this go down below hit that like button I guess if we can smash I'm gonna say if we can smash 3000 likes on this episode if it's possible to smash 3000 likes I guess for the end of the world I will invite a bunch of you guys on to the server and I guess we can have a bit of fun for the end of the world because it's it's gonna be happily good problem is okay I'll bring up the speed before we explore this ball really quickly a really simple version basically a meal if you watch the show you know who Amelia is he's part of shields basically we all thought he was a private military we all thought that he was cool and like didn't like yeah it may be hostile some people but wasn't doing much well secretly he's been building a nuclear arsenal and his whole plan on the server was to destroy the whole world obviously we got alerted every day that he had a doomsday plan and we thought that that plan was only started no like he literally nuke us all right now if he wants to who knows why he's waiting but like yeah he's ready and like you might be like just go get his nukes well that's the problem right we we don't know where his nukes are hidden we know where his nuclear like submarine is but there's no nukes on it trust me we tracked so he's got loads of nukes hidden in the world and and can launch them basically from anywhere and no one's found him yet so unless we find him things may change but so any guys welcome to the vault let me give you a tour cuz this is going to be potentially home and if this gets overrun we are done for like we need this to survive and I have a plan and I'm basically just going for it with my team every else on this server is hostile em or just like nah I'm not like every man for himself or every team for themselves that's that's pretty much it I'm sorry sorry allies just just it's just not gonna work okay right so let's close this you come down here there's only a one way system into this vault these blocks can be broken very very hard to blow up and they can be they can be blown up but you got a new combust you gotta get through a lot of ground before you can actually nuke our vault so hopefully we'll be okay I don't know we'll see and also we have another plan to protect ourselves from nuclear missiles so we have a security system here in place so if someone enters we know this is how we know basically if people walk over these it's that tough a big long line of sirens we'll know if someone's entering and hopefully soon we might have turrets down here as well and the interesting thing is I'm gonna show you now if someone breaks the like if someone tries to break this or not to basically hide that they're entering well it still sets up the sound so it doesn't matter if you break it then when you come through here you'll hear this sound which is very very annoyed as you can see but lets us know what's going on then you come in here to it like a decontamination room which probably like we plan to put nuclear barrels in there but we probably won't be able to and not this soon anyway so yeah hopefully this will work and then you come through here one last little beep which is that little beep we know they're in there and then you come into the reception room or the death room I would like to call it basically it's a fortified room if we hear someone coming in and and we just have to hold down the vault there's only one way into it you know we just hold down the fort right here you know I mean like defend ourselves then we go up to the main room this is our base night look guys this is this is what it's boil down to like I saw like if someone's gonna be nuke in the world like we'd be able to stop them and I thought we caught a meal early but we only found out like the other day that Noah meals ready to go and yeah I mean if he wants to go nuke away you know he's got a go for it we can't find where he's nukes are so we can't stop until he fires so this is our main base area this inside here this is going to be our storage we're going to be trying to like right now it's but practically empty we stuff stuff stored in a base we're gonna be filling this up with as much things as we possibly can and also guys I'm sorry to say this but we're we're raiding the bank of justice we're taking everything out of it because it's gonna be every man for themselves I don't think the bank of Justice people are ready we're ready we're gonna take the responsibility of taking it and just lock yourself in like it doesn't matter it's either gonna get nuked and destroyed or we take it what would you do anyway so yeah so we're gonna be raiding the bank of Justice and also moving our stuff in we've got a force field here the only thing right now we're still working Jason is still work and we're trying to hook it up and get it working if he can get this thing working properly it works a little bit I'm gonna show you but I don't really want to mess with it we can basically protect our base from missiles and for a little bit anyway it can it can deflect some of them so that this will protect our vault even more and I guess like the only way to disable this will be like an EMP device which would probably be pretty hard to get off if we have the force field up and running so we can get a something running this will protect us we also I think up here yes is up here we have a raid a device that were working on so if there is a missile coming our way or if there is a plane or helicopter coming our way we can actually track it right here so we know when something's inbound and we know potentially when someone's coming to attack us because most people fly on the server so people fly to us but be able to see them on the radar here and in another thing which I think is really freaking interesting is we can defend our base from inside our base like if they're on the surface or if there's a plane on the surface you know causing some trouble or if we can see a plane coming in from the radar system coming to attack us well let me show you this this is pretty ok I'll waste an Elbert Skylab because I don't want to waste anything that's actually pretty good right so if I do +50 plop that in boom there we go I am still inside the safety of my base but I'm flying a drone it doesn't needs fuel but it actually doesn't we should probably make like a mini runway or clear all the trees around but then again doing that would make this Volpe sound easier what you don't wanna do so as you can see right there is the entrance so if someone's attacking we can actually use drones to like attack from up here when we're actually still like cuz if I'm gonna waste it right now here we go three two one jump out I'm still here like I don't exist so if that gets blown up I don't die and we can have up to four people like protecting the base down here then if we hear the alarm system going off down below all we gotta do is run down below hopefully we'll be all armed and ready and that's why we made the chest room so close so that if we need to get gear don't have to run half a mile just to get to a chest to grab a gun you know look boom ready to go and hopefully we can defend it with our lives because if this falls then we're out of the game I guess that's the best way to describe it alright so luckily for me I got a book and given cuz obviously we're like kind of we kind of owned the bank cause it's in our land it's a weird little situation we have kind of setup but since I own it I don't technically have to rub it I can walk straight in I know the codes and I have the keys to the vault so really yeah I guess technically I'm robbing it but really I'm kind of saving it at the same time right so my keys on with me I'm gonna land now it's like you already got in have you already gone into like the vault I'm right Randy oh I don't see you oh I do you oh my god you blend it right in with the road alright anyway so this can hold like a full dub but I don't even think I'm gonna get full dub because we don't really store that much in here they just or whatever is kind of valuable but we know that Gehrke has a nuke and a dragon egg inside he remembered because he portrayed us way in betrayus he's kind of just went against what we said but Mikey you know I told of you is this it's basically every team for themselves like you know you obviously know like yeah like we're not being nice okay so just scour these are only volt ones I don't think anyone's the store and these ones they're so unprotected let me just check no nothing in there okay that's if we get caught if they come online and see it's gone through like all this like we're gonna have a bit of a gunfight but I'm confident that we could probably speak our way out of it huh oh we could just say like well everyone knows that the world's gonna go where's all this stuff that she never went down here I've never actually been like I wanted to be kind of nosy but I've never done it well I only done the time when we knew that obviously I'm gay key was up some so this is volt 99 this is probably for 1 volt 2 volt 100 this one no this one oh there we go no this is sick and the thing is like this is made of obsidian if this got nuked it would be gone it would be absolutely melted Bank of justice okay what's in here the D okay what we go up over God oh this is the depositary is it yeah so okay someone obviously thought depositing some potatoes and carrots is you know a good at cheese you know what that's as she may be a rare thing when the world gets newt will they actually be the potatoes inherits that's actually a good point but obviously maybe the person was ready for it but the nuke the vaults not gonna save it it's ball ain't gonna save you anyway all one's deep on the ground it should work okay yo please say geeky stuff is still here like this is like the more secure area and where was it and they've changed it last time I was here there is the dragon eggs missing but the nukes thing we can use the nuke okay well no it's just like I don't want to use new because I don't want the world to be like destroyed I would want to but like I have no reason for anyone we could fire it see the thing is before a meal I rather wait for a second to see what happens because like I said like obviously Mikey you already know all this stuff we can go stop a meal we can't stop a meal we can go blow off his bass but obviously he's not storing his nukes there all right well we ever knew could but anyway yeah like I was saying we can go a new Kamil can go destroy him but it's not gonna do anything because I was like II can sight oh my god oh the bank is making money but where's all this stuff that's not that much stuff in there or do you think people have been withdrawing their stuff because obviously we have a community discord people know what's kind of going on in the world do you think if we start taking this stuff out in there that the bankers that you like well well that obviously doomsday is coming yeah true and if you think about it like what's the first place that probably get nuked the center of the map right which is that's an issue which is which is us so like I say people have been like okay well I'm not storing myself in the bank anymore there's nothing that they can do about nuke which is completely true I guess yeah yeah so we actually should have raised this a few days ago but we didn't know it will be coming so yeah that's why we're not getting as much stuff but then again there's a nuke incident so like not really so some people didn't heat the one or just don't care well my I guess my point was true I did say the other day I was saying about how the admins did spawn in the you know the aircraft carrier and I was like I would like to make something cool like that myself you know this is the exact reason why you know because it's just gonna be nuke like you know it's gonna be God how many days you think until like this guy's knew like I thought we'd be able to get and you know like the a guns I can I shoot down news I thought would be able to get them all made in time but we can I don't think okay all right come on we'll go it takes to the vault we're all good there's actually like quite a lot of people online so like I'm actually I didn't we got away with this right to the vault that make you sad that these people like obviously you haven't heat the war nor haven't Reno its discord chat and like these guys like working on a base clearing out a huge area like it's it's too late buddy too late don't come back from it this is exciting no this is the first time that we at a limited world where doomsday is about to go like will the server just turn into a wasteland I'm excited to see kind of what happens like the show may come to an end soon just because like you know we have a limited world it depends if a middle get stopped or maybe mills you know computer breaks maybe him nuking some things that you might some computer so like you know it could stop you know it could be over but I'm pretty sure like there's more people on the server that want to blow up the world other than just a meal like come on it's more than a meals team aegis yeah like it's pretty satisfying yeah let's be real and we have a nuke now so we can use that in someone I know I were actually gonna say this I wouldn't say a meal you know who I would say just because how much trouble they cause us and if the world's gonna end I would knew the bandits right now this second and I would do it by complete surprise or would you let me know no you do it by surprise now you do my surprise get them all in there yeah next episode badness being nuked alright there we go we've landed move every down just it's too late magic like a nuke went off now but yeah all right we have a nuke so yeah I think with like I said use on the banners right move everything in the students yeah oh we got so far along the track all right guys we're gonna make this exciting it's time throwing away the keys the vault it's a different era to Minecraft war me and Mikey are going on a very very brave mission and chances are we're not gonna come back with our stuff hence we are going to die but they might not be I doubt they'd be expecting it Mikey you good to fight yeah okay we're gonna go just lock down the airship for as long as we can and kill them and just I don't know I'm gonna miss you Mikey yo man like that's what I'm talking about as okay that is that that's a high that's the missing let's get ready everyone's eating the warning well he looks like he's getting ready for something else but like sadly if he shoots at someone like that's not gonna do much do you think your shield are gonna expect what's coming I am on okay so I'm just said on shield I don't know I am on my ship oh wait should we know should we get a c-130 a c-130 them for a bit I mean it depends I'm gonna jump on there and hold on or should we jump on there and hold on the fortress yeah we know what we're just gonna go in for a mission and kill them try to get some stuff if we get out there great but we won't we'll probably die I don't know maybe the element surprise might work all right here we go I'm so nervous do we land at the edge of the like the far end like here right here so like if we need to run we can and like we just like jump find out have a parachute but it's more down below okay here we go coming in hot plop this thing down okay this is the main base it could be down below those there down below we can be like no this is a mutiny we're taking over I'm so nervous we're I don't even I haven't even explored this area but like it's time oh oh my god I checked the Hansie I think people have already tried but see if the nips are here man this looks like it's already been kind of raided I bet P I've had people have been trying to find a nukes not a god I've got oh yeah yeah they are yeah they definitely have a lot of destructive stuff oh my god come up here you often if we find a noose in the chest were raiding them oh oh my god this is not like preparing for war I don't know what does I don't know what to take like we do need something like current yeah but like do you want to fill up with birds like I don't know what what's here this is it's very awkward none like this is kind of sober like you know I have home base more grenades and hands grenades I don't know if we'll ever need it but we'll take it pourable you a video I see you hello what's down here this is like a juicy Spartan but I've been this whoa what are they preparing for honestly I don't really want to take this and be rude but they're gonna nuke us but then again we can't take it because I we don't tan like can't copy it and what take some fuel I'll take a few okay right let's go right obviously their game prepared I would I would I would say let's destroy it but like nah I'd rather see what they do of it away and the frickin base oh my god all right we've got one last place to check Mikey but like it's gonna be suicide like we're not gonna be too far away it's it's going down like we just got to go down oh you only got the bunker down here all this has changed find out what's going on oh my god is he getting in that where's God I just chose played up this guy okay well we got a place the whole Dominic or canary there is who is that if it doesn't matter shoot first ask questions later okay I can't even shoot him I need a Barris knife or huh yeah yeah I saw that was shot twice actually can i lock in tune with this that'd be quite funny no I can't okay not me good job i rated that maybe okay I have an m249 saw it do you just kiss oh gee freakin G should we go ready stuff good up nuisance oh we got another guy over there flying a ship oh that's the ship yeah you're right do you were talking about that kind of ship should we go get the body or difficult down she goes like no come on let's go push into their facility we'll use it as a scout mission that's all we can do I can see a buddy there oh no it's just a flowing buddy oh it's actually not a real person push into the facility why not he's in there jinkies getting geared no ow ow ow that hurts okay okay don't in my world okay okay look scout for nukes any precious materials fine where they are as quick as you can quick before you have a guy enters actually because I said true okay yeah I know I was I was kind of making sure it wasn't fake war I fell for that too many times in my life okay and I think here no no I think there's many new that's not oh I took them that's great okay any girls there quick good the guy support the guys down here somewhere be careful be careful be careful be careful the guy could be lychee crush down here cuz he came out of here you know I mean oh my god right beneath our eyes don't you and my world boy is that his bed no no okay oh my god yeah you can clearly see well we we took it by surprise but then again not too hard really is it [Laughter] nothing there look at this facility no holy holy smokes Lalo's a solid-fuel okay right let's keep moving keep moving that scout this is quick you can we can lock herself down in their own in their own vault we're not getting a girl very alive are we well we might if we get lucky enough they might be something oh I see four that is a lot of c4 it's really kind of frustrating I wish we had they slash home base and in such back so we just raid all but we can there's a lot of c4 and these we'll find out what they're like planning even though I already know we don't know the colors do we have any explosives don't grab the Seaport okay sweet blow it we can just sort of go like oh okay well we got inside here TNT nothing no not even like a single or like nuclear like a bomber anything even oh yeah let's take some a nap they got some gunpowder for their welcome lads as loads of Shield members online why are we not being attacked yeah they like to scare to come down PTSD medication okay fair enough okay nothing in here keep moving keep moving keep moving anyone here know we could be good okay this door this door right here no is that door hot dog oh there we go if everyone's all there now everyone is Lotus no blows door I think this is the prison that is so chill annoying sound Scouter I'll keep you covered who's in there it's soccer guy he made it back I destroyed his bed what's quick I'm cuckoo cuckoo no I said missus Oh like even just like regular missiles no yeah obviously we know they're already straight this does it which one that could be up or they could be the ones you plan to miss I don't eat my face okay he just ran up the stairs so I think we might be locked in here I think like like I think they're upstairs they're like they're just like like let them do whatever down there there's gonna catch us as we come out what about here nothing yeah they have definitely moved everything out of this base like all the good stuff all the explosive it were end of the world kind of stuff like Mikey we can either just go like end it here and just like lock herself down yeah I I think they're all up above I don't think we're getting out of here [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 589,457
Rating: 4.8501883 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, my Minecraft server is ending in 3 days.. so i built a bunker!, minecraft server, minecraft factions, creepersedge
Id: 5nMZAYNjP3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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