I Spent 100 Days in a Minecraft MODDED YOUTUBER SMP!!! This is what happened...

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in today's video i spend 100 days in modded drastic minecraft with 10 youtubers you might recognize him but all i have to say is this video is insane listen i know what you're thinking but josh what's the twister what makes this video so special well let me tell you okay besides the fact that there are 10 other youtubers all using proximity chat and besides the fact that there are insane dinos like these and animals like these and mods that make it so we can do this and this oh besides all of that and the fact that we combined 100 day style videos with smp type lore you know what you just just watch for yourself okay but we do have some goals for this video we're going to try to do our best to work together and build up a huge city and grow strong enough to tame our very own dinosaurs and we also want to kill the ender dragon by the end of the 100 days of course but yeah make sure you're subscribed hey let's go baby woo [Music] i'm in a dinosaurs is that a bronchiosaurus what is happening all right you know my mom i love her i'm going down boys i'm going down subscribe listen when you have a near-death experience like this you're changed forever okay what was i happy to be alive of course the problem is now i have to fight to survive and there's dinosaurs man i'm scared what was that as you can imagine in a dangerously overridden dino infested world things get very intense fast okay this time period has no mercy when it comes to human life and so we figured banding together would be our best bet ensuring the survival of the ooga shockmen yeah that's who we are because i mean we're basically cavemen now i mean actually we're literally caveman on day one we all just grouped together in this cave we found and began setting up a small place for us to live well well you know we're all still at the bottom of the food chain here guys i'm on two hearts oh there's another one another one watch out right man but but luckily somehow i managed to survive and the next day we try to communicate with this pair of stegosauruses oh it likes me oh this is is dodo that thing just almost too hit me i want to know how to stay away from it can i feed them a bone whipping dinosaurs is the only way to tame them okay you gotta make a whip all right there's t-rex's over there i'm i'm gonna go back over here everything wanted to eat me it was terrible i needed to get some armor and that's when side showed up in the cave and helped us make some bone armor it was sick kanye got nothing on my bones yeah check out our bone boots going on y'all boots yeah i wanted revenge on that dodo for attacking me and i mean we had swords we had at least one armor piece and so we ganged together like mad caveman and went to go get revenge and hunt some dinos we got numbers on it though i hate you birds i hate you birds stupid bird i will eat you alive yes i got eight meats we got bugatti oh he's almost dead oh i'm almost dead why is he mad at me yo we defeat you say that we defeated his stego there's two t-rexes over there not sure we're ready for that oh my gosh i'm not ready for that what is get off me zebra it's not a zebra guys it's a dude i don't know about that man i don't know about that all right we gotta stalk them we gotta stalk them all right okay that's enough towing with death i do actually want to survive this entire series without dying because that would be cool and it seems like it's going to be pretty hard you know considering everyone's just just dropping left and right wait do we have enough beds for everybody oh yeah we got a lot of beds who wants to sleep next to me oh my god what is poking me right now listen i know that sounds such and it was it was it was definitely us hey we all slept together let's go we woke up to a storm brewing as i'm sure you guys could tell this is tornado country but you know what we were feeling brave and we were also really hungry caveman so we went out hunting in a storm anyways i think it's a bronchiosaurus or something okay here things go sideways quick both back bro adam and coffee field genius died to a pachycephalosaurus and the storm was picking up it's a koala bear oh my god it's a little bit fine wait [Music] it was dark in all this storm it was going crazy so we took refuge in this cave and cooked up some food and as we were heading back to the cave to regroup uh i said i fell off a cliff all right oh i built back up though and then i saw coffee and he accidentally fell off the cliff too that's what a coincidence coffee and i were making the journey back home and man with the player animations you got the sound the biomes and just everything this was so cool i think this was like the best minecraft experience i'd ever had until yeah we were hit by a tornado it completely devastated the area blew away all the leaves off the trees and the grass was gone everything was just a mess but luckily you know everyone was safe and that's all that really matters except that except we weren't safe yeah another tornado was coming and you know what they say about second tornadoes all right this was not looking good and it was heading right for the cave who's that and that's when we found another survivor jpegs yeah apparently he crashed from the last tornado and he survived how'd you survive wheat yeah sodium i got sucked away by the tornado and i was trying not to panic but this was my first time you know ever getting taken away by a tornado alright yeah i wasn't prepared the wind was so strong and it blew me for miles and miles all night but i kept fighting and eventually i made it back to the cave oh my god dude you will not believe what just happened how are you alive right now it's a long story it's a long story i just i just want to go sleep man the weather still hadn't calmed down and i i needed resources so switch and i went mining we found a lot of interesting oars what are the odds watch out for that lava look at this josh what is this permafrost oh fossils and archaeology revival oh here's redstone oh bro look at this there's steam whoa sick the earth's core is warming up a couple days later we make it back to the surface and you wouldn't believe it it must have been like tornado season or something luckily crisis came in clutch and he managed to make a weather device that stops the storms finally we could get some peace we were outgrowing the caves as you can imagine it was getting crammed with you know 10 cave dudes all in there at once but uh so yeah we moved up north where we began constructing what would later become oh god shotgun kingdom [Music] i did not expect to see that i did not expect to see this what the heck how'd you get up there bro stop whipping it siren had managed to tame one of the largest dinosaurs in the game and coffee field genius tonight you know we're a bit jealous we needed to get dinosaurs of our own plus whipping a dinosaur you know come on that sounds fun right so uh we we began our journey to tame our first dinosaur there it is you want to go for it i don't mind bro go for it go for it let's see if this works yo over there be careful there's birds wait can you turn it i'm gonna try to try the bird no coffee no oh gosh no no he got me too yeah just a little tip try not to let the brachiosaurus step on your head it probably won't and well and now you think i would have learned but uh no he got me again so i just decided to try and go for a dino with a little smaller feet [Applause] oh let's go we finally had our own dinos it was awesome so we headed back and i ran into switch and look he came to triceratops no sweet dude that was sick he's so tanky he has three rows of hearts yeah anyways it was time to get back to building uga kingdom and of course you know a kingdom has to start somewhere and we were still not so advanced so we set up some small shacks and began planning for a huge wall to protect everyone inside from all those terrifying dinosaurs that just seemed to love to eat us alright yeah we were gonna need a lot of cobblestone in order to construct the wall so i worked up a system using a cobblestone generator that auto melts the cobblestone into stone and man this wall ended up being a huge project you think as a group we'd be able to you know get a lot of work done well well yeah sort of but jpeg started going crazy was trying to just kill siren and that's when all the drama began you know that worm that makes you crazy i'm pretty sure they got it we decided it was time to venture into the nether and you won't be leave what we found you'll get that joke in a second i'm sorry an ad vance it looks like a giant i think there's a chest in the middle of it guys i i hear something buzzing there's a spawner in wasp in here boys we have to get to the spot break the spotter how do i get out how do i get out oh i'm in here boys help me i'm in the water i think we're all in trouble here i'm here oh no there's honeycomb i gotta get out of here i'm gonna die yeah i almost died it's a good thing i'm not allergic i just did not want to die yet i wasn't ready for the nether so i headed back and the next day i figured out you can make these hooks which are game changer especially when you upgrade them i was trying to show everyone how to use the hooks and just as i was taking in this insane view from the tree remember when i mentioned in the beginning that there would be lore yeah well this is when things get interesting i managed to sneak up on cyrod and a couple of others in a group meeting what's this wait josh is here he's in the wall he's in it he's like in between it hey what are you guys talking about oh what some real suspicious stuff you heard nothing he's gonna pay for that he is gonna pay so big he doesn't know what he just did sired mark my words buddy you're gonna pay you're gonna pay big time i couldn't believe it he he just murdered me without any hesitation you know there's this quote my great great grandpa william used to say vengeance is in my heart death is in my hand and blood and revenge are hammering in my head siren not only took my life that day but he changed me forever he he turned me to a stone cold monster who could only focus on one thing one ultimate goal of revenge i think you should be allowed the fact that you just killed me side i want you to know something what's up you're not safe buddy yeah just got one shot who's that i'll give you that who is that that's what i thought the future in the future timeline something you might something might happen i'll let you know that yeah there's no future to me i don't mess around get him jpegs get him jpegs you got him jpegs managed to take out siren and steal his weapon and so i seized the opportunity and i stole some web alright because it can be used to craft some deadly weapons and then i waited for a bit to let cyrus cool down and then i went to go win his trust back and surprisingly though he he wanted to apologize to me hey yo what's up sorry first of all i'm sorry for killing you i didn't realize you were on our side it seemed like you were just snooping and getting info if you don't accept my apology i understand you know aside i accept your apology just because after everything we've been through i have faith it was just all misunderstandings i appreciate that however hug it out guys the enemy of the state apex jpegs i think he needs to be banished jpegs was now deemed an enemy of the state and we finished the walls by the way so that meant positions of power were open and i plan to establish myself as shockmen chief of security so i took jpegs and i banished him in front of everyone all right jpegs you're banished forever i'm sorry bro get out of here you're banished forever no way get out you're ugly and you don't deserve to be in here this after everything i'd say you're worthless get out oh weirdo sorry do the bleep thing bleep them out you jpeg ew you guys just exit out yeah bro you better keep it running i was getting ready to build my house but first i needed to get even more resources so switch and i set out once again to go mining and after we mined this review we ended up just vane mining near bed broken yo this is a hundred percent the best way to go i kid you not we got tons of resources and it was awesome by the time we got back coffee had called the town meeting and jpex was there and cyril and i were not having that he's a murderer you're so i'm out just doing my thing right because i try and speak to syrian and he's in a secret meeting i can't speak to i can't even remember who it was but they're in a secret meeting so i go off and i get myself some obsidian armor and i'm feeling pretty tough with myself i come back and half the wall is destroyed nobody's here jpegs is running everywhere and he's banished somebody please tell me what is going on well i just don't know what you say okay did you just make a crafting table right here oh yeah all you need to know is that not everyone is who they say they are it was time to begin building my base and like i said i wanted it to be chief of security and so i decided to build a weapons and explosive shop so i began building out a brick and heart of stone because yo this place needed to be bulletproof in case of any robberies or something you know sarah oh gosh it's coming for [Music] i needed me and hyde and i also needed an excuse to use my new hunting rifle that i crafted so i went out to go see what i could find yeah i was on the hunt oh these are dodos [Music] now they're just bones and me i hope they had a good life my favorite animal we shoot it from here oh we hit it let's go oh again it's gotta be like one it is shot quick scope let's go we just quick scoped an elephant in minecraft oh it's got tusks zebras be ashamed if you found the lava [Music] zebrafur yes oh it gives you so much leather we're hunting zebras baby let's go didn't even stand a chance oh i hate that oh my gosh she's king julien hello buddy hello hello i was finally able to make a hang glider and oh my these things are awesome what is happening what is that what is happening it's a glider but for some reason it doesn't show the model dude that is insane what you should make one because it'll help you in the nether wait i see yours i see yours oh you do yeah whoa dude that's epic i had siren point me in the direction of the nearest nether fortress and since i had a glider now my new mission was to place a waystone on another fortress so we could easily travel back and forth but for some reason i didn't find a single nether fortress for about 5 000 blocks but once i did i began trick shotting blazes this was probably like the coolest thing i had ever done in minecraft and everything was going great until no look at this replaying the footage i have absolutely no idea what or how that happened but gg i lost everything i just lost 40 levels ah did you not 30 40 blocks launched me geez wow well i made something really cool you want to see no it's that look how cool it is [Music] and we don't give up with the help of the others i managed to gear back up in no time and now i had an upgraded hook cheers for the armor thanks mate all right thanks for the help appreciate it guys i'm gonna go with some blazes i'm getting enough for the uh the end portal as well coffee field genius needed to find another fortress and i had lost all my blaze rods i had gotten so i headed back into the nether for what ended up being one epic journey oh no sigh don't ever do that again i'm like tarzan oh shoot face minecraft yo there it is oh there it is we eventually found the nether fortress but it was across this huge lava lake and that's when i had the idea to scale the roof with our grappling hooks and yeah this was insane whatever you do don't fall in the lava my gosh we're doing it yo whatever you do don't look down yeah i try not to look down this was uh it was pretty sketch but we slowly and carefully managed to inch our way forwards and eventually we made it to the fortress oh i'm building i'm building you're dead bro that was insane that was good that was like the coolest thing ever we got a bunch of blaze rods and then made our way back and i was having so much fun i really hope you guys are enjoying the video so far i promise so things are just getting started alright so get ready also yo now's a good time to hit that subscribe button if you're not already and maybe comment something like yo that nether fortress was insane or something like that i don't know but anyways we made it back to the overworld and that's when i began operation sus here's the diamond appreciate it thank you yeah i bribed adrian's so i could place a security camera in the street the first camera of many so that way i could watch over the town and make sure nothing sus was going on you know i'm in the tree no way spying on people yeah wait so you're on jpeg's the side aren't you but you're undercover with them no no are you that's what he told me i'm on i'm on jpeg's side oh yeah wait wait oh jpegs yeah yeah yeah yeah don't switch up all right i won't dog chew bro dog all right all right cause you're looking you know you've been hanging out with them a lot lately make sure okay i won't all right but don't hit me all right i noticed siren had an underground basement with krizzyk and so uh i snuck it to the base and then right when krizzak was distracted i placed the camera right above them it was it was perfect they had no idea don't tell anyone about this [Music] you can keep it you can keep it i got more i know more all right bet thanks yeah use it wisely saudi have been putting in work as well he had been grinding on some animal farms and it was pretty sick he planned to make a meat shop but then uh someone's staying brachiosaurus when awon started trying to kill us and was breaking everything it was not good and he just killed my dinosaur that's got him hopefully no one gets mad about that nah he killed my dinosaur fair game true after that uh incident i was spying on cyrod and that's when i found out him and krizzak were getting stronger and apparently they managed to make some of the best armor in the game oh my god it's happening i'm so excited i know this is gonna be big oh my gosh i'm talking about that they have armor now that they can kill us all with oh what's up boys what's up boys come on everyone's here okay fine yeah what it's max armor scary stuff best armor in the game it's ugly though like someone put tavity up their nose and then just came out oh my god switch have made some good progress on his greenhouse so we uh we went over it to go check it out dude this looks sick everybody everybody eats man yeah food remember when i said i was going to get revenge on cyred yeah it was time for that i knew killing him just wasn't going to be enough though so uh i took it even further and uh well i killed someone he loved tell me you got a baby did you actually we do have a baby yeah you better step on them spikes [Music] dude oh i'm sorry simon listen i know that was brutal but listen cyrus turned me into this monster alright i don't have any emotions now i barely escaped by hopping into the security camera and it's a good thing i did because cyrid was not happy yeah just listen he just killed our baby i think he needs to walk in here and do something like that i think he needs to die i could have killed him there but i spared him oh man i'm in trouble i'm in trouble he's gonna come after me he was definitely going to be plotting revenge but i was going to be ready and krizak helped me upgrade my hook all the way to an ender one and check out how awesome this is oh what i could go that far what what is that it's the upgraded diamond hook past the diamond hook it's nutty but yeah like i said sarah definitely wanted me dead and you know i kind of felt bad for what i did just a little bit so i made a golden lasso and i went and got an orca and i made siren his own personal aquarium there you go siren it's a whale i was not going to forgive you but that is pretty cool that's cool right that is pretty cool i really didn't mean to kill him i swear please forgive me all right i forgive you that's a pretty cool gift except his tail gets in our way but that's fine that's a cute tail i still hadn't finished my shop yet the materials i was building it out of were expensive all right but i spent the next couple of days grinding on it look it was coming together all right not too bad not too bad eh the next couple of days i worked on phase two of operation sus i was building a watchtower that way i would be able to see over the entire city and man it was growing uh take a look at this hello hello i heard there's an emergency meeting sarah walks into my shop and he says that there was an emergency meeting wait what kind of emergency meeting i have no idea maybe you were invited i don't know apparently was being held in adrian's treehouse and it was a good thing because i placed the camera there so i was able to listen excuse me what what do you mean what you know he's banished and he's not allowed here talk to this man oh what are you doing i just needed that one more thing what are you giving him why are you being scratched he wasn't supposed to be in these walls so i pulled out my sniper and i began taking shots gotta die jpegs you can't be here cyrus ended up getting the last hit and killed jpegs and just when i thought things were finally going to go back to normal i caught sired and crazy showing coffee feel genius my hidden camera i didn't even know they knew about it do you think it's josh because i i came on and i think it's weird that it's just this random watch tower that nobody can get into it's not just that come here follow me look up into the ceiling all right stop looking stop looking what are you guys doing i heard you talking about me i heard everything you guys are so guilty i'm no no no no no no it almost killed me i barely escaped using the underhook and since i had such low hp like half a heart i had no choice but to stay in the security cameras since they could have hit me that way and so you know i had some fun where did he go i'm everywhere you see what i i'm not gonna do that this is something i'm here too buddy i'm in your head just for now follow me okay i barely survived that half a heart half a heart oh my gosh that is insane well now we know that they're all up to something and i can literally trust no one not even coffee okay here's when things get really interesting now i could narrate all for you or i could just you know let you watch it all unfold for yourself so you know enjoy all i know is josh is spying on all of us and jpex is is colluding no no no no no no i know listen as a part of the weapon shop owner i i have to do security man and this is for the betterment of you guys and i have found out some very interesting things about all of you like what first of all you think you guys can even trust each other you can't you can't you can't trust coffee you can't trust krizik you can't trust switch don't even get me started on jpegs yo okay i believe the jpegs thing uh i'm gonna vouch for that but syria chris yes you're all guilty you're all guilty there's nothing sucks about me listen all i'm gonna say here is there's a true enemy amongst us and they're trying to get us to turn amongst ourselves we can't let this happen you wouldn't even suspect them it's literally the person you least expect do not say a thing or i'm pulling the trigger whoa whoa oh my gosh she killed switch no no switch for me for me guys the one favorite i asked we gotta kill him once please oh i'm down let me tell you okay think of the person who you least expect to be a traitor sony popping no it's actually not sodium good guess though it's freaking adrian's man what i trusted him listen proof of this i need proof of this i have proof i can show you the footage i'm on i'm on jpex decide don't switch up all right yo he's back bye get out of here you're not welcome you're not welcome [Music] after we event switch by killing jpegs everybody decided things need to change right things were getting chaotic and you know the walls were put up the shops were built we were becoming more and more refined as humans it felt like we were becoming uga so we decided to elect siren as mayor of ugga shaka kingdom what's going on on this journey to the end to the end there's something i need to say i got some explaining to do jpegs i'm i'm sorry for everything i've caused this violence i brought don't adrian's didn't do anything i brought him into this same as coffee hey i feel bad now maybe i'm not asking for anything i'm not asking for anyone to like me i just i can't survive out here anymore i can't i built an entire village for revenge and i i i did you learn your lesson i i think i have i think revenge it's not the way here's what we're gonna do we are going to allow you back into the uga shaka kingdom however you will be on very very strict terms any suspicious activity and i mean anything and you will be brutally murdered that's perfect i just can't ask for anything more i'm i'm watching you always so that is better josh is watching everyone your first order of business is you gotta deliver each of us yeah so we decided to let jpegs back in but on some very specific terms and then later on everything seemed to calm down and then just as coffee was about to give me some very important information it seemed like the siren increasing came back i keep an eye on syria because after everything with jpegs i don't know i can just uh you guys can come down here we're not doing anything sus i'm just trying to enchant uh what was he about to say i don't know but cyrod actually had an advanced enchantment table and he even helped me enchant my what pack so which it was pretty nice of him actually i actually made this with his wub so so thanks cyrus cyrus mentioned if you kill dinosaurs apparently you get a lot of xp like like a lot and man was he right i went out and i killed a bunch of dinos and it wasn't easy but it was definitely worth it i was able to enchant a web sword as well and yeah we were balling it was awesome since cyrus was kind enough to help me i was in a giving mood so i i made some binoculars and i handed them out to everyone i got a gift for you yeah what do you got check it out binoculars there's coffee filled genius in the flesh that's so cool hey yo your package is here amazon you just sign here sure names on friday cute binoculars nice sir turn around not bad man nothing's broken man thank you thank you so cool by the way i can schematica these treason switch wanted to make a treehouse next to adrian's and i saw that he was trying to build the tree so i decided to help him copy adrian's by getting this mod installed called schematica now i haven't actually used this in a couple of years but check this out they seem to work pretty good master builder that'll help a lot actually thank you thank you yes sir peace after i finished helping switch sardine and i pulled up the coffee's coffee shop and uh yeah he had just opened up for business and we were his first customers on a cup of coffee oh yeah sure i'd love something what uh what coffee would you like i would like the card that makes me a genius leave it with me let me let me see let me see i'm gonna put my beans in the grinder like this i'll provide entertainment while we wait so obviously oh okay so now i'm going to place this here look at that let's go okay so uh he goes shirt i'll just uh drop that off to you it's very tasty uh i'm so happy whoa he's going so fast oh oh i'm gonna i don't know if i should try this coffee in the country next to mine delicioso all right oh my yo i am off the walls right now man this got me going i feel like i could build an entire castle right now man yeah dude i plan on sleeping tonight bro my coffee hit me really good so uh i made an outhouse plus you know i was tired of having to dig a hole anyways anyways my weapon shop was almost done it just needed one more thing it needed an alarm system and there was this mod installed called security craft which had alarms and it worked perfectly and then i found out that sodi's huge me shop was just the front yeah what you uh what you looking for ah the good stuff i'll be right back i keep the stuff in the back dude keep it down saudi if you're gonna do your drug dealing i don't want to hear all right i'm not trying to be a part of this hey be a good neighbor all right be a good neighbor hey buddy listen you know maybe we can do some work together i agree i agree cops don't expect i'm just a little meat shop i mean a little huge meat shop there oh yeah all right well uh yeah maybe we could do some business all right we'll see all right let's see sounds good all right just keep it down right right after i was done talking to sodi i i noticed that there was this block missing and then that's when i found this what guys get in here what happened look what i just found in my my shop look behind you what oh wait what we're watching you yeah wait what why me man what did i ever do what that is creepy dude what after seeing that sign clearly this shop needs you know an upgrade on security so i designed this whole intricate lockdown system that i could trigger in case any sort of robbery but apparently i'm my own worst enemy because then i literally almost lose everything lava once again [Music] oh my gosh oh i'm alive i'm alive i finally finished setting up the gates alright we got you that's so cool since i had realized coffee also was up to something i decided to place a trap down so he'd get caught in it and then you know i could come swoop in and save him and gain his trust now we just gotta wait oh yo what's up oh no let me save you can you help me out i got you what who put that there bro dude that is crazy someone's among us she can't scare anybody here what you can't dude you can't but i got you i mean i saved you why would i save you thank you that's gotta be serious i think it was you're right well it seemed to have worked and uh then coffee and i took a moment to reflect on how far we've come since day one man look at this it's crazy this is a beautiful town dude like it's so sick yeah well sadly the euphoria didn't last too long i i had received some intel that things were about to go down now i didn't know where or when or how or why but i knew one thing in order to officially take the position as the chief of security of ooga shaka kingdom i needed an escape-proof location to threat to take anyone who puts our newly developing society at risk it was all part of my plan to control the people by i mean it was this was just this was for the betterment of the people so yeah i made this super escape-proof jail cell behind my shop and i use reinforced blocks and doors that could only be open with my two eyes that's right retinol scanner doors sick right but i'm telling you hopefully i don't use this place but if need be no one is getting out of here josh uh i wanted to i wanted to apologize and give you look at this it's a party pickaxe if you right click on the floor with it you get cake or whoa cool isn't that amazing no i had to line the mood up a bit so i joined krizik and using party pickaxes to fill adrian's treehouse with cake you know just a lighthearted prank nothing too crazy get cake my boy yo he's not gonna know what hit him i got back to business though and i mean real business i had a plan to jumpstart ooga shocked the kingdom's economy this is what i was gonna do i was going to offer the mayor cyrus 20 diamond blocks in order to declare the kingdom in a state of martial law so that everyone would have to turn their weapons into me and then they could only purchase weapons from my shop and so i made a sign telling cyrus to meet me alone later that night so we could talk about the deal and i'll admit it i was a bit nervous he'd get upset at me for trying to bribe him but listen 20 time in blocks is a lot and i was hoping he wouldn't be able to resist so many diamonds before we had a chance to meet though we all got pulled into this deep dark beneath dimension and then we tried exploring it but it did not go up there's the bottom all right you guys good with your hooks you got this oh we got one torch no yo yo what's up guys hey where are we this is insane oh my gosh i was literally getting consumed by the darkness man i'm pretty sure there's tons of ores here if we dig down i'm not sure though let's go look forward oh sorry you're gonna regret that buddy no way he just did i could not believe it before i even tried to get my stuff back i went and placed the mine right at the entrance of cyrus base but yeah he he overheard me shame if you blew up buddy what's that josh the way stones work we can use the wheels i'm gonna go make some horse rolls for us so i said it would be a shame if someone i ran away and waited for the perfect moment to strike back this was it siren was going to die and stay down my god we couldn't even finish his sentence sorry that she's so satisfying no i don't know what was in coffee's coffee but all right sorry we're even now all right no i hereby sentence you josh mv guilty of murder no no no the town mayor you shall be banned no from these lands or we can do a trial by combat where we 1v1 and winner is mayor for good okay what's the term for the fight anything goes all right tomorrow at sundown let's settle this like men and i expect your best oh you'll you'll receive it oh yeah i agreed to fight cyrus this was my chance to finally take control of the kingdom now that i was already fully in control of all the security measures if i somehow managed to win the fight and become mayor i would have all of the power in the kingdom cyrus was still mayor though and the fight still wasn't for a couple more days and remember when i said we needed to bribe cyrus to you know have him put us in the state of martial law yeah well i wanted to do that while cyrod was still in charge that way he could be the one you know who looked like a tyrant and not me so i met up with him later that night hello oh no finally where you been sorry bro i've been uh preparing put your shield away what's going on i don't trust you no i got nothing on i got nothing on i got nothing on week murdered me in cold blood listen sir all right we're even there's there's a larger plan going on right you'll understand soon yeah your camera's off all right let's have a seat so no no no one's suspicious right all right what's going on okay all right man so here's the deal all right here just just read this all right contract i josh mv will trade siren for 20 diamond blocks and in turn he must declare uga kingdom in a state of national emergency meaning martial law goes into effect every citizen must give up weapons to josh mb listen listen before you say anything i want you to take i want you to take a look in here all right all right the code is two zero two one oh come on just for at least like ten days right hear me out hear me out it's gonna generate some extra income because i'm gonna have everyone come back to me to buy weapons right it's gonna make the city pop in a lot more right and then everyone's gonna look at you and be like oh he's the mayor give him credit you can take all the credit i will say these diamonds are very appealing and i'm down to put the state in martial law yes yes however this does not excuse you from murdering me in cold blood so be it in that case then we still battle tomorrow then we still battle tomorrow i knew he couldn't resist that many diamonds i mean who would he he accepted the deal and listen since cyrus and i have evolved to uh shock a gentleman we keep our word all right so we still planned on fighting and luckily sodi had been cooking up something special in the basement that let's just say it was going to give me a huge advantage over siren [Music] this was it i sounded the alarm and siren held a community meeting where i showed everyone the newly signed decree ooga shaka kingdom was now declared in a state of emergency and martial law was now in place everyone had until sunset to stop by my shop and turn in their weapons and if not well they'd be considered an enemy of the kingdom and banished hey josh i just came to uh add in my weapons you know because the martial law all right sweet yeah right over here all right cool throw it in there you go bro yeah man i swear this is all just for your safety you know we we want the best for the people i understand i understand for the betterment of kingdom exactly i only have one so that's all i got for you but so you want to go first or should i toss her in oh ages what this is susan that's dodge that's doug that's bob that's sal when you when can i have my nice back just wanted something to offer this one just one night no switch no it's for the betterment of our city switch just would not stop begging me to give him a weapon i knew something was up and that's when this happens the ultimate betrayal of all time there you go that's everybody down oh my gosh this is a robbery switch adrian's you get behind me it's okay i'm not gonna hurt you oh listen i don't want any trouble josh how to make everything you got robbery we're being robbed don't move don't move okay all right coffee what are you doing man what are you doing bro yo why would you do this i just didn't want to i didn't like the law and and all the work and oh no no no give it back and now you can't be doing that you got to obey the law coffee good thing i installed that security system i caught him red-handed and i did not expect coffee to do something like this but he gave me no choice but to bring him to the back room and lock him up well before you go in i want you to empty all your stuff in this chest everything everything everything don't try and do anything funny because you literally cannot break these blocks you're trapped all right everything your armor too oh oh yeah my butt okay it's in the bottom chest all right get in oh no you get a couple shmeet and that's it all right fine i guess i deserve it and i'm gonna say one thing man i thought we were friends and i am disappointed since cyrus was still the mayor he decided coffee's punishment i don't know maybe he had too much coffee what's going on dude i was just i was just thinking of the betterment of everybody and i just didn't agree with us having to handle other things we've worked so hard for so instead of coming to us like a man and addressing the situation and your troubles you decided to try to rob him at gunpoint yeah i kind of lowkey wanted to feel like a cowboy too so coffee you will be sentenced to 10 days in prison that is one-tenth of your life and after you are released you will have to do one lap around the ugh kingdom naked as we all laugh at you in dismay why would you do this you started it alright so yeah good luck buddy hope you don't rot and die man when a friend betrays you like that it sure does just like i don't know take a toll on your soul i i needed to change the scenery so i went to go murder some other forms of life oh we got it this isn't good we just had a forest on fire we i'm just gonna should i go should i run should probably run i was finally feeling a bit better so i headed back and then i caught coffee escaping that coffee yo coffee what are you doing bro hey snow stay out how'd you escape since you escaped jail you're banned forever now man i'm banished you're banished bro i can't believe you man you changed you changed josh but josh what up who's gonna make the coffee oh you're right i'm an essential part of this he somehow managed to talk me into letting him back in you know he he might have brought me for a free espresso on mondays but i mean how can i say no to that anyways i made him promise he'd never do anything like that again and he seemed sincere so i believed him you're probably wondering though how how did he escape i'm wondering too so here's the footage let's watch here let me try to let me try to use the key i want to get in i'll lift your straight from the top okay wait what about i can't even get in at all yo i'm actually trapped in here yeah is it night is it night time yet i can break the bed and see if i can like place it there and try and jump through the wall let's go i did it i did it i did it i did it break that yeah let's go let's go yes let's go let's go we're out of here let's bounce bounce yo thank you thank you adrian's yo uh so i heard you helped kathy escape wait i may or may not have had something to do with it but i won't say anything else that is on your hand yeah uh-huh well guess what buddy i want to fight you even sooner what do you know once again siren putting his nose where it doesn't belong i was so upset at this point i demanded the fight be pushed up to later that night i was ready to fight him what's uh what's going on there somebody finished making the jet pack this was the uh secret weapon you know besides a bunch of explosives that i made as well this was this was it my my chance at all the power my chance to leave my mark in history it was time to fight and so the pinnacle moment occurs between mayor and weapon shop owner who will win guess we'll find out battle begins in five four three two going [Music] oh you're weak you're not strong enough for this job suck it this is for the betterment of society for the city to save the vulcan kingdom come here come on siri die already let's go everybody bow down i am the new mayor of uga shaka kingdom but just as i was celebrating a tornado swept me away i cannot believe my luck but it's alright guys i somehow made it back to the village and i celebrated being the new mayor was awesome ladies and gentlemen i present to you the new mayor of uga kingdom josh first order of business has your new mayor give me a nice uga shaka champ that's right boys louder louder kingdom's gonna thrive everything was going great i i promised i wanted the best for uga shaka kingdom and its citizens that's why i gave them so many diamonds i i wanted us to thrive and everything seemed like it was finally people seemed like they were done messing with each other and and we were ready to act with the one for all and all for one tribe mentality and until i noticed this happening on the security cameras wait what's that is that a t-rex yeah adrian was attempting a coup he exploded his way through the wall and managed to get his t-rex inside yeah he had a t-rex i could not believe what i was seeing we're taking charge listen up okay we're taking charge okay we're definitely not leaving you as the leader anyone else who do you want who do you want adrian's or me come on we can take him right boys come on let's go you're with me right coffee 100 let's do it somehow though this was awesome after everything the majority still wanted me in power so we banded together and drove him out of the city and then i turned around and noticed his tree was on fire yeah we tried but there was no saving him now i suppose it was karma i'm sure you're thinking by what just happened things were about to get chaotic but uh surprisingly you'd be wrong our society had progressed immensely and with that came many many growing pains but a balance of power had finally settled and you know everyone had a chance to rebel and attempt vengeance but everyone also eventually came to the conclusion that ultimately we're stronger when we work together you know at this point we weren't just ooga shockmen but we were uga shaka family and this was good timing too because we we have one goal left to defeat the ender dragon to the ender dragon and beyond we all ganged up and uh we went to go find the portal and then after some time traveling you know traversing the world we we finally found it i'm about to be minecraft where's the oh it's right here boys let's go let's go let's go today we become our highest form oh the shock of kings let's go boys defeat the dragon let's go oh my gosh it's not messed up oh walking sniper attack [Music] i hate it i hate it one more i hate it let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go boys tonight we feast yes sir kings it's been one heck of a journey and i wouldn't have wanted to do it with anyone else all right let's do it boys minecraft we be minecraft yo we did it what an insane journey this all this has been crazy all right boys we did it boys let's uh let's go say goodbye to this beautiful kingdom yeah yeah let's take a look at the progress we've made on this jurassic journey this was quite the adventure it was a lot of fun a lot of great memories were made here oh look at the coffee shop bro i'm gonna have there's so many memories of this place so much oh you're gonna make me cry okay let's see what else we got so this huge me shop what's up boys if you guys ever want a large meat you know just uh just come my what do you say we come in here one last time boys eat some cake eat some cake enjoy it all right we should go check out that treehouse oh yeah what wait where's it gone shots fired it seems like just yesterday i was sniping jpegs and he was up here oh yeah i remember that all right you had all the secret cameras and you were spying on us oh wow just for old time's sake you know boys i think i think we should place the egg here this egg symbolizes the incredible journey each and every single one of us has been through we've collectively told a story but also individually and it's been a beautiful wow wow that's beautiful the fact that we all were in there together defeating the ender dragon like that truly proves that anything's possible you know we've had some differences i've killed jpegs you know a few times too many perhaps but the other day yo that was so much fun if you guys want to see more videos like that make sure you're subscribed and you have those notifications enabled so you know when i post and also i'm gonna link everyone else's viewpoint in the description so make sure you go check the perspectives out i'm joshua i'll see you guys next time let's get it boys ggs click one of these videos right here i promise you won't forget it man you won't alright peace later
Channel: Joshemve
Views: 2,827,446
Rating: 4.9001646 out of 5
Keywords: 10 youtubers in minecraft, minecraft with friends, minecraft friends 100 days, modded, 100 days, minecraft hardcore, 100 days hardcore, 100 days in hardcore minecraft, 100 days harcore trios, 100 days in hardcore modded minecraft, 100 days mc, survival challenge minecraft, 100 days with friends, 100 days minecraft hardcore with friends, 100 days hardcore trios challenge, modded minecraft, 100 days mc best video, all the mods 6
Id: PYhvY38UHqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 33sec (3153 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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