I Survived 100 Days as a PILLAGER in Hardcore Minecraft... Minecraft Hardcore 100 Days

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we're all guilty we take whatever we want from the world with no remorse i'm just taking it one step further this is hardcore minecraft and i plan to survive 100 days as a pillager consider following me on twitch and subscribing so you don't miss out on anything my three goals one raid every type of village two unlock a pilger patrol of youtubers and three lead my team into victory against the ender dragon and beat minecraft and now to embark on my path of destruction day one after looking out across the icy tundra i had spawned in i grabbed everything from the chest from the pillager outpost made myself a wooden pickaxe and this was the first time i didn't have to punch a tree i got myself five cobblestone like i always do i made myself a stone pickaxe and then i realized i shouldn't use a sword as a pillager so i got myself one more cobblestone and made myself an axe to use as my main weapon the next step to surviving was food so i headed out to find a forest to go hunting in and when i finally thought i found my first sheep to kill as i got closer i realized that it was actually a polar bear luckily there was a forest right behind him so i spent the rest of day one pilging this forest of all their woodland animals i returned home in the middle of the night with enough wool to make a bed then i went to bed because i had no idea what would attack me on day two it was time to gather some basic materials so i started a nearby mine shaft and got myself some cobblestone and a little bit of iron i was able to make a furnace and get some of the food i collected to start cooking i spent some time chopping down trees and when i returned home i wanted to finally make my very own crossbow but i realized i didn't have enough string so i went mining until it was dark out and i could hunt down some spiders after getting the string i needed i started heading back to my base and now surprised when the hostile mobs started to attack me i was just minding my own business killing rabbits and these frozen skeletons knocked me down to two and a half hearts so while i was healing up i decided i would need as much protection as possible i finally crafted myself up a crossbow as well as the shield i was becoming the most intimidating pillager out there i didn't want to risk hostile mobs spawning in my base so i started lighting up the place and took a second to appreciate the peaceful snow falling then i went to bed so all the hostile mobs that attacked me would burn to death while i do have a base and want to expand it the life of a pilger is more of a nomadic life we like to travel around and while we do collect some resources we most of the time let our weapons do the talking we really just do the bare necessities we need to survive and let others do the hard work for us on day five i found my very first village killed the iron golem and began killing off all the villagers i grabbed myself a bucket of lava and made sure that the villagers knew that they were being raided i trapped these guys in their igloo and began running around lighting all the houses on fire i broke my axe while fighting this villager so i just pushed him into the flames after making myself an iron axe i grabbed a piece of wood from one of the houses because it's gonna be important later on in this video while pillaging i accidentally set myself on fire so i frantically started breaking ice trying to get some water to put myself out before i died but luckily with just two hearts left the fire went out after burning down most of the village i went around collecting all the lanterns so i could use it in my own base and not have to make them myself could you believe a pillager is capable of this much destruction this once peaceful village now laid in ruins with no survivors wait hold on one second okay now with no remaining survivors on day six i continued exploring for more villages to pillage i would zoom over long stretches of ice explored this massive spruce forest and i saw some flames through the trees but i was not the one to start the fire as i got closer i realized there was a ruined nether portal i got myself some shiny trinkets and a block of gold i changed my mind on the gold pants so i tried trading them with this piglen that must have came through the portal i love exploring minecraft so much there's so many beautiful unique places to see on the night of day eight i decided to set up camp in this valley and cooked all the food that i had peacefully gathered and on the morning of day nine i put out my fire and continued my search for another village and not too much farther away i found this tyga village and by day nine i had already found two types of villages to pillage in one of the first chests that i opened i found diamond horse armor after taking everything from the village i had a bit of a different idea to destroy this village while i was executing that idea i found out that phantoms don't care what you are they'll try to kill you no matter what but luckily i survived and by day 11 i had transformed this beautiful harbor village into this broken down abandoned remnant of civilization i wanted to make the houses look like they were falling apart roofs were collapsing or just totally knocked off its building some trees destroyed and the pumpkins to make them look like they're actually thrown into the water also here's a piece of advice when picking a fight with an iron golem make sure they can't reach you there was one thing that i didn't really want to destroy this was such a cool armory place that i just had to leave it alone i just took the armor and threw it on on day 12 i decided to take a different way home and sailed a boat through this warm ocean right next to an icy tundra i was excited to see a snowy village surrender in the distance i didn't hesitate to start burning everything to the ground and if you're ever planning to loot a bunch of villages look for the buildings with the grindstone in front of them although they might be occupied so just get rid of any villagers inside then go straight for the chest because these buildings usually have the best loot in the village i got my very first two diamonds from it and i also found a saddle another tip to squander the hopes of the villagers is to jump on their crops that way the farmers can't replant anything and before leaving this village i found myself a new friend i threw my saddle and diamond horse armor on my new steed and started to light his old pen on fire then i quickly realized that that was not a good idea luckily my horse didn't die and i had a bunch of the stolen wheat that i could feed him to get his health back up now it was time to ride off into the distance and head back home i'll be honest if i saw a pilger roaming through the countryside on a diamond armored horse i would be a little scared as i made it back home i'm sure the other pillagers were pretty impressed with all the loot i had and my new horse on the morning of day 16 i got my horse a nice little pen for it to stay in and then headed back down into my mind while trying to get down to diamond level i almost fell in this lava upon further exploration of this cave i came across this lava pool with some shiny diamonds across the way with four more diamonds to add to my collection i was one step closer to getting full diamond armor and being able to match my horse this right here is why you should always check what blocks are underneath your diamonds i was determined to get all the diamonds that i would need for these hundred days in just one go so that way i wouldn't have to come down here again i was a little weary for mining in my last video by the end of day 22 i had myself a diamond pickaxe and 28 diamonds that i could use to make full diamond armor it's always so satisfying being able to make diamond armor all in one go and i made sure to get a few extra diamonds so i could make myself a diamond axe i took off all my iron armor and donned my fresh set of diamond armor although the armor doesn't show on the pillager and i think it's because they're a little tubby i knew i wasn't going to be the only pillager in this world so i got an armor stand to save my old armor for the next pillager who joins my patrol sorry horsey not you day 23 i was interrupted by this enderman while trying to make myself a shovel once i had that shovel made i went outside and started pillaring up with gravel and took a look around at the landscape just to realize that it's not that different from the view from my tower 20 blocks away anyway i definitely wish i had a fortune 3 shovel at this moment because i was trying to turn all of this gravel into flint on day 24 it was back to exploring for more villages to conquer i got into a fight with some more spiders and got to use my shield for the very first time soon after i arrived upon my first planes village i was excited to find another saddle so each of my youtuber friends could have a ride i got a little too used to burning down villages and i realized that it was way too close to this forest which normally i wouldn't care too much about burning down but i did need some dark oakwood to build my base so i tried my best to stop the fire from spreading this village had a lot of wheat so i took some time to collect it all to kill all the animals around their village stopped another forest fire and killed this wandering traders llamas to get some leads on the morning of day 26 i hooked my horse up to this pole crafted some more arrows killed the wondering trader and spent the next couple days collecting some dark oak wood on day 29 i left the village to keep exploring and i came across this swamp getting those leads from a wandering villager gave me the idea to collect some slime while i had the chance so that way i could make as many leads that i would need this was my very first time swimming underwater in a swamp at night it looks so cool anyway after killing a little bit more slime i spent the next two days traveling on home and i came across this cool looking horse that i decided to take home with me and after all that walking we had kind of a close call with this lava pool but luckily i was able to tame this new horse and get both of them into their pen after unloading all my things that night i had an idea to decorate the outpost with the bells that i got from the raided villages then i was ready to make myself a second crossbow but unfortunately one of my fellow pillagers saw me kill a spider i still got kind of lucky because i didn't have to kill him and by the night of day 31 i had myself two crossbows which means i could shoot twice as fast on day 32 i finally felt like i had enough resources to expand my base so i turned this isolated outpost into this epic pilger encampment i built a gate tall enough for me to ride my horse right on through i of course had to set up a place to store all the food and water for the horses as well as a place for me and the other pillagers to eat at i built these huge barracks for me and my fellow pilgers to warm up and get some rest i also added this little map of the area and a place for guards to sit while they watch any prisoners we might have any good pillager camp will have a place to build all the weapons and armor we might need plenty of resources and a place to practice with our crossbows now there's just one more thing to add to my camp an enchantment table so i spent the rest of day 38 preparing for my next conquest i continued to search for plains villages because i thought that they had the most libraries which meant easy access to bookshelves finding two villages right next to each other was definitely a bonus i made my way to the side of the cliff and took a leap of faith and missed the water oh that is so embarrassing i went straight to the library it's kind of funny how you need silk touch to get bookshelves but you can't get so touch without bookshelves so books are the next best thing another good thing about collecting all the wheat from the village is that the farmers will actually pay you just to give them their wheat back i really only needed one village to trade with so as it became night time i went to the other village and started to take everything from them leaving a path of flames behind me i love how this guy doesn't even wake up when i set his house on fire he's just like i'm fine and while i was in the middle of burning down houses i noticed that some mobs were jumping the iron golem and after he defeated his last enemy i put him down with a single shot feeling confident i got into a fight with another iron golem and he was not as injured as the other one but luckily i was able to kill him before he could catch me if you thought villagers were annoying before let me tell you that they are so much more annoying when you are a pillager you have to run them down and catch them before they'll trade with you it's especially difficult when you're trying to unlock the right trades once i finally got a farmer to buy wheat off of me i sold as much as i could to get emeralds to buy bookshelves with i bought a few bookshelves crafted up a few bookshelves and after everything i only had 14 bookshelves any pro minecraft player knows that you need 15 to unlock level 30 enchantments so i tracked down that farmer again set a bunch of houses on fire on the way back to the library and bought myself a final bookshelf ah nothing like a long day of shopping and burning down houses as the moon began to rise i began practicing with my crossbow let me know down in the comments if you can shoot a villager with a crossbow at close range because it's a lot harder than i thought it'd be although what's pretty funny is that i can actually hit a villager from pretty far away and my short range aim is improving day 46 i started making my way back home when i came across this bees nest being the evil pilger that i was i broke the nest and decided to get more crossbow practice in and close by was another village i've never seen a ruin nether portal spawn so close to a village before after having some more fun with fire i started heading back to my horse in my venture to return home i also came across this desert temple amongst other things i found some enchantment books a golden apple and some iron horse armor and what kind of pillager would i be if i left behind the tnt on day 48 i made it home unpacked all my loot began cooking up all my steak and placed some more bells at the top of my tower i had a lot of friends around me but i needed more so after making this cool enchantment table setup in the outpost i spent the next two days building this cool pilger statue that i could use to spawn in some youtuber friends and have my own patrol that i could lead into battle against the dragon but it is a lot easier said than done in addition to blocks taken from raided villages you need to use totems of undying to spawn them in we would set out to do that soon but i got a little distracted when this wandering traitor showed up i thought he'd be the perfect guy to put in our cage but my pilger brethren did not agree with me i tried my best to save my new prisoner to no avail so i guess this traitor will do and after a little while i finally got him into the cage on day 52 i wanted to add one more little touch to my base before spawning in my friends i gathered up all the snow that i could crafted all the snow back into layers and began adding a little bit more textured snow to my base by day 54 i was happy with how my base turned out i wanted to make my base look like it was overflowing with snow like it was push off to the sides and even falling off the roof i thought it definitely made my base look more natural unfortunately the pillager that i captured had despawned so i made it look like snow had fallen off the roof and broke the cage then i grabbed everything i would need for my next adventure and set off into a new direction looking for another village on day 55 i found this snowy village as well as this villager to sell me some maps unfortunately i had nowhere near enough emeralds so it was back to what i do best pilging once i'd gotten some more emeralds from this farmer i headed back to that snowy village because i'd already started leveling up that villager although this time he was a little hard to find in the crowd after buying a bunch of empty maps from this guy i finally unlocked an ocean monument map i was so frustrated i had to go back to my outpost to get the ingredients for compasses and i also had to get some more emeralds and i thought six ocean monument maps would be enough but after buying them he was still really far away from selling me a woodland mansion map but he would buy some glass panes so i went to the nearby beach and started collecting sand while that sand was smelting i went mining for some more redstone and iron and finally i unlock the woodland mansion map now it was time to set out for the mansion the mountains in minecraft are already so cool but who else is excited for the update on day 60 the woodland mansion came into render distance i always forget how big they are and i also saw that there was another village right by the woodland mansion how unfortunate for them it's cool on horseback but you move kind of funny as a pilger in third person next to the village was a sunken ship that had spawned on land but after a little while of digging it was just too much work to bother getting the loot and when i came back up to the surface i was greeted by these two phantoms and i'd say that my crossbow aim is definitely getting better i spent all my iron on a shovel and a hoe so it was a bit ironic that i killed this iron golem to use his iron to craft a flint and steel to burn down the very village that he was trying to protect on day 61 i was ready to brave the woodland mansion being a pilger it was actually a pretty peaceful experience i just got to enjoy all the cool stuff in there and the weird stuff in there i was relieved to see that these tough guys were not going to try to attack me finally i came across the wizard i was looking for and they actually run incredibly fast it did not seem normal when he was distracted looking out the window i got two shots on him and he was about to spawn in his little ghost friends so i jumped up on the table and ran at him with my axe killing him with a single swing and getting a totem of undying and after interrupting this evil meeting in the last room i left the mansion and started making my way back home i really love the space it looks like it could be added to a future update on the morning of day 64 it was finally time to spawn in a friend i went up to my pillager statue and put the remains of an iron golem along with a totem of undying into the chest let's get this party started i was so excited to have another pilger accompany me on my adventures i led painful into the outpost and got him set up with all my old gear then i gave him a little tour of our camp and gave him some food to munch on next i made sure he got a crossbow and some arrows then i introduced him to his horse i found some obsidian in some of the villages i raided but i needed just a few more blocks to build another portal i was so happy to not have to go into the nether by myself we built the portal in the basement lit it and went through the place we spawned in at wasn't too bad i did like that it was high up so you could see all of your surroundings i don't think i've ever seen a pilger in the nether before i'm sure all the creatures that call the nether their home were a little confused we were happy that not a lot of them attacked us making it a pretty easy search for a fortress looking back at it now painful was probably a little confused when i told him that we're on the hunt for wither skeletons hunting blaze would have made a lot more sense because it's one of the many steps that you need to take to defeat the dragon but i had some other priorities and being the great guy that he is he didn't question it all and just went along for the ride on day 73 we made it back to the nether portal when i realized that i didn't grab any soul sand luckily painful came to the rescue and he said he grabbed a few just in case on day 74 we realized the benefit of multiple villagers we could split up and raid twice as many villages on the night of day 75 i beat painful home and waited for him up in our tower i think i got more emeralds than he did but he had the smart idea to buy arrows and i honestly didn't even think of that day 76 and 77 this time we set out on our horses in search for a new type of village we came across this desert temple and the only cool things that we found in the chests were gold horse armor and two saddles after i kindly gave painful the armor and a saddle he asked me if i grabbed the tnt which i forgot about i was just too excited to find a desert village on day 78 we finally came across one and while i looted all the chests i made painful have to deal with buying another woodland mansion map and now you may be wondering if you can't burn down desert villages then how do you destroy them yes we did just find some tnt but this is hardcore minecraft so we had to destroy this village in a hardcore way imagine how terrifying it would be to be living in this peaceful village and two pillagers take all your belongings and spawn in a wither it was so awesome watching the weather destroy the whole village and kill everything in its path but of course we didn't want to get killed so we just hightailed it out of there the map that painful bought from the villagers that we just unleashed the wither upon led us to this new pillager outpost where we got into a little fight with these phantoms and painful was getting really good with his crossbow as the sun rose on day 81 not too far past the pilger outpost we arrived to the next woodland mansion i excitedly raced past painful made my way inside and we quickly got separated as i made my way through all the twisted hallways i thought i saw painful hiding in one of the rooms so i went back to look and it just turned out to be a zombie we did eventually find each other again and trapped ourselves into this creepy meeting room along with an illusioner in that corner painful got the first shot on him and i ran in and hit him with my axe he countered by throwing a vex at me and i ran back adam finishing him off with one final swing with another totem of undying in hand we could spawn in another youtuber and as we started heading out of the room i was surprised none of the other mobs attacked us we spent the next two days traveling home and as the sun began to set on day 83 we made it back to our compound we went back into our barracks to get a good night's sleep and painful decided that he wanted to take up two beds i had no idea how he did that so i just took the top bunk on day 84 painful and i headed on over to the pilger statue and i threw in a flint and steel a totem of undying and a hay bale that we stole from one of the villages ready to help my patrol party was slowly coming together we got forest all the gear and food that he would need and he was pretty excited to get a crossbow and now with two pilgers protecting me we headed back into the nether we spent the next couple of days mining for gold throughout the nether to trade with the piglens on day 87 since forest and painful have better bartering skills than me i let them trade with the horde of piglens that we captured in addition to collecting blaze rods earlier i also forgot to write down the coordinates of the fortress which means we had to look for another one luckily it wasn't too hard to find so we made our way into the fortress and i led my team into battle against the blaze i think i was a little too confident charging into a spawner room to fight blaze and they knocked me down to two and a half hearts luckily painful and forest stopped them from killing me after getting plenty of blaze rods we headed back to the portal and had some fun hunting down this ghast and on the night of day 91 forrest finally got his first night of sleep the next morning i let forrest borrow my horse so he could go in search for one of his own and while he was doing that me and painful headed down into the mine in search of some lapis so we could enchant some of our gear i was excited to meet up with painful after a day of mining having 14 pieces of lapis but it turns out painful got more lapis than i did and he also found diamonds luckily i was able to find some myself and we both made ourselves some diamond axes which was actually very helpful because my first one was about to break selling villagers back their own crops actually gives you a lot of levels i got some pretty good enchantments on my weapons and i enchanted painful's weapons as well now we just needed to unlock the last youtuber and beat minecraft to spawn in the last guy of my pillager patrol we would need some more totems of undying and what easier way to get it than a raid once painful and i captured this bannered pillager we noticed force arriving back home with a brand new horse we killed this pilger with a banner to get the bad omen effect and soon after the sun began to rise so we all hopped on our horses and headed out to find the last type of village we would need to complete my first goal it was a ton of fun to go exploring with these guys and just riding our horses along the countryside on day 94 we made our way into the savannah biome and found ourselves the perfect village to spawn in a raid things were going pretty smoothly until this guy knocked me down to half of a heart and if i was by myself i totally would have died luckily my ally saved me just in time i'm honestly surprised i didn't use any of the tnt that i found up to this point and i thought that it would be the perfect tool to fight the ravangers we continued to fight off the raid into the night but i guess all the villagers were killed and we technically lost the battle but since we're also builders we didn't really care about the villagers and we got what we came here for we had ourselves enough totems to spawn in the last youtuber so we just started heading on home and we grabbed this extra horse on the way back i stayed in the back of the traveling party to make sure the horse got back to our base without coming off the lead on the morning of day 97 i gathered everything that we would need to spawn in the last youtuber i got a totem of undying from forest and one from painful and i put a building block from each type of village into the chest along with four totems of undying and an emerald block reinforcements have arrived i completed my first goal of raiding every type of village i also completed my second goal of unlocking a pilger patrol of youtubers and now all that was left was to defeat the dragon and beat minecraft after we got nestor everything that he would need we gave him a little tour of the camp and i went to go give him a lead to his new horse and i accidentally gave it to forest it was so hard telling everyone apart without their name tags after that embarrassing moment we all got on our horses and filed out of the camp painful crafted all the eyes of ender so we let him lead us to the stronghold we traveled tirelessly across the landscape in search for the dungeon and we had become a pretty formidable force imagine if you were just building your little starter home and you see these decked out pillagers coming towards you i would be a little nervous myself we eventually came to an ocean and had to leave our horses behind and we struggled just a little bit trying to sail our boats in a formation we eventually made it to this cool little island and when painful through another eye of ender we were so excited to see it go straight down into the ground we dug our way down until we found the stronghold and i told everyone to split up while we're inside so we could quickly loot the stronghold and find the portal day 100 we finally found and made our way into the end portal room i broke the silverfish spawner while painful put in the eyes of ender and now it was time to accomplish my last goal and beat minecraft are you guys ready let's do this ready super easy one i put the last ivender into the portal and with all the confidence in the world we jumped in while we were making our way from the platform to the surface the dragon swooped down and tried to scare us off right from the start forest gave me an extra water bucket that he had and as i was working my way up one of the towers i think nestor shot the crystal i was going for so i jumped down and me and painful went to the next tower and this one had iron bars around it so i actually had a chance to get it and right when i blew up the crystal the dragon got me with this poisonous breath i definitely unlocked some pretty op youtubers soon all the crystals were destroyed and it was on to the main fight the sky was filled with our arrows and we easily knocked the dragon's health almost down to zero with just two hits left everyone else stopped attacking and they let me be the one to finally vanquish the dragon and get the achievement and then we all ran to get as much experience as we could and just like that i completed all my goals and survived 100 days as a pilger in hardcore minecraft special thanks to painful forest and nester for being in my video they all make amazing content so make sure to subscribe to their channels linked in the description also thanks to luke the notable for starting the 100 days trend and to you for watching and to my patrons for all your continued support don't forget to follow me on twitch and all my other social media because i'm active on them every week the links are in the description and thank you so much for watching
Channel: Corinthius
Views: 2,187,071
Rating: 4.9061379 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hardcore mode, Shapeshifter, Morph mod, pillager, i survived 100 days minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft i survived 100 days, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, surviving 100 days minecraft, minecraft hardcore 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days challenge, hardcore minecraft challenge, minecraft survival hardcore mode, hardcore minecraft 100 days, i survived 100 days, 100 days as a pillager, minecraft shapeshifter
Id: 6jopkSJlyOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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