Join me at Casey Hut! | Cook, Catch-up & Hut Tour | Girl Versus Wild

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you're everybody welcome back to another video my name is Katie if you're new here and on this channel girl versus wild I share my Adventures mostly solo and New Zealand's Great Outdoors so if that's something you are interested in then please consider subscribing and keep watching this video so I'm at Casey Hut at the moment the sun set not too long ago and I'm just set up my bed over there on the bunks behind us um so I thought for this video I'll do a cook with me so if you want to see what I cook in a country Hut then um stay tuned so first of all I'm heading out to the water tank to fill up my pot with some nice fresh rain water first of all I think I'm just going to let some of the water go down the drain just in case there's a buildup of toxins in the [Music] what and then I'm going to set up my cooking station over here got a candle ready to go I'm going to light that once the gas is on so this is just a standard gas canister it's pretty full at the moment and that's what we're going to be using and then in here is the top which I'm going to be putting on it so I'll show you how I do that so first of all you take the lid off then you're going to undo these cuz they're folded up to fit in that little container and then they just snip into PL and this is a flint based stove top so then I just screw it on and Tada it's done next I'm going to be turning my guas on so I just put the lead of it out turn it this turn opens this opens the valve so that the gas can enter and then I press this which spots the Flint and voila there is fire so I'm just going to quickly light this candle and pop that back over here I've got it quite a way out from this wooden window sill so that it doesn't pose a fire risk and then I'll put that over there and start heating up my water so for dinner tonight I've got these instant mashed potatoes which are one of my favorites for TRS cuz they're 100% potato I always go with this brand because um the pams one has other additives this one seems a little bit healthier and then I've got um this mixture here which I got from the bul bands at new world and it is soy protein and black beans with tomato flavoring or actually this might be the Mexican one I'm not sure but either way they're both delicious so once the water's boiling I'm going to stir in these two and then I've actually also got some broccoli so I've just wrapped my broccoli into pieces I also have some tomato paste to add some extra flavor and then I've got this pulse pasta here I've also put the lid on this so that it boils a little bit faster and I just got the window open a crack so that I don't get carbon oxide poisoning I forget to completely turn off the guest while that's cooking I thought I'd do a little tour of the Hut so over here is the bench area under here we've got magazines um chapter books there's even a Bible somebody's written this information booklet about Lake mension which I've actually made a vlog on um so I can link that below as well if you want to check out my L menion Vlog and an earlier Vlog where I went to this Hut as well cuz I've done the Casey bener before this trip is a little bit different um so yeah if I didn't say already I'm at Casey hatut at the moment this hatut was made in 2020 as you can see here and then we've got these beautiful big Windows um lovely wooden table with chairs a map on the wall very useful um this is the welcome sign most Huts in New Zealand have these and then over here I started setting up my bed I actually do need to um pack my sleeping bag so that it has time to puff up and get super warm cuz it's very cold um there's also a new feature which I haven't seen before um in most in many Huts is that's the electric lights um I don't think I'd seen them last time I came here and then they've got this information here on how to work it um I am a PR uh I do actually prefer um not having lights and hearts but since they're here I thought I'd use them and I'll just show you around outside as well so this is the deck as you can see it's very dark um there's a row of coat hangers here directly in front of me and then L up a little bit because of the light coming from inside and then there's like some corrugated plastic there there's the water tank and tap that you saw before there a bench here and then over that way to the left there's a Woodshed and the toilet is behind the Hut so we'll just head back inside now so that's starting to Bubble now it's probably getting pretty close to being ready um I might put the broccoli in there cuz it's going to take the longest to cook I've also WRA got warm cuz it's it's May so that means it's nearly winter or it's at least very late Autumn and it was absolutely freezing and under shelter last night so I want to be toasty today I've got two bandies on um I've got three thermals one two three and then I've got a papa jacket I've also got these gloves and I'm wearing thermal leggings so hopefully I can keep warm tonight I'm in my sleeping bag might put the pulse past in as well oh the light just went off that's weird maybe I need to turn it on again there we go I say I don't like electric light but then I'm turning it on it's quite nice cozy light there we go that'll do and then um I'll put the other stuff in in a minute so now I'm going to add some of this um soy and bean mix which is dried out so it's a bit lighter but hopefully very hearty and full of protein so I'll just put in about half of that now I need to find my spoon so I can stir it might just add the potato and then we can be done so I just eyeball it and add whatever I think will sof up the water the potato flakes expand quite a lot once they've been added to boiling water and the consistency is just like mashed potato so I'll just let that simmer for couple more minutes and then it'll be ready to eat so it's all ready looking very hearty this is what it looks like it's mostly potato and the soybean mix um so this is mostly potato and beans and soy but it also has broccoli and um pulse best as you saw and then I'm going to add some tomato paste and I actually thought that these pieces of seaweed um would be really nice with it as well yeahum 10 out of 10 I'm really hungry hunger is the best source as to say um but even so I think this would be tasty even if you were eating it in town I just did a 7 and 1/2 hour walk today from Andrew shelter so definitely interested in some hearty food I also like to make my dinners quite hearty when I'm tramping so that I don't e as much of my um snacks because I tend to have like really delicious snacks like chocolate and things I'm usually bars that I eat pretty close to the start of the and then towards the end of the I'm running out which I don't want so um I'm glad this is going to be filling just going to add some tomato paste it doesn't really need the tomato paste but why not just for some extra Health effect I can figure out how to open it I might need my knife for this so I'm just cutting this open with my little knife that's what my knife looks like this is very small it actually came from my nana and she just passed away last year I mean in January this year so it's quite special now so I'm just going to have a whole packet of tomato paste on this and I won't stir it in because I do like the taste of the dinner even without the Tomato past so now I've got an option eat for each mouthful what I'm going to go for so it's actually been ages since I've been tramping this was long video I was starting to go a bit crazy in town just trying to study all alone in my room cuz I'm studying online so it's just a bit sad so I was really desperate to head away and at last did it um lately I've been a little bit lonely by myself on tramps but it can be tricky to get other people to do exactly the same hike that I want to do so um I just picked a time when I was feeling a little bit stronger like I could just handle my own company for a while and um here I am and I'm I've had a lovely day actually I didn't feel too lonely I've got a good book which helps so last night I also hid my iPod which is like 14 years old um I hadn't used it for a few years and I just pulled it out again and um listened to some old songs that I listened to when I was a teenager um that was really nostalgic and cool but the B ran out so I think I need to replace the battery and then I also read quite a bit of my book which was really satisfying cuz I always want to read more as a kid it was one of my Main Hobbies um and then the internet sort of took over when I left home when I was about 18 um but I really want to um limit my time on the internet a little bit more and get more into reading so what have you guys been up to lately have you been on any B um any Outdoor Adventures something else I really want to get into is white water kaying so if you have any tips on white water kak in New Zealand let me know I'm thinking of um doing a little training course so I can join um the local King Club well guys I ate my dinner and it was absolutely delicious I feel nearly full but I've got a little bit of room for something else and I'm going to limit myself to two snacks out of my treat Supply so I'm sure all of you have heard of o in BS they're not 100% vegan they do have honey in them but um honey is one of the um things I think is least worrying about non-vegan food so sometimes when I'm on a hike I will have honey in my musly bars and then I've got chili flavored peas so I'll just enjoy those and I'll see you tomorrow bye Mar good morning everybody um I just woke up about a couple of hours ago and been reading in bed to keep warm cuz it's very chilly um you might be able to see some of the frost on the grass behind me but guess what it's nearly 10:00 um so I might be walking in the dark tonight um so my itinerary today is to go from the Casey Hut to the polter B and I don't know exactly how long that's supposed to take but probably more than 6 hours which is how much daylight I'm going to have once I leave the Hut but you know you never know maybe I'll get there in time maybe I'm a bit faster than I think um so yeah my goal is definitely to get to the poter B today um but I'll give you a little tour of the Hut and show you some of the surrounding landscape so this is the Casey Hut from the front I'll give you just a quick little look inside cuz I've already showed you last night and I've got some um some hot water I've got some water heating up over there and then my breakfast is just cooling there I've packed up my sleeping bag getting all packed hopefully I can leave as soon as I've had breakfast and then out here got my socks drying still quite wet from a little river walk I did yesterday um some shoes drying I like to in sneakers cuz they're more comfortable and then um this is where you get your water from there's actually some pot scrubs there which is quite handy and just jump down here this is the water tank so you can also get your water water from there then out behind the Hut here we have this wood shed which is really well stocked if I was better at lighting fires I might have lit one last night um cuz it was quite cold but I actually warmed up really well once I was in my sleeping bag and then we're following the path now to toilet so there is the toilet I'll even give you a look in side this is an old bone attached to the door interesting um so this is inside a toilet this is the standard Back Country toilet and then it's got um some instructions on the wall here and as you can see um the Mist is clearing and it's turning into a beautiful day so this is the Hut from behind you see the mountains behind it um this is where you can put any hot ash from the fire don't know if you can see in there and then over there you can see some solar panels which I imagine power the light system inside and then that's a track that goes down there back up towards bener settle that's the way I came yesterday so that's the end of this little video guys I hope you enjoyed seeing what I had for dinner and having a little tour of the Casey Hut I'll see you very soon for another video with more footage from this trip and until then just remember to um get outside enjoy the sunshine and stay safe on all your adventures good day
Channel: Girl Versus Wild
Views: 54
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hut Tour, Catch-Up, Backcountry
Id: LoLilf4lzF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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