10 Signs That You Are Doing well in Life

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have you ever wondered if you're absolutely killing it in this crazy thing called life well today we've got the top 10 signs that you're not just surviving you are thriving let's get started if your laundry pile is only a small Mountain instead of Everest you deserve a standing ovation if you've managed to make it through a family dinner without someone mentioning your questionable Life Choices my friend you're on a winning streak if your phone battery lasts the entire day without begging for mercy by noon you've clearly mastered the art of adulting you have cracked the code of folding a fitted sheet you've successfully assembled an Ikea furniture without losing your sanity that's practically an Olympic level achievement your social media feed is full of dog videos not drama you've upgraded from reality TV to reality positivity you've become a chef not just a microwave Enthusiast your culinary skills have evolved from can I microwave this to I am the master of the kitchen you remain calm during Tech meltdowns if you've never yelled at your Wi-Fi device I am happy for you you've reached a level of inner peace most people only dream of your idea of a wild Friday night is a thrilling session of organizing your sock drawer maronda would be so proud I am so proud and finally you have successfully navigated the self checkout without needing a price check it's the little victories that count if you've checked off most of these signs give yourself a pat on the back because you my friend are doing well in this crazy adventure we call life
Channel: RECareerDoctor
Views: 859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8Es5BFp9UxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 52sec (112 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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