Improve English Speaking Skills (Questions in English) English Conversation Practice

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good morning excuse me can I  ask you a question it is for my project I am a college student and I need  to ask people some questions could you   help me hello I'm sorry I have to work I  don't have time to answer questions boy it will only take one minute please  it is only one question please sir one question um all right go ahead what's your question thank you sir well the question is  what is your biggest dream and your biggest fear those are two questions but all right  let's see my biggest [Music] dream I think   my biggest dream is to be financially independent yeah you know I work as a seller in a  store it's my store but I don't sell   much I used to work in a factory and now  I started my own business I thought it was   going to be easy but it's not I have  to get up early every day and go to   work I work all day 15 hours a day to be  precise I have to work hard to pay many things so my biggest dream is that I can sell a  lot of products in my store and to be financially independent and about my biggest fear well  my biggest fear is that my store will be a   failure I don't want to get back to that  work I used to have it was a nightmare I   don't want it so that's my biggest fear  and that's why I have to go now because   I have to work hard son oh okay sir thank  you for your time let's look for another person oh hello excuse me can I  ask you a question it is for my project good morning um yeah I suppose what's your question thank you what is your  biggest dream and your biggest fear my biggest dream my biggest dream in  life is to financially retire at the age of   35 I know it is an ambitious dream but I know  I can get it I mean I would really like that   to happen I am working online so I know there  are good opportunities to make a lot of money there I work for an international company I  know I am still young and I am learning but   it is my dream I work hard to invest all the  money I can I also save money for my future I hope to get $1 million by the age of 335 I am 21   right now I know it's difficult but  not impossible now about my biggest fear I have never thought about it but  I suppose it's related to my family as I told you before I want to get a lot of  money well it is not only for me but also for   my mom she always supports me in every decision  I take I want to give her the best and my biggest   fear is that she will no longer be with me  when I achieved everything I set out to do   that's my biggest fear because she's  not young she's 60 years old but I   am optimistic that's not going to happen  because I will work hard to accelerate that moment that's great I believe you can do it  good luck with that and thank you for your time don't worry good luck with your  project I hope you can get the highest score thank you now let's look for another person   oh there is one hello sir excuse me  can I ask you a question it's for my project hello yeah why not I have some minutes go ahead thank you what is your  biggest dream and your biggest fear my biggest Dream well I want to travel  around the world to many countries I love   traveling I travel every time I can but it's  not enough I work every day and well I have to   because otherwise I couldn't pay for my trips but  I would like I would like to travel more I want   to go to South America Asia Africa many places  know different cultures meet new people that   is my biggest dream and about my biggest fear  I don't want to get sick I mean those kind of illnesses an illness that won't allow me to travel  or to just walk it can happen it's not impossible   that's why I try to enjoy my life and travel  with when I can we don't know what can happen later you're right sir thank you very  much I hope you have an excellent day good morning sir excuse me can  I ask you a question it is for my project good morning yeah of  course how can I help you son tell me thank you sir what is your  biggest dream and your biggest fear my biggest dream speaking honestly  my only dream is being healthy and happy I've had my first share of Health  troubles in life and I do all I can to change my fortune changing my lifestyle my diet  exercising more trying to stress less   for many people my dream may seem insignificant  but believe me that a person who was sick for a   long period of time good understand how  valuable it is when you're healthy you   can do anything in life when you are sick you  can hardly pursue any other goals or Ambitions   that's true so I just want to be happy and  healthy enough to enjoy my life with my family and about my biggest fear what can  I tell you I am old I am not afraid to die   son I have had a long and happy life I am  prepared for whatever live has for me oh   I see well thank you so much sir you  have helped me a lot with my project   I need more answers I will have to look  for more people and it's very late oh God   but you can ask people watching this video  what is your biggest dream and your biggest fear yeah please comment your answer it will  be really helpful thank you I hope you liked   this conversation if you could improve your  English a little more please subscribe to the   channel and share this video with a friend and  if you want to support support this channel you   can join us or click on the super thanks button  thank you very much for your support take care
Channel: Learn English with Tangerine Academy
Views: 88,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, inglish, ingles, speak english, speak english fluently, speak English with, speak, English vocabulary, learn english, learn english with, practice english, tangerine academy, speak english with, learn english with tangerine academy, native speaker, pronounciation, English fast, basic english vocabulary, learn english fast, how to learn english, how to speak english, english course, english conversations, english conversation practice, speaking
Id: GTuxmUqvOWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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