My Friend Betrayed me, so I Void Trapped him

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i'm trapping my friend's bed so that whenever he respawns he falls through the bedrock and into the void you see last week he pretended to be on my team in the secret face war only to betray me and steal my enchanted golden apple steve for this to work i need his bed location but since he used an enderpearl stasis chamber to rob me i had no idea where his bed could be i searched all around the server with no luck until i ran into his teammate branzie in the nether are you going through this portal too oh are you going this way i was actually not going that way what that's crazy you're not going through that portal wow and this was perfect because the whole time i was in a call with my friend siv who had a spectator account meaning that if i kill branzie civ could find his bed location but i didn't just want branzy i wanted them both there so i stalled i pretended to be interested in negotiating and right on schedule chief showed up to assassinate me with some potions i made a quick work of him both and that's when civ found their secret base so i waited until they both came back to get their stuff all right go down to the end that one on your left i don't know how to get to it there you go i found their secret base but there was no bed which was weird because civ followed him shortly after he respawned so the bed must be close but there was more pressing matters at hand the day before me and chief found all of ramsay's items then hid them underground but uh chief kind of betrayed me so i needed to re-hide the items that was the only leverage i had against these guys but guess who showed up it was branzy i was surprised he didn't break in immediately and steal all his stuff back branzie should know where the stuff is because chief just joined his team but by some miracle he didn't check and i got out of there so i have all of branzie's items secured and i know where a secret base is but i still didn't know where their beds were so i set up a truce area so branzie and i could talk where's my stuff where is it right you know how i was confused by brands he didn't find me re-hiding all of his items well apparently chief didn't trust branzy enough to give him all of his items back and their partnership didn't seem very strong we don't even know if we're on each other's side at first i thought this was a trap another layer of deception but we kept talking and branzi said this i found another secret base inside of the secret base ramsay seemed to be describing this base which is weird because i thought that was their secret base why would brandy tell me about his secret base so you're saying me you found something like that yeah can you show me sure branzie led me around the base for 10 minutes because apparently he couldn't find it but everything clicked when he said this when you use replay mod you know you can see through walls and stuff so it's really hard to hide a secret base like to really hide one so me and chief made one inside there they hid their real secret base inside my beacon this is where branzi helped chief teleport to after stealing steve i could have killed branzy trapped both beds and be done with it but as it turns out this was only part one of the story earlier when i killed branzie he spawned here but needed to get out and so he started wandering among my minds and you know what he found he found the very secret base i got word of earlier that day what are the chances of that branzi leaves his secret base and stumbles into another secret base if i didn't build it and branzi didn't build it whose base is it you didn't build this you really didn't build this right remember we're being not filled with i mean are you sure it's not chief i'm not i'm not sure if chief was really like fully on your side you would think he would tell you where the only leverage that i have against you you would think he would tell you i would think that yes and thinking back right i also probably should have asked that before he betrayed you yeah you took my stuff but i mean it makes sense why you took my stuff i'm curious like why didn't chief tell me where this stuff was here i am with orange terracotta to my name like this is it and it's only because is that literally it i have two deeps like coal ore i have some cobblestone and i have my own head it seems like chief is a little sus he didn't tell you where all of your stuff is and he betrayed me yeah is that right friends today is he do you see where i'm getting that we should kill chief i mean i mean i i would i i didn't mean like kill him but oh okay yeah sorry way too far yeah yeah killing him would be too far i'm just gonna place some blocks around his bed and then break some bedrock and then kill a little bit of recap because this is getting really complicated the man that i've spent two videos and a month trying to best in a war has just become my partner and we're now gonna trap chief's bed but that's actually the easy part like we can we can get chief out of there i can trap the bed we can kill him the concerning part is that third secret base if we get double backstabs i'm gonna look like a fool so the most important thing was figuring out who owned this base and you know what our first piece of evidence was a single redstone repeater [Laughter] i've built a lot of redstone doors in my time and that is slower than it needs to be this is a normal jeb door and this is the secret base door the secret base door is way slower this repeater is set to four ticks but you only need two now if i could find somebody on the server who has a two by one piston door and their repeater is set to four ticks follow me [Music] oh my gosh the timings are set to four here branzie so you're telling me the key to the setback thing is by looking at the redstone that is how we figured it out that's what i'm telling you like and we can go look at my secret doors my secret doors are set to two because that is the minimum you need i feel like i'm in a movie right now can i be ryan reynolds he's like yes actually you do remind me of ryan reynolds perfect yeah i get it all the time can i be matt damon the man who built this piston door was sid which is surprising because he's the one who told me about the secret base but then we found our second piece of evidence cooked pork chops cooked pork chop that's interesting do you eat cooked pork chops no i just eat golden carrots i just eat golden carrots but you know what i picked up when we were fighting pork chops no cooked pork chops oh you actually did and there was only one place where he could have gotten those pork chops chief the evidence was starting to stack up dude it's it's been staring me in the face the whole time housewarming gift love civ and chief sivan chief they've been working on the nether hub together it's like they have oh my god how have we not seen this coming have they been the actual masterminds like now hold on you don't connect a few pieces of evidence and then make assumption that's called a conspiracy theory we needed to double check this so i contacted the server admin lucid and got the log file basically it's a recording of every chat message sent in the past two days and this is where things got interesting brandy secret project this is skills no logic and skills is building a secret project with copper well at least according to the logs so now we have three suspects but we needed to narrow it down a bit so we cross referenced our replay mod files with the log files to get some suspects surprisingly chief and civ didn't fit the criteria they were both offline when massive progress happened at the secret base but you know who was online skills i kid you not as we were discussing who could be building the secret base somebody came through the portal and left a sign that said this is theirs now what just happened we now had four people that could potentially be building this base me and ramsay kind of went in a panic and started searching the entire server for clues okay and then branzi caught somebody in the act while he was online and looking in spectator skills was building the base and after some further inquiry he had nothing to do with chief or sieve as it turns out all the the repeater stuff and cooked pork chops uh yeah me and brands you were wrong about all of that but that's what happens when you don't have scripted things like i had no idea so now that all the secret based things were settled we could finally bed trap chief in order for the bed trap to work we gotta break some bedrooms and if you haven't seen my other videos go watch mr cat's tutorial on how to break bedrock it's fantastic super easy okay actually i might need a little bit of practice apparently i just need to protect myself with a few more pieces of obsidian so i gathered all my stuff thankfully it didn't blow up and i and i continued exploding [Music] i died again all right all right i'll admit i was wrong uh but i went back and i did not have any armor so i fell and died it's really not grown great for me guys but none of it despawned i managed to get it back and this time i started using a chest plate okay i was so glad i didn't die to that creeper in a short enchanting session later i felt comfortable to keep exploding the tnt [Music] there we go uh this is basically how the trap would go you make sure that all the blocks around the bed are filled so that they're obstructed and they can't spawn there right so this is the only spot right here where they could spawn oh and also look at this void oh good my favorite franzi will start by taking chief to the secret base and making sure his spawn is set then he'll take him outside of the base and all come in to build the trap and at that point all we need to do is kill chief i think it might be go time go okay okay dude my heart is literally pounding out of my chest okay we're invisible oh my gosh i'm so nervous no my redstone shulker bot i forgot my red central box oh my gosh go go go go go go oh my gosh okay here it is here it is oh my gosh my nerves dude okay here we go i see them oh i see them okay [Music] all right that's my job the worst thing had happened chief flew away before i got a chance to even hit him we had to improvise and improvise fast so what did we do branzie was gonna lead chief to the third party base and me well i was gonna hide in the wall you guys got on because they just made a bunch of progress in here or something like was lost down there like if we needed to get back there quick we can just pull i have problems i am so sorry you have problems with hitting me too yes okay let's go frenzy go go go go go yes it works it works and if you think skills got off the hook we pranked his entire base by filling it with water i gave ramsay all of his items back i got a new steve and i finally had the deed to my base if you're a little bit confused about the deed you might need to watch this video oh and my friends also made videos about this oh yeah all right i'll see you later guys it's been a good day
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 6,986,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap2, rekrap, rek, Echocraft, Boatclutch
Id: 77hrMO0ZarU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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