My Friends Are Actually Dying to Press This Button

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my friends are literally dying to kill me oh i will kill you ramsay i will and all they have to do is press this button but to get to it they'll have to trudge through a maze covered in powdered snow but one wrong step and they fall into a pit of spikes and lava let's get to work so you might be wondering why my friends are trying to kill me and honestly there's a lot of reasons but the latest is i sort of lied to them see a couple weeks ago i swore to my friends that i was done with scams and shenanigans and then i built this my chicken-powered murder machine and to be honest it was a total scam to try to get them killed and it worked really really well he's got chickens activating the pistons are you kidding me so i figure we can either turn over a new leaf and stop with the antics all together or we can double down and kill them before they kill us ow oh no please yeah i think we're gonna go with option number two now don't think me too much of a monster just yet because i do have three very strict rules whenever we do any kind of trap or game like this rule number one it has to be unique because i don't want the players to know what to expect and rule number two the players have to have fun and get something out of it that way everybody wins and most importantly number three um excuse me as i was saying number three and most importantly death lots and lots of death and i'd say forcing your friends to navigate through powdered snow for an invisible maze before they freeze to death that sounds like a pretty good time but this server still hasn't updated to 1.18 yet which means that there's only one way to get powdered snow and that is to farm it and for those of you that don't know the only way to farm the stuff is to leave a cauldron out in the snow for literally hours at a time luckily on this server there is another way for us to get powdered snow and that is to visit the calcite exchange see mr lacking day has made this shop so that you can exchange calcite for things like powdered snow unfortunately it looks like that's all that he has oh boy this is going to take a while unfortunately we don't have a lot of time to just sit and wait for a bunch of cauldrons to fill up with powdered snow so we need to start construction of our newest murder machine and this is how it's going to work beneath the layer of powdered snow there's a maze of full blocks that the players can walk on all the way to the finish line seems pretty simple right trust me it's not in fact it's actually probably way too hard because when the player is walking around through the powdered snow they have no idea what blocks are below them or not which means one wrong step sends the players into our pit of death not to mention if the players use crouch too much to feel out where the blocks are and aren't then they'll waste too much time and freeze to death before they make it to the other side and as much as i love bloodshed the game does need to be fair so i've come up with a little solution to try to give the players a hint as to which blocks are safe by using one of my favorite mobs in the game goats and it's actually pretty simple if the player sees a goat they can shoot it with a snowball which sends a redstone signal to push up a piston to show the player which way to go so hopefully that gives the players a sense of direction and also gives them a sense of progression as they continue through the course because the more they feel like they can beat it the more they're gonna die trying but i really like this idea i think it adds a whole other element of fun for the players as they try to navigate through this course so i'm going to throw a few more goats around while we endlessly wait for more powdered snow [Music] don't yell at me okay so i have all of the goats put in and everything over there but we're still waiting on a lot more of the powdered snow i mean this is taking forever but then something happened that reminded me why i love being on this smp am i being summoned hello big cat what do you got oh my no is this mine you're such a good cat you're such a pretty kitty okay hold on i have things for you wait don't leave don't leave don't leave you forgot your treat oh man what a nice guy i'm totally gonna kill him later and that kind donation was just enough to finish placing all of the powdered snow and that's perfect because now i can prove to you and myself that this course is actually possible and it's not just a con to kill my friends which it is not don't give me that look okay we're doing well okay shoot the first goat and okay so we know that block is safety and i remember this part oh no oh i'm starting to freeze i'm starting to freeze thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you okay this is too much it's too much help thank you so much for the help but it's just too much oh go god guide me please i just gotta go oh no we're right there we're right at the edge come on come on no one block oh like it's so close oh come on please please please oh yes one freaking hard to go okay so it it's totally doable now since this course is so difficult we do have to make sure that whenever the players actually do complete it they get something out of it and i think i have just the idea and it involves this very deep pit because if you guys remember a few months back i made a video where i was launching my friends off a cliff with a goat all right number three yes yes number three and i thought it would be very poetic that instead of me launching them off a cliff with a go that the players got to use a goat to launch me into a pool of lava and that is where the button comes into play see i've rigged this button up to my trusty goat prepper 5001 so when the players press it it releases an abnormally angry goat which will send me hurling into a fiery pit of karma but i usually like to give my players a little trophy to commemorate their accomplishments as well and this time it's my head unfortunately i don't just have a bunch of my heads laying around so we're gonna have to get them ourselves and now that we have all of our trophies figured out the only thing left to do is to throw on some decorations and this place is gonna be done i think this place is looking pretty dang cool i've got this snow golem right here so that the players can get snowballs and stuff before they start i've got the goats all hidden behind different objects and stuff so that they only pop up to players when they get to certain points but there's really only one more thing to do and that is to make an announcement on discord that our totally safe game is ready to play it's not a con okay maybe a little bit and now we wait what if i make it through without dying once i will drive to your house and i will shake your hand in person so that that deal is weird who's brave enough to go first i am i got it wait wait i need to i need to know it okay okay oh no okay all right everybody just go for it form a line let's see what you guys can do oh yeah oh oh wreck you're getting pretty far you're starting to freeze it looks cold yep it is very cold don't forget to look around for goats oh i forgot about the goat follow the voice of the goats people it will guide your way don't get in my way wreck i know that's not a safe block now keep going boys how are you doing on health i've got like three hearts so how do we get vengeance for the vengeance course i tell you how conflicting it is for me to sit here and root for you guys to get here and kill me oh i will kill you branzi i will francie this is evil it's getting awfully crowded tell me okay right there [Music] ow wow she's gonna kill you stop chief stop [Music] [Music] i believe in myself no that's all you need right ramsay that's right you got this okay maybe you needed a little bit more but next time yeah i got this i got this i am a confident [Laughter] wait hold on does anybody want to partner with me i feel like you guys should all team up with them one of us can die and we can see where the next person is supposed to go you know there you go oh like a real squid game oh guys only one of you supposed to die i believe [Music] you're just speeding through this now guys look at you go wow you've learned so much i got so slow use that winter coat you got it oh oh my gosh and it was at this moment that i realized i forgot to play slabs on the finish line so they were trapped oops [Music] all right now you're the knock keep down he's gonna do it he's gonna do it i'm trying to save you i'm trying to save you press the button you did it you did it my heart is pounding may i just come over here [Music] poetic poetic justice justice and since you guys all work together i will give you all a prize congratulations great work as a team each of you can bear this on your mantel as a prize of your victory and as a token of my apologies and everyone was happy and satisfied with their vengeance right now i'm not ready ggs
Channel: Branzy
Views: 2,938,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rek, rekrap, branzy, that chief guy, minecraft trap, minecraft server, echocraft, minecraft funny, family friendly, kid friendly
Id: LyAaEibwRsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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