Do Secret Base Entrances Actually Work?

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so recently this guy named grian i don't know if you've heard of it released a video showing some interesting ways to hide your base in minecraft and i wanted to put them to the test in survival and see if i can build a secret base under my friend's nose using only the entrances in green's video let's get to work so i've been looking around at who's base to try this at and i think rex is actually pretty perfect he's got a lot of different areas we can work with but there is one really big problem here we'll get to that in a bit first we need to decide where to put our secret base and we really need to hurry because he could jump on and catch us at any time now i personally love this pyramid and the copper house that he made so i want it to be somewhere between the two so maybe right up there in the ceiling [Music] i mean it's nothing special but it's purple and there's a giant freaking bee so i mean if rec does find this he'll at least know who did it this is gonna work out great it's pretty centralized between his areas his copper house is right up there and the pyramid is right over there and we can use the cave around the pyramid in order to pull off the half-slab trick that green did and after much hard work later it's done can you tell hopefully not and hopefully this works because i've never actually attempted this before but according to green if you fly really fast and a half slab and then ender pearl the last second ouch the last second okay at the last second yes there we go so that's one successful entrance down and five more to go so this next one is gonna be tricky because green uses an observer to trigger a stasis chamber but i have been searching around this little village for so long and there's literally no existing blocks that can trigger the observer except for maybe a bed but i don't want villagers getting me stasis over here randomly either so i guess that means we're gonna have to go with the old remove and replace method and i think jeff's hut here is gonna be perfect oh boy jeff uh you're not looking so good dude so wreck used amethyst for all the floors in these huts which i'm hoping means that he's not going to swap them out anytime soon so if i place an observer to monitor this block right here and link some redstone up to it and hook that up to a stasis chamber then hopefully when i come in here and break this block it'll give me just enough time to put the block back before perfect i'm actually kind of surprised that that redstone worked i mean i'm not surprised at all i'm an incredible redstoner i mean i did make a highly sophisticated goat launcher last episode after all anyways on to number three and again this one's gonna be a little tough because this secret entrance uses a shulker box but wreck the poor peasant doesn't seem to have any shulker boxes at all okay he does have one but his goon seems to be guarding it i don't like the way he's looking at me so we're gonna have to just place a shulker but that also means it has to be super well hidden or he's gonna find it but where to place it nope not a chance no again never gonna work wait a second that spot might actually work there's a too high gap right there and it's all underwater so the colors blend in a lot better yeah that's actually not too bad plus this is wreck's side entrance so he probably won't even be looking down while he goes in so if i dig a little tunnel waterlog a couple chests for our shattering ankles and wander down this little tunnel then boom there we go we're back in the base that's three entrances down we're already halfway uh actually youtube's gonna hate my video if we don't waste some time here so uh quick gwen set the speed of the video to .25 to up the average view duration okay one take it back this is the worst ugh that sucked okay you know what gwen just queue up a commercial trees trees trees do y'all like trees good because at b's trees we tear them up by the root and sell their woodley corpses for you to enjoy stack them up break them down hang them on your mantel as a trophy whatever kind of tree you hate we've got them so put down that x and come on down to these trees and get yours today so now we have three of green's entrances to our secret base the slab entrance the shulker entrance and the observer entrance we've made some pretty good progress so far but remember when i said there was a really big problem but there is one really big problem here well it's time to address it rexpace is not in the snow and the powdered snow entrance is probably one of the cooler parts of green's video but how in the blocky breed am i supposed to make a powdered snow block blend in with the forest not to mention rex whole base is pretty much made out of copper i could try to use a golem to make the whole area like a snow biome but that's a little too close to a griefing territory for my taste and this powdered snow stuff really doesn't go with anything not diorite not sand not even wait a second birch okay hear me out these textures don't go together like at all but in the density of a forest of trees your eyes might not even really notice the texture as long as the color is fairly similar especially if we make the whole tree powdered snow so now if we just dig ourselves a little tunnel again and connect it all the way to our other drop shoot we wind up right back in our base now it's not perfect but listen it's important to remember not everything has to be perfect and also that it's completely rec's fault for not building his base in a more fitting location and just like that we only have two more entrances to go but this next one is kind of out of our control because for this secret entrance green throws himself at the will of a chorus fruit and if you don't know a chorus fruit whenever you eat it just kind of teleports you randomly wherever which means that if you're standing close enough to your secret base a course fruit could teleport you straight in which could happen on the first try or the hundred and first try so here i am thousands of blocks away from home trying to get enough chorus fruit to make dreams come true but have i mentioned we have to hurry i mean wrecking it on at any minute and catch us setting up our secret base why does everything in this game want to kill me okay so i've got a couple stacks of these chorus fruits so hopefully even if it takes us 101 tries after all we should be covered i think our base is actually like right here so let's try it nope no nope nope nope nope nope there it is hooray finally okay so that one is probably the most secure way to get into your secret base but honestly uh it's also the biggest pain in the butt on the plus side we only have one more secret entrance to go i'm fairly certain that green's antics are at play here trying to see how many people in the community will actually make this a regular entrance to their bases but whatever in green we trust all we need to do is place down an ender chest or two put down a bed and set our spawn unload everything we care about into an ender chest and heat ourselves out of existence yay we made it home safe and sound and that's it we now have six entrances to our secret base and the best part is it's right under rex blocky little fee or above them i mean it really depends on where he's at now it's time to really put green's entrances to the test and see if rec notices any of them without causing him to be suspicious and i think i have an idea you need me to tour the base yeah i just need a quick little tour you know take me around you've been doing so much work around here so this is the nether portal this is where all starts we have a nice archway above with a rail on top this is how i transport my villagers everything is made out of copper theme of the base copper and deep slate i've noticed the hole in the sky is very functional i fly through there so often that so that's the entrance feel free to try it out yeah that's the entrance i will not tell you how i've been getting in here how have you been getting in i said i wouldn't tell you and i admit it the base is actually so easy to fly around like i'll fly straight down here with some rockets can you give me like a nice whirl like just this oh my over here is uh the last episodes work an underground village i really like this place this is nice and it's so safe too wow so much safety this guy he's gotten killed by a zombie three times and i've just cured him every time so now his trades are like uber cheap look at jeff wow he's looking really healthy so where's my house uh i'm sorry you haven't paid me rent yet wait i have to pay rent to live here i feel like you need to like put that on like a discord server or something what is that oh this is a waterfall this is also how i get in yeah i use this entrance more than my normal entrance was that too lengthy of a tour no am i missing another thing um no you're not missing anything also if you look up there we got a floating grindstone an essential part of any base don't you forget your floating grindstone here you know what you know what i think i have a spare up here that you can have you can put it in your basement i can in my base uh you can have that in your base it's so kind so kind to you thank you so much no problem nope always trying to help out a fellow base wow wreck didn't even seem to notice a single one of those so i'd say that green's secret base entrances were a flawless success well most of them but this place is missing one thing the floating stone cutter as required by rex ah it's perfect but i'm still not paying wreck rent now here's the thing know that a lot of you guys are going to want to tell rec where all the secret entrances are but i have a different suggestion go watch rex latest video and leave a comment saying branzie made a secret base in your base and let's see if you can find it and of course if you haven't seen green's video on the secret entrances i'll link it right here trust me it's worth your time and as always tune in for the next one
Channel: Branzy
Views: 1,731,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, hidden base, how to hide your base, minecraft base, minecraft building, grian base, hidden minecraft base, hidden house, hidden minecraft house, rekrap, echo craft, branzy
Id: -vjLPq6VsH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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