I abused every command in Minecraft…

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so I recently got up on this YouTuber SMP however no one knows that I do so to abuse this power to its fullest I'm going to force myself to run every single command in the game with the goal of not being caught but before I did anything I needed a base so I expanded the world border by a million and 300 000 blocks out of the lysosome but here we are however decorating was a lot harder than I thought man I hate the film command freaking God dude I didn't even do this and after making the most hideous base ever I gave up and decided this would be a decoy so I called the best builder I know and expanded the world border again here's the game plan right if someone finds this it's whatever you know how I'm gonna get to my actual one is I'll teleport here I'll fly up and then I go over here and then I press boom I need your help in making a beautiful beautiful controller so hopefully near the end of this video bovis will have created the most beautiful base ever however while he did that I had a lot of commands to run so I split them up into four tiers here zero is the commands that are useless slash I don't know what they do tier one is the commands that actually do something but tier two is the commands that are really really awesome and finally tier three is the commands that might break the server forever tier zero ones this is what we're starting off with I'm not gonna lie a lot of them are not that useful it doesn't even show up for me this shows up in the server console about Slash data pack oh data packs are useless never mind so most of these commands accomplished absolutely nothing however there is a select few that were Kinda Crazy slash credits does nothing again here I'll test in chat no way and do it actually work quite well with the fifth command all right let's see what happens what I just made every single entity shout out the item frame that said that said oh luckily no one was online while I did that and hopefully no one logs on again one of the most fire ones in the game slash Health oh I love this command I yeah I do not need it every command I did not voice crap but now I was left with the commands that you can literally run without a command block slash meat I can literally do this command without uh and slash MSG wait can I make it tell me something oh never mind wait I can make this cool next is tier one where the commands start to get fun such as this one the only problem is that I don't know how most of these work oh I'm supposed to write something wait what no no there are a few steps to it later spoke is here oh oh my God there's PO on my thing now except the hardest commands were only just ahead oh shoot how do I do this one I'm gonna make a science experiment get the chords oh my God hey this is he I don't know what you're talking about man do you see what he's doing I see what he's doing he's gonna clone it wait or was it supposed to break it hold on why did I work wait what it said it clone wait what where'd it go yep that's a useless one all right slash demo oh my God you could do a demo at a oh my God that just made that command so much better wait where's the credit command credits at a oh my God it's useful you are getting a promotion congratulations no I'm a big fan of the enchant command but it's not the most useful thing in the world especially when you do fire protection it's the enchanter riveting one of my friends found a way to use slash clothes Place backup hey that's it's not a sorry it's our artistic artistic at Marvel thank you should I expand it out a little bit maybe do it like maybe one block bigger oh it worked never mind slash clone command is amazing this is true science right here if I put an apple in the chest all right let's see it we have an apple here and yes the science has been gone by man but it was time to finish out the tier one commands I can locate a beehive not a reasonable distance what locate POI beehive no no there's no beehives near me [Music] please no way what if I made an igloo there's no Igloo I think wait yeah oh my God ambient cave no this is toxic weight repeat command blocks you're melting wow that is however I eventually ran into the first literal game breaking command what's this slush reload do oh I don't do it this reload is just reboot but like more unstable things kind of break during the reload and also it causes memory because they didn't want to break the server I decided to use the first set of three get out of running evil command passes however if I already used one in just tier one I just had to hope I'd have enough for tier three what does set idle timeout do if you stay idle first round of time at times or something that's actually kind of funny I want to see what happens I'm just gonna keep it like that maybe I'm just gonna Tab out for a sec wait do operators not get kicked uh right well useless but I was about to find one of the best commands in the game guys Focus here is joining the game a few times all right guys here's the lineup ready boom boom boom that's kind of fire oh time set it will always be night now oh wait I just realized but did I just reset the day counter whoopsies uh but while I was doing this my friend Yamato was working out a way to protect the room if I walk Too Close it'll teleport me away right now I just have it set to like above but you could like set it to spawn or something dude that's actually so cool I'm about to make the coolest oh yeah and I think this works wait I need to change it to something even more fire that is awesome but it was time for the tier two command which may actually cause some irreversible damage to the server however I'm first going to play seven and a half stacks of Bedrock since yesterday as of recording this I got 486 subscribers so if you want to claim your bedrock and lifesteal you just need to subscribe but I just found the greatest command ever if I wear another right leggings it will clear big waffles I clicked that when he joins oh my god did you just clear his pants no remove what I am for two players no no you won't realize for a while just log off or no don't log off okay you left he left oh my God what does this command do this makes zero sense entity's Focus here mom's gonna yep I use that command default game mode that's a survival nothing silly we have to use this though we have to use every single command bulky normal these are tier two ones but you're stepping on thin ice right now guys but even though I wanted to play it safe I would unintentionally break something I want to give them all strength now 748 targets can now how much damage do I do again oh my whoa hopefully they'll be wearing like some nether right you know Phil oh my God this is Legendary game rule you know what I'm doing I'm doing weather cycle balls not happening clutch items oh my God oh yeah this is amazing I love this what if I get like a diamond ass I just have an ax on my head let's go or command block that'd be sick I have become one with the command blocks slash kick um I believe I can join back right I don't know where how do I use particles boom Oh yay but after running the last tier two command this is the most useless command ever my friend showed me a finished part of the control room I really like the um Warden prison over here if you're in survival they might treat you after making some extensions including this mysterious section not sure what it does we're finally up to tier three commands these are gonna be fine slash band what a strong start the splash ban at a actually work um I think so wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I'm testing out your one command team equals exclamation mark bespoke is here that works right that's on another server um [Music] [Laughter] it would be really funny if I just unban Dr Donuts so we're gonna do a similar thing with band IP but maybe oh it has to be named uh once sorry yeah clown Pierce X2 this is not a winner that needs to get out of here so far I'm winning these are Dangerous Ones what's up game mode this one's not bad adventure mode at P so whoever like presses this button so someone finds this they press this there are just screwed there would be nothing they could do I also like the fact I'm gonna explicitly make sure that none of these are identified so someone runs up presses a button if it slash shops the server it's slash stops to serve give that a um what should we give everybody tomorrow I think baked potatoes a good start potatoes that's a banger three baked potatoes I think everybody will enjoy that one wait actually give at a name yeah so yeah Jared will not receive any baked potatoes next up on the list kill command another Banger I am gonna set it as not me though and it works right yep that works slash op of course we have to have it as Focus here pardon spoke is here once again if I get banned I want to make sure I get unbanned Oregon on band Doctor Donut I like the latter but eventually oh my God okay I'm using my past Sunset World spawn next up is slash stop once again I'm using my pass we're about to finish we have the slash stop command block and we have the slash whitelist one for now I'm just gonna do slush white list just get to get on white list all right cool this is the Prototype command room we at least got all the command blocks done the only thing missing is of course the beautiful beautiful room right here but these commands were only the beginning because soon I'm going to obtain items that will change the game items that delete the existence of everything and items that just break Minecraft no I got you so in these last days I'm going to use these powers to end all of lifesteal and when the final day comes the Wormhole shall open
Channel: Spoke
Views: 656,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spoke, spokeishere, lifesteal, minecraft, survival, wormhole
Id: 9ekExIogbFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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