My first Instrument approach in actual IMC at night, to minimums!

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again it's like seven times this might be a real this is actually a small small Corrections okay watch your do not dissemble minimums and bread minimums so cat kcid I so since you don't have the Victor every I just put in ebq at this point you have to put in each Waypoint so you have to put in an osa and fortunately that's the only one but you can imagine if you're doing a lot of airway flying I would get really old yeah but you'd probably want to avoid airway flying just that sometimes you don't have a choice like out eat out east yeah and it's important to make sure you put those waypoints in there because there can be bends in the airway okay you can't assume they're just straight correct okay got an osa then we got Bibi view you yep okay and then of course the airport itself a few okay so they're probably gonna have us to part two seven and one or two things will happen they'll either say proceed direct to the vor or they'll say intercept Victor 340 whatever it is or three three four one now the four the five 30s are pretty smart in that if you intercept this leg even though this leg is active it should automatically sequence but if it doesn't just all you need to do is hit FPL we're going to push the cursor select an osa yeah and then you hit menu and then activate leg okay so right now the leg from CI d2k to the AVR is active / he to talk to clearance this time so we're gonna say Cedar Rapids ground bonanza for a first iron sea rocks Clarence bonanza for 8-0 hotel ready to pick up her third sir you just say I have hard at Cedar Rapids okay that's all you need to say and then get ready right craft again we don't know how we can get the weather later you know yeah they don't care what it is yet sitrep disappearance Bonanza 4 8 0 hotel ready to pick up our prints the Cedar Rapids hotel feet around it still very clear daddies and I wear before the style maintain 3000 departed fricassee one-one-niner point 7 spot for 3 to 4 Claire to see to wrap this filed altitude 3000 March or frequency 119.7 squawk four three two four eight zero hotel they don't suppose I'll be back right [Music] [Music] sitrep Scott Brown bonanza four eight zero hotel with Sulu we are ready to taxi man 2.0 Hotel Cedar Rapids ground position I'll write the West ramp 8-0 hotel and the point there hotel yeah when 52:40 went out look at first you wanna go away blank full-length please 8-0 temple and the hotel room my teeth have attacked to be off across my one thing runway two-seven taxiway alpha cross from Ray one three eight zero fell the ceilings aren't super low but it just gives you more options if the edge in order make it dumb so we've may have talked about a briefing departure briefing before but since it's I'm fresh from my cease of training one of the things that they're huge on is a proper departure briefing so whether you fly a cirrus or a new hotel if you want you want to go direct to figure out if you are at the to Invicta 341 or do you want the 290 heading for a vector to intercept say factors to intercept vector to intercept date zero though thank you pride to her daughter so whether you're flying ga or even the airlines they all have pretty much the same outline starts with what type of departure we're going to go do the performance we expect what type of climate ischl climb procedure we expect whether we're be apart or IFR and then what we're gonna do an emergency so good departure briefing example it goes something like this today we're departing runway two-seven from Cedar Rapids will be doing full-length in up bonanza we're gonna need about a hundred feet before takeoff and we have any thousand feet available I expected departure clearance of our instructions are going to be three thousand climb to 3,000 feet and departure heading of probably two seven zero although you might say like two nine zero so we'll book that when we get the take-off clearance and then for an emergency if if prior to rotation you experience any sort of engine failure we're gonna reject the take-off and break them ahead straight ahead if after rotation but the gear is still down and we experienced an engine anomaly we'll pick a field or a runway straight ahead and then of course severe to serious you have your caps l22 it's where you shift a little more options but in our case nope we're gonna fly it I would say if if we're high enough before maybe a thousand AGL so it's called 1,800 MSL we should have enough altitude that we could come back around okay in land yeah and we also have that nice diagonal runway that we can make a right-hand turn on - yes that's usually part of my I'd say if we're below 1,800 we're committed to whatever straight ahead we're gonna meet in the corn I'll hope for the best and then depart your briefing complete that's it okay so we're on Tower we got approached queued up sit-ups our bonanza for h0 hotels ready at alpha and runway two-seven and then the point your hotel theater up the tower I'll make you seven turn right heading two niner zero cleared for takeoff right heading two niner zero cleared for takeoff 8:02 [Music] and clear on the web lights are on all right fuel flow is here's being is live and we're off an 800 feet shrimp or it's better zero and right there with no context partner departure bonanza fright zero tell climbing out of our chicken evening radar contact TURN RIGHT heading 2 0 0 enable joined Victor 341 on course TURN RIGHT heading 0 and 0 and bonus at the victor airway on on instruments we're coming up on the green abso making absolutely certain that you maintain plus or minus 100 feet try to be really careful use the autopilot if you need to and right down Bell turning oh this is weird and I am CD stirring and so forth all right so once you get their plane under control maybe a [Laughter] [Music] so our range is going to request to be our or should i brief Narnia no we're gonna ask for the vor so I want you to load breathe Oh debrief that approach all right so Ken will go back to the flight plan page I'm actually going to go to lower yeah I think that's a great idea 22 and 17 worked pretty good in a bonanza so 22 is kind of when you're cleared the initial approach fix and then 17 is when when you're approaching the faff I'm 35 - dude this is maintained mm mm about cigars it's a mile but still make forward progress is there any guidance on where I can start the procedure turn yes so it's two it's generally gonna be two minutes outbound so whatever the initial come from the vor no so whenever the initial approach fix is located on the airfield it's two minutes outbound - and then if it if the initial approach fix is located anywhere other than the airfield it's one minute outbound so with vor is you're gonna be doing the five T's pretty pretty busily you're going to be doing turn time twist throttle talk and the time is going to be two minutes outbound but then the procedure turn will be one minute help out because procedure turns are generally one minute dirty though once we cross the vor going to start the timer flight outbound on a heading of [Music] one minute for however long it takes the intercept that fly they ain't bout on 304 correct okay we have two for a thorough telecoms extra progress our one three three point matters Bibles you go to one three three survive today you'll earlier at three thousand you have whatever the ATIS was spec and Dubuque and you'd like the vor runway three one approach full approach the center one is a 4-0 though at 3000 we have come back for interview [Music] number four a zero Degree other four to be one of the folio archery [Applause] [Music] Thank You Frazee boy why don't you do that there's a perfectly good Arnab there I'm sure there that's gonna be this the telltale of like instrument training yeah all right so you have the whether you've loaded the approach since since we're already navigating to the Dubuque vor you could activate the approach now if you wanted and so there's two ways you can act actually it's more than two but you can do direct - yeah yeah yep see your flight plan is all still there all it's done now has gone into the the approach phase of your flight plan and when do you think would be a good time to pull the power back to 17 for a teenager now give the plane time to slow down we're in gear extension speed already but let's I have to worry about that bummer in this situation here and what is what is the faff so you know we've we've been talking plenty about like on an RN Ave when when the needle put the local ID Slocombe centers or a half dial you put the gear down in the when to where is the faff on this approach this approach I would say would be once we start our and procedure turn it once we want to get that 600 foot be permanent yeah so if you look real closely it says that you can go down to 2700 until you're inbound on 304 so once you're established inbound you are at the faff and then you check the gear down and this is really good IMC conditions because we're kind of in and out of it yeah I've even been looking outside this it changes so much this is definitely considered sold though reliance on the instruments because like while I can see the ground I have zero I have no idea what what the attitude of the airplane is right you can get really suckered in on this No if we've to really focus on those instruments don't get suckered just because there's a corn field down there what's an therefore zero composition is a mountaintop west of the wpo arc tube you can above 3,000 feet outside you're clear for the full vor airway three one approaches a beauty across the Dubuque vor adverb of 3000 cleared full vor 3 114 if you're a writer you can perform the publishing best approach and way to you decide what approaches like after that coming up well do things needs help them her twist we don't have to talk right not yet No now you could descend down it says on heading outbound 124 you could descend in 27 if you're happy at this altitude that's fine once we get straight out we'll start our descent but we can do that right now servers heaven like helo cab back to Minneapolis utter one to eight points we're gonna start our descent at 500 feet a minute good habit to keep your heading bug thanks in front of a unit keep your descent rates nice and steady about 500 feet per minute going for 27 we start our timer at two minutes up we're going to turn watch your drift you're drifting slowly to the right we have to watch that for do I go two minutes timer does that overwrite it this is advisory in nature and even the two minutes isn't is a purple ring to their hotel ribbons are terminated to prove more humility for our country professor as in 32 all report back on the mist with him yeah so really all that matters is you stay within a 10-mile there you go I see that yeah you have to stay within a 10-mile radius of the airport Clarence open two minutes if this airspeed works out pretty well it's about 27 okay so don't descend below two thousand seven hundred and we got two minutes are gonna turn left okay you're gonna turn time good bottles good are heading zero seven nine thirty time twist could do both of them okay to your inbound course you're not going to twist the the procedure turn because that's just flying ahead then when you get a chance there you're gonna rotate that to 304 and we're at 35 watch your track there one pretty close we want to be about zero seven nine that our inbounds gonna be two five nine I'm going to set that on the heading bug ready that's a bit much okay cowl flaps smaller thinking of it okay read one minute both past a minute and a great answer I'm gonna direction that a little bit that's sorry I don't want to be that laying in the clouds all right so treat this like your faff once you turn inbound must our clothes I don't know I don't have a push-to-talk I think I just get my call just just said to be Terror at that inbound boat patrolling keep your snare returned to be a coward bonanza for at zero felony and bounce on the DR approach might just be Sita anybody on the ground will be listen to it too now this should give you a warning telling you that you need to switch to elope hey watch you turn right turn right watch your attitude indicator that's weren't worried about airspeed check okay your attitude indicator and where you got try to keep those turns real gentle so you don't get disoriented you need to get back on course just standard rate don't give don't get wild okay now you can start your descent you're down to go down seven [Music] now this should give you a an alert saying you have to switch I'm gonna although I'm kind of interested in this experiment here here we go check message yep okay so switch to view up and we are little high that we need to be distance wise well we don't have any destroy dear minimums or minimums are 18 actually 1540 because you've got Sukup check your check you're heading here oh really is really small try to use your heading bug and use really small Corrections so remember that you can't cross Sukup below 1,800 all right so try to fly really small Corrections now use that heading bug if it helps so you want to try to bracket so any is exactly ten ten degrees wide so if you're if you're turning left or right more than ten degrees outside of that book you're correct you're overcorrecting so that's what I mean by fracking just like you know plus or minus 100 feet you want to use plus or minus 10 and so we're coming up on 1800 we're probably a little low in our descent here that's alright you just level off at 1800 okay [Music] okay all right good follow that yes red 3.4 right now 15 for your minimums after you pass Newcomb however really focus I keep it very small heading Corrections is your turn coordinator parent coordinator is really helpful in identifying small heading changes or Bank Bank and roll hey watch your watch you're heading you're drifting you're about fifteen degrees too aggressive to the left there you go start your descent now your past Sukup make one more review whatever the vehicle traffic bonanza for h0 itself three miles out on the bo r31 we'll be doing a missed approach why'd you go ahead it's [Music] this might be a real missed approach [Music] this is actually a minimum [Music] holy crap that's impressive they really did get sucked in here yeah now if we were doing the art have small small Corrections don't get watch your do not descend below minimums and read minimums I stayed back way you do yeah oh wow well we're just gonna go missed anyways yes we're gonna go gear up all right make sure prop throttle well that was a handful yeah we are climbing a our instructions are to climb to 3,000 good all right so once you pass the missed approach point you're gonna need to hit suspend watch your watch your bank you're getting a little wild at here with your role okay you got a hit suspect now I'll let you do that here alright I'm gonna hit suspend [Music] okay now we're gonna follow the GPS [Music] Center for it 0 cell on the mist I can we get 4000 where 0 telephone we say the fourth hub I maintain 4000 either of them if you're a seller air contact amount of pressure leaving 3 so I was pretty hardcore yeah those work I was that was to minimums there's no reason we need to go full throttle to the hold either in a real world holds our four serving gas all right so brightly hole let's pull that rpm back to that don't need a chainsaw we are entering oh you got a fancy piece of paper direct direct hold there you hey direct this is beautiful oh that's name when you get a chance let's say that we wanted to go visit grandma in Dubuque and we got down to 1580 and we level up the Buford 1051 circus or good evening as well so Bravo's like right here and the radar static I'm hiring the other day you are ok the Capone a position to make a stable approach to landing so we broke out and maybe we were for white way too high yeah we have to chop and drop and we're below 500 feet AGL that's not a recipe for success so the way that they teach it in cirrus and the way that I was tired of my ATP CTP is if you get to minimums and you are not in a position to make a normal descent to landing you go man Steven if you see the runway so the real world let's say we really really wanted to get into Butte then we'd want to find an approach with lower minimums so we had 1580 and that barely got us in there so what would be better we knew our nav for the okay I'm one of those minimums of Arnav the 3-1 okay so a little bit lower so we might have success on that one so another approach might be but here's what I would do we're going to Cassie right yep what if we wanted to do straight into one four zero hotel if you want to go to Cathy and the whole bear for a while or did you decide what approach you are - let's hold I'll be holding them hey Ryder do let me know what you know so what we could do is our nav three one because we're already on outside of the approach the minimums are even lower okay and our nav we could land with the winds were almost calm anyway weren't they Boris last wins I had so the winds are basically called [Music] so winds are almost called yeah thank you brother common things like a food creature that was my level to treat hero to do it for efficiency's sake so I want you to do at least one really nice lap in the hold okay so how long are you gonna go out bound on this hole well as soon as we did can see we're gonna turn right okay they're ready to go one minute okay turn right okay one minute and then [Music] we're gonna shoot out of Cassie at a 1/5 one heading okay as our initial approach fixed so we can actually load that in here I suppose so we go not yet so this is a this is a limitation of garment at least on the four 30s and five thirties you can only load one procedure at a time okay so if you were to load up if you were to put a procedure in here it would blow away this whole procedure including this whole that we're doing right now okay so you kind of have to time it just right so I'm gonna have you do a hold but I don't yeah see here's the problem so in order to load another approach you have to delete this one out okay but this hold is part of that procedure so you have to get a little creative when you're loading another procedure I call that a serious shortcoming but maybe on our turn here once we're going straight we'll have a moment yeah let's son I just want to see you do it a good hold and I'm fine if you say autopilot where do you feel careful switching tanks right now yeah okay then let's do that before we get too far cargo run left right now okay park our car we can travel through the earlier one switching hey and by for and you switch immediately right you're not yep it's in the detent yep again be it okay so yeah mine doesn't do that Bob Martin Polly's you don't wait it does it if you drain the center brain a lot I know see I never drained the Sun or the fuels that makes sense you know I'm gonna smart about that so what I would do is the minute outbound and then a minute inbound and then a minute now bound and then we'll time it to see if that gives us a full minute okay so I can clear that timer ready oh oh that's starting again [Music] so we will all go ahead in hand lie that portion will keep the altitude yeah I almost think that's easier than messing with this HSI here yeah alright so coming up on kasi do I start the timer when I hit cancer when I roll out not either you would if well yes when you roll out I was thinking of when you're over the vor this is we're not over a vor so in this case it would be when you're rolling is level so do you have you have the bandwidth to be able to brief this RNA of GPS 1/3 approach while you're doing this I'll do my best ok you could use heading heading hold you have about 40 seconds to get started all right so we are gonna fly outbound and change the approach so our nav 1/3 get outbound one five one two culottes we're gonna cross who lot at 2810 down to 2700 at Joe pucks we've got our final approach fix ok I'm there down to 14 2013 93 ok but we'll round that to 1400 ok good so we call the man yeah let them know you'd like to do our nav GP s 1 3 and then after that we'll head back to Cedar Rapids in centre bonanza for 8 0 so can we get to our nav for a runaway one tree a lot make sure you get all that in there for four eight two zero Hotel said you want the are never once we go yes please yes a lot that step right here at uh clear direct a whole lot direct could be there direct for let's direct you okay keep that as your primary get distracted by this of course that was one five one but that efficiency giggles before is repelled little the other miss Burton miss back to Sierra Vista not back here a potato or a tell positions 12 miles or less woohoo like I'll feel I never about 3,000 feet cleared for these straight in are never a 1/3 approach interview so what matter above 3,000 cleared for a straight in rnf run away 1/3 at the Thanks all right so we're gonna start descending down to 3,000 okay I was kind of her good even without putting the aircraft in some sort of unusual attitude would be okay I'd be great the sin are down to 70 [Music] yeah check your course their video one six two yep yeah make sure you're really trying to use this as the center of your universe so you're gonna start here and just keep going back and forth I keep getting drawn to that could that instrument I know I I feel for you that's good training though one day I'll fly a Saracen like just hit autopilot it good this is a VFR pilot killer tonight here yeah this this is absolutely an end up in Anza you see how easy it is to to roll the report 8:08 out for your minute approach you're clear to the computer Rapids Airport via direct climb and maintain 4,000 Cedar Rapids at 4,000 dates our hotel where is your hotel if you can please advise your fitness your program serving as our curtain and report your whispers history previous each inch proof and we'll report back with you here eight zero all right going first actually we're going for 2,800 yeah he said $3,000 got you good hit the lights on the runway at bread 3000 let's come on I don't know we're too far eighty four three thousand mostly pointed in the right direction plus or minus 45 degrees so what's your fast today my fat bucks duty 4:20 it's five to four thousand direct to Cedar Rapids so I can do this for you but one cool thing you do is flight plan and at the very end put Casey ID in there and enter enter yep and then it's all it's all primed and ready to go okay so less than 1/3 you know this is a VFR killer for sure sir besh it bottle okay so you're only allowed to drop down to 27 oh yeah now again the field site they'll break eggs I'm still not looking outside yep - five I think you've got plenty of pretty realistic experience already tonight hey this is a good real-world scenario where you go to hold come back the weather's changed yeah we're gonna go down 27 I love this there's nothing that can be scenario-based training gotta visit grandma try it they're coming up on Joe pucks going down to 1400 maybe of traffic bonanza for h0 Motel is for the RNAV roughly 1/3 yeah gear down lights on all right so we're going for 1,400 we're off a little bit here so we're gonna expediter dissent never so slightly and we're gonna try and get your powers a little high - it there you go make sure it's rich Cal flaps open here is down and green and confirm so we're looking for a nice stable approach so you're gonna allow yourself no more than half deflection that's your goal you're a little high and needles for interaction I once we're on course course if you're still at on high though so you either need to pack the power of the gears down all heading changes yeah we're shot a little bit 1,700 [Music] spilt rifting getting a little low [Music] a 102 minimums [Music] if any underwear lined up up to decent [Music] so if you look out right now this would be the definition of not in a position to make a normal descent to landing you would have to take evasive maneuvers to actually put it down at this point so we would just go missed okay and go re reset make sure prop power okay let's go ahead and climb up to 3000 4000 and contact the flight plan and there that's a small plane by plan my fairy nine right two three nine no climbing let's climb up a V Y for the moment just about a hundred I was at about 110 and go ahead give HTC a call and we're back in a soup again Chicago Center bonanza for zero tell back with you two or three climbing for there's a phrase here hotel rather welcome back better contact about copy soothing 2.3 [Music]
Channel: Aviana Aircraft Detailing
Views: 160,438
Rating: 4.8668623 out of 5
Keywords: instrument training, imc, minimums, instrument approach, beechcraft, bonanza
Id: WsxItW_6NlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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