Scariest Bonanza IMC Flying

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[Music] so what's the scariest thing about IFR flying for you today we're gonna look on fly way we're gonna look at what's the scariest thing for me [Music] hi I'm Scott Purdue today on Flywire we're going to do the I'm going to do the thing that scares me the most about IFR flying and that's a take off into IMC but I'm gonna cheat today we haven't had really low clouds last time we had really low clouds here in Texas IRA's icing in them so I didn't want to shoot this video and today it's really not so bad it's around about 1,400 broken so it's not terrible but the idea is the same the thing that really scares me isn't shooting an approach on a dark scary night to animals I'm flying you know I've got plenty of gas and I can divert somewhere all that stuff it's not a huge deal but what scares me the most about IFR imc or IMC flying is it take off when I'm VFR cuz you got to do a VFR take off into the clouds okay it's that such transition to being on the gauges that's the thing that's curious to me okay so a lot of happening you know that the take-off there's a lot of configuration changes the acceleration it's gonna screw with your head the climbing is gonna screw with your head if you do any turns it's gonna screw with your head all those are illusions you know the the illusions that happens to us because we're human so all those things worry me and I had to have a plan for it my plan basically is to be as absolutely prepared as I can be and I'm gonna have my at least the first two or three item set my flight plan I don't have a card where I can transfer the flight plan etc or modify it and then transferred I think that'd be a great idea huge saver but I'm have one so what I did I think you know because you always end up modifying your approaches a little bit so looks like the winds are fairly calm bar that traffic weapon had to attack in runway three five boron so but I'm gonna be all prepared okay I've got my my iPad set up I've got the four flight all set up I've got my GPS set up for the first three points at least in the pen in the flight plan and then I'm going to have my frequencies set up as well I got my squawk it's all set up okay you got my Aspen all set up by what I'm saying is is that got everything taken care of so I have a minimal amount of things to do when I take off I want to accelerate get to climb speed get on the gauges get my climb set up my heading set up my head in the game and then I'm gonna climb well I'm gonna climb to 400 feet really before I talk to anybody even though you know switch the departure even if tower switches meter departure I'm gonna do at least that probably a little bit more just so I get my my stuff together and once I'm comfortable I'm straight out you know let them sort the sort of traffic out then I'm gonna follow whatever my departure procedures are and talk to talk to ATC the problem is is I need to be organized I have to have my head in the game I have to be ahead of the airplane and be ready to go so anyway that's what we're looking at down here at the end the runway I'm gonna call the controller here just second get my clearance at the meantime I'm gonna go ahead set up what I want to do here a CPT so where I'm going 3,000 feet I don't care about that here I'll just like to proceed your approach and I won't do the iron FGP is two one five duck knee is where I'm going and I know it looks good that's what I found for I take off on three five so I thought it'd be a trick time actually do a hold on this one I'm gonna have myself plenty of time so accurate map fly plant hey CPT here that little procedure want Aaron have I want cockney boat approach and activate your thought we gonna give me direct vectors direct I don't want that okay I'm just gonna quick check my flight plan out here so it's got me got me and hold okay that Velva at 2500 taxer okay which is a step down fix l have only we're gonna do LP v so that should not apply but we're in their heads in 1480 and 12:40 is the minimums okay for us on this I want to go ahead and put a minimums on here twelve bordey okay so I got my meta Mon said I got my ounce - time we would put 3,000 cuz that's what I'm hoping for it's what I planned for and I'm gonna go ahead and brief the approach we still got a few minutes here engines orbits ready to go but we're gonna do the aren't have GPS runway 35 and cleburn okay took ours was run the butch course is 150 three-point landing we have 5500 touchdown San Jose 854 I've got a compliant Barrow system so I don't need to change anything mister proaches climb to 3,000 erica ii can hold which is actually the initial approach fix for the opposite direction runway a was 1925 are sorry 1952 i got that set up and the intercom is 20 to 8 to put that in here so radio 2 has got all the radios I need for the airport and then I'm going through my destination and then number one radio I've got here then I'm going to put in the approach so 3,000 feet I'm going to go go - cockney in hole and it is a four nautical mile holding pattern between the block three to six thousand feet outbound is 333 in balance one five three the glidepath then at that point is three degrees touched a threshold crossing heights 39 feet 153 at the fellow was fine approach fix above 2500 okay I'll probably go down to 26 and then set up a couple the approach so let's go Islip come down to me and are applying to it from below and then they an airplane will follow the glide path down so that is now it should go according to plan all the way down to 1240 okay mr. proach and I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna ask for vectors back to the yarn head what's up back here that's my plan well it's my evil plan okay so I've got that all set up I'm gonna do a quick run up I'll leave that up because he might change it okay yes sir Papa November 3/8 whiskey Bravo Bonanza aiyah far from 50 Fox to charlie Papa tango request Mars ready to copy three-five I am ready to go and I would prefer I think you're gonna get me direct dr. strick but I would rather have vectors - cockney and then shoot the one one turn in holding and she's approached from there cockney key okay any okay Vanessa three whiskey Bravo was cleared to the charlie Papa tango radar vectors fly runway heading 3,000 and talk on 135 97 squawk 50 106 all right in three whiskey Bravo thank you very much sir bye 1:06 I got that squawk runway heading so three five zero three thousand feet I got everything all set up I think I'm ready to go and he knows that I want to go to gawk Neil so exterior prop Donald go trim set flaps up Borla traffic light bonanza to connective 35 part of director out on the street Archer Bonanza 3 a whiskey Bravo in 2014 hundred for three thousand runway heading hey with you brother with the village in 2008 he never done that's correct sir I would like to go to dark me with one turn in holding and then shoot deer and have one five at the cleaver around your Cleveland County correct on paper day 20 bro okay better in the class I got my stuff together it's a small bird and it's all said have you just walk back to the hotel regional approach Arthur quicker and Millsap gonna maintain 5,000 three whiskey Bravo is seven miles from Gotham crab-stuffed me at three thousand cleared are definitely one I'll approach of I'd many of the landing weather in Cleburne egg with revell look applied that are pale the do one started holding up I disagree with you probably for much of turning all of the proof pay with your Ellen thing hit her okay one Terrace Holly overshot my altitude by that bogus Evan I should have focused on the Alps to your first and original furniture expect mi-17 Thunder okay I didn't hurry up Thailand 2023 [Music] so my speed and the pattern or their approaches etc is 120 knots 27 power set except for a little bit faster 10 minutes 1823 that's a power setting I have go ahead post some beautiful they don't need that much [Music] all right out of pilots flying at Georgia slanted up pretty good hold the wreck for right - 336 that's good at mile six seconds so that was the you could see when I my focus at the takeoff happened it's right here that's my focus I checked my iPad I check this my cross-check is really small because I have an ass but it's worse if you have a 6-pack you got to divide your attention a little bit totally get that but I like my ass but glass cockpits are kind of the same so it's not thirty nine they're not huge 750 I keep my flight plan up here because I really don't need to say as far as the glass where I am I've got the MF deep doing that for me but I've also got four flights so I've got plenty idea of where I am and what's happening November 3 8 whiskey Bravo if you would like to cancel on the ground I have a telephone number you can talk to me now or you can cancel a bar in the air via this written thing exactly what I would like to do is request the best approach different one if I could three with a Bravo Roger will you be going back to for Boylan after this one I'm going to go back to Portland when I would request this is her vectors to the earn have won 7-4 Portland victory whiskey Bravo Roger after completion the air approach and upon entering controlled airspace fighting three six zero Connors maintain three thousand first approach is a three six zero three thousand expected they are never once noted football at 4:30 with a crow thank you versed on long regional approach good morning expect the island we want extra life [Music] okay two and a half miles it's a four mile turn speeds good altitudes good position is good it's all going good so the three doubtful original departure good morning radar contact climb and maintain since our updates good weren't hailed on that so I'm going to is I'm going to change my health care remember one julia hotel climb and maintain one zero felt as I mentioned to 2600 so once we hit guard knee that we can descend Charlie Delta 1 5 3 each I'm just turned around and I'm gonna descend at 2,600 minutes every flight 7:08 GPS something they approach four thousand [Music] and first 7-1 alliances turned around ahead second said the turn or right now back in the weather again [Music] there's the turn [Music] I'm kind of spring-loaded I know the autopilots flying this right now and I plan on flying a couple approach and everything but I can just 57 I be a regional approach hello spectrum only one in seven and center I mean to see a problem I still build my crosshair keep track of everything the pilot builders started doing something stupid that I'm ready to take it off and play it by the airplane as the autopilots done about 25° a bank and I like that that's about I don't easily do more than that easily don't do more than that on an IFR flight about 20 degrees a bank is my normal all right we're on that course seven one waiting zero or clear direct you called Nana maintain 5,000 about the Cockney just under four miles from their outer pylons I knew it hurry now he changed speeds good prolly planet III doubt but come back to perjure one to 6.47 today three whiskey Bravo no traffic observer ten you in the airport radar service terminated change to adviser frequency improve so I'll talk to you on the go hey withdraw go clear to adviser again I'll be back with John best approach Thank You her family go to the anatomic when I'm flying IFR basically I really don't look outside anymore the plane I started doing this and you know didn't have all this stuff as a canopy reference so you just had the clouds you know clouds are not solid they're parthis you know and she'd get weird sensations run it by your brain so I learned to just ignore all that I don't focus on that when I focus on is right here my peripheral vision sees this stuff outside and that's fine that's all well and good but I don't really care about it what I care about is I'm watching but my life is right here just two feet from my face all right crossing cockney I'm gonna deselect that I'm gonna trip down get a decent going now then to pre-select [Music] hello couple inches that's I'm descending I don't want to speed up like crazy few nods is not a big deal boys I could show you what my ass butts are doing right now but I can't because my to be camera that I use the compass is not working so I apologize no excuses here we've done 100 feet to go make sure that the autopilot levels off the way it should be with the out there pretty select lol take bracelet by the way it's triggered out should level off it always under shoots it a little bit that comes back up to it alright turn out miles to Velva so all good or speech coming back so where I wanted to be something had back my and a full pressure catch it that we were lined up on our pad on our clutter what lateral course so we're just waiting for the glue pad to come in cycles of selva adopted capture unless we don't there we go here's the glide pad so that's good I'm gonna go ahead hit approach coupled so now where should be fine my guidance is what I'm saying [Music] hey up on half a ton and orange again our minimum pasar put the right out to been observed 12:40 that's in [Music] at our missed approach I'm gonna go ahead and set that three sixes zero [Music] I will reset my house to you to biopsy reference window there's a glide path [Music] I did sue pur on the course line there we go let's gear out an approach fix playback traffic but has a 3/8 whiskey Bravo on the approached by a bird on the art have four five ten twelve all right course just get better since I'm coupled I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna sit missed approach out dude said miss Burch out to s perk heading set and I had frequency all said I'm ready to go I need to do that I plan on doing it but nevertheless that's what I do normally tell all cleaver Catholic bonanza a weapon gente on one pilot read npower on a half-mile internet our work we won't fire look at all my programs and speed is on target I'm gonna add a little bit of manifold pressure to keep it there I'll have to the best approach point I repeat go there's our minimums all right four missed approach or go around what I'm going to do is I'm gonna add power I'm gonna stop decent okay once I stop the descent I was afraid I'm gonna pull up the gear I'm gonna change the trip I'm accelerating I pull up the flaps earflaps are all good so mixture crop [Music] righto alright process they wreak havoc wiping ads on the go they're burning the area deliver alright so I'm at my climb speed everything under control at my altitude and my heading or up in a go so I'm going to do a right turn because there you have it the s rent currency handed out of clouds if you find the clouds a little bit for an instrument approach read counts you don't have to have a safety pilot George is helping me so anyway that's the scariest thing for me is I VFR takeoff and then transition into IMC at night into that oh man anyway the task load is really really high so I want to be have everything prepared ducks in a row everything done frequencies in flight plan in the squawk said you know the everything set up my instruments all set up my altitude reference all those things I want to have set up that's how you deal with the ED take up and successfully take your time on takeoff get your stuff together get everything arranged I've been had to clear the runway Portland get everything arranged and air fly an airplane fly the airplane talk when you you're able to talk without being a big hurry anyway hope you guys enjoyed the video I enjoyed making it and like to hear your comments like to hear your comments about it and what your technique is and fly safe out there if you did enjoy the video hit subscribe that really helps me out and hit the bell too if you want notifications next time we have a new thing it's called memberships YouTube open memberships for Flywire so join me on memberships I got bonus footage and other stuff so we can connect as a group a little better so we're also do live streams fixing to do live streams for members on YouTube so check it out it's the joint button down there next to the subscribe button and thanks for watching and we'll see you next time on Flywire
Channel: FlyWire- scott perdue
Views: 34,662
Rating: 4.8446603 out of 5
Keywords: Flywire, flywire online, flywire youtube, beechcraft bonanza, general aviation, Aviation, F33C, F33 Bonanza, A36 Bonanza, V35 Bonanza, Aerobatic Bonanza, Aerobatics, Acrobatics, Flying, pilot vlog, flight training, flying vlog, cockpit, airplane audio, cfi, pilot life, bonanza, private pilot, commercial pilot, airline pilot, ATP, pilot, atc, travel, travel by plane, flying an airplane, scariest IMC flying
Id: 7Mgs7noD4LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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